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True Blood Mafia

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All right Ladies and Gentelman..for those of you that know me and have expierenced my game modding you know that I don't always do what's expected..cause what fun would that be!

This mafia is going to be just a little different than our standard it's clear what charatcters are the bad guy type we play here. I decided to have some fun with the role creations which I'm about half way through right now.


Theme: True Blood ..things are going to get intresting mwhahahahaha (evil mod laughter)


And I can already tell you there will proably be a few additional mafia rules that apply to this mafia only(right now there's only 1 additional rule but it's a pretty major one). But there's more to come later as I figure out all the other roles I want to incorporate....


I'm excited to see how it all plays out, and hope everyone has fun!!

Edited by RebelliousAngel
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I'm not sure if I should be excited or terrified considering this will only be my 2nd game ever.  I think I'll go with terrifyingly excited.


Good call. :)

The Woodsy One is correct. "terrifyingly excited" is a good way to enter the game.


Also, he amuses me. Every time I see that avatar, I want to offer him a beer. "In a tree."


Holy.... It looks like I've got a few days of heavy machinery operating on two sides of my house ahead.

* Bashes his own head against a wall repeatedly *

You asked for this..you have no one to blame but your self for my sedistic Modd style. MUhahahahaha


Side note I'm actually rather excited about this game I just finished builiding all the player profiles and I used some more standard Mafia game type roles so I think it's going to be a little different, but fun for everyone! As usual I threw in a few game curve balls :)..it wouldn't be me if I did hehe


And I wonder why no one is ever as excited when I mod like when @TJtrack99 mods..lol I have only myself to blame for my ways hehe


Ok guys and gals I have set up all done and am about to start working on Day 1!  


Final Sign up list that I have:

1. jessied112
2. Athena
3. Dougal
4. MarkHB
5. stacey
6. TJtrack99
7. The Crazed Spruce
8.  CuriousParker
9. egavasc
10. SVNBob
11. TMunz
12. caprice


Am I missing anyone? Please let me know ASAP so that I can add you and make sure I have enough characters set up!


Our theme is going to be True Blood in honor of this week's premiere!! =)


Now former Twopers may tell you new people here things, like I'm crazy or sadistic, but I say hodge podge don't listen to that non-sense! I just like to have a little fun when I mod so my set ups tend to be a little different. I just like to try to toss in some intresting powers and see what happens!

So once PM's go out, please feel free to PM me with any questions you have about your character/powers. I will be happy to answer as much as I can, short of it effecting the game and the outcome.

I have the PM's set up already, and I think I made it pretty clear in most of them what your powers are. But my minds a little different...so like I said let me know if anything is not clear and you have questions. =)


Major important rule for this game only : Once you are dead DO NOT start communicating with other dead or living players (Unless you are told by me that you can). You may not necessarily be out of the game just because you died..there may still be things for you to do...


Let me get Day 1 written and I would say expect PM's by the end of today..tomorrow morning at latest!


OK if there are no more takers..PM's will start going out shortly! and day 1 will be posted soon!

Edited by RebelliousAngel
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I got mine! And I'm very excited to play, Reb! (Though, I was the beneficiary of those red-herring clues, so maybe I'm biased, mwahaha)

Got mine. So what do we do first day, we read it and then we say who we want to kill?


That's the basic idea. Generally on Day 1 we don't lynch anyone unless there's a super-obvious clue or someone has some awesome ability and finds a Villain right away.


Speaking of, Reb: how are you doing clues?

I got mine! And I'm very excited to play, Reb! (Though, I was the beneficiary of those red-herring clues, so maybe I'm biased, mwahaha)

That's the basic idea. Generally on Day 1 we don't lynch anyone unless there's a super-obvious clue or someone has some awesome ability and finds a Villain right away.


Speaking of, Reb: how are you doing clues?

I'm sorry clues...it's kill or be killed in my game! lol kidding


Day 1 will not have a clue so be prepared for that. But otherwise..uhh what exactly do you mean how am I doing them? It will be mixed in the story somehow..whereever my demented mind sees fit to add it? ..confused

I've got mine. :)

Got mine. So what do we do first day, we read it and then we say who we want to kill?

Athena, we'll start really playing after Reb posts the first story since we have nothing but our own identities to go with right now. Usually, there are clues, even on Day One. We'll discuss the things we find (or think we find) in that story and will then either vote to... I suppose here we'd be staking someone?... or we won't. Once the mod calls Night, all game discussion stops, here and across the site, until the next Day begins.


There will be some activity at Night, mostly from the Villains, but also from any Heroes that have powers (investigation, protection). In the thread, at night, we party. :D

So there is no interaction with fellow players at all? Why did protect Mark so much in the last game?


Thanks for answering my questions. I'm excited too!

The villains are able to communicate, off-thread, and sometimes there will be pairs of Heroes who can communicate, again, off-thread. Most of the time, things like what happened in the last game where Stacey protected Mark, are done on a whim. Sometimes a hero who has the power of investigation will drop a subtle clue in a post and a protecting hero will try to keep them from harm overnight.


You're a smart woman, Athena, otherwise, why would you have selected your name? I'm sure you'll pick up on things once play starts.

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Well sometimes they've been done separate from the stories. Though I guess we'd all figure it out by you writing them.


The safest bet is probably to tell us which Villains all the clues are linking to anyway ;-)

Hey hey be that way and I'll give you NO clues! haha

One bad apple can ruin it for the whole bunch..you just remember that @TJtrack99! ;)


And to be honest @caprice ...I rarely put clues in my day 1 stories, simply because I usually do the Day one story as I'm doing game set up. Meaning I haven't drawn names yet to assisn characters. So it's hard to filter in clues when you don't know who's who yet. :) 

And yes if you were wondering I do old school methods of random selection to draw characters. Everyone's name goes in a little cup and I pull out my character list and pull name and assin as I go down it.

So your characters were truly luck of the draw! :)

Edited by RebelliousAngel
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I grovel at the feet of the great and mighty Reb! May her rule reign for ever and ever amen!

This is good..you may continue..


In other news story time!!


Day 1


As the sun set over the tiny town of Bon Temps a wave of thunder rolled in. It's unsuspecting citizens didn't see the storm that was brewing just outside the town lines.

A horde of zombie like vampires walked through the woods just outside the town line..slowly they begin to assimilate, surrounding the town from all sides. Bone Temps never saw what was communing....

Meanwhile at Bellflur's bar and Grill the whole town gathered. Bill Comptonstood before the town and started his speech.

"Every human needs a vampire we will offer you protection, just as you will feed us in exchange for that protection. This town is at risk from any vampire who has drunk the contaminated Tru Blood, we must unify to protect ourselves! "

Pam Beaufort stood on the outskirts of the crowd rolling her eyes, "please I've been through the plague you think I can't handle a few amped up vamps."

Erick approached her "Now be nice Pammy, Bill's only trying to keep the peace"

"yeah yeah blah blah, I'm smiling am I not..sooo happy, don't you miss when I was on that other show and got to be a super cool dragon/queen that they stupidly killed off too sonn cause I was a badass?" Pam droned.

    "Yes Pam, we all miss when you were there and a Queen we loved that character, but you had to come back here and that show tried to do lame spin offs that didn't really work so you're better off for it."

"So true!" Pam perked up with that news.

Tara and Sookie stood together against the bar. "What cha thinking Sooks?"

"That some s**t's about to go down, Bill only waxes poetic when things are getting dicey" Sookie said.

Layfayette stood in the kitchen making stew, "Umhp child I gots no desire to be fully present for this, hold this a sec while I get altered" He tossed his spoon to Arelen and grabbed his bong.

"Lafayette! We're at work here, this is a place of BUSINESS!!!"

    "And I'm a handeling mine honey child, how elese you think I get through the day, lordy!"

"Oh my goodness, this is too much!" Arlene screetched

As the horde of Hep V Vamps approacehed the town line..hungry so very hungry.

Ginger sat in the woods having a little snack on this cute teenager she found. Ginger never saw the horde behind her...


Ginger's scream was heard throughout the town as the vampire herd surrounded her and made her dinner.

As the vampire herd headed toward town, all that remained of Ginger was a pile of bones, they'd completely drained her body of blood in their craze...and now they headed for Bon Temps...

1. jessied112

2. Athena

3. Dougal




7.The Crazed Spruce


9. egavasc



12. caprice


List of the Dead:


Ginger - A non-player that I added in because every good story ends on a dead scene where the camera pans out to reveal the body and we're all shocked. Plus..no episoide is complete without Ginger's shrill scream.


There are no clues in this story because it's Day 1 and I don't like giving clues that early I prefer discussion and besides we rarely lynch day one unless something crazy happens. And also cause I wrote this story while doing set up and hadn't assigned characters yet so I didn't know who I was giving clues for. #Lazymod


Normally I would say 48 hours for day..but that would make day end on a Sat..and I know I have a ton of stuff that's gonna occupy me this weekend..sooo I'm extending Day 1 until Monday at 9:00 a.m. Rebel Time (Aka CST)

Edited by RebelliousAngel
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So, I've never watched this show, and have no idea who the characters are.  Does anyone?


I see: Bill Compton, Pam Beaufort, Erick,Tara, Sookie, Lafayette, Arelen/Arlene (I'm assuming the latter unless someone knows better.)


Hep V?  Vampires with Hepatitis 5?  IDGI.


Bill, Pam, Erick, and Tara are vampires.  Sookie is a fairy.  Lafayette is a medium.  Arlene is a waitress at the bar & grill.


Hep V = Vampire Hepatitis = True Death

10 No David Lynch (Spruce, stacey, caprice, Dougal , MarkH B, Athena, jessied112, CuriousParker, egavasc, TJ) -3 to take off of work (if need be) and binge-watch TV.


I say if need be since I'm a teacher and I don't have to currently :D

All right I'll make a story..le sigh @TJtrack99 you write it you're better at this! lol

Not sure I agree with that, haha. My head-canons are usually weird.

Night 1

All the members of the town stood around aimlessly. Pam droned.".well this is exciting, I always envisioned this as way more fun for some reason."
Tara piped up "you know me too, we live in this crazy supernatural town things should be more exciting right now!"

Alcid approached the gorup, "I mean shouldn't we be excited that no one is dying right now for once?, Also don't I look really sexy right now with this light hitting me..go ahead you can admire it I know you want to..."

Sam, Jessica and Jason stood off to the side. Jessica licked her lips, "Yes that little wearwolf did indeed look delicious.."

And then no one died, and the day was boring and i was much hoped for that the night would bring on much more excitement..


The Living..or Undead:

1. jessied112
2. Athena
3. Dougal
4. MarkHB
5. stacey
6. TJtrack99
7. The Crazed Spruce
8.  CuriousParker
9. egavasc
10. SVNBob
11. TMunz 12. caprice


Given the Tru death:

Ginger - A non-player that I added in because every good story ends on a dead scene where the camera pans out to reveal the body and we're all shocked. Plus..no episoide is complete without Ginger's shrill scream.


Also.. I have decided that you will only get clues in the Day stories, cause ya'll didn't discuss anything on the last day and that makes me sad. #Meanmod

24 hours to get in your night actions Night ends at 10:30 am CST tomorrow. If I don't receive your night action by then I assume you don't want to use it and proceed without it.

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