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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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18 - Yes, it's OTT, but so, so hilarious.

Favorite scenes between teens and non-parental adults

1. Mrs. Kim chases Rory away with a water hose when she finds out about the termites. "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now." (Secrets & Loans)

4. Rory supports Jackson in not finding out the sex of Sookie's baby. They chat while Lorelai and Sookie go out in the shed. "So, you hear about that whole Sputnik thing?" "Oh, Eisenhower's on top of it." (Ballrooms & Biscotti)

5. Rory sees Luke is back home after she and Jess had the car wreck. "Luke?" "Yeah?" "It wasn't his fault." "I know it wasn't." (Help Wanted)

9. Rory is snowed in at the grandparents so Lane has to confide in Lorelai about Rich Bloomingfeld. "I did something really stupid today." "Okay, what'd you pierce?" "Nothing. I touched a boy's hair." "Okay." "A boy I really like." "So far, missing the stupid part." "I kind of did it without his permission." "Now we're getting somewhere." (Love & War & Snow)

23. Rory and Lane go into the diner for breakfast before school. "Hey, wrong table." "Since when is there a right table?" "Since the coffee cake I baked for you and the stupid balloons I blew up are at that table, over there." "You blew up balloons for me?" "Yep." "Oh, Luke, you old softie." "I count to three, it's gone." (Rory's Birthday Parties)

24. Dave shows back up to find out what Mrs. Kim's answer regarding prom means. "I stayed up all night. I read the entire Bible cover to cover. I don't know what it means." "David." "You have to tell me what it means. Is it yes, is it no? I can't feel my right elbow anymore. I don't even know why, but I can't." "David." "Please, just tell me. I'm so tired." "It's not from the Bible." "What?" "It's Shakespeare, Henry VI. I like to goof off now and then, too, you know." (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

23 - Yeah, I guess 5 edges out this one for the more favorite Luke/Rory scene, but just barely. They're my favorite teen/adult relationship on this show, by far. It would have been so easy for Luke to just view Rory as Lorelai's daughter and not her own individual person, but he never did. I adore him for that.

Favorite scenes between teens and non-parental adults

1. Mrs. Kim chases Rory away with a water hose when she finds out about the termites. "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now." (Secrets & Loans)

4. Rory supports Jackson in not finding out the sex of Sookie's baby. They chat while Lorelai and Sookie go out in the shed. "So, you hear about that whole Sputnik thing?" "Oh, Eisenhower's on top of it." (Ballrooms & Biscotti)

5. Rory sees Luke is back home after she and Jess had the car wreck. "Luke?" "Yeah?" "It wasn't his fault." "I know it wasn't." (Help Wanted)

9. Rory is snowed in at the grandparents so Lane has to confide in Lorelai about Rich Bloomingfeld. "I did something really stupid today." "Okay, what'd you pierce?" "Nothing. I touched a boy's hair." "Okay." "A boy I really like." "So far, missing the stupid part." "I kind of did it without his permission." "Now we're getting somewhere." (Love & War & Snow)

24. Dave shows back up to find out what Mrs. Kim's answer regarding prom means. "I stayed up all night. I read the entire Bible cover to cover. I don't know what it means." "David." "You have to tell me what it means. Is it yes, is it no? I can't feel my right elbow anymore. I don't even know why, but I can't." "David." "Please, just tell me. I'm so tired." "It's not from the Bible." "What?" "It's Shakespeare, Henry VI. I like to goof off now and then, too, you know." (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

9 - Never been one of my favorite scenes, so I'm okay with this one being next one out. Lane's endless string of non-thought-out and non-reciprocated crushes is so cringey to me (probably because it's all too real for that age, ha!) so this one in particular always gives me secondhand embarrassment for her.

Favorite scenes between teens and non-parental adults

1. Mrs. Kim chases Rory away with a water hose when she finds out about the termites. "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now." (Secrets & Loans)

4. Rory supports Jackson in not finding out the sex of Sookie's baby. They chat while Lorelai and Sookie go out in the shed. "So, you hear about that whole Sputnik thing?" "Oh, Eisenhower's on top of it." (Ballrooms & Biscotti)

5. Rory sees Luke is back home after she and Jess had the car wreck. "Luke?" "Yeah?" "It wasn't his fault." "I know it wasn't." (Help Wanted)

24. Dave shows back up to find out what Mrs. Kim's answer regarding prom means. "I stayed up all night. I read the entire Bible cover to cover. I don't know what it means." "David." "You have to tell me what it means. Is it yes, is it no? I can't feel my right elbow anymore. I don't even know why, but I can't." "David." "Please, just tell me. I'm so tired." "It's not from the Bible." "What?" "It's Shakespeare, Henry VI. I like to goof off now and then, too, you know." (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

4 - Rory and Jackson is an almost throw-away friendship, but I think it's a sweet one. I like that the adults in town never really treat her like a kid, you know?

Favorite scenes between teens and non-parental adults

1. Mrs. Kim chases Rory away with a water hose when she finds out about the termites. "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now." (Secrets & Loans)

5. Rory sees Luke is back home after she and Jess had the car wreck. "Luke?" "Yeah?" "It wasn't his fault." "I know it wasn't." (Help Wanted)

24. Dave shows back up to find out what Mrs. Kim's answer regarding prom means. "I stayed up all night. I read the entire Bible cover to cover. I don't know what it means." "David." "You have to tell me what it means. Is it yes, is it no? I can't feel my right elbow anymore. I don't even know why, but I can't." "David." "Please, just tell me. I'm so tired." "It's not from the Bible." "What?" "It's Shakespeare, Henry VI. I like to goof off now and then, too, you know." (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

1 out. Funny scene. I'm not nearly as attached to it as I am to 5 though.

Which ONE is going to WIN? You tell me!

Favorite scenes between teens and non-parental adults

5. Rory sees Luke is back home after she and Jess had the car wreck. "Luke?" "Yeah?" "It wasn't his fault." "I know it wasn't." (Help Wanted)

24. Dave shows back up to find out what Mrs. Kim's answer regarding prom means. "I stayed up all night. I read the entire Bible cover to cover. I don't know what it means." "David." "You have to tell me what it means. Is it yes, is it no? I can't feel my right elbow anymore. I don't even know why, but I can't." "David." "Please, just tell me. I'm so tired." "It's not from the Bible." "What?" "It's Shakespeare, Henry VI. I like to goof off now and then, too, you know." (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

3 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

They are both great scenes in so many ways. I admit I went with Rory and Luke because there were so few words, everything was understated and just acted out with a look and a few everyday actions.

I know. The way Luke just kind of sadly sighs after she says "It wasn't his fault"........ah man, it just kills me.

Our winner! This one makes me sad, but gosh I just love it so much. It's like the epitome of Luke and Rory's relationship in a way. It fascinates me how quiet and calm they are around each other when Lorelai is not there sucking the energy out of the room. It's like they just get each other in a way that transcends their relationship via Lorelai.

Favorite scenes between teens and non-parental adults

Rory sees Luke is back home after she and Jess had the car wreck. "Luke?" "Yeah?" "It wasn't his fault." "I know it wasn't." (Help Wanted)

So, next game. I'd like to do sort of a spinoff from this one: Favorite Parent-to-Parent Moments. This will be times that parents and parent-figures (such as Luke with regards to Jess) are giving each other advice or otherwise talking about their kids with each other.

Favorite Parent-to-Parent Moments

1. Sookie freaks out about being days past her due date, Lorelai pulls out Rory's Baby Box to calm her down. "Rory's first jumper." "Bananarama?" "I made it out of one of my t-shirts. It was the first thing I ever made her - ever made, ever. It was post-Gilmore economy. Look how tiny." "Tiny." "She was the most beautiful pink all over. She even smelled pink. That sounds weird. I can't describe it - that little, pink, baby smell. The first time her eyes focused on me and her little fingers reached out. . .I was someone new. She had me." (Festival of Living Art)

2. Lorelai gives Mrs. Kim some unsolicited but well-meaning advice about Lane sneaking to the movies with Todd, Rory, and Dean. "I just think sometimes if I’d had a little more space or someone to listen to me, things might have turned out different. Now I got lucky, because having Rory -- totally the best thing that could have happened. But let’s be honest, I certainly don’t want Rory to turn out like me." "I don’t want Lane to turn out like you either." "Now I believe that’s the first thing that you and I have ever agreed on." (Double Date)

3. Sookie comes to Lorelai for advice about Four in Four, but Jackson gets upset for Lorelai being involved in the discussion. "Jackson, I didn’t mean to get involved in any of this." "No? Telling Sookie that she needs to immediately inform me that four in four is crazy?" "Aw, Sookie." "Yeah, it did come out something like that." (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

4. Rory calls Lorelai to get advice about Lane sneaking out for the gig at CBGB's. Lorelai immediately calls Mrs. Kim. "Hello, Mrs. Kim, it's Lorelai Gilmore. I am so sorry to be calling so late and, um, I don't know if you know this or not, but Lane isn't there." "Where is she?" "Well, she went out tonight, and I think she was just scared to tell you about it, but she is fine. She's with Rory at Yale and they're safe and they promise to stay put." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

5. Lorelai makes the alterations on Lane's wedding dress and shows it to Lane and Mrs. Kim for the first time. Surprisingly, Mrs. Kim is not upset at the alterations. "What are you doing here?" "Err, I brought the dress." "What dress?" "My wedding dress, Mama." "Oh, yes." "I was just about to show it to you." "Right. Go ahead." "Um, now, there were a couple of stains on it, just probably from age, so I had to make a few minor adjustments, but I think you'll see, all in all, that the integrity of the dress has remained intact." "Fine. How much do I owe you?" "Uh, nothing. Um, consider it a wedding gift." (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

6. Emily finds out how Rory was treated at the family dinner at the Huntzbergers and unloads on Shira. "Frankly, Emily, there's your money, then there's our money." "Oh?" "And our family has a lot of responsibilities that come with that. An image to maintain." "Ah, yes! Well let me tell you this, Shira. We are just as good as you are. You don't think Rory is good enough for your son, as if we don't know Logan's reputation. We do. But he is welcome in our home anytime, and you should extend the same courtesy to Rory." "Emily..." "Now let's talk about your money. You were a two-bit gold digger, fresh off the bus from Hicksville when you met Mitchum at whatever bar you happened to stumble into. And what made Mitchum decide to choose you to marry amongst the pack of women he was bedding at the time, I'll never know. But hats off to you for bagging him. He's still a playboy, you know? Well, of course you know. That would explain why your weight goes up and down thirty pounds every other month. But that's your cross to bear. But these are ugly realities. No one needs to talk about them. Those kids are staying together for as long as they like. You won't stop them. Now, enjoy the event." (We've Got Magic to Do)

7. Richard confronts Mitchum about Rory's internship at the paper. "Mitchum, just out of curiosity, what happened with all of that?" "All of what?" "Uh, that paper of yours in Stanford. Something apparently got blown out of proportion. There was some misunderstanding." "Oh, it was nothing much. She's a great kid." "She is. And a great journalist. I've read things she's written. She's a talent." "Maybe." "What do you mean 'maybe'?" (We've Got Magic to Do)

8. Mrs. Kim freaks out after finding out Lane is sharing an apartment with Zach and Brian and comes to Lorelai for advice. "I've met those boys. They're innocent. As innocent as if she was living with two girls. So think of them that way." "What way?" "Think of them as girls." "Girls?" "Girls." "I don't like girls either." "Well, you like them better than boys." "True." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

9. Luke is proud of himself for figuring out the secret of parenting. "You visualize the reality you want...." "You visualize the reality you want." "....And then if necessary, you lie to bring it about." "That is so much worse than I was expecting." (Bracebridge Dinner)

10. Luke realizes Liz kicked TJ out when she found out she was pregnant because she was afraid of messing up another kid. "Liz... look at me. Now, listen." "I'm listening." "You are gonna be a great mother to this kid." "What?" "You heard me. You're in the best shape you've ever been. You've got money. Jess turned out fine. Your son turned out fine. He's doing great." "Yeah, but…" "Put your fears aside. I know you can do this." (Driving Miss Gilmore)

Lorelai makes suggestions to Luke regarding his boat trip with April

Lorelai gets the lowdown about Jess when she sees that Luke got an air mattress for him

Lorelai tells Luke her mom card is looking worn when they discuss Rory's dating life. "It's college."

Sookie and Lorelai talk about Rory and Logan's relationship. (Haybale Maze)

Lorelai tells Sookie she is trying to be okay with Rory and Dean 2.0 "How's Dean?"

Luke and Lorelai go birthday shopping for April. 

Emily asks Lorelai why they don't have a relationship like Rory and she has.

Lorelai goes to Richard and Emily to discuss Rory dropping out of college 

Luke has a plan to get Rory back in college, it includes kidnapping

Favorite Parent-to-Parent Moments

1. Sookie freaks out about being days past her due date, Lorelai pulls out Rory's Baby Box to calm her down. "Rory's first jumper." "Bananarama?" "I made it out of one of my t-shirts. It was the first thing I ever made her - ever made, ever. It was post-Gilmore economy. Look how tiny." "Tiny." "She was the most beautiful pink all over. She even smelled pink. That sounds weird. I can't describe it - that little, pink, baby smell. The first time her eyes focused on me and her little fingers reached out. . .I was someone new. She had me." (Festival of Living Art)

2. Lorelai gives Mrs. Kim some unsolicited but well-meaning advice about Lane sneaking to the movies with Todd, Rory, and Dean. "I just think sometimes if I’d had a little more space or someone to listen to me, things might have turned out different. Now I got lucky, because having Rory -- totally the best thing that could have happened. But let’s be honest, I certainly don’t want Rory to turn out like me." "I don’t want Lane to turn out like you either." "Now I believe that’s the first thing that you and I have ever agreed on." (Double Date)

3. Sookie comes to Lorelai for advice about Four in Four, but Jackson gets upset for Lorelai being involved in the discussion. "Jackson, I didn’t mean to get involved in any of this." "No? Telling Sookie that she needs to immediately inform me that four in four is crazy?" "Aw, Sookie." "Yeah, it did come out something like that." (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

4. Rory calls Lorelai to get advice about Lane sneaking out for the gig at CBGB's. Lorelai immediately calls Mrs. Kim. "Hello, Mrs. Kim, it's Lorelai Gilmore. I am so sorry to be calling so late and, um, I don't know if you know this or not, but Lane isn't there." "Where is she?" "Well, she went out tonight, and I think she was just scared to tell you about it, but she is fine. She's with Rory at Yale and they're safe and they promise to stay put." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

5. Lorelai makes the alterations on Lane's wedding dress and shows it to Lane and Mrs. Kim for the first time. Surprisingly, Mrs. Kim is not upset at the alterations. "What are you doing here?" "Err, I brought the dress." "What dress?" "My wedding dress, Mama." "Oh, yes." "I was just about to show it to you." "Right. Go ahead." "Um, now, there were a couple of stains on it, just probably from age, so I had to make a few minor adjustments, but I think you'll see, all in all, that the integrity of the dress has remained intact." "Fine. How much do I owe you?" "Uh, nothing. Um, consider it a wedding gift." (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

6. Emily finds out how Rory was treated at the family dinner at the Huntzbergers and unloads on Shira. "Frankly, Emily, there's your money, then there's our money." "Oh?" "And our family has a lot of responsibilities that come with that. An image to maintain." "Ah, yes! Well let me tell you this, Shira. We are just as good as you are. You don't think Rory is good enough for your son, as if we don't know Logan's reputation. We do. But he is welcome in our home anytime, and you should extend the same courtesy to Rory." "Emily..." "Now let's talk about your money. You were a two-bit gold digger, fresh off the bus from Hicksville when you met Mitchum at whatever bar you happened to stumble into. And what made Mitchum decide to choose you to marry amongst the pack of women he was bedding at the time, I'll never know. But hats off to you for bagging him. He's still a playboy, you know? Well, of course you know. That would explain why your weight goes up and down thirty pounds every other month. But that's your cross to bear. But these are ugly realities. No one needs to talk about them. Those kids are staying together for as long as they like. You won't stop them. Now, enjoy the event." (We've Got Magic to Do)

7. Richard confronts Mitchum about Rory's internship at the paper. "Mitchum, just out of curiosity, what happened with all of that?" "All of what?" "Uh, that paper of yours in Stanford. Something apparently got blown out of proportion. There was some misunderstanding." "Oh, it was nothing much. She's a great kid." "She is. And a great journalist. I've read things she's written. She's a talent." "Maybe." "What do you mean 'maybe'?" (We've Got Magic to Do)

8. Mrs. Kim freaks out after finding out Lane is sharing an apartment with Zach and Brian and comes to Lorelai for advice. "I've met those boys. They're innocent. As innocent as if she was living with two girls. So think of them that way." "What way?" "Think of them as girls." "Girls?" "Girls." "I don't like girls either." "Well, you like them better than boys." "True." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

9. Luke is proud of himself for figuring out the secret of parenting. "You visualize the reality you want...." "You visualize the reality you want." "....And then if necessary, you lie to bring it about." "That is so much worse than I was expecting." (Bracebridge Dinner)

10. Luke realizes Liz kicked TJ out when she found out she was pregnant because she was afraid of messing up another kid. "Liz... look at me. Now, listen." "I'm listening." "You are gonna be a great mother to this kid." "What?" "You heard me. You're in the best shape you've ever been. You've got money. Jess turned out fine. Your son turned out fine. He's doing great." "Yeah, but…" "Put your fears aside. I know you can do this." (Driving Miss Gilmore)

11. Lorelai and Luke ease back into a friendship and discuss Luke's upcoming boat trip with April. "April says she's very excited?" "Very excited." "Yeah, she said she's very excited, but if I were you, I would plan a couple nights at a hotel so she can wash her hair and order room service. That's what I would do." "Okay." "Okay, and if you're heading up the coast, you have to spend as much time as possible on the southern coast of Maine." "Yeah?" "And you have to go to Barnacle Billy's." "Barnacle Billy's?" "They have the best lobster you’ve ever had and you sit on the deck, look at the view -- you never want to leave." "I'll check it out." (Lorelai? Lorelai?)

12. Lorelai grills Luke about Jess coming to live with him, and offers advice....of sorts. "Yeah, wow, that's…I'm sorry, what are you doing?" "I'm blowing this up." "What is it?" "It's a bed." "A bed?" "For Jess." "Jess?" "Jess, my nephew." "Luke, um, that's not a bed, that's a raft, which is fine if you're gonna build a moat around the diner, but…" "It's fine." "Luke, the kid needs a bed. If you want to get him something inflatable, make it a blonde." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

13. Lorelai confides in Luke about parenting a college-aged Rory. "I just feel like I need to be really careful what I say." "Oh, come on. That’s ridiculous." "Well, she’s not at home anymore. She’s on her own." "Doesn’t matter." "It matters a little. You know, there have been very few times in our relationship when I ever played the ‘mom card’. But I always had it there in my back pocket. And when I used it she had to hear it and take it, ‘cause she lived here. And even if she didn’t like it or even if she got mad, the worst that would happen is she would run into her room and slam the door and blast the Jam. But then in the morning, I controlled the bathroom, and the, and the Pop-tarts, and she had to deal with me. And eventually we’d make up and it was over. But now – " "Nothing’s different." "Of course it is. It’s different. She’s on her own. She’s making her own decisions. My ‘mom card’ is looking a little flimsier, and I don’t know how much to say to her. If she doesn’t want to hear it, she doesn’t have to take it. She doesn’t have to call, or come home." "She’ll call. She’ll come home." (Pulp Friction)

14. Lorelai and Sookie talk about Rory's relationship with Logan. "I don't mean to be judgmental." "I know, that’s why you're talking like you've had your jaw wired shut." "No, I just... I mean, Rory is an adult now, you know? She’s riding trains and wearing suits. Made sense for me to have an opinion when we were talking about Jess or Dean, but with Logan, I don't know. It’s just really not my place anymore." "I see." "I mean sure, I don't love that he just did a business deal behind his father’s back and lost millions of dollars. And I don't love that after that, he quit his job and moved in with Rory. These are not things I love. And I'm not crazy about the fact that, apparently, in the name of getting on his feet, he’s writing in some sort of idea book, which is, as far as I can tell, is just a notebook in which he writes ideas." "Wait, what?" "Yeah, right. I mean I have a dream journal, but I don't use it as evidence of my responsibility. Look, he’s an overcoiffed, overprivileged young man, but it’s not my place." "To judge." "Exactly." "Mm-hmm." (Hay Bale Maze)

15. Sookie and Lorelai talk about Lorelai trying to be okay with Rory and Dean v. 2.0. "Why did you say 'how's Dean?' like that?" "Like what?" "How's Dean?" "I did say it like that, didn't I?" "Yep." "I don't know. I think I'm trying so hard to make Rory think I'm totally cool with the situation that I end up sounding totally freaked out by the situation." "You're totally cool with the situation?" "Well, I'm totally on my way to being totally cool with the situation." (Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too)

16. Lorelai helps Luke shop for April's birthday gift. He finally admits why he doesn't want her hanging out around April yet. "Come on Luke, I can really help you here." "I’m not saying you can’t, I know you're an expert, but I need to do this." "Then do it. I'm just saying, let me be part of it." "No." "Why?" "Because it's too soon." "Why is it too soon?"  "Because the minute you get involved in her life, it'll be all over for me." "What? That's ridiculous." "No, it's not ridiculous. You're colorful and funny. You're practically a cartoon character. Kids love you. I wouldn't hang out with me either after meeting you." (Super Cool Party People)

17. Emily and Lorelai try to have a relaxing time at the spa. Emily wants to know why she and Lorelai don't have a relationship the way Lorelai and Rory do. "Rory and I are best friends, Mom. We are best friends first and mother and daughter second, and you and I are mother and daughter....always." "I wasn’t taught to be best friends with my daughter." "I know." "I was taught to be a role model for my daughter." "I know that, too." "I did what I thought was right. I did what I thought I had to do to protect you, and because of this we have no relationship." (There's the Rub)

18. Lorelai goes to her parents for help regarding Rory dropping out of Yale. "Rory’s quitting Yale." "What? What are you talking about?" "What do you mean, Rory’s quitting Yale? Why would you joke about something like that?" "What makes you think I’m joking?" "Because Rory would never quit Yale! This must be one of your bits. You scare us with something horrible, like Rory’s quitting college, and then after we have a heart attack, you tell us you were just kidding. You’re having a sex change operation." (A House is Not a Home)

19. Luke has a plan for getting Rory back into Yale. "Okay, I’m sorry. I have to jump in here. Uh, I know you think you have this thing handled, but I can help. First off, we call Yale and we tell them something like, uh, Rory had a chemical imbalance and she was mentally out of her mind when she told them she was dropping out. And then we get her out of your parents house whatever way we can. We lock her up in her room with you, because you can talk anybody into anything. And if worse comes to worst, we will drive her to school every day and we will follow her to class and camp out there to make sure she goes. I’ll take morning classes, you take afternoon classes, or the other way around, if it works out better for your schedule. And I know there’s a few kinks to work out, the kidnapping thing might be a little problematic but either way, she is not quitting school. This was her dream. I am not going to let this happen." (A House is Not a Home)

20. Rory meets the Haydens. "How old are you, young lady?" "Sixteen." "Dangerous age for girls." "Straub." "Rory is a very special child - excellent student, very bright." "You should have a talk with her, Straub, she could give you a run for your money." "Is that so?" "That’s right." "........Well I think my money’s safe." (Christopher Returns)

21. Luke talks Lorelai out of killing Dean after she finds out he kissed Rory. "What are you thinking, spying on that kid like that?" "I don't know. I just wanted to see him. I mean I've seen him already but that was before he was -- " "Rory's boyfriend?" "Shush, you." "She's growing up." "I know." "There's nothing you can do about that." "OK, Mr. Reality, break into somebody's else's house." "Sorry." "Why didn't she tell me?" "What?" "Why didn't Rory tell me about the kiss?" "Maybe she didn't know you'd take it so well." (Kiss and Tell)

22. Babette wants to offer advice after Rory and Dean's breakup. "Babette, I appreciate you coming over like this, but Rory’s not really in a talking mood just now." "But I can help." "I know you can." "I can tell her how you have to go through a lot of bad relationship’s to get to that really good one." "No, it’s very good advice." "Oh, yeah, and I can tell her about all the horrible men I’ve known in my day." "Oh, that’d be great." "Really truly awful men." "Babette." "I was pushed out of a moving car once." (The Breakup, Part 2)

23. Luke comes over to warn Lorelai that Jess is gone before Rory finds out. "Luke?" "I failed him." "You did not fail him. You supported him, you defended him, you gave him a chance, and if he chose not to take it, there's nothing more you could do." "Yeah. Well, I should go." "Do you have any idea where he went?" "Yeah, I got a pretty good idea." (Here Comes the Son)

24. Luke confronts Jimmy. "Luke, give me a break." "Give you a break? I am trying to keep this kid from falling off the face of the Earth. I'm trying to get him through school. I'm trying to give him a future. And I gotta be totally honest with you, Jimmy - I am not doing too well." "No?" "No, and the last thing he needs is a special appearance by his father who can't be here for any good reason." "There's no evil plan here. I have a job, a life. I just thought I'd come and..." "What? Say hello, see if he looks like you? Then what?" "Well..." "What?" "I don't know!" (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

Oh, that's a great one! Poor clueless Luke.

Favorite Parent-to-Parent Moments

1. Sookie freaks out about being days past her due date, Lorelai pulls out Rory's Baby Box to calm her down. "Rory's first jumper." "Bananarama?" "I made it out of one of my t-shirts. It was the first thing I ever made her - ever made, ever. It was post-Gilmore economy. Look how tiny." "Tiny." "She was the most beautiful pink all over. She even smelled pink. That sounds weird. I can't describe it - that little, pink, baby smell. The first time her eyes focused on me and her little fingers reached out. . .I was someone new. She had me." (Festival of Living Art)

2. Lorelai gives Mrs. Kim some unsolicited but well-meaning advice about Lane sneaking to the movies with Todd, Rory, and Dean. "I just think sometimes if I’d had a little more space or someone to listen to me, things might have turned out different. Now I got lucky, because having Rory -- totally the best thing that could have happened. But let’s be honest, I certainly don’t want Rory to turn out like me." "I don’t want Lane to turn out like you either." "Now I believe that’s the first thing that you and I have ever agreed on." (Double Date)

3. Sookie comes to Lorelai for advice about Four in Four, but Jackson gets upset for Lorelai being involved in the discussion. "Jackson, I didn’t mean to get involved in any of this." "No? Telling Sookie that she needs to immediately inform me that four in four is crazy?" "Aw, Sookie." "Yeah, it did come out something like that." (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

4. Rory calls Lorelai to get advice about Lane sneaking out for the gig at CBGB's. Lorelai immediately calls Mrs. Kim. "Hello, Mrs. Kim, it's Lorelai Gilmore. I am so sorry to be calling so late and, um, I don't know if you know this or not, but Lane isn't there." "Where is she?" "Well, she went out tonight, and I think she was just scared to tell you about it, but she is fine. She's with Rory at Yale and they're safe and they promise to stay put." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

5. Lorelai makes the alterations on Lane's wedding dress and shows it to Lane and Mrs. Kim for the first time. Surprisingly, Mrs. Kim is not upset at the alterations. "What are you doing here?" "Err, I brought the dress." "What dress?" "My wedding dress, Mama." "Oh, yes." "I was just about to show it to you." "Right. Go ahead." "Um, now, there were a couple of stains on it, just probably from age, so I had to make a few minor adjustments, but I think you'll see, all in all, that the integrity of the dress has remained intact." "Fine. How much do I owe you?" "Uh, nothing. Um, consider it a wedding gift." (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

6. Emily finds out how Rory was treated at the family dinner at the Huntzbergers and unloads on Shira. "Frankly, Emily, there's your money, then there's our money." "Oh?" "And our family has a lot of responsibilities that come with that. An image to maintain." "Ah, yes! Well let me tell you this, Shira. We are just as good as you are. You don't think Rory is good enough for your son, as if we don't know Logan's reputation. We do. But he is welcome in our home anytime, and you should extend the same courtesy to Rory." "Emily..." "Now let's talk about your money. You were a two-bit gold digger, fresh off the bus from Hicksville when you met Mitchum at whatever bar you happened to stumble into. And what made Mitchum decide to choose you to marry amongst the pack of women he was bedding at the time, I'll never know. But hats off to you for bagging him. He's still a playboy, you know? Well, of course you know. That would explain why your weight goes up and down thirty pounds every other month. But that's your cross to bear. But these are ugly realities. No one needs to talk about them. Those kids are staying together for as long as they like. You won't stop them. Now, enjoy the event." (We've Got Magic to Do)

7. Richard confronts Mitchum about Rory's internship at the paper. "Mitchum, just out of curiosity, what happened with all of that?" "All of what?" "Uh, that paper of yours in Stanford. Something apparently got blown out of proportion. There was some misunderstanding." "Oh, it was nothing much. She's a great kid." "She is. And a great journalist. I've read things she's written. She's a talent." "Maybe." "What do you mean 'maybe'?" (We've Got Magic to Do)

8. Mrs. Kim freaks out after finding out Lane is sharing an apartment with Zach and Brian and comes to Lorelai for advice. "I've met those boys. They're innocent. As innocent as if she was living with two girls. So think of them that way." "What way?" "Think of them as girls." "Girls?" "Girls." "I don't like girls either." "Well, you like them better than boys." "True." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

9. Luke is proud of himself for figuring out the secret of parenting. "You visualize the reality you want...." "You visualize the reality you want." "....And then if necessary, you lie to bring it about." "That is so much worse than I was expecting." (Bracebridge Dinner)

10. Luke realizes Liz kicked TJ out when she found out she was pregnant because she was afraid of messing up another kid. "Liz... look at me. Now, listen." "I'm listening." "You are gonna be a great mother to this kid." "What?" "You heard me. You're in the best shape you've ever been. You've got money. Jess turned out fine. Your son turned out fine. He's doing great." "Yeah, but…" "Put your fears aside. I know you can do this." (Driving Miss Gilmore)

11. Lorelai and Luke ease back into a friendship and discuss Luke's upcoming boat trip with April. "April says she's very excited?" "Very excited." "Yeah, she said she's very excited, but if I were you, I would plan a couple nights at a hotel so she can wash her hair and order room service. That's what I would do." "Okay." "Okay, and if you're heading up the coast, you have to spend as much time as possible on the southern coast of Maine." "Yeah?" "And you have to go to Barnacle Billy's." "Barnacle Billy's?" "They have the best lobster you’ve ever had and you sit on the deck, look at the view -- you never want to leave." "I'll check it out." (Lorelai? Lorelai?)

12. Lorelai grills Luke about Jess coming to live with him, and offers advice....of sorts. "Yeah, wow, that's…I'm sorry, what are you doing?" "I'm blowing this up." "What is it?" "It's a bed." "A bed?" "For Jess." "Jess?" "Jess, my nephew." "Luke, um, that's not a bed, that's a raft, which is fine if you're gonna build a moat around the diner, but…" "It's fine." "Luke, the kid needs a bed. If you want to get him something inflatable, make it a blonde." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

13. Lorelai confides in Luke about parenting a college-aged Rory. "I just feel like I need to be really careful what I say." "Oh, come on. That’s ridiculous." "Well, she’s not at home anymore. She’s on her own." "Doesn’t matter." "It matters a little. You know, there have been very few times in our relationship when I ever played the ‘mom card’. But I always had it there in my back pocket. And when I used it she had to hear it and take it, ‘cause she lived here. And even if she didn’t like it or even if she got mad, the worst that would happen is she would run into her room and slam the door and blast the Jam. But then in the morning, I controlled the bathroom, and the, and the Pop-tarts, and she had to deal with me. And eventually we’d make up and it was over. But now – " "Nothing’s different." "Of course it is. It’s different. She’s on her own. She’s making her own decisions. My ‘mom card’ is looking a little flimsier, and I don’t know how much to say to her. If she doesn’t want to hear it, she doesn’t have to take it. She doesn’t have to call, or come home." "She’ll call. She’ll come home." (Pulp Friction)

14. Lorelai and Sookie talk about Rory's relationship with Logan. "I don't mean to be judgmental." "I know, that’s why you're talking like you've had your jaw wired shut." "No, I just... I mean, Rory is an adult now, you know? She’s riding trains and wearing suits. Made sense for me to have an opinion when we were talking about Jess or Dean, but with Logan, I don't know. It’s just really not my place anymore." "I see." "I mean sure, I don't love that he just did a business deal behind his father’s back and lost millions of dollars. And I don't love that after that, he quit his job and moved in with Rory. These are not things I love. And I'm not crazy about the fact that, apparently, in the name of getting on his feet, he’s writing in some sort of idea book, which is, as far as I can tell, is just a notebook in which he writes ideas." "Wait, what?" "Yeah, right. I mean I have a dream journal, but I don't use it as evidence of my responsibility. Look, he’s an overcoiffed, overprivileged young man, but it’s not my place." "To judge." "Exactly." "Mm-hmm." (Hay Bale Maze)

15. Sookie and Lorelai talk about Lorelai trying to be okay with Rory and Dean v. 2.0. "Why did you say 'how's Dean?' like that?" "Like what?" "How's Dean?" "I did say it like that, didn't I?" "Yep." "I don't know. I think I'm trying so hard to make Rory think I'm totally cool with the situation that I end up sounding totally freaked out by the situation." "You're totally cool with the situation?" "Well, I'm totally on my way to being totally cool with the situation." (Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too)

16. Lorelai helps Luke shop for April's birthday gift. He finally admits why he doesn't want her hanging out around April yet. "Come on Luke, I can really help you here." "I’m not saying you can’t, I know you're an expert, but I need to do this." "Then do it. I'm just saying, let me be part of it." "No." "Why?" "Because it's too soon." "Why is it too soon?"  "Because the minute you get involved in her life, it'll be all over for me." "What? That's ridiculous." "No, it's not ridiculous. You're colorful and funny. You're practically a cartoon character. Kids love you. I wouldn't hang out with me either after meeting you." (Super Cool Party People)

17. Emily and Lorelai try to have a relaxing time at the spa. Emily wants to know why she and Lorelai don't have a relationship the way Lorelai and Rory do. "Rory and I are best friends, Mom. We are best friends first and mother and daughter second, and you and I are mother and daughter....always." "I wasn’t taught to be best friends with my daughter." "I know." "I was taught to be a role model for my daughter." "I know that, too." "I did what I thought was right. I did what I thought I had to do to protect you, and because of this we have no relationship." (There's the Rub)

18. Lorelai goes to her parents for help regarding Rory dropping out of Yale. "Rory’s quitting Yale." "What? What are you talking about?" "What do you mean, Rory’s quitting Yale? Why would you joke about something like that?" "What makes you think I’m joking?" "Because Rory would never quit Yale! This must be one of your bits. You scare us with something horrible, like Rory’s quitting college, and then after we have a heart attack, you tell us you were just kidding. You’re having a sex change operation." (A House is Not a Home)

19. Luke has a plan for getting Rory back into Yale. "Okay, I’m sorry. I have to jump in here. Uh, I know you think you have this thing handled, but I can help. First off, we call Yale and we tell them something like, uh, Rory had a chemical imbalance and she was mentally out of her mind when she told them she was dropping out. And then we get her out of your parents house whatever way we can. We lock her up in her room with you, because you can talk anybody into anything. And if worse comes to worst, we will drive her to school every day and we will follow her to class and camp out there to make sure she goes. I’ll take morning classes, you take afternoon classes, or the other way around, if it works out better for your schedule. And I know there’s a few kinks to work out, the kidnapping thing might be a little problematic but either way, she is not quitting school. This was her dream. I am not going to let this happen." (A House is Not a Home)

20. Rory meets the Haydens. "How old are you, young lady?" "Sixteen." "Dangerous age for girls." "Straub." "Rory is a very special child - excellent student, very bright." "You should have a talk with her, Straub, she could give you a run for your money." "Is that so?" "That’s right." "........Well I think my money’s safe." (Christopher Returns)

21. Luke talks Lorelai out of killing Dean after she finds out he kissed Rory. "What are you thinking, spying on that kid like that?" "I don't know. I just wanted to see him. I mean I've seen him already but that was before he was -- " "Rory's boyfriend?" "Shush, you." "She's growing up." "I know." "There's nothing you can do about that." "OK, Mr. Reality, break into somebody's else's house." "Sorry." "Why didn't she tell me?" "What?" "Why didn't Rory tell me about the kiss?" "Maybe she didn't know you'd take it so well." (Kiss and Tell)

22. Babette wants to offer advice after Rory and Dean's breakup. "Babette, I appreciate you coming over like this, but Rory’s not really in a talking mood just now." "But I can help." "I know you can." "I can tell her how you have to go through a lot of bad relationship’s to get to that really good one." "No, it’s very good advice." "Oh, yeah, and I can tell her about all the horrible men I’ve known in my day." "Oh, that’d be great." "Really truly awful men." "Babette." "I was pushed out of a moving car once." (The Breakup, Part 2)

23. Luke comes over to warn Lorelai that Jess is gone before Rory finds out. "Luke?" "I failed him." "You did not fail him. You supported him, you defended him, you gave him a chance, and if he chose not to take it, there's nothing more you could do." "Yeah. Well, I should go." "Do you have any idea where he went?" "Yeah, I got a pretty good idea." (Here Comes the Son)

24. Luke confronts Jimmy. "Luke, give me a break." "Give you a break? I am trying to keep this kid from falling off the face of the Earth. I'm trying to get him through school. I'm trying to give him a future. And I gotta be totally honest with you, Jimmy - I am not doing too well." "No?" "No, and the last thing he needs is a special appearance by his father who can't be here for any good reason." "There's no evil plan here. I have a job, a life. I just thought I'd come and..." "What? Say hello, see if he looks like you? Then what?" "Well..." "What?" "I don't know!" (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

25. Lorelai lets Luke in on the secret of Kid Code. "Uh, listen, I just want you to know that I had a little talk with Jess earlier." "You did?" "Yes, I did, and I really laid down the rules concerning him and Rory. Trust me, he now knows that I am going to be watching them every second they are together." "Oh, good." "Yup." "You know they’re together now." "What?" "Oh yeah. ‘I have to get a part for my car’, ‘I’m going to go study’ – that’s kid code for ‘Meet me at the previously agreed upon location far away from my clueless uncle.’" "You’re kidding me, right? You don’t really think that. . .damn, they are! They’re together. They used the kid code and now they’re together!" (Let the Games Begin)

26. Lorelai defends herself from the Angry Mom Brigade after the business success talk goes awry. "Now, hold on. You have no right to judge me. All I said was that for my particular circumstances things worked out okay. I advocated nothing to them. You’re all acting like I walked into that room tossing condoms in the air." "You might as well have." "Fine, next time I will. I’ll bring a banana and we’ll have a little show and tell. How ‘bout that?" "What kind of mother are you?" "The kind that doesn’t gloss over things just because they’re a little uncomfortable." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

Edited by Taryn74
17 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Lorelai talks parenting and limits with Christopher after his spawn from hell spends the day with Lorelai.

Lorelai becomes a reluctant birth coach for Sherry.

Thank you! I had planned to add both of those and then got busy and forgot.

We've got enough to start voting now! Voting against three.

Favorite Parent-to-Parent Moments

1. Sookie freaks out about being days past her due date, Lorelai pulls out Rory's Baby Box to calm her down. "Rory's first jumper." "Bananarama?" "I made it out of one of my t-shirts. It was the first thing I ever made her - ever made, ever. It was post-Gilmore economy. Look how tiny." "Tiny." "She was the most beautiful pink all over. She even smelled pink. That sounds weird. I can't describe it - that little, pink, baby smell. The first time her eyes focused on me and her little fingers reached out. . .I was someone new. She had me." (Festival of Living Art)

2. Lorelai gives Mrs. Kim some unsolicited but well-meaning advice about Lane sneaking to the movies with Todd, Rory, and Dean. "I just think sometimes if I’d had a little more space or someone to listen to me, things might have turned out different. Now I got lucky, because having Rory -- totally the best thing that could have happened. But let’s be honest, I certainly don’t want Rory to turn out like me." "I don’t want Lane to turn out like you either." "Now I believe that’s the first thing that you and I have ever agreed on." (Double Date)

3. Sookie comes to Lorelai for advice about Four in Four, but Jackson gets upset for Lorelai being involved in the discussion. "Jackson, I didn’t mean to get involved in any of this." "No? Telling Sookie that she needs to immediately inform me that four in four is crazy?" "Aw, Sookie." "Yeah, it did come out something like that." (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

4. Rory calls Lorelai to get advice about Lane sneaking out for the gig at CBGB's. Lorelai immediately calls Mrs. Kim. "Hello, Mrs. Kim, it's Lorelai Gilmore. I am so sorry to be calling so late and, um, I don't know if you know this or not, but Lane isn't there." "Where is she?" "Well, she went out tonight, and I think she was just scared to tell you about it, but she is fine. She's with Rory at Yale and they're safe and they promise to stay put." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

5. Lorelai makes the alterations on Lane's wedding dress and shows it to Lane and Mrs. Kim for the first time. Surprisingly, Mrs. Kim is not upset at the alterations. "What are you doing here?" "Err, I brought the dress." "What dress?" "My wedding dress, Mama." "Oh, yes." "I was just about to show it to you." "Right. Go ahead." "Um, now, there were a couple of stains on it, just probably from age, so I had to make a few minor adjustments, but I think you'll see, all in all, that the integrity of the dress has remained intact." "Fine. How much do I owe you?" "Uh, nothing. Um, consider it a wedding gift." (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

6. Emily finds out how Rory was treated at the family dinner at the Huntzbergers and unloads on Shira. "Frankly, Emily, there's your money, then there's our money." "Oh?" "And our family has a lot of responsibilities that come with that. An image to maintain." "Ah, yes! Well let me tell you this, Shira. We are just as good as you are. You don't think Rory is good enough for your son, as if we don't know Logan's reputation. We do. But he is welcome in our home anytime, and you should extend the same courtesy to Rory." "Emily..." "Now let's talk about your money. You were a two-bit gold digger, fresh off the bus from Hicksville when you met Mitchum at whatever bar you happened to stumble into. And what made Mitchum decide to choose you to marry amongst the pack of women he was bedding at the time, I'll never know. But hats off to you for bagging him. He's still a playboy, you know? Well, of course you know. That would explain why your weight goes up and down thirty pounds every other month. But that's your cross to bear. But these are ugly realities. No one needs to talk about them. Those kids are staying together for as long as they like. You won't stop them. Now, enjoy the event." (We've Got Magic to Do)

7. Richard confronts Mitchum about Rory's internship at the paper. "Mitchum, just out of curiosity, what happened with all of that?" "All of what?" "Uh, that paper of yours in Stanford. Something apparently got blown out of proportion. There was some misunderstanding." "Oh, it was nothing much. She's a great kid." "She is. And a great journalist. I've read things she's written. She's a talent." "Maybe." "What do you mean 'maybe'?" (We've Got Magic to Do)

8. Mrs. Kim freaks out after finding out Lane is sharing an apartment with Zach and Brian and comes to Lorelai for advice. "I've met those boys. They're innocent. As innocent as if she was living with two girls. So think of them that way." "What way?" "Think of them as girls." "Girls?" "Girls." "I don't like girls either." "Well, you like them better than boys." "True." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

9. Luke is proud of himself for figuring out the secret of parenting. "You visualize the reality you want...." "You visualize the reality you want." "....And then if necessary, you lie to bring it about." "That is so much worse than I was expecting." (Bracebridge Dinner)

10. Luke realizes Liz kicked TJ out when she found out she was pregnant because she was afraid of messing up another kid. "Liz... look at me. Now, listen." "I'm listening." "You are gonna be a great mother to this kid." "What?" "You heard me. You're in the best shape you've ever been. You've got money. Jess turned out fine. Your son turned out fine. He's doing great." "Yeah, but…" "Put your fears aside. I know you can do this." (Driving Miss Gilmore)

11. Lorelai and Luke ease back into a friendship and discuss Luke's upcoming boat trip with April. "April says she's very excited?" "Very excited." "Yeah, she said she's very excited, but if I were you, I would plan a couple nights at a hotel so she can wash her hair and order room service. That's what I would do." "Okay." "Okay, and if you're heading up the coast, you have to spend as much time as possible on the southern coast of Maine." "Yeah?" "And you have to go to Barnacle Billy's." "Barnacle Billy's?" "They have the best lobster you’ve ever had and you sit on the deck, look at the view -- you never want to leave." "I'll check it out." (Lorelai? Lorelai?)

12. Lorelai grills Luke about Jess coming to live with him, and offers advice....of sorts. "Yeah, wow, that's…I'm sorry, what are you doing?" "I'm blowing this up." "What is it?" "It's a bed." "A bed?" "For Jess." "Jess?" "Jess, my nephew." "Luke, um, that's not a bed, that's a raft, which is fine if you're gonna build a moat around the diner, but…" "It's fine." "Luke, the kid needs a bed. If you want to get him something inflatable, make it a blonde." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

13. Lorelai confides in Luke about parenting a college-aged Rory. "I just feel like I need to be really careful what I say." "Oh, come on. That’s ridiculous." "Well, she’s not at home anymore. She’s on her own." "Doesn’t matter." "It matters a little. You know, there have been very few times in our relationship when I ever played the ‘mom card’. But I always had it there in my back pocket. And when I used it she had to hear it and take it, ‘cause she lived here. And even if she didn’t like it or even if she got mad, the worst that would happen is she would run into her room and slam the door and blast the Jam. But then in the morning, I controlled the bathroom, and the, and the Pop-tarts, and she had to deal with me. And eventually we’d make up and it was over. But now – " "Nothing’s different." "Of course it is. It’s different. She’s on her own. She’s making her own decisions. My ‘mom card’ is looking a little flimsier, and I don’t know how much to say to her. If she doesn’t want to hear it, she doesn’t have to take it. She doesn’t have to call, or come home." "She’ll call. She’ll come home." (Pulp Friction)

14. Lorelai and Sookie talk about Rory's relationship with Logan. "I don't mean to be judgmental." "I know, that’s why you're talking like you've had your jaw wired shut." "No, I just... I mean, Rory is an adult now, you know? She’s riding trains and wearing suits. Made sense for me to have an opinion when we were talking about Jess or Dean, but with Logan, I don't know. It’s just really not my place anymore." "I see." "I mean sure, I don't love that he just did a business deal behind his father’s back and lost millions of dollars. And I don't love that after that, he quit his job and moved in with Rory. These are not things I love. And I'm not crazy about the fact that, apparently, in the name of getting on his feet, he’s writing in some sort of idea book, which is, as far as I can tell, is just a notebook in which he writes ideas." "Wait, what?" "Yeah, right. I mean I have a dream journal, but I don't use it as evidence of my responsibility. Look, he’s an overcoiffed, overprivileged young man, but it’s not my place." "To judge." "Exactly." "Mm-hmm." (Hay Bale Maze)

15. Sookie and Lorelai talk about Lorelai trying to be okay with Rory and Dean v. 2.0. "Why did you say 'how's Dean?' like that?" "Like what?" "How's Dean?" "I did say it like that, didn't I?" "Yep." "I don't know. I think I'm trying so hard to make Rory think I'm totally cool with the situation that I end up sounding totally freaked out by the situation." "You're totally cool with the situation?" "Well, I'm totally on my way to being totally cool with the situation." (Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too)

16. Lorelai helps Luke shop for April's birthday gift. He finally admits why he doesn't want her hanging out around April yet. "Come on Luke, I can really help you here." "I’m not saying you can’t, I know you're an expert, but I need to do this." "Then do it. I'm just saying, let me be part of it." "No." "Why?" "Because it's too soon." "Why is it too soon?"  "Because the minute you get involved in her life, it'll be all over for me." "What? That's ridiculous." "No, it's not ridiculous. You're colorful and funny. You're practically a cartoon character. Kids love you. I wouldn't hang out with me either after meeting you." (Super Cool Party People)

17. Emily and Lorelai try to have a relaxing time at the spa. Emily wants to know why she and Lorelai don't have a relationship the way Lorelai and Rory do. "Rory and I are best friends, Mom. We are best friends first and mother and daughter second, and you and I are mother and daughter....always." "I wasn’t taught to be best friends with my daughter." "I know." "I was taught to be a role model for my daughter." "I know that, too." "I did what I thought was right. I did what I thought I had to do to protect you, and because of this we have no relationship." (There's the Rub)

18. Lorelai goes to her parents for help regarding Rory dropping out of Yale. "Rory’s quitting Yale." "What? What are you talking about?" "What do you mean, Rory’s quitting Yale? Why would you joke about something like that?" "What makes you think I’m joking?" "Because Rory would never quit Yale! This must be one of your bits. You scare us with something horrible, like Rory’s quitting college, and then after we have a heart attack, you tell us you were just kidding. You’re having a sex change operation." (A House is Not a Home)

19. Luke has a plan for getting Rory back into Yale. "Okay, I’m sorry. I have to jump in here. Uh, I know you think you have this thing handled, but I can help. First off, we call Yale and we tell them something like, uh, Rory had a chemical imbalance and she was mentally out of her mind when she told them she was dropping out. And then we get her out of your parents house whatever way we can. We lock her up in her room with you, because you can talk anybody into anything. And if worse comes to worst, we will drive her to school every day and we will follow her to class and camp out there to make sure she goes. I’ll take morning classes, you take afternoon classes, or the other way around, if it works out better for your schedule. And I know there’s a few kinks to work out, the kidnapping thing might be a little problematic but either way, she is not quitting school. This was her dream. I am not going to let this happen." (A House is Not a Home)

20. Rory meets the Haydens. "How old are you, young lady?" "Sixteen." "Dangerous age for girls." "Straub." "Rory is a very special child - excellent student, very bright." "You should have a talk with her, Straub, she could give you a run for your money." "Is that so?" "That’s right." "........Well I think my money’s safe." (Christopher Returns)

21. Luke talks Lorelai out of killing Dean after she finds out he kissed Rory. "What are you thinking, spying on that kid like that?" "I don't know. I just wanted to see him. I mean I've seen him already but that was before he was -- " "Rory's boyfriend?" "Shush, you." "She's growing up." "I know." "There's nothing you can do about that." "OK, Mr. Reality, break into somebody's else's house." "Sorry." "Why didn't she tell me?" "What?" "Why didn't Rory tell me about the kiss?" "Maybe she didn't know you'd take it so well." (Kiss and Tell)

22. Babette wants to offer advice after Rory and Dean's breakup. "Babette, I appreciate you coming over like this, but Rory’s not really in a talking mood just now." "But I can help." "I know you can." "I can tell her how you have to go through a lot of bad relationship’s to get to that really good one." "No, it’s very good advice." "Oh, yeah, and I can tell her about all the horrible men I’ve known in my day." "Oh, that’d be great." "Really truly awful men." "Babette." "I was pushed out of a moving car once." (The Breakup, Part 2)

23. Luke comes over to warn Lorelai that Jess is gone before Rory finds out. "Luke?" "I failed him." "You did not fail him. You supported him, you defended him, you gave him a chance, and if he chose not to take it, there's nothing more you could do." "Yeah. Well, I should go." "Do you have any idea where he went?" "Yeah, I got a pretty good idea." (Here Comes the Son)

24. Luke confronts Jimmy. "Luke, give me a break." "Give you a break? I am trying to keep this kid from falling off the face of the Earth. I'm trying to get him through school. I'm trying to give him a future. And I gotta be totally honest with you, Jimmy - I am not doing too well." "No?" "No, and the last thing he needs is a special appearance by his father who can't be here for any good reason." "There's no evil plan here. I have a job, a life. I just thought I'd come and..." "What? Say hello, see if he looks like you? Then what?" "Well..." "What?" "I don't know!" (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

25. Lorelai lets Luke in on the secret of Kid Code. "Uh, listen, I just want you to know that I had a little talk with Jess earlier." "You did?" "Yes, I did, and I really laid down the rules concerning him and Rory. Trust me, he now knows that I am going to be watching them every second they are together." "Oh, good." "Yup." "You know they’re together now." "What?" "Oh yeah. ‘I have to get a part for my car’, ‘I’m going to go study’ – that’s kid code for ‘Meet me at the previously agreed upon location far away from my clueless uncle.’" "You’re kidding me, right? You don’t really think that. . .damn, they are! They’re together. They used the kid code and now they’re together!" (Let the Games Begin)

26. Lorelai defends herself from the Angry Mom Brigade after the business success talk goes awry. "Now, hold on. You have no right to judge me. All I said was that for my particular circumstances things worked out okay. I advocated nothing to them. You’re all acting like I walked into that room tossing condoms in the air." "You might as well have." "Fine, next time I will. I’ll bring a banana and we’ll have a little show and tell. How ‘bout that?" "What kind of mother are you?" "The kind that doesn’t gloss over things just because they’re a little uncomfortable." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

27. Gigi needs some major parenting intervention and Christopher needs a major clue. "I'm not saying it's her fault. I'm saying I think you could apply a little more discipline." "She's a kid. Kids are hard." "Yeah, I know kids. I raised one, okay?" "Kids are different today. It's a different world. They need more nurturing, more space." "I'm sorry. Uh, yes, that was Dr. Spock turning over in his grave." (Bridesmaids Revisited)

28. Lorelai has to play birthing coach for Sherry when Chris hasn't made it to the hospital yet. "I’m scared." "I know. It’s scary, and it hurts like hell. And remember, when it comes out not to look at it too hard until they give it a good cleaning, or you’ll think you gave birth to phlegm. But, um, once they give it a good scrub, it’s just unbelievably cool." "Yeah?" "Well, and look how good they grow up. Not bad, huh?" "I hope I get that lucky." "I’ve got a good feeling." (Dear Emily and Richard)

29. Luke admits he's in over his head with Jess. "But me, raising a kid? I don't even like kids. They're always sticky, you know, like they've got jam on their hands. Even if there's no jam in the house, somehow they've always got jam on their hands. I'm not the right guy to deal with that. I have no patience for jam hands." "Luke, slow down. First of all, Jess is seventeen, so I think he's probably past the jam hands stage by now. And second of all, you can do this. If you want to, you are totally capable. But you can't just buy a bed and some sheets and expect the rest to take care of itself." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

30. Lorelai reminds Sookie of all the good stuff about having a baby when Sookie finds out she's pregnant again. "For one thing, they're pretty cute." "Well, but cute is not gonna help me sleep through the night." "They smell great -- that newborn smell I mean, you can't beat that, right?" "The smell is pretty good." "How about, you know, when you give them their first bath? I remember when I gave Rory her first bath, she looked up at me like, 'what the hell is going on?' And I kept saying, 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.'" "You know Davey loved his first one. Martha screamed bloody murder. Oh, my g-d, all the screaming." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, but how about the first time when they're crying and crying, and you go in to pick them up, and then they stop crying because they recognize you?" "That's pretty cool." "Yeah." "I'm not gonna sleep, though." (To Whom it May Concern)

16 - I completely understand the criticism of Luke in this scene, but honestly I get his point, and it breaks my heart for him. I'm glad that if they had to bring in a ridiculous LLD plot, they at least gave Luke/April a good relationship as time went on.

20 - And the biggest a-hole of the entire series award goes to? Straub Hayden

27 - Lorelai was condescending as she often is when it comes to being a parent, Gigi was an OTT demon child, Chris was a little OTT clueless.....ugh. Terrible storyline overall.

Still three.

Favorite Parent-to-Parent Moments

1. Sookie freaks out about being days past her due date, Lorelai pulls out Rory's Baby Box to calm her down. "Rory's first jumper." "Bananarama?" "I made it out of one of my t-shirts. It was the first thing I ever made her - ever made, ever. It was post-Gilmore economy. Look how tiny." "Tiny." "She was the most beautiful pink all over. She even smelled pink. That sounds weird. I can't describe it - that little, pink, baby smell. The first time her eyes focused on me and her little fingers reached out. . .I was someone new. She had me." (Festival of Living Art)

2. Lorelai gives Mrs. Kim some unsolicited but well-meaning advice about Lane sneaking to the movies with Todd, Rory, and Dean. "I just think sometimes if I’d had a little more space or someone to listen to me, things might have turned out different. Now I got lucky, because having Rory -- totally the best thing that could have happened. But let’s be honest, I certainly don’t want Rory to turn out like me." "I don’t want Lane to turn out like you either." "Now I believe that’s the first thing that you and I have ever agreed on." (Double Date)

3. Sookie comes to Lorelai for advice about Four in Four, but Jackson gets upset for Lorelai being involved in the discussion. "Jackson, I didn’t mean to get involved in any of this." "No? Telling Sookie that she needs to immediately inform me that four in four is crazy?" "Aw, Sookie." "Yeah, it did come out something like that." (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

4. Rory calls Lorelai to get advice about Lane sneaking out for the gig at CBGB's. Lorelai immediately calls Mrs. Kim. "Hello, Mrs. Kim, it's Lorelai Gilmore. I am so sorry to be calling so late and, um, I don't know if you know this or not, but Lane isn't there." "Where is she?" "Well, she went out tonight, and I think she was just scared to tell you about it, but she is fine. She's with Rory at Yale and they're safe and they promise to stay put." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

5. Lorelai makes the alterations on Lane's wedding dress and shows it to Lane and Mrs. Kim for the first time. Surprisingly, Mrs. Kim is not upset at the alterations. "What are you doing here?" "Err, I brought the dress." "What dress?" "My wedding dress, Mama." "Oh, yes." "I was just about to show it to you." "Right. Go ahead." "Um, now, there were a couple of stains on it, just probably from age, so I had to make a few minor adjustments, but I think you'll see, all in all, that the integrity of the dress has remained intact." "Fine. How much do I owe you?" "Uh, nothing. Um, consider it a wedding gift." (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

6. Emily finds out how Rory was treated at the family dinner at the Huntzbergers and unloads on Shira. "Frankly, Emily, there's your money, then there's our money." "Oh?" "And our family has a lot of responsibilities that come with that. An image to maintain." "Ah, yes! Well let me tell you this, Shira. We are just as good as you are. You don't think Rory is good enough for your son, as if we don't know Logan's reputation. We do. But he is welcome in our home anytime, and you should extend the same courtesy to Rory." "Emily..." "Now let's talk about your money. You were a two-bit gold digger, fresh off the bus from Hicksville when you met Mitchum at whatever bar you happened to stumble into. And what made Mitchum decide to choose you to marry amongst the pack of women he was bedding at the time, I'll never know. But hats off to you for bagging him. He's still a playboy, you know? Well, of course you know. That would explain why your weight goes up and down thirty pounds every other month. But that's your cross to bear. But these are ugly realities. No one needs to talk about them. Those kids are staying together for as long as they like. You won't stop them. Now, enjoy the event." (We've Got Magic to Do)

7. Richard confronts Mitchum about Rory's internship at the paper. "Mitchum, just out of curiosity, what happened with all of that?" "All of what?" "Uh, that paper of yours in Stanford. Something apparently got blown out of proportion. There was some misunderstanding." "Oh, it was nothing much. She's a great kid." "She is. And a great journalist. I've read things she's written. She's a talent." "Maybe." "What do you mean 'maybe'?" (We've Got Magic to Do)

8. Mrs. Kim freaks out after finding out Lane is sharing an apartment with Zach and Brian and comes to Lorelai for advice. "I've met those boys. They're innocent. As innocent as if she was living with two girls. So think of them that way." "What way?" "Think of them as girls." "Girls?" "Girls." "I don't like girls either." "Well, you like them better than boys." "True." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

9. Luke is proud of himself for figuring out the secret of parenting. "You visualize the reality you want...." "You visualize the reality you want." "....And then if necessary, you lie to bring it about." "That is so much worse than I was expecting." (Bracebridge Dinner)

10. Luke realizes Liz kicked TJ out when she found out she was pregnant because she was afraid of messing up another kid. "Liz... look at me. Now, listen." "I'm listening." "You are gonna be a great mother to this kid." "What?" "You heard me. You're in the best shape you've ever been. You've got money. Jess turned out fine. Your son turned out fine. He's doing great." "Yeah, but…" "Put your fears aside. I know you can do this." (Driving Miss Gilmore)

11. Lorelai and Luke ease back into a friendship and discuss Luke's upcoming boat trip with April. "April says she's very excited?" "Very excited." "Yeah, she said she's very excited, but if I were you, I would plan a couple nights at a hotel so she can wash her hair and order room service. That's what I would do." "Okay." "Okay, and if you're heading up the coast, you have to spend as much time as possible on the southern coast of Maine." "Yeah?" "And you have to go to Barnacle Billy's." "Barnacle Billy's?" "They have the best lobster you’ve ever had and you sit on the deck, look at the view -- you never want to leave." "I'll check it out." (Lorelai? Lorelai?)

12. Lorelai grills Luke about Jess coming to live with him, and offers advice....of sorts. "Yeah, wow, that's…I'm sorry, what are you doing?" "I'm blowing this up." "What is it?" "It's a bed." "A bed?" "For Jess." "Jess?" "Jess, my nephew." "Luke, um, that's not a bed, that's a raft, which is fine if you're gonna build a moat around the diner, but…" "It's fine." "Luke, the kid needs a bed. If you want to get him something inflatable, make it a blonde." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

13. Lorelai confides in Luke about parenting a college-aged Rory. "I just feel like I need to be really careful what I say." "Oh, come on. That’s ridiculous." "Well, she’s not at home anymore. She’s on her own." "Doesn’t matter." "It matters a little. You know, there have been very few times in our relationship when I ever played the ‘mom card’. But I always had it there in my back pocket. And when I used it she had to hear it and take it, ‘cause she lived here. And even if she didn’t like it or even if she got mad, the worst that would happen is she would run into her room and slam the door and blast the Jam. But then in the morning, I controlled the bathroom, and the, and the Pop-tarts, and she had to deal with me. And eventually we’d make up and it was over. But now – " "Nothing’s different." "Of course it is. It’s different. She’s on her own. She’s making her own decisions. My ‘mom card’ is looking a little flimsier, and I don’t know how much to say to her. If she doesn’t want to hear it, she doesn’t have to take it. She doesn’t have to call, or come home." "She’ll call. She’ll come home." (Pulp Friction)

14. Lorelai and Sookie talk about Rory's relationship with Logan. "I don't mean to be judgmental." "I know, that’s why you're talking like you've had your jaw wired shut." "No, I just... I mean, Rory is an adult now, you know? She’s riding trains and wearing suits. Made sense for me to have an opinion when we were talking about Jess or Dean, but with Logan, I don't know. It’s just really not my place anymore." "I see." "I mean sure, I don't love that he just did a business deal behind his father’s back and lost millions of dollars. And I don't love that after that, he quit his job and moved in with Rory. These are not things I love. And I'm not crazy about the fact that, apparently, in the name of getting on his feet, he’s writing in some sort of idea book, which is, as far as I can tell, is just a notebook in which he writes ideas." "Wait, what?" "Yeah, right. I mean I have a dream journal, but I don't use it as evidence of my responsibility. Look, he’s an overcoiffed, overprivileged young man, but it’s not my place." "To judge." "Exactly." "Mm-hmm." (Hay Bale Maze)

15. Sookie and Lorelai talk about Lorelai trying to be okay with Rory and Dean v. 2.0. "Why did you say 'how's Dean?' like that?" "Like what?" "How's Dean?" "I did say it like that, didn't I?" "Yep." "I don't know. I think I'm trying so hard to make Rory think I'm totally cool with the situation that I end up sounding totally freaked out by the situation." "You're totally cool with the situation?" "Well, I'm totally on my way to being totally cool with the situation." (Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too)

17. Emily and Lorelai try to have a relaxing time at the spa. Emily wants to know why she and Lorelai don't have a relationship the way Lorelai and Rory do. "Rory and I are best friends, Mom. We are best friends first and mother and daughter second, and you and I are mother and daughter....always." "I wasn’t taught to be best friends with my daughter." "I know." "I was taught to be a role model for my daughter." "I know that, too." "I did what I thought was right. I did what I thought I had to do to protect you, and because of this we have no relationship." (There's the Rub)

18. Lorelai goes to her parents for help regarding Rory dropping out of Yale. "Rory’s quitting Yale." "What? What are you talking about?" "What do you mean, Rory’s quitting Yale? Why would you joke about something like that?" "What makes you think I’m joking?" "Because Rory would never quit Yale! This must be one of your bits. You scare us with something horrible, like Rory’s quitting college, and then after we have a heart attack, you tell us you were just kidding. You’re having a sex change operation." (A House is Not a Home)

19. Luke has a plan for getting Rory back into Yale. "Okay, I’m sorry. I have to jump in here. Uh, I know you think you have this thing handled, but I can help. First off, we call Yale and we tell them something like, uh, Rory had a chemical imbalance and she was mentally out of her mind when she told them she was dropping out. And then we get her out of your parents house whatever way we can. We lock her up in her room with you, because you can talk anybody into anything. And if worse comes to worst, we will drive her to school every day and we will follow her to class and camp out there to make sure she goes. I’ll take morning classes, you take afternoon classes, or the other way around, if it works out better for your schedule. And I know there’s a few kinks to work out, the kidnapping thing might be a little problematic but either way, she is not quitting school. This was her dream. I am not going to let this happen." (A House is Not a Home)

21. Luke talks Lorelai out of killing Dean after she finds out he kissed Rory. "What are you thinking, spying on that kid like that?" "I don't know. I just wanted to see him. I mean I've seen him already but that was before he was -- " "Rory's boyfriend?" "Shush, you." "She's growing up." "I know." "There's nothing you can do about that." "OK, Mr. Reality, break into somebody's else's house." "Sorry." "Why didn't she tell me?" "What?" "Why didn't Rory tell me about the kiss?" "Maybe she didn't know you'd take it so well." (Kiss and Tell)

22. Babette wants to offer advice after Rory and Dean's breakup. "Babette, I appreciate you coming over like this, but Rory’s not really in a talking mood just now." "But I can help." "I know you can." "I can tell her how you have to go through a lot of bad relationship’s to get to that really good one." "No, it’s very good advice." "Oh, yeah, and I can tell her about all the horrible men I’ve known in my day." "Oh, that’d be great." "Really truly awful men." "Babette." "I was pushed out of a moving car once." (The Breakup, Part 2)

23. Luke comes over to warn Lorelai that Jess is gone before Rory finds out. "Luke?" "I failed him." "You did not fail him. You supported him, you defended him, you gave him a chance, and if he chose not to take it, there's nothing more you could do." "Yeah. Well, I should go." "Do you have any idea where he went?" "Yeah, I got a pretty good idea." (Here Comes the Son)

24. Luke confronts Jimmy. "Luke, give me a break." "Give you a break? I am trying to keep this kid from falling off the face of the Earth. I'm trying to get him through school. I'm trying to give him a future. And I gotta be totally honest with you, Jimmy - I am not doing too well." "No?" "No, and the last thing he needs is a special appearance by his father who can't be here for any good reason." "There's no evil plan here. I have a job, a life. I just thought I'd come and..." "What? Say hello, see if he looks like you? Then what?" "Well..." "What?" "I don't know!" (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

25. Lorelai lets Luke in on the secret of Kid Code. "Uh, listen, I just want you to know that I had a little talk with Jess earlier." "You did?" "Yes, I did, and I really laid down the rules concerning him and Rory. Trust me, he now knows that I am going to be watching them every second they are together." "Oh, good." "Yup." "You know they’re together now." "What?" "Oh yeah. ‘I have to get a part for my car’, ‘I’m going to go study’ – that’s kid code for ‘Meet me at the previously agreed upon location far away from my clueless uncle.’" "You’re kidding me, right? You don’t really think that. . .damn, they are! They’re together. They used the kid code and now they’re together!" (Let the Games Begin)

26. Lorelai defends herself from the Angry Mom Brigade after the business success talk goes awry. "Now, hold on. You have no right to judge me. All I said was that for my particular circumstances things worked out okay. I advocated nothing to them. You’re all acting like I walked into that room tossing condoms in the air." "You might as well have." "Fine, next time I will. I’ll bring a banana and we’ll have a little show and tell. How ‘bout that?" "What kind of mother are you?" "The kind that doesn’t gloss over things just because they’re a little uncomfortable." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

28. Lorelai has to play birthing coach for Sherry when Chris hasn't made it to the hospital yet. "I’m scared." "I know. It’s scary, and it hurts like hell. And remember, when it comes out not to look at it too hard until they give it a good cleaning, or you’ll think you gave birth to phlegm. But, um, once they give it a good scrub, it’s just unbelievably cool." "Yeah?" "Well, and look how good they grow up. Not bad, huh?" "I hope I get that lucky." "I’ve got a good feeling." (Dear Emily and Richard)

29. Luke admits he's in over his head with Jess. "But me, raising a kid? I don't even like kids. They're always sticky, you know, like they've got jam on their hands. Even if there's no jam in the house, somehow they've always got jam on their hands. I'm not the right guy to deal with that. I have no patience for jam hands." "Luke, slow down. First of all, Jess is seventeen, so I think he's probably past the jam hands stage by now. And second of all, you can do this. If you want to, you are totally capable. But you can't just buy a bed and some sheets and expect the rest to take care of itself." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

30. Lorelai reminds Sookie of all the good stuff about having a baby when Sookie finds out she's pregnant again. "For one thing, they're pretty cute." "Well, but cute is not gonna help me sleep through the night." "They smell great -- that newborn smell I mean, you can't beat that, right?" "The smell is pretty good." "How about, you know, when you give them their first bath? I remember when I gave Rory her first bath, she looked up at me like, 'what the hell is going on?' And I kept saying, 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.'" "You know Davey loved his first one. Martha screamed bloody murder. Oh, my g-d, all the screaming." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, but how about the first time when they're crying and crying, and you go in to pick them up, and then they stop crying because they recognize you?" "That's pretty cool." "Yeah." "I'm not gonna sleep, though." (To Whom it May Concern)

10 - This one gets an 'aww' from me but I understand why most people don't care about it, heh.

14 - Considering the torch Lorelai held for Christopher throughout almost all of the series, I never really understood why she didn't seem to like Logan all that much, Logan pretty much being Christopher 2.0 and all. Weird.

15 - No, Lorelai, you don't have to be totally cool with your still-very-young-adult daughter openly dating the guy she cheated with, before his divorce is probably even final. Lord.

Still three.

Favorite Parent-to-Parent Moments

1. Sookie freaks out about being days past her due date, Lorelai pulls out Rory's Baby Box to calm her down. "Rory's first jumper." "Bananarama?" "I made it out of one of my t-shirts. It was the first thing I ever made her - ever made, ever. It was post-Gilmore economy. Look how tiny." "Tiny." "She was the most beautiful pink all over. She even smelled pink. That sounds weird. I can't describe it - that little, pink, baby smell. The first time her eyes focused on me and her little fingers reached out. . .I was someone new. She had me." (Festival of Living Art)

2. Lorelai gives Mrs. Kim some unsolicited but well-meaning advice about Lane sneaking to the movies with Todd, Rory, and Dean. "I just think sometimes if I’d had a little more space or someone to listen to me, things might have turned out different. Now I got lucky, because having Rory -- totally the best thing that could have happened. But let’s be honest, I certainly don’t want Rory to turn out like me." "I don’t want Lane to turn out like you either." "Now I believe that’s the first thing that you and I have ever agreed on." (Double Date)

3. Sookie comes to Lorelai for advice about Four in Four, but Jackson gets upset for Lorelai being involved in the discussion. "Jackson, I didn’t mean to get involved in any of this." "No? Telling Sookie that she needs to immediately inform me that four in four is crazy?" "Aw, Sookie." "Yeah, it did come out something like that." (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

4. Rory calls Lorelai to get advice about Lane sneaking out for the gig at CBGB's. Lorelai immediately calls Mrs. Kim. "Hello, Mrs. Kim, it's Lorelai Gilmore. I am so sorry to be calling so late and, um, I don't know if you know this or not, but Lane isn't there." "Where is she?" "Well, she went out tonight, and I think she was just scared to tell you about it, but she is fine. She's with Rory at Yale and they're safe and they promise to stay put." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

5. Lorelai makes the alterations on Lane's wedding dress and shows it to Lane and Mrs. Kim for the first time. Surprisingly, Mrs. Kim is not upset at the alterations. "What are you doing here?" "Err, I brought the dress." "What dress?" "My wedding dress, Mama." "Oh, yes." "I was just about to show it to you." "Right. Go ahead." "Um, now, there were a couple of stains on it, just probably from age, so I had to make a few minor adjustments, but I think you'll see, all in all, that the integrity of the dress has remained intact." "Fine. How much do I owe you?" "Uh, nothing. Um, consider it a wedding gift." (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

6. Emily finds out how Rory was treated at the family dinner at the Huntzbergers and unloads on Shira. "Frankly, Emily, there's your money, then there's our money." "Oh?" "And our family has a lot of responsibilities that come with that. An image to maintain." "Ah, yes! Well let me tell you this, Shira. We are just as good as you are. You don't think Rory is good enough for your son, as if we don't know Logan's reputation. We do. But he is welcome in our home anytime, and you should extend the same courtesy to Rory." "Emily..." "Now let's talk about your money. You were a two-bit gold digger, fresh off the bus from Hicksville when you met Mitchum at whatever bar you happened to stumble into. And what made Mitchum decide to choose you to marry amongst the pack of women he was bedding at the time, I'll never know. But hats off to you for bagging him. He's still a playboy, you know? Well, of course you know. That would explain why your weight goes up and down thirty pounds every other month. But that's your cross to bear. But these are ugly realities. No one needs to talk about them. Those kids are staying together for as long as they like. You won't stop them. Now, enjoy the event." (We've Got Magic to Do)

7. Richard confronts Mitchum about Rory's internship at the paper. "Mitchum, just out of curiosity, what happened with all of that?" "All of what?" "Uh, that paper of yours in Stanford. Something apparently got blown out of proportion. There was some misunderstanding." "Oh, it was nothing much. She's a great kid." "She is. And a great journalist. I've read things she's written. She's a talent." "Maybe." "What do you mean 'maybe'?" (We've Got Magic to Do)

8. Mrs. Kim freaks out after finding out Lane is sharing an apartment with Zach and Brian and comes to Lorelai for advice. "I've met those boys. They're innocent. As innocent as if she was living with two girls. So think of them that way." "What way?" "Think of them as girls." "Girls?" "Girls." "I don't like girls either." "Well, you like them better than boys." "True." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

9. Luke is proud of himself for figuring out the secret of parenting. "You visualize the reality you want...." "You visualize the reality you want." "....And then if necessary, you lie to bring it about." "That is so much worse than I was expecting." (Bracebridge Dinner)

11. Lorelai and Luke ease back into a friendship and discuss Luke's upcoming boat trip with April. "April says she's very excited?" "Very excited." "Yeah, she said she's very excited, but if I were you, I would plan a couple nights at a hotel so she can wash her hair and order room service. That's what I would do." "Okay." "Okay, and if you're heading up the coast, you have to spend as much time as possible on the southern coast of Maine." "Yeah?" "And you have to go to Barnacle Billy's." "Barnacle Billy's?" "They have the best lobster you’ve ever had and you sit on the deck, look at the view -- you never want to leave." "I'll check it out." (Lorelai? Lorelai?)

12. Lorelai grills Luke about Jess coming to live with him, and offers advice....of sorts. "Yeah, wow, that's…I'm sorry, what are you doing?" "I'm blowing this up." "What is it?" "It's a bed." "A bed?" "For Jess." "Jess?" "Jess, my nephew." "Luke, um, that's not a bed, that's a raft, which is fine if you're gonna build a moat around the diner, but…" "It's fine." "Luke, the kid needs a bed. If you want to get him something inflatable, make it a blonde." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

13. Lorelai confides in Luke about parenting a college-aged Rory. "I just feel like I need to be really careful what I say." "Oh, come on. That’s ridiculous." "Well, she’s not at home anymore. She’s on her own." "Doesn’t matter." "It matters a little. You know, there have been very few times in our relationship when I ever played the ‘mom card’. But I always had it there in my back pocket. And when I used it she had to hear it and take it, ‘cause she lived here. And even if she didn’t like it or even if she got mad, the worst that would happen is she would run into her room and slam the door and blast the Jam. But then in the morning, I controlled the bathroom, and the, and the Pop-tarts, and she had to deal with me. And eventually we’d make up and it was over. But now – " "Nothing’s different." "Of course it is. It’s different. She’s on her own. She’s making her own decisions. My ‘mom card’ is looking a little flimsier, and I don’t know how much to say to her. If she doesn’t want to hear it, she doesn’t have to take it. She doesn’t have to call, or come home." "She’ll call. She’ll come home." (Pulp Friction)

17. Emily and Lorelai try to have a relaxing time at the spa. Emily wants to know why she and Lorelai don't have a relationship the way Lorelai and Rory do. "Rory and I are best friends, Mom. We are best friends first and mother and daughter second, and you and I are mother and daughter....always." "I wasn’t taught to be best friends with my daughter." "I know." "I was taught to be a role model for my daughter." "I know that, too." "I did what I thought was right. I did what I thought I had to do to protect you, and because of this we have no relationship." (There's the Rub)

18. Lorelai goes to her parents for help regarding Rory dropping out of Yale. "Rory’s quitting Yale." "What? What are you talking about?" "What do you mean, Rory’s quitting Yale? Why would you joke about something like that?" "What makes you think I’m joking?" "Because Rory would never quit Yale! This must be one of your bits. You scare us with something horrible, like Rory’s quitting college, and then after we have a heart attack, you tell us you were just kidding. You’re having a sex change operation." (A House is Not a Home)

19. Luke has a plan for getting Rory back into Yale. "Okay, I’m sorry. I have to jump in here. Uh, I know you think you have this thing handled, but I can help. First off, we call Yale and we tell them something like, uh, Rory had a chemical imbalance and she was mentally out of her mind when she told them she was dropping out. And then we get her out of your parents house whatever way we can. We lock her up in her room with you, because you can talk anybody into anything. And if worse comes to worst, we will drive her to school every day and we will follow her to class and camp out there to make sure she goes. I’ll take morning classes, you take afternoon classes, or the other way around, if it works out better for your schedule. And I know there’s a few kinks to work out, the kidnapping thing might be a little problematic but either way, she is not quitting school. This was her dream. I am not going to let this happen." (A House is Not a Home)

21. Luke talks Lorelai out of killing Dean after she finds out he kissed Rory. "What are you thinking, spying on that kid like that?" "I don't know. I just wanted to see him. I mean I've seen him already but that was before he was -- " "Rory's boyfriend?" "Shush, you." "She's growing up." "I know." "There's nothing you can do about that." "OK, Mr. Reality, break into somebody's else's house." "Sorry." "Why didn't she tell me?" "What?" "Why didn't Rory tell me about the kiss?" "Maybe she didn't know you'd take it so well." (Kiss and Tell)

22. Babette wants to offer advice after Rory and Dean's breakup. "Babette, I appreciate you coming over like this, but Rory’s not really in a talking mood just now." "But I can help." "I know you can." "I can tell her how you have to go through a lot of bad relationship’s to get to that really good one." "No, it’s very good advice." "Oh, yeah, and I can tell her about all the horrible men I’ve known in my day." "Oh, that’d be great." "Really truly awful men." "Babette." "I was pushed out of a moving car once." (The Breakup, Part 2)

23. Luke comes over to warn Lorelai that Jess is gone before Rory finds out. "Luke?" "I failed him." "You did not fail him. You supported him, you defended him, you gave him a chance, and if he chose not to take it, there's nothing more you could do." "Yeah. Well, I should go." "Do you have any idea where he went?" "Yeah, I got a pretty good idea." (Here Comes the Son)

24. Luke confronts Jimmy. "Luke, give me a break." "Give you a break? I am trying to keep this kid from falling off the face of the Earth. I'm trying to get him through school. I'm trying to give him a future. And I gotta be totally honest with you, Jimmy - I am not doing too well." "No?" "No, and the last thing he needs is a special appearance by his father who can't be here for any good reason." "There's no evil plan here. I have a job, a life. I just thought I'd come and..." "What? Say hello, see if he looks like you? Then what?" "Well..." "What?" "I don't know!" (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

25. Lorelai lets Luke in on the secret of Kid Code. "Uh, listen, I just want you to know that I had a little talk with Jess earlier." "You did?" "Yes, I did, and I really laid down the rules concerning him and Rory. Trust me, he now knows that I am going to be watching them every second they are together." "Oh, good." "Yup." "You know they’re together now." "What?" "Oh yeah. ‘I have to get a part for my car’, ‘I’m going to go study’ – that’s kid code for ‘Meet me at the previously agreed upon location far away from my clueless uncle.’" "You’re kidding me, right? You don’t really think that. . .damn, they are! They’re together. They used the kid code and now they’re together!" (Let the Games Begin)

26. Lorelai defends herself from the Angry Mom Brigade after the business success talk goes awry. "Now, hold on. You have no right to judge me. All I said was that for my particular circumstances things worked out okay. I advocated nothing to them. You’re all acting like I walked into that room tossing condoms in the air." "You might as well have." "Fine, next time I will. I’ll bring a banana and we’ll have a little show and tell. How ‘bout that?" "What kind of mother are you?" "The kind that doesn’t gloss over things just because they’re a little uncomfortable." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

28. Lorelai has to play birthing coach for Sherry when Chris hasn't made it to the hospital yet. "I’m scared." "I know. It’s scary, and it hurts like hell. And remember, when it comes out not to look at it too hard until they give it a good cleaning, or you’ll think you gave birth to phlegm. But, um, once they give it a good scrub, it’s just unbelievably cool." "Yeah?" "Well, and look how good they grow up. Not bad, huh?" "I hope I get that lucky." "I’ve got a good feeling." (Dear Emily and Richard)

29. Luke admits he's in over his head with Jess. "But me, raising a kid? I don't even like kids. They're always sticky, you know, like they've got jam on their hands. Even if there's no jam in the house, somehow they've always got jam on their hands. I'm not the right guy to deal with that. I have no patience for jam hands." "Luke, slow down. First of all, Jess is seventeen, so I think he's probably past the jam hands stage by now. And second of all, you can do this. If you want to, you are totally capable. But you can't just buy a bed and some sheets and expect the rest to take care of itself." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

30. Lorelai reminds Sookie of all the good stuff about having a baby when Sookie finds out she's pregnant again. "For one thing, they're pretty cute." "Well, but cute is not gonna help me sleep through the night." "They smell great -- that newborn smell I mean, you can't beat that, right?" "The smell is pretty good." "How about, you know, when you give them their first bath? I remember when I gave Rory her first bath, she looked up at me like, 'what the hell is going on?' And I kept saying, 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.'" "You know Davey loved his first one. Martha screamed bloody murder. Oh, my g-d, all the screaming." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, but how about the first time when they're crying and crying, and you go in to pick them up, and then they stop crying because they recognize you?" "That's pretty cool." "Yeah." "I'm not gonna sleep, though." (To Whom it May Concern)

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