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Everything posted by AuntieDiane6

  1. Well, Betty was a Karolyi girl so I guess that's why it seemed like Bela stomping around. And what was that awful music? If skaters can use better music (in terms of Olympic rights), so can gymnasts. I hate to think who she used before Betty! Boy, I remember the days of the great Russian choreography.
  2. It would be published in the Wall Street Journal and FORBES regardless of whether it was formally announced. Better to have the correct figures out there and use it as a recruiting tool.
  3. The choreography is just so AWFUL--techno elevator music, grim determined demeanor and moves that are downright ugly. We're not expecting them to do a grand jete, but some of the moves are so ugly they could be easily improved. You only need to look at figure skating, where a male who skates "like an oak tree with blades" (my favorite skating review quote EVER) improves immediately with choreography from a decent choreographer. It's ONE event and geez, there are no compulsory routines to take up your time.
  4. To those who don't want to get up early, nbcolympics.com offers the replay VERY QUICKLY. This morning, the replay was available as of 7:17 am EST.
  5. Simone, like Diana, knows that media coverage will be the only way she can fill those $40+ seats for her Gold Over America Tour. The last thing she would want would be a media blackout. if you don't want a camera on you, there are MANY ways to deal with it. 1) Put a towel over your head. Many male gymnasts do that as they sit in their chairs and lean forward. 2) Have your coach shield you. 3) Leave the area. Olga Korbut BECAME famous because she cried at the 1972 Olympics. Her photo was on Page 1. She went on international tours and became the world's sports darling over the actual winner.
  6. Boy, I guess the men's events aren't getting any primetime love!
  7. They'll re-run it overnight at 2 am EST and the entire competition is on nbcolympics.com!
  8. NBC did. They said the colors designate the appropriate scores BASED ON (RECENT) COMPETITIONS. I hope folks here are satisfied with tonight's coverage ... lots of routines from INTERNATIONAL gymnasts!! It's nice too when everyone does well.
  9. first WOMEN'S gymnastics medal. Brazil won 3 medals in men's gymnastics in 2016.
  10. Actually, the Russians HAVE lobbied for music for men for several years. Asian countries have resisted. My theory is that they expect that the Russians' familiarity and long history with ballet and performance music would give them a natural advantage.
  11. Can't you watch it on nbcolympics.com? I'm watching it live now, and could see it later this morning if I chose. The replays are available pretty quickly...
  12. Figure skating has had the same debate and has worked to give added value to the artistic moves and the choreographic sequences. As a result, gorgeous skaters like Jason Brown can realistically compete at the top level and the Olympic champion has a decently choreographed program. As for gymnastics, I have no idea why the Olympic team DOESN'T HIRE SOME OF THE COLLEGE CHOREOGRAPHERS. UCLA has always had some wonderful, fun programs that could easily be adapted for the Olympic scene.
  13. I get my coffee every morning and sit down on the couch and watch the ENTIRE competition LIVE on nbcolympics.com! I've really enjoyed it. It is really easy to use, unlike Peacock which I see hear is difficult to navigate.
  14. People have been complaining about NBC's coverage since the dud TripleCast in 1992! But I give NBC a pass this year: they couldn't even promote it properly since no one even knew if it would be canceled. I personally think it's been wonderful to see real athletic competitions again in these dark times.
  15. No, you're remembering it wrong. There was literally NO discussion of it in 1988 because Greg told NO ONE he was HIV-Positive or that he was gay. LATER when he admitted it publicly on his own terms, he WAS rightly criticized for allowing his coach to treat him WITHOUT GLOVES IN THE PRESENCE OF BLOOD. There was no talk of his blood in the pool. From who? A national sports journalist? Or some pseudo-journalist on Facebook?
  16. Nope. Folks will just go back to Netflix. I agree with all your comments, but I have no faith in the US viewing public. They've shown their defiant ignorance in ways far beyond sports.
  17. So? I don't mind. I would do the same thing if I was directing the show. Explain what happened. Everyone watching isn't an insider. Most viewers have had no idea exactly what happened. I loved hearing the team cheering everyone on...
  18. Those were the good ol' days of the Olympics with Jim McKay and the "Thrill of Victory, Agony of Defeat" shows and CBS' incredible Lillehammer Olympics coverage, which had humor (David Letterman's mother!), drama (Nancy. Tonya. Need I say more?), heart (Dan Janssen FINALLY winning) .... NBC's coverage seems cold. But at least we see everything with its feeds...
  19. I just texted my cousin and asked if he is watching the Olympics. He replied, "Of course. Nothing else is on." Stats back up NBC: folks who don't care about sports are watching to SEE AMERICA WIN. Those who love particular sports are catching them on the feeds or NBCSN etc.
  20. Your analysis is correct. But the ratings back them up... when America is scheduled to win, ratings inch up. Michael Phelps' record-breaking streak proves them right. And you have to admit, our country is in an "America First" mood. AT THE SAME TIME, I am watching the live feeds on nbcolympics.com and they are wonderful. John and Bridget do a good job on the international feed. They are still up, so folks with cable can still see them!
  21. That actually did cross my mind ...
  22. I think NBC is trying to put a context to the idea of Simone's sudden withdrawal. I wish she could have done easier moves??
  23. I think Lieke. The officials want to discourage switch hitters, aka Tatiana/Rosa. I bet Athleta has riders in its contract about Simone's appearance. Her parents own a GYM. I would absolutely think they would have a financial interest in the event. But you all are correct: Athleta is the prime sponsor.
  24. The comparisons with Harry and Meghan are becoming obvious. On the one hand, media can be intrusive. On the other hand, if you and your parents are underwriting a national gymnastics tour you WANT the publicity that will bring in the people to fill the seats. On another note about NBC coverage, I once was part of a national survey conducted by the network about Olympic coverage. They asked what I wanted to see and WHO I wanted to see. Later, the executives did an interview with a publication devoted to the media as a "business" and they said that Americans didn't care about "Little Leonid from Vladivostok" Up Close and Personal features any more, they wanted to see AMERICANS winning medals. So that started the whole Let's-Just-Focus-On-Five-Sure-Winneres approach.
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