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Revolution, Community & Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Mash Up Mafia

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Jafar is out there too, I believe? Based on @TMunz being a RECRUITER?


And very good point there, @MarkHB, regarding coal on trains. And did we ever figure out the tree root clue? I could see that fitting @David T. Cole.


Oh, and now @Dougal is coming at me? Oh, not withdrawing that vote after all!

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This is kind of fun!


I am TENTATIVELY withdrawing my vote for @Dougal, so we're back to


1 Dougal (@David T. Cole) 4 to David Lynch


Now, I'm starting to wonder as well about David Tea Coal. That IS a very good point. He was EXTREMELY quick to post after Day break.


@MarkHB, @HelenaHandbasket, @CuriousParker, what are your thoughts? Any other inspiration? Of course, it COULD be one of you, so why am I asking? :D

^ He's lying again. He's watched every episode of Revolution SEVEN times. He simply can't be trusted!

If that were true, I'm pretty sure his brain would have crumbled to dust and he'd be unable to type by now.  Methinks thou dost protest too much. :)


Thanks for adding in the other characters I missed; it was late and I was, as David Letterman would say, "gooned up on Myquil."

@MarkHB, @HelenaHandbasket, @CuriousParker, what are your thoughts? Any other inspiration? Of course, it COULD be one of you, so why am I asking? :D

Now you're getting the hang of it!

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OK, so I've been up all night with a stomach bug (NOT FUN) so I'm not at my most coherent.


Sorry to lose you, RA!


I'm generally not on board with a clue that points to someone that is also central to the plot/series, i.e. "steam train," but I do agree that the use of the word "namely" makes it more plausible. Not ready to vote on it yet, though. I didn't see any other possible clues in the Night story, except maybe that the handcuffs were a foreign make. Don't know whom that would point to, though.


In the Day story, I wonder if the clue could be "ethernet cables," since that's unnecessarily specific. Again, don't know whom that would point to, but maybe someone else has an idea.


As for a villain getting killed, it's got me wondering what is the deal with Jafar. Was he (improbably) recruited by TMunz the first night? Or does he have the power to take over as villain if all the other villains are killed off? Maybe he has some kind of power to PM a name, and that person only dies if they're a villain. Dunno. If not a special Jafar power, I think it must be an Executioner, as Mark suggested. 


Please continue to talk amongst yourselves. I'll just lie here with my face pressed against the toilet bowl.

Edited by HelenaHandbasket

Incidentally, as I was just looking back at David's vote, since there are only 6 living players in the game it only takes 4 total to David Lynch someone.


I wonder if TMunz managed to recruit Jafar before (or on the night of) dying.  If there were 4 villains to start the game, Jafar would potentially make it only a 6-5 split which are pretty heavy odds (and in the event of Jafar being recruited and no villain being killed on Night 1, 5-5 which would be an immediate win for the cause of Eeeevil).


I believe I've reached a decision, although it pains me to do it as I consider it an honor to be playing Mafia with the CmdrTaco of TV forums:


1 Dougal (David T. Cole) 3 to David Lynch

1 @David T. Cole (MarkHB) 3 to David Lynch (carries a tiny mermaid with a paper bag covering the human half so I can sell it as a smelt)

Edited by MarkHB
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Characters-wise, I only watched Community, where none of these characters would be likely to be villains. It seems like you're missing a few from the list: I guess we know that Jafar is one (a hero?), and Riley and Rachel have been in the story.


I don't know, Dougal, we could be dealing with some alternate timeline Community folks. My money then would be on either Evil Abed or Evil Jeff.


I need to go back and re-read again. My gut is telling me MarkHB is on to something, but I want to be sure....

I don't know, Dougal, we could be dealing with some alternate timeline Community folks.

Good point, that's totally possible.


I need to go back and re-read again. My gut is telling me MarkHB is on to something, but I want to be sure....

I dunno, he was the one who initiated the lynch on SVNBob, who turned out to actually be a villain....

You have to give props to a song that creates a whole tune out of conjugating a verb that itself is best discussed only amongst very close friends.


TruFact: I saw Cyndi Lauper perform that song when I was in college, literally on campus (we had the only decent arena in the area at the time).  And, as I was a member of the school radio station, I could have been on hand for the interview we did with the opening act of the show, a band that had gotten some college radio airplay for their first album at the time but not much else.  But I didn't go.


The opening act was The Bangles.  I'm still kicking myself.

And Helena, i do hope you feel better!

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Just for future vindication now that I'm going to die a pointless death and roam around as a ghost not drinking Coke Zeros: Dougal and MarkHB are villains. They turned Stacey against me and will kick her off next.

I am 100% hero. I can't specifically say the same for anyone else mentioned, but I stand by my vote.

Night 3 - Independence Day
Gabriel Vaughan
Several miles past Kansas City


Gabriel finished dispatching the rest of the militia off of the train. (It helped being able to see where they were, even behind cover.) He walked over and opened the jammed door. Riley immediately burst into the room and asked “Gabriel are you all right??” “Fine, Riley. I’m back to being me.” Gabriel tapped his head. “The chip’s back on.”


Riley smiled, a contrast from Rachel, who was walking in with a frown. “But...no one should be able to turn on the power without one of these pendants.” “You said there were a bunch of them.” “And all of the people I’d trust wouldn’t have been able to get in there and do it. Which means it’s either someone I don’t trust...or someone that I do has been killed.”


“Well, we’ll be there by the morning,” Gabriel stated, using the chip to calculate their time of arrival. “Guess we should get ready to have a hostile welcome party.” “Not all of them,” Alice said softly to herself, holding her necklace. “What is that?” Charlie asked, curious. “It was given to me by my fiancé, Cyrus. It glows brighter as I get closer to him. So I can always get back to him.”


Will let himself smile too. “And I can find Anastasia.” “You mean you still trust the Red Queen?” “She came to help us, Alice, she’s clearly not working with Jafar any more!” Danny interjected “Wait, Jafar? Like from Aladdin?” “Yes, I mean I’ve never met him but - wait.” Will stopped himself and stared at Danny. “How do you know about them??” Rachel sighed and said with a small laugh “I’m not sure you’ll believe this.”
Outside The Tower


Jafar brought his serpent staff up to the eyes of the militia member that was being held up off the ground by magic. “You’re going to tell me everything you know about that place.” The staff’s eyes glowed red, a matching light appearing in the soldier’s eyes.

Anastasia and Jeff
In the elevator in The Tower


Jeff sat facing away from the body. They had found a blanket in a nearby office and covered it reverently. Anastasia sat with him. “A terrible thing, to lose someone you love,” she said, breaking the long silence. Jeff just shook his head. “You’ve had someone die too?” “He didn’t die, but...I pushed him away. Made him think I chose someone else. Broke his heart.” “But that means you can fix it. He’s still alive.” “More like a living death.” Anastasia glanced behind them. “You were with her until the end. Will...I don’t even know where he is in this land.”


“But he’s probably with Alice,” Cyrus said as he approached them. “And she’ll be able to find me now, with magic back on.” “Magic…” Jeff looked longingly at the bottle. He got up to move, but Cyrus stopped him. “One of the unbreakable laws of magic: you can’t bring the dead back to life. I’m sorry.” Jeff appeared to accept that. “Where’s Abed?” he asked. Cyrus sort of rolled his eyes. “Said he wanted to figure out what that magic box was doing.” “The computer?” “I think so. He said something about...sword-fishing?” Jeff chuckled in spite of himself. “He’s going to hack it. Great - we bring back the possibility of having a federal government again and he’s going to wind up in prison! ABED!”
Abed Nadir
In the main office of The Tower


Abed didn’t answer Jeff, as he was being held at gunpoint. The mysterious man had seemed surprised to see anyone else in the office, let alone on the computer. But he had immediately closed and locked the door as he drew his gun. The man now gestured away from the computer with the gun. Abed got up, his hands in the air, and moved to the other side of the office.


The man sat down and seemed intent on doing something on the computer. Abed moved slowly towards the door. “I wouldn’t do that,” the man said, not looking up. Abed stopped. “What are you planning to do?” “Take out the biggest threats to the U.S. The REAL U.S.,” the man added. Abed replied “Killing more people? Sounds like it’s just as bad as the militia.”


The man smiled and hit enter. The computer simply made an error sound. He frowned and did it again, only to receive another error. He looked up at Abed, furious. “What did you do?” “You mean lock the nuclear arsenal program? You know the only winning move is not to play.” The man looked mystified. Abed explained “WarGames. That’s a good one. You should watch it some time, now that the power’s back.”


There was a knocking at the door. “Abed, open up!” The man looked worried now. “Unlock this right now! Or I’ll shoot you!” “I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t do that. Man, I’m on fire today!” Abed exclaimed to himself. The banging was louder on the door. The man looked frantic as he tried once again to use the program. Only to be met with another error.


The man screamed in rage as the door burst open. He shot Abed square in the chest and turned to fire at Jeff. The former lawyer ducked back behind the doorframe as the man all but emptied his gun of bullets. Only a few feet away, Abed bled to death. “Jeff...my mind is going. I can feel it.” “Just hang on, Abed!” Jeff called in. The man tried over and over to get into the program, but couldn’t. Jeff looked back in and fired at the man, who returned fire only to be met with the ‘click’ of an empty clip. Jeff smiled as he walked in with his gun drawn. From the floor, Abed said “Jeff. I’m afraid.” “It’s okay, Abed.” Jeff looked up at the stranger. “No one’s going to hurt anyone else again.”


Abed’s last breath was drowned out by one last ringing gunshot.




The Crazed Spruce
- MILES MATHESON, HERO and KAMIKAZE. You are the most violent character we have. You won’t go down without a fight - in fact, you’ll take down the person who votes/PM’s to eliminate you.
TMunz - MEI CHEN, VILLAIN and RECRUITER. You are looking for the situation to give you the best chance to survive, so you’re trying to bring Jafar under your influence. Once per Night, you may PM me the name of another player, and if they are Jafar, they will get recruited to the Villains.
SVNBob - SEBASTIAN “BASS” MONROE, VILLAIN and POWER SHIELDER. As head of the Monroe Militia, you have a lot of influence. Each Night, you may PM me the name of a player, and that player will be unable to be identified. But you may not pick the same player two Nights in a row.
RebelliousAngel - BRITTA PERRY, HERO and IDENTIFIER. Once per Night, you may PM me a name of another player, and (using your amazing psychiatrist skills) you can identify what character they are.
jessied112 - TOM NEVILLE, VILLAIN and INVESTIGATOR. You can use your super-secret spy skills to identify what character one player is each Night - just PM me their name.
David T. Cole - ABED NADIR, HERO and KNOW-IT-ALL. Due to you fully understanding everything about story-telling and fairy tales, you understand everything about this situation and what you’re supposed to do. You’ll even be informed which story paragraphs the clues are located in.


Let's give about ~24 hours for Night actions, so it will end around 7 PM on Sunday. There was 1 clue in the story.


Since it's Night, it's time for some non-game talk.  There is one subject I need to talk about, and I think you all know what it is.


Even though we had over a month to prepare for this day, it's still hard to deal with it.  I think all the words that could be said were...especially up to the final minutes today, so I won't repeat them. 


But it still hurts.  And part of me knows that it's silly, to be in mourning for something as ephemeral as a website, a thing at never existed as something tangible.  But more of me knows it's not silly.  So the sadness hits me in waves.  Which is a little bad since I'm at work right now.  But I've been doing this job for years and am a fair-to-middling actor, so I can turn on the autopilot and the "sincerity" to get through when I need to.


One of the biggest things that has helped though?  This very game.  The one we're in the middle of right now.  Playing it forced me to come here more and more, and that's helped me make the transition to thinking of this place more and more as home.  Not the same home we've left behind, but home nonetheless.  Helps that we know the new landlords too.


So a round of drinks for everyone, and one last toast. 


To the TWoP forums.  Gone, but never to be forgotten!

Edited by SVNBob
  • Love 4

Day 4 - Breaking Some Eggs
Jeff, Cyrus, and Anastasia
In The Tower’s control room

Once again, Jeff found himself purposefully avoiding looking at a body. Anastasia and Cyrus were covering Abed with a blanket. In the meantime, Jeff explored the computer system. He closed the nuclear missile program still asking for Abed’s password. The surveillance programs were much more interesting. He could see a steam train arriving at the station in the town by Greendale. And outside The Tower was an army of militia. Led by -


“Jafar,” Anastasia seethed from over Jeff’s shoulder. “He’s controlling all of those men.” “They’re soldiers, so they probably know about this place.” Indeed, many of the soldiers ran up to the blast doors and worked on opening them. Jafar himself didn’t come; he turned in the opposite direction and seemed drawn to something. “He must sense something magical,” Anastasia pointed out. Cyrus closed his eyes in worry. “Alice. Her necklace. He’s going to think that’s us.”


Jeff was already reloading his gun. “Then let’s go get her.”
Gabriel, Riley, Alice, Will, and the Mathesons
The train station

Gabriel and Riley ran point as Rachel directed them towards The Tower. It wasn’t long before they saw militia soldiers on the horizon coming towards them. Along with a man in dark robes with a golden staff. “Alice,” Will said in a nervous tone. “I see him.” Alice looked at her necklace, glowing the brightest pink yet. “Cyrus is close though.” “Guess we’re going through them,” Charlie said, loading her crossbow.


There was no signal from either side. But suddenly bullets were flying back and forth. Rachel, Gabriel, and Riley fired guns, as did the militia. Arrows also flew into militia soldiers, killing them almost as swiftly as the bullets did. From the flanks, Gabriel and Riley took out a lot of soldiers. Gabriel had the advantage of security cameras giving him a great perspective of the battlefield. And still Jafar strode forward as if he were just out for a walk.


“Riley, he’ll pass you in 10 seconds, get him once he’s past,” Gabriel directed via walkie-talkie. Riley switched hers off as the evil passed her by. She counted to herself, then rolled out from behind cover and aimed at the back of Jafar’s head. But no matter how many times she squeezed the trigger, the bullets deflected away before they got close to him. And then Jafar turned and held out a hand to her, cutting off her air. Riley grabbed at her throat as she choked.


“JAFAR!” yelled out Alice’s voice. Jafar saw her and dropped his hand as Alice and Will took off running into the woods. The militia members also turned to make after them. “Let’s get to the Tower!” Rachel called out over all of the noise. Gabriel had run up and knelt next to Riley, making sure she was all right. “He somehow could still stop the bullets. We need something stronger,” she gasped out. Gabriel started filing through programs he could access through the Tower. “I’ve got an idea,” he said, helping Riley to her feet.


Everyone (except the two from Wonderland) ran in the direction of the Tower, only to be met by two men and a woman coming the other way. “Where are Will and Alice?” inquired the man with the curlier hair. Charlie responded “You must be the famous Cyrus. They just went running into the woods to draw off Jafar.” Anastasia’s eyes went wide and she rushed towards the trees, Cyrus quickly following. Gabriel nodded toward the Tower. “You come from there?” “Yeah, that’s where we got the power back on. Some friends did, anyway…” “They know anything about this nuclear launch program?” Jeff chuckled and answered “My friend Abed put a password on it. Saved a bunch of lives.” “Well I’m thinking of using it to take out our friend with the staff. Any ideas on the password?” Jeff smiled bitterly. “Try this. T...R...O...Y.”


As Jeff revealed the password to the program, Will and Alice were fighting off militia soldiers. All of the trees made it hard to get a shot. So the soldiers were engaging with their combat knives...and paying the price for underestimating the young adventurers. Suddenly the soldiers flew through the air and smashed head-first into trees. Will and Alice turned to see Anastasia lower her hands. And behind her…“Cyrus!” exclaimed Alice. She ran and threw herself into his arms. Will and Anastasia looked at each other sheepishly.


“You found each other,” a voice said. Rachel had approached the group at a run, slowing only when she saw they weren’t in danger. “But what can we do about Jafar?” asked Alice. “We have to get into the Tower,” Rachel stated, “you’re not gonna want to be out here much longer.” A crash from nearby got everyone running. They had made it to the doors and were nearly inside -


- when Cyrus was yanked backwards. Alice screamed for him as he dragged across the ground and stopped at the feet of Jafar. “You won’t get away so easily,” the dark wizard told him. “Run, Alice!” Cyrus called out in response. Speaking of which, Alice was being held back by at least 3 people, trying to get back outside. “There’s a hole in the blast doors, mom, won’t that keep us in danger from the nuke?” Charlie yelled over the flailing Alice. “There’s a second set of doors for environmental emergencies. Flood, forest fire…” Rachel didn’t have to name any more, as Anastasia conjured a fireball and held it towards the sprinkler system. After a second, an alarm rang and water began to spray; another set of blast doors began to close.


“Cyrus is still out there!!” screeched Alice. Jeff fired his gun through the closing hole, but it made no difference. He looked at Anastasia, but she only confirmed “He’s too strong for my magic.” “Come on, let’s get downstairs,” Rachel declared as the doors sealed shut. Like a tomb. That’s what it seemed like to Alice, as she began to cry. She laid distraught on the floor. Everyone else slowly and sadly went to the elevators.


In the corner of one was a large bottle. Rachel definitely realized it was out of place. She considered why it was there...and then she had it. “Alice?” she yelled back into the lobby. “Isn’t Cyrus a genie? Your genie??” Alice sniffled and looked up. “And isn’t this his?” Rachel held out the bottle.


Alice’s eyes went wide and she stumbled up and over to the group. She rubbed the bottle a few times. Everyone waited...and then Cyrus popped into existence among them. He looked confused as Alice tackle-hugged him. “You saved me,” he breathed out. Alice grinned and said “Thank her.” “Don’t thank me yet, we still have to take out Jafar. Speaking of which…” Rachel hit the button for the elevator doors. Everyone came aboard and went to safety downstairs.


The one not safe was Jafar. Cyrus had vanished from where he had been held on the ground. And now the sky grew dark. Jafar looked up. Since he wasn’t from our world, he wouldn’t recognize the nuclear bomb headed right for him. Outside the Tower was about to become ground zero.


Jafar thought his magic made him invincible in this world. But there were stronger things. A nuclear strike still obliterated him. And his staff. And then...it was all over.




The Crazed Spruce - MILES MATHESON, HERO and KAMIKAZE. You are the most violent character we have. You won’t go down without a fight - in fact, you’ll take down the person who votes/PM’s to eliminate you.
TMunz - MEI CHEN, VILLAIN and RECRUITER. You are looking for the situation to give you the best chance to survive, so you’re trying to bring Jafar under your influence. Once per Night, you may PM me the name of another player, and if they are Jafar, they will get recruited to the Villains.
SVNBob - SEBASTIAN “BASS” MONROE, VILLAIN and POWER SHIELDER. As head of the Monroe Militia, you have a lot of influence. Each Night, you may PM me the name of a player, and that player will be unable to be identified. But you may not pick the same player two Nights in a row.
RebelliousAngel - BRITTA PERRY, HERO and IDENTIFIER. Once per Night, you may PM me a name of another player, and (using your amazing psychiatrist skills) you can identify what character they are.
jessied112 - TOM NEVILLE, VILLAIN and INVESTIGATOR. You can use your super-secret spy skills to identify what character one player is each Night - just PM me their name.
David T. Cole - ABED NADIR, HERO and KNOW-IT-ALL. Due to you fully understanding everything about story-telling and fairy tales, you understand everything about this situation and what you’re supposed to do. You’ll even be informed which story paragraphs the clues are located in.
Dougal - JAFAR, RECRUITABLE HERO and POWER-GRABBER. Since you’re out to gain power, you can influence others a lot. You can PM me if you wish to put in a second anonymous vote during Day lynches - just tell me who it’s for. But watch out, that kind of power is attractive to the Villains too. And also, if all of the Villains die before you, then you will become a 1-Villain team.


stacey - RACHEL MATHESON, HERO and PROTECTOR. You’re a protective mama bear, fiercely protecting those under your care. Once per Night, you may PM me a name of another player, and they will be insured to survive the Night.
MarkHB - CYRUS, HERO and COMMUNICATOR. You may communicate freely with ALICE outside of the game.
HelenaHandbasket - GABRIEL VAUGHAN, HERO and VIGILANTE. You have two opportunities to make a Night kill over the course of the game. Just PM me the name of another player.
CuriousParker - ALICE, HERO and LOVER. You may communicate freely with CYRUS outside of the game. Due to your intuition about people’s character, you can also PM me the name of one player each Night, and I’ll tell you what their role in the game is.


I'll post a follow-up (and epilogue?) tomorrow...

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