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Everything posted by butterly17

  1. I always feel bad for Amy... she seems to get overlooked a lot. And IMO she seems like a real sweatheart.
  2. I couldn't stand Tamara's bid for shock value once again by saying to the Pastor... 'I had a sex party'. "We made a sex tape." Ugh. You had a party with sex toys as decoration.... and you made a workout video with heavy innuendo. I always give Briana a break, since she seems relatively normal for having Vicki for a mother. She has said her piece a million times about Brooks. She doesn't want to be around him, and that's her choice. She made the suggestion of staying at a hotel. Even if Briana could stand Brooks I would think it still wouldn't be a bad idea to stay at a hotel with the little kids. Seeing that he is sick, and kids are germ fests. Vicki is totally trying to shut Briana up, and look like the greatest mom on earth ,by buying that SUV. Briana pretty much had to accept the car, or look like a total jerk. And then after she accepted the car Vicki was figuring she would shut-up about Brooks, or risk looking like an ungrateful daughter... who is glad to take a vehicle from her mom, but won't give her a pass on her boyfriend. I FF'd Megan I just can't stand her. The Beador dinner was sad. There just doesn't seem to be any joy in that house. I blame David. Everyone else does. Terry and Heather had to drop how rich they are again, buy mentioning that they have 1 mill of their own cash invested in their skincare line.
  3. Rocky is so immature and full of herself that's annoying. She's the type of person you just want to SLAP
  4. There was one grain of truth this episode... Tamra: I've been an asshole my whole life. We know, Tamballs, we know.
  5. I know that if I really want something. I have to sit my husband down and say... "I really want... "this"" It would be nice if you planned it, bought it for a gift ETC. It's not romantic, but it works. Shannon is testing David, to see how much he gives a shit. And he is failing.
  6. Shannon being upset boils down to David not having a CLUE what she likes and what makes her happy. You would think after what 15 years of marriage, he might have an inkling what she likes. But as we saw... David is clueless.
  7. Jenelle and Nathan are a horrible mess. Didn't Nathan have a traumatic head injury in combat? Janelle was right about one thing, he needs therapy. And he needs to be sober. He seems like he's self medicating, with at least alcohol. I wonder what Nathan was like before his injury and substance abuse. Because sometimes he makes sense. Too bad he usually is just using those statements to berate Jenelle. Jenelle... LOOK UP FROM YOUR PHONE AND ENGAGE IN YOUR LIFE. Kail STOP BLAMING JAVI! She is sooo immature. She want's girl time? Well maybe you shouldn't have gotten married and had another baby. She may be young, but she has responsibilities. Javi is a needy and possesive. But he doesnt' ruin her time. She ruins her time, by freaking out about it. I hope Leah gets help. She has a lot of enablers, and she needs to stay away from men for awhile. (Even though I know that doesn't happen.)
  8. Bethany seemed like the crazy one for her behavior at Ramona's party, instead of Ramona. It was just kinda odd, how she would not let it go... Ramona should have channeled Heather Dubrow and asked Beth if she wanted her to pop a vein. Lu's reaction to Carole and Adam is stupid. Adam and the niece were broken up. Adam was a chef at your party once, not a long time household employee... and Carole let you know about the relationship relatively quickly The bit about being mad that they barged into her room is stupid as crap too.. 1) keep your door locked 2) if you are on a filmed vacation, try not to be a dumb ho
  9. If Megan wants to not offend these shrews... wishing her stepkids came out of her vagina instead of their own mother's... is probably not the right step.
  10. Just remembering something,,.. did Megan actually say 'yes, in a perfect world they would have come out of me' about her step-children? And that was her way of FIXING the hole she dug for herself? She is way to self-absorbed to get it. Her comments basically say... in a perfect world their mothers wouldn't' exist and I would be their mom. Bitch Please. If she wanted to look like the loving 2nd mother... she would have been better off saying, that she loves Jimmy's kids , as if they were her own... and she hopes she can be an integral part of helping Jimmy co-parent with his ex-wives.
  11. Meagan is the worst... and not even in a 'fun to hate' way like Tamra.
  12. I don't remember her saying that. I remember her kinda hem and hawing around and looking guilty. But a lie of omission, IMO is still a lie. My husband who is a book reader says that Jud's attack is because:
  13. Cameron is just so unlikeable. She just comes across as a unshowered 12 year old throwing a fit every episode. Lee Pace has such screen presence that I feel compelled to watch Joe's story, even if I don't understand Joe at all. Gordon is just such a sad sack. The show would be better if he would just die.
  14. I hadn't seen Aidan in anything besides this and he seemed an excellent actor all through the series IMO. I think earlier in the series Ross was trying to be stoic about certain things, because that was all he had left, and he had to keep it together.
  15. Julia's death was just heartbreaking. Ross's "I will stay with her, I will not have her be afraid"... and then the camera shifts to her little hand. Just too too sad.
  16. Besides the ending.. which was rough. I loved what a team Ross and Demelza were this episode.
  17. Francis made me so angry! And what a jerk not letting Verity have any access to the mail? WTF is his problem, I guess he just wants her to be part of their unpaid help? I knew Ross would be pissed when he learned Demelza had been involved. She deserved some of the anger she received, Ross has asked her several times what she knows about Verity and Blamey and she dodged the truth, basically lying by omission.
  18. Kailyn doesn't even seem to love Javi... even a little bit.
  19. Heck I don't even need a love scene, because this is PBS and I feel that's not going to happen.... but can a girl get a few passionate kisses, and innuendo?
  20. I don't think most men looked at Keren and though... 'what a gem, I want to marry her!' Mark was a perfect guy to manipulate, the only problem was she didn't realize how depressed the area was? It seems like this depression is relatively new. like in the last 5 years or so... since Ross left for the Americas.
  21. I'm glad to know it just wasn't me that had trouble with the actress playing Keren.... I also dont' care for the actress that plays Jinny. It feels like she is in a high school production, while the rest are on the BBC.
  22. Keren... has such an off-putting vibe for me. Like could Mark really be that dumb just beacuse of boobs? Let's face it that's really all Keren has going for her. (I also find something very modern about the actress.... I feel like she should be smacking gum at a mall with a muffin top, instead of in a period piece)
  23. Ross was a real horses ass most of the night. It seems like at one point he had planned to be really nice to Demelza and surprise her with a new ballgown, and jewelry at the ball itself. And then Jim died, and Ross went to the bottle, and the evening went to hell. This episode had a lot of foreboding in it, and I think the shit will soon hit the fan, in a lot of ways.
  24. If the kids are that tired... just PUT THEM TO BED! Forget about the Chef Boyarde and baths!
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