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  1. I wouldn't doubt that it's true that she did pay TJ to have a storyline. I can't tell who the real Stacey is, she has been less proper and dull at the reunion, which I've enjoyed. She needs to go. It seems like all the ladies are agreement on that too. I didn't believe her tears about the Inc. breakup. Go away. I love that Andy brought up the Michelin Man dress that Wendy wore. That thing was awful.
  2. Sure Austen, you don’t like kicking someone when they’re down. Somehow I bet he was pleased that Paige broke up with Craig. Shep is so coming off stalkerish. She’s just not that into you. He is dumbfounded and literally can’t understand it. Damn, I forgot how much of an ass he was towards Madison in the beginning. Madison is gorgeous, but I’ve noticed she really doesn’t say ‘thank you’ or is very appreciative to staff at restaurants, hotels, etc. Maybe it was just a couple times, but I think it says a lot about someone when people act like that. Craig, how can you be surprised that you’re not Austen’s favorite person after all the arguments you’ve had the past couple weeks. I will be so disappointed if Venita hooks up with JT. I thought it was funny, even Venita said use ‘em before you take ‘em out. Madison has always been somewhat crude, but it doesn’t make someone trashy.
  3. Shep may have been cute, 10 years ago. When seeing flashbacks to the beginning of the show when he was always hanging out with Cameron, it's shocking to see how young and healthy (and non-sweaty) he looks. Shep looks like he's aged twice as much as he should have. Is it worth it, Shep?!!! Is it worth it?!!! Meant to add that he has no right anymore (if ever) to be calling out someone else's looks. Petty, maybe, but then so is Shep.
  4. I work with attorneys, I should ask them if they've ever done anything similar. Except I won't because they'll look at me like I'm crazy because everyone knows it's all bullshit. Emmy reminds me of a friend who won't leave her cheating husband. Better to be with the devil you know than alone I guess? While I get it's hard to move on and be alone (I speak from experience cuz I divorced a scumbag cheating spouse), you won't ever regret doing so. But she's in such deep denial, it's so sad.
  5. Omg, I totally thought of Robin Williams when he was sitting at the dinner, and especially in his interviews. If I was talking to someone I was involved with and he kept eating, I’d be FURIOUS. Show SOME emotion for goodness sake!
  6. I totally missed this. But I would be shocked if he still had that number of followers after the episode. I thought the exact same thing! I certainly do not. Sadly, I rarely can afford to go on vacations, so if I were to find myself on one, I'm not going to worry about what I'm eating. I guess if you go on vacation often, you probably do? I don't know, but the guy was so cringey. With all the screentime on him asking her to dive, I knew it was going to come up again later and possibly be an issue. So I was surprised/somewhat disappointed that it was all for nothing. Lara seems to be calming down maybe? I don't think anyone has said that Tsarina is perfect, but she certainly doesn't need someone who disrespects her and acts like an asshole in the kitchen while she is head chef. I'm glad they didn't allow him to do two more charters. What a jerk. Tsarina really seemed to be nice and kind towards him, but he always had to have a chip on his shoulder and was never happy. He wanted to do more and when she gave him more, he just bitched about it. Tsarina had every right to ask him abouit his experience to get a feel for what he might be capable of, and he immediately got his balls in a twist and became passive aggressive. I wonder if this experience humbled him, probably not.
  7. I'm not sure that Shep and Whitney agreed to it, because I thought that Whitney seemed all to happy to throw out while drunk that Sienna contacted him first. I also wonder if Shep thought she was hot and maybe he and Sienna had an agreement to fake a relationship? Maybe Shep panicked knowing that Taylor was in a relationship and he wasn't?
  8. I would be thrilled if Lindsay replaced Erin on the show. THRILLED.
  9. It's going to be weird to watch this show next year without Lindsay. She bugs me, but ALL the roomates do, however I don't have a hate for her like many people do. I guess I don't understand why people are so down on her having a baby? What's the big deal if her and the guy talked about it, arranged it, etc., whether or not they meant to stay together, who cares? Look at Kate from Below Deck, she has a child and no one knows who the father is, yet, I don't see the hate for Kate that I do for Lindsay getting pregnant. It's a little bonkers to me. Anyway, with her not being on the show at least maybe now the nastiness around this show will subside. Kyle is going to try to be a good husband by not staying out past 2 am? Aw, what a guy. Lexi is pretty but she looks entirely too young to be having so much work done to her face. Already annoyed by Jesse's obsession over her. Dial it back a little. I want hibachi now dammit.
  10. I don't completely understand the disagreement between Bronwyn and Lisa. Bronwyn and Todd are mad at Lisa for saying on the aftershow that Lisa said that Gwen's grandparents were told Bronwyn had a miscarriage? Because the way Bronwyn was telling it, she was mad that Lisa said that Bronwyn had a miscarriage. It was all very hard to follow. And I don't always watch the aftershow, so she's also bringing more attention to it for those like me who don't always watch it. The whole argument just seemed very dumb to me. I'm not a Lisa fan, but at the same time, Bronwyn seemed to be pissed that Gwen's father came up at all. When it's well known that the housewives are told before they come on the show that secrets have a way of coming to light on the show. So for her to expect it to not come out it pretty naive. I'm sure Gwen wouldn't be so hurt if her mother hadn't gone on housewives at all for this to even be a topic. The way that Bronwyn also talked about not buying the necklace/earrings on WWHL because of 'optics' didn't seem believable. Personally, it feels that people are backing Bronwyn because of their dislike for Lisa. I happen to think they're both assholes.
  11. At a certain point, I stopped posting (and removed) photos of my kids on Facebook and Instagram. Once they were older, I asked if I could post on my Facebook/Instagram; occasionally they said yes because I don't have a huge friend list/following and it's mostly family. But I always respected their wishes when I was typically told no. So far, only three states have child influencer laws. So there will definitely be new families vlogging even though you'd expect people would rethink the concept, especially after the Franke family. With the money some of these family vloggers could be making, a recent episode of the Kate Casey podcast said that some could make up to 8 million dollars a year(!), ALL states should be enacting child influencer laws. I wonder how much the Earl famly is making. I doubt they expected that appearing on this show could hurt their reputation, but is it wrong that I hope it does? They just give off a totally icky vibe. I've always wondered if fans of the family vloggers (and all social influencers actually) actually buy a brand simply because it's promoted by family vloggers/influencers, particularly because we all KNOW they are promoted due to being paid to do so? The whole concept of it is fascinating to me. Do the branding companies just save so much money on marketing that it doesn't matter how many fans actually purchase a promoted item? Finally, watching Huxley being introduced to the family knowing how terrified he must have been, and then knowing he had to go thru it again after being with the Stauffers for two years, my heart truly aches for him. I'm sure/hope he is better with the family he is with now, but that's a lot of turmoil for such an innocent young child to go through. And sadly, he's not the only one. I hope the series discusses or shows ways to prevent this from happening over and over. Or maybe I'm just too naive.
  12. It happens around me too, and I'm in a boring middle class suburb. Many of my kid's friends got brand new cars. Even if I COULD afford to do that, I wouldn't do that. One of my children had an accident in a cheap Honda Civic a day after getting a license that we had just bought a week or so prior (less than 5k). Thankfully, all occupants were fine, but car was totaled and child didn't get another car for over a year until he/she was able to save again and contribute again towards another used car and get more experience (driving my car, sigh). Honestly though, most children I know get into accidents shortly after getting their license (myself included). I feel like there's something going on that we aren't privy to with Kyle and Dorit. I've heard rumors on podcasts that Dorit and PK are faking the divorce, and Kyle isn't sure why Dorit is coming for her so strongly, which is why she keeps saying you're not the Dorit I know (or whatever she said). I honestly wonder if Dorit would have made such an effort getting to know Boz if she was still chummy with Kyle. Maybe? Hard to say, but she's certainly got a strong ally in Boz, who isn't afraid to stand up to Kyle. It's certainly delicious to see Kyle squirming without her foxforce five (is that what it's called?) to protect her. So Erika is living in a pool house that she remodels and then buys a house less than a year later?
  13. Glad to hear it, I enjoy the show.
  14. First thoughts; the idea of having to vlog everyday sounds exhausting. And if you have to constantly be creative to come up with ideas, record yourself, then edit, etc., when do you actually have time to focus on the children and actually be an actual involved parent? I get bad vibes from The Earl family.
  15. I don't think Boz is anyone to mess with, she's tough, and I love it. Both Sutton and Erika look amazing. However, with Erika, you can tell she doesn't know what to do right now and who to back. She doesn't want to take Dorit's side because she doesn't want to get on Kyle's bad side, and especially in case Kyle and Dorit make up. I hope that doesn't happen though because I love Dorit standing up to Kyle! I don't want to get my hopes up about someone finally taking Kyle down, and I would have never thought it would be Dorit either. Be strong Dorit, don't let Kyle gaslight you! I do love seeing Erika and Sutton hang out. I don't like watching the ladies fighting. I hope the ladies also support Dorit with her separation like they are doing with Kyle. In my experience having gone through a divorce and from friends who have as well, I've learned that men really do change during a divorce. They suddenly become a person who is cold, uncaring, and suddenly cheap because when it comes to money, they say "can't afford that". Watching the scene between PK and Dorit, ouch, that discussion and the tone was familiar and triggering for me. PK, it's not all Dorit's fault, don't blame her for everything that's happening. Kyle, listen to Sutton, get divorced now because it won't be easy, don't prolong the inevitable. Are we supposed to now feel sorry for her being alone, after watching her crap last year? Show, don't try to manipulate me, she is terrible person and friend.
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