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The Flash in the Media

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5 minutes ago, Trini said:

Not a surprise, but I guess it's official: 'Tom Felton not returning as series regular' - and no current plans for him to guest star.

I wonder why they were so secretive about it? Perhaps they initially signed a one year deal and negotiations fell through? He seemed pretty willing to return and they didn't end his storyline in 3x23, so it didn't seem like he was leaving either.



I'm pretty sure the Comic Con TVGuide article said they had signed a deal for her to recur, so I hope that means Cynthia is still coming back. Especially since they even cast an actor to play her father. 

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Taken  is mid-season, so we'll at least see her in the first half of season 4. After that it's a matter of if her schedule for Taken lets her do The Flash for a couple of episodes.

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2 hours ago, Trini said:

Not a surprise, but I guess it's official: 'Tom Felton not returning as series regular' - and no current plans for him to guest star.

Thanks for posting, Trini.

It kind of looked like he was done for for a while, so I'm glad we know. I was surprised at how abrupt Helbing was...he wasn't very forthcoming...but I hope it just came down to budget or logistics and things were left on good enough terms that he can come back at some point for a one off episode. Maybe even bring Rita. 

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BTW, the Television Critics Association Press Tour began this week, and The CW's day is August 2nd. I think it's usually just producers that go to this? Anyway, it's another opportunity for announcements and news from the network/shows.

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On 7/26/2017 at 8:21 PM, Trini said:

BTW, the Television Critics Association Press Tour began this week, and The CW's day is August 2nd. I think it's usually just producers that go to this? Anyway, it's another opportunity for announcements and news from the network/shows.

The Flash isn't going this year, but Legends and EP Guggenheim are, so they might mention some info about the crossover.

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Even more Comic Con shenanigans; half of this is Tom and Carlos being silly:


*Spoilers* - DC All Access interviews with the cast; most of the talking points for Season 4 (no Danielle/Caitlin):

Edited by Trini
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Okay, well, the entire NKD article and photos are up on social media if people want to look for it.


Crossover news from the TCAs: it will happen over 2 nights with Arrow moving to Monday that week.


Also from TV Line:


Pedowitz also made clear that unlike last year’s event, which technically started but barely took place on Supergirl, “It’s a full, four-episode crossover.” As for how one tops an alien invasion as a premise for the all-star team-up, all he would say is, “Romance is in the air.”

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A couple more quotes from the cast from Comic Con about Season 4 - *Spoilers*:


The finale saw [Barry] taking Jay Garrick's (John Wesley Shipp) place in the Speed Force and rather than endless torment, he'll finally find some peace. "He's able to just let go a lot of the things he feels guilty about, a lot of the hardship he's had to deal with," Gustin tells TV Guide.

Those hardships include losing his close friend Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) to her alter ego Killer Frost and realizing the bad guy trying to kill his fiancé was actually his future self. "Not only was he the big bad towards the end of the season, but he kinda set everything in motion that was bad news last year," he added. "So hopefully, not only for Barry but for the viewers...for Team Flash, there could be kind of a forgiveness and we could move on from all of the drama that happened last year."


Also, Hollywood Reporter has a roundup of spoilers for the DCTV shows; with quotes from the producers and network execs about the crossover episodes.

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New Article: Why Barry and Iris Deserve Their Happy Ending on The Flash




Barry and Iris have faced some major ups and downs on The Flash, but we still have faith they will find their way back to each other. While their future is currently on hold, their track record proves that nothing (not even the Speed Force) can keep these two lovers apart. That being said, it is getting a bit exhausting watching them fight for their love time and time again. Seriously, what gives? Even their alternate universe selves can find a way to make it work. As season four approaches, here are just a few reasons Barry and Iris deserve their happy ending, once and for all.

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Wow Grant, so romantic. "I always knew I wanted to settle down young, so I'm 27, better get to it!"

Lol. You don't hear that from too many guys. Reminds me of Ryan Reynolds, when he was was clearly desperate to marry- first Alanis Morissette, then Scarlett Johansson, finally it stuck with Blake Lively.

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Grant for best action actor and best villain, Candice for best action actress, Danielle for best action actress...what are the other two again?

Edited to add: Best action show too

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Teen Choice Awards news:

Grant won! (He got loud cheers too.)


Melissa won the Action Actress category.

Grant didn't win Choice TV Villain.

The Action Show award hasn't been awarded yet. Edited to add: The Flash also won Action Show!

Edited by RedVitC
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Ugh, site is being wonky. Just quoting to say you weren't kidding - those girls started screaming as his picture went up and drowned out the announcer before he could even get his name out. It's all very sweet but I can't say I miss those days. My ears. And yes for best action show! Well done. 

Edited by Karlophe
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Contest to win a hard copy of NKD magazine with Candice on the cover:


Sidenote: I wish Grant would do more stuff outside the show. (Not blaming him; I know his schedule's busy doing the show.)

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Blake Neely talks about making the soundtracks for the DC shows:


Neely started there, then, with creating a theme for Barry the scientist, not the Flash, the superhero. Where Arrow was all strings and brass, Barry's theme was faster (sorry), lighter and included more electronic sounds. The orchestras were kept the same to create continuity between the shows (and presumably for budgetary reasons). The strings and brass, which Neely calls "the glue," were also still there.

Once Barry Allen was set, it was time to tackle the Scarlet Speedster. For that, it was back to the dark room, this time with images of jet engines and propulsion. The Flash was, in a way, more difficult than the Arrow theme, because the composer had been seeped in the darkness of Star City for so long. Still, he powered through and eventually created the hopeful, sci-tech score you hear on screen.

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New promo! *spoilers*




Obviously, Barry was going to be coming back, but I'm surprised that they showed (relatively) so much of him in this promo. I thought they'd play coy about it for a while longer.

What?? Wally and Steel from Legends working together??

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Fan Fest Picks: Top 5 Arrowverse Ships

Barry and Iris are number 1:



1. Barry Allen & Iris West (The Flash)

Alyssa: This iconic couple was finally given the chance to be together in season 3 and they are just perfect for each other. They have a good relationship and seem very authentic on screen. Some of that probably goes to the chemistry between Grant Gustin and Candice Patton.

Jules: I absolutely adore the story of two childhood friends who fall in love. From the moment these two characters shared a moment on screen, I admired their chemistry. Everything from the conversations to the looks they give each other – is perfection.


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io9's Fall Preview:


The Flash

Premieres: October 10 at 8:00 pm on the CW

Let’s be honest, last season’s finale was kind of a letdown. They found a way to make it so Iris West didn’t actually die (it was HR in disguise), and now Barry is supposedly trapped in the Speed Force for all eternity… even though we know he won’t be, because how the hell can the show continue without him? In any case, Katee Sackoff from Battlestar Galactica is joining the cast as the villain Blacksmith, which is guaranteed TV gold.

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On 8/24/2017 at 7:53 PM, Trini said:

Looks like we'll get some producer teases next week (Wednesday, August 30th) with this special presentation of Vixen :

Well, no new info; but there was a new promo with a few new clips from the first few episodes of next season.

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Article/essay. It's hard to pick out quotes for this, so I just picked out a few here and there, but I'm not sure how much it flows out of context:

Why Black Women Need Iris West


For too many years, there have been a limited number of black women in healthy relationships on television. In the Flash series, Iris West is the object of Barry Allen’s complete and utter affection. There aren’t very many women of any color that can say they wouldn’t want a partner to see them in that light. Imagine being a woman or a girl who rarely sees herself reflected in the images that she sees on television, even though she is an avid watcher and admirer of the small screen. Imagine being a woman who never sees a man care for her just for who she is. Imagine not ever seeing a friendship be the solid foundation on which love is eventually built. In the relationship between Iris and Barry, we see all of that and more.



Black females desperately need to see themselves held in that regard and reciprocating that type of love when they turn on the t.v. In fact, white females need to see it as well. It is because we don’t see it enough that Candice Patton’s role is so controversial to too many people. There are not enough images of black women being loved unconditionally on television without scandal or secrecy, so when it is presented to us we act out in a variety of ways.



The Flash is a fun, family friendly series that tackles relationship drama as expertly as it tackles heroics. The dynamic of Iris and Barry is a big part of why the show is so successful and simultaneously one of the reasons it gets so much criticism. The creators and writers of the show are courageous for their casting decision and for the way they have continued to beautifully craft the story of Barry and Iris. Though wrought with superhero angst, their relationship is portrayed in a healthy light. Candice Patton is brave to continue on in this role knowing the gravity of what her portrayal means not only for black girls but all girls. Her presence on the show as a leading lady, deserving of love for no other reason than being herself, is a much-needed gift and lesson to all of us who watch each week.

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