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  1. I don't completely understand the disagreement between Bronwyn and Lisa. Bronwyn and Todd are mad at Lisa for saying on the aftershow that Lisa said that Gwen's grandparents were told Bronwyn had a miscarriage? Because the way Bronwyn was telling it, she was mad that Lisa said that Bronwyn had a miscarriage. It was all very hard to follow. And I don't always watch the aftershow, so she's also bringing more attention to it for those like me who don't always watch it. The whole argument just seemed very dumb to me. I'm not a Lisa fan, but at the same time, Bronwyn seemed to be pissed that Gwen's father came up at all. When it's well known that the housewives are told before they come on the show that secrets have a way of coming to light on the show. So for her to expect it to not come out it pretty naive. I'm sure Gwen wouldn't be so hurt if her mother hadn't gone on housewives at all for this to even be a topic. The way that Bronwyn also talked about not buying the necklace/earrings on WWHL because of 'optics' didn't seem believable. Personally, it feels that people are backing Bronwyn because of their dislike for Lisa. I happen to think they're both assholes.
  2. At a certain point, I stopped posting (and removed) photos of my kids on Facebook and Instagram. Once they were older, I asked if I could post on my Facebook/Instagram; occasionally they said yes because I don't have a huge friend list/following and it's mostly family. But I always respected their wishes when I was typically told no. So far, only three states have child influencer laws. So there will definitely be new families vlogging even though you'd expect people would rethink the concept, especially after the Franke family. With the money some of these family vloggers could be making, a recent episode of the Kate Casey podcast said that some could make up to 8 million dollars a year(!), ALL states should be enacting child influencer laws. I wonder how much the Earl famly is making. I doubt they expected that appearing on this show could hurt their reputation, but is it wrong that I hope it does? They just give off a totally icky vibe. I've always wondered if fans of the family vloggers (and all social influencers actually) actually buy a brand simply because it's promoted by family vloggers/influencers, particularly because we all KNOW they are promoted due to being paid to do so? The whole concept of it is fascinating to me. Do the branding companies just save so much money on marketing that it doesn't matter how many fans actually purchase a promoted item? Finally, watching Huxley being introduced to the family knowing how terrified he must have been, and then knowing he had to go thru it again after being with the Stauffers for two years, my heart truly aches for him. I'm sure/hope he is better with the family he is with now, but that's a lot of turmoil for such an innocent young child to go through. And sadly, he's not the only one. I hope the series discusses or shows ways to prevent this from happening over and over. Or maybe I'm just too naive.
  3. It happens around me too, and I'm in a boring middle class suburb. Many of my kid's friends got brand new cars. Even if I COULD afford to do that, I wouldn't do that. One of my children had an accident in a cheap Honda Civic a day after getting a license that we had just bought a week or so prior (less than 5k). Thankfully, all occupants were fine, but car was totaled and child didn't get another car for over a year until he/she was able to save again and contribute again towards another used car and get more experience (driving my car, sigh). Honestly though, most children I know get into accidents shortly after getting their license (myself included). I feel like there's something going on that we aren't privy to with Kyle and Dorit. I've heard rumors on podcasts that Dorit and PK are faking the divorce, and Kyle isn't sure why Dorit is coming for her so strongly, which is why she keeps saying you're not the Dorit I know (or whatever she said). I honestly wonder if Dorit would have made such an effort getting to know Boz if she was still chummy with Kyle. Maybe? Hard to say, but she's certainly got a strong ally in Boz, who isn't afraid to stand up to Kyle. It's certainly delicious to see Kyle squirming without her foxforce five (is that what it's called?) to protect her. So Erika is living in a pool house that she remodels and then buys a house less than a year later?
  4. Glad to hear it, I enjoy the show.
  5. First thoughts; the idea of having to vlog everyday sounds exhausting. And if you have to constantly be creative to come up with ideas, record yourself, then edit, etc., when do you actually have time to focus on the children and actually be an actual involved parent? I get bad vibes from The Earl family.
  6. I don't think Boz is anyone to mess with, she's tough, and I love it. Both Sutton and Erika look amazing. However, with Erika, you can tell she doesn't know what to do right now and who to back. She doesn't want to take Dorit's side because she doesn't want to get on Kyle's bad side, and especially in case Kyle and Dorit make up. I hope that doesn't happen though because I love Dorit standing up to Kyle! I don't want to get my hopes up about someone finally taking Kyle down, and I would have never thought it would be Dorit either. Be strong Dorit, don't let Kyle gaslight you! I do love seeing Erika and Sutton hang out. I don't like watching the ladies fighting. I hope the ladies also support Dorit with her separation like they are doing with Kyle. In my experience having gone through a divorce and from friends who have as well, I've learned that men really do change during a divorce. They suddenly become a person who is cold, uncaring, and suddenly cheap because when it comes to money, they say "can't afford that". Watching the scene between PK and Dorit, ouch, that discussion and the tone was familiar and triggering for me. PK, it's not all Dorit's fault, don't blame her for everything that's happening. Kyle, listen to Sutton, get divorced now because it won't be easy, don't prolong the inevitable. Are we supposed to now feel sorry for her being alone, after watching her crap last year? Show, don't try to manipulate me, she is terrible person and friend.
  7. I’d love for Phaedra to take Heavenly down a peg or two. Heavenly is a horrible person, and always gets away with her awfulness. I thought Phaedra and Heavenly would clash, but not so far. Sweet Tea is the only one who doesn’t seem to be afraid of her. Though every season at least one person has a problem with Heavenly. Not looking forward to see the men fight. Too bad Greg has to film, I’d much rather see his wife than him who has grown on me (for now). I think procreating with him would be a HUGE mistake. Were the ladies asked (demanded) to play nice with Quad. Looks like Simone didn’t get that instruction. I thought it was weird Cecil was hanging out with Quad. Really have no desire to see Apollo. I’ve loved this show and feel like it’s just being more and more produced to create storylines.
  8. I will watch anything with Scott Speedman. Even a show that I typically avoid because I'm a big scaredy cat.
  9. Can a couch that is divided (cut?) in half be put together without there being a dent or noticeable indicator that it was split? This is fascinating to me, seriously! The thing with Erin is she has just a monotone voice, and her dull and boring attitude does not help. She needs to loosen up a little. Plus her constant, "I'm a New York, I'm from New York, and I'm from New York, I don't bullshit, I tell it like it is, blah blah blah" is actual bullshit. If you have to say it over and over, sorry, I ain't buying it. I have a love/hate relationship with Sai. I think she can be fun, but other times she just seems so mean. I suspect both Sai and Erin are insecure and so they come across as immature and harsh at times (Erin more especially).
  10. I would bet that she was done with the marriage long before it officially ended, most people I know who have gone through a divorce wish they would have done it years earlier (myself included). I love Ayan and her outfits, costumes, whatever. Absolutely! Sara doesn't seem very genuine. I think that I'd rather see Lisa Rinna on my tv than Brooks. That's how much I can't stand Brooks. Congrats, Brooks, I can't believe you've unseated Rinna.
  11. I figured she was lying. She said in the first episode that Tonka had heart issues and couldn't exercise or something like that and wasn't active. All the while he was jumping up and down going crazy in his cage seemingly heathly physically at least. She said, oh he's never that active usually. And then she was running back and forth while he was in his basement cage. She would have done anything for Tonka. The fact she said that he was more important to her than her kids and husband are indicative of that. That said, I did feel sorry for her, maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age. Also, I hope Tonka is doing okay in the sanctuary. He seemed to be alone, though I was wondering why he came out to look at th video camera and then right back inside the enclosure. Was it a "fuck you"? Or was he seeing if someone he liked was also with the film crew? I'll need to go online as I'm sure he's doing fine, he just needed [hopefully] an adjustment period. And it only underscores the reasons that owning a chimp should not be allowed, it's not natural and chimps shouldn't be allowed to become a 'human-panzee'. Is it wrong that I'm bummed the series is over? It was a train wreck that I didn't want to end.
  12. How about "even in the harshest (or stormiest?) weather, this Storms will always endure." I love all the replies regarding the proper wording because it indicates how boring we all found this episode, lol. I will never ever like Tamra, she is only out for herself, she is a friend to no one. I read a post from her daughter Sidney (recent or not recent?) post about Tamra, and I applaud Sidney for putting a foot down dealing with such a toxic parent. On WWHL, Andy said he is loving the addition of Alexis. Really, Andy? You're probably the only one that feels that way. Do better.
  13. I'm watching the show from the beginning (got bored one day and started watching this show), and I truly truly hope that Amber escapes from this shitshow of a family. I love how she stands up to Kim. Kim definitely had some fear over what Amber was going to say during their discussion. I couldn't stand Barry's glee at learning Ethan and Olivia are not good. He'll be "nice but superficial". Nice Barry, you're an adult, why can't you not be a jerk and asshole. All these years preaching Christian values and you can't not be a smug piece of shit for once? Moriah really saying "I forgive you" to Ethan. Seriously, girl? Why would you think that is the way to approach Ethan? Especially when you are CLEARLY in the wrong. I used to think she was emotionally mature (for this family), but she seems to be regressing as time goes on. Longing for the family life that she couldn't wait to get away from when she was younger. Same with Micah. Micah, just pipe down talking shit about Olivia and let me look at your beautiful face. I just cannot get over Kim and how she's acting with just HAVING to tell everyone she's dating Ken. I've been divorced for a year or so, and have no desire to date, however once I do, I have zero plans to introduce anyone or even have 'heart to hearts' like Kim is having with the children for a long time. s What does she want the chlidren to say? Kim, shut up and be a parent and put your kids first and stop being so selfish. I would be anything that she was screwing around with Ken when she suddenly decided that she wanted a divorce. I I've really disliked people I've watched on numerous reality shows over the years, but I truly despise both Barry and Kim. They've raised these kids in such a messed up way, though I'm glad the younger ones aren't as sheltered. I would really hope the younger ones could go to a public school, something other than a book that I highly doubt anyone is leading. Finally, how did these two morons pop out such attractive kids?!
  14. 100% to all of this. I remember after Lindsay had the miscarriage, the girls were giving Lindsay a hard time because she wasn't acting how they think she should have been and they were "concerned". As well as confronting her because she was going out and hooking up with guys. You'd think by now that Lindsay can be her own worst enemy and ganging up on her just do NOT work. Though they have to be happy, right? Becuase I can't imagine her being on the show next year. Maybe a few visits here and there? I almost want Lindsay to continue to 'pop in' but have a new child each time, just to see how crazy it makes Amanda since Kyle will be faking crying over Amanda not supporting him because Loverboy still isn't making enough money to have kids and she just doesn't understand. Having said all that, congrats to Lindsay, hope she is/remains happy. Next season should certainly be interesting, I hope we get before the end of the year! But, GASP, Carl won't be pregnant! And think about all of the support that he will need from the girls because Lindsay dared to come back to the house, and even worse, pregnant no less! Though, you just know that If Carl had a new girlfriend who he'd gotten pregnant, well, Lindsay would just have to get over it (the girls would likely say) and move on already. Can't wait to see how massaging the male assholes Kyle and Carl [and West now too?] continues....
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