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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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Marian Citro This is a television show, networks need ratings!!! If the show was boring without controversy no one would watch. This woman went to Tunisia before she brought Mo here. Who knows what kind of agreement they made while she was there and trust me this was an arranged marriage, they both know it. They have to be married for at least two years so they are not charged with fraud. This happens every where. When they met with each other they knew instantly that she was not HIS TYPE. But Dani offered alternatives to this arrangement. I will help u get your green card and when I start working I will support u and your family. For this Dani now has to wash cloths and cook and be subservient because Muslim woman are like that to their men. I don't believe either one of them are being taking advantage of. They're making money off of this show. If your cell is shut off and no BGE would you be fling to New York eating out??? It's all a part of clever ideas introduced by the networks to grow interest and it has done just that. I laugh because none of it is real. It's all cleverly intertwined as a realty show that shows very little reality. Were not seeing the big picture.his agent is allowing him to do FB to get responses. They are wondering whether or not they can do a spin off and give them their own show. Mark my words. None of this is real


LOL - none of this is real.  Mo has an agent....RIGHT.  Wow this heifer is so confused.  All of this is just for TV.  RIGHT!  

" wish I had an ounce of the pimpjuice they were drinking - cause they must be Tore up from the Floor up."

*spits coffee laughing*

I don't get it. He has no clue what he is doing to keep facebook mildly updated but then deletes everything anyway. I wonder if dani still reads all of this. And I hope if the whole family sees his fb, that at least her daughter laughed at my comment.

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Marian Citro This is a television show, networks need ratings!!! If the show was boring without controversy no one would watch. This woman went to Tunisia before she brought Mo here. Who knows what kind of agreement they made while she was there and trust me this was an arranged marriage, they both know it. They have to be married for at least two years so they are not charged with fraud. This happens every where. When they met with each other they knew instantly that she was not HIS TYPE. But Dani offered alternatives to this arrangement. I will help u get your green card and when I start working I will support u and your family. For this Dani now has to wash cloths and cook and be subservient because Muslim woman are like that to their men. I don't believe either one of them are being taking advantage of. They're making money off of this show. If your cell is shut off and no BGE would you be fling to New York eating out??? It's all a part of clever ideas introduced by the networks to grow interest and it has done just that. I laugh because none of it is real. It's all cleverly intertwined as a realty show that shows very little reality. Were not seeing the big picture.his agent is allowing him to do FB to get responses. They are wondering whether or not they can do a spin off and give them their own show. Mark my words. None of this is real


LOL - none of this is real.  Mo has an agent....RIGHT.  Wow this heifer is so confused.  All of this is just for TV.  RIGHT!

The trip to New York was paid for by the network so they could film the reunion show. It has nothing to do with how much money they have

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Eggo - he deleted your elmo comment.  He also wants us all to know this morning that he was talking about leaving the states not leaving Danielle.  UMkay MoPickle.

Cause danielle will probably sneak on the plane too.


He deleted my comment and I went back and wrote on his new status a real comment. I wrote that the first comment I posted, I gave him advice, he deleted it.. so the second comment was ridiculous about Canadian Leaves and Moose.. so technically he picks and chooses his battles of mockery.



Wtf is Jana Bowen?

She has come up a few times.. I found out who she was vaguely but now I can't remember for the life of me. 

are we talking about the same chick? There is a Paula Morey commenting on his updated fb cover about an important message too, or is that the same one?

Also.. he didn't delete my comment.. it's still there actually

Paula Morey is actually sending him lots of comments about how he should go to Canada..only she seems really really serious about it. she is all up in his Facebook with serious face like    .____.

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Yes that's who I thought it was. She saw the pre-bezness, which is all about them loving you, being so different, not caring about age or appearance like good muslims, and how they are different from all the other men.

But then once they're married, it's Operation Ditch The Heifer and they engineer it so that the women wants to get rid of them. It's cleaner that way, it means less sex for sure, and forces the women to detach emotionally and be happy to let them go after they become immigrants. That's why they turn into insufferable monsters and abusers. It's the program. It's the way of bezness.

It's going to be rough ahead for Danielle.

It's so unbelievably frustrating for me because as a Muslim I know both good and bad Muslim men. Unfortunately, thanks to the Mohamed's of the world they have gotten a supremely bad reputation. The issue arises that Danielle had been warned by not only Angie but her own sister who truly loves her. This is where my sympathy lessens for Danielle- week one, the "honeymoon" he peaces out? Oh and I loved how he gave the producer attitude as if it was the most offensive question in the world asking his whereabouts. Danielle needs to stop excusing his behavior and stop giving him multiple second chances. How can she stand him having an fb page with millions of "heifers"( love that term, Toaster what a riot!). This is yet another reason why I tend to believe some rumors I heard re financial gain

Edited by FarahYoussef77
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It's so unbelievably frustrating for me because as a Muslim I know both good and bad Muslim men. Unfortunately, thanks to the Mohamed's of the world they have gotten a supremely bad reputation.


Muslim men trying to seduce women online from third world countries, sure.  But even then; like Danielle, women in love won't heed the warnings, "My" Mohamed is different!  He's not like that scammer on TV!


I live in a cosmopolitan city, it will take more than a TV show love rat to taint the positive experiences I have had with our Muslim expats, who are a very diverse bunch of people.


  • Love 6

Oh trust me, his nationality and/or religion has nothing to do with it.    In my law practice, I see women all the damn time who are convinced despite multiple warnings that their boyfriend is different.   Yeah he has a history of protective orders as long as your arm.   But he looooooooooves me, those other women were just crazy.    It will be totally different.


I see Dani's every day.  Just will not see what a schmuck they are with.  At least with Mo not sleeping with her, she won't bring another kid into that toxic mess.   

  • Love 7


I live in a cosmopolitan city, it will take more than a TV show love rat to taint the positive experiences I have had with our Muslim expats, who are a very diverse bunch of people.

Agreed 100%. I'm pretty sure TLC saw Dani and Mo and picked them without a millisecond of hesitation just from profiling. They dug themselves a hole I think.

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Ugh Dani and Mo probably make me sick because not only do they give Muslims and other races/religions a bad view.. but they give a bad view to people that actually had a legitimate marriage with someone afar.


A friend of mine married a man from morocco.. and he REFUSED to get a green card through her. They now live happily and are expecting a child and he is applying for citizenship.. but due to fear of getting a bad name, he is taking a longer process because he does not want to pawn his now NY wife in the green card game. 

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Lurker here. This thread is hysterical.

I have a guilty pleasure in watchint 90 day fiance because my x went and found a mail order bride. Surprisingly they are still married after 10 years, but the whole thing fascinates me. Probably because he tried to meet one while we were still married and I found all the pics and letters.

He thought he was getting a subservient meek woman. Instead he got a firecracker who could throw down in a fight with the best of them. Lol

Edited by Glasspierce
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Probably because he tried to meet one while we were still married and I found all the pics and letters.

That happened to my friend's mom. She was el salvadorean and he was from Colorado. Turns out the chick he was caught with and was planning on bringing to america was the mom's sister. (if any of that made sense)


I wonder if Mohamed tried to flirt with the other cast member women


honey brandy


I seriously have been tweeting back and forth with Jason today and he's pretty funny and actually seems like a genuine dude.  He mentioned they were the last couple filmed of the 6.  They filmed for hours and hours and basically selected some of their worst moments.  They both feel like they got screwed because there were too many couples and not enough time spent on stories.  I totally agree.  

  • Love 2

I seriously have been tweeting back and forth with Jason today and he's pretty funny and actually seems like a genuine dude.  He mentioned they were the last couple filmed of the 6.  They filmed for hours and hours and basically selected some of their worst moments.  They both feel like they got screwed because there were too many couples and not enough time spent on stories.  I totally agree.  

saucy has the hots for jason haha :P

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Ugh Dani and Mo probably make me sick because not only do they give Muslims and other races/religions a bad view.. but they give a bad view to people that actually had a legitimate marriage with someone afar.

A friend of mine married a man from morocco.. and he REFUSED to get a green card through her. They now live happily and are expecting a child and he is applying for citizenship.. but due to fear of getting a bad name, he is taking a longer process because he does not want to pawn his now NY wife in the green card game.

Wow, small road! This is my EXACT story with my husband and I am expecting!! Am I your friend ?! Lolol really there are good and bad in all cultures

Small world not road ugh autocorrect

They stitch scenes together to make a story, for some comedy/theater.  Everyone knows that.  Are they surprised?  They seem to be surprised that they are not perceived the way they perceive themselves. 


I suspect Daya might have gotten the worst edit for her money at first, but like good storytellers, TLC redeemed her with the little girl.  I also get not wanting a very flawed diamond, maybe she preferred a smaller, clearer one, same price, who knows?  If a big deal was made of roses and he didn't come through... yeah she has a right to be disappointed and if I had flown from the Philipines I would have been cranky enough to fill a whole episode with my bad manners.  I really am a baaaad long-haul Eastward traveler. Audiences have been pretty rough calling Brett "gay" and mocking his lips, all I saw is a gentle, if slightly robotic guy that appears to have the qualities of a good and steady life partner.


Chelsea got a bit of "selfish" judgment for staying in Galesburg with him, but her ongoing behavior with him was not, they were sweet with each other.


Cassia and Jason probably have a huge case of thinking they're super awesome superior beings (for looks, thrift, ebay-as-a-career) and are a bit sore to have been perceived differently by the audience.  Like their self-image is shattered and they are scrambling to try to restore it back to "super awesome superior beings."  Even with them, they started making Cassia look flighty, but after seeing Jason's behavior, she got the sympathy of most of us unwashed masses.


Evelin and Justin are probably even more profoundly boring in person, TLC couldn't do a thing with their footage to perk it up.  Maybe they paid Darth Jennifer to read a script out of desperation.  Even her dress bored me.


Amy & Danny got the perfect love against the world edit which morphed into a universal cry of "but but but Danny is in the closet!" probably because he's slightly built, has a nasal voice, and wears pastels.  A lot of their edit was comical and sweet.


Mo & Dani... well that story told itself, no embellishments required.

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In my twisted mind, Mo was trying to hide like a ninja when Dani picked him up at the airport, but the sleeve of his brown jacket (and an eagle-eyed DanI offpsring) gave away his hiding place.


Yeah, yeah, I know it's not true but...Well, damn, he wasn't calling her, wasn't answering her calls, and seriously looked like he was praying to NOT be found at that airport.



I thought I saw the same thing!! lol

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I think based on chatting with Cassia and Jason that it wasn't about being super awesome.  I think their story was pieced together last minute.  They say they have 200 hours of unused footage, tons of family scenes, etc.  I actually love her fiery personality.  From the beginning their story was disjointed and I felt like I wasn't getting the whole story.  I agree that Evelin and Justin are boring.  I think the most exciting part was him not wanting to introduce them to her.  I still don't get why he didn't tell them about her and then just sprung her on at a pool party.  I think Chelsea looks like she smells like pachouli, and is a total hippy child.  I do think their love is totally and completely sincere.  I didn't like Daya at first, but after she was with Cassidy I loved her.  I think she's got a good heart and she is super polite and nice on social media.  I get the sense that even if Brett went online to find a wife in the phillipines who cares.  I met mr. SaucyMommy on Eharmony.  It's how shit works now.  I really only watched the show because of Dani and Mohammed.  Oh and I forgot about Amy and Danny.  They were cute.  They are soooooo young though.  I have serious doubts it will last based on age alone.

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All of the talk about Twitter and chatting with members of the cast has NOTHING to do with the episode, any episode, and it needs to stay in Small Talk. Any future posts here or in any episode thread along those lines will be deleted and members will be warned.

I've been lenient up until now but it's gotten far out of control and beyond the scope of the episodes or media talk. Please keep it in Small Talk. Thanks.

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