Melancholy September 3, 2017 Share September 3, 2017 Aw, I liked Third Day Story. The fallout of Leo's heart attack was interesting and the Josh v. CJ fast food war was funny NSF Thurmont The Birnam Wood 90 Miles Away: Telling the Cuban embargo story in a bizarre clumsy way that emphasizes quirk over facts. The unlikely random Kate/Leo relationship in flashbacks. And termites as a B-plot. Link to comment
Guest September 3, 2017 Share September 3, 2017 2 hours ago, Melancholy said: 90 Miles Away: Telling the Cuban embargo story in a bizarre clumsy way that emphasizes quirk over facts. The unlikely random Kate/Leo relationship in flashbacks. And termites as a B-plot. Oh I hate that episode. Is it a faux pas to edit my vote? ;) Link to comment
Melancholy September 3, 2017 Share September 3, 2017 1 hour ago, deaja said: Oh I hate that episode. Is it a faux pas to edit my vote? ;) As far as I'm concerned, go ahead. Link to comment
Guest September 3, 2017 Share September 3, 2017 Goodbye to NSF Thurmont, The Birnam Wood, and Third-Day Story. Vote against three! Liftoff The Hubbert Peak The Dover Test A Change is Gonna Come In the Room Impact Winter Faith Based Initiative Opposition Research 365 Days King Corn The Wake Up Call Freedonia Drought Conditions A Good Day La Palabra Ninety Miles Away In God We Trust Things Fall Apart 2162 Votes Link to comment
Guest September 3, 2017 Share September 3, 2017 90 Miles Away Hubbert Peak A Change is Going to Come Link to comment
Zola September 3, 2017 Share September 3, 2017 Liftoff The Hubbert Peak Ninety Miles Away Link to comment
PeterPirate September 3, 2017 Share September 3, 2017 Ninety Miles Away Faith Based Initiative The Hubbert Peak Link to comment
Guest September 4, 2017 Share September 4, 2017 Goodbye, 90 Miles Away, the Hubert Peak, and Liftoff. Vote against three! The Dover Test A Change is Gonna Come In the Room Impact Winter Faith Based Initiative Opposition Research 365 Days King Corn The Wake Up Call Freedonia Drought Conditions A Good Day La Palabra In God We Trust Things Fall Apart 2162 Votes Link to comment
Guest September 4, 2017 Share September 4, 2017 Faith Based Initiative A Change is Going to Come In the Room Link to comment
Zola September 4, 2017 Share September 4, 2017 A Change is Gonna Come Faith Based Initiative 365 Days Link to comment
PeterPirate September 5, 2017 Share September 5, 2017 Faith Based Initiative A Change is Gonna Come The Dover Test Link to comment
Guest September 5, 2017 Share September 5, 2017 Goodbye Faith Based Initiative and A Change is Going to Come. Then we have a tie for the third elimination even after the tie-breaker, so goodbye to 365 Days, The Dover Test, and In The Room. Vote against two! Impact Winter Opposition Research King Corn The Wake Up Call Freedonia Drought Conditions A Good Day La Palabra In God We Trust Things Fall Apart 2162 Votes Link to comment
Guest September 5, 2017 Share September 5, 2017 The Wake Up Call (Shut up, Abby) Things Fall Apart Link to comment
Zola September 5, 2017 Share September 5, 2017 Impact Winter - Primarily because of the dumb China meeting, but also the ridiculous asteroid side-story. The Wake Up Call - Bad on so many levels, not least Miss World and new constitution stories. Link to comment
Melancholy September 5, 2017 Share September 5, 2017 (edited) Opposition Research: While I came to love the election story, this was a very slow start. A Good Day: The Marty Stuism of Matt Santos is too much here. I don't quite believe that he had the position in Congress to lead far more senior members. I can buy that Santos had the youth and junior status to appeal to the American public as a presidential candidate. But congressional leadership is far more hierchical. Why Obama won the presidency but he was never a true congressional leader and Obama was far more groomed by establishment figures than Santos. I also can't stand these efforts to airbrush Donna's actions by turning her into the hostess with the mostess over the VP's suites. Her arc would have actually been good if she was tagged with supporting Bingo Bob to advance her career at the expense of the country and Democratic Party- because that's what she was actually doing. I actually think the Jed/Abbey scenes are cute and sweet and Toby giving his full attention to the child suffragettes is one of his best post Sorkin stories. But that's not enough to overcome the poor A plot. Edited September 5, 2017 by Melancholy Link to comment
Guest September 5, 2017 Share September 5, 2017 15 minutes ago, Melancholy said: . I also can't stand these efforts to airbrush Donna's actions by turning her into the hostess with the mostess over the VP's suites. Her arc would have actually been good if she was tagged with supporting Bingo Bob to advance her career at the expense of the country and Democratic Party- because that's what she was actually doing. I can't stand Donna's Season 6 arc - awful! I do love Toby with the child suffragettes, and that was enough to spare me voting from it this round! Link to comment
Melancholy September 6, 2017 Share September 6, 2017 19 hours ago, deaja said: I can't stand Donna's Season 6 arc - awful! I do love Toby with the child suffragettes, and that was enough to spare me voting from it this round! I actually like The Wake Up Call. The story about former Soviet countries forming their own democracies was interesting. Lord John Marbury is generally hilarious. And I love that CJ got a foreign policy win as she grew into the COS role. It's also very neat and true to character that CJ got this early foreign policy victory with where she has years of experience- manipulation of public perception and a keen understanding of the male ego. ;-) Link to comment
Guest September 6, 2017 Share September 6, 2017 The Wake-Up Call, Impact Winter, and Opposition Research are gone (Impact Winter and Opposition Research tied with the tie-breaker, so they're both gone) Vote against two! King Corn Freedonia Drought Conditions A Good Day La Palabra In God We Trust Things Fall Apart 2162 Votes Link to comment
Melancholy September 6, 2017 Share September 6, 2017 A Good Day- as above King Korn- The Vinnick third is great and the Josh/Santos third is solid. The Donna/Russel third where there's no story about being a dark horse or having an ethical/policy dilemma with the ethanol pledge so they just make fun of Iowans is garbage. Link to comment
Guest September 7, 2017 Share September 7, 2017 A Good Day and Things Fall Apart (by tie-breaker) are gone! Vote against two! After this round, we will be down to our final 4. King Corn Freedonia Drought Conditions La Palabra In God We Trust 2162 Votes Link to comment
Zola September 7, 2017 Share September 7, 2017 (edited) Now its getting tough! Freedonia - an interesting episode, spoilt somewhat by the slightly mellow (relatively speaking) cameo of Amy. Moreover, I didn't like Santos' decision to do his own to-camera tv ad. But I guess that was a better option than Donna mouthing off to chickens! However, there was one stand-out scene, and that was twixt Josh & Santos discussing the "presidential voice". And Josh retorts by saying "Here's what Amy won't tell you about the presidential voice: you have to become president to use it!"- which put Santos back in his petulant box. But that aside, it wasn't enough for me to keep the episode here. La Palabra - another good episode all things considered. But again just like "Freedonia" Santos has to pull something unexpected out of the bag, and at the last minute, to win the day: this time an endorsement from an improbable source. And I didn't like Donna throwing a glass of water over a sleeping Will either. Not at all very ladylike, and just adds to my growing contempt for her at this point. And then there's the rather lame but convenient story of Hoynes suddenly pulling out of the election over some sex scandal (again!), thus pushing Santos into 2nd place. Edited September 7, 2017 by Zola Link to comment
Guest September 8, 2017 Share September 8, 2017 King Corn and Fredonia are gone with one vote each in the top spot, so we have our four finalists. Please rank the remaining episodes to determine a winner. (This game has really fizzled!) Drought Conditions La Palabra In God We Trust 2162 Votes Link to comment
Guest September 8, 2017 Share September 8, 2017 1) 2162 Votes 2) La Palabra 3) Drought Conditions 4) In God We Trust Link to comment
Zola September 8, 2017 Share September 8, 2017 2162 Votes In God We Trust Drought Conditions La Palabra Yes, the game really has died a little, which is a pity because I simply adore the main story lines of S6 & 7 (if only because of the screen presence of Alan Alda, and Josh really coming into his own as Campaign Manager) Link to comment
Guest September 10, 2017 Share September 10, 2017 2162 wins and the others tied for second. On to Season 7! Vote against three. The Ticket The Mommy Problem Message of the Week Mr. Frost Here Today The Al Smith Dinner The Debate Undecideds The Wedding Running Mates Internal Displacement Duck and Cover The Cold Two Weeks Out Welcome to Wherever You Are Election Day (Part 1) Election Day (Part 2) Requiem Transition The Last Hurrah Institutional Memory Tomorrow Link to comment
Guest September 10, 2017 Share September 10, 2017 The Wedding Mr Frost Institutional Memory Link to comment
Zola September 11, 2017 Share September 11, 2017 The Wedding Here Today Institutional Memory Link to comment
Guest September 11, 2017 Share September 11, 2017 The Wedding, Institutional Memory, Here Today, and Mr. Frost are gone. Vote against 3! The Ticket The Mommy Problem Message of the Week The Al Smith Dinner The Debate Undecideds Running Mates Internal Displacement Duck and Cover The Cold Two Weeks Out Welcome to Wherever You Are Election Day (Part 1) Election Day (Part 2) Requiem Transition The Last Hurrah Tomorrow Link to comment
Guest September 11, 2017 Share September 11, 2017 Internal Displacement Running Mates The Last Hurrah Link to comment
PeterPirate September 11, 2017 Share September 11, 2017 The Debate The Ticket The Mommy Problem Link to comment
Zola September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 The Debate The Al Smith Dinner Undecideds Link to comment
Guest September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 The Debate, Internal Displacement, Running Mates, The Ticket, and The Al Smith Dinner are out (eliminating 5 due to ties). Keep voting for three! The Mommy Problem Message of the Week Undecideds Duck and Cover The Cold Two Weeks Out Welcome to Wherever You Are Election Day (Part 1) Election Day (Part 2) Requiem Transition The Last Hurrah Tomorrow Link to comment
Guest September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 The Last Hurrah Tomorrow Transition Link to comment
Zola September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 Message of the Week Undecideds Welcome to Wherever You Are Link to comment
Guest September 13, 2017 Share September 13, 2017 The Last Hurrah, Tomorrow, Message of the Week, and Undecideds are out. Keep voting for three! The Mommy Problem Duck and Cover The Cold Two Weeks Out Welcome to Wherever You Are Election Day (Part 1) Election Day (Part 2) Requiem Transition Link to comment
Guest September 13, 2017 Share September 13, 2017 Transition Two Weeks Out The Mommy Problem Link to comment
Melancholy September 13, 2017 Share September 13, 2017 Aw, this was NOT my order. I love The Ticket, Undecideds, and Message of the Week and I strangely really loved Institutional Memory even though I'm in the "Danny is an asshole who isn't good enough for CJ" camp. Welcome To Wherever You Are: This is actually my least favorite S7 ep. A lot of running around with thin plot. Election Day Part 1: The Josh/Donna sex was painfully unsexy. Now, I never liked Josh/Donna mainly because I find Donna annoying and unrealistic. And while I love Josh, Donna brings out controlling, dictatorial or weak pushover sides to him. But TV couples generally get the "no chemistry" accusation from anti-shippers. Now, I don't lob that criticism. Josh/Donna actually has its positive points and one of them is that Brad Whitford and Janel Maloney are attractive people with TONS of chemistry who play off very nicely against each other. Their first kiss was very hot and beautifully filmed. But this ep was supposed to bring the fireworks of them having sex for the first time and it did not. The election stuff is brilliant in Part 2 but it all feels like OTT exposition and set up in Part 1. Two Weeks Out: Great to see Santos and Vinnick interact face to face. I always enjoyed that and Alan Alda and Jimmy Smitts have great chemistry. But actually, this is the weakest ep for that. Eliminated eps like The Al Smith Dinner and The Last Hurrah did better. But here, the briefcase story is very stupid and unrealistic. I did like Vinnick trying to rehab his campaign and I actually thought Bobbi Barrett Jane Braun was a compelling low key villainess. But the briefcase was the A plot. Link to comment
AriAu September 13, 2017 Share September 13, 2017 Mommy Problem Duck and Cover Requiem-fitting tribute to Leo and John Spencer and I loved the guest drop-ins (Ainsley!) but not a very good episode. And I loved Welcome to Wherever You Are....get Annabeth singing, Bon Jovi babysitting. Very sad that I took a few days off from this board and Tomorrow is gone! Link to comment
Zola September 13, 2017 Share September 13, 2017 Welcome to Wherever You Are Election Day (Part 1) Two Weeks Out Link to comment
Guest September 14, 2017 Share September 14, 2017 I'm so excited that there are more voters than just myself and Zola this round. :) (No offense to @Zola; the game is just more fun with more people!) Two Weeks Out, Welcome to Wherever You Are, Election Day Part 1, and The Mommy Problem are out! Please vote one out and rank the remaining episodes to serve as a tie-breaker. I'm going to have to think for awhile. I'm still torn on what episode I want to win! Duck and Cover The Cold Election Day (Part 2) Requiem Transition Link to comment
Guest September 14, 2017 Share September 14, 2017 Voting against Transition. 1) Duck and Cover 2) Election Day (Part 2) 3) Requiem 4) The Cold Link to comment
Zola September 14, 2017 Share September 14, 2017 (edited) Tough choices but I vote out "The Cold", not least because of the long-awaited "kiss" moment between Donna/Josh, but also the whole Kazakhstan thing starts to take momentum; plus we see the arrival of hard-nosed GOP cheerleader Jane Braun usurp the more rational & moderate Sheila Brookes. And what killed that episode stone dead was the soap bit at the end when Donna pushes her hotel room pass across the table in Josh's direction before heading off to her room. Josh is about to pick it up and follow her but I think Ronna picks it up first and chases Donna up the hall thinking she's forgotten it! Dreadfully handled, and not needed. Election Day (Part 2) Duck and Cover Requiem Transition Edited September 14, 2017 by Zola Link to comment
Melancholy September 14, 2017 Share September 14, 2017 (edited) Voting against Transition. Interesting ep but I don't buy the Bartlet/Santos good cop/bad cop- both its likely efficacy and that they could and would do it together without their staff or anyone in the military being let in. Rob Lowe's performance was also off and rusty in terms of getting back into embodying Sam Seaborne. 1. Election Day Part II 2. Duck and Cover 3. The Cold 4. Requiem Good write up @Zola even though I disagree on a bunch. Strangely, I partly give The Cold high marks for the Josh/Donna. I anti-ship them but they're an inevitability. The Cold had a gorgeously shot arty kiss that fed off the campaign energy and some unusually sexy bubbly flirting that kept me engaged. The key thing was a little silly but I LOLed. It's a more appealing Josh/Donna than Donna motor-mouthing her ultimatums at Josh with some understanding from Santos on down that she's a nurse for One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest!Josh ala Transition. I also found the Kazakhstan conflict and Jane Braun/GOP division interesting. Edited September 14, 2017 by Melancholy Link to comment
AriAu September 14, 2017 Share September 14, 2017 I vote out Requiem 1.ED II. "Thanks Boss" was cheesy, but the running down the hospital hallway scene was heartbreakingly great. 2. Transition 3. The Cold-I am NOT a Josh/Donna 'shipper, but that whole "the kiss" scene was sooooo well done, from trying to get the poll results, the AnnaBeth's grin (yes, I love me some Chenoweth) to "Bang, Bang" being the perfect music to Bram knocking on the elevator door to everyone barging in. Just a GREAT cold open....and the rest of the episode worked well too. 4. Duck and Cover because I have to pick one and I want WTWYA or 2WO and they are gone! Link to comment
Zola September 14, 2017 Share September 14, 2017 20 minutes ago, Melancholy said: Voting against Transition. Interesting ep but I don't buy the Bartlet/Santos good cop/bad cop- both its likely efficacy and that they could and would do it together without their staff or anyone in the military being let in. Rob Lowe's performance was also off and rusty in terms of getting back into embodying Sam Seaborne. 1. Election Day Part II 2. Duck and Cover 3. The Cold 4. Requiem Good write up @Zola even though I disagree on a bunch. Strangely, I partly give The Cold high marks for the Josh/Donna. I anti-ship them but they're an inevitability. The Cold had a gorgeously shot arty kiss that fed off the campaign energy and some unusually sexy bubbly flirting that kept me engaged. The key thing was a little silly but I LOLed. It's a more appealing Josh/Donna than Donna motor-mouthing her ultimatums at Josh with some understanding from Santos on down that she's a nurse for One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest!Josh ala Transition. I also found the Kazakhstan conflict and Jane Braun/GOP division interesting. Yeah, perhaps I was a little hard on that little Donna/Josh kiss scene. It was very well constructed I guess, even though it took the best part of 7 years to pull off! I mean I love foreplay, but jeez 7 years of teasing!!? lol Link to comment
Guest September 15, 2017 Share September 15, 2017 Transition is out! Our four finalists for Season 7 are Duck and Cover The Cold Election Day Part II Requiem Please rank them accordingly to determine our winner. Tomorrow will begin the voting for all seasons' winners! Link to comment
Guest September 15, 2017 Share September 15, 2017 1) Duck and Cover 2) Election Day (Part 2) 3) Requiem 4) The Cold Link to comment
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