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Criminal Minds Analysis: Profile The Show

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Their main objective was to blow up whoever was in the hospital Hotch drove Kate to, I think. All the shootings that came before were to gauge response times and scare the police away from responding, which is why the first bomb was on an FBI vehicle. They knew they would have a Morgan on the team who would refuse to leave a man behind!!

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Their main objective was to blow up whoever was in the hospital Hotch drove Kate to, I think. All the shootings that came before were to gauge response times and scare the police away from responding, which is why the first bomb was on an FBI vehicle. They knew they would have a Morgan on the team who would refuse to leave a man behind!!

I guess so but I really doubt they would stop killing anyway. They could try again or get another high-profile victim.


The Replicator could have definitely been better than it was, but unfortunately there was a lot of nonsense involved in it

Oh and nevermind on this: I thought that The Replicator was the first guy they caught who OD'ed in the interrogation room when I posted that. I'm on Alchemy currently.

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Also, how would The Replicator know that Maeve's killer said Zugzwang over the phone with Dr Reid. In order to hear that, he would have had to be occupying the same phonebooth as Reid... How did he not notice? Or he could have been the one to make the initial phone call, but then it has nothing to do with Maeve. And how would Mr Zugzwang-Replicator guy know about Foyet's phonecall to Hotch? So much unexplained here...

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Or what I thought is that the Replicator was the one who made the phone call to Reid, because he had Maeve's pager and thus was able to return the call. But for that to be true, several things would have had to have been true.


1. The Replicator had to have known about Maeve, her real name (which even Reid didn't know) and where she lived.

2. He had to have known about Diane.

3. He had to have known that Diane abducted Maeve, and went to her apartment afterwards and taken her pager to wait for Reid to call.


Originally we heard that Maeve was supposed to play a large part in the season finale, but I think they made some changes to the Replicator storyline and we ended up with the convoluted mess we did.

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Originally we heard that Maeve was supposed to play a large part in the season finale, but I think they made some changes to the Replicator storyline and we ended up with the convoluted mess we did.

That theory is like a fan explanation on acid but haha okay... and yeah, IDK about convoluted mess but it was overhyped fr. Bout to start Season 9 two-part premiere. Any good?

Edited by LeonardoSpencer
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That theory is like a fan explanation on acid but haha okay... and yeah, IDK about convoluted mess but it was overhyped fr. Bout to start Season 9 two-part premiere. Any good?

In a word...NO (at least I felt that way). I felt the two part season nine premiere really demonstrated the show was on a writing decline.

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If you like JJ, you will probably like "200." THOUGH...I saw some JJ fans who (surprisingly in my opinion) hated "200" for its implausible retconning. I will say that "200" is the least Criminal Minds episode ever. Rick Dunkle (who wrote this episode) seemed to forget that Criminal Minds is a show about psychological profiling, and thought they were now a retread of Alias or something. JJ dominates for half of this episode, and half seems to be focused on flashbacks for incidents we have never heard about, and frankly play no part in the BAU, and they were written in a hugely implausible way. The rest of the team is left to fight for crumbs of story and screentime on what should be the show's ostensible milestone. I am really not sure what Erica and the writers were thinking of devoting such a rare milestone nearly exclusively to one character. 

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Some comments about The Replicator story-- my only guess is that the Replicator or one of his hirelings, was following Reid and watched him using the payphone. Now, there could be a couple of options in terms of what was going on.

1. He had the ability to pull the phone records for the payphones and find out what pager # was being called or what # was calling him back and thus was able to do a trace to whoever owned the number and find Maeve

2. He really had no idea who was on the other end and just knew the phone number of the particular phone Reid was at and called to say "Zugzwang".


There were some rather large plot-holes. Remember when Reid went to the restaurant and the reservations were in his name? How the hell was Bobby able to know that Maeve was going to be there if the reservations were NOT in her name. This made me wonder if maybe the private detective he hired was also working for the Replicator and the call records on the payphone had been pulled to find out who Reid was talking to so the private detective knew that Reid was calling Maeve and that when reservations were made, he'd been listening in. Or maybe without pulling phone records he somehow was able to listen in and get that Reid was talking to a Maeve and that Bobby was looking for Maeve and her story fit with what Bobby would have told him and therefore the guy was able to know that Maeve was meeting Reid. 


Oh, and the team didn't bother to ask Bobby for the contact info of the private detective so they could find out what he'd observed? /facepalm


Those arcs were incredibly stupid.

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Okay. I have a question. Does SSA Rossi have an eye condition of some sort? I am watching the JFK sniper episode and Rossi appears to have a lazy eye. Has anyone else ever noticed that? And does anybody else have a problem with retconning relationships into existence: SSA Rossi and Section Chief Strauss- 6 months before we first hear, Dr Reid and Dr Donovan- about 6 months before Dr Donovan is mentioned, Agent Jareau and Detective LaMontange- almost two years before first mention

Edited by LeonardoSpencer
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" SSA Rossi and Section Chief Strauss- 6 months before we first hear, Dr Reid and Dr Donovan- about 6 months before Dr Donovan is mentioned, Agent Jareau and Detective LaMontange- almost two years before first mention"

In the first two cases, That's what I call poor planning. These writers come up with an idea, and then they justify it by saying that something happens months ago, (or years ago) but you just didn't know about it.

In the case of JJ and Will, it was the reason they came up with, since the actress got pregnant and the had to write her pregnancy in the show. Since she had a little flirt with him, the writers (the ones that worked for CM back in those days) decided to extend the relationship.

Of course then the new writers had to get them married in a perfect summer party, since apparently just living together was not good enough, but that's another story.

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" SSA Rossi and Section Chief Strauss- 6 months before we first hear, Dr Reid and Dr Donovan- about 6 months before Dr Donovan is mentioned, Agent Jareau and Detective LaMontange- almost two years before first mention"

In the first two cases, That's what I call poor planning. These writers come up with an idea, and then they justify it by saying that something happens months ago, (or years ago) but you just didn't know about it.

In the case of JJ and Will, it was the reason they came up with, since the actress got pregnant and the had to write her pregnancy in the show. Since she had a little flirt with him, the writers (the ones that worked for CM back in those days) decided to extend the relationship.

Of course then the new writers had to get them married in a perfect summer party, since apparently just living together was not good enough, but that's another story.

Yeah, as much as I like Detective LaMontange, I wish that his child had been a bastard and that he and Mrs Jareau's marriage were not written into the show. And for the first two, that's precisely what I meant by retconning. Haha. And poll: Cruz v Strauss

Edited by LeonardoSpencer
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Okay. I have a question. Does SSA Rossi have an eye condition of some sort? I am watching the JFK sniper episode and Rossi appears to have a lazy eye. Has anyone else ever noticed that? And does anybody else have a problem with retconning relationships into existence: SSA Rossi and Section Chief Strauss- 6 months before we first hear, Dr Reid and Dr Donovan- about 6 months before Dr Donovan is mentioned, Agent Jareau and Detective LaMontange- almost two years before first mention

Joe Mantegna has a condition known as Bell's Palsy. Basically it causes partial facial paralysis. The wikipedia says it is "a form of facial paralysis resulting from a dysfunction of the cranial nerve VII (the facial nerve) causing an inability to control facial muscles on the affected side. Often the eye in the affected side cannot be closed." The droopy eye is the result of the paralyzed muscles. It isn't necessarily a permanent condition, but it can be recurring. So at some times it may be worse than others.


As for retconning relationships-- I was a bit pissed off when they retconned it so Garcia had met Morgan prior to their first meeting in "Tabula Rasa".

Edited by zannej
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In the case of JJ and Will, it was the reason they came up with, since the actress got pregnant and the had to write her pregnancy in the show. Since she had a little flirt with him, the writers (the ones that worked for CM back in those days) decided to extend the relationship.

Of course then the new writers had to get them married in a perfect summer party, since apparently just living together was not good enough, but that's another story.


Had the events of Hit and Run not shaken out the way they did, I believe there never would have been a wedding. Although really, its probably just as well the writers decided JJ and Will should be a thing. Otherwise, they might have gone with the JJ/Reid pairing they seemed to be toying with at one point, which would have made my eyeballs itch.


 poll: Cruz v Strauss


Strauss. I like Esai Morales because he was in both La Bamba and Bad Boys (with Sean Penn, not the Will Smith movie), but because of reasons I prefer Strauss, and I think Jayne Atkinson was ill-served by the decision to totally re-write her character, then kill her off.


Joe Mantegna has a condition known as Bell's Palsy. Basically it causes partial facial paralysis. The wikipedia says it is "a form of facial paralysis resulting from a dysfunction of the cranial nerve VII (the facial nerve) causing an inability to control facial muscles on the affected side. Often the eye in the affected side cannot be closed." The droopy eye is the result of the paralyzed muscles. It isn't necessarily a permanent condition, but it can be recurring. So at some times it may be worse than others.


I did not know that about Joe, zaneej. Has he always had it, or is it something he was diagnosed with once he got older?

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Had the events of Hit and Run not shaken out the way they did, I believe there never would have been a wedding. Although really, its probably just as well the writers decided JJ and Will should be a thing. Otherwise, they might have gone with the JJ/Reid pairing they seemed to be toying with at one point, which would have made my eyeballs itch.



Strauss. I like Esai Morales because he was in both La Bamba and Bad Boys (with Sean Penn, not the Will Smith movie), but because of reasons I prefer Strauss, and I think Jayne Atkinson was ill-served by the decision to totally re-write her character, then kill her off.



I did not know that about Joe, zaneej. Has he always had it, or is it something he was diagnosed with once he got older?

The JJ/Will thing always seemed very one-sided (except for the initial flirting when Will was first introduced). I just never bought that it was a healthy relationship. Will seems to be the one making most of the compromises/sacrifices. I doubt the Reid/JJ thing ever would have panned out. I don't think that AJ would have been able to do kissing scenes with Gubler. I think it would be like kissing her brother. Plus I never saw any of Reid's interest in JJ even remotely reciprocated. Hell, I rarely see moments of their alleged friendship reciprocated by JJ.


Yeah, they really ruined Strauss. I liked her as the antagonist.


I honestly don't know about when the Bell's Palsy started. Looking at some older photos from movies, I assume it started later in life. I know that sometimes people can get bouts of it. I had a friend who had Bell's Palsy and sometimes it would hit and he'd have to wear an eyepatch, but I don't remember him needing to wear one and he didn't look like it was affecting him in the last 10 years of his life. I'm guessing that with Joe, his case was worse and it left some permanent damage, but sometimes it may be worse than others.

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Just for clarification----I don't know if by 'lazy eye' you meant that JM's lid was droopy. If so, that can be caused by a Bell's Palsy that doesn't quite resolve.  But, if you were using the term as it's usually used, to indicate eyes that don't quite align with each other----that cannot be caused by Bell's Palsy. 



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Strauss, particularly evil, manipulative Strauss. Seriously, she is one of the reasons i became addicted to watching the show, because her machinations were so believable and fun. They should have never messed with her.


Cruz was not well introduced and is not well-used. I like the actor, though.

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As for retconning relationships-- I was a bit pissed off when they retconned it so Garcia had met Morgan prior to their first meeting in "Tabula Rasa".

What do you mean by that?



Had the events of Hit and Run not shaken out the way they did, I believe there never would have been a wedding. Although really, its probably just as well the writers decided JJ and Will should be a thing. Otherwise, they might have gone with the JJ/Reid pairing they seemed to be toying with at one point, which would have made my eyeballs itch

What do you mean by the Hit and Run comment, the need to counteract the melancholy of Prentiss' departure.


The JJ/Will thing always seemed very one-sided (except for the initial flirting when Will was first introduced). I just never bought that it was a healthy relationship. Will seems to be the one making most of the compromises/sacrifices. I doubt the Reid/JJ thing ever would have panned out. I don't think that AJ would have been able to do kissing scenes with Gubler. I think it would be like kissing her brother. Plus I never saw any of Reid's interest in JJ even remotely reciprocated. Hell, I rarely see moments of their alleged friendship reciprocated by JJ.

SSA Jareau in the later seasons seems heartless and I believe Detective LaMontange could do better IRL.


Just for clarification----I don't know if by 'lazy eye' you meant that JM's lid was droopy. If so, that can be caused by a Bell's Palsy that doesn't quite resolve.  But, if you were using the term as it's usually used, to indicate eyes that don't quite align with each other----that cannot be caused by Bell's Palsy. 

I did mean the drooping lid and did not mean a lazy eye in the proper sense


Strauss, particularly evil, manipulative Strauss. Seriously, she is one of the reasons i became addicted to watching the show, because her machinations were so believable and fun. They should have never messed with her.


Cruz was not well introduced and is not well-used. I like the actor, though.

I fully agree.

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Leonardo, to clarify on the way Morgan and Garcia met, in the episode "Tabula Rasa" they had a flashback to four years prior where Morgan first meets Garcia. Since he didn't know her name, he called her 'Baby Girl' to get her attention. Anyway, in Season 9 they puked out an episode called "The Black Queen" which re-wrote Garcia's backstory into something ludicrous. In that story, it showed Morgan meeting and interrogating her when she got busted for hacking. It was prior to her joining the FBI. It was cringeworthy. I think it also showed Hotch meeting her then. Oh yeah, Garcia also went from having 4 brothers to being an only child.


I guess the droopy eye is most likely from the Bell's Palsy then.

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What do you mean by the Hit and Run comment, the need to counteract the melancholy of Prentiss' departure.


That isn't entirely what I meant, and this is why I asked what you've seen and what you haven't. :-)


If you know that Prentiss leaves at the end of Run, then you also know what befalls Will during the two-parter. Had he not been shot and then nearly blown up, I think JJ might never have finally accepted his marriage proposal, even with Henry in the picture, because he'd asked offscreen on several occasions, and she'd always said no before that.

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As for Joe's ptosis, it could be a lot of things, including possibly Bell's Palsy, or an injury. If you look at pix when he was young, it seems he's always had it, so maybe it's hereditary like Forrest Whittaker's.

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Leonardo, to clarify on the way Morgan and Garcia met, in the episode "Tabula Rasa" they had a flashback to four years prior where Morgan first meets Garcia. Since he didn't know her name, he called her 'Baby Girl' to get her attention. Anyway, in Season 9 they puked out an episode called "The Black Queen" which re-wrote Garcia's backstory into something ludicrous. In that story, it showed Morgan meeting and interrogating her when she got busted for hacking. It was prior to her joining the FBI. It was cringeworthy. I think it also showed Hotch meeting her then. Oh yeah, Garcia also went from having 4 brothers to being an only child.

Oh. Ok. I haven't seen the "Black Queen" yet, so that's probably why I didn't understand the Garcia comment.



That isn't entirely what I meant, and this is why I asked what you've seen and what you haven't. :-)


If you know that Prentiss leaves at the end of Run, then you also know what befalls Will during the two-parter. Had he not been shot and then nearly blown up, I think JJ might never have finally accepted his marriage proposal, even with Henry in the picture, because he'd asked offscreen on several occasions, and she'd always said no before that.

Ok. I get it, So you think that the writers should never have had the Jack (or was it the King...) shoot down Detective LaMontange?

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I think that entire Hit and Run story should never have even happened. It was so incredibly contrived. And there is no way in hell that Will would have led the people to his house no matter how much they threatened him. That was so incredibly stupid.

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And there is no way in hell that Will would have led the people to his house no matter how much they threatened him. That was so incredibly stupid.


Thank you! He never would have lead that bitch to his son and left her with him, he would have died first! And in the real world, if he had left Zippy or whateverhernameis with Henry, JJ would not only have knocked her silly, she would have knocked Will into next week instead of marrying him. 

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if he had left Zippy or whateverhernameis with Henry, JJ would not only have knocked her silly, she would have knocked Will into next week instead of marrying him.


Oh, how I wish that had happened!  It's funny----I ended up finding the show because I was too lazy to get up and change the channel.  Now I've seen some episodes more times than I care to count, but 'Hit', 'Run' and '200' get me right up and looking for the remote.

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Thank you! He never would have lead that bitch to his son and left her with him, he would have died first! And in the real world, if he had left Zippy or whateverhernameis with Henry, JJ would not only have knocked her silly, she would have knocked Will into next week instead of marrying him. 


LOL, 'Zippy'. The actress was Tricia Helfer, otherwise known as Number Six from Battlestar Galactica, and yes, I agree. Will, semi-creepy or not, would never have brought her and her psycho boyfriend around his son, not without JJ slapping him cross-eyed as well.

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I only occasionally like the unsub to be front and center, when it makes sense. Like you, I love Tabula Rasa, and there was no mystery there. It can be used effectively, but in the last 3 years, it seems like this team of writers doesn't remember that we have a whole team of profilers, and they just write to the costars/unsubs, because it's easier: all you have to do is look at all the other shows and poach their bad guys. Add in a few somewhat specific team character references and voila! TV Magic.


I love Emily first and foremost, but Elle is a close second. I admit, it took me a couple of years to really appreciate the character and the actress, but I love her now. I liked Blake, but she was saddled with the "we only have eyes for JJ" blues. Garcia used to be quite a spark to the dialogue and team dynamic, but is now a big baby, needy, whiny, and embarrassing. JJ, well, and Seaver, just no. Kate is not yet formed, and I don't have hopes that she'll turn out any better than Blake did. Oh, and I loved agent Todd in her temp role, she was quite good. I watch her in the reruns every time.


How do you rank the guys?

I agree with your ranking. I really liked Jordan Todd. I think because we always knew she was a temporary replacement for JJ/AJC's maternity leave, she was easy to take, but I thought she did well. She was pretty, and I like how she stood up to Morgan.  The more I watch the episodes with Elle, the more I am surprise by how much I really like her. Emily is my favorite, but Elle isn't far behind.

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Does anybody like any episodes after Magnum Opus but before season nine begins? I just finished it and I'm curious to see if it's downhill from here.

I liked All That Remains and Thomas Gibson did a great job directing it. But I have to tell you I mostly hated season 8 and the finale was ridiculous in my opinion. Season 9 has some decent episodes, but I really dislike most of the episodes from season 6 on.

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I liked All That Remains and Thomas Gibson did a great job directing it. But I have to tell you I mostly hated season 8 and the finale was ridiculous in my opinion. Season 9 has some decent episodes, but I really dislike most of the episodes from season 6 on.

Saaame. This post is the legitest thing ever.

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Oh, how I wish that had happened!  It's funny----I ended up finding the show because I was too lazy to get up and change the channel.  Now I've seen some episodes more times than I care to count, but 'Hit', 'Run' and '200' get me right up and looking for the remote.

Me too! And add in Route 66, Brothers Hotchner, The Black Queen, Burn and now The Forever People. Unwatchable.

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LOL. "Zippy" was called "Izzy". And I only remember that because I remember how stupid it sounded and how I now despise that name because of that episode. That episode had me yelling at my TV when Will was going along with them and not doing anything to try to stop them. I'm sure he didn't want to die, but I don't buy for a second that he would have led them anywhere near his kids. Also, the whole way things went down was so contrived. It relied on far too much luck. And I know they wanted to give Prentiss something to do, but Morgan was the bomb expert, so he should have been the one there with the bomb .And don't even get me started on how Reid was the only one who wasn't visible during JJ's wedding ceremony.... We could see Hotch, Jack, and Blech. We could see Strauss, JJ's Mom, the rest of the team, and I think even Kevin (or maybe Anderson).. but Reid was off-camera for some odd reason.

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LOL. "Zippy" was called "Izzy". And I only remember that because I remember how stupid it sounded and how I now despise that name because of that episode. That episode had me yelling at my TV when Will was going along with them and not doing anything to try to stop them. I'm sure he didn't want to die, but I don't buy for a second that he would have led them anywhere near his kids. Also, the whole way things went down was so contrived. It relied on far too much luck. And I know they wanted to give Prentiss something to do, but Morgan was the bomb expert, so he should have been the one there with the bomb .And don't even get me started on how Reid was the only one who wasn't visible during JJ's wedding ceremony.... We could see Hotch, Jack, and Blech. We could see Strauss, JJ's Mom, the rest of the team, and I think even Kevin (or maybe Anderson).. but Reid was off-camera for some odd reason.


Yep, I wish we could gather the writers in a room and present this post to them and instruct them never to cross these lines ever again.

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And don't even get me started on how Reid was the only one who wasn't visible during JJ's wedding ceremony.... We could see Hotch, Jack, and Blech. We could see Strauss, JJ's Mom, the rest of the team, and I think even Kevin (or maybe Anderson).. but Reid was off-camera for some odd reason.


Reid was at the bar, drowning his sorrow about how his best friend had lost her mind.

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Reid doesn't really drink. Does he?



I know he drank in New Orleans (Jones) and, of course, on the 'wedding video' on the season 8 DVD.  MGG plays a good drunk, if there is such a thing.  If you don't have the set, I think you can find the video on line.

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That 'Reid drunk at the wedding' was MGG being silly, it was definitely not supposed to really be Reid. 


But Reid does have an occasional glass of wine or a beer, but i appreciated last season when he had an Arnold Palmer with Rossi at the bar.

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I agree with how totally bogus it was that Will would in anyway put his child in danger like that.

However, If that scenario had not played out the way it did,we might not have gotten to see ninjamommie in action.

And when it comes right down to it,isn't that what was really important.

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Yeah, MMC, I think they were so invested in promoting AJ, and Paget's leaving again played into that. They were so careful to broadcast "Hey, JJ is not only not going anywhere this time, she's taking over the whole show, eventually!"

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I really liked Jordan Todd. I think because we always knew she was a temporary replacement for JJ/AJC's maternity leave, she was easy to take, but I thought she did well. She was pretty, and I like how she stood up to Morgan.


Plus, she had actual relatable human flaws, edges and personality---which distinguishes her from many of the show's other characters :) And I actually thought Jordan had a more layered, vibrant dynamic with Emily, Morgan and Hotch in just her few episodes than the deadly dull, personality-deficient JJ had established after being on the show for 3.5 seasons. Alas, Jordan turned out to exist primarily to drive home that JJ's job as media liaison was VERY VERY VERY HARD AND EVER SO IMPORTANT (so much so that the team's been doing just fine without a media liaison for several seasons now, LOL) and that only someone as super perfect as JJ can do it effectively. 


I'm torn between Elle and Emily as my favorite female character. I thought Elle was much more clearly and consistently defined, and, like Jordan, she had actual flaws and edges, which made her more compelling to me. Emily's characterization was actually pretty all over the place IMO and sometimes barely there at all for long stretches of the series, but Paget Brewster somehow made her a favorite of mine anyway. So I'll go...


1. Emily

2. Elle (But, really, they're pretty much tied!)



And JJ is last. I always found her boring, snotty, cold, self-superior, and unrealistically and dully 'perfect.' And that was actually when she was comparatively MORE likable than she is now :) 

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So, anyone have the data on how many minutes the characters got in some of the episodes mentioned? My internet is being slow again.

Season 10 stats from Simren Basra

Total # of times character took out gun:
Hotch - 9
Rossi - 9
Callahan - 10
JJ - 13
Morgan - 10
Reid - 3
# of times character was a part of unsub takedown:
Hotch - 4
Rossi - 5
Callahan - 4
JJ - 8
Morgan - 6
Reid - 2



Season 9 partial stats from Whitespace

So here's what I got from 9x17 - 9x24:
Total # of times character took out gun:
Hotch - 3
Rossi - 6
Blake - 4
JJ - 10
Morgan - 10
Reid - 5
Garcia - 1

# of times character was a part of unsub takedown:
Hotch - 1
Rossi - 4
Blake - 2
JJ - 6
Morgan - 7
Reid - 2
Garcia - 1
Note: I didn't count a character to the second list if he/she was in the building but stayed behind with the victim (which would give +1 to JJ and Reid)


Anyone have more to add?

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Thanks for the thread :)


Ok I did a thing in google spreadsheets because I think it's easier to keep track of the numbers in there.

S10: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qshtyrHof6Eu7EIhdDJlDh7OQqgbpD86VmLhgLRVHac/

And I took the liberty of skipping through the past episodes myself. The numbers are slightly different than the ones from Simren Basra but feel free to correct them if you think I got them wrong.


I did the same for S9 so maybe this is helpful for MCatry's task (also I had to correct my numbers because I forgot to add up some gun action from 9x19)

S9: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1niB9-Il5X950lO7GuPO4oEI-E-it4XllvreaQnF8M40/


I made the sheets editable for everyone exept for the Total sheet. If you wanna add another category you can do so in the last worksheet (Template). This will then show up in all the others and the data you add there should add up in the Total sheet. 

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