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The basis of the 30 year blood feud between Roman and Sasha is -- Sasha was assigned to protect Roman's daughter, Sasha fell in love with Roman's daughter and they had a child (Elena) but then Sasha exposed himself as a wolf to Roman's daughter and Roman killed his own daughter because of that.


If Roman was completely unaware that his daughter had a child, how did Roman find out that Sasha had shown Roman's daughter that he is a wolf.  It is all pretty weak excuse for a 30 year blood feud.


The former sheriff of Bear Valley (Karen) continues snooping on the Russians she encountered in town and tracks them to the location of Jeremy's sitdown with Roman and Sasha.


Roman agrees to Jeremy's terms to leave Sasha alone in exchange for the counterfeit plates Jeremy and Clay recovered earlier in the season, but that goes south when Roman attacks Jeremy and pulls a knife on Sasha and stabs Sasha in the chest.  Sasha clutches his bloody chest with his hand and Sasha's bloody hand touches an exterior window that the Karen spots, pulls out her gun and heads in -- but not before watching a naked Alexei (Sasha's son) go through his first change -- and the Karen gets stabbed in the leg by Roman for her troubles.


The episode ends with Nick taking Katia (Sasha's human daughter) to a secondary safehouse to be safer, Sasha is recovering from his wounds at Stonehaven with Elena, Clay finds Alexei in the woods in human form smelling of gasoline and with human blood on his hands, Jeremy is dealing with an unconscious Karen and leg wound, and the Russians are regrouping at the airport to go find a new base of operations to go on the offensive against Jeremy's pack.


They seem to have completely forgotten about Rachel and baby Rocco (Logan's son).  In fact, they went out of their way to indicate that Rachel wasn't allowed out of her house in Ithaca and Nick was the only one to go to the store for her.  And that was 3 episodes ago, so have Rachel and Rocco just died of starvation since Nick has been busy elsewhere ?


Have they substantially cut the budget on this show ?  When Alexei woke up in the woods and Clay found him, it looked like fake mats of artificial turf in the background -- in fact you could see the seams and folds between the mats.


Yawn! I was so bored by this episode.


You weren't alone.  Overall, a pretty lacklustre episode with a lot of filler.  Which is surprising considering it is a shortened 10 episode season -- as compared to last year when there was a lot more story going on in each episode.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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If Roman was completely unaware that his daughter had a child, how did Roman find out that Sasha had shown Roman's daughter that he is a wolf.  It is all pretty weak excuse for a 30 year blood feud.

There are plenty of potential scenarios.  I mean a naive Sasha could have told Victor (or let something slip).   Or when Sasha told her about wolves he also told her about her father leading to her tracking him down to confront him?   I mean I am assuming before then her father had not been part of her life, with the extent of his knowledge and involvement being Sasha sent to protect her and maybe give him periodic updates.  (One of which would not be that he knocked up his daughter.)


The basis of the 30 year blood feud between Roman and Sasha is -- Sasha was assigned to protect Roman's daughter, Sasha fell in love with Roman's daughter and they had a child (Elena) but then Sasha exposed himself as a wolf to Roman's daughter and Roman killed his own daughter because of that.

It was mindbogglingly stupid how adamantly Jeremy agreed with Victor that there was no other way....when hello did he he really forgot about Rachel?  Also he was seemingly willing to let Elena's sorta half-sister Katia live.  So hearing him say that no humans knowing is absolutely the only way...nope soooo much WTF involved.   Also did he learn nothing about how some traditional rules are stupid and can bite you in the butt via the Ruth/Alester situation?)


So Elena is Victor's granddaughter.  The blood of his beloved daughter.  The super special lone female wolf in the world is of his blood...and he is still going to want to kill her?  Makes total sense.  I'm hoping that Konstantin was wrong and Victor will instead want to force her to join his pack instead.


The episode ends with Nick taking Katia (Sasha's human daughter) to a secondary safehouse to be safer,

Surely this is going to be Paige's place right?  Because where could be safer than a place protected by witches?


They seem to have completely forgotten about Rachel and baby Rocco (Logan's son).  In fact, they went out of their way to indicate that Rachel wasn't allowed out of her house in Ithaca and Nick was the only one to go to the store for her.  And that was 3 episodes ago, so have Rachel and Rocco just died of starvation since Nick has been busy elsewhere ?

Eh the events of the past couple episodes probably took place over the course of just a day or two so it's not like Nick has been unavailable for a long period of time.  Surely they would make sure she has at least a weeks worth of supplies at a time?


Clay finds Alexei in the woods in human form smelling of gasoline and with human blood on his hands

Everyone sees where this probably going right?  Alexei killed humans.  Karen is going to find out and not be as cool with it as Jeremy.   Thus she becomes an enemy (Jeremy forced to kill her after initially considering letting her live before she learned of the crime) and Jeremy will stupidly believe this is all the evidence he needs that any people knowing about wolves is dangerous to them.   This will cause Jeremy to change his view on Rachel/Katia thus sparking the Elena vs Jeremy conflict.   I really hope I'm wrong....as uninteresting as Russians vs Danvers plot is at least it doesn't destroy what was a great character.

Edited by Xenith22
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As for the whole Elena's daddy plot, how can a werewolf have a human child exactly ?  And aside from the Yukon, where has wolf-daddy been all this time ?  Was he always a wolf or was he bitten and turned like Elena ? Was Jeremy even aware of his existence ?  This seems to be foreshadowing a lot of pending retconning of Elena's story.



Seems like a question with a simple answer...because Elena is a girl?  Only males inherit the werewolf DNA.  Since Elena is a female she was thus not born a wolf.  Hence why the whole killing the mother and taking the baby as part of the pack thing did not happen either.   However this development does potentially mean that maybe there was some small part of passive wolf DNA passed on from her father which explains her surviving the turn.   I guess it does potentially detract from her specialness if her survival was genetic instead of willpower/destiny or anything like that.


This whole Elena's dad is a werewolf thing is soooooo confusing to me.  I thought in season 1 when Logan found out his girlfriend was pregnant, they had this whole discussion about how werewolves only have MALE children, who also end up being werewolves.  Logan was talking right from the get-go about how Rachel's baby was going to be a boy.  If werewolves can have girl children, when was that EVER discussed??  If there was a possibility that Logan's child could be a girl, when was that EVER discussed?  I feel like they just decided to change things around this season in order to have Elena have a dad and family and this whole backstory stuff.

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This whole Elena's dad is a werewolf thing is soooooo confusing to me.  I thought in season 1 when Logan found out his girlfriend was pregnant, they had this whole discussion about how werewolves only have MALE children, who also end up being werewolves.  Logan was talking right from the get-go about how Rachel's baby was going to be a boy.  If werewolves can have girl children, when was that EVER discussed??  If there was a possibility that Logan's child could be a girl, when was that EVER discussed?  I feel like they just decided to change things around this season in order to have Elena have a dad and family and this whole backstory stuff.

I'm pretty sure you are confused.  Logan was definitely not certain he was having a boy, in fact when he talked to Rachel in 1x07 he told her he was convinced she was having a girl.   This was his wishful thinking at the time as having a daughter was the only way he could potentially stay with her and raise the child together instead of having to take the baby boy to raise himself as part of the pack and possibly have to kill her in the process.

From what I can tell this is canon from the Otherworld book series as well.  If what I read online is to be believed a recent book that introduced the character of Roman, stated that one of his pack member was the bitten son of one of his daughters (The Elena as granddaughter thing is a TV version only invention).


Edited by Xenith22
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Wow, that was dull.  I mean really, really dull. There was so much talking and explaining.  Are the writers/producers aware that this is the final season ?  Maybe some shit should happen instead of so very much filler.


Where did we leave off last episode:

  • Roman and the Russian pack were at the airport heading out to find a new base of operations -- they were not seen all episode, but apparently they kidnapped Marsden, beat the crap out of him which they videotaped and left a copy on a flash drive in an envelope at the entrance to Stonehaven that Clay and Elena watched.
  • Nick and Katia were on their way to another safe house -- and only Nick was seen briefly sitting in his car getting a status update from Elena, and eventually headed to Rachel's house in Ithaca
  • Clay and Alexei search for the human that Alexei attacked -- who turned out to be the brother of some guy who was accidentally shot in the woods and he was holding an annual memorial to him when Alexei attacked him.  Clay and Alexei need to find him to make sure he is dead otherwise they will have to put him down, and Alexei has the guilts about attacking this guy. They eventually find his dead body and just leave it in the woods.
  • Elena was patching up Sasha's wounds -- Elena stitches up his chest wound but Sasha's arm wound has become infected so Elena calls in another wolf who is a former Army Medic (seriously, where has this guy been the entire series ?  Because they probably could have saved Logan last season if they had a decent doctor in-house).  Meanwhile Sasha tells the tale of how Elena's mother died and she came to be adopted by a Canadian couple.  I thought it was curious that the couple that adopted Elena didn't change her name even though the whole point was to hide her from the Russian pack.
  • Jeremy patches up Karen's wounds -- and they have a long (and I do mean long) chat about Karen's personal trials and tribulations leading up to Karen admitting she saw Alexei change into a wolf, and then Jeremy kills her.


I agree, way too much talking.  I watch this show because I am a Laura V./sci fi fan (and the male nudity doesn't hurt), but I had to FF through the whole family/Sasha thing - who cares?  Maybe this would have been relevant in season 1 or 2, but not not now.


When are we ever going to get to the end game - where Elena becomes Queen of the werewolves, sitting on her blood soaked throne? 

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I agree, way too much talking.  I watch this show because I am a Laura V./sci fi fan (and the male nudity doesn't hurt), but I had to FF through the whole family/Sasha thing - who cares?  Maybe this would have been relevant in season 1 or 2, but not not now.


When are we ever going to get to the end game - where Elena becomes Queen of the werewolves, sitting on her blood soaked throne? 


See that's the thing -- her vision from last season didn't come true either, so I doubt this one will.

p.a. How do you get the name of the quoted poster?


Sure thing @mjc570 -- Click on the double quote icon at the end of any post and you will get a pop-up box with the options to "Reply to Quoted Post" or "Clear".  Click on "Reply to Quoted Post" and it will automatically insert the post complete with reference to the poster's name in the Reply to this Topic box at the bottom of the page.


Sure thing @mjc570 -- Click on the double quote icon at the end of any post and you will get a pop-up box with the options to "Reply to Quoted Post" or "Clear".  Click on "Reply to Quoted Post" and it will automatically insert the post complete with reference to the poster's name in the Reply to this Topic box at the bottom of the page.


Definitely agree that this episode was SLOW!


Also, I really thought they were building up to Elena vs. Jeremy when Sasha was telling Elena about how her mom was killed and why and Elena was equating it back to when Jeremy almost killed her.  But then she told Jeremy she forgives him and it seemed like she understood why the rules were important.  So now I have no idea what's going on.


In general, are most of the werewolves born wolves?  It seems like they don't generally go around biting people to turn them, right?  So are werewolves dying out?  Seems like unless they're having babies all the time, there wouldn't be very many left (which seems to be the case in the show too).

Well, that happened.


The only good thing was the re-appearance of Paige the witch -- still hot as ever, but there was just something off about her.  She seemed kind of pissy with Nick and them implied that she thought Nick was banging Rachel,  WTF Bitten writers -- are you trying to make everyone unlikable ?


Jeremy is apparently driving all the way to California or some other place very very far away -- every scene he was in he was driving somewhere talking on his cell phone.  He was quite literally phoning it in this entire episode.


Elena and Clay are supposed to be the best trackers in the pack, but this guy with one red eye (I'll call him GWORE for short) gets the drop on them quite easily and captures them both with no problem.


That diner scene was just gratuitous -- I know it was meant to show how fucked up GWORE is as Roman's torturer, but what was the point of drinking that entire pot of hot coffee.


Elena escapes from being bound to a chair by partially changing her arms in that of the wolf, but the CGI of her wolf arm is pretty bad.


Zachary Caine shows up for no apparent reason to rescue Marsten (how Zachary found that location who knows), but then promptly gets his ass kicked by GWORE, followed by Clay and Elena also getting their asses kicked by GWORE before GWORE escapes through a whole in the ceiling in the room where Clay was electrocuted.  My question -- was that hole in the roof of that room when Clay was electrocuted, because I don't remember it being there ?


And magic baby Rocco -- isn't magic.  Paige determines that Rachel is the magic one from the witch's blood she was injected with.


Katia determines to kill Roman by getting close to him by giving Roman something he wants -- baby wolf/witch Rocco (who isn't really magic, but Katia doesn't know that) -- so she grabs a gun from Rachel's drawer and steals Rocco.  The funny thing is that Roman doesn't even know about Rocco's existence so how Katia determines that will be her "in" with Roman -- and that no one will search her for weapons.

Jeremy is being a dick, I'm shocked. I definitely see an Elena vs Jeremy endgame coming; though at this point I would welcome it because Jeremy is so clearly an unreasonable asshole. I mean, I get why he's doing what he's doing, but he's such a jerk.

Liked seeing Paige again-- more witches please!

Poor Rachel-- at least she's still alive! She's pretty much the reason I want Elena to take down Jeremy; Rachel is living in limbo, dependent on Jeremy's whims for survival, lying to her family. Awful!

I think one of my biggest problems with this season is that they've used the time jump to drop these characters into a completely different state without doing the work to set up where any of the current relationships are.  Jeremy this season is completely divorced from Jeremy last season.  And Paige and Nick had a sad, sweet, relatively amicable break up last season and now they're super testy with each other?  I don't care if it's been a year from their perspective, if you're not going to show me any of what happened in that year to make everyone go from where they were at the end of last season to where they are now it's going to feel like everything is coming out of nowhere.  Because it is.


I'm still happy Paige is back.  It actually makes it feel like there's some continuity from last season.  And I love the idea of Rachel being a witch.  But man did Paige feel off in general.  She didn't necessarily have a huge arc last season, but there was a shift in attitude over time.  She became less brash, lashed out less, seemed a little more mature towards the end of the season.  Early season 2 Paige was back in full force this ep.  She's been a coven leader for almost a year (and speaking of which - she can just up and leave her coven for another coast because of bad memories?  I thought her needing to stay with her new coven was one of the reasons she and Nick couldn't even try to make it work long term) but she doesn't seem to have the maturity I would expect after everything that happened in season 2.  It seemed like they hit the reset button on her for no reason other than it would be more dramatic to have her and Nick snipping at each other.


But at least those scenes held enough interest for me to pay attention for more than 30 seconds.


Assuming Paige sticks around for several episodes (since she's now tied to Rachel's emerging witch powers) anyone want to take bets on if she actually goes off with new bf, or if she pulls an Elena and realizes she can't walk away from her werewolf sweety for a normal guy?  The main reason I lean towards thinking she might pull an Elena is it's the final season and I assume anyone who survives the finale will get a relatively happy-ish ending, and since I refuse to contemplate the idea of Nick not surviving I wonder if they'll let him get the girl in the end.


ETA: I never read the books (well, I read the first couple Clay/Elena based ones, but not the extended series) but tumblr has informed me that the new bf she references is Paige's canon love interest from the book series.  But, since the show plays fast and loose with book canon, they haven't otherwise included Lucas, and this is the final series for the show, I still wonder if Paige will end up sticking around.

Edited by CatMack
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Finally, someone competent on this show!  I can't even express how much I love how efficient GWORE is.  He is by far my favorite character on this show, although the negative part is that it just shows how incompetent everyone else is.  I liked his sense of humor, too.  And I thought I was a coffee drinker!


Was that scene with GWORE and Elena supposed to have any kind of tension?  Who could think there was even the smallest chance that GWORE would nail (ha ha,) Elena.


I thought that draped bassinet was extremely creepy, and made me think of Hemlock Grove. 


Isn't it time to start killing off characters?

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After driving continuously for the last episode and most of this episode, Jeremy finally arrives at a town somewhere and determines from the local realtor that Roman has rented a large house nearby.  Was Jeremy using Mapquest or some dated mapping app to get there, because Roman and his men appear to be no more than 2 hours from anywhere ?


Elena spends the bulk of the episode convincing Roman's son Konstantin that Roman needs to die, and basically Oks it as long as she kills Roman.  And then she has some more flashes of the Stonehaven on fire and Elena all covered in blood.


Nick and Paige tried some witchy Google Maps to find Rocco and Rachel goes full on witch with the white eyes and determines Rocco's location -- though they probably should have used a more detailed map.  They eventually find Katia and Rocco and rescue them from nearly being taken by Roman's men.


Rachel is all indignant and tells Nick that Jeremy can't tell her what to do anymore what with her new witchy powers.


I like when Katia arranges the meet with Roman and says to meet her at the corner of two streets, and without missing a beat Roman says he will be there in 2 hours -- even though he doesn't ask what town those streets are located.


Clay recruits Jorge to monitor GWORE (AKA the Albino, even though he doesn't have white hair or white skin) and after Clay has a lovely chat with GWORE that really is meaningless GWORE kills some random guy in front of the bar.  As Clay is cleaning up the body and hiding the dead man's truck behind the bar, Clay returns to find that GWORE killed Jorge in less than 2 minutes and Jorge didn't even put up a fight.  Maybe Jorge is a just a terrible wolf and has no fighting skills.


All in all, a kind of meh episode -- you can tell that they are building to a big showdown with Roman for the season (and series finale) but I just don't see that being all that exciting.

ottoDbusdriver, thanks for the recap-but you forgot to mention the most important thing - no Clay beefcake!   As a loyal viewer, those are the moments I savor.


What was the significance of the sign outside the GWORE's bar - "under new mandigment" ???  they made a point of lingering on it.


Yeah, totally lame. 


Now that you mention it, there has been a dramatic reduction in nudity so far this season -- of both the male and female variety.  So far this season it was only Elena and she last stripped down 4 or 5 episodes ago.  And for male nudity this season the most recent was Nick in that sauna with the Russian wolf.  Last year you had the witches with plenty of Paige and Nick.


I have no idea what the deal was with that sign -- but they did linger on it way too long for no apparent reason.

Episode Description:

Elena makes her first priority as the newly appointed Alpha bringing down the Albino. But when she and Clay confront the Russian assassin, they quickly discover he is always two steps ahead. Meanwhile, Nick and Katia fear they could be the Albino's next victims; and Jeremy receives help from a surprising ally in his lone-wolf quest to kill Roman.


So, Tili Tili Bom is the main phrase in some child's song I've never heard of before.  How is that relevant to anything ?  And it is played over scenes of GWORE (guy with one red eye) cleaning a house, and having a split personality discussion with himself.  This house turns out to be the house that Elena and Clay were scoping out a couple of episodes ago when discussing settling down.


I wish they would quit calling GWORE 'the Albino' -- for starters, he may be white when he's a wolf, but we have never seen him as a wolf to even know he's an actual albino wolf.  And he is certainly not an albino while in human form.  Having said that, at least GWORE is entertaining.


Jeremy spent the last two episodes driving to the town where Roman is living, but is somehow back near StoneHaven in minutes (in the time it takes Nick to wake up after the car accident, since the Russian wolves who ran them off the road are coming down the hill).


Jeremy says fuck it because he probably expects to be killed at the hands of Roman and hands over leadership of the pack to Elena permanently -- in a scene that is just awkward and badly acted. Seriously, wooden doesn't begin to describe it -- so he can go hunt Roman down by himself.


Meanwhile, Nick and Katia survive the car being run off the road, but how did it roll down that hill with all those trees -- did it go all Plinko on the way down the hill ?  Nick and Katia get captured by the Russians, and get handcuffed inside a barn.  Nick convinces Katia to kick a clipboard over to him so he can grab the pen and pick the handcuffs.  Uh Nick, here's a thought, you are a werewolf -- turn into a wolf, escape the handcuffs, and turn back into a human. Seriously, sometimes I think the writers have forgotten these guys are supposed to be werewolves.  Nick and Katia escape into another barn -- and Nick defeats two Russian wolves that were guarding them as Katia runs away.


Clay and Elena think they can confront GWORE even though they got their asses to them the last time they met, and as they try to take down GWORE he gets them to look at his phone that has a photo of Nick and Katia.  GWORE has them drive him to the house he was cleaning to open the episode under the guise to see Nick and Katia, but he has some detection sensor setup and a wall of pine scent air fresheners nailed to the wall to disguise the fact that Nick was ever there (which he wasn't).  It all makes no sense.  While Nick and Clay discover where Nick and Katia are, it turns out the detection sensor tripped when they entered the house called the police -- and one officer shows up at the front door.  Clay, Elena and GWORE fake their story to the cop as a romantic couple who just bought the place and their renovation consultant, only GWORE screws it all up by assaulting the cop and getting hauled away in a police car.


Meanwhile, Jeremy gets a tip from Konstantin that Roman uses the same delivery company every day, and Jeremy somehow manages to hold onto the underside of the delivery van into Roman's compound, kills a redshirt wolf, and ends up surrendering to Roman's henchmen.


Nick and Katia are walking down the road and a driver stops to give them a ride -- only it turns out to be GWORE who promptly stabs Katia to death and drives away.  Elena and Clay pickup Nick and Katia's body where Elena drops the bomb on Nick that she is the new Alpha.


I'm starting to think that GWORE is actually twins instead of dual personalities just in his head.  How else could he be in two places at once ?  It would also explain how GWORE got the drop on Jorge in front of the bar.


The camera lingered on the 'Under New Mandigment' sign in front of GWORE's bar again this episode -- why exactly ?


Somehow Alexei and Sasha were completely missing this episode -- last we saw them they were supposed to be driving back to StoneHaven, but when they returned to StoneHaven Elena didn't tell Sasha that Katia was dead because he was nowhere to be found.


Only two episodes left in the entire series -- and this is all there is.  This show is going out on a whimper compared to last season.


Elena is Alpha of a pack of 2 other wolves (which barely makes it a pack), Rachel and Rocco are off with the witches, Jeremy has been captured by the Russian pack, Katia is dead, Sasha and Alexei might be at StoneHaven (but who the hell knows for sure), Nick is badly wounded from both the car crash and the fight, Clay is just kind of there, and GWORE is murdering his way across upstate New York. 


At this point, I'm hoping Elena's vision comes true with StoneHaven on fire, Elena sitting in Jeremy's chair covered in blood and everyone else ends up dead in the finale.  Seriously, when's the last time someone changed into a wolf ?  Where are Marsden and Zachary Cain ?  They are probably the only marginal pack associates who haven't been killed yet.

That's for the recap - I appreciate that you've paid attention, because I certainly didn't.  Even the Clay/Elena sexy memory didn't do anything for me.  The whole episode was boring and senseless.  I found myself distracted by things like Nick's intermittent arm injury - one moment he can't use his arm, the next he's flinging a concrete block around.


Yeah, I guess the werewolf budget must have run out, because nobody's doing any shifting, even where it would make sense. 


On the other hand, love GWORE (agree, it's senseless to keep calling him "the Albino"),


Curse my OCD!  I am compelled to watch to the end, although, I mainly sit here and think about all the wasted opportunities to go with something awesome.

What is this show's obsession with this 'Tili Tili Bom' song ? Because it's back again -- did they run out of budget to license another song ?


Elena and Sasha were captured so easily -- like stupid easy.  Elena is supposed to be the most awesome tracker in the pack but gets easily fooled.


At least Elena finally managed to drag Marsden and Zachary Cain back into the fight, as well as the wolf doctor and she recruited them all into the pack with her as the Alpha.


There were so many opportunities for Jeremy, Sasha and Elena to escape if they only turned into wolves, but for some reason Elena doesn't do this until she's been severely tortured (and even then it's only her arm).  Clay shows up as a wolf and kills and eats GWORE -- man, the wolf CGI is shitty this season, I guess that's why they quit using it.


Alexei is pretty much useless and gets taken down in one move easily by GWORE.


Big surprise (only not really) when Roman goes back on the deal to save Elena by confessing that he was the aggressor against Roman.  Did Jeremy really think Roman could be trusted ? Roman already broke one deal a few episodes back.  And Roman keeps talking about how he killed his own daughter, but GWORE did it for him so what the fuck is Roman talking about ?


Jeremy kills Roman with Konstantin's help, only to be double-crossed by Konstantin back at Stonehaven who have kidnapped Nick.  For crying out loud, how many double-crosses are going to happen in this show ?  Because it's getting a bit much.


Turns out that GWORE in fact has an identical twin (it was just a figment of his imagination or split personality) so he was able to be in two places at once -- and the remaining twin (who also has one red eye -- let's call him GWORE2) will have his revenge on everyone.


GWORE's rapey/torturey segment was a bit much as well.  But on the plus side, at least Roman is dead.


And what was with the 'stitches' and 'thread' code that Jeremy was trying to communicate with Nick during the Skype call --  that made no sense at all, but who knows it might pay off if/when the witches show up in the series finale.  They have to do something to liven up this show, because it is limping to the finish.

I did not realize how caught Eliana so easily, why not show the fighting?
And their binding was so stupid! They could easily break free, her father was able to release the elbow and comes out!
Probably she should go into another consciousness to become a wolf.
She first seasons were easily changed to-wolf, interesting....

What a twisted mind, torturing her this way.

Since S3 has been a big batch of suck so far, I'm kind of curious to see how they end things.  At least it shouldn't be a cliffhanger since this is the final episode of the series


I guessing Elena's vision doesn't come true ... again.  And likely no one will turn into a wolf -- despite the fact that StoneHaven is chock full of Russian wolves.  And that's all I've got.

So, the living GWORE twin (let's call him GWORE2) prepares to bury his brother, burns his brother's list, and gets ready to kill them all.


All while Elena, Clay, Sasha and Alexei bunker down in the old hangout of the Spanish pack.


Elena has been popping pills all episode -- antibiotics, I guess, for her injuries. But they are never mentioned at all, yet they seemed to make a point of showing her take them


The Russian wolves hunt down all the StoneHaven pack members, and try to kill them if they don't convert to serve Konstantin, but they all claim they serve Elena as their Alpha
-- Marsden dies a really shitty death.  Seriously, his character deserved a better death, at least he died with style.
-- Anson the wolf doctor also gets killed
-- Zacahry Caine tells the Russian wolves to 'suck it, bro', and gets away.  Nice.


Nick is freed by the Russians to give a message to Elena to turn herself in, but Elena sends Nick to Rachel's house to protect her.


Elena and Clay have some very mild (and non-naked) sexy time. While Sasha sneaks out in the night leaving Alexei behind, except Sasha is on a mission from Elena.


Nick arrives at Rachel's house to GTFO and evade the Russians, but Paige went somewhere after a call from Elena and Rachel won't leave because she has new witchy powers. 


Clay and Alexei kill the Russian guards in the woods while Elena turns herself in.


Jeremy escapes from the cage in the basement only to be caught by GWORE2, and taken for a march through the woods.

Clay and Alexei confront GWORE2 in the woods, Jeremy frees himself and attacks GWORE2 as GWORE2 stabs Jeremy in the eye.  GWORE2 defeats Clay and is strangling him to death when Alexei throws a knife and embeds it in GWORE2's forehead.  Smell ya later GWORE2.


Elena demands that Konstantin and the Russian wolves accept her as Alpha, but he hits her above the left eye and the blood starts to drip down her face.


Nick and Rachel kill the two Russian wolves that invade Rachel's house.  And Nick begins to declare his love for Rachel (which seems to come out of nowhere), but she shuts him down until later (i.e. after the crisis is over).


Sasha meets Rachel at City Hall where the Bear Valley Mayor is having a press conference about the recent deaths of a police officer and the former chief of police.


As the mayor begins speaking, Sasha steps forward, gives a little speech and turns into a wolf -- a pretty crappy CGI wolf -- and as the mayor cautiously approaches the wolf and a deputy shoots wolfSasha.


Meanwhile, Konstantin's phone rings and Elena tells him to answer it -- as it's the video of the press conference where Sasha is revealing himself in front of the cameras.


I find it REALLY hard to believe that the Mayor is cool with a werewolf in the midst of town -- like it happens every day -- when until that point in time the humans had NO idea that werewolves existed.


Elena tells Konstantin that change is coming (all while the blood continues to drip down her face) and he better get on board, or she will reveal the names of all the Russian wolves to the Moscow authorities.  And that there are no more Alphas, blah, blah, blah.  All the Russians pack up and leave (see what I did there ? Pack up, since they are wolves).


Sasha dies as Paige hovers over him with the Mayor.  I'm sure the police will have some questions for her.


Elena still hasn't wiped the blood off her face (because of the vision she had, I guess) and pours gasoline all over the StoneHaven basement and Jeremy joins her.  Funny, in her "vision", Elena was sitting in Jeremy's chair drenched in blood and Jeremy was no where to be found as StoneHaven burned.  So did Elena change the future, or was her vision always full of shit ?


And we get the somewhat happy endings for everyone.


Clay and Elena move into that house they were checking out a few episodes ago, Nick shacks up with Rachel and Rocco, and Jeremy gets a cool eye patch a là Nick Fury.


Alexei doesn't even get a follow-up (did he piss off the writers) so who the fuck knows what happened to him, and neither did Paige.  At least Zachary Cain made it out alive.


And peppered through all of these follow-up clips was Elena and Sasha's chat about Sasha going to the press conference.


Man, that was an underwhelming season and series finale.  Even worse, it was really boring.  Makes me really miss Season 2.  Why did they even do a Season 3 if they were going to cut the budget (from the obvious lack of wolf CGI, and when it was there it was poorer quality than last season), and have a really shitty writing staff.  It's like they were phoning in the entire season.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
Elena has been popping pills all episode -- antibiotics, I guess, for her injuries. But they are never mentioned at all, yet they seemed to make a point of showing her take them

This was just to emphasize how badly injured she was (since you couldn't actually tell by looking at her.).  This is the reason that Sascha was the one that volunteered to out himself to the media, because Elena believed she was too injured to survive the change to do it herself.


I find it REALLY hard to believe that the Mayor is cool with a werewolf in the midst of town -- like it happens every day -- when until that point in time the humans had NO idea that werewolves existed.

Yeah, to be honest I would have expected someone to start shooting much sooner...


Alexei doesn't even get a follow-up (did he piss off the writers) so who the fuck knows what happened to him, and neither did Paige.  At least Zachary Cain made it out alive.

Alexei was shown to be on the road with Zachary Cain in the flashforward.  (It's blink and you miss it but he puts something in the back of his pick-up truck then gets in the passengers seat)


Elena still hasn't wiped the blood off her face (because of the vision she had, I guess) and pours gasoline all over the StoneHaven basement and Jeremy joins her.  Funny, in her "vision", Elena was sitting in Jeremy's chair drenched in blood and Jeremy was no where to be found as StoneHaven burned.  So did Elena change the future, or was her vision always full of shit

I hope Jeremy has somewhere else to live?  I mean why did she need to burn his whole house down just to destroy a bookshelf of scrolls in the basement?


Elena tells Konstantin that change is coming (all while the blood continues to drip down her face) and he better get on board, or she will reveal the names of all the Russian wolves to the Moscow authorities.  And that there are no more Alphas, blah, blah, blah.  All the Russians pack up and leave (see what I did there ? Pack up, since they are wolves).

Yeah the no more packs, no more alphas thing made zero sense.  What has really changed other than that they are now more likely to be hunted by normal humans who are afraid of them or believe them guilty anytime there is an animal attack?  I mean they will still want to keep secret the fact that they are wolves.  Just because Elena chose to disband her North American pack has no bearing on what any other pack in the world will do....

Also it seemed like Konstantin had most of his pack with him.  Elena is lucky he didn't just choose to call her bluff or even just stay in America.

Edited by Xenith22

When did Bitten start borrowing the nanite wormholes from Revolution ?   Because the traveling back and forth between Stonehaven and Toronto is getting pretty ridiculous. Elena went from Toronto to Stonehaven, then back to Toronto deal with Olsen and then back to Stonehaven.  Yet in the first couple of episodes, Stonehaven was so far away that it was inconvenient and she played it up like it was a huge effort to even get there

I just started watching this show on netflix (well binge really) and this bothered me so much. As someone from WNY I know that it'll take at least 4 hrs to drive from Syracuse to Toronto. That is without taking into account traffic and a boarder crossing. I think that the boarder would be suspicious why she keeps driving back and forth. And to have her somehow appear back at Stonehaven made no sense.  They should have had her "home" be closer, like say a half hour from Toronto.

That being said I am enjoying this show.

On ‎5‎/‎18‎/‎2015 at 0:38 PM, AAEBoiler said:

I think the big problem is too big of scope and not enough budget. They keep talking about the Jeremy as the Alpha of the "North American Pack" and there's like 5 people. Then, we have this "coven" of witches with 2 women?!? It's all talk and no payoff.

Although I'm way late with this, that really is in line with the books. Eventually the wolves, witches, a necromancer and so on form a kind of UN organization, more of a club, really, but even that is pretty small. The sorcerers, male witches (very much at war with the women), have cartels that are big, have many minions, and a fair bit of power. They become important players in the books and interact with everyone to some extent, but because of their rogue members,  but the books that concentrate on the werewolves, not so much. The Supernaturals are thin on the ground and mostly keep to themselves. 

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