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Everything posted by Everandever

  1. First of all, this is my favorite Ho'wives show. I think the mix of foreign setting, and tension between not only cultures but also classes makes for a good show. Julie is the nicest. She seems super down to earth and non-Bravo-y. Almost where I'm like "What are you doing on the show?!" But running Mapperton isn't cheap, so... I probably like Caroline the best. Would hate to work for her or interact with her in any way IRL but as a character on my teevee, she makes for a fun villain. As others have said, Annabelle is just sour. I don't see the appeal but I will say I think that personality plays better in England than here. Juliet is a drag. High maintenance, uncultured, doesn't know how to read the room. Annoying but also harmless. Caroline F. Kind of charmed by her. Haven't seen enough. Aaaannnddd...Marissa. She is my least favorite. Ugh. The smug just like reaches through the screen. She's got this permanent kind of mean-girl smile. But since her thing is that she's so "nice" no one can call her on any mean girl behavior. Looking forward to a good season!!
  2. See, I thought Heather's house scene was specifically to show how much over budget they are going and how easily they can just write a check for 250k. I really thought that was the whole purpose. It seemed acted. Someone upthread brought up Yolanda. I have no idea what the construction process on her house was like but I just can't picture her being visibly excited about going over budget a la Heather. Re Meghan: She's a try hard and way out of her depth. And bitchy! Bad combo if you ask me. Lizzie has been around a lot huh? It's kind of a weird mix this season so far. With Katie and Lizzie around but not true cast members. I'm liking Vickie this season actually. I think Brianna being gone is good for her. And even ol' Tamballs is seeming mellower than usual.
  3. I thought Heather's house was awful and it was totally giving me Queen of Versaille flashbacks. In terms of their money, I'm sure they do well but unless they're planning to sell soon for some ridiculous amount, I don't see the house being a good investment. I wish there was more than one new HW. Meghan seems like a good addition but we need more fresh faces. Over Vicki and Brooks. I like Shannon but I hope the whoooole season is not just about her marriage. Tamra I'm over (as is Eddie apparently). I mean, Lynn Curtin? In with the new please.
  4. Carole dishes it out but can't take any sort of ribbing from everyone else. When she does it, it's a joke, it's all in good fun, everyone's taking her too seriously etc etc. In the preview for this week, Luann says something to the effect of "That's Sonja young," about Adam, and Adam and Carole's relationship. Carole bristles. Hard. She gets very offended. But when she makes similar comments, they're jokes and if people take offense they don't have a sense of humor. That's the crux of the Carole problem for me. Double standards.
  5. The rescue dog conversation just shows what a phony heather is. That and the working mom comments pushed me over the edge. "As a working mom, I can't do it all on my own---well I could, but I don't have to." A working mom by definition needs some kind of childcare. It is what it is. Stop trying to simultaneously play up your fabulousness and your down- to-earth-ness. Pick a lane!
  6. Agreed, lunastartron. I by no means think Heather is brilliant, just that she was raised with a different set of values than Vicki or Tams (or obviously Alexis, Gretchen, ha!) And, I was actually mistaken about Shannon being the first to challenge Heather's hegemony. Lydia was wealthier than anyone else (I think) and voila, Heather picked a fight over magazine-gate and tried to make Lydia out to be rude.
  7. Heather suffers from big fish in little pond syndrome. I would love to see her on RHONY or BH. I don't think she likes Shannon because she's the first person in three seasons of OC that comes close in terms of wealth or sophistication.
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