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Everything posted by slitz

  1. They can be. My mom and stepdad renewed their vows on the 10 year wedding anniversary. I remember the deacon at our church commenting that he'd done 25 and 50 year wedding vow renewal ceremonies but never a 10 year one. When my stepfather passed away a year later, that same deacon came up to my mom and said he would never question the timing of a vow renewal again. And I'm going to hell for this but...seems like vow renewals really are the kiss of death. Sorry Mom!
  2. True. I give Meghan a pass though because god knows my own smallish boobs looked a whole lot bigger when I was pregnant. Too bad they didn't stick around! lol
  3. Holy christ, Kelly's boobs in that dress! It's just all boobs! Are we sure her stay at the detox place wasn't a recovery center for a boob job?
  4. I don't know whether to be thankful for missing the show due to Trick or Treating with our boys or sad that I missed out on Meghan's "notrocious" outfit and hair. Ah hell, who am I kidding? My sweet little boys dressed up as minions and scoring Mommy and Daddy candy wins all day every day! I usually watch episodes I missed OnDemand, but I might just skip this one. Doesn't sound like I really missed much. Can't wait for the reunion though!
  5. Okay, I've watched the preview for the season finale more times than I care to admit. What the heck does Heather say as Vicki is walking away? Can anyone else hear it?
  6. I love you. Doubt Michael was the only one with a look of exasperation on his face when Kelly spewed that little big of wisdom. A million likes for your entire post and I'll be joining you in the corner.
  7. Eh...I might be in the minority here but I kinda get Heather's rant to Kelly on the bus. It was 3 am, she had pretty much been drinking all day, there have already been several incidents with Kelly saying extraordinarily hurtful things to and about Heather and her friends, both before and on the Ireland trip, and now she's just blurted out what Vicki told her about Shannon and David. To me, this was absolutely the last straw for Heather and she just went off on Kelly. Sorry but I would have done the same damn thing. And I'm sorry Kelly but you don't get to use the excuse "But I'm not the one who started it!" You actually did, by shouting it out loud on the bus while it's being filmed. Vicki may have been the one to tell you privately, but you're the one who made it public fodder by saying it on camera. And that's the problem with Kelly. She gets upset and just blurts out whatever she can to deliberately hurt the other person and it's all been captured on camera. And then she's just full of, in my opinion, fake apologies and excuses. She has never really taken accountability for her outbursts. It's always someone else fault because they "pushed her buttons". Excuses are like an asshole Kelly, everyone's got one. Now, I have a feeling that Shannon may very well have told Vicki about an altercation with David but, in true Vicki fashion, when relayed to someone else Vicki made it bigger than it actually was. She has a well documented history of doing this on the show. And she has absolutely no problem spreading gossip, whether it's true or not. To me, that is not a true friend. I really hope she is gone after this season and that she takes Kelly with her. Oh and Kelly? Heather wasn't expecting you to greet her with hugs and kisses. She was being polite and saying hello. That's it. Get a fucking clue moron. Did Heather need to tell Shannon that she'd didn't need to say hello? Eh...okay, I'll agree that was not really cool but after all the shit Kelly's said about Shannon and to her, I'll give her the side eye on that but ultimately a pass as well. I kinda saw it as her being protective of Shannon. YMMV of course.
  8. Heather posted about the reunion on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/BL4JGLDBl-Y/
  9. I couldn't resist responding to that tweet from Vicki. Here's my response: @vgunvalson @LIZABEBE @Bravotv @RHOC_KellyDodd Bravo would definitely not be keeping you or Kelly then! You're the Original MG!
  10. Curiouser and cruiouser. Maybe it was so explosive that they are being ordered to not discuss it AT ALL? I mean usually we at least see some outfit picks and get a "OMG, so exhausted!" once it done filming.
  11. Has anyone been able to find anything on social media from the reunion taping yesterday? I haven't seen anything posted to Heather or Gramballs' twitter accounts.
  12. We're usually of the same mind so sure! lol
  13. And I was just telling a coworker how I never win anything! And now here I am, a major prize weiner winner! Oh happy day!
  14. In light of Kelly's blog, I find this conversation between her and Tamra after Ireland interesting. Does she have selective amnesia? I'm not excusing what the other ladies did in Ireland, but geez Kelly, how are we supposed to believe you when you're conversations on the show and your blogs now say very different things. Can Tamra and Kelly move on? Oh and Kelly? The correct phrasing would be "Heather is the master and everyone is the puppet." Notrocious indeed.
  15. It pains me to say this, but I agree. I have gone round and round this episode, have read all the posts here both for and against Heather, Shannon and Gramballs and I've come to the conclusion that, while I don't think it was necessarily in the same vein as Naked Wasted 1.0, those three definitely had something up their sleeves. That Gramballs would does not surprise me in the least. Shannon and Heather though? I am really saddened to see this behavior from them.
  16. Woo! What's my prize? A #Gramballs trucker hat?
  17. Seriously. I have a feeling this is going to be one for the record books. And I stand by my earlier claim this season that the seating arrangement will be Meghan, Kelly, and Vicki on one couch, Andy in the middle and then Shannon, Tamra and Heather on the other couch. Maybe Tamra and then Shannon, but those three are definitely on a couch together.
  18. And I'm back to hating Gramballs. When Meghan is the only redeemable person in the episode, something is seriously wrong. And I actually like Meghan. Heather and Shannon...DO NOT LOWER YOURSELVES to Gramballs' level please! I want to be able to continue liking you two but after last nights episode you are seriously making it hard for me. Knock it off please.
  19. THIS. Based on the previews, I thought that that is exactly what happened. Until we saw otherwise, I was convinced that Tamra had overheard what Kelly said. She was speaking very loudly and very clearly. She absolutely wanted Tamra to hear it.
  20. So messaging YOUR OWN MOTHER a picture of your new shoes is now a type of behavior? FFS, it's her mother and it's a pair of shoes. I just can't with that. You don't like Heather. Fine. You think she's a braggart and full of herself and all la-di-da. Whatever. Obviously there are others on the board who disagree. But to claim that someone showing their mother something they bought is an offensible type to behavior is just mind boggling to me.
  21. Massive amounts of thumbs ups for everything you posted. I was exceedingly fortunate to have been able to travel to Ireland back in my mid 20s. It was hands down the best trip I have ever been on and I hope that I will be able to go back one day. I hope you have a fantastic time! That's so sweet of your husband to send you and your mom.
  22. I believe Vicki did, but if you listen closely you can hear that it's actually Tamra saying "That's my nipple cover" while laughing. I had to watch it a couple of times before I could tell who it was that said that and then it was confirmed in Tamra's blog.
  23. Actually, it was Tamra' nipple cover that fell out, not Vicki's. Tamra even says so in her blog this week.
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