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Asp Burger

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Posts posted by Asp Burger

  1.  Top five? That seems like such a small tour for such a big show. I've been saying it since the beginning of the season - this show is done.


    I was saying that in the Candice/Kree year (first time I just KNEW that no matter who won, I'd never hear them again unless it was an Idol alum visit), but has anything gone right since 2010? Simon leaving, Ellen, Iovine, Tyler, Nicki and Mariah, Prosciutto or whatever his name is, lighted chairs, judges' save, Twitter save, smaller tour...this show is a last-decade phenomenon, for sure. 


    Quentin is still going tonight. He told People magazine that he knows he can leave anytime, and Harry Connick Jr. can leave too if he doesn't like it. I repeat: WOW!

    • Love 3
  2. Quentin: WOW. I thought until now that he was this happy, positive person, but the mask was dropped. I don't think he could win in a sing-off now against anyone left. Even if he comes in next to last for this week, he's done. That was the most uncomfortable thing I have seen on television since the "Chicago sunroof" monologue on Better Call Saul. 

    • Love 5
  3. The Doorway was on and I had forgotten how almost immediately we get a shot of Megan's glistening torso. Not even her face, just her body and her voice. It felt like MW saying, "I know you've had a long wait, so I'm going to give you a treat." Just me?

    However, I loved how her soap story had her playing a maid, and Don was watching a scene where the married guy is trying to seduce the maid character and she's saying, "But she's always been nice to me!" about his wife. It mirrored his story with Sylvia. Where were they having their trysts? The maid's room. Then he goes and picks a fight with Megan and basically calls her a prostitute because she kisses guys in character.

  4. Do any of this year's finalists identify as GLBT? If there are none, it kind of surprises me that the show would step back that way. Last year was so emotional with Emkay and the "If I Were A Boy" guy. Plus, in the past, Clay, Adam, and others. 

    • Love 1
  5. When they showed that very fine looking young bearded guy who was dressed like a Western "dude" clapping in the audience, kerchief around his neck, hat on his head, I was going to come here and ask if he was the star of some Fox show I don't watch. It was like we should have known who he was. Then they revealed it was Joey's guy. Go, Joey. Totally thought he was an actor. 


    Clark is just great. Someone above mentioned Sam Smith? If "they" are smart, that's the "lane" (tm Jennifer) they will put him in if he is the winner. Sam Smith type heart and soul, but more eye candy. I think he could be a Scotty/P2 success, more than Kris/Lee/Candice/Caleb. 

    • Love 1
  6. Clark's performance was so beautiful. Best of the night easily. He and Nick are headed for a showdown, which would suit me just fine. 


    I wondered if JAX sounded different in the theater. I was not hearing at all what they were talking about with the band overpowering her in the middle. Maybe the sound mix made her come through better on television? She was one of the better ones too.


    They went easy on poor little Daniel. He came in at the wrong time and cracked a note, and it seemed like he just learned that song a few days ago.


    Quentin's song about the air was BORING. It goes nowhere. I don't know if the original artist does more with it. 


    Boy George Michael looked healthier than when he performed on the show a few seasons ago, but his voice sounded shot when he sang Karma Chameleon. Surprised they said he was touring. BGM's advice to the kids was good, though. I really respected Clark for sticking with his guns on the key.

    • Love 1
  7. Thank you both! Looks like Nicole has had a good long run. And Taylor was brought back many years later and was played at different times by Natalia Livingston and Tamara Braun of GH? That is such a trip. The girl who played her when I was watching it was this mousy brunette who looked about 4 foot 5. 

  8. I remembered a strange story on this show, many years ago, when I used to post about it. This posting was on AOL, which should tell you all you need to know about the period.  


    There was a blond girl who was a new character on the show they seemed to be trying to "make happen." Late teens/early 20s. She was in love with a boy. They would go out on dates, and at the end of the night, she would say goodbye to him in front of this ritzy building that made her look rich. Then she would go to this dump apartment where she really lived. We would see her alone talking to herself. "OMG! He can't find out I really live in this dump!" Her landlord in the dump was a supporting character. He was always coming to the door and telling her her rent was late, and she was a bitch about it.  


    Then I think she had a sister who came to town (who looked nothing like her, and was kind of plain for a soap), and she was trying to keep the sister away from the guy too, so the sister wouldn't spill the beans that she didn't really live in the nice building. 


    It was a strange story! They seemed to want us to like the girl and worry that her secret would be discovered, but they were making her look shallow. I remember someone posting "Why are they making where she lives such a huge part of her story?" Also, it was hard to be sympathetic, because she was obviously spending all of her money on clothes and makeup when her rent was overdue. Some people thought the mean landlord was the character to root for. 


    There may have been modeling in there too, because I'm picturing the boyfriend taking photographs of the secretly poor girl and making over-the-top "Wow, she is so amazing on camera" faces. 


    Can anyone help? I stopped watching around that time. 

  9. I always thought it was weird how Walt's sex drive just vanished in the last three seasons...right about the time he was told his cancer was in remission. He could not get enough in the first two seasons. That scene of him trying to enter Skyler from behind while she had the mud mask on her face and was screaming for him to stop was terrible. But with all the beautiful, sexy women he came into contact with, he never showed any interest in them.  


    Was being a faithful husband one of his only good points? 

  10. "The Wheel," "Meditations," "Shut The Door," "Tomorrowland," "The Phantom," "In Care Of," and we will count "Waterloo"...in my opinion, "The Phantom" is the worst season finale followed by "Tomorrowland."  But definitely "The Phantom." All of the other finales really made a statement, and that one was just kind of there.


    But I have a question about it. Does anyone know what the two dogs humping at the end was supposed to symbolize? Was it supposed to mean the old Don was back, and he would be doing it like an animal the next time we saw him? Because it was followed right after by the woman at the bar asking him if he was alone, and then in the next season, he was diddling the neighbor. I know it sounds like I am joking, but I mean it, I have been trying to figure out why that was there ever since it was on.  

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