snarts June 5, 2024 Share June 5, 2024 Criminal charges for Angelina: simple assault, criminal mischief, obstructing the administration of law and resisting arrest Details lacking but I had to laugh at her attorney trying to blame an over-the-counter drug reaction and not her, you know, actual personality :) 2 1 Link to comment
Blondie June 5, 2024 Share June 5, 2024 Snarts if Ronnie was let go because of his toxic relationships, drug abuse, and arrest records then it's only fair they punish Angela in the same manner. She's ick 3 Link to comment
Artsda June 5, 2024 Share June 5, 2024 Well they better Ronnie her. 1 Link to comment
snarts June 11, 2024 Share June 11, 2024 On 6/5/2024 at 7:19 PM, Artsda said: Well they better Ronnie her. 100% They'd better be consistent. Assault is assault. 3 Link to comment
Kathy June 28, 2024 Share June 28, 2024 She needs help. She is out of control and seems to have anger management issues. 1 Link to comment
snarts September 20, 2024 Share September 20, 2024 Here's the thing, most of them are friends. They talk & hang out all the time, some more than others but they show up for the big events. Angelina is a co-worker, she only engages for the cameras but then complains if she's excluded. It's awkward and I just wish they'd fire her already. Good on Sammi for showing the IVF process & journey. I don't think most know how daunting (& expensive) it can be. Happy she's seemingly found a good man and her return the show provides them with additional funding to start their family. I rarely praise Vinny (because I think he's an assshole) but I also have to give him props for talking out loud about his anxiety issues. Remind me, why was Pauly's Nikki MIA for the last few seasons? 5 Link to comment
Kathy September 21, 2024 Share September 21, 2024 Angelina is tiring to watch. She makes jokes that are immature and gross. She seriously needs therapy. 2 Link to comment
aghst September 24, 2024 Share September 24, 2024 Maybe after the fight with Angelina she said she’d refuse to shoot with Nikki. Just a guess because she was gone after that season. All the cheesy lines about balls you know the producers cued them up, got them to prep them. Everyone has to have a season arc so Snookie is doing her ancestry. Did this show have one of them talking to a therapist before? Because you know that is fake, a real therapist would never consent to film a session. So don’t expect anything real for Vinnie though they will say he grew or is on the road to getting over his issues. The IVF story is pretty personal, is it really a secret to the roomies though? These days she would have broadcasted it to her social media since she has a lot of followers. 2 Link to comment
Blondie September 27, 2024 Share September 27, 2024 I watched and fell asleep after Vinnie admitted his mom made the meatballs. I'll have to try and get caught up next week. 1 Link to comment
snarts September 27, 2024 Share September 27, 2024 On 9/24/2024 at 10:50 AM, aghst said: The IVF story is pretty personal, is it really a secret to the roomies though? These days she would have broadcasted it to her social media since she has a lot of followers. Came across this article with more details on her journey. In it, she mentions opening up to her castmates about it during the season. Unsure how long ago they filmed. Is she engaged yet on the show? That was May 2024. I love Paulie, so glad he seems more involved this season. The conversation Angelina had with Vinny 2.0 was the most productive I've ever watched her have with anyone. Hoping she continues with her therapy but I'd still prefer her off the show. It's much lighter without her around. 1 1 Link to comment
aghst September 29, 2024 Share September 29, 2024 That was some Airbnb that producers rented so that Pauly can do his "prank war champion" schtick. No private jet this time. Are there direct flights from NY to Vegas? Ridiculous that they couldn't say Super Bowl. 2 Link to comment
aghst October 5, 2024 Share October 5, 2024 Vinny didn't come up with the "would you rather" game did he? Probably reading something from the Internet, like would you rather watch your parents constantly have sex or participate to stop having to watch constantly. Not sure if the other roommates were in on the fake Pauly house all along or they were catching on. Producers probably would collude with Pauly to mislead the others. But none of them, not even Vinny have been to Pauly's house? So much for "family" and how they really are close off cameras. Does Ronnie have money left over from the original run that he never has to work? So he can go and talk about his addition, which is a laudable thing to do, but who pays for his time and the expenses if he has to travel to do those talks? Bunker is probably another thing producers came up with and the meatballs are playing along. Funny the boys went and got burgers, ate the extra ones they were going to bring for the girls, while the girls dutifully went straight to the bunker and Angelina dragged Jenny's suitcase through dog shit. I thought both SUVs had drivers but maybe only the girls' SUV did while the boys either drove themselves to get food or their driver did. But how did they know to order for the girls? How do they know that they didn't also make a food detour? 2 Link to comment
aghst October 12, 2024 Share October 12, 2024 (edited) The stay out late girls or whatever their nickname were too drunk to remember finding pictures of someone else's kids to bring it up next morning. They have to be playing along, no Nikki and Paulie sneaking in. Now the bombshell that he invited the to watch his flag football game instead of the Super Bowl. The women were all star struck about Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift. Aren't they a bit too old for her fan demographic? Yeah I know she appeals to the mothers and fathers of the teenyboppers. Jenny said her nipples were hard thinking about meeting Taylor.🫤 Edited October 12, 2024 by aghst 1 Link to comment
Blondie October 18, 2024 Share October 18, 2024 Finally caught up. I wonder if the pizza guy ever found Mike. Running out of wine was the last nail in the coffin. I wonder if that little excursion was simply "paid for advertising" of the facility. Snooki finally blew her top at Angela's antics. I think it started in the car ride earlier that day. Then at Pauleys game Angela was acting really disrespectful to 2.0 and way too flirty to the point of being embarrassing. When Snooki let it be known that Angela was saying things about the others (behind their backs) to joey Angela lied and denied. Her big mouth gets her in trouble a lot. I died laughing when Angela said Snookie was jealous of the attention she was getting. 2 Link to comment
aghst October 18, 2024 Share October 18, 2024 They ended the previous episode on a cliffhanger, that Pauley was going to tell them they are going to his flag football game, not the Super Bowl. Like the rest of them were going to be upset, felt misled. No biggie, they don't mind going from expecting to go to the SB, hobnobbing with big celebrities like Taylor Swift, and instead going to some cheesy C-list celebrity football game. After building it up like they really wanted to go to the SB. About the only real part was when the women were talking about the challenges of parenthood, including how they were mom-shamed because of their reality TV past, by mothers of their childrens' classmates. They were telling Angelina and Sammi not to have children. Then they said having children was still worth it. 1 1 Link to comment
Blondie October 19, 2024 Share October 19, 2024 Well I was wrong about Angela talking badly about the others per joey. It was about the ex of that guy Angela was flirting with. Evidently that woman was telling joey who then repeated it to snooki. Snooki told Angela who didn't take it very well. Still, Angela saying snooki was jealous and then comparing herself to real A listers rather than the D lister she and the others are was pretty narcissistic. Only in her own mind is she that sought after. The moms talking about how their lives have changed with children was really a good segment. Even though they don't have it anywhere as tough as many many moms their lives have grown and matured. 2 Link to comment
Blondie October 25, 2024 Share October 25, 2024 I fell asleep again. People who cannot recognize the fact that maybe they and their actions/attitudes are the problem exhaust me. If you are just showing up for the camera I don't want to watch you. Be a real friend or be gone. 2 Link to comment
aghst October 29, 2024 Share October 29, 2024 Vinny was apparently at the front row for the Trump rally at Madison Square Garden last weekend where a comedian told racist ‘jokes.’ Sounds like the jokes fell flat with some audiences, which is something Vinny knows about, jokes which bomb. 1 Link to comment
Kathy November 16, 2024 Share November 16, 2024 It is like Vinny just cannot find his way, find what he wants to do when he grows up. 1 Link to comment
Blondie December 20, 2024 Share December 20, 2024 Have you ever noticed Angela gets all butt hurt over what anyone ever says about her but NEVER about what she says about anyone else? Absolutely no regard whatsoever for someone else's feelings. Just about her. Always about her. 5 1 Link to comment
snarts December 27, 2024 Share December 27, 2024 Yes, Angelina has issues but Vinny 2.0 has dead serial killer eyes & is most definitely using her. I strongly dislike both but if we're stuck with them, I wish Ang & OG Vinny would just get together already. I'm sick of him pretending to be some lothario & it would be easier to fast forward through their combined bullshit. 3 Link to comment
aghst December 27, 2024 Share December 27, 2024 (edited) If people are coming on to Angelina because she's on this show, there are probably groupie types coming onto Vinny all the time. So him saying on the show that he wants more than hookups, sounding like he envied all the other cast members who were coupled up, having families and such may be bullshit or maybe there's some truth. But even if he wanted something more serious, would he do it through a TV show? Well he played along with Double Shot at Love and I guess Pauly and Nikki are for real and they met on that show? I never watched it. Maybe Vinny and all the others are wary that anyone they meet are not genuinely drawn to them but only because of their fame and wealth. He's maintaining a bachelor pad so he doesn't really seem to be in a hurry. Edited December 27, 2024 by aghst 1 1 Link to comment
Crazydoxielady January 1 Share January 1 On 4/20/2024 at 11:32 AM, aghst said: They did an abbreviated GTL but they can't keep going to the well on that too much. The guys are all in their mid 30s, most of them with parental duties and all rich so they can afford other types of diversions. Funny you say mid 30’s. Big Daddy Sitch is 42 & Pauli is 44. I agree with all that Angelina is the opposite of entertaining. The yelling, the faces, the sheer negativity is just too much. She’s obviously acting for the cameras for air time. I know a lot of people like Deena but going back to when she started I’ve never understood her appeal. So she is short like Snooki and gets blotto drunk still….shes still woefully unattractive and not one bit funny. Her over use of the word “frig” goes up my ass sideways. In Tucson, Arizona her ongoing schtick that the boys don’t plan right and she should have brought her binder. Honey, sit all the way down and remember you’ll always be fourth string. My husband has visceral reactions to “that ugly girl Deena” and “the one who really messed up her face.” (Angelina and at certain angles Jwow. ) 2 Link to comment
Artsda January 1 Share January 1 2 Link to comment
aghst January 2 Share January 2 Wonder if that was part of the filming of the show or she was just there unrelated to the show. Poor Angelina, people want to use her now that she's on the show and getting paid big money and is somewhat famous. First her biological father -- did her half sisters even try to continue to have a relationship with her after her father tried to grift her? -- and now 2.0 is trying to become a regular on the show as well? But they knew each other for like about a month before he proposed on the show and in that scene, Jenni expressed skepticism and that became a whole thing for awhile. Angelina probably didn't care that much but she knows how to milk the drama, which often involves some kind of antagonism or perceived hate or disrespect. So is she going to become rich and famous but can't trust that anyone would truly love her, not pretend to for money and to be on the show? I would think the other cast members have gone through similar things, relatives they rarely have seen suddenly cozying up to them after years of not having any contact. 1 1 Link to comment
Jaycee77 January 10 Share January 10 Just want to say I'm 47 from New Jersey been watching the Jersey shore family vacation since day one before it was family vacation and I'm sorry but Angelina is the breakout star she was bullied she was chewed out talked about and came out strong and in my opinion is the only reason why I continue to watch!! Sorry not sorry!! 1 Link to comment
Blondie January 11 Share January 11 Is Angela scamming the system by all of a sudden using PNUT as a service dog/emotional support dog just because of her age and not leaving her behind so she can ride the plane with Angela? That is low. If she truly needed a service dog why wasn't it with her all the time? Why did she leave it in the room instead of taking it with her to all the activities? I.agine the stress of traveling and being left in a strange place? Poor little thing. R.I.P Pnut. 3 Link to comment
Artsda January 12 Share January 12 I thought the service dog tag was suspicious too. I believe she has bipolar/anxiety something warranting a service dog. But then she should not be partying on vacation leaving the dog the entire time. I feel so bad for that dog. 3 Link to comment
aghst January 25 Share January 25 Regret to say I watched this reunion and the Challenge reunion. Both were two parters but The Challenge was 3 hours over both parts. JS actually talked about real topics like parenting, potentially Vinny 2.0 only proposing to Angelina to be on the show -- apparently he's tried to be on o there shows. They were teasing the season they're filming now. So it's like clockwork and guess MTV is interested in running new seasons of this show every year. Maybe even more than one season per year. Interesting that they haven't aged out of the younger demographic that MTV covets. But I suspect a big part of MTV viewers were those who originally watched back in the '80s and 90s. As for this show, probably a lot of people who watched the original show when the cast were in their early 20s. 2 Link to comment
Artsda February 24 Share February 24 Sam and Justin are having a baby. So happy for her with her struggles. Hopefully they keep Angelina away from her she's the last thing Sam needs. 5 Link to comment
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