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Criminal Minds Analysis: Profile The Show

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I'm not sure that the early revelation of the unsub is as much of a problem as is the prolonged focus on the unsub.  I don't mind as much knowing who it is, if I get to watch the process of my team figuring it out.  I only get irritated when the team has been relegated to a series of cameo appearances, with the unsub taking up the bulk of the screen time, even when the unsubs are as good as the ones on your list.

Oh, yayah!

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JMO, exactly. We can see the unsubs nearly on, but it's Ok when it doesn't take away from the actual profiling, something writers in the later episodes forget.

Great list, Normasm.  I agree with nearly everything on it.  I think I would make only two changes:  My vote in season 7 would be for the unsub from Dorado Falls, And I'd have to go with Foyet for season 5.  While there were many things to like about Uncanny Valley, for me, Samantha wasn't one of them.

You know I agree with nearly everything you say, JMO, but I loved Samantha, simply because of how Reid connected with her.

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How about your pick for underrated episodes---ones that almost never pop up on anyone's lists of all-time special favorites (including your own!) but which you just happen to really like more than most seem to? A few of mine: Won't Get Fooled Again, Broken Mirror (some of my favorite Elle moments are in this one...and have I mentioned that I'm just REALLY attached to the first half of S1?!), The Popular Kids, Blood Hungry, A Real Rain, The Perfect Storm, Empty Planet, The Last Word, In Name and Blood, Identity, Birthright, In Heat, Soul Mates, Bloodline, Conflicted, Dorado Falls, Profiling 101...


...okay, so that was more than "a few" :) 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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Hmmmm...in no particular order.

Cold Comfort, The Eyes Have It, Scared to Death, Painless, The Last Word, Out of the Light, Middle Man, Closing Time, The Company, The Slave to Duty, Haunted, The Lesson, Alchemy, Plain Sight, Jones, Aftermath, Remembrance of Things Past

Edited by ForeverAlone
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Seriously irritating how some Shemar/Morgan fans actually have the gall to complain about CM's social media posting something about MGG's modeling past.

They are demanding to see something from Shemar Moore's modeling past.The thing is I do not believe SM really has much in the way of a modeling past.

He himself admitted onetime that while he may have done a bit of modeling here and there once upon a time Matthew was the real thing.


I would probably be better able to understand their complaints IF CM's social media network could be considered as having been woefully neglectful with regards to the actor and his character but that simply has not been the case.

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What's funny is that one post about Matthew's modeling career pretty much missed most of his actual modeling shots. Most of the pictures in the post were his social media posts and not his real modeling photos.

Shemar did do some modeling, but his career was back in the 90s, and not as high fashion as Matthew's modeling career.

And it is certainly not like Shemar doesn't get plenty of love on CBS's social media posts.

Though with the inaccuracies that are frequently on CBS's official social media posts, and the overall shallow content, I could do a much better job. :)

Edited by ForeverAlone
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Wasn't Matthew listed one time as one of the top 50 male models of all time.Granted I remember him being somewhere near the bottom of that list.

Still the fact that he even made that list was quite an accomplishment imo.

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Exactly. He was approached on the street and sent straight to the runway. That's like a fairy-tale, like being "discovered" sitting at a drugstore ice cream counter (as some old-time Hollywood actress claimed to have found fame and stardom).

Not saying Shemar isn't attractive, but their modeling careers don't compare.

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Exactly. He was approached on the street and sent straight to the runway. That's like a fairy-tale, like being "discovered" sitting at a drugstore ice cream counter (as some old-time Hollywood actress claimed to have found fame and stardom).

Not saying Shemar isn't attractive, but their modeling careers don't compare.


If anything, Shemar is just as well known for being on The Young and the Restless as he is for playing Derek Morgan. He's probably had more movie roles than Matthew has, but his last prime time gig was Birds of Prey way back in 2002, and that only lasted for a year.

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My gripe for the time being is how fans of the same show will tear each other down and fight becuase they have different favorite characters and if you talk about your favorite character you are considred to be making everything about them, meanwhile the same people making the accusations insert their favorite actors/characters in to most of their discussions but then it devolves in to saying one fandom is unreasonable and that character/actor isn't all that great but their character/actor is fantastic and if you say otherwise then you're an unreasonable jerk-- and they are shitting on people who are reasonable and who don't even hate on the other people's favorite characters...


I hope I'm making sense.... I'm just having a bad day today.

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My gripe for the time being is how fans of the same show will tear each other down and fight becuase they have different favorite characters and if you talk about your favorite character you are considred to be making everything about them, meanwhile the same people making the accusations insert their favorite actors/characters in to most of their discussions but then it devolves in to saying one fandom is unreasonable and that character/actor isn't all that great but their character/actor is fantastic and if you say otherwise then you're an unreasonable jerk-- and they are shitting on people who are reasonable and who don't even hate on the other people's favorite characters...


I hope I'm making sense.... I'm just having a bad day today.

Perfect sense, Sesqy. I'm so frustrated.

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My gripe for the time being is how fans of the same show will tear each other down and fight becuase they have different favorite characters and if you talk about your favorite character you are considred to be making everything about them, meanwhile the same people making the accusations insert their favorite actors/characters in to most of their discussions but then it devolves in to saying one fandom is unreasonable and that character/actor isn't all that great but their character/actor is fantastic and if you say otherwise then you're an unreasonable jerk-- and they are shitting on people who are reasonable and who don't even hate on the other people's favorite characters...


I couldn't agree more, Zaneej.  There's a 'mean girl' vibe that pervades that whole situation, because you can't have a pleasant discussion about a character, actor or topic without someone (very predictably) inserting a comment that is clearly meant to bait.  I don't know why anyone would find that entertaining, but it appears that some do.  I don't.  

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To clarify, I'm not trying to shit on the fans who get frustrated with other fans over constantly talking about their own favorites. And I think it is reasonable for someone to say "I don't like what the writers have been doing with that character", but when there are misinterpretations of what a person is saying about why they don't like a character or don't like the writing choices, its frustrating for everyone.


I also don't understand why people would feel its not "safe" to post positive things about a character they like unless they feel the need to shit on another character while doing so-- and it is possible to say "I like Rossi's snark" without saying "but Morgan is a musclebound creep" or something. Its just.. ugh....

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I'm personally annoyed with passive-aggressive bullying, and ****-stirring and then trying to place blame on those who respond to it.

Me too!

I didn't really understand the whole debacle! But I like to argue and debate and have some degree of freedom of thought. Otherwise it's a Rah Rah situation where everyone just says how lovely everything is and how  it's all clouds of fluffy wonder and sings Kum-Bay-Yah!

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I'm feeling just a bit like Reid did in Proof - someone invite me to a pasta party to make it all better!

I'm also tempted to reference Magna Carta on freedom of speech!

Edited by Old Dog
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I've got sushi! I mean, it's no pasta party, but we gotta take what we can get.

Sushi is going upmarket! I'm in! Also fish is good for the brain - maybe it will help me understand what the hell everyone was getting their knickers in a twist about!

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Sushi is going upmarket! I'm in! Also fish is good for the brain - maybe it will help me understand what the hell everyone was getting their knickers in a twist about!

I dunno, Olddog, my knickers were pretty twisted. I'll happily fill you in via PM should you desire that.

I need the brain food (I start a new semester tomorrow) and sushi is my fave thing on earth. Wish you could join me.

Edited by Droogie
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To clarify, I'm not trying to shit on the fans who get frustrated with other fans over constantly talking about their own favorites. And I think it is reasonable for someone to say "I don't like what the writers have been doing with that character", but when there are misinterpretations of what a person is saying about why they don't like a character or don't like the writing choices, its frustrating for everyone.


I also don't understand why people would feel its not "safe" to post positive things about a character they like unless they feel the need to shit on another character while doing so-- and it is possible to say "I like Rossi's snark" without saying "but Morgan is a musclebound creep" or something. Its just.. ugh....


FWIW, by its very nature fandom is ripe for arguments that can last for days, if not weeks or even years. Once canon is set, no matter how ill-considered or badly written, the groundwork has been laid for viewers to pick it apart. And as much as I normally hate examining everything down to the last particle, its like I can't help but participate.


As for the pitting characters against each other, that's also generally (IMO) a product of bad writing, to say nothing of favoritism on the part of the writers/showrunners. For some reason, the people BTS don't seem to get that presenting a character as all that without showing why he or she is all that just doesn't work. And if you (the general "you") can't accept that, then they try to make you the issue. And that dog don't hunt either, at least not for me.


In general, I think most people can be at least civil if they try hard enough. The frustration for me always comes from the refusal to acknowledge that maybe the criticism has merit, that somehow I'm being pig-headed or, worse, some kind of "ist" by pointing out that sometimes the emperor does indeed have no clothes.

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Enjoy your sushi, Droogie, and good luck on the new semester!  How much do you have left, before you're done?


Old Dog, I'm accumulating 'British-isms', just in case Emily should make an appearance in a story.  So far, I've got your 'pants at puzzles', 'gone all pear-shaped' (from a review), and now the old standby, 'knickers in a twist' (which has, I think, already been admitted to the US vocabulary).  Please keep them coming!!


Zaneej, if you're making the pasta, I'll bring the wine.  If any part of the infamous pasta party was effective, my bet it is that it was the vino.  And I think someone may have gone home wearing it.

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Old Dog, I'm accumulating 'British-isms', just in case Emily should make an appearance in a story.  So far, I've got your 'pants at puzzles', 'gone all pear-shaped' (from a review), and now the old standby, 'knickers in a twist' (which has, I think, already been admitted to the US vocabulary).  Please keep them coming!!



Have you got the one about things "going tits up"? Because that's what I feel has happened elsewhere on the forums this afternoon!

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Have you got the one about things "going tits up"? Because that's what I feel has happened elsewhere on the forums this afternoon!


Ha!  No, I've only heard those words as part of an encouragement to women, as in 'shoulders back, tits up!'  Which at least half of us could have used in the past 24 hours!

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Ha!  No, I've only heard those words as part of an encouragement to women, as in 'shoulders back, tits up!'  Which at least half of us could have used in the past 24 hours!

Things  "going tits up" is when thing go badly Pete Tong (Pete Tong is rhyming slang for "wrong" and is used a lot over here)!

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I tried to invite you guys to a party but it says I can't send a PM until a certain time, but it is already that time so I don't know WTF the problem is.. LOL.

I dunno what the problem is, but if you're having a party, I wanna come!

Enjoy your sushi, Droogie, and good luck on the new semester!  How much do you have left, before you're done?


Old Dog, I'm accumulating 'British-isms', just in case Emily should make an appearance in a story.  So far, I've got your 'pants at puzzles', 'gone all pear-shaped' (from a review), and now the old standby, 'knickers in a twist' (which has, I think, already been admitted to the US vocabulary).  Please keep them coming!!


Zaneej, if you're making the pasta, I'll bring the wine.  If any part of the infamous pasta party was effective, my bet it is that it was the vino.  And I think someone may have gone home wearing it.

I love British-isms! "Gone pear-shaped" has been my most recent favorite until I just now read "tits-up." I'm dying here.

I am finishing up some stuff this semester so I can be ready to start my master's this time next year, God willing and I actually decide to do it, instead of this unbearable waffling I've been doing. Thank you! I was just going through my course assignments, which were posted today, and doing a lot of groaning. And my sushi was delish. It's called a Spider-Man roll: soft-shell crab tempura with eel and avocado and some spicy/sweet sauce and who knows what else... Currently my favorite.

Oh, yeah, that particular pasta party would've required a lot of wine on my part to endure. I might've drained Rossi's cellar.

Things  "going tits up" is when thing go badly Pete Tong (Pete Tong is rhyming slang for "wrong" and is used a lot over here)!

So, tits-up = pear-shaped, kinda?

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I tried to invite you guys to a party but it says I can't send a PM until a certain time, but it is already that time so I don't know WTF the problem is.. LOL.


I don't know why this would be either but will investigate and let you know.

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Well chaps, I've had a blinding time on here with you all tonight and nothing has gone to pot or remotely tits up but now I am completely knackered and hankering a Ruby Murray so I am signing out for supper and then it'll be up the apples and pears.

Nighty night all.

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I'm personally annoyed with passive-aggressive bullying, and ****-stirring and then trying to place blame on those who respond to it.

That's exactly what was going on over there.And had something like that started here thewhiteowl or one of PTV's other mods would have stepped in and put a stop to it.But hey what happens when it's one of the administrators themselves who are the guilty ones.And after what went on over there it is rather hard for me as a Reid fan to still feel welcome there. It is pretty bad when a Reid fan states her concerns and misgivings about something regarding the newbie. And then is chastised for trying to make it all about Reid despite the fact she didn't even mention him in her comment.

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Things have calmed down somewhat, but I think the damage was done.


I'm now going to vent about the people who do publicity for CM not knowing WTF they are talking about, getting facts wrong, and giving away major spoilers in the promos.

Edited by zannej
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Hey, autumn, you know me from there under another name, but we're here now, this is a nice place. Me, I have to mind my manners at times, but you won't have that problem...

Edited by normasm
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I've seen MUCH worse behavior from admins on other forums, so it was sort of par for the course for me. Would be funny to see the CM team come across people who got into fights on message boards and took things too far though. :P


Could see Rossi reading through the posts and being like "Don't they realize what they are doing?" and Reid saying "This is why I avoid the internet".

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I've seen MUCH worse behavior from admins on other forums, so it was sort of par for the course for me. Would be funny to see the CM team come across people who got into fights on message boards and took things too far though. :P

Could see Rossi reading through the posts and being like "Don't they realize what they are doing?" and Reid saying "This is why I avoid the internet".

THAT would be hilarious to see! I do wonder what what would be said of them seeing all of "that"

Thanks for the laugh!

Edited by autumnmountains
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I've got sushi! I mean, it's no pasta party, but we gotta take what we can get.

I'll come! I've never had sushi, but I'll give it a try-after yesterday and today I'm ready for some nerve meds (aka sweets) but I'll try the sushi too:)

Lol, yikes, I have a RA doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, and they're going to want to take my BP! Lol. :) At least all that was yesterday :)

I think Hotch would say that Jack isn't allowed to use the internet until he's 20. :P

Haha, true!

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Well chaps, I've had a blinding time on here with you all tonight and nothing has gone to pot or remotely tits up but now I am completely knackered and hankering a Ruby Murray so I am signing out for supper and then it'll be up the apples and pears.

Nighty night all.

OK, got all that but the Ruby Murray!?

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