25 -
57 Excellent-
So excited for this. I REALLY hope this is the direction they take it. Both Emma Atkins and Michelle Hardwick are very good actresses and I'd never have thought of these two characters as having romatic chemistry, but they really do. I hope Vanessa isn't too put off by Charity having done a massive dump on Joe Tate's carpet though (I couldn't believe the "you might want to give it 5 minutes" comment - hilarious!). Please, Emmerdale, don't stuff it up!!!
OMG this episode sums up the entire season so far: The Olivia Benson Parenting Hour. Jeez, the show has become completely insufferable with Benson bleating on about Noah evey five bloody minutes, various faux jeapordy situations involving the mop-haired little cutie, much overwrought hand-wringing from Liv, and mind numbingly dull parental angst. JUST SHUT UP ABOUT BLOODY NOAH! ARGHGHGHGHHHG, I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE! *ahem* I didn't like this episode. Or this season. Time for Liv to go and a fresh character brought in. Just insufferable.
Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation: Benchmarking
pointybird replied to stopthestatic's topic in Grey's Anatomy
I'm expecting it to be something similar to what's described in the linked article below, where an old woman carried a calcified foetus for 60 years:- https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2015/08/05/how-one-woman-carried-a-stone-fetus-inside-her-for-over-60-years/ I just hope Owen doesn't get all misty eyed and try to adopt it. -
How is it doing in the ratings? Will that determine it's longevity? I'm over in the UK, and don't pretend to understand the decision-making process on US telly! Regarding this episode, it was another example of the cast being too good for the material in my view. Raúl Esparza and Kelli Giddish were both excellent, I thought. I don't know what it is about Raúl Esparza - he's not conventionally particularly good looking - but I find him very charismatic and compelling in the role of Barba (I've never seen him in anything else, by the way). I absolutely LOVED the way he closed the 'discussion' with the Rapist Cop and Hulking Lawyer in Spanish after he'd been dismissed as a 'little Spanish Dandy' earlier in the conversation. Giddish gave a very subtle and understated performance, and it was all the more moving and effective for it. I cheered when she kneed her former colleague in the balls. Good Lord, though, what else can they possibly throw at this character? It makes me uncomfortable that this show in recent years has sought to make it's strong women characters into victims. There's a whiff of misogyny about it. She's already a gambling addict with a mentally ill sister, has a history of debt problems, is borderline alcoholic, and is now a surviver of rape. What's next? Crystal Meth? Prostitution? Or are they going to have some deranged perp kidnap her dog?
Dr. Melinda Warner: She Knows Everything About Anything
pointybird replied to ESS's topic in Law & Order: SVU
What's the show called? Is it any good? -
Last Tango In Halifax - General Discussion
pointybird replied to David T. Cole's topic in Last Tango In Halifax
Last Tango In Halifax - General Discussion
pointybird replied to David T. Cole's topic in Last Tango In Halifax
I've previously viewed Celia as a decent but flawed character; set in her ways but someone who loves her family, and who is at least trying somewhat to shake off the prejudices she was brought up with. Having watched this episode, and in particular her refusal to attend Caroline's wedding (and also encourage Lawrence to boycott it), I've come to the view that she's a truly selfish, vile and hateful creature, with few redeeming qualities, and is now a character who I actively dislike and whose happiness I don't care about in the least. I don't know if that's the intention of Sally Wainwright, but that's the view I've come away with after watching this episode. I found Caroline's story about hurting her father with cutting words when he turned up to her graduation without Celia, and then repeating the same thing with Alan when he turned up without Celia and Lawrence quite hackneyed. She can be almost as selfish as Celia at times. And poor Alan! I found the dinner party at Gary's a little long and boring in parts, but I'm intrigued to find out what his story is. There seems to be something sinister about him. The scene in the supermarket, when Gillian tried to turn off the vibrator that Cheryl had 'donated' but only succeeded in setting it to 'warp speed' was fantastic, I thought. Caroline seriously needs to chuck John out, and have a heart to heart with Lawrence before the baby is born. I can understand how Lawrence might feel pushed out by Kate and the new baby - I get the impression that Caroline hasn't been particularly sensitive to his feelings. But she really does need to toss John out on his ear, and take Kate's concerns about his presence seriously. Caroline's scenes with Kate were very sweet - Nina Sosanya does 'vulnerable and completely in love' beautifully, and Sarah Lancashire's performance was as wonderfully nuanced as ever. Her delivery of "It was more than a snog, pal, I had my hand inside your bra" was really charming. Looking forward to next week's wedding (will Celia and/or Lawrence have a last-minute change of heart?), and finding more out about Gary and whether or not he has a sinister side to him. -
Last Tango In Halifax - General Discussion
pointybird replied to David T. Cole's topic in Last Tango In Halifax
Last Tango In Halifax - General Discussion
pointybird replied to David T. Cole's topic in Last Tango In Halifax
Confirming the air date of Series 3, Episode 1 in the UK as 28th December (plus interview with Anne Reid and Derek Jacobi), thanks to Samantha Jane on twitter:- https://twitter.com/samalarrr0542/status/541194879813320704 -
Last Tango In Halifax - General Discussion
pointybird replied to David T. Cole's topic in Last Tango In Halifax
Just posting a link to the Season 3 trailer with Gillian and Caroline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wie_sy13MTQ I believe the new series airs sometime between Christmas and New Year (but don't recall the source for this). -
Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation: Benchmarking
pointybird replied to stopthestatic's topic in Grey's Anatomy
I've got a feeling that Callie is going to be sowing her wild oats over the next few episodes - I'm leaning toward the 'Hot Guy' side in 11 x 12; and 'Jenna' from 11 x 10 both being Callie-related. It's the expression 'effortless and fun' (pretty much the opposite of how she said she felt about Arizona) that leads me to believe the 'Hot Guy' side may be hers. The 'Curt' side sounds potentially interesting, as long as they don't turn it into a PSA about transgender acceptance. I hate it when shows get all preachy and trite. I can't fathom who Dr Finch is, though. What sort of medical specialists normally handle this? I guess there'd be some sort of psychiatric assessment / mental health support, hormone treatments, genital surgeries, facial work and a boob job or something - would that primarily be plastics (i.e. Avery)? Or general surgery (Bailey)? Neither Avery or Bailey have had a decent medical storyline for a while. -
Oops, it was just some random stuff I was writing at the same time about something completely different that got included by accident! Apologies! Thanks for the info on the tweet, and analysis in your post with respect to Rollins' addictions. Really looking forward to the next episode, and in particular, Rollins going back to Atlanta.
Absolutely no fecking idea! That was one of the most strange scenes I've seen on the show. I get that they're trying to hammer home that Nick is an 'angry man' but one who does not abuse women, but what on earth are they doing to Rollins? Is she an alcoholic now, as well as a gambling addict? If I were Amaro, and boinking Rollins, I'd run a mile after that episode in the bar. I don't know - I'm traumatised! I used to love Rollins - troubled as she is. This episode, she was a total nutjob. The bar scene really lost me until your post. Nevertheless, I don't understand what Rollins was banging on about, and I really hope that they don't make her a gambling, alcoholic (random addiction of the day) dishonest cop. Kelli Giddish is better than the material provided.
Loved this episode. Loved even more . Jessica Capshaw has a gift for comedy.
Thanks for the reminder, I used to love Raquel from Coronation Street! Sarah Lancashire was brilliant, combining comedy with vulnerability and pathos. Here she is... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TM1lJR0Kg8