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West Wing Elimination Game

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Charlie and Toby are gone, along with Fitz and Nancy.

Vote against two.

1) Jed and Leo

3) Josh and Toby

4) Josh and Sam

5) Josh and CJ

6) Toby and Sam

7) Toby and CJ

9) Charlie and Josh

12) Jed and Mrs. Landingham

17) Leo and Fitz

19) CJ and Sam

25) Ainsley and Sam

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Charlie and Josh are gone, as well as Ainsley and Sam.

Vote against one.

1) Jed and Leo

3) Josh and Toby

4) Josh and Sam

5) Josh and CJ

6) Toby and Sam

7) Toby and CJ

12) Jed and Mrs. Landingham

17) Leo and Fitz

19) CJ and Sam

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Goodbye, Leo and Fitz.

Vote against one.

1) Jed and Leo

3) Josh and Toby

4) Josh and Sam

5) Josh and CJ

6) Toby and Sam

7) Toby and CJ

12) Jed and Mrs. Landingham

19) CJ and Sam

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So, we have four votes for four different couples. If you haven't voted, please vote. If you have voted, vote for a second choice tie breaker from the four voted from above.

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Jed and Mrs. Landingham, I'd give you a long sendoff in Latin, but I don't speak it.

Vote against one. Vote for a second one as a tie breaker just in case.

1) Jed and Leo

3) Josh and Toby

4) Josh and Sam

5) Josh and CJ

6) Toby and Sam

7) Toby and CJ

19) CJ and Sam

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Josh and Sam: I know that they have some kind of pedestal as being similar to other classic Sorkin friendships Matt Albie/Danny Tripp or Casey McCall/ Dan Rydell but unlike those, this similar aged young brash guys dynamic didn’t work. The actors didn’t have chemistry and past ITOTG, even the writing didn’t support a close, personal relationship. 

Runner up: CJ and Sam

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Even with tie breakers, we have a tie so CJ and Sam and Josh and Sam are both gone.

Vote against one. Vote for a second one as a tie breaker just in case.

1) Jed and Leo

3) Josh and Toby

5) Josh and CJ

6) Toby and Sam

7) Toby and CJ

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Josh and CJ  (Third round I'm voting out this pair.  I think this time's the charm!)

Toby and Sam  (Love them together but they seem more like older brother, little brother to me than close friends.)

Edited by ProudMary
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Toby/Sam: I agree that they’re great but more big and little brother than friends. I totally get why Toby is domineering and treats Sam like he’s silly...because Sam *can be* ridiculous. But it’s not the stuff of even friendships. 

Tie Breaker: Josh/CJ. Love them. They actually seem like classic friends. They ask about each other’s personal lives. CJ would buy Josh pajamas and cook him dinner. However, they’re less deep than the other entries on the list. CJ and Josh are similar in a lot of ways and glibness is a character flaw that they both share so in combination, they can’t have a friendship as deep as they have with Toby. 

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Josh and CJ are gone!

Vote against one. Vote for a second one as a tie breaker just in case.

1) Jed and Leo

3) Josh and Toby

6) Toby and Sam

7) Toby and CJ

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I'm new to this thread so I'm leery about jumping in near the end but the winner of this particular competition is foreordained so I think I can safely vote:

Toby and Josh

tiebreaker -- Toby and Sam  (More unequal than Toby and Josh but I valued it more because it was deep enough that it really hurt when Toby betrayed Sam by not trusting him enough to tell him about the drop-in for the environmental speech.)

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@rab01, thanks for jumping in!  Why do you think the winner is foreordained?  I know who I'm rooting for, but promise not to rig the contest. :)

Toby and Sam are gone.

Please vote for one and then a second as a tie-breaker!

1) Jed and Leo

3) Josh and Toby

7) Toby and CJ

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30 minutes ago, deaja said:

@rab01, thanks for jumping in!  Why do you think the winner is foreordained?  I know who I'm rooting for, but promise not to rig the contest. :)

The winner is foreordained because people on this forum have both seen and liked the show ;)  

Josh and Toby

Tie breaker - Toby and CJ (I guess I like some salt with my sweet. The most memorable moment for me was Toby refusing to listen to CJ about the bipartisan breakfast and then admitting to her having been right all along.) 

My votes may be influenced by where my kids are in the show.  What was the best moment of Toby and Josh's friendship?

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Just now, rab01 said:

What was the best moment of Toby and Josh's friendship?

To me, it was when Josh visited Toby's apartment in Season 7 after everything that happened.  Despite the indictment, the fight, etc.  Josh reached out.  Honorable mention to their phone calls the rest of the series where Toby helped Josh behind the scenes.

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Toby and Josh.  Jeez, this would have been out several rounds ago if I ruled the world; I'm obviously missing something others appreciate.

Tie-breaker:  I caaan't.  [/whine]  I have a dead heat tie between Leo and Jed and C.J. and Toby as my favorite friendship.  I'll force myself to choose if we wind up needing a tie-breaker, but for now I can't.

Edited by Bastet
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6 hours ago, deaja said:

Please vote for one and then a second as a tie-breaker!

1) Jed and Leo

3) Josh and Toby

7) Toby and CJ

OK, I'm a little confused right now because you said, "Vote for one" not against.  So just to be clear, I'm ranking my final three. 
Jed and Leo for the win.
Toby and CJ in second place
Josh and Toby, third.
If I'm still supposed to be eliminating one, then Josh and Toby should go. 

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Josh and Toby are gone!  So I think I see how this is going to go, but vote for a winner.

1) Jed and Leo

7) Toby and CJ

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Of course, Jed and Leo for the win. Maybe even more one-sided than the romantic pairing. 

The only relationship that I think might be a more clear winner would be mentor-mentee relationship  (where Jed and Charlie could win based on the carving knife alone) 

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