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S35: Alexandrea "Ali" Elliott

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So she hates traffic and congested parking lots, yet lives in LA (at least she admits it's not good for her blood pressure).  When Youtube first became a thing, I never would have imagined Youtube stars and them actually having personal assistants. 

Really have no pre-show opinion.  I'll wait and see how she is on the show.

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I kind of pre-hate her. She says her personal claim to fame is her diploma and her job is...celebrity assistant? Putting that diploma to good use, I see. (Unless her diploma is a PhD in Errand Running or something, in which case, good for her!)

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22 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I kind of pre-hate her. She says her personal claim to fame is her diploma and her job is...celebrity assistant? Putting that diploma to good use, I see. (Unless her diploma is a PhD in Errand Running or something, in which case, good for her!)

I just took it as her being proud to have earned her degree. For some people, that's a really big deal (for various reasons).

As to whether she's using her degree in her job...

1) She could be. We don't know what her duties are. For example, if she helps handle the celeb's communications, there are several areas of study that are applicable. 

2) You can view college as training for a job/career, or as one way to continue to educate yourself. I happen to be a fan of education, whether it's formal schooling or using the public library or getting the old guy next door who knows how to fix everything to teach you a few things. ;)

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I knew someone who had worked in IT for years, but never earned her degree. Despite being fantastic at her job, she was embarrassed not to have a degree. So, yeah, it's something to be proud of and is very important to a lot of people, especially if they come from people who don't have a lot of college graduates. Good for her. 

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Echo @azshadowwalker.  When I got my B.S. it was a big deal for my family as well as me, as I was the first from either side to graduate college.  Same for my daughter last December; first in the family history to get a Master's degree, and we're extremely proud of her.  There are lots of families for which college education remains a largely unfulfilled dream - usually for financial reasons - so I don't fault anyone for celebrating and cherishing their success.

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Being proud of graduating is one thing but I would never call my diploma my "claim to fame". Maybe if it were in something super specialized but not if it was a high school diploma or just a generic college diploma that got me a job as a celeb errand girl. But, hey, good for her if mentioning it makes her happy.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

She's 24, so maybe that's the only claim to fame she could think to put down.  Heck, I'm 33 and I don't know what my claim to fame would be, either.

Agree; she's not more than a year or two out of college, so that's probably still what she considers her greatest life achievement to date. :)

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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

Agree; she's not more than a year or two out of college, so that's probably still what she considers her greatest life achievement to date. :)

I'm taking a moment here to be glad she's not a Kardashian/Jenner and that her diploma IS her greatest claim to fame. :P

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