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Everything posted by madmaverick

  1. Anyone been reading tweets from @kurteichenwald? Brutal stuff. And I don't know how to link it here but just watched a FB live video from the BBC Newsnight page with Martin Amis and Ann Coulter. My gosh, she's a horrible woman. Props to the others for keeping their cool. Don't know how you guys can stand her. Unfortunately, I would not be surprised if she has lots of supporters. Read about her comment about grandparents being in the US on twitter, not sure what the context was, but sounded like coded racism to me.
  2. Good piece from The New Republic: The Truth About Hillary Clinton I think that about sums it up in a nutshell. Another piece from The New Republic that nailed it: Shame on Us, the American Media Couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, I'm not convinced things will be any different next time there's an election or a Trump figure around.
  3. Sam Bee has been a great Hillary cheerleader and her final pre-election show was more funny goodness. Laughed so hard at the email segment. Sarah Paulson killed it. Let Hillary be Hillary Indeed! Fascinating emails of a 60 something
  4. Watched this interview of Emily Maitlis from BBC Newsnight interviewing Trump back in 2011. I think I would have found him and his fam creepy (especially his sons), and even the female employees, as they appear in this film even without knowing what we know now. Trump 2011 is essentially Trump 2016. You can see the same character traits before they were amplified on a national stage. Fascinating. I did not know that he was averse to handshakes. Almost feel sorry for the guy going through a political campaign... not! This BBC interview with a Trump biographer was also very interesting. He seemed to have grasped the essentials of Trump's character.
  5. I wish countries including the United States wouldn't sell arms and ammo to countries which abuse human rights and discriminate against gays and women and worse, but name me a country that doesn't (unfortunately)! At least the $$ in the Clinton Foundation is being used to do good and they are accountable for it.
  6. Good piece in The Guardian on who is to blame for Trump. There needs to be a reckoning and soul searching.
  7. Coral Caligula. May be the best one yet. He's been called many funny things in this thread but some of them are skipping my mind as I do tend to want to erase anything Trump from my brain, even the funny stuff. Anyone care to refresh my memory? Before we say goodbye to him forever.
  8. I enjoyed this video from Hillary's campaign, especially the bts shots. Nice, energetic, uplifting note to end on too. Lol at Huma asking Hillary about her shoes. Hillary sleeping on Bill's shoulder. Sam Bee included. Good choice of footage. Are there any good twitter accounts to follow for election coverage/Hillary coverage? Welcome all recs.
  9. I feel Bill, for all his flaws, has always known what a lucky man he is to have found Hillary who is his true equal, if not superior, in intellect and ambition and more, and how lucky he was that she was willing to follow him all the way to Arkansas and essentially put her own career on hiatus to serve his. For a woman with real ambitions and dreams like Hillary, if that's not love, what is? Anyone who read that NYT piece from the woman whom Hillary lived with in D.C. and drove down to Arkansas can tell that Hillary really was in love with Bill. I think outsiders who tried to unfairly judge her reaction to Bill's affairs with women often forget that she's also human, a woman, who is/was in love with a man. And whether a person decides to stay or leave after infidelity really is no one else's business, and certainly has no bearing on their suitability as President.
  10. Nah, I'm going to guess they will have a fair number of scenes together if he's cast as the male lead, though obviously the show will revolve around Stana's character. I'm going to guess it's a mix of love/hate/guilt/unrequited feelings etc., as she finds out about his remarriage and deals with their son. Maybe there will be flashback to their perfect or likely less than perfect marriage before she went missing. The new wife character will probably be a thankless role. The husband may also be in law enforcement (?) will help Stana's character with her investigation. I don't think they'll make him the baddie. I could be wrong but I've watched a lot of these sorts of shows and there are some familiar tropes.
  11. If your own team can't trust you with your own Twitter, how can anyone think you're fit to be a president of a country no less? I had no idea that the FBI was so politicized prior to this email stunt. Because I don't know what else to call it if you release some vague letter with no information but inflamming innuendo a week before an election, and then announce that it was much ado about nothing 2 days before said election. The director should be fired.
  12. Same. I didn't remember him either. He's got that clean cut law enforcement look casting directors tend to go for. Hopefully he'll be interesting and not bland. Good looking doesn't always equal good chemistry in my viewing experience, but chemistry is hard to explain. It's either there or it's not. I thought the Number One Fan guest actress was a real standout. She deserves to land a show.
  13. Not surprised if it was an adlib from Applegate since she's known to be a big fan of Castle. She and Kelly Clarkson seem to have been genuinely really into the show. And I was somewhat bemused by Hillary saying she liked Castle heh. Gets my vote for that. :P Do male presidential candidates get asked about their celebrity crushes? ;) And has anyone read High Heat? I know the books tend to echo the show but I was a bit wtf at the ending nevertheless... did they have to go there? Guess the book writer believes in a cliffhanger and drama to create interest as much as TV writers. ;)
  14. A reflective piece from the BBC reporter on Hillary's plane. I would be exasperated too. Indeed, how did it ever come to this?
  15. Just read this piece from a BBC reporter. American and foreign reporters have all been trying to get a handle on who Trump supporters are throughout this campaign, with varying levels of success imo. Are they rich? Are they poor? Are they educated? Are they deplorable? Are they prejudiced? I have to admit that it's disheartening to read a piece like this. I don't want to be unfair to those interviewed and judge on the basis of a short piece like this, but it's hard not to wonder at what values they have that are fueling the sorts of sentiments they have towards Hillary and Trump. "I'm highly educated, 2 degrees, I trust what [Donald] says, I think he's honest". I just can't when of all things people say they support Trump because they say he's honest. The woman also had a visceral dislike of Hillary, noted by the reporter. But why? Doctor husband chimes in to say he thinks Hillary has no moral compass. On the basis of what does he draw that conclusion? And then he made a remark about Obama which could only leave me wondering about his stance on race. Then from another, Hillary's views are too far left? I have never understood this about half of America. While basically all other Western countries have moved towards the left on social issues, half of America seems to refuse to budge election after election even as we approach the 2020s. Still stuck in the endless debate about guns, abortion, LGBT rights. When does it end? Yet another person talks about needing a gun to protect herself. I would like to read actual cases of where civilians actually managed that because I have barely come across data indicating that having a gun makes one more safe. Do they even live near any gangs that they seem so afraid of? Where was this plane coming from? A Red State? ;) Would Hillary have ever made any headway with these people even if she talked to them one on one? I don't envy you Americans, though other countries can also be polarized. But it seems like the values of half the country are so different from the other half, and moving in different directions. People can despair about the political establishment (but haven't the Republicans been the ones to hold things up?), but how on earth does that means Trump is the one with the answers when he has proven to be so full of s*** is beyond me. Excuse the rant.
  16. Probably people have already seen this, but the emails Hillary sent that Trump doesn't want you to see. I mean, honestly, Trump supporters love to go on about her emails, but what exactly has been scandalous about them that speak to her being a horrible person. Quite the opposite, in fact. Her "crime" is to want to help a Yemeni girl? Many have said that the Hillary that comes across in leaked emails and in leaked closed door speeches is actually (surprisingly to some) basically the person she presents herself as to the public. Someone who cares deeply about public service and thinks deeply and soberly about what needs to be done to make people's lives better. If that's not what we look for in a presidential candidate, what is?! Especially when her opponent is all about himself and so lacking in empathy.
  17. I hear ya, guilty of the same. Now just let me get the ghastly mental image of any sort of marriage between Trump and Hillary outta my head... :P Everyone's seen this old interview with Trump where he praises Hillary as a "great woman", right? Lol. How far he's fallen. ;) I agree with whomever that suggested Hillary should just use his interview as a campaign ad. :P
  18. Oops, post deleted in Hillary thread. Should really have posted it here as it was more pertaining to Trump, but discussion is all blurring together as it's hard to discuss one without the other. But in a nutshell, my question was, how did Trump become a Teflon candidate? Nothing sticks to him, nothing. Stuff that would have killed every other candidate's campaign long ago had no impact on his. That shocking Mexicans are rapists comment would have ended other campaigns. Little did I know then how many more shocking comments he would make and get away with. His constant lying is ignored, his inexcusable attacks on women and others are ignored, his unprecedented attack on the fairness of the voting system is ignored. How does he do it? What is it about Trump that gives him this Teflon quality? Is it his celebrity, is it his personality? Lots of people are willing suckers, but Trump's still doing something that lets him get away with what others wouldn't in a million years. That he polled as someone more honest and more trustworthy than Hillary after all he's said and done is the last straw. He has mastered The Art of the Deception.
  19. I saw that poll too, and that's one of the most depressing stats out of this election. Talk about messaging success/failure all you want, but it fundamentally says to me that a whole lot of people out there do not have good judgement. Lack the ability to think critically. Gullible. Susceptible to disinformation and brainwashing. Ignore facts. Allow prejudice/misogyny/whatever irrational feeling to override hard facts. Independent, factually verified info is out there for all to find (and surely, it isn't that hard to find?) if people wanted to do their homework on the candidates and it's clear for all to see who is the one that is a pathological liar. But maybe the scary thing is a lot of people don't care about hard facts and objectively verifiable truth and lies when it comes to their perception of "honesty and trustworthiness". It's all about their "gut feelings". ;) The scariest thing to me from this election is that such a lot of people can actually buy into what a pathological liar with a narcissistic personality disorder is selling, and rate him as more honest and trustworthy than his opponent of all things! He has truly mastered the art of the deception with 40% of voters. And that makes the rest of us want to blech.
  20. The fact that #HillaryforPrision (complete with misspelling) is trending with over 100k tweets is just sad on so many levels.
  21. Congrats to Penny for landing a series regular role. Sounds like it could be a quirky comedy which I would be inclined to check out, but I've never watched Seth McFarlane's work so don't know how his comedic sensibilities fit with mine. The reality is that all actors have demands. Stuff that they want to do, stuff that they don't want to do. Fans are naive if they believe their favorites are above that. Whether those demands are met is between them and their bosses aka the studio.
  22. Regardless of what you think of Hillary's political views, one of the things that's been most infuriating to me about this election is how this idea helped perpetuated by Trump that she's a corrupt crook who belongs in jail has somehow resonated bigly ;) with the electorate. I have never seen that kind of claim amplified on such a large scale against past candidates. But it's meritless based on a fair understanding of the facts of her career as far as I can see! Why do so many still believe it has merit to it?! The perception of it is so damaging and unfair to Hillary. I would like each and everyone of those who believe it to explain in detail to me what crimes she has actually committed. Have they actually been to any countries with endemic corruption?
  23. Cool experience. Sometimes I feel for politicians in this age of the relentless selfie! My face would be frozen by now. Reassure me, guys. I am not a poll geek but when I see headlines like nationwide gap between Hillary and Trump has narrowed to 1-2%, I worry. When I see that Trump is doing better or even leading in Florida, I worry as I remember 2000. Supposedly there has been a surge of voters in the past 2 days, but for whom? I fear this non email thing is going to really sway the undecideds.
  24. I don't know anything about these things but I thought it curious she took what looks like a supporting role in a movie headed by another TV actress when she's just signed on to headline another TV show. Made me think the two were perhaps related like a package deal if that exists in Hollywood. Or maybe the actresses are with the same agency or management and so got lined up in the same project. That might have been the case for something like Sister Cities. It's good that she's getting work, but I never thought she wouldn't. I always thought Stana (and Nathan) wouldn't have problems securing another TV lead in some project, especially with so much TV being made that we can hardly catch up as viewers. But whether their future TV roles and shows will succeed on a critical or a ratings level or take them beyond their current career level is anyone's guess. There's a lot of great TV right now, but there's, as always, a lot of mediocre, unmemorable stuff as well. Neither project are the arthouse films I thought Stana might have a taste for, but work is work, and pay is pay, and perhaps she thinks these were the best options available for her career at this time. ETA: Enjoyed Seamus' reply. Take that, haters who don't subscribe to facts.
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