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Everything posted by ryebread

  1. Maybe Mama Bear didn't want to have her house, inside or out, filmed as a precaution. And for that, I'd say I wouldn't blame her. If Aviva can somehow get out of taking the trips, if I were a Ho, I would try to get the 'no filming at my residence' exception put into my contract. Fo shizzle.
  2. Don't forget 'baby' and 'bitch'. It might not hurt to announce your arrival with 'yo yo yo' or that you know Diddy. Apparently some people think mentioning that at a bar will get them faster service. (FWIW, I'm kiddding and I know she was kidding but when even Bravo is poking fun at her name dropping it might mean she's overdoing it a little.) I don't think 'Holla' makes anybody sound edgy or gangster. However, for me, depending on how it's said, by whom and how often is the difference between it meaning, a normal salutation: "Hello" and a trying too hard: "Wut up dawg, dawg, hot diggity dawg." Maybe Heather is Spanish??
  3. Lotus, you're killing me here. I never, not once said they were Heathers in high school. They were probably delightful in HS. But based on my instinct which are based on my observations from Bravo (!!) I think they act like Heathers NOW. If only you were my walking partner. My current one only watches the shows. No forums or twitter following for her. She takes Brandi, for instance, at face value. Didn't see the tampon pictures. Nor reads any of the garbage Brandi spews. So she likes her. It's no fun to debate with my walking partner. At least if you were by my side, instead of a stranger online, we would be walking. Instead I can feel my ass getting wider by the minute for all the time I spend here.
  4. Yes, I agree. My OP didn't clarify that 'all we have are our instincts based on what we see'. Otherwise, like I stated above, we'd have nothing to go on. Anyhooters, I helicoptered over the Grand Canyon last summer. No problem. But had a freak out panic attack when I looked down from the top of a bungee tower. I wouldn't say I have a fear of small spaces but certain ones will make me nervous. When I'm in one on my hands and knees or belly, for instance. I don't like loud environments. I get a little anxious. But gimme tickets to the Stones or any other packed house of a group I want to see and I'm all good. My point? For me, my phobias - if you can call them that - can come and go, too. As women, we're networks of hormones and brain patterns that are changing constantly. I make no apologies for that so I wonder why Aviva has to, either. And hell, while I'm at it, Heather may have balls of steel but it is really, really possible that as the last one to go down the side of that cliff, she had her own moment of panic right before she jumped. And that would be fine! But we'll never know, because Bravo won't show any cracks in Heather's armor YET. But would Heather ever, ever 'own that'? My instincts based on what I've seen on the show tell me no fucking way. Something tells me that's why she quickly pointed for Lu and Kristen to go first (did anybody else see her do that?) so they couldn't witness a little bit of healthy fear in their Fearless Leader.
  5. Which reminds me....LOL. (Damn, I'm getting nothing done today.) She did tell us she had them! All these Hos are always saying to just own it. Aviva tells us that she has phobias (can anyone remind me what they are aside from 'fear of heights'?) She owns that she's got some tendencies and health issues. Yet these bitches won't believe her. Now, how is it that we, and they, have come to the conclusion that she's lying? Heather says it's 'bullshit'. How do they/we know she doesn't have asthma or fear of lemons or whatever she/they are claiming she is or is not fearful of? Assuming you dislike Aviva. Or Sonja. And I really don't know that but let's say you do. Aren't your instincts about them based on what you're seeing on the show? Without the show we'd have no instincts about them. Oy. Okay, let's just agree to disagree. My head hurts. :-) Wanna do lunch? Table for 2.
  6. Ugh. That will never NOT be revolting. Okay, George might be worse than Mario. But for me, Ramona trumps Aviva in the despicable department.
  7. Sigh. No, they didn't plan the stunt. They planned on going to a party to hunt for bear and get a reaction from the bear. Like I said, Who knows. Maybe Aviva starts it all. We'll have to wait and see. All I know for sure is that they talk, prior to the party, about going there and being "politely rude", at best and getting tipsy so Kristen can get her 'panties tizzied' at worst. Now I'm not following you. I'm basing my opinions that the Heathers are hags because of some behaviors I've seen on the show and on video on Bravo's site. Isn't that what we're basing our disbelief of Aviva's ailments on? (I'm also basing my opinion that Kristen is a Heather based on her relationship with Brandi and her marriage to that tool.)
  8. It's not a stretch for some to believe, that Aviva lies about ALL her ailments, phobias, etc. even though we don't have proof of that. The same goes for me that it's not a stretch to believe that Heather, Carole and Kristen are just like THE Heathers. Can't be proven. All we have to go on are our instincts. But therein lies the difference, motorcitymom. You didn't. I guess I'll have to wait and watch what happens next week. My guts, and footage of a flying leg tell me that the Heathers get the results they were going after and planning for. Yeah, maybe Aviva does something to deserve it but they, like 14 year old gangstas, walk in preparing to throw down. Can.not.wait. Maybe Heather will enter the party all, "Yo,yo, yo, yo! Diddy in da house."
  9. I wouldn't say I'm a fan. I think she's vile but doesn't deserve any more vitriol than, let's say, Ramona. It surprises me how roundly hated Aviva is by cast and the blogosphere in general. And it kind of bugs me that her castmates know that she's faking her asthma. LOL. How do they know??? And yes, George - Aviva's dad, is bad but Mario - Ramona's husband, is worse. Adulterer, liar, sleezebag. I wonder how bad his girlfriend really wanted that abortion. My money's on that he wanted it more. At least Aviva owns that her dad is a lech. Ramona keeps trying to convince us that he's the sexiest, man to ever walk into a room. Best husband, best father. Wonder what kind of dad he would have been to the baby that he almost had.
  10. Well, yeah we do. They give us so much to snark about. And I certainly don't blame them for talking behind her back. Although if I'm over someone, I tend to just not engage or discuss. But I've NEVER in my life planned with my friends to get drunk to take someone down. Nor have I ever encouraged a friend to get drunk and do so. Smacks of Tamra and Vicki and Naked Wasted. Not cool at all, imo
  11. I agree with you. One 'off day' does not a bitch make. But I can't shake my feeling, and I know I'm the minority,I just can't like her. I don't like loud people, nor braggarts, nor name droppers. For me, she's all of these things. Here she talks about how she grabbed "Jay's" hand (that'd be JayZ to us peons) and put it on her pregnant belly. And how she's sure that once Beyoncé was preg with Bleu, Jay remembered what it felt like when Heather put his hand on her belly. See, now I can't stand Heather but it's snippets like this that I wish Bravo would show us because this shit is gold and makes her very watchable for me. Although I'd be giving her the same look, on the constant, that Kristen gives at the very end. Damn you, Bravo! Why are you cutting this all out? http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-6/videos/heather-and-joshs-name-dropping-double-date
  12. They probably would be considered cool in high school. Like the "Heathers". As long as you're one of them, you're safe, but if you're fat or unattractive or not witty or don't have the right clothes, you're toast. Or even if you are all of the things that they think is cool, one false move and the Head Heather, in this case her name really is Heather! will give it to you good. She did it to her "great friend", Kristen, in Montana. I think 'cool' is something else entirely. SOOO not what they're showing us. I agree. I'm still in the Love to Hate category. Don't despise any of them yet. Not even Aviva.
  13. I believe there are dozens of clips like this on the cutting room floor. Showing Heather, Carole and Kristen for the coven of witches that they really are. But Bravo wants us to buy that they are these cool, live-and-let-live chicks so we see what they want us to see. Eh. I think they are all the epitome of cunty in this clip. They're sitting around talking about Aviva (again) and how they'll see her at a party later. Kristen wants someone to get her liquored up so she can go after Veevs that night. (And, yay, we get to see that ugly face she makes when making fun of someone. Not surprising she's so vicious, tho. Remember, Brandi is her best friend.) Heather says she's not going to get in a tizzy at the party but tells Kristen to "Promise me you're going to say something to her." I mean, seriously, baby girl. You say you're over her. Prove it. Get on with your cool, bad ass, entraypanure self. At the very least, don't encourage Kristen, who you believe is lesser than you, to do your dirty work. LMAO at Carole at 1:40. Listen and watch her face carefully when she speaks. She talks about how if feels like there's a little more oxygen in the room when Aviva isn't there. "A little less self righteousness and judgment." LOL. Carole, can you hear yourself? The self righteousness and judgment is literally dripping off your overbite. Titled: The Ladies Prepare to See Aviva. Should be: The Bitches Plan on Taking Aviva DOWWWWWN. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-6/videos/the-ladies-prepare-to-see-Aviva ETA: P.S. Ladies, real friends let friends finish a sentence. At least once.
  14. Yes! This is my point. I'm tired of all the staged events. The storylines. Carole's fake parties, Aviva's fake leg toss, Heather's fake drunk, Ramona's fake tears, Sonja's fake ring, Kristen's fake inability to wash lettuce. Nothing is real. Yet the viewing public that doesn't read forums, blogs and gossip sites like we do, are expected to be lemmings that believe it all is as Andy is showing us. Take all the bullshit he/they manufacture at face value. Remember the Real World? The first few seasons were brilliant. Pedro? Puck? THAT was real. "This is the true story...." Alas, I outgrew RW as they stayed in their 20s while I moved on. Looks like I'm getting too damn old to appreciate RH who are acting like a bunch of mean teenage girls. Nothing real about this franchise anymore. Maybe Josh really isn't even a dick!
  15. Her blog wouldn't be interesting to me if she talked about friends that we don't know and, as stated above, if she talked about any of her famous friends, she'd be criticized for that. The blogs are about the show, so she's of course going to acknowledge the other housewives. I remember when Kelly joined the cast, her blogs were about everything but the show, and the comments people made were saying they wanted to hear about the show, not the mundane crap she was talking about. I agree with you. I don't want her to write about people we don't know in her blog either. My point is about what she said in her toast. She didn't acknowledge any one else of importance in her life except the Hos in her toast. Not a brother or sister or mother or her friend she gave the fake baby shower to. Her editor...nobody except the Hos. Of course I don't want to read about these other people in her blog on the regular as they don't matter to the story - I agree with you. But to only mention the Hos in her toast is odd, imo.
  16. See, now that baby shower seemed the most faked party of them all. Carole throws a baby shower for a friend, yet the honoree didn't know hardly any of the attendees. That was the first time I ever gave Heather's husband, whatziname, the side eye. My husband is as sensitive a teamplayer as there is, but if I asked him to go in my place to a baby shower for a woman I didn't even know....whoo boy. LOL. And if he ever did agree to such an unbelievable scheme, he would have at least brought a gift. Remember how none of the Hos arrived bearing even a token gift? Yeah, that was real.
  17. This is amusing. http://perezhilton.com/2014-07-17-aviva-drescher-throwing-her-prothetic-leg-has-to-be-the-greatest-real-housewives-moment-ever#.U8hDFHnD_rc As much as I hate to admit it, because Perez is a tool, but he might be right. This could be the greatest HW moment ever. The last frame with the blonde is funny. Heather is fug and scary. Let's play devil's advocate and say that Aviva really does have asthma and Heather got all up in her grill with her big, flaring horse nostrils and waving those man hands to tell her she's a liar. I would'vet thrown my leg at her, too.
  18. I don't know if Aviva has any friends in real life or not, but in her lame ass blog, Carole put up a copy of the toast she made at her party and the only friends she acknowledges in it are the Hos. And the two instances she refers to about never taking herself too seriously, are when she dressed up like a bear and then like a mermaid - both happening on RHONY. Either the whole party really WAS staged for Bravo or her circle of friends is smaller than Aviva's. Celebrating fifty years and that's all you've got to talk about? Big fat side eye to anybody, anymore, who jumps through hoops like a trained seal for Andy Cohen.
  19. I agree with you. There's that curiosity factor of what the villain will do now. However, if made a full cast member I don't think the audience would stick around the whole season just for her. I deplore Bethenny, so people might wonder why I tuned into her 'talk' show. But it was only for the reason above. I knew she'd fuck it up and I wanted to see that happen. The show was so bad I could only muddle 3 or 4 episodes and that's what I'd think will happen if they brought Jill back as a full timer. Give her a 'friend' status, don't let the audience have to see her mug too often and they will come.
  20. For me, I think they *could* be interesting and even likable if they'd stop trying so hard to be cool. Another thing I found to dislike about Heather this epi - it's been there all along but shrouded by her desire to let you know she's the best at everything is - she's LOUD. Shouting on the conference call, shouting at the party, shouting while singing that 'song'. I don't like loud. Especially when the message she's usually yelling is "I'm the best, baby. Aren't I awesome?" I find that obnoxious in a man, equally so in a woman.
  21. I agree. Mario is 25 years away from being George. This is partly why I don't find the vitriol here for Ramona as harsh as it is for Aviva. Ramona is every bit as vile, mean, over-talking, over-bearing (dare I say moreso) than Aviva has been, imo. Aviva gets taken to task for her father's lewd behavior. We're angry at her (amongst other reasons) for merely rolling her eyes at him and not somehow putting a stop to it. Yet Mario is a leering, creepy, philandering, lying, cheating lech that Ramona bats her eyes at and thinks he's the sexiest thing to ever NOT sing a song about her. Ramona's father was also an abuser who encouraged her brother's drug dealing. Whom, I might add, ended up going to prison for selling coke. Her family tree seems more despicable to me than Aviva's. Don't get me wrong. I think Aviva is awful. But why is Ramona tolerated, while the majority are calling for Aviva's head? Is it because Aviva picked on the fan favorite, Carole? Because she called Ramona and Sonja 'white trash' and said that Sonja was spiraling out of control? Doesn't the fact that she turned out right give her any cred? At least Aviva has a passion for a great cause. Ramona has a passion for booze.
  22. Carole looked great. The peplum really made her look like she had a great ass. Hair, make-up, spot on. She was a little wobbly on the stilettos, though. However, nobody is addressing the (white) elephant in the room which would be Heather and her dress. That was a HOLLAtta Horrible. Didn't think she could do worse than the gold mess she wore last week. But Heather, as competitive as she is, beat herself at her own ugly dress game this week. Good job, mama.
  23. They're all guilty of waiting for a chance to do something shocking or provocative to get camera time. Every last one of them. At least Aviva is giving us something to discuss. She's the most talked about Ho this season and she's hardly even been on. This is why each show needs a villain. The only thing I've looked forward to and has kept me tuned in is finding out how that leg ended up on the floor. If it weren't for that, there'd be one less viewer this season for Nielson to count.
  24. So who took that picture of Bethenny in those pajamas? Brynn? Or did her accused rapist boyfriend take the pic of her in the little girls' pajamas? Somethin' a little creepy there.
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