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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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Have those court documents been published anywhere in a newspaper that you can substantiate that it is indeed the Danielle on the show? If not, I have to remove them. If so, please put up a link to the local newspaper's page, or anything showing a mugshot.


It's the same birthdate as the Danielle Mullins named in a suit with Mohamed Jbali, so I'm 100% it's her.

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Re; the clip. I think it's not fair that Danielle's kids are learning to deal with difficult situations by saying " it's not fair", then listing off complaints that don't fix anything, rather than actually dealing with the problems. Of course Faith could just be humoring her mother by speaking to her using language she understands.


Speaking as someone with poor vision, Danielle needs to keep her glasses on if she doesn't have contacts. That unfocused gaze is not a good look on anyone, especially if your eyes settle differently because you've got an additional issue like astigmatism or vastly different levels of correction for each eye.

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 2

Isn't it kind of an oxymoron that Dani and Mo have to present photos and get togethers to immigration to prove the marriage is legitimate? When I married my ex they asked us for some family party photos and even our facebook accounts to see if we synced with each other... But at the same time, TLC is like nope. It's like they are sort of screwed either way aren't they?


Also, I know people kind of like Justin and his chick. But thats exactly how I see them.. justin and his chick. He doesn't settle well with me. He seems to really like her but not really value at the same time. She tells him her concerns and he is sort of like "meh, cool.. watching the game now" I dunno it's like he doesn't really care as much as the other couples.

It was my comment on FaceBook that her sister responded to. I was poking a stick at a Mo fan named Gupta who said Dani had a pure heart and would never hurt anyone.

I asked what she thought about Dani's 22 charges.

Her sister responded and commented that only 2 of the charges were serious.

I didn't screen shot, I guess I should have. I copied her response and posted it here.

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Under the posting (In Mohamed's page) : "I just gave $500 to a guy to help him from another country and guess what people he took off with it never to be seen again."


I see these three replies that make me want to really reply back to the last one:


"Mohamed Jbali is sponsored by dani why would you need to sponsor him"

"They need a co sponsor"

"Yes dani doesn't have the spouse support to sponsor him it could be friend family can sponsored him"


Dani needs another SPOUSE to sponsor the new man she just married? What???


Okay maybe it is just badly typed English, but I found that funny and it made me think of another TLC show!


It is funny, but I think it's just badly typed.  They probably meant to say, "Yes dani doesn't have the spousal support to sponsor him".


Under the posting (In Mohamed's page) : "I just gave $500 to a guy to help him from another country and guess what people he took off with it never to be seen again."

I saw that post, and also noticed underneath that one of the people that claimed to send him money said "Well that's your fault for sending money to a stranger"


I laughed.... the irony.

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I quietly posted that if he continues this on Facebook he's going to get in trouble with immigration. I mean right? How can a case not be opened. I thought the heifers would attack me but it's just people agreeing with me. Lol. It was not stalker at all. I legit think this dude is gonna be deported for all this facebook garbage

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Apparently Daya is actually a lot nicer than she was portrayed on the show, and I read that thing about "thinking it was a comedy".. which is strangely unbelievable. But seriously.. why did she do the fake rock thing? Like if she is that nice, she really did that? And if she only did it for the comedy aspect... is that really that hilarious? TLC making that up also seems farfetched. I think she is nice and stuff but she can be nice AND be stuck up.


Maybe she thought he was irish. And she has heard of all those Sham Rocks in Ireland. (ha.)

130 dollars? Isn't that the monthly price of internet? Can't dani just cancel the internet for a month to pay the bill? lol.

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Apparently Daya is actually a lot nicer than she was portrayed on the show, and I read that thing about "thinking it was a comedy".. which is strangely unbelievable. But seriously.. why did she do the fake rock thing? Like if she is that nice, she really did that? And if she only did it for the comedy aspect...



I can sort of see where they could have encouraged her to play up being pissed at his inexplicable lateness to pick her up and one thing leading to another with the florists "misunderstanding" his order and him hee-hawing in her face with that incessant nervous laughter. There's also the context that she was about to go on another long journey to pick up Brett's daughter with very little down-time between. In her shoes, I'd be either weepy or showing some anger. The ring stuff was just out of line and rude. Even if it was meant to be a funny tease for the cameras, it didn't come off as one. She could have been more discreet about her concerns and tried to make a better impression on his mother, no matter how exhausted and disappointed she was.  By the same token, that recent conversation between Brett and his mom that upset Daya so badly had a definite whiff of the production team stirring the pot for drama. That was another exchange that should have been conducted with more discretion. The gold-digger edit she was getting didn't hold up with more time on camera, She did come off as much more pleasant and genuine as time went on.

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Whoaa that would be excellent if they could deport green card scammers AND the Americans who bring them. I read that a few of the British welfare heffas decided to get married in Tunisia and ended up stuck there.


The British women who married foreigners aren't prevented from returning to the UK, but if they don't earn the minimum amount (I think about £18,600) then their spouse isn't allowed to join them. So instead they've decided to stay in Tunisia with their husbands. Who no doubt are, um, delighted to be stuck in their home country with the obese, tattooed grannie they married rather than the actual plan of starting a new single life in the UK after abandoning her once they got the 'indefinite leave to remain' stamp in their passports.

  • Love 4

In looking at the wedding photo of Dani and Mo, I too notice his wide-open stance. When I visited the Tunisian Love Rat site, the macho guys in the rogue's gallery often pose with rubbery legs splayed/turned out, sitting and standing. They seem to want to hypnotize you with their crotch. It's hilarious, and maybe some women think it's sexy. ::coughing up hairball::   Oy.


I've seen men on public transit sit with knees wide open, taking up twice as much space as required, but this doesn't seem to have the same agenda. 


Mo and his ilk are too sexy for their pants ... too sexy for their pants ... 

"I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I do my little turn on the catwalk"


(sorry, I've had cold medicine)

  • Love 5

Maybe TLC needs to start giving IQ tests and an Internet Awareness survey to the future couples they select. Or penalize them if they show up online as a couple before their wedding status is revealed on the show. I know they sign contracts, they just must not read them.


I used to watch The Bachelor/Bachelorette, and it seemed that the shows' production kept a really tight lid on those folks.  Wonder why TLC doesn't even seem to try?

They don't have the budget. If the most you're getting paid is a couple thousand dollars, and you have no real assets, they can't penalize you a million dollars like the bigger reality shows do. Yes, a million dollars. From Survivor to Food Network Star, those shows have the bucks to back up a thick contract if someone violates it in any way.

There was a show that aired, and bombed, called Love Prison. Couples who'd only met online were sent to a house on an island and couldn't leave for a week. There were a couple more shows scheduled to air until someone really blabbed. The entire thing was cancelled.

  • Love 1

They don't have the budget. If the most you're getting paid is a couple thousand dollars, and you have no real assets, they can't penalize you a million dollars like the bigger reality shows do. Yes, a million dollars. From Survivor to Food Network Star, those shows have the bucks to back up a thick contract if someone violates it in any way.

There was a show that aired, and bombed, called Love Prison. Couples who'd only met online were sent to a house on an island and couldn't leave for a week. There were a couple more shows scheduled to air until someone really blabbed. The entire thing was cancelled.

I remember Love Prison.  I so wanted to watch it but it was GONE before I could catch  single episode.  

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