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The People's Court - General Discussion

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34 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Poor Douglas, reduced to taking photos of the plaintiff's bite mark.  

Douglas should have been awarded something for being forced to get up close and personal with the P's naked flesh.  Still, I guess it wasn't as bad as when he had to let some sweaty litigant place their nasty, grubby paws on him.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Thursday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 52, that was originally aired November 17, 2017. 

No discussion of these cases, which is probably a warning in and of itself.

Episode title: "You Put All My Belongings on the Curb?"

Case titles: 1) Kicking Her To The Curb; 2) A Subpar Seamstress; 3) Not Paying Attention.

Title case synopsis: "A woman sues the person she was renting from for locking her out of the apartment and putting all of her belongings outside on the curb."

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Boring cases.  

You Put All of My Belongings on the Curb-It's so funny to see what clothing trends were popular when the show was filmed, in 2017.    So, plaintiff had someone paying the rent, she only paid the deposit, and never paid any rent.  So, the defendant, and defendant's witness who was supposed to be a roommate, moved plaintiff's stuff out to the porch.  This included the giant dog kennel for the plaintiff's pit bull, even though she was living in a homeless shelter.   Plaintiff moves in with the dog, but pays no rent or security.   Plaintiff was renting a room for $325, so claims the $600 was enough to pay 2 months.   Roommate says when plaintiff showed up and picked up her stuff, that she tried to fight him, but took everything.   Some of plaintiff's stuff includes a 50" TV that was a gift, but no receipts.   Plaintiff gets $225 for the rent back, and $100 for the TV, so $325.  Nothing to defendant, except the money left over from the $600. 

A Subpar Seamstress-Another stupid dress case.  Plaintiff wants $1100 for a dress splitting down the back at prom, and they're suing for almost double what they paid to have the dress made.    Defendant say plaintiff is full figured, and he's sorry the seam tore a little, but if you want a tight dress, that can happen.  Dress had a cape with it.  There are two holes, one barely an inch, and second on the same seam is at least a foot long.     Defendant made the dress, he was paid $600 including fabric, there was a fitting, and plaintiff daughter took the dress.   The hole on the front is at the top of a slip up to plaintiff's the top of her thigh.   The back are mid-booty level and below.  So defendant apologized, and sent $50 to the plaintiff, which plaintiff mother refused to accept.    

My opinion, plaintiff wanted the dress too tight, and when she sat down it ripped.   Defendant offered $200 back, and to fix the dress.   Unfortunately, Judge M doesn't agree that defendant trying to adopt was an excuse not to respond to the plaintiffs' demands.  

$250 for dress refund, defendant will fix the dress plus court costs.  

The plaintiffs wanted $600 for the dress, $400 to repair it.  

Not Paying Attention- Plaintiff suing because defendant ran a stop sign and t-boned plaintiff's son. $4885 is what plaintiff wants for her totaled car.   Defendant claims she wasn't speeding, claims it was a low speed crash, and only her car was totaled, but claims the plaintiff's truck was barely damaged.  Plaintiff claims she saw a Facebook photo of defendant drinking later that evening, so she claims defendant was drunk.     

Plaintiff son says he had right of way, no stop sign, when defendant came out of a side street and hit the side of the truck.   Defendant says her phone was on a clip on the dashboard, slipped out of the clip, was under her foot, and she reached for it, and crashed into plaintiff's son.     Defendant claims she wasn't texting and driving.   Insurance paid plaintiff for the value of the vehicle, but she was upside down on the car, and that's why she wants $4885.  

Plaintiff son says defendant seemed out of it, but police officer didn't do a roadside test.    Plaintiff gets nothing.

Judge M lectures defendant about paying attention when you're driving. 


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16 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

A Subpar Seamstress-Another stupid dress case

Another episode I never saw. I see I was wrong to be upset about that.

I guess dress stores are going out of business as off-the-rack just isn't good enough anymore - not for 15-year-olds, high school dances, or brides. In this case, the graduation girl, looking the same age as her mother, needed a $600 dress and chose the wee "seamstress" (as he called himself) to make it.  The girl was very large and wanted a tight dress and the seam split.

I'm trying to imagine my father getting so involved and bent out of shape over a dress of mine, but I can't. He would have noticed only if I attempted to leave the house dressed as a hooker or a stripper like so many of our litigants have done. Daddy practically admitted he was aiming for a lottery win here, right down to wanting the def to pay for his gas.

The seamstress was very annoying, looking for the sympathy factor in that he and his hubby were too stressed over trying to adopt to even answer one phone call or follow through on his own offer. JM quite rightfully got pissed at that, informing the little twerp that she gave birth to babies that actually came out of her body, yet still managed tasks like answering a phone. 😆

29 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Not Paying Attention

I see that Plaintiff Mama is raising her boy in her own image. The Def - who seemed to have come here directly from her eyebrow, makeup, hair, and nail appointment - told utterly ridiculous lies.

Yes, her phone fell and can you believe it landed right under the brake pedal? Of course, she had no choice but to barrel towards a stop sign while ducking down to grope for it. It's not her fault she crashed into the P.  I mean, like, it's, like, not safe to, like, have a phone under your brake pedal! She was trying to do the safe thing. Of course, she wasn't texting or reading dumb shit on FB!

It's too bad Mama owed more on this car than it was worth, but she's out of luck. JM wanted to know why she was also asking for money for missed work and why didn't she have the boy drive her to work in her car and then pick her up? The answer is, "I don't know." She has medical bills for the boy (a 21-year-old man) but they're at home. Is that a problem?

She also wants $2750 for a down payment on a new car. I don't think so.

47 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Judge M lectures defendant about paying attention when you're driving.

And the response, judging by her expression was "Yeah. Like, whatevs".

I listened to Levin after this case. He babbles that if you're texting and driving and kill someone, you can be charged with involuntary manslaughter. I wonder if the little dirtbag looked that up after HE got wrangled for texting and driving. "Do as I say, not as I do. Do you know how important I am?? My TMZ posse might have urgent new celeb gossip that can't wait!"

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Retcon of original post.  Sorry for the wrong info; thank you for the correction @CrazyInAlabama.  [Editorial comment: Why do they air in order and then one episode is suddenly out of order?  Why?  What is the reasoning?  Shrug.]

Friday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 58, that was originally aired December 4, 2017.

Discussion Link:  "Massage Mayhem"

Case titles: 1) A Deep Tissue Slight; 2) Talking The Good Talk; 3) Not Giving It Back.

Title case synopsis: "After selling her massage practice to the defendant, the plaintiff is suing the defendant for not paying for the agreed upon price."

The above IS what I originally posted; ignore anything you might think you remember reading.  And, while you are at it, Sherlock Holmes didn't die plunging over a waterfall; Bobby dying in "Dallas" was only a dream; Greedo shot at Han first; Darth Vader is Luke's father and Leia is his sister; Pluto was never a planet; Khan Noonien Singh knew Pavel Chekov; Klingons always looked like Worf; Richie Cunningham never had a brother named Chuck; Robbie was the oldest son on "My Three Sons" and Ernie was the youngest brother.

Have a nice weekend, everyone.

Edited by Bazinga
Corrected episode information and link
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Week: 3 to 7 June from Titan TV

Monday-“Puppy problems."  12/05/2017  Season 21 / Episode 54

Tuesday- “Tractor tantrum."  12/06/2017,  Season 21 / Episode 55

Wednesday-“ Heated over car repair."   11/23/2017,  Season 21 /Episode 56

Thursday-  "Furniture fireworks."  11/24/2017,  Season 21 / Episode 57

Friday-   “Livid over leaky roof."   Season 21 / Episode 58, 1/08/2018, 

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Massage Mayhem-online research claims it aired 4 December 2017.   It also claims this is S21 E58, and it's not.    I'm seeing a case about a massage therapist who bought a business and client list from defendant.     Deep Tissue Slight is the case on You Tube.   Plaintiff sold the business and client list to defendant for $10k, stopped paying when clients didn't want defendant instead of plaintiff.  So defendant stopped paying.   Plantiff gets the amount owed $3216 or something like tha. 

Case 1-Massage Mayhem, case2 - Talking the Good Talk, case- 3 Not Giving it Back.

Here's SRTouch's epic recount of this ridiculous case.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 5/31/2024 at 4:14 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

 Plaintiff sold the business and client list to defendant for $10k,

I had no memory of this and enjoyed it very much.  This time I noticed that JM seemed shocked and affronted, almost as though it was like some scam that Plaintiff sold Def just a list of names and contact information and that the 10K didn't include an actual facility as P worked from her home.

This is not really unusual or shady, JM.  A list of established, steady, reliable, and well-paying clients could be worth its weight in gold for someone just starting out in a business if that person had a clue.


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Monday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 59, that was originally aired December 5, 2017.  (Noting in advance that the episode title from my go to site does not match @CrazyInAlabama and my listing of "Puppy Problems", so not sure if the below information will be right.)

Discussion Link: "You Stole My Puppy"

Case titles: 1) Dodging A Doggy; 2) Letting The Cookie Crumble; 3) Doing A Lover Wrong.

Title case synopsis: A woman sues her friend's sister for failing to pay for a puppy she sold to her. The friend's sister is countersuing the woman for taking the dog back."

Thank you, @CrazyInAlabama.

Edited by Bazinga
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My guess is some sources have Harvey's statements about the case as titles, because the massage case had his less than amusing pun title listed on the Youtube of the case (a lot of cases from TPC are posted on Youtube, I don't know if they're legal or not, so I don't watch them).       I've noticed that early Judge Judy cases from the first couple of years when PT came into existence have bizarre titles or no title listed, until the reruns now.    

Here's one I've been looking at, on TVDB Season 21.   However, I think some titles are Harvey's makeshift titles:


Also, 14 and 17 June are cancelled by soccer where I am, so it's all upside down.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Tuesday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 60, that was originally aired December 6, 2017. 

Discussion Link: "Tractor Tantrum"

Case titles: 1) Plowing Into A Lawsuit; 2) A Slippery Condition; 3) Letting A Military Buddy Down.

Title case synopsis: "A man is suing the defendant for a tractor he bought from her, but was not able to pick the tractor up because the town assumed it was abandoned and removed it from the defendant's property."

Watch for: In case 3, security assists Douglas in removing the defendant from the courtroom for a second time. 

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16 hours ago, Bazinga said:

In case 3, security assists Douglas in removing the defendant from the courtroom for a second time. 

Thanks for the heads up on this. I just watched the case and I don't remember seeing this before, it was worth watching. The defendant was pretty obnoxious the first time he was thrown out, but he was brought back in and immediately started to shout out his dislike for JM before she even said anything to him. The ejection was (disappointingly) not hands-on, and it was interesting that the bailiff started to escort him out but JM called for security also. The security guy actually inserted himself between the bailiff and the defendant, but only put his hand lightly on the defendant's back and escorted him out, and seemed to be trying to cool things off. Not as juicy as I hoped for.

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I'm only watching today's episode to see Douglas in action. 

The slip on wet sidewalk case was bizarre, and I think the defendant should have had an award because of plaintiff racist scared people away.  

Case 3-Where hunky Douglas steps into the dispute when Judge M tosses the defendant for the second time.   I noticed the security man guided the man out the courtroom exit, but steered him to the right away from Doug.   Why is plaintiff's girlfriend carrying a dog into court?   

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Wednesday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 56, that was originally aired November 23, 2017.  For some reason, we are doubling back on the episodes.

Discussion link: "Heated Over Car Repair"

Case titles: 1) Causing Things To Overheat; 2) Unloading A Lemon; 3) Going Back On A Promise.

Title case synopsis: "A man is suing a mechanic for failing to repair his overheated car where the defendant installed the thermostat backwards, causing the car to overheat on three separate occasions."

Edited by Bazinga
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3 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Oh, Nigel. IMO, he continues to reign supreme and hold on to the title, "Stupidest Litigant Ever on TPC".

I agree, but I suspect that Nigel is actually stupid (an observation, not an insult) and this is not his fault, some people are smart, some are not and unlike ignorance (which is really curable) and not to say that smart people are necessarily any better as people, employees, etc. I suspect that Nigel has friends and family who help him along with things that challenge him but he went out on his own without really being able to handle the transaction. It sounded to me like the defendant really did work to help out someone with catastrophically bad credit, but he could have been a little more aware that his customer might be in over his head in buying a car. However, that is not the defendant's responsibility and if he had tried to slow the plaintiff down to think about this more, he would be open to major criticism. The saddest part was the hallterview where the plaintiff didn't seem to understand that he had a warranty that could be repair the car problems, leaving him with an operable car (admittedly with a horrible loan interest rate). Sad, I don't think anyone was really the "bad guy" in this case.

Edited by DoctorK
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Thursday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 57, that was originally aired November 24, 2017.

Discussion Link: "Furniture Fireworks" 

Case titles: 1) Stiffing A Furniture Man; 2) Not Fixing Things Right; 3) Taking A Tenant To The Cleaners.

Title case synopsis: "A man is suing the defendant for failing to pay to full amount for furniture he sold to the defendant."

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Week: 10 to 15 June (according to TV Titan and Zap2It)

Monday-"Sewage backup blowout"  Season 21, Episode 59, 1/05/2018

Tuesday-“Stolen clothing situation"  Season 21, Episode 60,  1/6/2018,

Wednesday-"Couch crisis."  1/7/2018, Season 21 Episode 61

Thursday- “You ruined my daughter's sweet 16 party!"  1/8/2018, Season 21, Episode 62

Friday- “Sewage Backup Blowout “   1/9/2018Season 21, Episode 63 (Everything is cancelled for soccer, so this is just a guess from TVDB for Season 21.  Titles match what they’ve aired).

So far, every day from 17 to 21 June is cancelled for soccer coverage on my local channel.

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15 hours ago, Bazinga said:

I never saw any of these and I was quite entertained.

Loved the smarmy, outdated "Miami Vice" reject furniture peddler. "Used" is one thing and "wrecked" is quite another. When I saw the junk I couldn't help thinking he had his workers scour the streets on Big Garbage Day and puts the trash directly into his showroom. "The repairs weren't to (def's) liking." You're a funny guy, Don. JM got highly pissed at him for calling her "Miss" twice. She equates that to calling a male judge, "Buddy." I don't see it that way. I think the equivalent would be calling a male judge "Mr."

Then we had the spoiled, lying boy with his little Daddy here because the boy on his bike hit the plaintiff's car. As soon as the kid said, "I looked up..." Looked up from what? It's pretty obvious the squirt was texting while riding a bicycle(!!) and he told the cops that but lied and insisted to JM he didn't do that. She finally got the truth out of him, and wasn't nearly hard enough on him.

P was only asking for his $500 deductible but Daddy didn't think his boy was responsible. No one called him after the accident! JM points out that the apple of his eye didn't bother calling him. Dad ends up looking pretty foolish, too.

The big, 6'2" bruiser in a draped, flowered blouse wants his security deposit back even though he and his "significant other" punched holes in the walls and broke hinges on cabinet doors. Or maybe it wasn't him. Maybe it was his friend here, who set up business in this apartment, doing nails or some shit, even though he didn't live there, and had a stream of strangers coming and out.

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Friday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 62, that was originally aired January 8, 2018.  We've time jumped to 2018.

Discussion link: "Livid Over Leaky Roof" 

Case titles: 1) A Leaky Situation; 2) A Cover Up; 3) Pay Attention Behind The Wheel.

Title case synopsis: "A man sues the defendant for not actually fixing his leaky roof and subcontracting the job to a bunch of teenagers who were unskilled for the job."

Thank you, @CrazyInAlabama.

Have a good weekend.  Until next week.

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Monday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 63, that was originally aired January 9, 2018. 

Discussion link: "Sewage Backup Blowout"

Case titles: 1) Causing A Back Up; 2) A Cover Up; 3) Taking Advantage Of Kindness.

Title case synopsis: "A woman is suing the defendant for a poorly installed pool in her mother's backyard, leading to a sewage explosion."

Edited by Bazinga
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Tuesday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 64, that was originally aired January 10, 2018. 

Discussion link: "Stolen Clothing Situation"

Case titles: 1) Rubbing A Relative The Wrong Way; 2) Being Unfair; 3) Being Shady.

Title case synopsis: "A teenager sues his aunt and cousin for stealing his clothes out of spite where they won't return them or pay him for the clothes. The defendant claims that the plaintiff was stealing from them when he lived with them."

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15 hours ago, Bazinga said:

1) Rubbing A Relative The Wrong Way; 2) Being Unfair; 3) Being Shady.

This is pathetic. I watched all these, with zero memory of any of them. 😱

Really, I should have at least recalled Boy Lopez's 14 pairs of very expensive jeans and 7 pairs of super-expensive sneakers, not to mention his large, pink-haired, loud momma, here looking like a female impersonator from hell.

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21 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Starting tomorrow, 14 June through at least Wednesday 26 June (That's as far as my TV sites go), I have some soccer tournament showing every afternoon,, so no People's Court on my TV schedule. 

Same here.

What you posted above that might air Friday, @CrazyInAlabama, already aired.  I am guessing Friday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 67, that was originally aired January 22, 2018.  Again, this is just a guess.

For those of you not "enjoying" soccer, here's the discussion link: "Handyman Fall Fiasco"

Case titles: 1) A Slippery Situation; 2) Cutting An Editor Out; 3) Shattering A Relationship.

See everyone in a couple of weeks.  Have a good weekend, everyone.

Edited by Bazinga
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Soccer doesn't end until 28 June, so Thursday 29 June TPC starts again.   

Next week's depressing schedule, unless you're a soccer fan.  

Week: 24 to 28 June




Thursday-“Return my beloved dog!"   12/29/2017, Season 21, Episode 61

Friday-“Raging at a real estate broker."   2/05/2018, Season 21 Episode 76

(I’m wondering about the accuracy of Thursday and Friday, that’s a big jump in original date, and episode number.  However, Titan TV and Zap2it have the same information).

(My local cable guides say soccer is back 1 July, and 2 July, but then it’s over, and TPC is back. )

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I've been getting the show every day and I'm quite enjoying rewatching the forgotten ones - forgotten by me, that is.

Yesterday it was the cleavage-displaying, cross-wearing, terrified, phony, and lying Kristen Genna, who does business in the old-style Italian way, with a handshake. Well, actually her daddy did that. Sadly, her new landlord, Boris Borhukov, is not Italian. Tears, tyranny, and terror ensue.

From Jan 31, 2018.

Rental Ruckus



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Not fair, @AngelaHunter, watching by yourself.  Didja miss us?

My fellow People's Court reruns watchers, our long viewing nightmare is over (for a few days).

Thursday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 61, that was originally aired December 29, 2017.

Discussion link: "Return My Beloved Dog!"

Case titles: 1) Stealing Noodle; 2) Stiffing A Seamstress.

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"Return my beloved dog!"   Yes, TPC is temporarily back, but my Judge Judy will be replaced by Copa soccer.   

Friday- "Raging at a real estate broker."   2/05/2018, 

However, next week:

Week: 1 to 5 July

Monday-soccer coverage is back.

Tuesday-soccer again

Wednesday-“Livid at a lawyer."  2/08/2018, Season 21, Episode 79

Thursday-“You gave me fake documents” 2/09/2018, Season 21, Episode 80

Friday-soccer again,

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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10 hours ago, Bazinga said:

Not fair, @AngelaHunter, watching by yourself.  Didja miss us?

Yes. I felt very isolated and experienced emotional distress. Maybe I can sue someone.

5 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Monday-soccer coverage is back.

Tuesday-soccer again

Soccer is really big in your neck of the woods, isn't it?

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My TPC and JJ run on the local Fox affiliate.   Usually I only have to put up with drag racing once a year cancelling coverage. And the occasional baseball special event,  but this year it's been endless soccer tournaments.    I should sue someone. 

Judge M must have had a substitute hair colorist for a while during this season, they don't realize that certain shades go green under TV lights.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Friday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 76, that was originally aired February 5, 2018.

Discussion link: "Raging at a Real Estate Broker"

Case titles: 1) Bad Brokering; 2) Not Fencing in A Customer; 3) Going Rogue.

Title case synopsis: "A man sues a real estate broker for the $1500 deposit he paid for an apartment that wasn't ready.  When the plaintiff asked for his money back, the defendant simply showed him a new apartment in a different building."

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18 hours ago, Bazinga said:

"A man sues a real estate broker for the $1500 deposit he paid for an apartment that wasn't ready. 

I've made plenty of mistakes in my life, but none of them cost me a fortune or permanently ruined my life.  Maybe I've just been lucky, but watching litigants year after year I'm often amazed at their ability to live as long as they have.

Would I hand over $1500, or any amount of money in cash (of course in cash) to a crook total stranger with no receipt or other way to prove I ever paid it? Don't think so, but litigants do it all the time!😕

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Wednesday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 79, that was originally aired February 8, 2018.

Discussion link: "Livid at a Lawyer"

Case titles: 1) Lawyering Up; 2) Causing A Ruckus.

Title case synopsis: "A woman sues a lawyer she hired to defend her son for the return of her $2500.  The lawyer countersues, claiming he was not paid in full."

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Thursday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 80, that was originally aired February 9, 2018.

Discussion link: "You Gave Me Fake Documents"

Case titles: 1) Faking It; 2) Taking Advantage; 3) Phoning it In.

Title case synopsis: "A woman sues for the return of $5000 she paid to help her children get to the United States.  The defendant claims the woman provided fake birth certificates and that he owes nothing."

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Week: 8 to 12 July

Monday-"Losing Control"    2/13/2018 season 21 episode 82 (listed on another site as Rental Riot, with cases listed as:  Rubbing A Renter the Wrong Way - Double Dipping - Losing Control)



Thursday “Leave My Daughter Alone” S 21, E 85 2/15/2018

Friday-"Boat repair rampage"  2/16/2018 Season 21, Episode 86 

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Monday's episode will be Season 21, Episode 82, that was originally aired February 13, 2018.

Discussion link: "Rental Riot"

Case titles: 1) Rubbing A Renter The Wrong Way; 2) Double Dipping; 3) Losing Control.

Title case synopsis: "A man sues his former landlord for $5000 in damages after unknowingly renting an illegal apartment.  He claims the defendant kicked him out unceremoniously and treated him like a criminal."


Adding: My mother passed away tonight, July 8th.  She had gone into the hospital on July 3rd.  I know you don't know her and don't really know me, but I wanted the regular posters to know.  In a small way I wanted the world to know who she was, that I loved her and she loved me and cared about me greatly and that I am going to miss her and be lost without her.  I am not on Facebook or other social media, so I wanted to post this at the one place online I do post.  I don't think I will be posting for awhile.  I'll assume condolences and say thank you in advance.

Edited by Bazinga
  • Sad 4
On 7/7/2024 at 12:30 AM, Bazinga said:

Adding: My mother passed away tonight, July 8th.  She had gone into the hospital on July 3rd.  I know you don't know her and don't really know me, but I wanted the regular posters to know.  In a small way I wanted the world to know who she was, that I loved her and she loved me and cared about me greatly and that I am going to miss her and be lost without her.

I just saw this. 😢 I'm sure your mother was a lovely person. No one can take the place of our mothers and no matter how old we are, we never stop missing them. Even if we haven't lived with our parents in years or many decades, just knowing they were there gave us a sense of "home".  And then it's like that home place is gone.

My mother died in '98 and even after all these years, I often wish I could pick up the phone and hear her voice.  But we were lucky to have had wonderful mothers who loved us unconditionally, even when we were jerky teenagers!

We never "get over" our losses, but just have to learn to live with them.

Please accept condolences from one of your 'regulars'. ❤️

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Thursday "Leave My Daughter Alone!"   Season 21 Episode 85 Includes Leave My Daughter Alone; Making Up Lies; and A Dental Disaster Originally aired 16 February 2018

Finally found a few comments on these cases, but only the daughter one, and dental one.  In case my link doesn't work, they're on page 97, 16 February 2018. Discussions continue on to page 98, including a citation of first case plaintiff's arrest record. 


I hope the defendants were able to keep the plaintiff away.  Stephen and Darlene Sparks, the defendants look so familiar.    What fool of a judge didn't grant a permanent restraining order to defendants?    And who the hell would let plaintiff be a mentor to minors?  Search the plaintiff's name, and you will see he's sued everyone but Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny, who are both probably on his list to file against next,  his name is  Anthony Geno Martinson. 

This case happened in Daytona, and Fort Myers, FL, with other cases filed all over Florida.    

I skipped the denture case, it made my teeth hurt after reading the description.



Friday's case is : "Boat Repair Rampage"  Season 21, Episode 86 Includes: Not Fixing Everything - Keep Your Mutt Outta Here - Dumping A Dumpster.  Originally aired on 19 February 2018

page 98, 19 February 2018. https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4072542

As always, the best descriptions are by SRTouch, and Angela Hunter. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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6 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Finally found a few comments on these cases,

Thanks for digging those up. I looked up what I said back then and don't have much to add. However, this time I did notice the legally blind plaintiff certainly had no problem turning to stare at the defendants. I understand that "legally blind" covers a wide range vision limitations (a friend of mine years back was legally blind according to his state and the state also gave him a driver's license so I understand this). What I didn't remember about this case was how absolutely creepy and slimy the plaintiff was. He didn't help himself in court by bringing his witness who thinks that dressing up as a freakazoid helps his case. I did enjoy when JM jumped on the plaintiff for his unbelievably delusional level of his own authority and power. JM yelled at him about his "hubris" and I can guarantee that the plaintiff doesn't know what that word means. One of the cases where I really feel like I need a shower.

6 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

skipped the denture case 

As an old geezer myself, I enjoy cases like this. Nothing like two old fools giving us geezers a bad name. By the way, "Get Off My Lawn!".

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On 7/11/2024 at 5:45 PM, DoctorK said:

JM yelled at him about his "hubris" and I can guarantee that the plaintiff doesn't know what that word means.

I wonder if he knew what "Napoleonic Complex" means. I rewatched this and it was just as sordid and unbelievable as it was on the first airing. But hey - when thinking of the type of people we see here, I have to give the despicable, wormy Anthony points for using condoms when he was jumping a 16-year-old girl. So many litigants who are more than two times the age of Big Brother Anthony would never dream of using contraception, and just haphazardly drop babies all over the place. Yes, court shows have lowered my standards that much.

I place this case at No.02 on the "Squick Scale", just under the high school counselor and his stunned wife who allowed the plaintiff's daughter to hide under their son's bed while authorities searched for her with dogs and helicopters.


  • Like 3
On 7/12/2024 at 6:03 PM, AngelaHunter said:

I wonder if he knew what "Napoleonic Complex" means. I rewatched this and it was just as sordid and unbelievable as it was on the first airing. But hey - when thinking of the type of people we see here, I have to give the despicable, wormy Anthony points for using condoms when he was jumping a 16-year-old girl. So many litigants who are more than two times the age of Big Brother Anthony would never dream of using contraception, and just haphazardly drop babies all over the place. Yes, court shows have lowered my standards that much.

I place this case at No.02 on the "Squick Scale", just under the high school counselor and his stunned wife who allowed the plaintiff's daughter to hide under their son's bed while authorities searched for her with dogs and helicopters.


Anthony has a long, bizarre history of lawsuits and charges, not all in Florida either.  It's definitely the same guy too.   

This case was appalling, especially since the local judge wouldn't issue a permanent restraining order against him.   The school should have banned his 'mentor' role too. 

The missing daughter case was only worse because the girl actually ended up engaged to the son, and it was obvious that both parents of the awful son were totally involved.   I saw an article a while ago that said the counselor was unemployed, divorced from the wife, and couch surfing.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Useful 2
8 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Didn't it come out in court that Anthony is 45 or something like that?   His online stuff claims he's only half that, and he has a long, bizarre history of lawsuits and charges.  It's definitely the same guy too. 

Anthony said he was 21. His creepy friend, the advocate for 16-year-old runaway girls, was 44.

I see Anthony is still at it, suing the state of FL as recently as last year. Not sure what for.


And suing the Sheriff:


However, he believed he would run for President:


8 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

 I saw an article a while ago that said the counselor was unemployed, divorced from the wife, and couch surfing.  

I bet he became unemployed soon after his appearance here.

  • Like 2

Anthony is not just filing lawsuits in Florida, and is being sued for a variety of issues.   He claims he's a contractor and entrepreneur.   (Thanks for the correction AngelaHunter.   I don't have recording capabilities since Spectrum charges a bunch for that, and I refuse to pay extra. I remembered the case, but still was so disgusted by the plaintiff, and the local judge that I wasn't paying attention).     

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Like 2
1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Anthony is not just filing lawsuits in Florida, and is being sued for a variety of issues. 

He's been getting around. Not sure when he has time to run for President.


MARTINSON ANTHONY GENO was arrested in Boone County Kentucky. Additional Information:




This is wild. He's everywhere online, including on Linkedin where his profile photo is of him in prison garb with bars behind him.



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