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Criminal Minds Analysis: Profile The Show

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I'll come! I've never had sushi, but I'll give it a try-after yesterday and today I'm ready for some nerve meds (aka sweets) but I'll try the sushi too:)

Lol, yikes, I have a RA doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, and they're going to want to take my BP! Lol. :) At least all that was yesterday :)

Haha, true!

My BP was a touch high last night -- not surprised.

I think sushi is divine. If you're not quite up to try raw fish at first, your server or a sushi chef can steer you toward cooked items. I love it all - - I saw a giant whole tuna at a farmer's market and just wanted to take a bite right out of it. Pretty sure in Japan that I'd be considered rude because of how I load up on the wasabi (Japanese horseradish). I'm addicted to that stuff.

Hope your appointment goes well. I'm off to dreamland so I can be bright-eyed for day shift tomorrow.

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OK, got all that but the Ruby Murray!?

Ruby Murray = curry. You often hear of people going "for a Ruby" when they are heading to their local Indian takeaway. A lot of Cockney rhyming slang has passed into general usage all over the UK.

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Compulsion and Alchemy rarely have anything positive said about them but they are two of my all time favourites. I also love A Slave to Duty - the funeral scene gets me everytime - the break in Hotch's voice, the tears in Reid's eyes, the white roses. The case wasn't all that but it is up there just for the emotion at the funeral. Plus Reid looked at his very best in black with the purple scarf and the long hair!

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I just heard one on TV that even I didn't know! I'm watching Bargain Hunt - a competition about buying and selling antiques and one of the contestants said something was "King" which turned out to be short for "King Rat" = "Tat" (i.e.rubbish). See, as an elderly Brit I am still learning the language! We certainly use a lot of Cockney Rhyming slang/

Edited by Old Dog
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So, let me see if i understand, they make a rhyme up with a two-part name, the second part of which is the rhyme, and they chuck the rhyme part for the first part? Ruby Murray is a curry, but it's shortened to Ruby instead of Murray? And same with King Rat = Tat, but is just called King? I'm just loving this

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So, let me see if i understand, they make a rhyme up with a two-part name, the second part of which is the rhyme, and they chuck the rhyme part for the first part? Ruby Murray is a curry, but it's shortened to Ruby instead of Murray? And same with King Rat = Tat, but is just called King? I'm just loving this

You got it! For more examples of rhyming slang have a butchers at this:-




It's still evolving - a Ruby Murray is quite a new one I think.

Ruby Murray is Cockney slang for Curry.

"Let's go for a few pints then a Ruby"

A popular and well used expression across London, where Indian food such as curry have been enormously popular since the 1970s. In fact Ruby Murray has become so synomyous with curry, that many London Indian restaurants are named simply "The Ruby".

Ruby Murray was a popular Irish singer. Born in Belfast in 1935, she scored seven top ten hits in the UK during the 50s, including "Heartbeat" (1954), "Softly, Softly" (1955), "If Anyone Finds This, I Love You" (1955) and "Evermore" (1955), along with many other smash hits.

Edited by Old Dog
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Same here, that line gets me every time. What a devastating tragedy all around-first to have their kid kidnapped in the first place, and then years down the road, find out the BAU solved the case and apprehended the unsubs (well, one killed himself).Only twenty-four hours after their son was murdered. I shudder at the thought, and also for the method he was killed...sobs all around.

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I wanna hang out in England a little and say stuff like this. Wonder whether my Southern accent would be a blessing or a curse?

Lol no clue. I was born and raised in Virginia, but people even in my hometown, ask me lot if i'm from Tennessee, Georgia...or my favorite...Australia!!!! Lol, I want to go there so bad, but lol, I'm not from there!

Edited by autumnmountains
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An Australian accent is quite far removed from a Virginia one! Most of my husband's family live in Virginia. My brother-in-law is from Newport News. He says "coach" (for couch) and "aboat" (for about). I adore his accent.

I lived in Atlanta. So very few of the people I knew there were actually from there, so accents were all over the place. Quite a Southern melting pot. But I'm originally from southern WV, born and reared, so I can't shed my accent (not that I care to; I quite like it) even though I've lived "up north" for nearly 20 years. Funny, folks in Atlanta, who were native southerners, called me a "Yankee," and it was NOT a compliment.

When I'm speaking quickly, I drop my "g" on -ing words and say "Ah" for "I." I say I'm "fixin' to" do something. I say "I reckon." There are probably nearly as many "West Virginia-isms" as there are "British-isms."

Edited by Droogie
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I was born in the Mississippi Delta, which has a lovely, soft, thick, fluffeh accent, sugah. Because I knew at an early age that folks assumed if you had a Southern accent, you were dumb as a thumb, I tried to purify my accent. Many people would say later that they didn't know where I was from, or thought I was a Yankee.

Now I regret doing that, as I can't reclaim something I scraped out of my mouth when I was a kid. Whatever "Southern" accent I have now richocets off my Georgia husband and his mom.

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I know exactly what you're saying. So many people consider a Southern accent "dumb." I was talking with a doc's nurse practitioner the other day, and I have no idea how we broached the subject, but she was talking about her nephew (his mom was from the south) and she said, "Thank GOD he doesn't have an awful Southern accent." I just gave her a blank stare and said, "You do realize who yer talkin to, don'tcha darlin?"

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I was born in the Mississippi Delta, which has a lovely, soft, thick, fluffeh accent, sugah. Because I knew at an early age that folks assumed if you had a Southern accent, you were dumb as a thumb, I tried to purify my accent.

Normasm, how early of an age are you talking about? I grew up in Hattiesburg and when I started kindergarten, I listened to the other kids and decided I did NOT want to sound like they did. So at age 5 I set out to become a linguistic anomaly. Nobody I have met as an adult has ever guessed where I grew up, or even in what region of the country. Most people have thought I was from either the west coast or the Midwest, and after all those years of not speaking with a southern accent, I can't fake one for anything.


Bringing this back around to CM, I cringed when watching Gabby, which is set in Hattiesburg. The accents were just ... off. There are people there who have definite southern accents, but Hollywood would have you believe that all southern accents sound exactly the same, which is nonsense. And Hollywood would also have you believe that everybody in the south lives in fairly run-down older houses. While Hattiesburg has its share of those, as does any city, there's a ton of suburbs that are interchangeable with suburbs in any part of the country. It grated on my nerves when I saw the footage, but I have since reminded myself that there are episodes set in Detroit or elsewhere that also focus on run-down parts of the city. I just wish that shows would be willing to use something other than cliches when it comes to accents and dwellings. CM isn't as bad about this as some shows, but I would really like for once to be able to watch a show set in that part of the country and think, hey, these people sound just like people I grew up with.and live in houses that look like my old neighborhood.

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An Australian accent is quite far removed from a Virginia one! Most of my husband's family live in Virginia. My brother-in-law is from Newport News. He says "coach" (for couch) and "aboat" (for about). I adore his accent.

I lived in Atlanta. So very few of the people I knew there were actually from there, so accents were all over the place. Quite a Southern melting pot. But I'm originally from southern WV, born and reared, so I can't shed my accent (not that I care to; I quite like it) even though I've lived "up north" for nearly 20 years. Funny, folks in Atlanta, who were native southerners, called me a "Yankee," and it was NOT a compliment.

When I'm speaking quickly, I drop my "g" on -ing words and say "Ah" for "I." I say I'm "fixin' to" do something. I say "I reckon." There are probably nearly as many "West Virginia-isms" as there are "British-isms."

Yeah, I have no clue why this person thought I sounded like I was from Australia. A few years down from the comment, and lol,I still don't know. I'll chalk it up to being a full moon, this was the same day someone told me I looked just like my dad. Which I do. . .except the "dad," that she said I look like, is my step dad,my mom got a big laugh out of that one!. Lol....anyway...

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Can I just say I wish the Colonies would switch to Greenwich Mean Time as I am always late to the party! By the time I log on in the morning to get my CM fix  I have missed oceans of chatter and I am so late to the party it's like walking into it when the balloons have mostly been burst, the empties are rolling on the floor and the odd party goer is sleeping it off in the corner!

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An Australian accent is quite far removed from a Virginia one!

Speaking as an Aussie - there is no way a Virginian sounds Australian. Although I actually got asked if I was Austrian when I was in LA so I guess it is possible some people just don't get accents/know countries.

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Speaking as an Aussie - there is no way a Virginian sounds Australian. Although I actually got asked if I was Austrian when I was in LA so I guess it is possible some people just don't get accents/know countries.

Trust me, I'm still stumped, I can see confusing me for deeper American South, as my accent is a bit more than normally heard Here, but for the life of me, I have no clue why they thought Australian. Lol
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Normasm, how early of an age are you talking about? I grew up in Hattiesburg and when I started kindergarten, I listened to the other kids and decided I did NOT want to sound like they did. So at age 5 I set out to become a linguistic anomaly. Nobody I have met as an adult has ever guessed where I grew up, or even in what region of the country. Most people have thought I was from either the west coast or the Midwest, and after all those years of not speaking with a southern accent, I can't fake one for anything.


Bringing this back around to CM, I cringed when watching Gabby, which is set in Hattiesburg. The accents were just ... off. There are people there who have definite southern accents, but Hollywood would have you believe that all southern accents sound exactly the same, which is nonsense. And Hollywood would also have you believe that everybody in the south lives in fairly run-down older houses. While Hattiesburg has its share of those, as does any city, there's a ton of suburbs that are interchangeable with suburbs in any part of the country. It grated on my nerves when I saw the footage, but I have since reminded myself that there are episodes set in Detroit or elsewhere that also focus on run-down parts of the city. I just wish that shows would be willing to use something other than cliches when it comes to accents and dwellings. CM isn't as bad about this as some shows, but I would really like for once to be able to watch a show set in that part of the country and think, hey, these people sound just like people I grew up with.and live in houses that look like my old neighborhood.

Bookwoman, I was around 11 or so, probably. Yeah, it's a shame we had to feel that way (you were quite precocious, i might add). We probably both heard Southern people being mocked as stupid on TV, which is much worse today. I do love unusual accents, and after hanging out with friends or family with heavy accents, I can't help it, it colors my speech for a period of hours. They may think i'm mocking them, but it's just the fascination with the sounds, it catches my ear, then my tongue.


CM does well for the most part, but, yeah, Southern accents and Boston accents are the worst offenders the show has had, mostly for minor parts. I've known Southern actors who have perfectly lovely accents who were told they didn't sound authentic, and that they had to sound "more Southern," as if the audience has to be hit over the head with a 2 x 4 before they'll understand, "hey, this guy's Southern!"

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I see on Twitter that the Season 10 dvd is released in America today (we won't get it for months over here!). I find myself raging all over again how the cover pic relegates Reid to supporting cast! I really do find it upsetting. I need to go somewhere and gnash my teeth!

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Oh wait.. You mean he's not supporting cast???

(Sorry. I couldn't help it.)

Sometimes it seems like he's not even supporting cast. It's as if Reid is along for the ride to spout facts like a robot and look pretty. Ugh.


Speaking of voices...not to brag, but I get a lot of compliments on my speaking voice. I've been told it is calm, soothing and gentle. And I've had some guys tell me it's "hot." All I can say is I'm sure glad I don't have vocal fry. Shudder.

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I'm frustrated about the cover too, just the last time I mentioned it, I felt like I was getting my head bit off (no one at all here , y'all are awesome!!) One cool thing is MGG did a commentary again. Still, annoyed by the cover

Edited by autumnmountains
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Sometimes it seems like he's not even supporting cast. It's as if Reid is along for the ride to spout facts like a robot and look pretty. Ugh.


Speaking of voices...not to brag, but I get a lot of compliments on my speaking voice. I've been told it is calm, soothing and gentle. And I've had some guys tell me it's "hot." All I can say is I'm sure glad I don't have vocal fry. Shudder.

Do you mean to tell me you don't aspire to sound like one of the Kardashians. Why I am shocked I tell you,absolutely shocked to hear you say that.

Edited by missmycat
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I'm frustrated about the cover too, just the last time I mentioned it, I felt like I was getting my head bit off (no one at all here , y'all are awesome!!) One cool thing is MGG did a commentary again. Still, annoyed by the cover


Freedom is a wonderful thing, isn't it?


So far, I've managed to resist ordering this set.  But if I hear from you all that there's some good commentary or an extra that's worth seeing, I could be persuaded. If  MGG has a commentary on the episode he directed, I sincerely hope that at least of some of it is not tongue-in-cheek.  I really would like to know how he thinks about things as a director.

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Freedom is a wonderful thing, isn't it?


So far, I've managed to resist ordering this set.  But if I hear from you all that there's some good commentary or an extra that's worth seeing, I could be persuaded. If  MGG has a commentary on the episode he directed, I sincerely hope that at least of some of it is not tongue-in-cheek.  I really would like to know how he thinks about things as a director.

I plan to watch the commentary for Mr. Scratch tonight, I'll say if it's informative about his directing decisions. :-) 

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I rewatched a few S3 episodes again before bed (I know, I know..obsessed much?! And am I the only weirdo who actually enjoys watching this creepy show before I fall asleep?!) and all characterization stuff aside, I can't tell you how much I miss the psychological complexity and thought-provoking cases back then regardless of whether we knew the Unsubs in advance. 


Which brings me to another Best/Worst question for you guys as I stroll down CM memory lane: Which were your favorite cases where we knew the Unsub right away? Which were some of your favorite cases where we DIDN'T know the Unsub right away? And why do I feel like a lot of nominations will  once again come from S1-S4, including mine?! 

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Hmmm...best cases where I knew the unsub right away?


Again in no particular order:


No Way Out

The Big Game

The Last Word

Scared to Death

Minimal Loss


Pleasure is My Business

Zoe's Reprise


The Company



Heathridge Manor (not immediate unsub, but a lot of unsub)

Edited by ForeverAlone
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My gripe for the time being is how fans of the same show will tear each other down and fight becuase they have different favorite characters and if you talk about your favorite character you are considred to be making everything about them, meanwhile the same people making the accusations insert their favorite actors/characters in to most of their discussions but then it devolves in to saying one fandom is unreasonable and that character/actor isn't all that great but their character/actor is fantastic and if you say otherwise then you're an unreasonable jerk-- and they are shitting on people who are reasonable and who don't even hate on the other people's favorite characters...


I hope I'm making sense.... I'm just having a bad day today.

And now we are being blamed for her videos being taken down and reported by another member with a admin liking it all the while the post calls us crybabies. I'm pretty sure that's against the rules, not that they care. Oh well

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Freedom is a wonderful thing, isn't it?


So far, I've managed to resist ordering this set.  But if I hear from you all that there's some good commentary or an extra that's worth seeing, I could be persuaded. If  MGG has a commentary on the episode he directed, I sincerely hope that at least of some of it is not tongue-in-cheek.  I really would like to know how he thinks about things as a director.

I know Matthew can be a total goofball, but I hope his commentary is a bit more serious-minded. Like you, I really want to get to know his mind-set when he directs an episode of CM, especially one so amazing like Mr. Scratch. I'm an immensely curious person, and I love take a peak behind the curtain and get a glimpse of the creative process. It doesn't matter if it's directing a TV show or making a delicious meal. The process can be just as exicting as the finished product. I know in my life, I love the finished product of a post at my blog or a fresh batch of homemade soap or a beautiful pair of beaded earrings. But there is something about the creative process that is so satisfying and fills me with pure joy!

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Autumn says he combined the silly with the straight, so I went ahead and ordered it.  Should be here tomorrow.  Now I just have to find time to watch it.  

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Autumn says he combined the silly with the straight, so I went ahead and ordered it.  Should be here tomorrow.  Now I just have to find time to watch it.  

And we expect a full report...with footnotes and annotations...I'm kidding...well, maybe not.

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And now we are being blamed for her videos being taken down and reported by another member with a admin liking it all the while the post calls us crybabies. I'm pretty sure that's against the rules, not that they care. Oh well

Yeah, apparently the initial complaint mentioned MGG and said Reid discussions were not allowed on that forum or something. So it did sound like a bitter fan. But I don't think its anyone we know. Someone had sour grapes--could have been someone who was kicked out. But it ruined it for the rest of us. Kinda reminds me of kindergarten. Just sad. Not only does that mean the material isn't available, but now people are hating on the Reid fans even more because one person decided to snitch and they think it was a Reid fan.

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Yeah, apparently the initial complaint mentioned MGG and said Reid discussions were not allowed on that forum or something. So it did sound like a bitter fan. But I don't think its anyone we know. Someone had sour grapes--could have been someone who was kicked out. But it ruined it for the rest of us. Kinda reminds me of kindergarten. Just sad. Not only does that mean the material isn't available, but now people are hating on the Reid fans even more because one person decided to snitch and they think it was a Reid fan.

Yeah. They have no real proof it was was "Reid fan" at all-and I'm tired of being (as a group) bullied, and that's what this has become. OH well

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I took the plunge and defended fellow Reid fans. Two of the admins "liked" the post. I think right now other members are just angry and bitter at Reid fans. I'm really hoping that it wasn't a Reid fan that did it. But life goes on.


I'm trying to think of a way to bring this back on topic more to do with the show. I'm waiting for price to go down on the DVDs to order them. I hope one year they actually do more to show us more of what goes on behind-the-scenes. Like explain what the showrunner has to do-- in meetings all the time talking about budgeting? And maybe a ride-along with Harry going out to pick filming sites and explaining what they have to do to be able to film places. Some might find that boring, but I find it fascinating.

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I took the plunge and defended fellow Reid fans. Two of the admins "liked" the post. I think right now other members are just angry and bitter at Reid fans. I'm really hoping that it wasn't a Reid fan that did it. But life goes on.


I'm trying to think of a way to bring this back on topic more to do with the show. I'm waiting for price to go down on the DVDs to order them. I hope one year they actually do more to show us more of what goes on behind-the-scenes. Like explain what the showrunner has to do-- in meetings all the time talking about budgeting? And maybe a ride-along with Harry going out to pick filming sites and explaining what they have to do to be able to film places. Some might find that boring, but I find it fascinating.

Oh sorry! I bought my copy at Bestbuy, it was $30 dollars there. I like your ideas, they sound very interesting! 

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Yeah, apparently the initial complaint mentioned MGG and said Reid discussions were not allowed on that forum or something. So it did sound like a bitter fan. But I don't think its anyone we know. Someone had sour grapes--could have been someone who was kicked out. But it ruined it for the rest of us. Kinda reminds me of kindergarten. Just sad. Not only does that mean the material isn't available, but now people are hating on the Reid fans even more because one person decided to snitch and they think it was a Reid fan.



Yeah. They have no real proof it was was "Reid fan" at all-and I'm tired of being (as a group) bullied, and that's what this has become. OH well


I have no idea what you're all talking about above and now I feel left out and sad :(


Speaking of DVDs though, why does the CM DVD take so long to get to New Zealand!?!?!? Good lord, season 9 only came in back in March this year here, so season 10 won't be in stores here for another 6 months at least, and when it does it'll be fifty-sixty NZD. Ew. Plus there are never any there anyway, there's always 4258245784235 Chuck and CSI DVDs and maybe one of CM. And good luck trying to find seasons four and six in a store here, I had to import them in from America because there were none at all in New Zealand- not just my city, the whole of the country. New Zealand sucks, never come here.

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I have no idea what you're all talking about above and now I feel left out and sad :(


Speaking of DVDs though, why does the CM DVD take so long to get to New Zealand!?!?!? Good lord, season 9 only came in back in March this year here, so season 10 won't be in stores here for another 6 months at least, and when it does it'll be fifty-sixty NZD. Ew. Plus there are never any there anyway, there's always 4258245784235 Chuck and CSI DVDs and maybe one of CM. And good luck trying to find seasons four and six in a store here, I had to import them in from America because there were none at all in New Zealand- not just my city, the whole of the country. New Zealand sucks, never come here.

Hey there, the topic I was talking about is discussed on previous pages...I think, lol. And oh wow, sorry it's so hard to find there. When it comes out there, could you order it on New Zealand's Amazon site? I know the U.S. version has just about everything under the sun. :)

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A Kiwi!! Hi!! The kiwis (New Zealanders) in my secondary school were always entertaining. Loved when they would get into playful banter with the Aussies.


I think we have found a legitimate thing to vent about.. WTF is with having the releases for other countries take so long? I mean, I know that different places have different restrictions and such, but I don't get why CBS has a country code thing in their videos on their site so people from Canada and such can't even watch. I just don't get it. What is wrong with just having it open for anyone who is willing to take the time to view the episodes or previews on the CBS website?

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A Kiwi!! Hi!! The kiwis (New Zealanders) in my secondary school were always entertaining. Loved when they would get into playful banter with the Aussies.


I think we have found a legitimate thing to vent about.. WTF is with having the releases for other countries take so long? I mean, I know that different places have different restrictions and such, but I don't get why CBS has a country code thing in their videos on their site so people from Canada and such can't even watch. I just don't get it. What is wrong with just having it open for anyone who is willing to take the time to view the episodes or previews on the CBS website?

I think it is all to do with when the shows are actually broadcast. Here in the UK they usually start airing on TV in January but because the US has so many breaks in transmission for football etc we do catch up a bit. But it does explain why we are also about 6 months behind with the DVD release. Some other European countries are more behind, even a season behind I think. I can never wait for the show to air in the UK - I usually hunt them down on the Net.

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