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American Quotes

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From Season 1 Finale:  The Colonel

Arkady: Besides, if you are wrong we would be giving up the greatest intelligence success since we got the atom bomb.

Claudia: That's what we always say right before our people die for nothing.  The next thing we say is, "It was so obvious."

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Elizabeth: (To Phillip, in respond to her trying to turn them in commie, living in America)  I cant raise the children as communist here, but I can raise them as socialist. 

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Elizabeth: When did you get Henry that cologne?
Philip: I didn't.
Elizabeth: Who did then?
Philip: I don't know. He must have bought it.
Elizabeth: It's disgusting.
Philip: Yeah, I know.
Elizabeth: It's poisoning the whole upstairs. I had to open up all the windows.
Philip: I told him deodorant was fine. He doesn't need cologne.
Elizabeth: He doesn't even shave!
Philip: I know!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Gaad: Can I have everyone's attention? In case it's escaped anyone's notice, we've been under a bit of pressure here these days and it doesn't help when we get sloppy. The counters on our Xerox machine indicate six extra copies unacounted for today alone. I know it's not everybody's favorite thing to do, but when people don't log their copies they put the division at risk.

[at the grocery store]
Elizabeth as Peggy: What are you doing here?
YoungHee: Tap dance lessons.

Aderholt: Have you seen this? "I have been concerned by the language in some communications that have reached my desk, in particular comments expressing that the FBI feels. The FBI may assess, determine, consider, or claim, et cetera but it is not appropriate to say that the FBI feels."

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From The Rat

My two favorite quotes of the night are from Gaad

Gaad: "Martha's worked here over ten years. Thats...Thats crazy"

Gaad: "Nobody could have put that pen their more easily then Martha. How could I not see it?"

Stan: "We trust each other."

Gaad: "She could have been working with Gene or they could have killed him to protect her. She had access to everything."

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Paige: "What are you drinking?"
Henry: "Um..."
Paige: "I'm not checking IDs. Don't freak. Can I have one?"

Henry: "She gets a whole one?"
Matthew: "She is 15."
Henry: "So lame."
Matthew: "You know my dad is an FBI agent. If we drink all his beers he'll notice."
Paige: "Here, you can have some of mine."

It did make me wonder how much beer Stan has in his house that he won't notice two missing beers. Or maybe Matthew just underestimated his father.

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"Swedish Intelligence needs you."  

Philip as Scott Berman to Anneliese. I know it doesn't end well for her, but that line always gets me. I wish people in my real life watched the show so I could say that to them when I need something.

Also, the one quoted above from the middle-of-the-night vacation: "There's a lot wrong with us but now we have to pack and go!"  There's something about how cheerful he is, and how bizarre their behavior is at that moment that just makes me laugh. 

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Philip: My source at the FBI's in Moscow now.
William: You got her to Moscow? Do you think she'll be able to adapt?
Philip: She's alive. She's free.
William: Free? Can't remember. What's that feel like?

William: Where have you been? They told me all communication should go through Gabriel or the center, not you.
Philip: We've been on a break.
William: A break? We get breaks?

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Stan to Philip, as they pass the aerobics(!) studio at their gym: "My bosses don't care, as long as we get the Russians."

Philip: "Heh" with tight ironic half-smile.

On May 12, 2016 at 4:00 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Philip: My source at the FBI's in Moscow now.
William: You got her to Moscow? Do you think she'll be able to adapt?
Philip: She's alive. She's free.
William: Free? Can't remember. What's that feel like?

William: Where have you been? They told me all communication should go through Gabriel or the center, not you.
Philip: We've been on a break.
William: A break? We get breaks?

And William is thinking, I got more than 25 years in and all I get is the occasional "gourmet" meal at Gabriel's grimy safe house?

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Aderholt: I gotta talk to you. Downstairs.
Stan: I don't know, man. Every time I go down there, someone winds up dead.

Henry: Hey, Mom. Can I bum [a cigarette]?
[Elizabeth looks at him and then reaches to get her pack of cigarettes]
Henry: Whoa, what are you? Mom, what are you doing? No. Holy shit, I was joking. Put them away. Are you trying to give me cancer?

Jackson: What is it you guys do again?
Elizabeth: Consulting. Which no one ever really knows what that means, but corporate strategizing, management advice.
Jackson: Okay. So what does that all have to do with Senator Nunn?
Elizabeth: Well, someone has to tell him what to do. I'm kidding. Sort of.

Philip: What's going on? We should talk, because it's better not to let bad feelings fester.
Elizabeth: You can take your Forum bullshit, and you can shove it up your ass.

Marilyn: You should get Erica more patchouli oil.
Elizabeth: Patchouli oil?
Marilyn: She likes having her feet rubbed with it.
Elizabeth: She let you touch her feet?

Henry: We're reading a book right now called Walden, and it is literally the most boring book ever written.
Elizabeth: I never read it.
Henry: Well, it's about this guy who sits at a pond and just thinks about how boring it is.

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