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Spoilers Only Thread: Season 8


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January 16, 2020 


Daytime Emmy winner Chad Duell will guest star on The CW series ARROW on Tuesday, January 21. “I had an awesome time; it was a great experience,” Duell tells Digest. Though he can’t reveal anything about that role he’ll be playing, Duell previews that it’s nothing like his Port Charles alter ego. “I loved being part of show,” he sums up.

GENERAL HOSPITAL’s Chad Duell Previews His New Role on ARROW (EXCLUSIVE)
By Chris Eades January 16, 2020


Don’t miss GENERAL HOSPITAL star Chad Duell (Michael) doing a bit of moonlighting in primetime with a major guest-starring role on ARROW! He’ll be appearing in the episode “Green Arrow & the Canaries,” scheduled to air on The CW on Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 9 p.m. ET. “I had so much fun shooting ARROW,” Duell declared to Soaps In Depth.

Unfortunately, while the guest role on the superhero series allowed him to show off his Emmy-winning acting chops, Duell can’t reveal anything about who he’ll be playing or the plot of the episode. “Oh no,” he admitted, “it would definitely be a spoiler.” However, GH viewers will definitely not confuse this primetime part with his daytime role. “I can’t say anything about the character,” Duell teased, “but I can say fans will get to see a different side that they aren’t used to.”


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Arrow's Kat McNamara reveals how post-'Crisis' life makes Mia a better Green Arrow
By Chancellor Agard January 17, 2020 

Arrow's Kat McNamara Previews a Brand New Mia Smoak in Her Spin-Off's Backdoor Pilot

Katherine McNamara Promises a 'Beautiful' Ending for Olicity & 'Arrow'
Meredith Jacobs January 17, 2020 

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'Arrow': Katie Cassidy & Juliana Harkavy Tease Hopeful 'Canaries' Spin-Off & Invite Margot Robbie
Access    January 17, 2020

-- Access: "We're picking things up on Tuesday with 2040 and, I must say, y'all look great, uh, almost like you haven't aged at all... So how much of this apparent time travel and overlap are you able to clarify for us right off the bat?" KC: "Well, you know, in this universe, anything can happen and, obviously, time travel does exist in the Arrowverse, so... that's really all I can tell you - which you already know." JH: "Time travel and fillers. That's it. That's the secret."

-- On how surprised Mia is or isn't to see Dinah and Laurel, and whether she knows who they are, JH: "Uh, well, there is - I'm trying to not give away too much... she is surprised, yes. There are elements of our old lives that have carried through and then there are elements that have not and are new. So she's discovering and we're discovering, um, but there is a familiarity, yeah... There's a connection to the past."

-- On whether the post-Crisis characters of Mia, Laurel and Dinah are the same or different from before, KC: "Um, the same ladies that we - you - I mean, I love our characters, so - that we love. But, you know, it's where we - what they've been through since, you know - since we'll see them, yeah, in the finale, what they've been through to get there and, um, what version , you know, like everything..." JH: "It's similar to - it's also the characters that we know and love, but they're new. It's fresh and - one of my favorite things about this show is that it's - it's got a vibe like Arrow, but it's definitely not Arrow. Um, so you see the character, but it's like seeing them in a new setting. It's like seeing your teacher outside of school, it's weird." KC: "It's fun, especially the dynamic between, um, Dinah and Laurel - Laurel, I love. Like, it's - it's - they're just sort of - I don't know, the chemistry is really awesome. It's really fun."

-- On what version of Laurel she is now on Earth-Prime, KC: "Right, so basically, um, there's still story to be told in terms of, you know, Black Siren and Laurel from Earth-2. And in Black Siren, you know redeeming herself and trying to find out, you know, what it - what a true hero is, what it's like to be a true hero. Um, but we don't know what happened - we haven't seen her Earth-2 Laurel, her back story. Um, we know bits and pieces of it, but we haven't really explored that world. And so, that is the version - we just made a joke earlier because I think I was like, luckily I have a shrink because there's so many versions of the character, but - so to me, it's - it's Earth-2 Laurel, but also has, you know, there's been a lot of time that's gone by and a lot of things, um, have happened, and she's - she's spicy, she's - she's fun." JH: "She's very, very fiery and spicy."

-- KC: "Yeah, I think Laurel is definitely doing her best to try to convince her [Mia]... because she needs - she needs the Green Arrow... Um, yeah, and it just takes, you know, Mia has to go through her own journey to get there." 

-- On Dinah in 2040 without gray hair and now singing and playing the piano, JH: "She's all sorts of Zen, she's found her art, like, yeah. And I love that we've softened her in that way and sort of like given her all of these rich layers. And we see that she is a musician, which is a callback to the original comic, which is really cool. And I would say that Dinah's in on the mission, but Laurel's the one who's really like - she's - she's ..." KC: "Driving the ship." JH: "Driving the ship, yeah... She's the one who has the - and I also think that maybe it is because she has a connection to Earth-2 and - and they're all, you know, and that time travel element, she - she knows what's up, so she's sort of like delegating."

-- On where we are exactly on a timeline perspective, JH: "The Arrowverse was technically destroyed. There's no more Arrowverse. It's one - we're all one. So we're on the same... Everything merged... which is great, because it means anything is possible... Clean slate, yeah."

-- On other characters who could have real influence in 2040, who could be joining forces or maybe potential foes, KC: "Well, I think, you know, definitely you'll see some of the, you know, the younger, um, kids." JH: "The 2040 crew." KC: "Yeah." Access: "William, for example?" KC: "Um-hmm." JH: "William, for example, yeah, yep. He's one of them. And he's a crucial - you know, I think that - that character is crucial because he also roots Mia to her, like, legacy and her family and her bloodline. So - and also Ben is just so good --." KC: "Such a doll. He's such a great actor." JH: "Yeah, he is, and the sweetest person. So we're really have him. Yeah, and those - those - I call them kids because, I mean, they're not that much younger than us, but those kids are gonna be part of it." 

-- When asked how SA is going to back for the series finale, KC: "Well, I can't tell you. You're gonna have to watch it." Access: "In a Spectre type of way, because he has sort of a new form?" JH: "Interesting." KC: "Hmm, that's an interesting idea." JH: "Yes, yes, uh, yeah, they were very - the way that they made that work was very creative and it was done very tastefully and in a way that honors him being gone, but puts his presence in there in a way that just, like, roots the finale." Access: "And the legacy." JH: "And the legacy." KC: "And the show, really, overall. Yeah."

-- On how much 809 will reference COIE and wrapping up Arrow versus establishing itself as a spinoff pilot, KC: "The really great thing about Green Arrow & the Canaries, um, 809, is - when I read the script, it was - it was so fresh and I did look at it from a perspective, like, okay, 'do you have to watch Arrow in order to watch Green Arrow & the Canaries?' And the answer is 'no, you don't.' You don't have to have known anything about what happened on Arrow, but because you will be filled in, you know, in the series telling - by telling the story. And, um, you can just, you know, be a new eyes or watcher to - to it. And it just feels fresh. And it lives in the same world as Arrow, but it has -." Access: "The spirit is there." KC: "Completely. Completely. But it's fun. I mean, it's like, there's a - there's a - again, like, our relationship, our chemistry (Indicating herself and JH) - there's like a lightness... there's like a snarkiness in a way, but like - it's cool to see all these ladies and women, you know, team up and come together and especially now." JH: "That, yes, and that, in and of itself... we need it. We need just that group of women. And I think that, in and of itself, changes the energy of the show, um, in the - I mean, you wouldn't necessarily think, like, I don't know, it makes it - it just elevates it. It makes it really cool and it somehow makes us stronger as our characters." KC: "Yeah." JH: "We don't need any men. Don't need 'em. We like 'em. Don't need 'em." 

-- On the new character, Bianca Bertinelli, maybe being the new Huntress, KC: "Well, I don't know. You'll have to watch." JH: "We actually don't know that." KC: "I do." JH: "Oh, you do?" KC: "Yeah, but I'll tell you later." JH: "I am so hoping for that.  I think that would be amazing. And, um, yeah, she's a great character. She was great to work with, so it would be a really good addition to our dynamic." KC: "Yeah, she was really fun."

-- On any news about the spinoff developing beyond 809, KC: "Um, there's been some buzz about it. I think, you know, we all really - we love working together. We work together really well. It's a great show. I mean, it's a great - it's a new story to tell, you know, and I think it's really cool, again, that's it's like three female women, um, and empowering other women, hopefully, at some point later down the road... I've seen it. It's really good. It's awesome.... I'm excited for everybody else to see it and, hopefully, yeah, we get - we get picked up." JH: "I think it's an important show to have right now and, um, I think it would be good for women. I think it would be good for men to see women in this position... We feel really good about it."

-- On working with KM, KC: "She's great. She's a really good actor. Um, she's awesome. I mean, all of us get along. That's what's also really about -." JH: "Thank God." Access: "You're already a family." KC: "Exactly. We know these people and everybody's - yeah, it's just been wonderful."  JH: "Kat's amazing."

-- On the shot of the Deathstroke mask in the 809 promo, JH: "Whatever it is you think, it's not going to be that." KC: "A lot of surprises."

-- On what fans should look forward to in 809, KC: "Fans, you guys, look forward to badass women and a lot of action, kicking ass. It's amazing."

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Katie Cassidy and Juliana Harkavy Invite Margot Robbie to Join 'Green Arrow and the Canaries' (Exclusive)
Leanne Aguilera   January 21, 2020

'Green Arrow & the Canaries': Katie Cassidy and Juliana Harkavy Spill Everything to Know (Exclusive) [VIDEO]
Leanne Aguilera   January 21, 2020

-- KC: "The episode, the show -- it just takes it to another level. It elevates things in a way and it was fun, especially like for our characters, um, you know, what they've gone through to get to this point, where they're at, and their reasoning why and discovering, you know, for Laurel, uh, Earth-2, learning more about her - her, um, her background. We know a little bit, not a lot. Um, and just, you know, women kicking ass."

-- On what to expect in 809, KC: "Expect the unexpected... You see many different versions of people. Can I say that? ... Without giving away too much information, you'll see a lot of characters who - fan favorites, and you'll see them grow and be in different positions than maybe you thought... It's Arrow with a twist... And then at the end, you're like, 'What?' What! What?" ET's Leanne Aguilera: "I will say, having seen this first episode, yes, there's a final scene in this - I'm not going to spoil it for you guys - but oh my goodness gracious! It really just ties everything up and leaves you wanting more."

-- JH: "I want music to be a big part of this show, personally, 'cause actually all of us can sing and play music."

-- In response to KM's question (via video) of their favorite part of filming 809, KC: "There's a scene, um, where we enter - I don't want to give any spoilers away but  - a certain location. Um, and the three of us... basically, I have this long monologue and I basically take a glass. And the moment she realiz - Mia realizes, you know, she's (Makes surprised expression and gesture) - she catches the glass as I'm testing her, and she's like, 'holy sh*t... I am -' - she has these skills, um, already in - that already live within her. And so she starts to realize that this is the world that she sort of starts to step into. But what was really cool about this scene - also the last scene where we clink glasses - but what was really cool about this scene was - we couldn't, we were struggling to find it, but what was awesome is, again, it was a collaboration... (ET's Leanne Aguilera points out promo pic of JH, KC and KM having drinks together) That scene at the end was also where we were sort of coming together at that moment. The other one was, like, we were collaborating and, you know, even the director and Beth, and like trying to just and figure it out. And we did and it was awesome."

-- On which characters from the Arrowverse or DC Comics they would like to see appear in this 2040 series, KC: "Oh, Oliver Queen!" JH: "Oliver Queen." ET's Leanne Aguilera: "How?" KC: "Well, I can't tell you. I'm just saying, maybe there's -." JH: "There's still Green Arrow and the Canaries." KC: "Who knows? ... I mean, anything is possible in this world, in this universe."

-- JH: "There is no Arrowverse anymore. There's all of us together, so anyone from any one of these worlds - I mean, look... I would love to have, like - 'cause Harley Quinn is Birds of Prey, right? So what if we had the Joker on our show?" KC: "Who says the Joker has to be a male? By the way, why can't I play the Joker one day? ... Hello, the white hair! A little messy mascara and I'm there."

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Katherine McNamara Previews 'Arrow's New Mia in Post-Crisis Star City 2040
Meredith Jacobs January 21, 2020

Katherine McNamara on ‘Arrow’, Continuing the Green Arrow’s Legacy & Spinoff Potential

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by Aaron Pruner | January 21, 2020


Is it safe to say that Mia’s working through these unresolved daddy issues by putting on this costume and pursuing the type of vigilante life she used to despise?
Absolutely, and you see that in episode 9 and you see that in the series finale of Arrow, as well. ....

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Katherine McNamara Instagram Live on TV Guide's account - January 21
Golden Warrior   Jan. 21, 2020

-- KM: "And I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the series finale of Arrow is so beautiful, because many of you asked about it. And I cannot wait for you guys to see that as well. It's amazing to be able to take a moment to highlight what a legacy this has been, not only for The CW, but for Arrow as a show and for Stephen. And I feel as though the entire production worked really hard and accomplished something beautiful that really does it justice. So I can't for you to see tonight's episode of 'Green Arrow & the Canaries' and to see the Arrow series finale next week...."

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Kat McNamara Spills on The 'Arrow' Finale & Kicks Ass In Spring Fashion
Jason Pham   Jan. 24, 2020

“I think people are going to be very surprised at the take we have on things,” McNamara says of the finale. “Expect the unexpected because you can’t really count on anything.” As for the spinoff, she confirms that it will explore Mia in the aftermath of her father’s death. “Having to pick up her father’s mantle so soon after meeting him and so soon after losing him is very difficult. It’s a huge hurdle that Mia has to jump over and really determine if she can see herself as this hero,” McNamara says. “I think she questions a little bit if she can live up to his legacy."

Watch Felicity Smoak Return to Arrow in the Series Finale
by LAUREN PIESTER | Tue., Jan. 28, 2020

Arrow Bosses Preview Felicity and Mia's First Meeting in 'Satisfying' Series Finale

Arrow's David Ramsey Calls Series Finale 'An Expression of Gratitude to Our Fans'
By Lindsay MacDonald   January 28, 2020

'Arrow' Boss Previews the Series Finale & Praises Stephen Amell's Heroic Run
By Damian Holbrook  January 28, 2020

Arrow Boss Previews Felicity and Mia's 'Meaningful' Reunion in Series Finale
By Vlada Gelman / January 27 2020, 

How ‘Arrow’s’ Series Finale Will Give ‘Everyone a Satisfying Ending’

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Exclusive Arrow Series Finale Clip: The Mission is Never Over [VIDEO]
By RUSS BURLINGAME - January 28, 2020 


The CW has provided ComicBook.com with an exclusive clip from tonight's series finale of Arrow, titled "Fadeout." In the episode, Team Arrow raises a toast to Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), drinking from the wretched Russian vodka that Oliver, John Diggle (David Ramsey), and Anatoly Knyazev (David Nykl) have shared over the years. Diggle is the one to say "prochnost" as the shot glasses are raised, and nobody seems to really enjoy the experience of the vodka except for Laurel (Katie Cassidy), who is using it to self-medicate. Meanwhile, Roy (Colton Haynes), Diggle, and Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) discuss what the future of Oliver's mission is in a city that has been almost completely without crime since the Crisis.


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