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Everything posted by Buggin

  1. I was surprised how much I was rooting for Nick at the end. I think the OTT gushing about Bindi from the judges annoyed me and made me like her less. I kept reminding myself she's only 17 so all the crying-not-crying was probably as much due to that as to her personality but good lord, judges, she is not the second coming. And hell yeah to Artem in the Magic Mike number again. Can we please get him a contender next season for the lack of screen time he got this season? Also, I realized how much I missed Peta. She really is a dynamic dancer and I would've liked to have seen what she could've done with Andy, though I did enjoy his partnership with Allison overall (mostly due to his personality I think).
  2. Dance wise Bindi certainly deserves a win. She's been great, but I'm still rooting for Nick. I don't particularly care who actually wins at this point, though. I do want to know what the song Bindi and Derek's freestyle was to, though. Anyone know?
  3. I saw some other young 20-something posting on FB about feeling upset that people don't like the name Spurgeon...because she and her husband have also chosen that name for their child!! Sounds like a couple the Seewalds should purpose to meet some day.
  4. With a name like Spurgeon you're just asking the kid to rebel when he's older. No one wants to be Spurgeon the Virgin. I thought my BIL and SIL dove into the depths of the Bible to find the worst names possible for their kids but Jessa and Ben have taught me I was wrong, so very wrong.
  5. The Leah Remini issue was out last week. I think subscribers get this week's People starting Thursday and it hits stands Friday (I could be wrong on that - I usually get mine in the mail Thurs or Fri). Put me in the camp of thinking they darn well know the name but are holding out for some exclusive in People or Us or whatever. Is People seriously going to pay for these "exclusives" every few months? Pregnancy...baby arrival...pregnancy...baby arrival...rinse and repeat.
  6. Good question! I had 2nd degree tears with both of my kids. The second time the on-call doctor was one not from my normal practice and the nurse told me that he was the best one for the job of stitching them up! I've heard of some home births where mom tore badly and had to be transferred to the hospital to be stitched. With big babies like they have, not tearing too much would definitely be added to my prayer list in the weeks prior to delivery because ouch.
  7. I'll miss Andy. His dancing was okay but he had the right attitude for the show - just there to have fun and do something in memory of his late mom. He didn't take everything too seriously and i actually found myself liking Allison more this season with him. I really couldn't care less who wins at this point. I think they're pushing Nick a bit so Sharna can win but Bindi might take it and that's fine, she'd be deserving IMO. I really hope they give Artem a good partner next season because I miss watching him dance although not sure what was going on with his hair tonight.
  8. I really would love every sponsor to pull out so that TLC isn't paid for this crap, but if it's going to air, I wouldn't mind if a bunch of LGBT-friendly businesses spent the money on advertising during it. I'm thinking commercials like Cheerios or Tylenol with the same-sex couples and their families, maybe a big ad for Rainbow Doritos whose proceeds go to It Gets Better, etc.
  9. After reading Michelle's sex advice, I think my biggest wish for the single Duggar woman is that they are able to be with a man who can and willingly brings them to orgasm during sex.
  10. I do not want Andy to be sent back to Allison. He did so much better with Sharna. Jonathan was one I thought would have benefited from being with a pro besides Allison, too. She was good for Riker because he already had experience and the frenetic dancing matched his personality but I wish Andy had been placed with Sharna or Emma to start with. I can't believe this is the first rumba Emma has done with a celebrity. It's time for her to get one that is not old enough to be her dad (or grandfather) or one that is in high school. Nick admitting to taking leadership in his lessons with Witney annoyed me. I don't think Witney has the personality to stand up to those types but she is still the pro and not them. I was annoyed at Lindsay being made pro this season but she has made me eat my words, so kudos Lindsay, you've been doing very well and I'm glad you got a second chance.
  11. I think I actually "squee"d when I saw so many former boy band members together.
  12. I didn't see the part where they discussed Kim but it looked like she didn't get out of the hospital until Friday maybe? Was she even able to learn the dance enough to do it remotely if they had let her?
  13. Most of the people I know IRL who seem to be Duggar fans are conservative Christians but I don't think most actually watched the show or knew much about Gothard. They just think Christians with a TV show = good, so they support them without knowing the depths of their fundamentalism. Honestly, in all of this, I feel really bad for Anna. Any time these specials get brought up in the media, so will Josh and his scandals. I'm sure she won't be on camera at all, but there has to be a big part of her that just wants some peace for awhile. As long as any Duggars are news, people will be bringing up what Josh did.
  14. Rob Wade has made this show too damn complicated. There's no reason why these celebs should have had to learn two dances this week already. That is asking too much from them and it's really not enjoyable as a viewer to watch them fumble around the dance floor. They've gone overboard trying to appeal to the younger demo and not only have they not managed to acquire that group, they've alienated the dedicated viewers they did have. I rejoiced when Conrad Green left but I'm certainly eating crow now because I didn't think Rob Wade would be worse.
  15. Too early for 9s. That was good but not a 9 dance. I hate the inflated scores so early but there's not much choice when a mediocre dance scores 7s and 8s. I'm still bitter about Artem not getting a celeb this season so that may be clouding my view of Keo but I just think he's not a good pro and I'm not surprised he's out first. I think another pro would've done more for Chaka. She probably wouldn't have lasted long regardless but she may have made it through a couple more weeks.
  16. Alek got to meet President Obama today. Someone will have a cool intro package on next week's show!
  17. Someone said he recently signed a 3-year extension to be on the show so I don't think we'll be rid of him anytime soon, unless they move him into a different position. I don't care much for Kim but I think Artem could pull more out of her than Tony can.
  18. My thoughts are it's a combination of scrambling to get the cast finalized at the last minute and needing to fill the "American hero" spot that Rob Wade apparently thinks we need every season now.
  19. Tony explained on Instagram that the thing with the cook was a scripted skit. They almost always know who their partner is ahead of time before the "surprise" meeting.
  20. Pleasantly surprised by Alek. Earlier in the night he looked so nervous I was worried he'd blow it but he was better than I expected. I voted for him and I pretty much never vote the first week anymore. I liked Carlos and Bindi. Disappointed in Alexa's dance but she has potential so I'm sure she will have some better numbers. I also liked Nick more than I thought I would.
  21. Did Gleb really say that? I definitely get a smarmy impression from him but didn't think he'd imply he'd sleep with a celeb for real since he's married. He's definitely eye candy but I found him to have very little personality on DWTS so it'll be interesting to see how he is on Strictly.
  22. Last season it began right after the cast announcement. Red foo and Emma were the first.
  23. Yep, sounds like it. From his IG: Sucks for him but at least I'll still get to see him dance and take his shirt off support the others.
  24. Good lord. I like Tony, but I don't think he brings enough to the show to justify another 6 seasons on the show.
  25. I was almost thinking he could be a surprise 13th pro like Sharna was a couple seasons ago but that was still done before the full cast announcement, right? I think someone had to drop out or switch. I think the guesses that it was Val's original partner make the most sense because they wouldn't dump him for Artem. I also don't see them dumping him just to bring Louis back so I think Louis was already a done deal. I would think if Artem had to drop out for some reason, he would have made a statement by now. I'm not sure why I'm thinking so much about this because nothing they've done seems to make any sense so far this season. I'm also more and more convinced Tony has serious dirt on someone to keep coming back, or else he just has one hell of a contract.
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