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S02.E02: Already Gone


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So the writers are continuing with the newer Bull 2.0 version. He is no longer the arrogant douche who is smarter than everyone else. He is the impulsive do-gooder who can't stop talking (re: stating the obvious) . 
There was no need to waste all the time with Bull "trying" to avoid taking the case - - everyone knew he was going to take the case. 
It seemed the writers wanted us to know exactly what happened with the semi-assisted suicide - - probably because they don't want the audience to think Bull's client was semi-guilty. 

This felt like some type of flashback episode :  Mother hen Marissa is worried about the money. Lawyer Benny has never before had to put his personal beliefs aside to defend a client. 

Credit where credit is due : This was not a case where the client was completely innocent and just falsely accused by an incompetent legal system. 

The worst offenses : 

  • A huge office full of employees, yet Bull needs to help Benny carry boxes to court ? 
  • The episode is framed by the FBI lady postponing delivering a box of supplies to her former FBI partner ... maybe a week or so? The entire case goes from bail hearing to the conclusion of the trial during that time. 
  • The assisted-suicide kid was too willfully dumb. Not even smart enough to come in out of the rain. 

The writing effort for this show is so low. It makes me wonder what the showrunners main priorities are. 

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As soon as I heard the dad was a veterinarian, I knew where the drugs came from.  The actors playing the parents of the dead girl really sold their grief and devastation.


I really, really hope this season the show takes a little departure and distances itself from the source material of Dr. Phil.  The first season was Dr. Phil's fantasy of how his early years should have been, and I think he kept a close oversight on the production.  I hope the shine is off his new toy now, and he moves on to other things and lets this show grow away from his brand.  The premise is interesting, the execution is uneven.  And it purely scares me to see Michael Weatherly "channel" Dr. Phil in his performance.  <shudder>

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This episode bugged me simply because the kid should have been easy to sympathize with but then he acted like a moron.  Seriously, not coming out of the rain to talk to the guy who saved your ass from sitting in jail?  Walking up to the press that just zipped in front if your house to interview you?  Hell, trusting that if you told your side to the press that it would be reported and not exploited.  Dumbass.  Has this kid never watched a TV drama or seen a movie?

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I think the playing basketball in the rain was just a heavy-handed way of them trying to show the kid was grieving so much, he didn't care if he got wet. Same with talking with the press. If he's grieving and desperate for everyone to know how much he loved his girlfriend, he's obviously not thinking clearly about the pros and cons of talking to the press. I do think Bull should have blocked his path and made him come into the garage, away from the press, though. Bull isn't grieving and knows damn well that it's not a good idea.

I apparently never posted on this one when it aired - I felt the same way about the kid, @sinkwriter. Not long after this ep aired, I was with a group that included a woman in her 30s whose husband died about 4 years ago (dxed w/ cancer in March, passed in November of the same year) and another around the same age whose husband died I think 2 years ago in his sleep, and they both were talking about how grief makes people do weird and irrational things. Add that in with his part in the moment of death itself - I bought it. Agree also that it would have been nice for Bull to have made him come back into the garage.

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