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I can't believe I forgot Aly's birthday!  I must have been sicker than I thought when I went to the hospital in December!

(I was wondering why the stock market was closed last Thursday…)


Interesting that Bianca was 17 when she was cast as Cordelia, since the role was only open because 18-year-old SMG was promoted to playing Buffy after they realized the union rules would be too difficult for a 17-year-old Katie Holmes.  Perhaps that's one reason Cordelia isn't much seen in the front half of S1; the scripts were mostly written to minimize her scenes?

Of course, by the time they got around to shooting those scripts, 17-y/o Bianca had been replaced by 26-y/o Charisma, so the point was mootville by then.

(And of course Eliza was 17 when she was cast, and had to self-emancipate to be able to put in more work.  I'd like to think Joss was casting all these underage actors to try and make the cast look realistically youthful.  But given that none of the males were that young…)


Nice Prince Valiant hairdo on Nathan back the day.  And people thought Marc Blucas's hair was too floppy, lol!


And Juliet is as gorgeous as ever, but that's no surprise.

So, wait, in S7, Aries accounted for four of the six regulars (Aly, SMG, Nick, Emma) and the longest recurring villain (Nick) and three appearances by Juliet as well.  Jiminy, I knew that performers tend to disproportionately be fire signs (CC and Marsters are Leos), but that's a big pile of rams.

(Katie Holmes is a Sagittarius, born on December 18.  The same day as Billie Eilish, Ashley Benson, Brad Pitt and others.

Including Josef Stalin, who wasn't technically a "performer", I suppose.)


Happy Smidge Day!!smg19.jpg.fd70faee05f959d8ab8993d4073537Gotta love this one…WB Star-Making 101:  Sarah is showing every possible inch of cleavage (and leaning forward AND keeping her arms tight to emphasize the "girls" even more)…and Charisma is wearing a top that comes up to her neck.

It ain't Cordelia, the Vampire Slayer's MUCH Hotter Friend, CC!  Deal with it, lol.

Oh, no question.  I think Sarah is delectable.  (There's a reason the pause button gets all those workouts during the slow pan across her upper chest in Bad Eggs, you know.)

I was just suggesting how Cordelia would imagine the title of the show, that's all.  (Assuming it references icky vampire-slaying at all.  Probably Cordy's first idea would simply be Cordelia Chase: Fashion Icon or similar.)

  • Love 1

I can't find a "cast appearances in real life" topic like we had on TWoP, so I'll just throw this here.  Even though it's nowhere near Hallowe'en:

sarah-michelle-gellar-and-michelle-trachOctober 28, 2018.  "Sisters" reunite at the Good Foundation's event. 

Smidge must be the most wholesome-looking Harley Quin ever.  And I hate to tell Michelle this, but her "Witch Hat" looks like a repurposed unicorn horn.

But still.  Very cute. 

  • Love 1

HBD, DB!  Continued best wishes to part of our WPVI family!  Move closer to your world, and all of that!

SEAL Team (which I still say would be much better if it used actual seals) has been renewed for a sixth-season, as well as a stand-alone movie.  This makes 25 bleedin' seasons DB has been a scripted-series regular:  2 on BtVS (Angel is only recurring in S1), 5 on Angel12 on Bones*, and now 6 with this one.

(*No, seriously.  It ran 12 seasons.  Emily Deschanel must spend Thanksgiving laughing in sister Zooey's face, since New Girl only ran for seven.  And both shows were on FOX, so it's clear who was Rupert Murdoch's favorite, and it wasn't you, brat! Ha-ha!)

Only 3 more seasons until David can break the Michael Landon/Harry Morgan record of 27 years with his name in the credits.  Which is only the male record nowadays, since SVU refuses to just go away and so Mariska Hargitay is going to put that one out of sight, but still.


Speaking of birthdays, this one is mine, which comes as a pleasant surprise to those doctors in the hospital who tell me I nearly died in December.  I have to take their word for it, since I was asleep/unconscious at the time. 


But I do maintain a certain skepticism, since after spending most of last year hobbling around with a cane because I didn't have enough drive in my right leg to stand up/walk, they took an x-ray and declared that there actually wasn't anything wrong with my quadriceps, the problem was actually that I had an arthritic knee and didn't have any cartilage left.

"Oh," I said, and nodded my head.  Until I got home and remembered that knees don't actually give you any lift, they're there for flexibility.   You don't push off with joints, that's what muscles are for.  So considering that these geniuses don't understand the difference between a skeleton and muscles, I'm not really certain that I was as "non-responsive" as they claimed.  It probably just means that I was deep enough in my nightmare that I wasn't responding to their voice commands, and they were too afraid of lawsuits to shake me awake.

Still, it all worked out.  While I was zonked, they put a catheter in, and between that and the Lasix, I peed away so much extra fluid that the swelling went away.  (I've kept up the Lasix, 80 lbs lighter now.). And the therapists at the rehab centre were great, taught me how to get my body to move in ways I didn't know about, so I'm no longer afraid of the floor.  I sat down on the floor this morning, just to test myself; got up in barely 5 seconds, which is a lot better than last September 19th, when I feel and spent eight hours trying to get up, and had to give up and call the EMTs (one of whom was a complete jerk).  Nowadays, I've put away my cane, and I can stand just fine if I'm willing to cheat and push off of something, or unassisted if I'm not seated too low for gravity to help.  (It didn't hurt that I swapped my old bed for one with a bigger base and a more-solid mattress)

And clearly, this means that my quad is much better.  Either that, or my knee spontaneously re-grew cartilage, but I wouldn't bet on that.  (Knee replacements wouldn't make much sense, then.)

So that's all done and I'm here and ready to go, celebrating other 5/28ers and their connection to the BuffyVerse.

Alexandre Lacazette appears to have lost his starting place with Arsenal in English Premiere League, which is rather embarrassing, given his stature.  Lacazette's been with the Gunners since 2017-2018, the final year they were managed by the great Arsene Wenger.  Wenger is, of course, most noted for managing "the Invincibles", the 2003-2004 team that went undefeated.  A film was made about them, narrated by Mark Strong, who was in John Carter with Taylor Kitsch, who was on Friday Night Lights with Jesse Plemons, who did a season of Fargo with Kirsten Dunst, who starred in Bring It On as the love interest teammate of Eliza Dushku.

Of course, while Arsenal had a good season, they didn't win the League.  That was Manchester City, for the fourth time in five seasons.  And no wonder they keep winning, since they not only boast 5/28ers Phil Foden and John Stones (whom I covered last time), but also left back Kyle Walker.  (I guess by failing to cover Walker before, he was indeed left back, huh?) Walker's done so well he's made international appearances for the England team, which is managed by Gareth Southgate, who guested (as himself) on Jamie Johnson  (UK series about a 12-year-old who wants to be a pro footballer), which also features Emma Stansfield, who was in The Tudors with Henry Cavill, who's done three turns as Superman opposite Cousin Beth (Amy Adams) as Lois Lane.

Christa Miller is best-known for being much prettier than anyone else in the cast of The Drew Carey Show.  (Apologies to any of you that fancy Craig Ferguson.) Miller certainly made an impression on Spin City producer Bill Lawrence, as they got married, and she later had a recurring role on Lawrence's next show, Scrubs, which starred Donald Faison, who was in Clueless with Alicia Silverstone, who was in The Crush stalking Cary Elwes, who gained immortality in The Princess Bride opposite Robin Wright, who got her start on Santa Barbara whose cast included Judith McConnell, who (as previously mentioned) later worked with me.  But, as I'm not actually part of the BuffyVerse, I should also note that Miller was also in Lawrence's next show, Cougar Town, opposite Courteney Cox, who was in Scream 2 with SMG.

Monica Keena went from a memorable recurring role on S2 of Dawson's Creek (the same season that Jason Behr was recurring) to a lead on Undeclared, alongside Jason Segel, who of course was Alyson Hannigan's love interest for nine seasons of How I Met Your Mother.  

Noted sex symbol Carroll Baker is best know for portraying a previous sex symbol in Harlow, which featured Leslie Nielsen, who was in Police Squad! with Peter Lupus, who was on Mission:Impossible with Leonard Nimoy, who was on Star Trek  with Judith McConnell, but more pertinently with Jack Donner (Glory's cleric).  Jack passed away at age 90, but Carroll Baker is still hanging it at 91, albeit probably no longer a sex symbol.  (But if she is for you, well, you do you, I suppose.)

Jesse Bradford, of course, was Cliff in Bring It On.  Cliff is the dumbass who thought he had a chance with Torrance (Kirsten Dunst), somehow missing that Torrance was meant only for Missy (Eliza Dushku).  Must have been hard for Bradford to play such a clod…

Well, that's enough for a start.  Maybe I'll do more later on, or wait for the 5/31 contingent (whom I stiffed last year, sorry) instead.

And best wishes to Mrs. Loandbehold's sister, too!

Edited by Halting Hex
1 hour ago, lembergwatcher said:

Courtney Cox plus Neil Patrick Harris (was in HIMYM with Aly) plus Jim Belushi (was in Race the Sun with Eliza Dushku). 

And Helen Hunt, who was in Mad About You with Paul Reiser, who was in Bye Bye Love with Eliza Dushku and Amber Benson.

And, not to be confused with Paul Reiser, happy birthday to Elizabeth Reaser, whose wing-woman on The Ex-List was played by Alexandra "Kit" Breckenridge, which will at least interest Joe.

Happy Birthday to Joss Whedon, noted genius (and…other things).   But despite what we might think of the man as a whole, none of us would be on this board without him (and I know my life would be emptier without the series, weaker episodes aside), so I'll raise a (metaphorical) glass, overall.

And, OT, a less-ambivalent set of wishes to serial Smidge-smoocher Selma Blair!  Wishing her all the best, but especially her health.  (Selma was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis since 2018.)

  • Love 1

"Life is realizing your inner perfection"?  I would think that the entire purpose of life was progress and improvement.  If you're already perfect, it would seem boring. 

But you do you, Jimbo.

I wonder if he's asked Trachtenberg for a date, recently?  Sure, MT was "dangerous" when he was 39 and she was 15 (as was the case when he wrote that song in 2001), but 60 and 36 would seem reasonably cool, no?  When James married Patricia Rahman, he was 48 to her 25.  (They're still legally married, but she filed for divorce in February 2021.)

Maybe 36 is too old for him? 

Happy Birthday, Slim Jim.

Well, what's-her-face still hasn't won that Oscar™ (what is she?  0-for-6 now?  It's getting Peter O'Toole-esque), so it's not surprising she's slipped your mind.


(0-for-6 in the Oscars, and 0-for-7 in the BAFTAs.  But she has won 2 Golden Globes and 5 Critics' Choice Awards, albeit two of those were "ensemble" awards and a 3rd was for TV.

And at least she didn't "win" either of the Razzies she was nominated for this year…)

1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

sad if she's had a flare-up before turning 37.

Who knows... Maybe some health issues are involved. Given that Mitchie doesn't appear onscreen too often nowadays... 

1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

Well, maybe it's just to use against Marsters if he gets ideas…

 Or to beat up Joss in case they meet eye to eye. 

And to think some people waste today's birthday wishes on LeBron James!  

(Ellie Goulding I can see, because I've, um, seen a lot of Ellie…but I'll still take Eliza over Elena.  Rawr.)

Sexiest Albanian-American ever.  I don't care how big a crush you might have on the Belushis.


From ED's 2009 Maxim spread, promoting Dollhouse.  

(And Echo answers "Ayiyiyi…")

Happy 42nd, Eliza! 

Still OT, but I may as well make it a matched set;  here's Sarah with her eldest, Charlotte, at the Do Revenge premiere last September. 


Fairly impressive that Char was almost mom-sized and it was still a few days before she turned 13…but catching up to a woman called "Smidge" doesn't exactly qualify you for the WNBA, obvs.

  • LOL 1

Huh, I had no idea that Laura "Pardon Me, But Do You Have Any Grey" Prepon was either Irish or Jewish.  It's those mustard adverts (which our Euro contingent have probably never seen and have no idea what I'm on about) making me imagine she's as French as her name.  Dommage.

(And a happy 60th birthday to E.L. James, the "author" of Fifty Shades of Porn.  I'd mock harder, but we had Season 6, so…)

12 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Huh, I had no idea that Laura "Pardon Me, But Do You Have Any Grey" Prepon was either Irish or Jewish.

Jewish father, Irish mother. Something like that.

Her paternal grandfather Louis was born with the last name Pripon in the town of Horokhiv, Western Ukraine (back then it was a part of Russian Empire). Emigrated to Montreal, than to NYC. Died at the age of 95 in 2000. 

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