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Everything posted by madmaverick

  1. And they just let him. We needed journalists to school him.
  2. Over and over again, Hillary shows she so knows what she's talking about, has done so much homework, and that is reassuring and so important. She's like the Hermione Granger of politics and I'll vote for a brain any day.
  3. Maybe some people find a simplistic analysis and simple solutions more comforting. They don't want to face up to the fact that the issues of governing are complex and challenging and messy.
  4. 5-6% GDP growth for a developed economy in this day and age? Fantasy world.
  5. In all of this outplayed talk, I don't hear anything resembling a concrete plan from Trump. As usual.
  6. Yep, so much for caring about Syrian refugees as you call most of them ISIS.
  7. He keeps on saying so sad but somehow I doubt he gives a damn about anyone in Aleppo. He's the kind of person who would just leave people to die and fend for themselves.
  8. Oh please, have YOU seen what's happening in Aleppo, Trump?
  9. Nothing so painful as hearing someone who doesn't know anything about foreign affairs yap on about it. Menace to the world.
  10. Do these conspiracy theories he loves to fan really get him more votes from undecideds? His base, sure. But what a turn off for sane people.
  11. It's not The Apprentice. No one wants to be kept in your suspense.
  12. So he's not committing to accepting the results of the election. That really should be enough to stop anyone from voting for him. And now she shouldn't even have been allowed to run?
  13. Get fired up, Hillary!! Takes inhumane strength to debate this liar.
  14. Tax returns. Zing! Yep, everything Trump says is unverifiable.
  15. That's what's so aggravating. He's not called on it!! Not enough by far.
  16. Why is Wallace asking Hillary to be specific but didn't nail down Trump? Clinton Foundation is not a criminal enterprise, come on. It's done more good for developing countries than Trump has done in his whole life. Why doesn't Trump give back all the Chinese steel from his buildings to China and buy it all over again from America by his logic?
  17. Good, strong response on Hillary on the women and Trump's abhorrent pattern of behavior. Appealing to people's better instincts.
  18. "Nobody has more respect for women than I." That line always makes me want to vomit.
  19. She gave us ISIS?! Come off it. The sad thing is I know some people will buy it.
  20. She wasn't even in office 30 years ago for crying out loud!
  21. Exactly. And the reporters and Hillary need to nail him harder on this.
  22. But whyyyyy? It's such a personal matter. You don't tell people who to marry (oh wait...), who are you to tell people whether they should have a child or not? I can't imagine a stranger thinking they have the right to make that decision for me.
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