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Wish List for Season 6

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So, over at TWOP we had some discussion going about what we would like to see next season and I thought it might be fun to continue it over here.


My votes:


Another crossover with Hawaii 5-0, maybe have their big bad (Wo Fat) pop up in LA.

Kensi apologies to Deeks for the hitting and never does it again

Hetty getting in actual trouble for a few eps over setting Kensi up

Callen and Sam getting called out by Granger for the stupidity of climbing in that sub.


Anybody else want to chime in?

  • Kensi and Deeks to have an actual conversation - sans metaphors.

Allow Kensi/Deeks to be in an actual relationship. 

Hetty to face real,lasting consequences for her actions in the Afghan/White Ghost mission.

Hetty to apologize to Kensi for Afghanistan mission.

Hetty to verbally & meaningfully absolve Deeks of his guilt in believing that his actions forced her to send Kensi to Afghanistan.

To see Michelle [Hanna] join the team on another case.

To see Kensi's mother, Julia, again.

End the romantic undertones of Nell and Eric; allow them to just be friends and co-workers.

To show the core four [Callen, Sam, Kensi, Deeks] out together w. their significant others [Kensi/Deeks, Sam/Michelle, Callen/Jo]

I agree with you both.  I really want this Kensi/Deeks thing to be sorted one way or the other, and for Afghanistan not to be slotted away so easily.  Hetty betrayed Kensi's trust and put her and the team at risk for some random reason and she faced no consequences whatever.  The team seems to have forgiven her - hell, they barely mentioned it.  And for all that is holy please never ever do another Talia-Kensi whatever that was.  It was embarrassing to watch. 

Another vote in agreement.  No more punching, no more metaphors, and some actual adult conversation for Kensi and Deeks.  I used to ship them, but not anymore.  I never got over The Punch, and at this point all the apologies in the world from Kensi won't earn her any respect from me unless her abusive behavior (physical and verbal) disappears.


I'd like to see some actual consequences for Hetty from the Afghanistan mess, and I'd also like to see what if any resolution Kensi came to about Jack when they were captured together.  The ending of Spoils of War had me thinking that she really wanted to get back together with him but he didn't want her back.


I'd love to see Sam and Deeks teamed up for a few missions.  One of the few things that I really liked about season 5 was the warmer  and more respectful relationship between those two guys.  Besides, if that left Callen and Kensi as a team, I doubt Kensi would try the crap with Callen that she gets away with with Deeks.


I know some people really ship Neric, but I prefer them just as friends, and frankly I prefer Nell in Ops to Nell in the field.


No more blind dates.  If Callen is going to have a girlfriend, make it someone whom we see and with whom he has some genuine and age appropriate chemistry (hello Grace Stevens, good bye Lily and Joelle).


Oh yeah, more undercover ops that last longer than 2 minutes.  Some background on the mystery that is Granger. More insight into Deeks' past, his troubled childhood and why he left the legal profession to become a cop.  I need to know that.

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I just saw Human Traffic again, and I'm hoping to see more serious, kick-ass Deeks next season.  I forgot how much I liked that episode, so it's now on my season six wish list.  And since they are moving to 10pm, I'd like some Kensi/Deeks to get a sex scene together (or at least "moochas smoochas," to quote Calvin and Hobbes) 


Also, I would love Granger and Hetty to be taken down a notch- I feel like they are a little too smug right now.


And more core four adventures where they stick together for the whole hour, instead of splitting up into teams.


Hey, this is a wish list, I don't expect them to become reality.  :)

I could have sworn that that last interview in TVGuide that DR and ECO did (right before Spoils of War aired) they mentioned shooting some 'flashback' scenes of that nature in regards to the events of Frozen Lake. And we certainly haven't seen anything, Does anyone else remember this or am I crazy?


You're not crazy, Anna.

They said it and they shot it. The scene was cut from "Three Hearts" episode in post. Will possibly air in a season 6 episode but I can't 100% confirm that. 

Edited by Samantha84
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[courtesy of Matt's Inside Line]


Question: It was said at the beginning of Season 5 that NCIS: LA would be losing a team member. Is that still going to happen? 


Matt Answer: Oh, the Internet. Just one big game of “Telephone,” isn’t it? The team member that was “lost” was Kensi, when she got pulled from the L.A. team and sent to Afghanistan. Mystery solved!



Much less Densi and more back to basics.  The show devolved into a soap opera this past season, the worst one, imo.  I like Deeks and Kensi just fine, but the show has become nothing but ridiculous high-school banter between Kensi and Deeks and then the Wonder Twins.  I think we might get maybe ten minutes of actual drama.  I miss the first few seasons of the show, which is what got me hooked in the first place, when the stories were a bit more serious and not all about whether Kensi and Deeks were going to lock eyes and whisper ILY.  


My wish list is:

  • Either put those two together or split them up.  Enough of their "romance" taking up every freakin episode.
  • Less cutsy banter.  I can deal with it once it a while, but not every episode with 2/3 of the cast doing it
  • More Callen and Sam.  Those two have been relegated to the back lately, and they are far more interesting in my opinion.  How long have I waited for Callen to connect with anyone, and when he finally goes on a date, it ALL happens off screen.  WTF?
  • Bring back some of the old villains.  I loved the Chameleon.
  • Stop making Hetty so untouchable
  • Frankly, let's get back to season one basics.  


I think the cast is great, and the characters are great, but the show got way off course last season.  I almost stopped watching.  If it's the same this season, I think I'm done.

Edited by Bishop

I wish they'd lay off making Hetty make quite so many mistakes. Ok, she's a scary person, but if she keeps messing up as she has been last season, it's difficult to follow why the others treat her like an infallible omniscient. If not, then they at least need her to admit and pay for her mistakes. She's a strong woman, she needs to act like it. Otherwise I'll eventually start to hate her, and she's always been my favorite.


As I said back on TWOP, I would really like there to be some point to Callen's girlfriend as she seemed great and then we never even saw her again (did we?). I want him to totally fall for her and then have her to turn out to be a badass Russian spy or a member of that Roma family playing a long game with him and give Callen something interesting to do. It would be fun to see him fighting someone he cares about, someone who may even be a perfect for him. But I'm guessing that she'll actually just turn into a Mrs. Columbo character, never seen and just mentioned in passing forever so that they can concentrate on the Kensi/Deeks pairing without other romantic storylines.  


Sam and Callen's buddy cop thing is awesome, and I agree with Bishop that last season they had fewer fun moments, which was one of the reasons I didn't enjoy season 5 as much as the others. Next season I want them to definitively show us Sam's (sure to be adorable) kids, so that we at least know how many of them he has. The inconsistency there is bugging me.


I agree that Kensi and Deeks getting together and splitting up repeatedly while being jealous all the time will put me off the show permanently. It's so boring and hackneyed - just decide and stick to it, show. Also, their friendship is sweet and I love how supportive he is of her, but Nel and Eric have zero romantic chemistry, IMO. I'd love it if Eric got over his crush and they became a fantastic team without all the sappy mopeing.

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The problem for me is that the show has become a teenage show.  There are six main members (Callen, Sam, Kensi, Deeks, Nell, and Eric), and of those six, four spend the entire episode with their childish banter (and it's not even funny stuff).  It's like high-school stuff.  I miss the earlier seasons when there was REAL drama to the episodes, a life and death feel of it.  I never felt that Kensi was in danger during her time in Afghanistan, and watching Deeks pine for her while everyone else held his hand was beyond boring.  


I get that Densi became popular, but when the show started to focus more on their relationship, the show took a turn for the worse.  Callen started out as a very aloof, detached guy who had a very hard time trusting, and I was looking forward to watching that shell soften, and then suddenly he just HAS a girlfriend?  WTF???  That happens off screen while I get countless episodes of the Densi/Nell/Eric high school banter show?  What happened to the heart of the show, which imo, is the Callen/Sam relationship?  They got pushed to the side in favor of the current soap opera.  


If it's the same next season, then I'll have to ditch the show.  I got hooked on NCIS LA because of the character relationships, the drama, and the action - and the humor.  This past season, however, was all about Densi and the "will they or won't they" crap.  It wasn't even remotely interesting.  

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I couldn't agree more. I actually love Densi, but it does feel like a bunch of other, potentially more interesting storylines have been squandered this year to big them up. Sure the show's all about explosions and gun fights, but without spending time on each character and valuing them individually, they're limiting just where they can take them.


And yes, Sam and Callen are what I loved about the show from day one, and they seem more like secondary characters sometimes these days. 

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And yes, Sam and Callen are what I loved about the show from day one, and they seem more like secondary characters sometimes these days. 

Exactly.  There was no story for Sam or Callen all last year, except for the very first episode about Callen's father, which was excellent.  Then it went down hill from there.  All their scenes were about the two of them watching over Deeks and Kensi like Uncles and worrying about their relationship issues.  Shoot me now.  Last year was the worst season ever.  Let's hope the writers know that too and will change course.

Edited by Bishop
  • Give Callen a first name. I know they've slowly revealed info about his past over the years, but it's Season 6 now; it's about time.
  • Cut Deeks' hair.
  • Give Eric more to do, and/or get him out the office more. He's one of my favorites, but he hardly gets to do anything.
  • Stop with the flirting/whatever stuff between Nell and Eric. I get enough of that crap with Kensi and Deeks.
  • Please vary the characters' clothes. I don't understand why they're always wearing the same things (just in different colors).


  • Seriously, what does the 'G' stand for?!
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I totally agree with your list except for the clothes. I really like that they wear the same shirts multiple times or have a particular kind of clothing that they always go for. In a normal office, that's what happens. It makes the show a tiny bit more like real life - in fact it is just about the only thing even vaguely realistic about the bizarro universe they live in.

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