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Hot Bench - General Discussion

Meredith Quill

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Finally got to watch the return of Mr. McGlew Jr. now being sued by plaintiff. I had a hard time wrapping my head around this one. Picture it: You find some fugazi ad on Craigslist (of all places) placed by some hustler saying if you give him 15K he'll repay it in three months. So what is the point of this investment? You'd get more back by putting the money in a savings account, even with the pathetic interest rates, or putting almost anywhere else. But that's not all, folks! This entrepreneur then needs money to pay his rent because he's on the verge of being evicted and he also needs a downpayment for a car. Why, sure! I'd give it to him. How much did I loan him? Gee, I dunno. Ask him. This case reinforced my opinion that some people are just too stupid to live. McGlew Jr might want to use a portion of any other investments he may give to buy a new shirt a few sizes larger. Those buttons were on the verge of popping with such force they may have put someone's eye out.

6 hours ago, SRTouch said:

but but Beth knows - just ask Beth.

I doubt Beth knows if she's afoot or horseback.

I was really annoyed with JA and JC, when they decided to give money back to the plaintiff for the car she bought. She buys a 15-year old Saturn(!!) after taking a test drive, but not bothering to get it checked out first. It conks out a few days later. What happened to the "As is" law as pertains to ancient vehicles? Papa Mike and JA (but not JDiM) seemed to think this old beater falls under the Lemon Law and give her back 500$. Why? She's a mature person who chose to buy the hoopty. The goofy def did get a diagnostic done on it a few months before he sold it, yet he's held responsible if it finally died of old age after plaintiff bought it? He didn't commit any fraud I could see. It seems JA and JC wanted to give the plaintiff money just because she's a sainted single mother sending her daughter to college. Does being a SSM waive the "As is" law? I don't get it, but I'm not a judge.

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48 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

I was really annoyed with JA and JC, when they decided to give money back to the plaintiff for the car she bought. She buys a 15-year old Saturn(!!) after taking a test drive, but not bothering to get it checked out first. It conks out a few days later. What happened to the "As is" law as pertains to ancient vehicles? Papa Mike and JA (but not JDiM) seemed to think this old beater falls under the Lemon Law and give her back 500$. Why? She's a mature person who chose to buy the hoopty. The goofy def did get a diagnostic done on it a few months before he sold it, yet he's held responsible if it finally died of old age after plaintiff bought it? He didn't commit any fraud I could see. It seems JA and JC wanted to give the plaintiff money just because she's a sainted single mother sending her daughter to college. Does being a SSM waive the "As is" law? I don't get it, but I'm not a judge.

Good question - I sure didn't hear anything hinting at a warranty or that seller was trying to pull a fast one..... 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

What happened to the "As is" law as pertains to ancient vehicles?

I was also pissed off on this case. The law is clear but Acker and Corriero went into contortions to get completely outside of the law to give the SSM something. Corriero (who I am growing to really despise with his legal gymnastics and passive aggressive arguing) blathering about "Lemon Laws" when it is a 15 year old car involved proved he is willing to make stuff up - can anyone tell me if any jurisdiction in the USA applies lemon laws to 15 year old cars in private as-is sales?

  • Love 3

I figured there was no recourse for someone buying a very old vehicle without a warranty given.

6 minutes ago, DoctorK said:

Corriero (who I am growing to really despise with his legal gymnastics and passive aggressive arguing)

Yes. He's ready to do anything to try to find in favour of young women or SSMs, no matter what. I just wish in this case JDiM had been more adamant that as-is, private sales of old beaters is "buyer beware." JA was all but fawning over the plaintiff for having a daughter going to college (big deal!) even though plaintiff stood there fully admitting she bought this wreck without doing the first thing to ensure it was  good deal. It's always someone else's fault. It's kind of outrageous.

I looked up the Lemon Law as it pertains to "as is" sales out of curiosity.



Although laws vary greatly by state, one general requirement is that a product must be purchased with a warranty in order to be eligible for protection under lemon laws. If the vehicle is purchased "as-is," this is usually an express agreement between the buyer and the seller that the buyer assumes the risk of any defects in the product. If that is the case, the buyer, in essence, assumes the risk of any defects in the product and loses the right to seek recovery for those losses from the seller or manufacturer.

How two judges could just ignore this I have no idea. Oh, but those single mothers (do we ever see any other kind on these court shows?) are exceptions.

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So, just watched a nearly identical case of the sale of another 15 wreck, a Kia this time. Plaintiff sold it to the defs for 850$. They paid him 150$ and then decided they need not pay the balance since the heap needed a new tire, a battery and windshield wipers needed repair. They also told a bunch of silly lies about the car being stolen and recovered and son's ashes being in the car(!!), but that's not the point.

JA pointedly said to the defs, "It's an "as is" sale of an old car" and if they didn't do their homework, tough luck. They are ordered to pay the balance. So that law was applied here, but not in the previous, identical case where the plaintiff bought a car from a stranger, did no homework on the old heap and had to put money in it, yet she got rewarded. I am confused.

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Watching today's tenants suing apartment complex - oh my, this may be the ultimate in management making up stuff to justify keeping a deposit. Tried to blame these tenants for bedbugs, but come to find out source of problem was nearby apartment. Oh, but management decided not to charge these people for bringing in the bugs - didn't offer any compensation for the hoops these people went through laundering their clothes or the new mattress they ended up buying (that had more bedbugs after the first treatment) - but hey, management ended up not charging them for neighbors' bugs. Then, even though these people never had a dog, management charges them $30 for a "pet survey" where carpet gets inspected with black light to see if dog they claim they never had went potty. Management says they needed survey because neighbors and/maintenance heard a dog in apartment - never saw one and no documented evidence of when dog was 'heard' (I'm guessing they might have been watching 'Pitbulls and Parolees') anyway, survey showed no evidence of dog ever piddling but charged tenants anyway (though management graciously offers to remove charge here in court). What else? Oh, management did a walk through with tenants both for move in and move out. On move out inspection day lots of items marked clean/good the tenants are ultimately charged for damaging or leaving dirty. Tenant wisely kept copy of move in inspection, and other things management now changing them were identified as being damaged when tenant moved in and management has no evidence of them ever being repaired. After testimony, after Judge DiM announces it's time to go back and deliberate, Judge A interrupts to say this is worse case of landlord over reaching she has seen - management even wants money for dusty windows! Back in chambers Judge Patty is absolutely on board with double the security as punitive as both she and Tanya wish they could give Tenants even more. Oh, and Judge A reminds us landlord not only wanted to keep the deposit, but countersued to get even more...... ok, alarm to get out the door to go to work just sounded, so I'll watch the decision announced later.... just watched the conclusion. Judge Mike announced decision and had a few more choices things to say about landlord. 

Edited by SRTouch
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18 minutes ago, DoctorK said:

Am I the only one who, in the case of the church going bible class woman who scammed people out of $1,700, got strong vibes of Tammy Faye Bakker? Also, in this case Corriero was an ass again.

DoctorK I was able to see this case this morning (I'm not slacking or on disability) because my 9:00 cancelled

Anyway, for someone who's so desperate for money that she's living in her car - she sure had the pageant queen hair and makeup down pat.  And false eyelashes.  Don't forget the false eyelashes. She oozed scammer.

I suspect she takes her tale of woe on the road a lot.  This church, that church....and tries to find people who are more than willing to help their fellow churchgoer.  

It seemed that the blue-haired daughter was almost as disgusted with ScamMom as the plaintiff.  "She called and asked for money...on my birthday...."  ScamMom probably remembered that it was her daughter's birthday and more than likely Nana might have sent her a check for $20 and ScamMom wanted to grab it quickly.

And I could not agree more about Corriero.  Gets old fast.

Edited by PsychoKlown
2 hours ago, SRTouch said:

Second day in a row I was cheering J Acker - didn't used to like her but she's now my favorite for telling like it is (even though she sometimes goes overboard about what she's willing to accept in HER court - shades of JJ)


At one time I only tuned in when Judge Acker spoke just to see what kind of wig she slapped on her head that day but lately she has been quite terse with the real losers and scammers. It is refreshing.

I don't get to see it as much as I'd like because it comes on at 9:00am and I am either at work or on the pike and half the time I forget to record it.

Today's case was infuriating to say the least.

The "church lady" case was local to us.  Was able to figure out what church, based on the plaintiff's name.  It's a LARGE church, and folks in the Bible study should have known better.  Many churches that size in this area have a staff person assigned to help people with financial needs, and group leaders (including Bible study) should have known to refer her to the church office.

At the church near there where I used to volunteer, those asking for help had to fill out a form, and the staff member would contact the landlord/utility company, etc., to confirm the need, and would then make the check out directly to the company to whom the money was owed.

Sadly, scammers have made generosity into a dangerous concept.

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21 hours ago, AZChristian said:

The "church lady" case was local to us.  Was able to figure out what church, based on the plaintiff's name.  It's a LARGE church, and folks in the Bible study should have known better.  Many churches that size in this area have a staff person assigned to help people with financial needs, and group leaders (including Bible study) should have known to refer her to the church office.

At the church near there where I used to volunteer, those asking for help had to fill out a form, and the staff member would contact the landlord/utility company, etc., to confirm the need, and would then make the check out directly to the company to whom the money was owed.

Sadly, scammers have made generosity into a dangerous concept.

Noticed that she said she's been in the "bible study" about three months.  Sounds like a pattern scam to me.  Go to a new church, get acquainted.  Join the bible study group, likely made up of people who have a charitable nature.  Be there about a month.  Start telling people a tale of woe.  Noticed that she fell FAR short of her rent needs.  My guess is that they were giving her a side eye when she started whining about her rent.  

Loved that she really had no answer when it was pointed out that they told her it was a loan from jump street.  Then she kept making remarks like she was somehow the victim in all this and was doing everything she could to try to placate these terrible people.  

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22 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

Noticed that she said she's been in the "bible study" about three months. 

I just now watched this. Yet again, a fake "Christian" professional, amoral grifter/scammer uses the naivety of a group who is willing to believe any BS if it comes from people representing themselves as pious (even if she just worships at the altar of cash). She's just another very small scale Robert Tilton and she had just as much remorse at her scamming. Nothing the judges said made the least dent in her smirk.  Maybe she was going to be homeless, but at least she's able to keep dying her hair and getting nose jobs. She still won here, as she doesn't have to pay the judgement.

I bet this is how she makes a living. No way is this the first time she's done this. If she's in such need all the time, shouldn't she trust in God to provide, instead of hitting up total strangers to pay her 2400$ rent? She's utter scum who has molded her daughter in her image and I hope the plaintiff isn't going to be such a sucker again.

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1 hour ago, PsychoKlown said:

How about today's CraigList, weed smoking, angry landlord?

Complete with vile language, guns, chameleons, ghosts and accusations of the female renter being a temptress going after the weed smoking, angry landlord.

Judge DiMango was having none of it.

This is repeat - I remember wondering what their weed was dosed with to make them so wacky.

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1 hour ago, PsychoKlown said:

How about today's CraigList, weed smoking, angry landlord?

Complete with vile language, guns, chameleons, ghosts and accusations of the female renter being a temptress going after the weed smoking, angry landlord.

Judge DiMango was having none of it.

We didn't get that one.  Got an unlicensed, uninsured defendant hitting a car in a funeral procession, and a slob plaintiff suing the landlord for his security deposit.

  • Love 2
46 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

We didn't get that one.  Got an unlicensed, uninsured defendant hitting a car in a funeral procession, and a slob plaintiff suing the landlord for his security deposit.

Same here - thought maybe the weed smoking case might have been a rerun (which I'm not recording now that I get a couple old (60s) b&w 1/2 hours westerns to watch)

speaking of the case we DID get, why in the world didn't mouthy D's bf/witness get the boot

Edited by SRTouch
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12 hours ago, SRTouch said:

speaking of the case we DID get, why in the world didn't mouthy D's bf/witness get the boot

Sonia did go over there and told him to pipe down or he'd be removed.  But he kept on snotting all through the testimony.

And the defendant was nothing more than a mouthy smart ass who thought she was going to look so bad-ass on TV.  She knew she was at fault.  And why was she carrying an ID if she had a valid driver's license?  And NO, bitchy-poo, you didn't have insurance.  My coverage allows anyone over 25 to drive my car with my permission, but I seriously doubt your boyfriend Sammy Schmuck has the same kind of coverage.  

And even her stupid-ass story doesn't hold up.  It was a TWO-lane street.  You don't start traveling in the lane for oncoming traffic to turn left.  Especially with a damn police officer at the corner doing traffic control.  I think she was trying to pass the plaintiff on the right and then was planning to pull back in and get ahead of her.  

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

Sonia did go over there and told him to pipe down or he'd be removed.  But he kept on snotting all through the testimony.

And the defendant was nothing more than a mouthy smart ass who thought she was going to look so bad-ass on TV.  She knew she was at fault.  And why was she carrying an ID if she had a valid driver's license?  And NO, bitchy-poo, you didn't have insurance.  My coverage allows anyone over 25 to drive my car with my permission, but I seriously doubt your boyfriend Sammy Schmuck has the same kind of coverage.  

And even her stupid-ass story doesn't hold up.  It was a TWO-lane street.  You don't start traveling in the lane for oncoming traffic to turn left.  Especially with a damn police officer at the corner doing traffic control.  I think she was trying to pass the plaintiff on the right and then was planning to pull back in and get ahead of her.  

If we're talking about the same case I was cringing at the defendant's hair.  She's making herself bald by pulling her hair so tightly.  

And on a side note - I would be a little more than fearful bringing a case against those two. They're not going silently into the great night...that's for sure.

And that's if we're talking about the same case.

36 minutes ago, PsychoKlown said:

If we're talking about the same case I was cringing at the defendant's hair.  She's making herself bald by pulling her hair so tightly.  

And on a side note - I would be a little more than fearful bringing a case against those two. They're not going silently into the great night...that's for sure.

And that's if we're talking about the same case.

This was the case where the two defendants went around the plaintiff's car and sideswiped it, causing damage.  Their explanation changed two or three times.  She presented an ID card at the scene instead of a driver's license and boyfriend's (car owner's) insurance, which did not cover her as the driver.   They were two of the snottiest asshats that I've seen on this show, sassing the judges and basically using their 15 minutes of infamy to try to establish themselves as some sort of bad-ass duo.  How they weren't booted before the deliberations started was beyond me.  

Oh, but I did love it when snotty defendant driver was told she couldn't bring a countersuit for damages - it's not YOUR car, you dumb fucking asshole.  No standing.

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How about round #2451 with a woman, seemingly intelligent and well-spoken but so terminally desperate for a man she hooks up with muttering, fugly, stupid def (if his eyes were any closer together he'd be a frickin' Cyclops)who can't even speak properly and immediately starts showering money on him? First she gives him 2500$ to fix his grill, then pays 2000$ for HIS child support so he doesn't go to jail - I shouldn't be shocked that at least one other woman wanted him enough to breed with him - and then gives him a credit card to buy Christmas presents because of course, he has no card of his own. A prize truly worth such an investment. Women - WTF? Even Papa Mike got steamed at this loser def.

Seriously, if I hooked up with someone and found out he likes to indescriminately make babies then walk away and not support them, that would be the end right there, but so many woman can overlook and pay nearly anything in order to have a permanent Saturday night date.

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On 11/2/2019 at 5:42 PM, AngelaHunter said:

Seriously, if I hooked up with someone and found out he likes to indescriminately make babies then walk away and not support them, that would be the end right there, but so many woman can overlook and pay nearly anything in order to have a permanent Saturday night date.

Yes, yes, yes.  I see this so often.

About six months ago I attended a conference and one of the speakers professed that women (mostly) behave this way because of society’s expectations that a woman is “better off” paired with someone else as opposed to living (happily) solo. 

The plaintiff in this case was an attractive woman who was fawning over (as AngelaHunter described) almost Cyclops.  It baffles me too.

I just don’t understand those who love drama in their lives.  I work, come home, eat dinner, knit, go to bed then get up and do it all over again  

These women might work, go out afterwards and drink themselves silly, pick up a guy from the bar or Plenty o’ Fish, take him home for a wild evening then get up in the morning to go  to the bank to withdraw cash for rims.  Two days later she’s tussling with his baby’s mama because she’s in a meaningful relationship with him.

And despite sounding like an old fogey they then want the courts to sort it all out.  When I was a young pup of 20 it would never occur to me to go to a court and air out my dirty laundry - if I had any- like they do today.

I have also been called cheap so chances of me giving any guy money for child support, rims or braces is nil.  Braces, really?


43 minutes ago, PsychoKlown said:

I have also been called cheap so chances of me giving any guy money for child support, rims or braces is nil.  Braces, really?

Okkkkkk, but can you get me a phone on your plan? Like maybe an iPhone 2000++? Promise I'll make the monthly payments - really I will - it's just that my credit stinks 😳

  • LOL 1
9 hours ago, SRTouch said:

Okkkkkk, but can you get me a phone on your plan? Like maybe an iPhone 2000++? Promise I'll make the monthly payments - really I will - it's just that my credit stinks 😳

SRTOUCH admit it.  You think I'm stupid.  You really think I believe you'll make monthly payments to me for attaching your name on my phone plan?  No way.

I will however put you on my plan provided you pay me in full once your tax refund check comes in.  😊

19 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

About six months ago I attended a conference and one of the speakers professed that women (mostly) behave this way because of society’s expectations that a woman is “better off” paired with someone else as opposed to living (happily) solo.

I had a friend who married a gay ballet dancer from Bulgaria who didn't speak English. NO! He absolutely was not looking for a green card (or whatever they call them here in Canada). After it ended in a few months - during which time they didn't even live together -  she told me she married him because she felt that at her age she "should have at least one failed marriage behind her." Yeah, I don't get it either.

Today's case of the fried, bleached, rhinoplasty woman who accused defendant of burning her scalp: Lady, cut that shit. Even if it didn't look like a scraggly mess, you're not Elly Mae Clampett and it was never going to look good. I'm not saying women of a certain age need to chop off all their hair, but in this case a shoulder-length cut would be so much better. JA: "So you wanted the bleach blonde hair..." Plaintiff needs to go to whoever does JDiM's hair. Be your age, woman.

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It was hard watching the case of the Laura Brown, who was suing about concert tickets.  During the case, some other facts came out about elder abuse and something about filming a woman as she was dying(!).  The hard part was that I got nauseous from looking at the bunch of long white hairs growing out of Laura's chinny chin chin.

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7 hours ago, patty1h said:

It was hard watching the case of the Laura Brown, who was suing about concert tickets.  During the case, some other facts came out about elder abuse and something about filming a woman as she was dying(!).  The hard part was that I got nauseous from looking at the bunch of long white hairs growing out of Laura's chinny chin chin.


Did I miss a good one?

Edited by PsychoKlown

The case with Laura Brown wasn't that entertaining - two middle aged sisters(?) suing each other about concert tickets.  Laura was suing because her sister didn't give her a concert ticket after a disagreement when their mother died, because Laura filmed her mom's last moments and it horrified the rest of the family (I think that was the situation).  

Laura looked like an old hippie.  She resembled the singer David Crosby - she was short and obese and had waist length gray hair.  The most interesting thing about the case was the chin hair. David-Crosby-700x416.jpg

Edited by patty1h
9 minutes ago, patty1h said:

The case with Laura Brown wasn't that entertaining - two middle aged sisters(?) suing each other about concert tickets.  Laura was suing because her sister didn't give her a concert ticket after a disagreement when their mother died, because Laura filmed her mom's last moments and it horrified the rest of the family (I think that was the situation).  

Laura looked like an old hippie.  She resembled the singer David Crosby - she was short and obese and had waist length gray hair.  The most interesting thing about the case was the chin hair. David-Crosby-700x416.jpg

Thanks patty1h. 

I can now have a fret-free evening knowing I didn’t miss the case of the century.  

My colleague mentioned a case about a professor and student but I didn’t see Hot Bench this morning. 

She skipped the chin hairs saga.  Maybe because we were eating lunch and didn’t want to bring it up  

3 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

My colleague mentioned a case about a professor and student but I didn’t see Hot Bench this morning. 

In a nutshell:

Middle-aged college student was a nut, suing the professor because (among other things) the professor would not let him continue yelling about Kim Kardashian being a prostitute.  Claimed it was a violation of his First Amendment rights to not be able to say what he thinks.  Apparently, though, HE was the only student in the class allowed to express his opinion, as he continually shouted down anyone who had a different opinion or anyone who wanted him to shut up so so class could continue.

He wanted the professor to pay for things like the loss of his tuition when he was ejected from the school.  Plus, he accused the Professor of racism.  

Professor had a countersuit ($5,000) because student went to the campus of the other college where Prof taught, trying to have him fired.  Prof finally had to take out a restraining order, including protection for his family, because of student's behavior.  Prof had even started to see a therapist because of anxiety, never knowing when/where the student was going to show up.  

Unanimous (and very quick) decision:  Defendant gets $5,000.  

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Middle-aged college student was a nut,

We got a certifiable lunatic today. That was wild. Zolnoorian is highly affronted that the school and this class weren't not doing, in-depth study of Dolores Huerta(?). Seems it was Ms.Huerta Day, yet the professor chose to allow a discussion of the Kardashians instead. I agree they are not prostitutes. They may look and act that way but don't get paid to have sex.

School threw Zolnoorian out for his lunacy so he takes to stalking the professor at his other school and putting up fliers defaming him. I'm not sure how the prof's very young children knew all about this deranged behavior to the point of being traumatized, but I have no doubt the nut is not done with this campaign of harassment. First he says he never saw def's witness before and then starts ranting that she's a waitress and the def's girlfriend. He is koo-koo. What was he suing for, anyway? The alleged assault of which he had zero proof?

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10 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

I have no doubt the nut is not done with this campaign of harassment

I agree, unfortunately.

He sees himself as the only person in the right, all diverging opinions constitute vicious attacks on his precious person, others must shut up as soon as he starts speaking his unassailable truth, etc. Perhaps a persecution complex at work.

Nutters like that are very persistent and rarely give up. His behaviour reminded me of Valery Fabrikant, a professor at Concordia University in Montréal who killed 4 of his colleages after years of vexatious complaints and procedures about being the victim of this and that form of (imaginary) harassment. I hope things do not get as far in this case, whether it's against this defendant or other people whom the plaintiff will deem have done him wrong.

Edited by Florinaldo
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59 minutes ago, Florinaldo said:

His behaviour reminded me of Valery Fabrikant, a professor at Concordia University in Montréal who killed 4 of his colleages after years of vexatious complaints

Oh, yes. I remember that very well, so shocking was it at the time. In yesterday's case, I really don't see that kind of outcome as an impossibility with this angry, obsessive crackpot.

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Oh my, yesterday was mommies on TPC fighting over the limo rental for 13 year olds' middle school prom, and today we have rich daddy renting multi million dollar Airbnb home for sonny's graduaction bash - but instead of graduating high school it turns out kid "graduated" from being a Junior to a Senior next year...... course, maybe it was cause to celebrate if sonny passed his classes and doesn't have to go to summer school. Daddy totally on board with kid and a hundred or so best buds throwing a beer party and trashing P's 3.5 million home - hey long as it's not at his own multi million dollar home. He even signs the rental agreement, stating he was renting place for 2 or 3 of his contemporary couples and a couple of sonny's friends. Rental agreement straight forward - no parties, quiet hour to begin at 10pm, etc, and daddy knew when he signed sonny was going to party hardy. Apple didn't fall far from daddy's tree here, kid smart mouthing to judges every chance he got, and after lecture from all three judges we see smirk on pop's face as judges award Ps the full 5 grand they asked for..... which actually means kids caused over 10 grand worth of damages as Airbnb insurance already paid 5 grand. (Oh, and when kids scattered when party broke up there was at least 1 hit and run of a neighbor's parked car - not to worry, daddy says that bill has already been paid.)  So, pops not disputing kid's party caused thousands of dollars in damages, he just doesn't agree that he should pay over and above what the Airbnb insurance paid - despite P having evidence of damage not covered by the insurance. Don't worry about the future of the country, though, as daddy says he gave sonny a stern talking to and it will never happen again - no really, a very stern talk and it will never happen again - really!..... I must have missed the part where he said kid was starting his summer job and would be making restitution.

Edited by SRTouch
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, SRTouch said:

So, pops not disputing kid's party caused thousands of dollars in damages, he just doesn't agree that he should pay over and above what the Airbnb insurance paid - despite P having evidence of damage not covered by the insurance.

I was grinding my teeth on this one. I loved the cop on scene reading Mr. Oh the riot act about child endangerment and contributing to the delinquency of minors. I wish the cops had done what I have seen several times on COPS/Live PD in Florida where the mothers who set up the underage drinking parties were taken away in handcuffs (boy, talk about some righteous indignation!). Such an experience might have been beneficial to the smug Mr. Oh. It is probably too late for Sonny Boy, but he needs to get some sense knocked into him.

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4 hours ago, SRTouch said:

Don't worry about the future of the country, though, as daddy says he gave sonny a stern talking to and it will never happen again - no really, a very stern talk and it will never happen again - really!..... I must have missed the part where he said kid was starting his summer job and would be making restitution.

Acker had the best putdown in quite a while on any of these court shows when she said to the entitled brat that he made her glad she deliberately made the choice not to have children. Ouch!  Too bad she was more lenient towards the enabler dad.

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14 hours ago, DoctorK said:

I was grinding my teeth on this one. I loved the cop on scene reading Mr. Oh the riot act about child endangerment and contributing to the delinquency of minors. I wish the cops had done what I have seen several times on COPS/Live PD in Florida where the mothers who set up the underage drinking parties were taken away in handcuffs (boy, talk about some righteous indignation!). Such an experience might have been beneficial to the smug Mr. Oh. It is probably too late for Sonny Boy, but he needs to get some sense knocked into him.

And I don't believe for ONE minute that Pop didn't know about the alcohol.  I wouldn't be surprised if Pop's absence for one hour was to go buy some more beer for the underage drinkers.   And dammit it IS time for the police to cart these irresponsible parents away in handcuffs when they are on scene with 100 drunken kids.   And you can bet that the plan was for those drunken kids to sleep it off at the house, because if those kids came home drunk, their parents would be none to happy and Daddy Jerk's phone would be ringing off the hook and I wonder if the local police would have received some calls.  Although considering Daddy Jerk's attitude in the whole thing, he doesn't strike me as someone who would have cared one way or another.  He was real quick to answer that the hit-and-run had been taken care of when technically it wasn't HIS accident.   My guess of the scenario?  Kid hits car.  License number caught on a security camera.  Insurance doesn't cover.  Parents of kid tell Daddy Jerk that he better pony up the damages because they will be taking him to court for damages resulting from his actions allowing kids to drink on his watch.  

And I have never seen Judge Dimango that pissed off.  "YOU SHUT UP!!"  Perfect.  And she's right - someone should have told that nasty little shit that a LOOONG time ago.   I hope Daddy Jerk has a nice income.  He's going to be spending a lot of it for lawyers to get his little self-entitled piece of shit offspring out of trouble in the future.  

Found something interesting on the internet.  The defendants were named "Oh" correct.  And they rented the house in Altadena?  Turns out an "Oh" family in Altadena had THEIR Airbnb House trashed by a party, with the damages to the tune of $100,000.  I realize "Oh" is a common last name, but it would somehow be extremely karmic if they were related to the dickheads from La Canada:


Edited by Carolina Girl
Found something interesting and decided to put in same post.
  • Love 3

What about the deadbeat losers being sued by their landlord? "Oh, we're broke! He knew our situation! We couldn't pay rent! We had to save money for our next nest. I barely had enough to keep up my piercings, my dyejob and hair extensions! He's just a big ol' meanie!" I know the solution! Have a baby. That always makes things better.

Mr.& Mrs. Castrion(?) needed a good spanking. She's a mouthy, overly-entitled bitch on wheels and he's a moronic nitwit. They had excuses galore for everything - paying late, not paying at all and leaving the place like a pigsty. They didn't have time to clean up, even though they promised to be out in Feb but were still there in March. No time to wipe up the crap on the cupboards or erase all the writing they did on mirrors(!) or move their trash out. It's all someone else's fault, even though the landlord was more than lenient, for all the good it did him. JDiM did a pretty good job on these squatters, but they really needed a more forceful thrashing.

  • Love 2

In the joyride case, i did not believe that the young driver with no license was really contrite about anything. His clipped and curt "yes ma'am" and "no sir" replies gave the impression he had been coached into not talking too much for fear of him coming across as impertinent. However he could not help a half-smirk each time he responded, which made him look as if he was feeling disdain about being called on the carpet for his actions. Unless it is simply a tic of his. And he was merrily laughing during the hallterview.

I am ambivalent regarding his grandfather. Apparently he took his responsibilty by insisting his grandson got charged, but he could not help making light of the situation at times.

Plaintiff was really obdurate, not willing to understand that the law does not allow for them to get more than the value of the car, and still insisting the grandfather was the person to sue and who should pay, rather than the mother as the judges pointed out.

The one person I felt sorry for is the plaintiff's son who worked and put money aside to pay for the car and for all the improvements he put into it, only for it to be crashed into while parked. A net loss for him, although their share of the award kitty may partially compensate for it.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, Florinaldo said:

In the joyride case, i did not believe that the young driver with no license was really contrite about anything.

He absolutely did not care that he destroyed the property of others - people who actually worked for what they had. He knows damned well that due to his age he can away with just about anything and never face the consequences. I'm not sure why Grandpa was smiling. Is it common practice to leave a car unlocked with the keys inside? I've never done it myself but if I did and someone stole it, I'm pretty sure the blame would be on me and my ins. company wouldn't pay.

The plaintiff was compensated 11K for a 5500$ dollar car but didn't he say that the smart alec damaged both of his cars? Can't see an insurance company offering to double their payout.

  • Love 2

In the boxing "celebrity" match case, I understand why DiMango was tough with the plaintiff who kept interjecting. But why did she let the defendant slide each time he blew a rasberry in derision, which he did several times? Is she so nostalgic for her native NYC that a Bronx cheer only brings warm feelings to her judicial heart?

The litigants were both annoying, but the defendant wins hands down in that match; he seems to think that acting like a character makes him interesting, whereas it only makes him rude, obnoxious and unappealing. At least to me; sadly, it appears this type of behaviour is popular on the Web, where he was spotted for the match. Which only goes to show how little substance is required these days to become a  so-called celebrity (he even has an agent!).

  • Love 4

Oh man, that defendant in the move-in/move-out same day case yesterday could not have been more of a clown if he's shown up with a red nose, striped pants and an oversized pair of shoes.  He came off as a walking turd - and I'm wondering how many roommates leave his house after only a few days and he's happily kept their rents and deposits and they don't challenge him just to be rid of the asshole's home.

"I don't give people a key.  I don't leave and if I do, they have to wait for me to get home."  

Acker didn't give him more than one smartass answer before she threw his ass out.  Another one who thought he was going to have his big moment on TV and ended up looking like a fool.  

  • Love 7

After today's continued case, I am really liking Judge Acker and the way she analyzes cases, and Corriero remains an idiot. I was really suspicious of the defendant by the end, given that she was counter suing the plaintiffs explicitly for falsely accusing her of faking her MS diagnosis, the fact that she came to court with absolutely no evidence, not one prescription, one medical record, not one doctor's statement pushes me to believe she doesn't have any evidence or she would have dug up at least one piece of evidence. One of the plaintiffs was dubious of the defendant's claim to have had cancer twice, the defendant's response  that it was true - once she had HPV. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but I understand that Human Papilloma Virus is a viral infection that is lifelong and closely associated most commonly with cervical cancer, but HPV itself is not cancer, and many people go through life without ever knowing they have this infection. Regarding the accent, I have read about the medical situation in which people suddenly acquire an accent but I don't think it turns off and on, there was no trace of it in the long voice message the plaintiff played. Maybe I am heartless, but I think it is more probable than not that the defendant at best overstates her medical issues, but she may be completely sincere although not quite fully in the real world. YMMV.

Edited by DoctorK
  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, DoctorK said:

After today's continued case, I am really liking Judge Acker and the way she analyzes cases, and Corriero remains an idiot. I was really suspicious of the defendant by the end, given that she was counter suing the plaintiffs explicitly for falsely accusing her of faking her MS diagnosis, the fact that she came to court with absolutely no evidence, not one prescription, one medical record, not one doctor's statement pushes me to believe she doesn't have any evidence or she would have dug up at least one piece of evidence. One of the plaintiffs was dubious of the defendant's claim to have had cancer twice, the defendant's response  that it was true - once she had HPV. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but I understand that Human Papilloma Virus is a viral infection that is lifelong and closely associated most commonly with cervical cancer, but HPV itself is not cancer, and many people go through life without ever knowing they have this infection. Regarding the accent, I have read about the medical situation in which people suddenly acquire and accent but I don't think it turns off and on, there was no trace if the long voice message the plaintiff played. Maybe I am heartless, but I think it is more probable than not that the defendant at best overstates her medical issues, but she may be completely sincere although not quite fully in the real world. YMMV.

While I'm originally from North Carolina, I left when I was 10 and from living 50 years outside the South, I have barely - BARELY - the trace of an accident.  Until I imbibe a few adult beverages, and then I'm told I start "y'alling" people left and right.  And I've also heard friends develop that Midwest inflection after a certain period of time,

In this case, though, from the previews, I think the accent in this case was fake.  

  • Love 1
On 11/12/2019 at 9:41 AM, Florinaldo said:

In the boxing "celebrity" match case, I understand why DiMango was tough with the plaintiff who kept interjecting. But why did she let the defendant slide each time he blew a rasberry in derision, which he did several times? Is she so nostalgic for her native NYC that a Bronx cheer only brings warm feelings to her judicial heart?

In our world of today, a man who has a huge angry "Short Man" syndrome and has no self-control has a video go "viral" because he acts like a total moron. This gives one instant YT stardom these days. Shades of "Idiocracy" where there will be movies simply titled "Ass". No hope for civilization.

I did LOL a bit when JDiM banged her gavel at the bigmouthed Palooka plaintiff and seemed to wake up Papa Mike.

8 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

Acker didn't give him more than one smartass answer before she threw his ass out.

JA: "What do you do to earn a living?"
Dumbass: "What do YOU do?" Where did he think he was? At the club?

JA: "OUT!"

46 minutes ago, DoctorK said:

Maybe I am heartless, but I think it is more probable than not that the defendant at best overstates her medical issues, but she may be completely sincere although not quite fully in the real world. YMMV.

What was the verdict? I don't watch this show regularly but did watch this yesterday and was looking forward to Pt.2 today after my dentist appt. No such luck.

You're not being heartless. You're being sensible. In the first part I concluded she's just a garden-variety scammer/grifter/con artist, one of millions plaguing all social media and everyone's inboxes. PEOPLE! Please stop handing thousands of dollars over to those you barely know who post sad tales on FB, GoFundMe or anywhere else (remember the recent case with the so-called church woman? Or the scumbag on JJ who said she had cancer to get money from her friend and others?), unless you don't mind losing the money or think you might enjoy going to court. It's no use appealing to these people to do what's right. That means nothing to them. I would be horrified, shocked at being accused of scamming. They never even bat an eye or change expression. I would give money to my closest friends or my family. No one else.

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 1

Interestingly, I googled and found out that Foreign Accent Syndrome can, in fact, be one of the first symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis.

Even so . . . I think the defendant in today's case was a con artist and professional victim.  No medical proof with her that she has been diagnosed with anything . . . from lazy eye to MS to rheumatoid arthritis to HPV to recently completed dental surgery.  Not buying a word she says.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Carolina Girl said:

While I'm originally from North Carolina, I left when I was 10 and from living 50 years outside the South, I have barely - BARELY - the trace of an accident.  Until I imbibe a few adult beverages, and then I'm told I start "y'alling" people left and right.  And I've also heard friends develop that Midwest inflection after a certain period of time,

In this case, though, from the previews, I think the accent in this case was fake.  

One of my Army platoon sergeants got conked in the head in the motor pool and briefly lost consciousness. When he came to he understood what everyone said, but had reverted to speaking French. As far as he knew, he was speaking English - but everyone was hearing French. His grandparents were 1st generation immigrants who spoke little English, but English was his 1st language and it had been years since he spoke French. Course he was taken to the ER and spent the night under observation, but he was back to speaking unaccented English by the time he arrived at the hospital. 

  • LOL 2
1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

I did LOL a bit when JDiM banged her gavel at the bigmouthed Palooka plaintiff and seemed to wake up Papa Mike.

He must be a really light sleeper because the gavels on this show sound, as compared to oher TV court shows, like they are toy gavels and have no real weight to them.

56 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Even so . . . I think the defendant in today's case was a con artist and professional victim. 

Until proven otherwise (with real evidence, it goes without saying), I will believe she is indeed a flim-flam specialist who has done her research on various medical conditions and can invoke them any time it is expedient for her to get out of a scrap. Although in this instance she did go overboard and it quickly came across as overkill.

Edited by Florinaldo
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