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Everything posted by ryebread

  1. The visual of one of us following messy Dorinda's point-y finger with our eyes like a dog tracking a playfully proffered treat and then chomping the end of that finger ....gives me great pleasure.
  2. I'm still feeling sorry for Bethenny, because of Dennis, so it feels kind of wrong to bag on her right now but this has been bugging me since Scary Island >> When she screamed at Kelly, "Go to sleep. GO TO SLEEP!". I felt sorry/scared for the baby she was carrying because I knew that child would, someday, end up on the receiving end of that vicious tongue . Same with Dorinda's unhinged, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" in Cartagena. And so many other threatening, spittle soaked admonishments. Poor Hannah. :-(
  3. How do we know he's not? We've seen Bethenny have break downs. Often. There's something wrong there. Prone to hysterics, sobbing atop bags of ice. Shaking and screaming and losing her shit when she's upset. Filming and posting these fits. While we're speculating: Bryn could have called Jason this week and said, "Daddy, please come and get me. Mommy is crying again. She's scaring me. It's worse than it's ever been." She wouldn't be the first eight year old trying to escape her mother's sadness/anger/rage under conditions less stressful than that. I'm not comfortable with the accusations of Jason doing this just because he's a monster any more than I am of the scenario I just posted. It's all just...really bad. You are right. It might be shitty for Jason to have to listen to Bryn being sad about Dennis. But even worse in my book? Is Bryn having to listen to Bethenny's brand of sadness about Dennis. I'm just not convinced that Bethenny is capable of grieving appropriately in front of a child.
  4. There was a woman hovering in 90% of the scenes at the after-party. Attractive, tall, long blonde hair, parted down the middle. Anybody know who she was? Carole's replacement?
  5. I wonder how Brynn will handle the loss of Dennis, but I'm worried about how Brynn will handle the hysterics of her mother. She was front row and center for Bethenny's Instagram flip-out over Cookie's seizures, I can only imagine how the last 5 days have been. I hope Jason took Bryn away for a couple of months days and that Bethenny let him.
  6. If the "I know where the bodies are buried" doesn't strike you as even casually racist how about #whiterichgirlsproblems?
  7. I don't own any Danskos, but Keens get big thumbs up in this family. I got my first pair years ago and my husband used to rib me about how ugly they were. But I got him a pair for a walking vacation and he's been hooked ever since. They are pricey but they last forever and are comfortable right out of the box. I can't imagine wearing them with a dress though. I have golf skorts that look cute with them. My black Keen knee boots, my husband calls my "Santa Boots". They are kind of ugly but they were on clearance and are so comfortable. Comfort before beauty, I always say. And bonus if that comfort comes at a reduced price! Thank you. I have classic Keds white sneakers and after a short time my feet hurt. I like white sneaks with skinny jeans, shorts and some casual dresses. But I need more support. I will take a look at the Reeboks. My Kohl's carries a lot of Reebok.
  8. Lol. I know. But I've been bingeing on some old episodes of RHONY and I don't care what anyone says. They weren't just using each other. That was true love I'm tellin' ya!
  9. Just watched it. Wow. Lu who? I didn't even miss her. And truth be told, I'm glad she's not there. One less voice in that cacophony of screeching hens. And I'm more interested in the drama between Bethenny and Carole then I am about Lulu's legal woes, anyway. Scott sees other people during their breaks? Oh, Tinz. You might think that he's your soulmate, but the feeling isn't mutual. Keep your eggs frozen for someone else. I'm sad for that dingbat.
  10. Based on the previews of the reunion, they had better learn to exist without each other. That relationship is just chock-full of high-level toxicity. I don't have a best-selling novel nor a New York City apartment/palace. But I am exceedingly grateful that my life doesn't include that kind of bitterness and vitriol.
  11. Damn. The video won't load for me. But sure sounds juicy. Can't wait. Scroll down. I am blinded by Bethenny's perfectly bronzed, baseball booby. Such an unfortunate choice of a dress.
  12. It's only 10 a.m. here, and I'm already worn out from trying to decipher the meanings of these women's social media posts. LOL.
  13. Cheese and rice. Smh. Carole on The View? It's kind of a perfect match. The programs that are either very far left, or very far right, to me, are completely filled with little balls of hate. Life is too short.
  14. In my fairy tale, old friends Jill Shields and Bethenny would have come to a happy place while Dennis was still alive. I've read that Jill also had a significant other so it would have been nice if they, all four, could have just moved on. Jill's social media post and the way Bethenny has to be feeling now, (knowing how dysfunctional she is to begin with) just makes me uncomfortable. I wish they could have been more modern nuclear family. But we will never know the ins and outs of those relationships. Also in my fairy tale, Jason is being a great support for Bethenny and Bryn during this time. And in the end, they reconcile and live happily ever after - the three of them together in that amazing apartment and on the sun soaked beaches of Miami. *~*~The End*~*~
  15. So much this @Alonzo Mosely FBI. The initial soul-crushing, gut-wrenching, future-bashing, sucker punch of his sudden death would be enough to knock most mortals off their feet for at least a few days. But then, to be vaporized in the aftermath... I agree she should not have been mentioned in obits. Which might sting, but in the press her presence in any article or tribute to Dennis she's included almost 100% of the time. Which probably stings for Jill. It's just sad all the way around.
  16. Otherkate, I'm sorry about your grandma. What you did was absolutely perfect. And entirely different than what Bethenny did, imo.
  17. Nope. I can't. She can't win either way. You know it, I know it and she's been in this game long enough to know it. Which is my entire point>>> I don't have any strong feelings about any picture she posted other than that she posted one at all so quickly. I guess some people, unlike me, wouldn't be curled up in the fetal position for at least 3 days and not posting on social media after the sudden and shocking death of my Beyonce. Haha, that was supposed to be 'fiance' but it's staying.
  18. That's the only one that I know of. I dunno, it's like she picked a picture that would show deep intimacy without her even being in it. Like, here's my guy laying in my bed with my dog. I didn't think it was disrespectful as much as I just think it was an odd choice. You're probably right and that's the only picture she has of her two soul mates together. That's a pity. I really hope she has others.
  19. I get when a close family member posts a death announcement. It's extremely helpful to get the word out. But what I saw the wife and Beth post, weren't announcements. Seems to me like they were teetering on the edge of a pissing match via social media. Just seemed odd the day after Dennis' sudden death. But perhaps it's only because I can't imagine myself doing the same under a similar circumstance. I'd be devastated. Someone else would have to post the notice. What they did is different than what you and your friend did in your tight knit group. I hope your posts brought you comfort and support after your niece's death. I didn't look at the responses that the wife and Beth's received. I can't imagine all of them were kind. And that's just sad.
  20. I don't have any reaction, one way or the other, to any of the pictures that Bethenny and the wife are posting on SM. What I'm surprised about is that they are on social media at all. Posting anything. Tributes, loving/creepy/any pictures, like one minute after their loved one died suddenly. When my 82 yo dad passed after a long illness, I posted his picture and a few nice words on my Facebook page, the morning after. But if my youngish husband or my lover (fiancé?) died suddenly and unexpectedly? I think I'd be so shocked and horrified, that social media would be far, far from my thoughts. Ugh. Don't even want to imagine it. No need to tell me that people grieve in different ways. I understand. That's just the way I imagine I'd feel. These women must be made of brawnier stuff than me. I'd be too devastated to be doing much of anything.
  21. Brand, please? I wear sneakers with some skirts and dresses but mine have zero support or arch. From the pic posted above, looks like she's going to relax about the way she looks. She's already laid off the fillers, or she's between appointments.
  22. Common sense + common courtesy = basic humanity Right?
  23. Imagine being best friends with someone. Socializing/traveling with them. Being wined and dined by them. You have a falling out with the friend, later the boyfriend dies. Of course no one would expect you to wear black, that would just be dumb. But you honestly can't see yourself extending common courtesy to your ex best friend and the deceased by not feeling the deep need to post your laughing selfies just hours later on social media?
  24. This^. Dennis' friends and fam could not care less what the ex BFF of Bethenny Frankel thinks. And in my opinion no one will be scrolling through Carole's IG, at a later date, looking to match up dates between Writer Girl's vapid posts after Dennis' demise. However, it's not just some of us on this board that think that her posts, immediately after the death of someone she's socialized and traveled with, as cold. She's got 350k followers, many of them are surprised/not surprised at what she posted. But she's either tone deaf or doesn't give a F. I hope it's the latter. Not that it matters anymore because her coveted time in the spotlight is over, but I'm glad that more of her fans are starting to see what she is inside. C-c-cold and just doesn't give a f.
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