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Everything posted by bref

  1. Yikes. That's about all I have to say about that apartment-hunting scene.
  2. Veronica is kind of a bitch but i still like her better than Tim.
  3. To say Tom doesnt seem into Darcy is the understatement of the year.
  4. I'm surprised Rebecca's visit to buy lingerie didn't happen at Molly's store!
  5. OMG, the redneck wedding planner's reactions are killing me!
  6. I'm relieved to report after a conversation on another site that the article about Johnny Damon is satire (check the bottom of the link). He is, however, a jerk. That's why he was satirized.
  7. ok, well it appears he fathered a smart and funny kid, so i'll give him half a point for that.
  8. gotta wonder if Corey has a little bit of a humiliation kink. Evil gives him NOTHING and he keeps coming back for more.
  9. I wasnt following as closely as I could have been, but why was that first phone number even brought into it? Taylor basically gave them the information they needed to unmask her, i.e. she GAVE them her friend's phone number under the pretense that it was the first number she talked to Christian on. She gave them a second phone number as well that led nowhere, so i'm very unclear on why she would make such an obvious mistake.
  10. I feel proud of writers and producers who are willing to take a stand, myself. Everyone else has echoed my thoughts. A solid episode, we did get some closure, Sandra is the worst character ever written and putting that praise of her in Jill's mouth sickened me. See you folks for the next legal drama, I guess. Peace out.
  11. Relatively recent viewer of this show, and while I see it is now a moot point, I also could not stand the character of Sandra. Total Mary Sue. I wanted Jill to give her the smackdown.
  12. I thought Lisa's dress was cream, not white. And as far as I'm concerned, the queen can wear any damn thing she likes. :) Brit looked very pretty at the party but her wedding-obsessed behavior is annoying. Jax is extremely lucky to have such a loyal sister. Stassi and Beau. Sigh. They really are just the sweetest. She is glowing.
  13. To whoever was inquiring about Sharis Alldredge's health, she has mentioned on their facebook that she had several miscarriages over a period of time. 😞
  14. I wish I found Tom Schwartz one-hundredth as adorable as he finds himself. The Oracle was a big no for me, but I understand Stassi and Beau are in real therapy, so good for them. In other relationship news, I am very confused about Kristen and Ariana, not gonna lie. But whatever, I guess? Jax and Brit are doomed, DOOMED I TELLS YA. Raquel is too dumb to live, and I was not amused by her mother's horny-old-lady act. Cute dog, though.
  15. LOL, silly me. Thank you for that much simpler explanation :) Sorry, drivethroo! But just so you don't think I made that up from whole cloth, the term is "high yellow" (my mistake) and dictionary.com has this to say about the term: high yel·low /hī ˈyelō/ DATED•OFFENSIVE adjective adjective: high yellow 1. denoting a black person with a very light complexion. noun noun: high yellow; plural noun: high yellows 1. a black person with a very light complexion. . Edited to add: Have we even seen Jazmin's husband?
  16. Is "Dr. Yellow" a reference to her skin color? Like how that's used as a slur for lighter-skinned black people? Please let me know if I'm off base here, but that seems...not cool.
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