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Season 10: Goodbye, Adam Schiff!

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46 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

It’s a really good episode. I do wish that they had tied it to Ellen Pompey’s first role in Law & Order when she hired her boyfriend to kill her mom over pretty much nothing and let her dad almost go to prison. At the end we see her arrested but not what happened after that. I think it could have been an interesting twist if we find out her dad had gotten her a good lawyer and she either got off or was sentenced to minimum time as a juvenile. She gets out her and the Dad move, change their names to get a fresh start. The Dad remarries and then this case is about her and her psycho boyfriend killing her stepsister. We find out that she’s the real instigator behind it all and is still just the same ruthless, shallow, greedy bitch she was as a teenager.

That would’ve been an interesting twist, but it’s doubtful that she could’ve gotten out that quickly - she would probably be tried as an adult for her role in her mother’s and brother’s deaths. But it would’ve been an interesting concept for an episode. 

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Season 10 is on Sundance today - I love this season, all 6 of the main cast are great and there are many stellar episodes.

Surrender Dorothy is one of my favorites from this season, it was on a little while ago - the psychiatrist who drove his daughter in law to suicide with his controlling, manipulative behavior was such a ghoul, and then he smugly thought he could beat the manslaughter charge by claiming he murdered her. What a piece of shit. Jack was awesome in this episode, I loved him telling the defense lawyer that he wasn’t going to back down, and his closing was awesome - laying out for the jury how it was clear Dorothy was driven to kill herself by the defendant’s manipulative behavior, and laying out all of the facts (the suicide note, the forensic evidence, the victim’s behavior, the defendant’s daughter’s testimony) to get the jury to see that it was suicide and the defendant drove her to it and was more concerned with protecting his reputation than anything else. The doc seemed stunned when they found him guilty, he really thought he could get away with his despicable behavior. 
I liked that his son/the victim’s husband immediately turned on his dad when he realized what had happened, I felt for him, he had been living under his dad’s thumb his whole life and his marriage was basically set up by his dad to be a test case for his “surrendered spouse” theory. The sister was kind of sympathetic as well, she shouldn’t have helped cover things up but she was screwed up by her dad’s manipulative behavior and I was glad she saw him for what he was and testified against him. 
Skoda was great as well, explaining how bad the doc’s behavior was and how he manipulated things, and helping the daughter see who her dad truly was. 
Lennie had some awesome quips in it, and the investigation was very good as usual for a Briscoe/Green episode. All in all a terrific episode. 

Narcosis is finishing up now, this is a pretty good one as well, a lot of twists and turns in it with the victim being one of the more unsympathetic ones in L&O’s history given her involvement in human trafficking and other illegal activity. I loved the rage Lennie and Ed had when they found the trafficked girls living in the storage container - Lennie rarely showed anger but he looked like he was about to punch the guy who was guarding the containers. Then it turns out the actual killer is the dad of the kid who was addicted to the porn site the victim was running. The judge shouldn’t have allowed the jury to convict on a lesser charge, I felt like the judge was letting her personal feelings get in the way of her judgment. She basically allowed a compromised verdict, just because the defendant was more sympathetic than the victim. The victim was a bad person and the defendant was somewhat sympathetic, but he still deserved to be convicted of murder. There was a lot crammed in to this episode because of all of the unsavory activities the victim was involved in, so it was kind of all over the place, but it’s a good episode.

High & Low is starting now, then Stiff and Vaya Con Dios, very good finish to season 10. The first 2 episodes of season 11 finish up tonight’s marathon. 

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Y'all Remember "Loco Parentis"? I'm fuzzy on whether the dad (Robert Clohesy) was indeed found guilty and sent to the slammer along with his murdering son, but life imitates art!

Just read that the parents of the kid who killed and injured classmates in the 2021 Oxford murders, both got 10-15 years each. The murdering son got life.


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Sundown is an awesome episode, really strong case with good stuff for each character. I particularly love the scene at the DA’s office with Anita, Abbie, Skoda and ME Rodgers - it was very unique to have those 4 in a scene together. Interesting case about the old guy with Alzheimer’s who killed his wife when he discovered her affair - he was a nasty mean old asshole, I didn’t feel much sympathy for him - he didn’t kill because he had the disease, he would’ve attacked after discovering her affair whether he had Alzheimer’s or not. I liked how Skoda got him to show his true colors when he was questioning him. Jack’s final argument was spot on - he was sane when he murdered his wife, and it would be wrong to let him go just because they felt sorry for him, he was right that it the 8th Amendment didn’t apply because they weren’t inflicting cruel and unusual punishment on him, he would get the same treatment as everyone else. I was glad the judge didn’t dismiss the case. He had to be held accountable and he wasn’t legally insane - the DAs were right to work out a plea where he could live in a more humane place but he had to be punished for the murder. 
The con artist who was scamming women in support groups was an interesting suspect, and I liked how the investigation progressed until they discovered the husband did it, I liked Rodgers showing them the key clue of the ring impression. 
The guy stealing hospital food was a really funny plot point, and Rodgers “free javelins” line was great as well. It’s one of my favorite episodes.

Loco Parentis is good as well, it was interesting how Adam wanted to hold the dad criminally accountable for his son’s criminal acts. I think Adam was right, the dad was enabling his son’s violent acts, he knew his son was a bully and he encouraged it and bought his son illegal weapons, one of which he used to kill someone. I was glad his wife turned on him. Adam was funny when Jack said maybe he should try the case and Adam said “oh ho ho, do I have to do all the work around here?” just the way he said it was great. It was interesting to see Abbie do some of the questioning at trial. The defense attorney going after Lennie because of his daughter’s death was kind of a low blow, maybe the DAs shouldn’t have put Lennie on the stand, I guess they never considered the defense would bring that up. Regardless Lennie did good by replying he didn’t give his daughter drugs or teach her how to sell them. 

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19 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

Sundown is an awesome episode, really strong case with good stuff for each character. I particularly love the scene at the DA’s office with Anita, Abbie, Skoda and ME Rodgers - it was very unique to have those 4 in a scene together. Interesting case about the old guy with Alzheimer’s who killed his wife when he discovered her affair - he was a nasty mean old asshole, I didn’t feel much sympathy for him - he didn’t kill because he had the disease, he would’ve attacked after discovering her affair whether he had Alzheimer’s or not. I liked how Skoda got him to show his true colors when he was questioning him. Jack’s final argument was spot on - he was sane when he murdered his wife, and it would be wrong to let him go just because they felt sorry for him, he was right that it the 8th Amendment didn’t apply because they weren’t inflicting cruel and unusual punishment on him, he would get the same treatment as everyone else. I was glad the judge didn’t dismiss the case. He had to be held accountable and he wasn’t legally insane - the DAs were right to work out a plea where he could live in a more humane place but he had to be punished for the murder. 
The con artist who was scamming women in support groups was an interesting suspect, and I liked how the investigation progressed until they discovered the husband did it, I liked Rodgers showing them the key clue of the ring impression. 
The guy stealing hospital food was a really funny plot point, and Rodgers “free javelins” line was great as well. It’s one of my favorite episodes.

I agree the murderer a horrible person. He didn't care about his wife or anything else except how it affected him. Their daughter seemed to side completely with her father. Enabler. I felt bad for the wife. Skoda's question was good. I suspected he was an asshole despite his Alzhemier's it was great to see it confirmed.



Loco Parentis is good as well, it was interesting how Adam wanted to hold the dad criminally accountable for his son’s criminal acts. I think Adam was right, the dad was enabling his son’s violent acts, he knew his son was a bully and he encouraged it and bought his son illegal weapons, one of which he used to kill someone. I was glad his wife turned on him. Adam was funny when Jack said maybe he should try the case and Adam said “oh ho ho, do I have to do all the work around here?” just the way he said it was great. It was interesting to see Abbie do some of the questioning at trial. The defense attorney going after Lennie because of his daughter’s death was kind of a low blow, maybe the DAs shouldn’t have put Lennie on the stand, I guess they never considered the defense would bring that up. Regardless Lennie did good by replying he didn’t give his daughter drugs or teach her how to sell them. 


It was a low blow to question Lennie about his daughter. I remember Lennie wondering or thinking in one episode if his daughter inherit being addiction from him. He was an addicted to alcohol and her drugs. But I like his answer. No, he didn't give drugs to her or teach her how to sell them. Even though he didn't say it he did try to help her and wanted her to get clean.

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1 hour ago, andromeda331 said:

I agree the murderer a horrible person. He didn't care about his wife or anything else except how it affected him. Their daughter seemed to side completely with her father. Enabler. I felt bad for the wife. Skoda's question was good. I suspected he was an asshole despite his Alzhemier's it was great to see it confirmed.

It was a low blow to question Lennie about his daughter. I remember Lennie wondering or thinking in one episode if his daughter inherit being addiction from him. He was an addicted to alcohol and her drugs. But I like his answer. No, he didn't give drugs to her or teach her how to sell them. Even though he didn't say it he did try to help her and wanted her to get clean.

Yeah the old guy from Sundown was a nasty person, he didn’t even feel remorse about killing his wife or go for help after attacking her. I didn’t get why his daughter so was attached to him. I liked how Skoda got him to show his true colors, Skoda was awesome. It’s a great episode - I liked the investigation of the different suspects before realizing the husband did it and the daughter was covering for him. The guy stealing hospital food was a funny subplot, I love the colorful red herring suspects like that.

Yeah it was a low blow to grill Lennie about his daughter, and I think if the DAs knew the defense would do it they would’ve put Green on the stand instead to avoid that line of questioning. Lennie handled it well though.

I love the cast lineup in season 10 - Briscoe/Green are my favorite detective pairing, Abbie was a good ADA and of course Jack, Anita and Adam are awesome. Season 10 was definitely L&O at its top form.

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Surrender Dorothy is a great episode, one of my favorites from season 10, good twists and an interesting plot - the defendant claiming he murdered the victim to try to avoid a manslaughter conviction for driving the deceased to suicide was wild. He was such a manipulative bastard and creep, I was glad his daughter turned on him. Jack’s disgust with him was great and his closing was very effective, laying out for the jury all of the evidence that proved it was suicide and how the defendant’s actions drove her to it - Graham Sr was a master manipulator and controlling creep, nice to see him go down and I liked the ending lines about how he underestimated the jury and thought he could manipulate them as well. 
I liked how Skoda consulted with the DAs about how Graham manipulated Dorothy and his disgust with Graham was good and I liked how he talked with Graham’s daughter. 
Lennie had some great lines, particularly his “take your own advice Doc, surrender with love” line and telling the Mets fan “you better hope your waiter is not a Yankees fan“. I love Briscoe/Green, their investigations are always great. 
Season 10 is an awesome season, this episode is probably in my top 5 of the season, really great plot. 

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