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I he-rd 'c-pper' -nd 'b--m': Gilmore Girls Hangman

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Guys, I've been really missing playing Hangman lately.  It was one of my favorite games on the old board, everybody could play easily and you didn't have to put a lot of thought or effort into it.  It was just fun!  Let's see if we can get a good game going again.  I'll start:


--, ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- . . . -- ----?

-- --- ------- ---.

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Generally one letter at a time.  I think we did two or three letters at a time a lot, probably for the larger puzzles though.

--, t--- ----- ----- ----t t---- . . . -- ----?

-- --- ------- t--.

Clever yes:  T

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-----, ---- ---- ------ ----, ---- ---- ---- - --- - --- ----- --  - --- ------ --- - ----- --- -- -- --- -- --- ------

I put in the comma's but not the ending punctuation. After it's solved, please tell me if I didn't do it right. Thanks :)

Edited by tarotx
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-e---, ---- -e-- ---tt- -e-e, t--e t--- ---- - --t - --t ----- --  - t--- -----e --- - --tt- --t -t t- -e- -- t-e -----e


letters used: E, T,

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He---, ---- -e-- ---tt- he-e, t--e th-- ----. - --t - h-t ----- --  - t--- -----e --- - --tt- --t -t t- -e- -- the -----e!


letters used: E, T, H


Dang, this is hard. I think I need the punctuation >.<

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He---, --t- -e-- ---tt- he-e, t--e th-- ---n. - --t - h-t ----- -n - t--- ---n-e --- - --tt- --t -t t- -e- -n the -----e!


letters used: E, T, H, N

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He---, --t- -es- s--tt- he-e, t--e th-s ---n. - --t - h-t s---- -n - t--- ---n-e -n- - --tt- --t -t t- -e- -n the -----e!


Dang I suck. I forgot to put a lot of right answers in >.< Sorry This was harder than it looked!

letters used: E, T, H, N,S

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He---, --t- -es- s--tt- -ere, t--e th-s ---n. - --t - h-t s---- -n - t--- ---n-e -n- - --tt- --t -t t- -e- -n the -----e!

letters used: E, T, H, N, S, R

Edited by tarotx
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Hello, --ty -es- s--tty -ere, t--e th-s -o-n. - -ot - hot s-oop on - t-ll -lon-e -n- - -ott- p-t -t to -e- on the -o--le!

letters used: E, T, H, N, S, R, L, Y, O, P

Edited by tarotx
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Hello, --ty -es- s--tty -ere, t--e th-s -o-n. - -ot - hot s-oop on - t-ll blon-e -n- - -ott- p-t -t to be- on the -o-ble!

letters used: E, T, H, N, S, R, L, Y, O, P, B

Edited by tarotx
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Hello, --ty des- s--tty -ere, ta-e th-s do-n. - -ot a hot s-oop on a tall blonde and - -otta p-t -t to bed on the do-ble!

letters used: E, T, H, N, S, R, L, Y, O, P, B, D, A



Probably would have helped if I didn't leave out an important d and p....

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