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Spoilers Only Thread: Season 8


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Arrow SDCC: Marc Guggenheim
Published on Jul 21, 2019, by Whedonopolis Videos

-- On whether he always knew how the show was going to end, MG: "Yes and no. Uh, I always knew - I always knew Oliver's end. Um, the specifics of it have changed over the years after certain things. And then, like a couple weeks ago, I was meditating and, uh, something unusual happened. I came out of meditation and I have the last scene. I mean, the entire last scene. I just quickly typed it up like that, and that's never happened to me. It's so weird. Very, very rarely do - you know, certain things just come to me. And that did, and I hope we get to film it, uh, and we'll see."

-- On how the show dynamic will be now that Original Team Arrow has been broken apart, MG: "Good question... We're trying something a little new this year.  Um, I don't want to spoil exactly what the new Team Arrow is going to look like, but it will feel, I think, both familiar and new. Um, the familiar part will be - certainly the Oliver-Diggle relationship will go on in the way that you're used to. And then everyone else who is still working, you now, to save Star City, um, you know, that's a separate - that's a separate conversation. It's a separate thing."

-- On how impactful this year's crossover will be, MG: "For Arrow, it's very impactful. I think for all the shows, it's very impactful. Um, you know, we're obviously dealing this year with some very cosmic big stuff. And the conversations that myself and all the showrunners have had is, we now have - with this concept of the crossover, we now have the opportunity to do something really radically and, um, be very impactful. And I don't like to make those sorts of promises, but I will say, like, specifically with the case of Arrow, the ramifications are pretty big, especially since we know we only got two more episodes after the crossover for Arrow to finish up. So Arrow has luxuries that the other shows don't have."

-- On what he can tease about the S8 premiere, MG: "Ooh, I got to be careful... It's unexpected... When I finished writing my scenes, I sent them off to Beth Schwartz and I said to Beth, not in a bad way, this feels like a series finale. It doesn't feel like a season premiere. Um, in many ways, I think that has been the design of this season... We are obviously going to do a series finale, and we are going to do our best to make it epic and awesome. But the whole season is really meant to be a coda on the entire series."

-- On whose journey he's most excited for us to see this year, MG: "Oh, good question. I got to say Mia. Uh, you know, her journey's really interesting, especially since she'll be starting off from a very, you know, sort of new place. Her story is a very Season 1 kind of story and that's fun. It's fun to revisit that level of newness." MG then mentioned that at the end of S7, Felicity, Rene and Dinah blessed the next generation as Team Arrow 2.0 to go and save the city. MG: "The one story that we never quite told, when we were doing, you know, the original seasons of Arrow, were the growing things. You know, I mean, Team Arrow pretty much... they had their disagreements, but they fell in and became a unit really fast. We never told the story of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. Um, we're doing that a bit with the future, and that's kinda fun and nice and very original. Like, it feels right that, of course, you have these kids and they're just kids who are working together without any mentors, and there are going to be mistakes along the way. And that's fun. It makes for some good drama."


Arrow SDCC: Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen)
Published on Jul 21, 2019, by Whedonopolis Videos

-- On what went through his mind when he read the first script of S8, SA: "Frankly, I got very emotional because you think about the end. We got one more day of filming the premiere, right? And when we wrap that one - when I get wrapped on Monday night, in my head I'm going to go, 'nine to go.' ... But more specifically, I was really, really pumped that my character got to stop Josh Segarra, because that asshole was always ten steps ahead of me."

-- SA: "We actually didn't have to shoot a good chunk of the episode for the premiere because we just used footage from the pilot."

-- On whether he knows how it's going to end for Oliver and how he feels about it, SA: "Yeah... Good."

-- SA: "Our episode of the crossover is our 8th episode, so we have two more on the B-side... I've known how the crossover's going to go down, but I didn't actually get pitched the final episode until today. I'm so fouled up. It's really good."

-- On how he feels about filming the final season without EBR, SA: "Not great. Not great. And there's no way to sugarcoat this, in a perfect world, she's still on the show. It sucks that she's not. Uh, she is one of my very best friends. And, on a personal level, I'm so happy for her. I cried when I read her New York Times review for her play. I'm going to go see it next weekend, but I also texted her on the way back to Vancouver, 'Going to Vancouver to shoot the show and you're not there and it sucks.' So I think that both things can be true... Me personally, I actually kinda hope she doesn't come back, because I love goodbyes. I love finite goodbyes. Right? That being said, if she wants to, that'll be cool."

-- On who he's most excited to work with again, see again and say goodbye to again, SA: "I can't tell you, but I do it with this character in the premiere, in a set that we rebuilt from the pilot."

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 1

Arrow - Stephen Amell Interview on Season 8
Published on Jul. 21, 2019, by Showbiz Junkies

-- On what he can tease about Oliver's role in COIE, SA: "I'm playing more than one character in Crisis...I'm not putting the Flash suit back on."

-- SA said that his new GA suit is very comfortable and has a cloth hood again. He also asked for and got the Season 1 bow.

-- SA: "Oliver, over the course of the first three episodes, reconciles and gets closure with five different characters that I don't think the fans ever thought that he would get closure with."

-- SA: "My priority playing the character this year is - you know, he's had to leave Felicity and Mia and William. And he can sulk about it. I think it's more interesting if he believes Felicity when she tells him, 'I'll find you. Wherever it is, wherever you are, I'll find you.' To me, it's more interesting if he believes that and marches forward with purpose."

  • Love 1

Arrow SDCC: David Ramsey (John Diggle)
Published on Jul 21, 2019, by Whedonopolis Videos

-- On what Team Arrow's dynamic will be and Diggle's role, DR: "We have to grapple with this Monitor situation, which is something we never had to face before... That, and bringing to a conclusion all of these loose ends of what ultimately happens to us as individuals. What happens to Laurel Lance? What happens to Dinah? What happens to Wild Dog? And Diggle. What's the relationship with his wife, who's the leader of ARGUS? His two sons, who are influential in the future. Is he or is he not Green Lantern? ... A lot to tie up in 10 episodes. So, um, that's the task."

-- On what went through his mind when he read the first script of S8, DR: "I was just floored by how quickly they were getting to it... There's no C and D story. There's just [unintelligible words] A and B story. So it's really obvious in the first episode."

-- DR: "The moment that really stands out in my head is really here at Comic-Con with me and Stephen and Emily. And it was during Season 3, I think, and we were at one of the parties. And we just kinda stood right there, as there was this throng of people around us, pressing us, and we just kinda like huddled in and just really told each other how much we appreciated each other and how much we just realized we had something that - that - first of all, it was the height of our own individual careers. Like just, um, you know, this stuff is fleeting. It won't happen, and we just really appreciated that moment. So it was really here at Comic-Con."

Arrow SDCC: Juliana Harkavy (Dinah Drake)
Published on Jul 21, 2019, by Whedonopolis Videos

-- On how Team Arrow will move on to face threats when they're so fractured now, JH: "I think they just are taking on as many responsibilities that they know they can take on. Like, you know, as far as being the captain for Dinah. You know, for all the other characters, we need to fill the shoes of our leader in any way that we can. So I think everybody is going to be just stepping up to the plate this year."

-- On whether she knows how Dinah's story ends, JH: "I don't. But I hope that in it she sort of finds just the peace within herself to know herself, to be self-assured, to not question, you know, what am I? Am I a vigilante? Am I a police officer? ... And just know that she's her own kind of hero and define it, you know, in a very - in no uncertain terms."

-- On what Dinah's relationship is like with E2 Laurel in the final season, JH: "That is something I don't know that much about yet. But it's going to be a really interesting dynamic, because they are more together than they've ever been. And, um, I just really want to see them side by side. I love them together. I love Dinah and Laurel. I think their dynamic is amazing. I love that they're both Canaries. Um, they have something to learn from each other."

-- On who Dinah will be interacting the most with this season, JH: "Well, definitely I can say Rene. I don't want to give anything away, but Rene for sure. I think they always sort of have - they came on around the same time and they have a kinship, you know. So Rene and then - I don't know."

Arrow SDCC: Katie Cassidy (Laurel Lance)
Published on Jul 21, 2019, by Whedonopolis Videos

-- KC: "Well, I'm directing 803... We were going to announce it on stage, but because there wasn't enough time, which I totally get, uh, I can now tell you guys." She also talked about participating in the Warner Brothers directors program and what she learned from it.

--  On what she can tease about this final season, KC: "Well, it's very, you know, cinematic, in the sense that, it's 10 episodes - it's like a tribute to every season almost... And every episode should be eventful, should be an event." She then hoped that it becomes an event for fans and that they gather their families around to watch each episode.

Arrow SDCC: Rick Gonzalez (Rene Ramirez)
Published on Jul 21, 2019, by Whedonopolis Videos

-- On whether he knows how Rene's story ends, RG: "I don't know how it ends, but I do know that we will touch on his political aspirations, 'cause we established that he was the mayor last season. So we'll definitely touch on him going down that road."

Creator of 'Arrow, ' Marc Guggenheim on the ending of the show at San Diego Comic Con
Published on Jul 21, 2019, by Nerds and Beyond

-- On how they're handling Felicity's absence in this final season, MG: "Not well... I mean, it's hard... It's hard. Um, but, you know, we're - you know, the great thing that the writers did, uh, in Season 7 is, I think they explained in a great way why Felicity is absent. Um, and Felicity's acknowledged. Um, there's a moment - like, it's scripted. You know, I never can promise what's going to make the final cut. There's, I think, a very sort of Felicity-centric moment in, uh, the season premiere. Um, you know, the main thing is, we don't deny the existence of the character. I think a lot of shows, when a major actor leaves the show, they suddenly like forget that character, you know, and don't acknowledge that character. And we don't do that. Like, we're - we're constantly referencing Felicity. Felicity's super important. And she's alive in the show, even if Emily's not in the show."

-- After media interviewer mentioned Three's Company and how they would script in phone calls from Suzanne Somers (the actress who had been fired from that show) and asked if Arrow would do something like video chats with Felicity sprinkled throughout the season, MG: "It's a great idea. It's the first time hearing it... Look, at the end of the day, like, you know, I was just saying, uh, to another panel of journalists, we, of course, want Emily as involved in Season 8 as she would like to be. Um, and, you know, we will be darkening her doorstep, um, you know. But, you know, at the end of the day, she has to do what's right for her. And, you know, we - we've written out the character, I think, in a way that's satisfying. But, if we can work out a way for her to return for the final season, of course, we would love that, you know. Um, there's a lot of conversations that have to be had and, uh, you know, we're going to have them... The Suzanne Somers idea is interesting. I never heard of it." Media interviewer suggested that they set up a studio where EBR is and shoot enough little video vignettes to spread out among maybe six episodes. MG: "I like the idea that, like, you know, Emily has like a room in her house, you know, in which she can be in, but I never heard of it."

'Arrow' star David Ramsey on tribute to co-worker Stephen Amell and final season
Published on Jul 21, 2019, by Nerds and Beyond

-- On what he wants to have happen for Diggle in order to conclude his story, DR: "Well, for the character, there's some things that have - that probably will be answered. Right? His relationship with Lyla. Lyla plays a pivotal role in this season. And, um, she's the leader of ARGUS, so we kind of have to address that. His two sons in the future. Where's Diggle? And what went on with - what's going on with his children? I think that's important. Is he or is he not Green Lantern? I think that's important. So I think those three things will be addressed in the 10 episodes. So you will get answers."

-- In response to media interviewer saying that's a lot in 10 episodes, DR: "It is. That's why every episode is like a mini-movie. And you sense when you're doing a 22-episode season where they're working on the C story or D story. It's not quite - it's not quite where they left off. It's kind of - not an episode, they're not taking an episode off, but it's just going in a different direction. There's none of that for these 10 episodes."

-- DR: "And hopefully that's what - you know, people look back and, you know - and they're entertained by what we did for these eight seasons. Some of that's the writing, some of that's the acting, and some of it's just the intangibles, you know, like OTA or anything else that's like, 'how did that happen?' Just magic. So hopefully people are still touched by this 10 years from now."

-- On what he can say about what role Diggle might play in the COIE crossover, DR: "Well, not much. I can tell you that he remains by Oliver's side, which is where he probably should always be. And, um, you know, he's Spock to his Kirk, so he remains there... There's some things that I just found out that I haven't quite - that I haven't quite, um, flipped in my head how to lie to you... and how to spin it yet... how to make a lie - how to make this shit smell a little good, like perfume. (Media: "Don't they prep you for that?") ... Well, they usually do, but I just found out... Like, I just found out what's happening, like, ultimately to Diggle in the crossover. We just found out. So, you know, when you have Marc here, you just kind of grill him and he's like, 'well, here's what's happening.' ... So, nope. Not much I can tell you about it, except he remains at Oliver's side." On what he expects fans' reactions to the crossover will be and whether they'll be shocked, DR: "Yeah, oh yeah. It's a five-show crossover. They're gonna be shocked. Without a doubt. They're gonna be shocked. Um, and I think some questions will be answered. So this isn't a situation where every single loose end has been tied up into a nice bow. I think some of those questions about Diggle I think are important are answered. But no, not every answer will be there. But, um, I think everyone will be satisfied with the finale - not just the crossover, but the finale."


We’ve Got The Arrow #8.3 Title – And It’s A Springsteen Song
Craig Byrne   July 22, 2019


The episode will likely air on Tuesday, October 29, and it is called “Leap of Faith.” Do note that this is also the title of a Bruce Springsteen song. And, yes, Marc Guggenheim tells us that the penultimate episode of Arrow Season 8 will also have a Springsteen title, continuing the tradition of the next-to-last episode of any given Arrow season having a title from The Boss.

It’s also apparently the episode that Katie Cassidy Rodgers is directing!

Edited by tv echo

The 3 best moments from the new Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl trailers
By Chancellor Agard July 22, 2019 at 03:57 PM EDT


“We’re playing our greatest hits.” That’s the refrain we’ve heard from star Stephen Amell and the producers since they’ve begun talking about the eighth and final season, and the new teaser definitely revealed what they meant. After taking us on a tour of everyone Oliver’s death and torture-ridden past, trailer drops a flurry of new footage that includes: our first looks at Colin Donnell and Josh Segarra’s returns, Katie Cassidy Rodgers rocking a new Black Canary costume (see executive producer Marc Guggenheim’s tweet), and Connor Hawke (Joseph David-Jones) fighting someone in a Deathstroke mask. However, the moment that truly stands out is the shot at 2:08 that shows Oliver landing in a lab where several scientists have been murdered with arrows, because it seems like a very specific callback to Malcolm Merlyn’s Unidac Industries rampage in season 1’s “Darkness at the Edge of Town.” Going into this season, we knew Arrow would probably reference the most obvious moments from its history, but this one (assuming the scene is purposefully trying to evoke “Darkness”) is rather unexpected. Hopefully, there are more of these surprises coming our way.

'Arrowverse 'Crisis' Crossover Q&A: LaMonica Garrett
Published on Jul 23, 2019, by TVLine

-- LMG: "Everything the Monitor does is to serve the Crisis purpose. So, he's morally ambiguous, so you really can't take anything he does as, like, oh, that's evil or that's good. He has his own way, and his ways aren't our ways. So when he does something that might look out of line, maybe to human beings it might look out of line, but he operates on a whole different palette. It could be, you know, in the grand scheme of things, hindsight, you look back, like, oh, he needed to put that person there. So the more it unfolds out, the more we'll see, and that's the fun part... In the comic books, he wasn't evil, but he just - he did bad things for a better purpose."

-- On Oliver being a substitute for Harbinger, LMG: "It could be... It could be, and that's - you know, part of me was like, is the Monitor serving double duty to the Anti-Mon - like, there's two in one? But who knows?"

-- On whether the Monitor will be on Arrow a meaningful amount since he grabbed Oliver at the end of last season, LMG: "You know, the Monitor jumps around. But I think, with Arrow specifically, since they struck a deal together, on Arrow the Crisis has already started. It's Arrow and Monitor, like, you know, globe-trotting and trying to.... (Interviewer: "So it might be like a little bit of a buddy cop thing going on?") ... Eh, you know, that'll be - that's funny, Arrow and Monitor, like... (Interviewer: "The two most serious buddy cops ever.") ... Right. I'll bring the beef jerky, you got the chips."

Arrow SDCC 2019 Final Season Panel
Published on Jul 22, 2019, by Matthew Mendez

-- On whether there's any news about the Diggle family tree, MG: "Yes, there is... Let's talk about the Diggle family tree, because, you know, it's gotten bigger. Um, you now, there's this Connor Hawke, who, you know, we established last year Diggle adopted. Um, and then, of course, there's JJ, who originally was Sara and then became JJ because of Flashpoint. (Audience reaction, plus DR: "Damn you, Barry.") We'll talk about that later. I have opinions. But, um, that JJ, he's grown up. Um, and we've actually cast the adult version of him because, uh, we are, of course, dealing with the future now. " Mod: "Okay. And he is?" MG: "I'm going to let you answer that." Mod: "So it's Charlie Barnett?" MG: "Yes, yes. And Charlie - probably the sweetest guy." Mod: "Charlie from Russian Doll." MG: "Yes. And a wonderful gentleman who is so sweet, his character - I don't want to spoil anything, but his character has a bit of an edge to him. And when Charlie read, I was like, he's - he's too nice. Does he -? He doesn't have any edge. But then he can bring it, he can really bring it. And he's awesome, and I - you know, I think people are going to be really surprised about the way we bring him in, um, the way Charlie's character comes into the show and what he does and particularly what costume he wears. He wears a very specific costume that is, uh, not what anyone's expecting."

-- JBamford: "I just got off the plane. We were shooting all night last night... Last night, Thursday night, every night this week, we've shot sequences that we didn't think we were capable of before, um, in action and the actors who are coming to set - I tweeted this last week - If they don't win an Emmy for what we've done this week, every one of this people on the cast, there's something wrong. They're all bringing it. Uh, I've never been so impressed with the performances that we're getting, uh, from in - during the action, during the emotional scenes, uh, period, the size and the scope of the - just the premiere that we're doing right now is nothing like we've done before. And that's the truth. We're very, very proud. And I can't wait for you to see 801. It's incredible."

-- On the recent breaking news that the COIE crossover will have two Supermans, MG: "Brandon is - he's going to play Superman in the crossover. He's also going to play Ray Palmer... Certainly, Brandon, you know, being Superman, being Clark Kent, um, being in the Daily Planet, um, it's going to be amazing."

-- On the COIE crossover, MG: "The whole goal with the crossover is, like, we try to come up with, like, a hundred great things to do, and even if we get to do 50 of them, we're still doing 50 great things. Like, it's really how many amazing moments can we pack into it."

-- On whether BR will wear the Superman Returns costume, MG said that that original costume is in the Warner Brothers archives and therefore can't be used for the COIE crossover, but that they're still figuring it out. BR: "I thought that might be a problem... I have an idea." BR then stood up, unbuttoned his shirt and revealed his Superman suit underneath (the one in the previously posted pics). MG: "That's a pretty good pitch. You know what? I think we're going to do that."

-- On whether it will take longer for fans to recover from the Arrow series finale than from the Game of Thrones series finale, SA: "I'm not the right person to answer this question. I loved the last season of Game of Thrones. (Some boos from audience) Oh, I love all finales. If you all hate our finale, I'll know we've done a good job. (Audience reaction) No, no, uh - I - no, uh - Marc and I were talking earlier. Arrow has a happy ending. (Audience reaction) You know when I tell you guys what happens on the show, and I tell you in plain sight, you just don't hear me."

Same SA interview...

Stephen Amell discusses Arrow's final season at San Diego Comic Con
Published on Jul 22, 2019, by Nerds and Beyond

SDCC 2019: 'Arrow' Stephen Amell Interview
Published on Jul 22, 2019, by Fangirlish

-- On the final season, SA: "I mean, it'd be too simplistic to say that we're going to play our greatest hits, but that is kinda what we're doing... We're playing our greatest hits."

-- SA: "I feel like in the first - in the first three episodes, Oliver has closure with five characters that I don't know that we ever thought that he would get closure with, in very unexpected ways. Maybe they don't know it, but he knows it. And, um, he's left a lot of loose ends along the way, and I hope that over the course of the year, we're going to tie as many up as possible."

-- On much influence he will have over the way that Oliver's story concludes, SA: "A lot. A lot. We talked about it for a long time. Um, I was very, very, uh, - very, very grateful. A lot of the end of 722 and the fact that it ended with Emily, uh - a lot of that was my pitch. Uh, I thought that - you know, we had to - we had to write that episode like we're never going to see her character again. Okay, so, jumping off from that, if we think that we're never going to see her character again, well, you better give her a good good-bye. Okay? You better - you better wrap that up. And I thought that it was cool that, you know, 'cause we may never see her again - I thought it was cool for the fans to realize, okay, well, like, somewhere out there, they're good."

Arrow - Katie Cassidy Interview, Season 8
Published on Jul 22, 2019, by ShowbizJunkies

-- On which Laurel she is now, KC: "I know, right? [Unintelligible word] still trying to figure that out. Um, we are as if the Laurel never died. So, she still went through everything she went through. She still got that sass - that little edgy sassiness, because she's gone through a lot of shit. Um, so that's the, uh, version that you're seeing. I also have a new costume. I'm not sure if you guys have seen - uh, we were going to show it on the panel but we ran out of time. It is so dope. It is so cool... But out of all the costumes, I mean, it's fantastic."

-- KC: "Also, I'm directing episode 803."

-- On whether there's a story she's been waiting to tell that she might be able to do in episode 803, KC: "Uh, yes, but I can't answer what story it is, because it's that big [unintelligible words] episode. I can't spoil it... You'll just have to watch my episode."

-- On what's on her Laurel bucket list, KC: "I was saying to them, like, I think I should do the salmon ladder, uh, the salmon ladder, because  everybody else - I mean, I think Caity Lotz is the only girl who's done it, but it's all about, uh - it's like a swinging thing. You kinda have a technique that you have to get down. And I used to be a competitive gymnast, and the bars - there's a lot of [kicking? kipping? clipping?] involved... I was just saying to Bam, 'Can I do the - like, why can't we just [write me in on a line? ride me in on a line?] and I'll try it?' He was like, 'Can you do it?' I was like, 'I don't know, but maybe.' So can you imagine if this whole time, I had never tried it and the first time I do it, I'm like (Mimes going up and down the salmon ladder with her hands quickly, while saying, 'do do do do do') ... And they're like, 'why haven't we done it?' ... I don't know. We'll see. It could be a disaster... It'd be cool, though, if we could do it. That would be awesome."

-- On whether there's a chance that we could see Laurel appear down the road on LoT, KC: "Um, I would love that, 'cause I love - I mean, Caity Lotz is one of my closest friends." KC mentioned that CL also did the WB directors program.

Juliana Harkavy | Arrow Season 8 | Comic-Con 2019
Published on Jul 24, 2019, by KSiteTV

-- JH: "So at the beginning of Season 8, Dinah is, uh - she's in a different place. We see her sort of in a jump from where we left her off. And, uh, it's - it's sort of - it stands on its own. It's a unique place that we see Dinah in the first episode."

-- On whether Dinah is still the Black Canary even though she lost her cry, JH: "She is the Black Canary. And I think that was one of the things that she struggled with the most last season was, not knowing if without her, you know, cry, she was. And one of my favorite things that I've learned about this character was when she did discover that you don't need the cry. It's about what's inside. It's about your sense of justice. It's about who you are. That's what makes you the Canary. And I want, you know, people who watch the show to feel that, with or without any kind of special power, they too can be that."

-- JH: "Birds of Prey is another thing that I would be very excited to do more with."

-- On whether there's any possibility that she might join one of the spinoffs after Arrow ends, JH: "I hope so. I really hope so. I'd be honored to. I love Legends. It's one of my favorite shows."

Arrow Creator Marc Guggenheim teases final season "Big Bad"
Published on Jul 24, 2019, by Nice Girls TV

-- On whether we'll see the future characters somehow interact with the present characters, MG: "I'll tell you this, when Stephen and I were on the set of the crossover last year, we talked about how it would be a wildly missed opportunity if Mia and Oliver didn't get a chance to meet... I'm just saying."

-- On whether it'll still be called the 'Arrowverse' after Arrow ends, MG: "I hope so. It's really up to all you people... You guys tell us."

-- On whether Oliver and Barry could cross paths before the COIE crossover, MG: "We have talked about it, um, and it's absolutely a possibility. We haven't ruled it out. I will say this, you know, last week I pitched the crossover to the network and the week before that I pitched the crossover to the studio, and a big part of the pitch was basically acknowledging the fact that, for all these past years, in every crossover, Oliver and Barry have really been the core that has run through the crossovers and that's absolutely true in this year's crossover. So, um, you know, whether it happens before the crossover, again, it's something we've talked about, but for sure in the crossover, that's a key relationship."

-- On how the Big Bad for all the shows this year seems to be time, MG: "Yes. That's a great way of putting it... Again, when we pitch it, we talk about in terms of destiny. You know, all the characters are facing some version of their destiny, and they have to react to it and confront it and, you know, in a lot of cases, rise above it. Um, that said, um, the Big Bad of the crossover - I literally tweeted this out two seconds ago - is of course going to be the Anti-Monitor, um, from Crisis On Infinite Earths. Uh, LaMonica Garrett is going to play that role, um, because there's no one else to play that role. Um, you know, LaMonica's perfect for it... We're going to see, I think, a real strong antagonist for the biggest crossover event we've ever done."


James Bamford on stunts, directing, and the end of Arrow
Published on Jul 24, 2019, by Nice Girls TV

-- On how many episodes he's directing this season and whether he's directing the crossover, JBam: "Well, it was kind of a split thing. It was a difficult decision. Um, I've directed, you know, the last three or four, if I remember... But this year I'm directing 801, the premiere. I'm directing 809, um, and I'm directing the series finale, 810. The crossover is 808 and that'll be directed by Glen Winter. So I couldn't do - I just couldn't do both. That's just physically impossible. Um, and it was a toss-up between that and that. But the series finale is, uh - I'd rather be doing that anyway."

-- On whether there's anything he's really wanted to do and now that it's the final season he wants to do it, JBam: "Always. There's laundry lists of stuff." He then mentioned how Daredevil has a full hour and can do a 10-minute oner, and he can't. He also mentioned how disappointing it was when something gets cut for the final broadcast. He's got literally a list of stuff on his phone of what he still wants to do. He also wants to put together a director's cut of all of his episodes, including shot but unseen footage, that he wants the fans to see.

Edited by tv echo

Arrow - James Bamford Interview, Season 8
Published on Jul 23, 2019, by Showbiz Junkies

-- Since Oliver was taken away by the Monitor this season, on whether this season is going to be like a buddy road trip/adventures through other dimensions, James Bamford: "Yes... Well, we left it off in a very emotional, uh, heartbreaking place with the finale last year. Um, and it's going to continue down that road... In each episode - I mean, I've still - I've got about two more days of shooting the premiere, or directing the premiere, and, uh, every single day there's been somebody crying on set, uh, just from the cast performances... The crew and everybody's like watching the actors, going, 'Holy shit. This is happening.' ... They're not crying because the show's ending, because they'll cry plenty for that in December, but they're crying because of the all the content of the performances. The script is brilliant. The 801 script was so good, it's - it almost shoots itself.. But it's gigantic and, uh, we're all exhausted and we don't care because it's worth it. Um, so I would say that this season, uh, you'll feel a lot of nostalgia from the pilot, from Season 1, from Season 2, from every season - uh, it's pretty much every season rolled up into one. Uh, the premiere, 801, is... has been like shooting the pilot all over again, but trying to outdo it, and the finale episode from Season 1 and... 121 from Season 1, all rolled up into one episode... Everybody's committed to making it fantastic. I wish we had more broadcast time. Uh, we have 42 minutes and there's so much good stuff that we're shooting... I want to do a director's cut sometime because so much gets cut... The finale from last season had 10 minutes cut from it, um, of unseen footage. So my hope is that one day we can go back and sort of re-release all that stuff, because there's a lot of stuff on the cutting room floor that, um, so to speak, I'm extremely proud of... that the world hasn't seen yet."

-- Since it's a shortened season, on whether they're shooting the 10 episodes as one big piece or whether they're still being broken up episodically, James Bamford: "They're still being broken up. I'm directing 801, and 809 and 810 together, so those two are going to be shot, like, one big piece. Um, but we've got a tremendous line-up of directors, uh, some blasts from the past that we haven't seen for awhile. And, uh, not to mention cast that we haven't seen for awhile or maybe not ever seen... But there are a lot of surprises coming... Each episode so far, and we haven't started shooting the other two, but I've received the script for 802 and 803, and they're like feature film. But the crew is going, 'Oh Jesus.' They pick it up and go, 'Oh my god.' Like, it's very, very challenging... Like I said, everybody's incredibly committed. We're going to get this done and we're going to do it right... Marc and I keep talking, 'No matter what, we're going to do this right, we're going to do this right.' So, you know, we want to leave the fans with something long-lasting and a legacy. This Arrow was the start of the superhero renaissance on television, you know, after also, um, we want to go out that way. We shoot everything practically. We don't use a lot of visual effects, you know, at all. We don't rely on visual effects. So we have to work a little harder than a lot of the other shows, um, to get a half decent sequence, uh, because it's all real people doing real things. And it takes a lot longer to shoot, than pointing up in the sky and having a cartoon kinda happen and then going back. It takes a lot more physical effort."

Rick Gonzalez | Arrow Season 8 | Comic-Con 2019
Published on Jul 24, 2019, by KSiteTV

-- On how he thinks present day Rene would respond if he found out how cool Zoe is in the future, RG: "I think he'd be a little salty because she's kind of a Canary more than she is kinda Wild Dog. But other than that, he'd be very proud. Extremely."

-- On how characters like Rene and Dinah will fit in this season when Oliver's away traveling with the Monitor, RG: "Yeah, that's a good question... I think with Dinah, she's, uh, in the field as a captain and taking that role. And I think Rene, because we teased Season 7 of him being the mayor, there has to be a journey for him to be in politics. So I think that's kind of where we're gonna, like, find Rene, is, like, seeing, what if I went this way to do good?"

Same RG interview in the following two videos...

SDCC 2019: 'Arrow' Rick Gonzalez Interview
Published on Jul 22, 2019, by Fangirlish

SDCC 2019 INTERVIEW: Rick Gonzalez from "Arrow"
Published on Jul 23, 2019, by Nerds and Beyond

-- On his greatest hope for Rene, RG: "I would hope that he falls in love, you know, um, but, alas, we see in the future he's not married. So, uh, you know, that's one thing I would've liked to see was Rene kinda like - we see that side of him. You know, we see him as a father and learn to be a good father. Um, now what would he look like if he fell in love, you know, and opened his heart to a woman? That would be nice."

-- RG: "I think this season we're going to tackle the beginnings of his aspirations in politics and becoming mayor. So we'll definitely tease that."

-- On whether he thinks the future is set in stone or whether it can change, RG: "I think it can change. I think so. I think that's what - why we care about these characters and these stories because, with the powers that someone like the Monitor has, it doesn't take away from the ability that these characters have as - as who they are, which is, people that want to do right, you know, and want to do the right thing. They fight for that. So that's the exciting part about the show, is like we -  just because he's that powerful doesn't mean that things can't change, you know? So, absolutely."

-- On whether Rene will ever call anyone 'Hoss' again or whether that's retired, RG: "I think that's retired. I think it's time."

-- On whether we'll see more of Rene's relationship with Zoe in present day, RG: "Yes. In the present, yes. Uh, in the future, I don't think so. I think we're done with Rene in the future. I think we've decided that he's sacrificed himself and, uh, that's that. You know, he's in jail and so it'll be up to them to be the heroes that they are."

Arrow - Juliana Harkavy Interview, Season 8
Published on Jul 23, 2019, by Showbiz Junkies

-- When asked if "the Canary will get to come out and play during Crisis," JH: "Oh, God, I hope so. I think so. And, uh, - but I'm trying not to keep, you know, get my expectations too high. But, uh, I hope so. Yeah. Yeah."

-- On where we'll see Dinah at the beginning of S8, JH: "So, the very start of the season is a bit of a departure. It's, uh - we're doing something a little different. Uh, and it's going to - how am I going to say this? I'll just say that. It's going to be a little bit different at the start of the season. It's something different. And, uh, unexpected. I'm very excited to see what people think. If people catch on to what's going on.... At the beginning of the season, she's also still the police captain. She's sort of still trying to figure out where to find her footing when the team dis - uh, falling apart in a sense. Yeah, but it's going to be a little bit of a twist on what we normally see."

-- JH: "I've only worked one day this season so far."

-- On what's on her Dinah bucket list, JH said that she's only gotten scripts for the first three episodes, so she doesn't know yet where Dinah ends up at the end of the series. But she hopes that Dinah finds "some kind of resolve," "some direction" and "some resolve." She wants Dinah to "land on her feet, 'this is who I am.'"

-- On how Oliver's absence affects Dinah, JH: "I think Dinah feels a sense of, you know, she has to step up now. I think she feels like, well, you know, who's left, and what can we do? And we need to sort of... Because the hierarchy of the team is important, um, and our leader is gone, so she also definitely - Dinah being Dinah - feels the need to sort of step up to that position. Not that she wants to be in charge, but who will? Because somebody needs to take care of the team."

Arrow SDCC 2019 Interview: EP Marc Guggenheim
Published on Jul 25, 2019, by DC TV Podcasts

-- On crafting Arrow's final season with COIE in mind, MG: "It was tricky, because, you know, we've got two different things that we're trying to accomplish. We're trying to accomplish the biggest crossover we've ever done, you know, adapting a seminal, beloved comics story. At the same time, we're trying to set up the endgame for Arrow. And, you know, those two things really had to be considered in tandem with each other. And I hope we've squared the circle. Um, I think we have. There was a lot of consideration given to, you know, what needs to be done in the Arrow series finale, what should be done in Crisis, how do we make it all work together. But, you know, it's been 8 years of us figuring out tricky things and I think we've kinda done it. I feel pretty good about it."



As for how Oliver Queen’s story eventually ends, Amell said that he had influence on how Oliver’s journey wraps. In particular he referenced the season 7 finale, where Oliver and Felicity shared an emotional goodbye as the Monitor swept him away to pay off his sacrifice for saving Barry and Kara in last year’s crossover.

Given that it was potentially the last time fans will see Oliver and Felicity together — and see Felicity — Amell made his voice heard when it came to her exit.

“The fact that it ended with Emily (Bett Rickards), a lot of that was my pitch,” Amell said. “I thought that we had to write that episode like we’re never going to see her character again. Jumping off from that, if we think we’re never going to see her character again, well, you better give her a good goodbye. You better wrap that up.”

And while the tears were definitely flowing during this emotional final moments, Amell reassured everyone that, despite their separation via the Monitor, they’re definitely in a good place.

“I thought it was good for the fans to realize that, somewhere out there, they’re good,” he said.


From video in this article...

-- SA: "It's not fun, not having Emily on set. Emily's my best friend on the set, um, my co-best friend. I spent the most time with her and with David. And, you know, I texted her as we were - when I was on the plane flying up to Vancouver for the final season. I said I was sad. It's tough not having her around. Um, but her presence is - and Mia's presence and William's presence - is felt via Oliver and what he's doing. He's doing what he's doing in pursuit of them."

Stephen Amell and ‘Arrow’ Cast Explain What the Set Is Like Without Emily Bett Rickards: She’s ‘My Best Friend’
By Erin Crabtree  July 26, 2019


As for whether viewers will see Felicity again before the series wraps, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles star seemed cautiously optimistic. “I think that we wrapped her character up pretty nicely, but honestly, that comes down to Emily and producers,” he noted. “I mean, she’s busy. She’s being awesome on Broadway and things of that nature.”

Edited by tv echo

From last night (Friday night)...

-- SA: "I think that we've had our running time... I thought that we had one our thing. I thought that ultimately, theoretically, Season 7 should have been the end of things."

-- SA: "But to come back and do 10 episodes, especially with what Beth and Marc Guggenheim, who stepped back in over the past couple of, uh - couple of months for a variety of reasons. Um, what they've done with this final season is really cool. It's like nothing you guys have ever seen. Like, every episode that comes out, it's like, 'Wait a minute, what?' 'It's happening what?' 'And where?' 'And how?' Okay, That's cool. Let's do it."

-- SA: "As I was saying at Comic-Con... my character's had the chance over the past - or over the first three episodes, I reconcile with, like, five different characters."

-- SA: "I missed having this eye makeup. Um, I don't think it's a spoiler to say that Oliver has his mask back on in Season 8. And, uh, my reasoning for having the mask back on was, I just like it. The iconography of the character. Having the hood up. Uh, the suit that we did this year, uh, which I think was really, really beautifully done, uh, is a callback to the first season. Um, bow is - I can't - the bow's a callback to the first season. And, um, the hood. We're back to the canvas hood. Yao Fei's hood. It means a lot to me. It also fits better than any other hood. I had it for the first three years and then I begged them for the next 40 to give it back to me and they finally did it."

-- SA: "Everything to do with Season 8 of Arrow, everything that we're doing right now, certainly through episode 3, and the ending of episode 3 - good golly, Miss Molly - it's mental. I've freaked out and texted a bunch of people once I read it, which is always a good sign when you're this far into stuff. The ending of episode 3 is great. But every single episode thus far in Season 8, um, is leading to Crisis On Infinite Earths. And I know that some of the other shows are doing this. And I know that, um, you know, we've - we've brought in, uh, an actor to, um, I think, help facilitate bringing all the shows together, if that makes sense.

-- SA (reading fan comment): "'I love you and, of course, Arrow, but I really wish that Oliver and Felicity end the show together.'" SA: "Me too."

Edited by tv echo

Arrow Series Finale Will Be A "Super Happy Ending," Stephen Amell Promises
By Chris E. Hayner   July 26, 2019


With Arrow coming to an end after its upcoming season, many fans are wondering just how devastating the series finale will be. After all, it's been made clear that Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) likely won't make it out of the upcoming Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover alive.

Be that as it may, Amell doesn't think fans will be sad when the final episode concludes. "It' a super happy ending," he told GameSpot at San Diego Comic-Con. "I think it's going to be a happy ending."

Meanwhile, executive producer Marc Guggenheim hopes fans will appreciate the work they'd put into crafting a proper ending for the series. "We always go into these things with the best of intentions... We're trying so had to just entertain everybody and honor all of the things the fans want," he said. "We hope that everyone appreciates it on its own terms, the way we like to do things."

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Arrow's Colin Donnell Talks 'Very Different' Season 8 Return
By Lindsay MacDonald | Jul 27, 2019


"It's been a gift to be able to come back over the years and over the seasons and be a continued part of the family as it's grown into what it is now," Donnell recently told TV Guide at the Television Association Critics Association summer press tour. "It's cool to see what our show was and to see how it's expanded into the whole Arrowverse that exists now. I'm really proud of it and happy to be back for this last season in a very different way. You know, to sort of cap off a whole eight years of our lives. It was cool."
*  *  *
Tommy has appeared in both flashbacks and as hallucinations since he was crushed under the weight of a collapsing building, but fans have never had any real hope that he'd get the kind of resurrection other deceased characters have enjoyed. Executive producer Marc Guggenheim told Entertainment Weekly that Donnell is "not coming back as the Tommy we know," which confirms our suspicions that something strange is definitely in store for him.

Donnell is staying completely mum about how Tommy returns, but he did reaffirm Stephen Amell's take on the matter. "I think Stephen said it best at Comic-Con," Donnell said, "I think fans are going to see Tommy in a way that they've maybe wanted for a while."

BB Exclusive: Arrow Creator, Marc Guggenheim Talks the Show's Final Season
Published on Jul 27, 2019, by Beautiful Ballad

-- MG: "We started planning the crossover earlier than we ever have because we know it's five hours. It's, you know, based on the most, you know, seminal, important, I think, comic book story. Um, you know, it requires a lot of planning. It requires a lot of care. And, you know, as always, you know, we approach it from the standpoint of 'don't screw it up.' ... We assembled some amazing writers... showrunners... We worked and crafted, you know, I think, a very, you know -a really cool story that, you know, honors, not just the Arrowverse, but honors the fact that it's got to be more than just the Arroweverse. It has to touch other corners of the DC universe and, um, I'm really excited. It's probably the most important thing I've ever worked on... So, the pressure is enormous."

-- On how they broke down Arrow's 10-episode season around the COIE crossover and how they decided where to put what pieces of story, MG: "We started talking a lot about, um, it being like a short order, you know, like a streaming show, you know, eight... episodes. And we knew where the crossover landed and we knew where the finale landed, obviously. And it was just a matter of, okay, this is the landscape we have to work with. What do we want to do? What do we want to accomplish in that space? And... it's always been just the most amazing staff and everyone just rolls their sleeves up and gets it done."

-- On how they go about selecting which old characters to bring back for this final season (like Prometheus), MG: "That's a good question. It's tough because, you know, look, at the end of the day - and twitter doesn't want to hear about this and the audience doesn't want to hear about this - but, like, you have a certain amount of money, you know, um, and you've got actors who are available and some who are not available and, you know, some who are working on other projects. It's just realities that you have to deal with. Um, and you go into it, like, with your wish list and then reality intrudes and cuts down that wish list. Um, but, you know, I think, you know, we love Jason, we - we love the character of Prometheus. Um, you're seeing a different version of Prometheus than you've seen before, I will say, in the series premiere. But it's, uh - I said Jason, I meant Josh. Um, it's been a long comic con, a long comic con... We're all exhausted. We're all exhausted. And, um, we're barely - we're lucky we can get the name of the show correct at this point... Josh is amazing. We've always loved him. And, uh, he was always on our short list when we said, we want to revisit certain moments and certain characters, um, so we were just lucky we were able to get him, because he's a talented guy and he's busy and, you know, there were other shows out there."

-- On any other old characters that might return in this final season, MG: "MG: "I can tell you that LaMonica Garrett is going to reprise his role as the Monitor in the crossover, but he's also going to play the Anti-Monitor as well. Um, and that's the Big Bad of the crossover... And you're going to see, like, a lot of familiar faces. Like, really the goal of Season 8 is... We're looking forward, but we're really looking backwards to look forwards. Um, and we're sort of acknowledging all the greatest stakes and all the key moments of the show, and that includes a lot of, you know, key characters and familiar faces. Um, again, we're always working with the limitations of what we have with reality. But, uh, I'm really excited... The people that are coming back, you know, they're family. So it's wonderful to, you know, see them again."

-- On whether the shortened schedule made them script out further than they normally would do, MG: "I think, in a perfect world, we would've scripted out further than we usually would. It's just harder to do, given the timeline that we're operating with. Um, I would say, everything has been broken out in advance. We know what each episode is. Um, and that's more unusual than not. Usually, it's more like, we know the general tentpoles of the season, we know like, this is episode 6, this is episode 13, this is episode 21. Um, this was more like, we know what 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, et cetera."


LaMonica Garrett Interview: San Diego Comic-Con 2019
Published on Jul 25, 2019, by SR Trailers and Interviews

-- On the last scene of Arrow S7 where the Monitor took Felicity off somewhere, when asked where they went,  LMG: "Hey, man, who knows? The Monitor, he's got - you know, he's got the whole cosmos as his playground. They could be anywhere."

-- LMG: "The Monitor, he's just - he's hard to peg because he's morally ambiguous. You don't really know what his - his plan is, but he's doing bad things for the greater good for everyone. But his ways of good and bad aren't your ways... He doesn't look at the world like that. He's been around for billions of years, so it's like, you know, what we're used to, our ethics, our values, down here on Earth, he's evolved past that. So, he'll do some stuff for the greater good, in hindsight, you'll be able to see, oh, like, he was a good guy."

-- LMG: "It's hard to adapt everything from the comic book to, you know, to screen, but... they're doing a bang-up job. They're doing a real good job. So that trick is yet to be seen, but if they do that, that would be ridiculously awesome."

-- LMG: "I go back Monday morning, and I'm working Tuesday."

-- LMG: "It's rapid fire... Just like last season, where he just - the Monitor kinda bounces around. So where I end up, you might not know. Sometimes I'll just - I'll be a couple episodes here, one over here - I just - you know, it's a fun role to play too. Get to hang out with all the different casts."

-- On Arrow's last season and Oliver's death being prophesized by the Monitor, LMG: "He might escape, you know. Who knows? Comic books."

-- On whether we'll see the Monitor after the crossover is over, LMG: "I hope so. But, you know, if - they're doing it pretty close to the comic books. In the comic books, you know, the Monitor's seen better days. But, you know, we might - you know, they might have a different variation, so it's fun. When I get the scripts, they're like getting new issues of comic books. So I don't read, like, just, you know, what am I doing in this - I read it as a fan first because I grew up with comic books... I read it once as a fan and then I go back and study it like, alright, what do I need to know? What's going on? What's going to happen if I don't get what I - you know, just whatever I do to, you know, figure it out."

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Marc Guggenheim "Arrow" Interview at Comic-Con
Published on Jul 28, 2019, by Hollywood News Source

-- On what he tell them about the legacy of Arrow after it ends, MG: "I can't, I can't. I'll tell you why. It's not up to me. Um, I would love it. Everyone who works with me knows that I'm a control freak, and I would - I'd love to be able to dictate it, but - I don't know. Um, I don't know what the audience is going to say. You know, one thing, you know, that I was thinking about is, there's the short-term, you know, legacy, and there's the long-term legacy. There's the short-term, you know, feeling people have about a show. And there's the long-term after several years have passed. Um, you know, my hope is that people will remember the show fondly, but it's out of my control. And, you know, we've always approached it from the standpoint of, how do we- how do we do the best show possible? You know - and I'm not saying we've always succeeded, but the work ethic and the passion and the dedication have always been there. Um, my hope is that, at the end of it, you'll have eight seasons of television that, at the very least, are not terrible. I'm going for not terrible."

-- On how a lot of people felt that Arrow could've ended at the end of Season 7, even though there is more story to tell, MG: "Um, you know, it's funny, I think we knew not long before the -  not long, but like certainly during Season 7, we knew that - we knew when the end was going to come. Um, I think, we discussed a lot, like, well, we know Emily is leaving at the end of Season 7. Do we end there? Do we keep going? Can we keep going? And we did feel like there was - there was more story to tell, um, as difficult as it is to do it without Emily. It's really, really hard. For the longest time, I've been saying, like, you can't do the show without Emily Rickards. Um, and I think, if the show - if the conversations had been, 'we'll do 22 episodes without Emily,' I would've said, 'you can't do that.' Um, 10 episodes, when one episode is the series premiere, another episode's the crossover, another episode's the series finale, suddenly you're down to 7 episodes, you can start having those conversations in a way that feels a little more realistic."

-- On whether we could see EBR return, MG: "Look, I would love for it to happen. Um, it's - it's up to - it's up to Emily, Um, it's up to time, it's up to availability. Of course, she's more than welcome back. Obviously. We desperately want her back. But at the same time, I'll be honest, I don't want to put pressure on her, you know? I want her to make the decision that's right for her. Um, you know, but, you know, we're going to be darkening her doorstep, um, and we'll see."

BB Exclusive: Rick Gonzalez Talks the Final Season of Arrow at SDCC
Published on Jul 29, 2019, by Beautiful Ballad

-- On Rene's story this season, RG: "I'm excited about it, I'm excited. I would've liked for Rene to fall in love, just to see that side of him. But I do like the idea of Rene, uh - I love the storyline of him being the mayor last season and kinda him losing his way. But his heart was in the right place. He thought he was doing the right thing. You know, instead of being a vigilante, going into politics where he could do more right. Uh, and so, his heart is still there, just - he lost his way. So, it'll be kinda interesting to see how he loses his way. You know? That's an interesting place."

-- On Rene's dynamic with the team this year, RG: "You know, last season, we kinda said goodbye to kinda like what was normal for us as a team and, you know, things have changed. Um, but there are people out there that are still trying to take down Star City, the Glades. So that work isn't over, so how do we come together? So that dynamic - the dynamic for them will still be there, in terms of getting along and at the same time, like, with Oliver like now on his own course. Uh, it's going to be interesting. We'll see."

-- On Rene's relationship with Dinah this season, RG: "I think they'll be okay. I think Dinah and Rene have been like sis - brother and sister, you know? They've always kind of like connected on that level, you know, protecting each other, cared about each other. So, yeah, I think that - that - that part will be fine. They'll still be totally connected."

-- On whether Wild Dog will be let off his leash for Crisis, RG: "I hope so. That's what I've been wanting since Season 5. Like, let that boy loose. Let him do what he do."


BB Exclusive: David Ramsey Chats Arrow's Final Season at SDCC
Published on Jul 30, 2019, by Beautiful Ballad

-- On what's on his bucket list for Diggle, DR: "A few things... Number one, what happens ultimately to his relationship with the leader of ARGUS, Lyla Michaels? Um, I think that's important because - and Lyla plays a very big role in this season... And number two, his two sons that are influential in the future. Um, where was he? What happened? Does Diggle exist in the future? And, um, number three, is he or is he not Green Lantern? ... I mean, all those questions have to be answered - and will be answered in 10 episodes."

-- Referencing the infamous line in last year's Elseworlds crossover, DR: "And 'where's your ring, John?' And that connects obviously to Crisis... And my stepfather is named Stewart. And now - another homage with the uniform that has green piping... I think we better give you guys some answers quickly on that... I know. Now I know what's happening."

-- DR: "My perfect ending for Oliver and Diggle should be much like the beginning, when they agreed to take on this journey together and take care of each other... They're brothers... And I don't think we have to put a button on that. We just have to be real with that... That's why I like the episode where we had that fight so much, because, you know... it was just very well-choreographed at first and then it was just punch and punch and kick, and it was just like, these two guys are brothers, they will not do that. I have two brothers. They're going to break things. They're going to go through windows. There'll be no technique. They're just trying to pummel each other. And Mom is going to come in - and Felicity was Mom - to break it up. To continue to tell that kind of story with these two brothers is the way you end the story. Um, I don't think there has to be a button on it, besides being true to that. And, um - and ultimately knowing now the end, I think that's exactly what happens."

-- On Diggle's biggest obstacle this season, DR: "Wrapping his head around the consequences. Um, what happens with the Monitor is a deep thing. What happens in Crisis is big, big, big - it's a big thing. And, um, it's gonna - it's gonna do something to Diggle particularly. So I think, kinda wrapping his head around that is gonna be a big [unintelligible word-step? struggle?]."

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7 big spoilers for Arrow season 8, from huge nostalgia trips to Black Siren's redemption
BY DAVID OPIE  31/07/2019


1. Oliver Queen will make amends with a "mortal enemy"
While season 8 will presumably wrap things up for Arrow as a whole, Oliver in particular will get ahead of the game and make amends with five characters in the first three episodes alone.

According to star Stephen Amell, the people involved will come as a surprise to viewers, hinting that at least some of them might have already left the show before.

While Amell couldn’t elaborate on who these characters might be, at least one is “his f**king mortal enemy”, which suggests that Oliver will do some growing before death comes for him in the near future. Our money’s on Prometheus, the season 5 antagonist who’s already set to return now that Josh Segarra is officially reprising the role.

2. The Diggle/Green Lantern rumours will finally be answered
When asked what lies in store for Diggle in the final season of Arrow, David Ramsey reveals that his relationship with Argus and Lyla will be wrapped up by the end, as well as any involvement with his two sons in the future. That’s not all though.
*  *  *
While Ramsey is hesitant to confirm that Diggle will definitely join the intergalactic peace corps, he does say that season 8 will finally address “whether he is or he is not Green Lantern” and that he’s happy with the final outcome.
*  *  *
3. There will be no filler episodes in season 8

Veteran Arrow director James Bamford claims that the final season “has zero filler”, explaining that, “Each episode is chock full of spectacle and action and emotion”. Black Canary star Juliana Harkavy alludes to something similar when she says that “It’s larger than life... Each episode is like one little movie".
*  *  *
Wild Dog actor Rick Gonzalez tell us that the show isn’t necessarily moving faster than before, explaining that they're just “cohesively moving to a deadline in a way that doesn’t waste any time”. Dodgy pacing has affected the Arrowverse before, so it’s reassuring to hear that Arrow will stay on target in the final stretch.

4. The premiere will revisit the pilot in some surprising ways
We’ve suspected for some time now that the season 8 premiere will skip back in time thanks to the episode’s official title, 'Starling City', which harks back to Star City’s original name. While the cast haven’t revealed the mechanics behind this just yet, showrunner Marc Guggenheim reveals that the upcoming premiere, “is like a mirror image of the pilot”.

However, the episode will still revisit “key moments with a different spin”, which probably explains how newer characters like Wild Dog and Harkavy’s Black Canary will appear, even though they were introduced long after the original season 1 pilot.

Curiously enough, Amell also mentioned that filming the season 8 premiere was easier than usual “because we got to use a bunch of footage from the pilot”.
*  *  *
5. Season 8 will pay tribute to every season of Arrow
Guggenheim has already revealed that every episode building up to 'Crisis' sees “Oliver dealing with the various stages of grief that come with that discovery”, but during his discussion with Digital Spy, the Arrow co-creator went into even more detail, explaining that, “there’s an acknowledgement of the entire show’s history in every episode… it’s like we’re playing our greatest hits".
*  *  *
Amell also elaborated on this further by revealing that the first seven episodes of season 8 will pay homage to specific seasons: “Episode one is the pilot… and episode two is an ode to season 3, and episode 3 is also an ode to season 3…” It seems likely then that Oliver will revisit past seasons somehow with the Monitor’s aid, potentially learning from or even undoing his previous experiences.

6. Black Siren will become a hero
Katie Cassidy has a lot to be excited for when it comes to the final season of Arrow. Not only will she direct the third episode, but her character Black Siren will sport a new costume to reflect Laurel’s newfound love of heroism.

“We’re fulfilling the promise of her becoming good, of being a hero… teaming up with Oliver and fulfilling his quest to save the multiverse.”
*  *  *
The pair haven’t always seen eye to eye in the past, but Black Siren’s growth has been a real highlight of later seasons and as Cassidy herself predicts, Laurel's evolution into a bonafide hero is “going to be f**king epic".

7. Batwoman represents the future of the Arrowverse
With Arrow taking its last bow and Batwoman waiting in the wings, it’s easy to see how Kate Kane’s own brand of crime fighting owes a debt to Oliver Queen and Guggenheim feels the same way.

“The Batwoman pilot is a great successor to Arrow… This is where the whole universe is going. It’s what the future looks like.”

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Why Oliver Queen's Final Arrow Season Journey Could Be All About Crisis On Infinite Earths


... Stephen Amell said this about Oliver early in Season 8:

"Oliver in the first three episodes basically closes the book and reconciles in some way, shape, or form with five different characters that I don't think the fans ever would have expected that he would have reconciled with."
*  *  *
David Ramsey, who plays John Diggle on Arrow, addressed what he's most excited about for "Crisis," and his words also suggest that an ongoing build to the crossover is in the works. Here's how he put it at SDCC:

"I think how we get into 'Crisis.' How we get into it. And each episode is kind of obviously a sprint to that finish line. That's what's kind of exciting me the most. Just in terms of each piece is kind of like, oh, you're getting closer and closer. The anticipation of it. But in terms of 'Crisis' itself, the actual script and what we'll see on that day... I don't know if I have any expectation because I'm kind of deeply involved in the journey at this point... Getting there has been very exciting..."
*  *  *
James Bamford, who will direct the series finale as well as the Season 8 premiere, shared some of what to expect from Arrow when it returns. When asked about the biggest challenge of Season 8 outside of the crossover, Bamford said this:

"The biggest challenge is each episode is being written like a finale. So each episode has the scope and scale and the cast and the budget, the over-budget of a finale. So it's full-on. We are all-hands-on-deck 24 hours a day trying to get just the premiere done, and we're going to be shooting until the end of November. So aside from that, the scripts are coming in early. The writers are delivering these wonderfully crafted epic scripts you'd think are impossible for television. We are charged with making them possible. That's the biggest challenge, and we want to do justice, of course. It's the last season. So we're going, all cylinders are firing, and we're going for it as hard as we can."

Arrowverse's The Monitor Talks Crisis on Infinite Earths & Beyond
by Meagan Damore – on Jul 31, 2019  


A few weeks ago, executive producer Marc Guggenheim revealed work had begun on the crossover. Have they told you anything about it yet?
[LaMonica Garrett:]
... "Crisis on Infinite Earths," that crossover hasn't started, you know, but like [Arrow showrunner] Beth [Schwartz] said, pretty much Arrow's whole season is a "Crisis" build up, you know, leading up to the "Crisis." So from day one on Arrow Season 8, it starts the "Crisis." It's a prelude to what's happening.
*  *  *
At the end of Arrow Season 7, the Monitor appeared to Oliver and enlisted him for his quest to warn the multiverse about "Crisis." How much will we see you in Season 8?
I think I'll be around. I'll be around kinda like last year, popping up on season finales here. One episode here, two episodes there. It's like he's one of those characters, which is fun, that he's a Where's Waldo kind of. When he comes, it's something ominous that's following you. So it just heightens whatever scene is going on, whatever presence that's already around. It heightens that moment, and it just reminds the audience that "Crisis" is around the corner. So it's one of those things. I won't be on, I don't think, one show every episode. But I will be bouncing around the universe, just to remind people like, "Hey, I got a big brother." That he's coming.
*  *  *
How does the Monitor's relationship with Oliver evolve?
I think they're still at a stage. The rest of the superheroes included, they're trying to figure out if they can trust this guy. Because he comes in, you know, he's not doing the best intentions as far as the audience is seeing... But that was him in the comic book as well. He was an arms dealer to villains. He was doing bad things for a greater good, but you didn't know that at the moment. So I think they're just still trying to figure out if they could trust this guy. He says, "Come with me, and we'll do this." I'm just some guy that came that shows up in your living room... but they've seen how powerful he is. So you gotta roll with it.

Edited by tv echo

ARROW: Stephen Amell and Marc Guggenheim on the Show’s Very Final Scene
August 2, 2019 by Marisa Roffman   

ARROW: Marc Guggenheim on ARROW's Final Scene
Published on Aug 2, 2019, by GiveMeMyRemoteTV

-- On what he can tease about the final scene of the Arrow tv series (which he's already written), MG: "Well, I'll tell you, the idea - I never intended to write the last scene ahead of time. Um, every morning I meditate and one morning I happened to be meditating, and I came out of meditation and I had the entire last scene. I mean, I just had it. It was in my head. I just took it down on paper. (Mimes typing with his hands) Um, and, you know, what I would say is, it - it just feels right... I've obviously thinking a lot about how we end the series, and Beth Schwartz and I have been talking a lot about how we end the series. And, in many ways, this scene is almost independent of all those conversations. Um, it's really it's own separate thing. In fact, in the stage direction that I wrote, it's like, you know, we do whatever we do and then we dissolve over to now this moment. Um, so it kinda exists on its own terms. And, um, I hope we get to film it. You know, I really - I really do. Um, I think Stephen said, like, there's a few hoops we gotta jump through and hurdles we have to cross in order to make it happen. But, it feels right, um, it feels good, and, uh, it - it just - I'm a very big believer that, you know, when the muse or god hands you the whole package, you listen and you just take dictation and type it down, and that's all I did." When asked if he'll do multiple endings just to see if he's right, MG: "No, no, I'll tell you why not. Um, it's just the nature of television production. Like, you know, um... if I can do it, it's not going to - whether or not I'm quote-unquote 'right' is not going to be determined on how we film it. It'll be determined on whether or not logistically we can film it. If we can, oh, we're going to show it."

ARROW: Stephen Amell Teases the Very Final Scene of the Series
Published on Aug 2, 2019, by GiveMeMyRemoteTV

-- On his reaction to what MG wrote for the final scene of the Arrow tv series, SA: "I haven't read it. I've been pitched it. Um, and, uh, I mean... (pause) ... I can't talk about it. It's really cool. Um, I think that, uh - do you have a favorite finale?" Interviewer: "Probably Season 2." SA: "No. Do you have a favorite series finale?" Interviewer: "Not Game of Thrones." SA: "I loved the Game of Thrones finale, but it was an epilogue. There's a difference." Another interviewer: "Cheers." SA: "Okay. Just [unintelligible word] Cheers. Because the last scene is - it's just Sam going, 'no, we're closed,' and then he goes and he fixes the thing. If I were to pick the way we go out, we would go out like that. And the way Marc pitched it, he was like, 'so you are, like, here,' and I'm like, 'what?' And he goes, 'and then this happens,' and I go, 'oh.' And then that's it. And I go, 'f*ck.' I hope it works out."

Katie Cassidy Rodgers | Arrow Season 8 | Comic-Con 2019
Published on Aug 2, 2019, by KSiteTV

-- After commenting on her cool new costume, on what her character is calling herself now, Black Siren or Black Canary, KC: "She's the Black Canary... and she's also really come into her own in taking a stand, and it's going to be awesome."

-- On whether her character is now the Laurel that she always hoped for her to be, KC: "Hell, yes. I wanted her to be, like, strong... I like to consider her her own island, because she should be, she can be. Why not? And, um, just being strong. And she is that."

Marc Guggenheim on Crisis on Infinite Earths & Felicity Smoak's Return | Arrow Season 8
Published on Aug 3, 2019, by KSiteTV

-- On what he can tease about what's going on in the future, MG: "I think the fun thing about that storyline is, we're getting the chance to tell a story that we didn't get a chance to tell in Seasons, you know, 1 through, you know, 7, which were, you know, for as many internecine conflicts Team Arrow has had, they pretty much came into existence and were a well-oiled machine. You know, Original Team Arrow for sure was like, oh, it just works. It just works. Um, so we never got to tell the story of what happens when you're brand new at this and you're young and the growing pains. That's what we're getting a chance to, you know, explore in Season 8, and that's a lot of fun."

-- On the chances of seeing Felicity again by the end of the series, MG: "Um, you know, we're having those conversations. Um, it's - it's up to Emily. Uh, we obviously, of course, would love to have her back. At the same time, you know, we respect whatever she wants to do. Um, we wrote an ending to the character that works as an ending to the character. Um, and we'll see what the future holds."

Katherine McNamara Instagram Live - August 3
Published on Aug 3, 2019, by Golden Warrior

-- KM: "I'm in a very silly mood today, guys. It's because I was up for 24 hours yesterday 'cause, of course, I'm a crazy person and woke up far too early because I wanted to work out and then had to go shoot Arrow, which turned into all night. But it's great. You know, I kinda love those days because everybody gets super silly at about 3 am and, uh, it's fun to have, you know, to get to know this new - these new folks, because I love them too. They're wonderful."

From late Friday night/early Saturday morning...

-- SA: "It is a little bit after midnight on Friday evening, Saturday morning, and I've just wrapped episode 802 of Arrow. That's 2 down, 8 to go."

-- SA: "I want to thank Antonio Negret, who directed his first episode in Season 3 and always painstakingly but diligently delivers really, really wonderful content for us."

-- SA: "I would like to really, really thank again the Set Dec Department because we had to recreate something that hadn't been seen on the show in several seasons and, uh, they did a great job."

-- SA: "I would really like to thank, um, the guest star that I can't talk about, that I'm pretty sure hasn't been renounced - renounced, announced. Um, but they were wonderful. And they were very gracious to come back. And I thought that we shared some wonderful moments together."

And from earlier today...

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