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West Wing Elimination Game

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Game On is gone!

Still vote for two; we are eliminating one!

Celestial Navigation

The State Dinner

What Kind of Day Has It Been

Let Bartlet be Bartlet

In the Shadow of Two Gunmen

18th and Potomac


The Indians in the Lobby

Barlet for America

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Noel is gone!

Still vote for two; we are eliminating one.  

Celestial Navigation

The State Dinner 

What Kind of Day Has It Been

Let Bartlet be Bartlet 

In the Shadow of Two Gunmen

18th and Potomac 

The Indians in the Lobby 

Barlet for America

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Let Bartlet Be Bartlet - The stench of the Mandy's Memo storyline permeates, bringing down an otherwise great episode

18th & Potomac - Josh is an idiot, Sam is an ass, and Donna gets lionized for reacting so much better than the rest of them to the MS news, ignoring the fact that, gee, do you think that's maybe because she has a hell of a lot less on the line than the others?

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The State Dinner is gone and I'm officially mad at all of you.  ;)  Except @Bastet who had the good taste not to vote against one of my favorites (though at this point, they're pretty much all one of my favorites.)

Still vote for two; we are eliminating one.  

Celestial Navigation

What Kind of Day Has It Been

Let Bartlet be Bartlet   

In the Shadow of Two Gunmen

18th and Potomac     

The Indians in the Lobby    

Barlet for America

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 Let Bartlet be Bartlet   - a nice episode, not least because of the early humour with Sam's speech oversight "As I look out over this magnificent vista ..."; and underlined some of the frustrations Josh (FEC), Sam & Toby (Don't Ask Don't Tell) and an opinion poll that suggests the president's approval has fallen to 42% and that there is a general malaise in the administration.

So far so good, but it all goes off the rails with one of CJ's little temper tantrums over Mandy's leaked memo, which highlights all the weaknesses in the very same administration while she worked for Russell. So for once I had some sympathy for her while I really detested CJ's arrogant bullying of both Mandy and Danny - trying to force him not to report on the memo, and gets even more irate when he refuses.

And what tipped it over the edge for me, was all senior staff "vowing" to Leo and Jed near the end with "I serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States" - excuse me while I vomit!


The Indians in the Lobby 

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Let Bartlet Be Bartlet

18th & Potomac

3 hours ago, deaja said:

The State Dinner is gone and I'm officially mad at all of you.  ;)  Except @Bastet who had the good taste not to vote against one of my favorites (though at this point, they're pretty much all one of my favorites.)

Heh.  Yeah, I'm voting off episodes I love at this point, based on their few bad moments, but The State Dinner was not in the running yet for me; I think it's one of the best episodes at weaving together multiple storylines.

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Yeah, I'm voting off episodes I love at this point, based on their few bad moments, but The State Dinner was not in the running yet for me; I think it's one of the best episodes at weaving together multiple storylines.

I turn around and Noel is gone....still don't understand that. The Supreme's....same thing. It is like choosing among my children.

And Let Barlet be Bartlet has that wonderfully cheesy moment, but it is cheesy and not as good as "a guy fell in a hole", my favorite cheesy moment, barely beating out "this knife was given to my family by a Boston silversmith..."

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Let Bartlet Be Bartlet is gone!

Still vote for two; we are eliminating one.  

Celestial Navigation

What Kind of Day Has It Been

In the Shadow of Two Gunmen

18th and Potomac     

The Indians in the Lobby    

Barlet for America

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18th and Potomac

What Kind of Day Has It Been - Because, in actuality, it's only a solid episode that gets bumped higher on my list by my memories of practically falling off the couch as we faded to black on "We've got people down.  Who's been hit, who's been hit?"

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18th and Potomac is gone!

Still vote for two; we are eliminating one.  

Celestial Navigation

What Kind of Day Has It Been

In the Shadow of Two Gunmen

The Indians in the Lobby    

Barlet for America

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What Kind of Day Has It Been

Bartlet For America - Simply because I can't vote for any of the others yet.  I think this was actually a better episode than The Indians in the Lobby, but their storyline was so much more important to be told that I can't do it.

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The Indians in the Lobby are gone.

We'll still keep playing down to winner this time, but if you could please rank your preference for the remaining episodes-  it's going to get tough so we need a secondary tie-breaker as back up!  Thank you!

Celestial Navigation

What Kind of Day Has It Been   

In the Shadow of Two Gunmen

Barlet for America 

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Voting for Bartlet for America.

1) Celestial Navigation  -  ITSoTG is probably better story-wise.  But Celestial Navigation is the episode I would pull out if anyone asked me to summarize the show.  It's funny. It's clever.  It tackles an issue. You could watch just this episode and get a pretty good read on most of the major characters.

2) In the Shadow of Two Gunmen - the scene where Ron Butterfield realizes Jed has been shot is so great. Abbey's arrival at the hospital.  Donna learning of Josh's injury.  Toby finding Josh.  All of it.

3) What Kind of Day Has it Been - overall, this is obviously a great episode, but really not that much of a standout until the last few minutes.  

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Voting out "What Kind of Day"-  a nice slow burner, but nothing of any note that would want me to see it stay.


Ranking the others:-

1."Celestial Navigation", primarily because it had everything, not least the humour, mostly at Josh's expense, but that just made it so much better. Although whenever CJ mentions "Fowrry Borrow" or "rooo cawoow" it just cracks me up!

And of course we have Charlie having to wake the president at some godawful time in the morning, and having to tell Jed that "this isn't a nightmare, you really are the President!"

And then there's Sam's geeky knowledge of how to get from Nova Scotia via the Trans-Canada Highway.......

But there was some good drama, especially regarding Mendoza spending the night in jail over a trumped-up charge, and Sam & Toby coming down hard on the local sheriff for doing so.

But it also had Josh going head to head with the press corp in his usual arrogant cocky self, and then being brought down to Earth with a bump over his "secret plan to fight inflation!"

Overall, it was a fairly light episode compared to the likes of ITSOTG, but it had a good mix and it appealed to my quirky sense of humour a great deal


3. B4A

Edited by Zola
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11 minutes ago, Zola said:

Voting for "Celestial Navigation", primarily because it had everything, not least the humour, mostly at Josh's expense, but that just made it so much better. Although whenever CJ mentions "Fowrry Borrow" or "rooo cawoow" it just cracks me up!

And of course we have Charlie having to wake the president at some godawful time in the morning, and having to tell Jed that "this isn't a nightmare, you really are the President!"

And then there's Sam's geeky knowledge of how to get from Nova Scotia via the Trans-Canada Highway.......

But there was some good drama, especially regarding Mendoza spending the night in jail over a trumped-up charge, and Sam & Toby coming down hard on the local sheriff for doing so.

But it also had Josh going head to head with the press corp in his usual arrogant cocky self, and then being brought down to Earth with a bump over his "secret plan to fight inflation!"

Overall, it was a fairly light episode compared to the likes of ITSOTG, but it had a good mix and it appealed to my quirky sense of humour a great deal


Ranking the others:-

  2. B4A
  3. What Kind of Day

Just to be clear, you're voting for Celestial Navigation to get the boot?  I just want to make sure it's clear as you said you're voting for it and then posted about how good it is. (Which at this point, every episode left is fantastic, so it's fine. I just want to be clear)

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3 minutes ago, deaja said:

Just to be clear, you're voting for Celestial Navigation to get the boot?  I just want to make sure it's clear as you said you're voting for it and then posted about how good it is. (Which at this point, every episode left is fantastic, so it's fine. I just want to be clear)

Big big OOPS!

Nope I just wasn't thinking straight. trying to multitask and failing dismally. 

Let me do some editing 


<scuttles off hugely embarrassed>

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On 9/29/2017 at 11:05 AM, Zola said:


So far so good, but it all goes off the rails with one of CJ's little temper tantrums over Mandy's leaked memo, which highlights all the weaknesses in the very same administration while she worked for Russell. So for once I had some sympathy for her while I really detested CJ's arrogant bullying of both Mandy and Danny - trying to force him not to report on the memo, and gets even more irate when he refuses.

And what tipped it over the edge for me, was all senior staff "vowing" to Leo and Jed near the end with "I serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States" - excuse me while I vomit!

I loved CJ's tantrum....because it was so damn real. I'm quite sure that CJ was canonically wrong because Danny completely schools her on how he has a right and actually an obligation to write about the memo and it's the staff's fault for being blind-sided by the memo. And then, Jed points out that Mandy was doing her job. But I have a hard time imagining a press secretary who just had a very hard year, for reasons mostly not her fault but partly her fault, reacting well to a highly paid consultant who's not quite on the team inadvertently creating a scandal by virtue of her distance from the team and then, her friendly reporter who helped make salacious gossip about her because he's too "friendly" writing the damaging piece. 

It's the real-est. Other than the "I serve at the pleasure of the president". I agree that's fake and annoying. 

Voting off; What Kind of Day Has It Been


2. BFA

3. CN

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21 minutes ago, PeterPirate said:

From best to least best:





These are all excellent episodes.  

So are you voting against What Kind of Day?

11 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:




And you're voting against Bartlet for America?

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What Kind of Day Has It Been is slowly fading to black and has been eliminated.

Same as last round- please vote one off and rank the remaining two best to worst.  

Celestial Navigation

In the Shadow of Two Gunmen

Barlet for America

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Bartlet for America is being voted against.

1) Celestial Navigation for my top choice

2) In the Shadow for my second place choice 

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B4A to go (even though I loved the scene twixt Jed and Leo at the end concerning the hankerchief; and Leo's heartfelt confession to Jordon about being a former alcoholic. Such a beautifully choreographed scene!)



1. Celestial Navigation, for reasons I gave in my previous post.


Edited by Zola
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You all drank too much Johnny Walker Blue (at $30 a shot)-B4A is the best episode...but looks like I am fighting a losing battle.

Celestial navigation, funny as it was, is no B4A. I vote it off

1. B4A


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Bartlet for America has been eliminated.

Final Round! Name your WINNER below!

Celestial Navigation

In the Shadow of Two Gunmen

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