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Everything posted by BollywoodLover

  1. I keep expecting the Doctor or Capt. Harkness to pop up. I know I know, wrong show. So is Captain Nemo or some variation of the character gonna pop up?
  2. Being a famewhore trumps class? Or its the age old reason why people do stupid stuff: money.
  3. I think we need to pin this gif to the top of the page regarding these British women.
  4. I really like the Kid Farm show on Youtube. Probably the best portrayal of the Duggers.
  5. I watched this really good movie called Camp Hell. According to the link the director his parent were members of the People of Hope that is located in NJ. I like the commentary that he gives, it is pretty insightful. http://www.summercampculture.com/camp-hell-based-on-true-events/
  6. As long as she keeps the internet and cable passwords to herself she should be fine. In all seriousness, it is sad that the only worth that she has is being a sister-mother or a wife. I like to think she is waiting till Boob and Mullet are old, all the kids out of the house and then she is going to let loose.
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