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The Flash in the Media

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This is from months ago, but I thought it was posted here already; Emmy magazine interview - 'The Family Dynamic of Keiynan Lonsdale':


Playing Wally West must be great fun. What’s it like, stepping into the shoes of a superhero?

It’s surreal. Every kid imagines flying and having powers. Being an adult who gets to play that dream-come-true role is awesome. We film 10 months out of the year, and the sets are huge. Flash has technical elements with special effects that we’re always rehearsing.

When I became Kid Flash, it was great to be able to watch Grant (Gustin, who plays Barry Allen, aka The Flash) at work. Having to freeze mid-scene, or wear sliders under our shoes when we run into a scene is really fun. A lot of the time we’re running, which is also super tiring.

But stepping into that superhero costume is great. It wasn’t that long ago I was coming to L.A. to audition during pilot season for guest roles and getting rejected at every turn. ...

How has playing a superhero affected your life?

I feel the pressure and responsibility of what it means to be a hero, helping other people. The things actors do with our art can affect and inspire other people in their real lives. It’s easy to forget that we have a responsibility in that regard, with strangers who see our work, and may follow us on social media. 

Have you felt any pushback about playing a superhero who’s traditionally been portrayed as a Caucasian?

Wally West is pictured as Caucasian in the early comic books and animated series. When they decided to make him black in the updated comics and on the show, some people didn’t like it. I’ve learned to have thick skin and not take it to heart.

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This was really nice! I'm not super into monitoring the official Flash twitter account activity, but it's strange that they haven't posted about this (please correct me if I'm wrong). One of your regulars won a pretty big award... But I don't remember if they posted anything when Grant won either. Maybe that's their thing. They do post about the Teen Choice Awards. I saw some of the writers tweet about it, but not the official writer's account, I think.

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On 7/9/2017 at 6:36 PM, doram said:

They did post something when Grant won.

Well then...I'm not sure what to say. I wonder what's up with that.


A little bit of cuteness! (I'm not sure how to get it so that you can see the first tweet embedded in Candice's tweet so I took a screenshot):





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TYF’s Top TV Episodes of 2017 (So Far)



5. The Flash – “Duet”

Who would have thought we’d ever be witness to a live-action superhero musical? It’s never been done before, but what better way to do it than in a crossover episode of The Flash? “Duet” exceeded expectations (and I’ll admit to having my own reservations) and is essentially a superhero episode of TV wrapped inside a musical dreamworld, and sprinkled with some Disney-style magic (true love’s kiss was involved, naturally). “Duet” mixed old-school glitz and glamour with fantastic showmanship, an engaging plot that had West Side Story vibes, and reiterated what a joy The Flash can be when it pairs together the right elements. It definitely helps when half the cast can sing and/or tap dance. “Duet” pulled out all the stops. It had an enchanting atmosphere, with some actors pulling double duty in different roles, charming lead performances, impeccable costumes, and an entertaining villain who believed in the power of love.

Some of the best parts of “Duet” included Jesse L. Martin and Victor Garber singing “More I Cannot Wish You” to Candice Patton’s Millie Floss (whose accent was superb), Barry (Grant Gustin) and Kara (Melissa Benoist) catching their significant others kissing in the musical world, and then later singing (and tap dancing to) the immensely enjoyable “Super Friends.” But the most heartfelt and powerful scene of the musical comes at the end, when Barry sings “Runnin’ Home to You” to Iris and proposes (again). It’s a moment that wonderfully summarizes their relationship in a song and is beautifully executed, romantic, and quite possibly one of the best proposals to ever air on TV. —Mae Abdulbaki


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‘The Flash’: The ABCs of WestAllen from Fangirlish (Not going to quote the entire thing here, so I picked a few things. Check it out the rest at the source)



But from the start, Barry and Iris have flourished as that slowburn romance that we always had faith was meant to be. That’s in part to the beautiful way their dynamic is written on the show, but also how Grant Gustin and Candice Patton manage to breathe life into such an epic couple. Their relationship is based on trust and friendship. While it took some time before the two were equally ready to explore the romantic side, that time finally came last season. And it was worth everything.




C is for Chemistry.

Barry and Iris can steal our breaths just by standing next to each other. A single look conveys unspoken words that set our hearts on fire. You can’t teach that kind of chemistry. Sure, Barry and Iris were meant to be in the comics. But it’s Grant Gustin and Candice Patton’s chemistry that has made that true in the television show, as well.





F is for Friendship.

Barry and Iris’ relationship is built upon the strong foundation of friendship that they’ve cultivated since they were young children. They’ve been friends for more than half of their lives, and that’s the central foundation of their relationship. They’re couple goals. When people say, “marry your best friend,” this is what they’re talking about.





H is for Home.

Home is where the heart is. And Barry and Iris’ heart and home are with each other. We’ve heard Barry and Iris say on multiple occasions how they are each other’s home. It wouldn’t matter where they are or what they’re doing, all that they need is each other to feel safe, loved, and at home.





I is for Iconic.

Sure, Barry and Iris are iconic in the comics. But they’re even more iconic on The CW’s The Flash proving that it takes two incredible characters and two dynamic actors to actually make what’s iconic on paper iconic on the small screen.





L is for Love.

Barry and Iris’ relationship spans most of their lives. Long before Barry even knew what love was, he loved Iris. Love seems like an even more powerful word when associated with Westallen. Their love runs deep and strong. Their love is everlasting. And we love to love that kind of love.





N is for Natural.

When it comes to Barry and Iris, there’s this sense of a very organic relationship. They never have to try too hard as characters or as actors to portray that very natural dynamic between Barry and Iris. It’s something that makes them very easy to ship and root for. It’s that sense of relatability that makes it great as a fan.





T is for Trust.

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Trust doesn’t always mean agreeing with every decision your significant other does. But it means having faith in them that they’re coming from a good place. Barry and Iris definitely have that trusting foundation in their relationship. They literally trust their lives with the other. But they also trust each other’s instincts.





U is for United.

Individually, they’re strong. United, they’re even stronger. Barry and Iris have always been this united duo throughout the time we’ve seen them on the show, and presumably before. They stand by each other’s sides during the good times and the bad. They’re just better together.





V is for Vocal.

One of the elements in a healthy relationship is having it out with the other. Disagreements and arguments are not only to be expected, but they’re encouraged. That’s how you work out your issues. That’s how you grow stronger as a couple. And while Barry and Iris have had countless heart eyes at each other, we’ve seen them have those tough conversations where they’ve had to speak out about something uncomfortable or difficult.


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Comic Con TV Guide cover:



I don't mind Arrow and Flash sharing a cover, but I'm offended on behalf of Black Lightning, who should have had his own cover to promote the new show, instead of being pushed into the background of this one.

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4 hours ago, doram said:

Did Supergirl and the Flash have their own covers when they were released? Otherwise, I'd say they were just lumping all the DCTV verse together.

They did; last year, and in 2015.

On 7/13/2016 at 1:17 AM, Trini said:

Flash TV Guide Comic Con Special cover:


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10 hours ago, doram said:

So was Riverdale. 

Did they also get a cover last year (I don't remember at all)?


New article by Fangirlish 

‘The Flash’: 5 Questions We Want Answered at SDCC 2017

1. Where will we find our characters in the season premiere?

2. Can we expect Barry & Iris to tie the knot this season?

3. Who is the new big bad — and how are they a threat to The Flash?

4. What can we expect of this new Killer Frost?

5. How has the Team Flash dynamic changed since Barry’s departure?


Not going to post the whole things, so here's the first two:


1. Where will we find our characters in the season premiere?

Assuming The Flash keeps with tradition of its real-world time jump, about six months will have gone by since Barry Allen disappeared much to the shock and sadness of those that love him. It’s safe to assume that Barry will return. It’s also safe to assume that Barry’s return is something that’ll happen on screen. So when the season premiere picks up six months later, what can we expect from our characters? Where will we find Iris? Joe? Cisco? Caitlin? Wally? Harry? Jesse? Is Wally filling in on behalf of Barry as far as protecting Central City is concerned? What can we expect from Killer Frost, who made it clear she’s no longer Caitlin nor the Killer Frost we knew as villainous. And what about Iris? She’d just gotten her future back only for Barry to be taken from her. What can we expect from Iris with Barry’s absence? So many questions, so little time.





2. Can we expect Barry & Iris to tie the knot this season?

The Flash really played with our WestAllen emotions last season. We saw the beautiful start to their romantic relationship, which included two proposals. But there was also the matter of Savitar killing Iris in the future, which certainly added some emotional struggles to the equation. After defeating Savitar, it seemed like we were getting a happy ending for Barry and Iris. That is until Barry gave himself over to the Speed Force. Now, we know that this isn’t permanent, and it’s a matter of when we can expect Barry to win. Also a matter when is when can we expect Barry and Iris to tie the knot? We’ve gotten two engagements — and they’re technically still engaged — so when Barry returns, can we look forward to a WestAllen wedding in season 4? Surely we can, right? It’s just a matter of when — and a matter of any other obstacles the writers decide to throw their way. We’re so ready for a WestAllen wedding!


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10 hours ago, RedVitC said:

Did they also get a cover last year (I don't remember at all)?

Last year the 4 covers were Flash, Supergirl, Supernatural, and Blindspot.

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I always melt a little at stuff like this. I'm glad people are liking Runnin' Home to You so much. I've already seen so many tweets and even some footage of people having used it for the first dance at their wedding, or the groom singing etc.


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2 hours ago, RedVitC said:

I'm really pleased they included Iris. Can they release he pics from the photoshoot that pic of hers is from? I think it's from S2, right?

Ugh. The entire cast needs new promo photos. It's the network's top show going into it's fourth season; what gives, CW??

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This is labeled for Black Lightning,  but it's a promo for all the DC/CW shows; has a good amount of Barry/Flash, and the voice of Iris/Candice.

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I'm back, I'll start posting some stuff again, but it will be just as I find it, so it might be all over the place timeline wise!
















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