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S12.E17: In The Dark

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The BAU believes two unsubs may be operating simultaneously when victims killed in two different ways are discovered in the same city; the team grapples with keeping Reid safe in prison.

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They are really holding the Reid part of this ep close to the vest. Not even a pic of him, except the one of him looking beaten and in shock on his bed we saw weeks ago, which may or may not come from this episode. I hope this holds through to tonight. They give too much away in the sneak peeks. And, yes, I know I can always not "peek."

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yeah, it's weird. We had that picture Normasm just described. And the image of him playing chess with Calvin. And the one of Duerson holding him back as he's obviously seeing something bad go down (Luis getting beaten/killed perhaps?) in the laundry room. And then there's the preview clip where Alvez says to Shaw something along the lines of 'Reid better not get hurt again'

it is all very intriguing. mysterious. unnerving. exciting. 

and I'm afraid I *still* don't give a rat's patoot about <unsub case of the week> until I know how Reid's doing.

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3 minutes ago, autumnmountains said:

you're welcome.  Alvez is slowly warming his way into my "like" list. It takes me a long time to decide what I think about new characters. I didn't like  him at first

I find it's rather difficult for me to care about ANYTHING else to do with the show right now until they Get. Reid. OUT. I don't even care about Roxy right now, and that's saying something. (my dog just gave me the side eye)

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3 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

I find it's rather difficult for me to care about ANYTHING else to do with the show right now until they Get. Reid. OUT. I don't even care about Roxy right now, and that's saying something. (my dog just gave me the side eye)

lol, I did say "slowly," getting Reid's  butt (and the rest of him, lol) out of the  Hades hole he's in is my only concern too.

How about setting Roxy loose on Scratch??? I can see her dealing out karma.

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I like the Luke/Shaw sneak peek and I'm interested in seeing the rest of that conversation.  I'm not sure how I feel about the Luke/Garcia sneak peek yet.  Maybe because she's rubbed me the wrong way recently. 

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The peek with Garcia boohooing to Luke about Reid is concerning, I don't know how much Reid interaction we'll actually see. I'm hoping he has some scenes, not just shots of him with Garcia in voiceover, and then she says, "Oh, we have a case"

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7 minutes ago, normasm said:

The peek with Garcia boohooing to Luke about Reid is concerning, I don't know how much Reid interaction we'll actually see. I'm hoping he has some scenes, not just shots of him with Garcia in voiceover, and then she says, "Oh, we have a case"


I think we'll get some decent scenes based on the promo.  Then again, the biggest moment in last week's promo was the very last scene, so who knows.

Edited by R3volver
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I know that technically they're supposed to be hands off Reid's case, but seriously, not a one of them is looking into it? Where's his lawyer and why hasn't she been in to see him? She should have been giving him the tox screen results. And why are the people who are actively working on the COW so weirdly walled off from what's going on with Reid? It was so bizarre last week when not a one of them even asked about him while they were working. Rossi makes it sound like Reid is just hanging out in prison rather than being kept in an actual cell.

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24 minutes ago, Clemgo3165 said:

I know that technically they're supposed to be hands off Reid's case, but seriously, not a one of them is looking into it? Where's his lawyer and why hasn't she been in to see him? She should have been giving him the tox screen results. And why are the people who are actively working on the COW so weirdly walled off from what's going on with Reid? It was so bizarre last week when not a one of them even asked about him while they were working. Rossi makes it sound like Reid is just hanging out in prison rather than being kept in an actual cell.

I think his lawyer is as competent as a jar of peanut butter.

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4 hours ago, Hotchgirl18 said:

I think his lawyer is as competent as a jar of peanut butter.

I was going to reserve judgement until after tonight's episode. However having seen it I am now inclined to agree with you.

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I resent the implication that peanut butter is incompetent!  :)   Peanut butter has all sorts of good qualities and is good for lots of things.

Fiona, OTOH........not so much.

once again, I couldn't care less about the case of the week. And waaaaay too much unsub.

Just get Reid the hell out of prison already!

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oh! one positive (for me, anyway) cause I always wanna say something positive. 

This episode is gonna save me some time and bandwidth. Not even gonna bother screencapping. SO thanks for that :)

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5 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

I resent the implication that peanut butter is incompetent!  :)   Peanut butter has all sorts of good qualities and is good for lots of things.

Fiona, OTOH........not so much.

once again, I couldn't care less about the case of the week. And waaaaay too much unsub.

Just get Reid the hell out of prison already!

Seriously right!!! I know they say the BAU's hands are tied at the moment in regards to Reid's case, but they've successfully pulled off other "impossible" things in the past. 

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Hey Daniel, I didn't think this ep deserved an F, believe it or not. I actually was watching the Acase! Which is saying a lot since Reidfan and I are of a like mind about NOT GIVING A SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE until they get Spencer out. I thought it was really well-written and Paget was frakkin awesome. This would have been a damned good episode imo if the team were intact. I really liked Alvez but did NOT like him making nice-nice with Garcia. The first scene was cool, but that later one? Naww.

We all predicted what would happen with the Reid stuff, but hey, JJ - da fuq homegirl? Your entire focus was on your job tonight. Not one nod to your boy being in stir and NO acknowledgment of him NOT being in protective? BOOOO

Yeah, and Fiona sucks. 

Edited by Willowy
thing is not think
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15 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

I resent the implication that peanut butter is incompetent!  :)   Peanut butter has all sorts of good qualities and is good for lots of things.

Fiona, OTOH........not so much.

once again, I couldn't care less about the case of the week. And waaaaay too much unsub.

Just get Reid the hell out of prison already!

My dog could do a better job of defending Reid. 

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3 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

mine too. And he's a sucky Rottweiler. But he woulda bitten a chunk outta Duerson and/or Frazier. :)

Mine's a collie. And she would be chasing whoever was responsible for this mess. 

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Another episode, the remaining proper cast members are merely wallflowers, and not ones garnering much attention either.  I feel for AJ and Joe but especially AJ.

Walker, still pointless. Lewis, pretty pointless. Way to much Alvez as with most of the episodes this season.  This was the only one (scene) I remotely found interesting and that was more down to the vastly superior actor he was working opposite - Harold Pernieuu. 

Story had potential to be interesting but ulitmately was not. 

If I was primarily a Reid fan, I would have been asking questions about where this was going, at least 3 episodes back. Thankfully MGG is the actor he is or this would have been even more painful to drag through.

Prentiss...aka PB probably should listen back to her line delivery and work on it.

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I'll give it two more letters than Daniel did---NRF.  No redeeming features.  I didn't even like the soundtrack tonight---it's always a bad sign when I notice the music.

For me, the Luke/Shaw thing was just more bizarre in a long string of bizarre things about the whole Reid arc.  I couldn't get a handle on why either of them were acting as they were.

Reid's 'bruised' make-up wasn't very good.  And I thought for sure he'd have some sore ribs.

The Reid scenes lost their edge for me this week.  It felt as though the last few weeks were of a piece, as though the same person had maybe written all of them.  This week, it felt different and, for me, some of the momentum was lost.  And they did that thing with the 'promo' being the last scene again.  

JJ was crying over a physically healthy Reid last week, then no apparent reaction or concern at all this week, after he's been beaten.  Did no one tell her?  Or is there a 'cry' column on Garcia's chart?

I hope Reid is going to find a way to save himself, because his friends sure aren't proving to be of much help.  It didn't occur to Emily to call his lawyer about getting him into protective custody until he got beat up? Good thing Fast-Talking Fiona has already submitted that request, because, according to her, 'the wheels of justice turn slowly'.  But she's also trying to get the trial moved up. Not sure that's good news, since no one is looking for any evidence to exonerate Reid.  Instead, according to Stephen, they should just 'let the system work'.  And Emily thought that was cute. 

I wouldn't mind the Garcia/Alvez stuff as much if it wasn't being played out in the face of Reid suffering in prison.  But it is, and I do.  

I know this is an experiment on the part of the show.  But the poor technique in trying to stretch out the Reid story is just evidence to me that they didn't have it planned out all that well.  Or maybe they just don't have all that much story to tell.

Edited by JMO
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5 minutes ago, PMPA said:

Another episode, the remaining proper cast members are merely wallflowers, and not ones garnering much attention either.  I feel for AJ and Joe but especially AJ.

Walker, still pointless. Lewis, pretty pointless. Way to much Alvez as with most of the episodes this season.  This was the only one (scene) I remotely found interesting and that was more down to the vastly superior actor he was working opposite - Harold Pernieuu. 

Story had potential to be interesting but ulitmately was not. 

If I was primarily a Reid fan, I would have been asking questions about where this was going, at least 3 episodes back. Thankfully MGG is the actor he is or this would have been even more painful to drag through.

Prentiss...aka PB probably should listen back to her line delivery and work on it.

I saw the promo for the next episode. Apparently, Reid calls Calvin out for something. Looks like another blah case, too. 

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I agree, the Luke/Shaw thing was weird, poorly written and oddly acted. I honestly had trouble focusing on this episode. To me, Reid isn't acting like Reid would in this situation, and the storyline is being artificially extended.

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1 minute ago, JMO said:

I'll give it two more letters than Daniel did---NRF.  No redeeming factors.  I didn't even like the soundtrack tonight---it's always a bad sign when I notice the music.

For me, the Luke/Shaw thing was just more bizarre in a long string of bizarre things about the whole Reid arc.  I couldn't get a handle on why either of them were acting as they were.

Reid's 'bruised' make-up wasn't very good.  And I thought for sure he'd have some sore ribs.

The Reid scenes lost their edge for me this week.  It felt as though the last few weeks were of a piece, as though the same person had maybe written all of them.  This week, it felt different and, for me, some of the momentum was lost.  And they did that thing with the 'promo' being the last scene again.  

JJ was crying over a physically healthy Reid last week, then no apparent reaction or concern at all this week, after he's been beaten.  Did no one tell her?  Or is there a 'cry' column on Garcia's chart?

I hope Reid is going to find a way to save himself, because his friends sure aren't proving to be of much help.  It didn't occur to Emily to call his lawyer about getting him into protective custody until he got beat up? Good thing Fast-Talking Fiona has already submitted that request, because, according to her, 'the wheels of justice turn slowly'.  But she's also trying to get the trial moved up. Not sure that's good news, since no one is looking for any evidence to exonerate Reid.  Instead, according to Stephen, they should just 'let the system work'.  And Emily thought that was cute. 

I wouldn't mind the Garcia/Alvez stuff as much if it wasn't being played out in the face of Reid suffering in prison.  But it is, and I do.  

I know this is an experiment on the part of the show.  But the poor technique in trying to stretch out the Reid story is just evidence to me that they didn't have it planned out all that well.  Or maybe they just don't have all that much story to tell.

They probably don't have much to tell and the team isn't a team anymore. Hmmm.   I wonder what caused that to happen? Hmmmm. 

If I were Reid, I'd be pissed with my "teammates." 

1 minute ago, Aethera said:

I agree, the Luke/Shaw thing was weird, poorly written and oddly acted. I honestly had trouble focusing on this episode. To me, Reid isn't acting like Reid would in this situation, and the storyline is being artificially extended.

This. I'm not watching the episode, but I've seen clips. (And it is bad) I agree with you. I've heard about Reid's arc and I've seen some of it online. This is NOT the Reid I know. This is not the team I know. 

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34 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

mine too. And he's a sucky Rottweiler. But he woulda bitten a chunk outta Duerson and/or Frazier. :)

Lol, so would my old dog, Zac, if he was around still. Gentle and wouldn't hurt a fly-unless someone was hurting us or friends. Reid would count. 

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Wow, Willowy, you could have knocked me over with a feather saying you liked it…lol.  I was pretty certain that, once again, I was going to be the only one who liked the episode.  I knew from the moment the episode ended many of you were going to pan it to death because you thought there wasn’t enough Reid or progress in his case for your liking or others who think that Hotch would’ve resolved it all really quickly.  Unfortunately he would be in the same predicament as Emily because the writers would have written it the same way for him.  The words might have been different, but the outcome would have been the same.  He would trust in the system.  

I liked the case.  It was interesting to me and I found it well written.  I liked the sleep walking twist that made the two UnSubs into one.  It wasn’t a rehash of ‘The Last Word’ in season two like some people I saw somewhere were thinking.  I liked how Reid story was weaved into the episode and not bookmarks at the beginning and end.  We saw progress.  His lawyer has been trying to get him moved to protective custody, but keeps running into the mysterious roadblock.  She did get his trial moved up, that is good.  I may not know much about the court system, but I do know it moves slowly.  Poor Reid.  He’s still trying to apply the rules from outside even though they don’t work inside the prison and it looks like Luis just paid the ultimate price.

I saw nothing wrong with Luke and Shaw’s scene.  Luke is doing his best to protect Reid and he got some dirt on Shaw to make sure he does what Luke wants him to do.  Good for Luke. I don’t trust Shaw.  There is more going on than we know right now. I also like Penelope thawing and a genuine friendship forming between her and Luke, one that is different from the one she has with Derek.

Overall, I’m still loving this arc, the mix of case and Reid and looking forward to see what is revealed next week.

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44 minutes ago, Willowy said:

Hey Daniel, I didn't think this ep deserved an F, believe it or not. I actually was watching the Acase! Which is saying a lot since Reidfan and I are of a like mind about NOT GIVING A SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE until they get Spencer out. I thought it was really well-written and Paget was frakkin awesome. This would have been a damned good episode imo if the team were intact. I really liked Alvez but did NOT like him making nice-nice with Garcia. The first scene was cool, but that later one? Naww.

We all predicted what would happen with the Reid stuff, but hey, JJ - da fuq homegirl? Your entire focus was on your job tonight. Not one nod to your boy being in stir and NO acknowledgment of him NOT being in protective? BOOOO

Yeah, and Fiona sucks. 


This was what I was afraid of and my issue with new writers.  Luke was the only person to ask about Garcia's visit? You would think JJ, being as shaken as she's been, would ask or at least not seem totally back to normal. 

Also, I'm not sure why Garcia's first instinct was to cry alone in her office instead of telling Emily that Reid is in general population and was hurt so she could get ahold of Fiona.  Was she going to keep it a secret if Luke didn't show up?

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When Reid said "I could do their taxes or something ", I was thinking maybe he got hit in the head harder than we thought. The guys are in prison, I kind of doubt they have tax worries, especially since they were probably gang bangers in their life before prison.

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I will say this much and that is I feel that MGG continues to deliver an awesome performance week after week.  Actually I'd like to say more except my computer(useless piece of shit) is acting up at the moment. And both my mobile devices are currently charging.

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4 minutes ago, Hotchgirl18 said:

Why of all people was Luke asking about the visit and all? You would think JJ or Rossi would give a damn! 

Right.  It's like this writer doesn't know the characters at all.

Wasn't there a clip of Rossi visiting Reid in the promo of this episode? Did I just imagine that?

11 minutes ago, willco said:

When Reid said "I could do their taxes or something ", I was thinking maybe he got hit in the head harder than we thought. The guys are in prison, I kind of doubt they have tax worries, especially since they were probably gang bangers in their life before prison.


That line didn't make sense at all... Not sure why they thought he would say that.

Edited by R3volver
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29 minutes ago, R3volver said:

Right.  It's like this writer doesn't know the characters at all.

Wasn't there a clip of Rossi visiting Reid in the promo of this episode? Did I just imagine that?

That line didn't make sense at all... Not sure why they thought he would say that.

That line about Reid saying "I could do their taxes or something" I think is a reference to Shawshank Redemption.

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The Reid arc would work so much better if the writers had bothered to establish why Reid is so drawn to Luis. Why does Reid care about him so much that he feels the need to protect him? Because Luis said hello to him on the bus? That's pretty flimsy if you ask me.

If Reid were working to prove Luis' innocence I could better get behind what he's doing...but right now, all the story is doing is plodding.

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Just now, Danielg342 said:

The Reid arc would work so much better if the writers had bothered to establish why Reid is so drawn to Luis. Why does Reid care about him so much that he feels the need to protect him? Because Luis said hello to him on the bus? That's pretty flimsy if you ask me.

If Reid were working to prove Luis' innocence I could better get behind what he's doing...but right now, all the story is doing is plodding.

They're dragging it out and now they're grasping at straws.

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21 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

The Reid arc would work so much better if the writers had bothered to establish why Reid is so drawn to Luis. Why does Reid care about him so much that he feels the need to protect him? Because Luis said hello to him on the bus? That's pretty flimsy if you ask me.

If Reid were working to prove Luis' innocence I could better get behind what he's doing...but right now, all the story is doing is plodding.

I wonder if they're trying to have Reid come full circle or something and have him be the "protector" for someone else like other men were to Reid. If that's the idea they're failing imo bc Reid is obviously having trouble protecting himself.

Edited by Haleysgalaxy
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5 minutes ago, Haleysgalaxy said:

I wonder if their trying to have Reid come full circle or something and have him be the "protector" for someone else like other men were to Reid. If that's the idea their failing imo bc Reid is obviously having trouble protecting himself.


I don't know, he tried protecting Nathan Harris too as well as the unsub from Elephant's Memory.  I think he just feels for people that remind him of himself or that he can relate to on some level.

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