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I he-rd 'c-pper' -nd 'b--m': Gilmore Girls Hangman

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-i- --- -n-- ---r p--ne's n-t --r-ing?


I'-e been ----ing --- --r -n ---r. I --- t-e -per-t-r --e-- it. S-e s-i- it's --t --- -r s--et-ing.

It --s --r-ing t-is --r-ing.

I'-- be rig-t b---.


I ---e t-pe!

Thanksgiving at Luke's:  TENS BIG PR

Thanksgiving at the Gilmore's:

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Did you know your phone's not working?
I've been calling you for an hour. I had the operator check it. She said it's cut off or something.
It was working this morning.
I'll be right back.
 I have tape. 

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----, -- --- ----- ---- --- --- ---- --------, ----- ---- --- ------- --- -----? ---‘ -- - --------.  -- --- ---- ----?  --, --‘- -----. ---‘- -- ---?

--- - ---- -----, ------ -- --- -- --- ---- -------- -- ----- -------.  -- --- -------- ----- ---- ----- ------- ----- --- --------.

 - --- - --- -- --- -------- ------- ----- --- --------.  -‘- ----- --- --------.  -‘- ------- -- - -----.

--‘- - ------ ---------.  –‘-- ---- -- ---- ------- ------ -----.  - --- ------.

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----, -- --- st--- h--- th- --- ---- -------s, --t-- --th th- ------- --- ----t? ---‘ -- - --------.  -- --- ---- th-t?  --, -t‘s ----t. -s-‘t -t ---?

---  ---- -----, s----- -s h-- -t --- h--- -------- t- ----s ----s--.  -t --s -------- ----- th-t ----s ----s-- ----- --- -------s.

- --t - --t -- th- -------- --th--s ----- --- -------s.  -‘- s---- --- ----h---.  -‘- ------- -- - -----.

-t‘s - ------ --t------.  –‘-- ---- -- th-s ------- t---t- ----s.  - --- th---s.

Jess:  TSH


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A:  -e--, -- --- st--- h--e the --- ---- -----e-s, -et-- --th the -----e- -e- ----t? ---‘ -e - --------.  -- --- ---- th-t?  --, -t‘s --e-t. -s-‘t -t ---?

B:  ---  ---- ----e, see--- -s h-- -t --- h--e -d----d- t- ---es ----s--.  -t --s -------- ----- th-t ----es ----s-- ---e- --- -----e-s.

A:  - -et - --t -- the -------- --the-s ---e- --- -----e-s.  -‘- s---- --- ----h---.  -‘- e------ -- - -----.

B:  -t‘s - -----e e-t------.  –‘-- -ee- -- th-s ------- t-e-t- -e--s.  - -e- th---s.

Jess:  TSHE

Poor Pitiful Paul:  

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A:  -e--, -- --- st--- h--e the --- ---- k---ke-s, -et-- --th the -----e- -e- ----t? ---‘ -e - --------.  -- --- ---- th-t?  --, -t‘s --e-t. -s-‘t -t ---?

B:  ---  ---- ----e, see--- -s h-- -t --- h--e -d----d- t- ---es ----s--.  -t --s -------- ----- th-t ----es ----s-- --ke- --- k---ke-s.

A:  - -et - --t -- the -------- --the-s --ke- --- k-o-ke-s.  -‘- s---- --- ----h---.  -‘- e------ -- - -----.

B:  -t‘s - -----e e-t------.  –‘-- -ee- -- th-s ------- t-e-t- -e--s.  - -e- th---s.

Jess:  TSHEK

Poor Pitiful Paul:

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A:  -ell, -- --- still h--e the -i- ---- k---ke-s, -et-l -ith the --i--e- -e- --i-t? ---‘ -e - ---i-i--.  – -- ---- th-t?  --, it‘s --e-t. is-‘t it -i-?

B:  ---  ---- --i-e, seei-- -s h-- it --- h--e --l---e- t- ---es ---is--.  It --s ------l- k---- th-t ----es ---is-- l-ke- --- k---ke-s.

A:  I -et - l-t -- the -----i-- --the-s like- --- k-o-ke-s.  I‘- s---- --- l---hi--.  I‘- e--l-i- i- I ---l-.

B:  It‘s - ----le e-t------.  I‘-- -ee- i- this ------- t-e-t- -e--s.  - -e- thi--s.


Poor Pitiful Paul:

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A:  -ell, -- --- still h--e the -i- ---- k---ke-s, met-l -ith the --i--e- -e- --i-t? ---‘ -e - m--i-i--.  – -- ---- th-t?  --, it‘s --e-t. is-‘t it -i-?

B:  ---  ---- --i-e, seei-- -s h-- it --- h--e --l---e- t- ---es M--is--.  It --s --mm--l- k---- th-t ----es M--is-- l-ke- --- k---ke-s.

A:  I -et - l-t -- the -----i-- --the-s like- --- k-o-ke-s.  I‘- s---- --- l---hi--.  I‘- e--l-i- i- I ---l-.

B:  It‘s - ----le e-t------.  I‘-- -ee- i- this ------- t-e-t- -e--s.  - -e- thi--s.


Poor Pitiful Paul:

Poor Paul remains alone and forgotten.

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A:  -ell, -- --- still h--e the -ig ---- k---ke-s, met-l -ith the --i--e- -e- --i-t? ---‘ -e - m-gi-i--.  – -- ---- th-t?  --, it‘s g-e-t. is-‘t it -ig?

B:  ---  g--- --i-e, seei-- -s h-- it --- h--e --l--ge- t- ---es M--is--.  It --s --mm--l- k---- th-t ----es M--is-- l-ke- --g k---ke-s.

A:  I -et - l-t -- the -----i-g --the-s like- --g k-o-ke-s.  I‘- s---- --- l--ghi--.  I‘- e--l-i- i- I ---l-.

B:  It‘s - ----le e-t------.  I‘-- -ee- i- this ------- t-e-t- -e--s.  - ge- thi--s.


Here Paul, have a Z. 

You are so kind.  Poor Pitiful Paul has finally been remembered.


This one makes me giggle every time, btw.

I know, right?  It's the delivery of the last line. I laugh every time.


Poor Pitiful Paul: Z

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A:  -ell, -- --- still ha-e the -ig ---r k---kers, metal -ith the --i--e- re- -ai-t? ---‘ re a magi-ia-.  – --- ---- that?  --, it‘s great. is-‘t it -ig?

B:  A--  g--- -ri-e, seei-- -s h-- it -a- ha-e --l--ge- t- -a-es Ma-is--.  It -as --mm--l- k---- that ----es Ma-is-- l-ke- --g k---kers.

A:  I -et - l-t -- the -----i-g --thers like- --g k-o-kers.  I‘- s-rr- --r la-ghi--.  I‘- e--lai- i- I ---l-.

B:  It‘s - ----le e-t----r-.  I‘-- -ee- i- this -----r- t-e-t- -ears.  - ge- thi-gs.


Poor Pitiful Paul: Z

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Lorelai: Well, do you still have the big door knockers - metal with the chipped red paint? You're a magician. Do you know that? Oh, it's great. Isn't it big?

Mrs. Kim: And good price, seeing as how it may have belonged to James Madison. It was commonly known that James Madison liked big knockers.

Lorelai:  I bet a lot of the founding fathers liked big knockers. I'm sorry for laughing. I'd explain if I could.

Mrs. Kim: It's a double entendre. I've been in this country 20 years. I get things.

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A: --'-   -----  --  --  --------.   ---'-   --,  -------? 
B:  --   ---, -------   -------. 
A: ---'-  ---   ---------?   -   -----  ----  ---   ----  ----   ---'-   -------  -----, ---   ---'-   --   ------------! ----  -   -----.   ---'-  ---  ----  -     -----,  -----?

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A: --'s   -----  --  --  -------s.   -s-'-   --,  -------? 
B:  --   ---, s------   -------. 
A: -s-'-  s--   --------s?   -   -----  ----  ---   ----  ----   s-'s   -------  -----, ---   s--'s  s-   ------------! ----  -   -----.   -s-'-  s--  ----  -     -----,  ---s-?

Gilmore Apple Tarts: S

Gilmore Marzipan:

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A: -t's   -----  t-  --  -------s.   -s-'t   -t,  -------? 
B:  --   ---, s---t--   -------. 
A: -s-'t  s--   --------s?   -   -----  ----  ---   ----  ---t   s-'s   t------  -----, --t   s--'s  s-   --t--t------! ----  -   -----.   -s-'t  s--  ----  -     -----,  ---s-?

Gilmore Apple Tarts: S, T

Gilmore Marzipan:

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I think I've got all the words right, let me know if I miss something.


It's going to be fabulous. Isn't it, Lorelai?

Ab fab, sweetie darling.

Isn't she hilarious? I never have any idea what she's talking about, but she's so entertaining! Like a chimp. Isn't she like a chimp, Gypsy?


Poor Gypsy, she always cracks me up.  "Please make your mother stop talking to me."

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---- --- ---- -- --- ---- -- ----- ------- -- ---- ---- ---- --- --- - --- -- ----- --- ------- ----. - ------- -- --- --- ---- ------ ---- -- ---------.

---'-- ----- ----------, ---'- --- ---- ----!

---'- ---- ------!

----- --- ---- -- ----, ---'- ----- ---- ---!

---- ----- --- ---- - --- --- ---.


Laying down for a little nap.  Be back to update in a bit.

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LOL I've just always been really good at word-based puzzles.

And I've never had marzipan either, though I'm sure it can't possibly be as bad as they made it out to be.

--e- --e ---e -- --e ---r -- -e-er -r---e- -- ---- ---- ---- --- --- - --- -- --e-- --e e-e---- ----. - ------- -- --- -er E--- -er--- ---- -r ---e-----. 

---'r- -e--- r---------, --e'- --- ---- ----!

--e'- ---- e-----!

----- --- -ee- -- ----, --e'- ----- -e-r ---!

---- ----e --- e-r- - -e- --e ---.

Naps: ER

Scam calls during naps:

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--e- --e ---e t- t-e ---r -t -e-er -r---e- -- ---- t--t t--t --- --- - --- t- --e-- t-e e-e---- --t-. - t-----t -t --- -er E--t -er--- ---- -r ---et----. 

---'r- be--- r---------, --e'- --t t--t t---!

--e'- t--- e-----!

----- --- -ee- -t ----, --e'- ----- -e-r ---!

--t- t---e b-- e-r- - bet --e ---.

Naps: ERBT

Scam calls during naps:

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--e- s-e --me t- t-e ---r -t -e-er -r-sse- m- m--- t--t t--t --s --- - --- t- s-e-- t-e e-e---- --t-. - t-----t -t --s -er E-st -erm-- m--- -r s-met----. 

---'r- be--- r--------s, s-e's --t t--t t---!

S-e's t--- e-----!

----- --- -ee- -t ----, s-e's ----- -e-r ---!

--t- t--se b-- e-rs - bet s-e ---.


Scam calls during naps:

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-he- she --me t- the ---r -t -e-er -r-sse- m- m--- th-t th-t --s -h- - h-- t- s-e-- the e-e---- --th. - th---ht -t --s her E-st -erm-- m--- -r s-meth---. 

---'r- be--- r--------s, she's --t th-t t---!

She's t--- e----h!

----- --- -ee- -t ----, she's ----- he-r ---!

--th th-se b-- e-rs - bet she ---.


Scam calls during naps:

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Whe- she --me t- the ---r -t -e-er -r-sse- m- m--- th-t th-t w-s wh- - h-- t- s-e-- the e-e---- w-th. - th---ht -t w-s her E-st -erm-- m--- -r s-meth---. 

---'r- be--- r--------s, she's --t th-t t---!

She's t--- e----h!

W---- --- -ee- -t --w-, she's ----- he-r ---!

W-th th-se b-- e-rs - bet she ---.


Scam calls during naps:

Edited by Taryn74
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Whe- she --me t- the d--r -t -e-er -r-ssed m- m--d th-t th-t w-s wh- - h-d t- s-e-d the e-e---- w-th. - th---ht -t w-s her E-st -erm-- m--d -r s-meth---. 

---'r- be--- r-d------s, she's --t th-t t---!

She's t--- e----h!

W---d --- -ee- -t d-w-, she's ----- he-r ---!

W-th th-se b-- e-rs - bet she ---.


Scam calls during naps:

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