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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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Luke standing by his dad's boat in Lorelai's garage. (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

Rory looking out from the gazebo as Dean gets married (Chicken or Beef)

Lorelai in bed heartbroken as she leaves a message on Luke's answering machine (Say Something)

Lorelai walking into the inn to see all the daisies from Max (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

Luke coming back from his date to see Kirk and Lulu walking together. (after Luke's not so subtle advice to Kirk not to hurt Lulu) Go, Bulldogs!

Lorelai sitting and crying in Rory's room after going to Richard and Emily's. (New and Improved Lorelai)

Emily in the foyer after her date with Simon. She bursts into tears. (Emily Says Hello)

Luke at the kitchen sink listening to the self help tape. He has his whoa moment. (Luke Can See Her Face)

Edited by lulu1960

 Rory is her room looking at a Yale brochure. Up stairs Lorelai is doing the same thing. (Let The Games Begin)

Rory sitting on her bed, smiling at the Yale paraphernalia that Lorelai has put up in her room. (A Tale of Poes, and Fires)

Luke sadly sitting in the diner staring out at the big hole in the diner wall. (from Kirk driving through) (The Long Morrow)

Favorite scenes where a character is alone 

1. Luke has a moment with his dad's boat after Lorelai buys it and hides it in her garage. "I haven't even looked at that boat since my dad got sick. Not a glance, nothing." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

2. Rory sadly watches from afar as Dean and Lindsey exit the church after their wedding. "Uh, don't go to Dean's wedding." "Why?" "I just. . .don't go. Trust me." (Chicken or Beef?)

3. Lorelai leaves a rambling, heartbroken message on Luke's answering machine after their breakup. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and......I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh......could.....please come over. I......please." (Say Something)

4. Lorelai walks into the Inn and sees the ten thousand yellow daisies from Max. "Oh, my." (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

5. Luke comes home from his boring date with April's swim coach and watches Kirk and Lulu walk through town together, glad that Kirk listened to him about not breaking up with Lulu. "Listen, you pinhead, you should be kissing the ground that Lulu walks on. Why that sweet girl lets you within a hundred miles of her is beyond me, but she does. You are the luckiest man on the planet to have a girl like that looking out for you and caring about you. And if you say so much as one unkind word to her, I will personally break every bone in your body. You got me?" (Go, Bulldogs!)

6. Lorelai sits in Rory's room and sadly absorbs the fact that Rory has dropped out of Yale and moved in with the grandparents. "Now you get your do-over. A new and improved Lorelai. Congrats. Very well played." (New and Improved Lorelai)

7. Emily comes in after her date with Simon and bursts into tears. "Why shouldn't I date? I'm still a viable commodity." (Emily Says Hello)

8. Luke listens to his self-help tapes and realizes he can see her face. "Whoa." (Luke Can See Her Face)

9. Lorelai dances to the radio while she waits in the Jeep for Rory to arrive at FND. "What are you doing?" "I was looking for my lip gloss." "You need the radio on to look for your lip gloss?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

10. Lorelai broods about Luke as she looks over Lane's wedding dress - with attached pants - and finally dumps coffee on it. "I hope it doesn't show, it'll go away, it's just a passing phase,
it'll go away, I hope it doesn't show, it'll go away, give it a hundred years, it won't go away,
and I've got angst, in my pants." (The Real Paul Anka)

11. Rory looks over the brochure for Yale after the disastrous visit with the grandparents. Upstairs, Lorelai does the same thing. "Rory, I know this appointment upset your mother, but this was an important opportunity." "I know it was an important opportunity. That’s why I can’t believe you didn’t prepare me for it. I didn’t have my transcripts, my letters of recommendation. I couldn’t even remember what I wanted to major in when he asked." "I’m sure he knew you were nervous." "But I didn’t have to be that nervous. I could’ve been calm. I could’ve brushed my hair. I never would’ve worn this." "Oh, Rory, none of this matters." "It matters to me. I like to be prepared. This has nothing to do with Mom. If you had really wanted me to take this meeting, I would’ve done it just because you asked me to. And I would’ve done it right." (Let the Games Begin)

12. Rory looks around her room and smiles as she takes in all the Yale paraphernalia Lorelai has hung up. "Look at my wall." "So?" "So, that wall says something." "Yeah, it says the Harvard merchandising department made a nice chunk of change off of us." "But how can I go to Yale with my wall looking like this?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

13. Luke sits in the diner and sadly stares at the hole in the wall from Kirk driving his car into it, which in a weird way represents his relationship with Lorelai. "No no, you were right. I need to be faster. I need to move faster, I need to think faster. And, well, here I am." "It's over." "No, you can't say that. You can't just say that it's over. It's not over. You can't just decide that it's over. I'm in this, too. You know I'm not gonna let it be over. You said, 'be ready, now or never.' I'm ready now." "Luke....." "Let's go. Let's do this. Let's get married right now. Let's go." "I slept with Christopher." (The Long Morrow)

14. Luke watches Lorelai and Rory walk through town and makes sure they're not coming to the diner before he changes the sign to Closed. "Hey, what do you think of Luke?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, do you think he's cute?" "Oh, no. No way." "No way what?" "You cannot date Luke." "I said nothing about dating Luke." "If you date him, you'll break up, and we'll never be able to eat there again." "I repeat, I said nothing about dating Luke." "Date Al from Pancake World, his food stinks." (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton)

Luke sits on the bench with the "little brides" and watches Lorelai dance with Max at her engagement party.

Lorelai enjoys the moment as she watches with pride, Rory graduating from Yale.

Lorelai watches Rory sleep and cries as she realizes her "little girl" is leaving Stars Hollow soon.

Luke in the diner sewing tarps together for Rory's going away party..

Favorite scenes where a character is alone 

1. Luke has a moment with his dad's boat after Lorelai buys it and hides it in her garage. "I haven't even looked at that boat since my dad got sick. Not a glance, nothing." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

2. Rory sadly watches from afar as Dean and Lindsey exit the church after their wedding. "Uh, don't go to Dean's wedding." "Why?" "I just. . .don't go. Trust me." (Chicken or Beef?)

3. Lorelai leaves a rambling, heartbroken message on Luke's answering machine after their breakup. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and......I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh......could.....please come over. I......please." (Say Something)

4. Lorelai walks into the Inn and sees the ten thousand yellow daisies from Max. "Oh, my." (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

5. Luke comes home from his boring date with April's swim coach and watches Kirk and Lulu walk through town together, glad that Kirk listened to him about not breaking up with Lulu. "Listen, you pinhead, you should be kissing the ground that Lulu walks on. Why that sweet girl lets you within a hundred miles of her is beyond me, but she does. You are the luckiest man on the planet to have a girl like that looking out for you and caring about you. And if you say so much as one unkind word to her, I will personally break every bone in your body. You got me?" (Go, Bulldogs!)

6. Lorelai sits in Rory's room and sadly absorbs the fact that Rory has dropped out of Yale and moved in with the grandparents. "Now you get your do-over. A new and improved Lorelai. Congrats. Very well played." (New and Improved Lorelai)

7. Emily comes in after her date with Simon and bursts into tears. "Why shouldn't I date? I'm still a viable commodity." (Emily Says Hello)

8. Luke listens to his self-help tapes and realizes he can see her face. "Whoa." (Luke Can See Her Face)

9. Lorelai dances to the radio while she waits in the Jeep for Rory to arrive at FND. "What are you doing?" "I was looking for my lip gloss." "You need the radio on to look for your lip gloss?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

10. Lorelai broods about Luke as she looks over Lane's wedding dress - with attached pants - and finally dumps coffee on it. "I hope it doesn't show, it'll go away, it's just a passing phase,
it'll go away, I hope it doesn't show, it'll go away, give it a hundred years, it won't go away,
and I've got angst, in my pants." (The Real Paul Anka)

11. Rory looks over the brochure for Yale after the disastrous visit with the grandparents. Upstairs, Lorelai does the same thing. "Rory, I know this appointment upset your mother, but this was an important opportunity." "I know it was an important opportunity. That’s why I can’t believe you didn’t prepare me for it. I didn’t have my transcripts, my letters of recommendation. I couldn’t even remember what I wanted to major in when he asked." "I’m sure he knew you were nervous." "But I didn’t have to be that nervous. I could’ve been calm. I could’ve brushed my hair. I never would’ve worn this." "Oh, Rory, none of this matters." "It matters to me. I like to be prepared. This has nothing to do with Mom. If you had really wanted me to take this meeting, I would’ve done it just because you asked me to. And I would’ve done it right." (Let the Games Begin)

12. Rory looks around her room and smiles as she takes in all the Yale paraphernalia Lorelai has hung up. "Look at my wall." "So?" "So, that wall says something." "Yeah, it says the Harvard merchandising department made a nice chunk of change off of us." "But how can I go to Yale with my wall looking like this?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

13. Luke sits in the diner and sadly stares at the hole in the wall from Kirk driving his car into it, which in a weird way represents his relationship with Lorelai. "No no, you were right. I need to be faster. I need to move faster, I need to think faster. And, well, here I am." "It's over." "No, you can't say that. You can't just say that it's over. It's not over. You can't just decide that it's over. I'm in this, too. You know I'm not gonna let it be over. You said, 'be ready, now or never.' I'm ready now." "Luke....." "Let's go. Let's do this. Let's get married right now. Let's go." "I slept with Christopher." (The Long Morrow)

14. Luke watches Lorelai and Rory walk through town and makes sure they're not coming to the diner before he changes the sign to Closed. "Hey, what do you think of Luke?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, do you think he's cute?" "Oh, no. No way." "No way what?" "You cannot date Luke." "I said nothing about dating Luke." "If you date him, you'll break up, and we'll never be able to eat there again." "I repeat, I said nothing about dating Luke." "Date Al from Pancake World, his food stinks." (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton)

15. Luke sits on a bench with mini-brides and watches Lorelai dance with Max at her engagement party. "It's just…it's a really big night for me tonight, and I don't know, it just feels like you should be there." (Hammers & Veils)

16. Lorelai watches Rory graduate from Yale. "Lorelai, I will note the time. I will take the photo. You just sit there and enjoy your daughter’s graduation from Yale. This is as much your moment as Rory’s. Enjoy it." (Unto the Breach)

17. Lorelai finally slows down long enough to realize Rory really is leaving soon, for good, and cries as she watches Rory sleep. "How can you be so okay with everything? Ever since I've told you that I'm leaving, you're just all busy with shopping and packing, and you seem fine with it." "It's too soon." "What?" "If I stop to think about you leaving now, I'm gonna fall apart. We still have time left. It's too soon." (Bon Voyage)

18. Luke stays up all night sewing together tarps so the Townies can throw a going-away party for Rory. "He made me promise not to tell you, but I don't care. This is all Luke. He did all of it. He's the one that came to me and said, 'let's do the party,' and then he planned the secret town meeting, everything." "Really?" "Yeah. I mean last night when we thought it was gonna rain and we'd have to cancel the party, he went around and collected everybody's tarps and tents and raincoats. I don't know how he did it. He must have stayed up all night doing this." (Bon Voyage)

19. Lorelai comes home after leaving Rory at Yale for the second time, and looks around her living room, empty for the first time in 18 years. "So, this is really it." "Yup." "You good?" "I'm good. Just keep your pager with you." "Always." (The Lorelais' First Day at Yale)

20. Mrs. Kim sadly looks around Lane's empty room and realizes a floorboard is loose. She finds all of Lane's hidden contraband. "How long?" "How long what?" "How long......this." "I started it when I was six, the day you told me the Cookie Monster was one of the seven deadly sins." "Gluttony." "Yes, gluttony." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

Edited by Taryn74

Rory sitting alone in the pool house watching an ocean documentary on TV. 

Jess alone on the park bench reading the deserve love book hidden inside another book.

jess sitting on the dock contemplating the car accident.

Lorelai sitting outside her parents’ house, sipping coffee and thinking about the request for money she’s about to make. (Pilot)

Luke revving himself up after Jason goes on about him and Lorelai being right.

Lorelai on her walk in AYITL.

Favorite scenes where a character is alone 

1. Luke has a moment with his dad's boat after Lorelai buys it and hides it in her garage. "I haven't even looked at that boat since my dad got sick. Not a glance, nothing." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

2. Rory sadly watches from afar as Dean and Lindsey exit the church after their wedding. "Uh, don't go to Dean's wedding." "Why?" "I just. . .don't go. Trust me." (Chicken or Beef?)

3. Lorelai leaves a rambling, heartbroken message on Luke's answering machine after their breakup. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and......I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh......could.....please come over. I......please." (Say Something)

4. Lorelai walks into the Inn and sees the ten thousand yellow daisies from Max. "Oh, my." (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

5. Luke comes home from his boring date with April's swim coach and watches Kirk and Lulu walk through town together, glad that Kirk listened to him about not breaking up with Lulu. "Listen, you pinhead, you should be kissing the ground that Lulu walks on. Why that sweet girl lets you within a hundred miles of her is beyond me, but she does. You are the luckiest man on the planet to have a girl like that looking out for you and caring about you. And if you say so much as one unkind word to her, I will personally break every bone in your body. You got me?" (Go, Bulldogs!)

6. Lorelai sits in Rory's room and sadly absorbs the fact that Rory has dropped out of Yale and moved in with the grandparents. "Now you get your do-over. A new and improved Lorelai. Congrats. Very well played." (New and Improved Lorelai)

7. Emily comes in after her date with Simon and bursts into tears. "Why shouldn't I date? I'm still a viable commodity." (Emily Says Hello)

8. Luke listens to his self-help tapes and realizes he can see her face. "Whoa." (Luke Can See Her Face)

9. Lorelai dances to the radio while she waits in the Jeep for Rory to arrive at FND. "What are you doing?" "I was looking for my lip gloss." "You need the radio on to look for your lip gloss?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

10. Lorelai broods about Luke as she looks over Lane's wedding dress - with attached pants - and finally dumps coffee on it. "I hope it doesn't show, it'll go away, it's just a passing phase,
it'll go away, I hope it doesn't show, it'll go away, give it a hundred years, it won't go away,
and I've got angst, in my pants." (The Real Paul Anka)

11. Rory looks over the brochure for Yale after the disastrous visit with the grandparents. Upstairs, Lorelai does the same thing. "Rory, I know this appointment upset your mother, but this was an important opportunity." "I know it was an important opportunity. That’s why I can’t believe you didn’t prepare me for it. I didn’t have my transcripts, my letters of recommendation. I couldn’t even remember what I wanted to major in when he asked." "I’m sure he knew you were nervous." "But I didn’t have to be that nervous. I could’ve been calm. I could’ve brushed my hair. I never would’ve worn this." "Oh, Rory, none of this matters." "It matters to me. I like to be prepared. This has nothing to do with Mom. If you had really wanted me to take this meeting, I would’ve done it just because you asked me to. And I would’ve done it right." (Let the Games Begin)

12. Rory looks around her room and smiles as she takes in all the Yale paraphernalia Lorelai has hung up. "Look at my wall." "So?" "So, that wall says something." "Yeah, it says the Harvard merchandising department made a nice chunk of change off of us." "But how can I go to Yale with my wall looking like this?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

13. Luke sits in the diner and sadly stares at the hole in the wall from Kirk driving his car into it, which in a weird way represents his relationship with Lorelai. "No no, you were right. I need to be faster. I need to move faster, I need to think faster. And, well, here I am." "It's over." "No, you can't say that. You can't just say that it's over. It's not over. You can't just decide that it's over. I'm in this, too. You know I'm not gonna let it be over. You said, 'be ready, now or never.' I'm ready now." "Luke....." "Let's go. Let's do this. Let's get married right now. Let's go." "I slept with Christopher." (The Long Morrow)

14. Luke watches Lorelai and Rory walk through town and makes sure they're not coming to the diner before he changes the sign to Closed. "Hey, what do you think of Luke?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, do you think he's cute?" "Oh, no. No way." "No way what?" "You cannot date Luke." "I said nothing about dating Luke." "If you date him, you'll break up, and we'll never be able to eat there again." "I repeat, I said nothing about dating Luke." "Date Al from Pancake World, his food stinks." (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton)

15. Luke sits on a bench with mini-brides and watches Lorelai dance with Max at her engagement party. "It's just…it's a really big night for me tonight, and I don't know, it just feels like you should be there." (Hammers & Veils)

16. Lorelai watches Rory graduate from Yale. "Lorelai, I will note the time. I will take the photo. You just sit there and enjoy your daughter’s graduation from Yale. This is as much your moment as Rory’s. Enjoy it." (Unto the Breach)

17. Lorelai finally slows down long enough to realize Rory really is leaving soon, for good, and cries as she watches Rory sleep. "How can you be so okay with everything? Ever since I've told you that I'm leaving, you're just all busy with shopping and packing, and you seem fine with it." "It's too soon." "What?" "If I stop to think about you leaving now, I'm gonna fall apart. We still have time left. It's too soon." (Bon Voyage)

18. Luke stays up all night sewing together tarps so the Townies can throw a going-away party for Rory. "He made me promise not to tell you, but I don't care. This is all Luke. He did all of it. He's the one that came to me and said, 'let's do the party,' and then he planned the secret town meeting, everything." "Really?" "Yeah. I mean last night when we thought it was gonna rain and we'd have to cancel the party, he went around and collected everybody's tarps and tents and raincoats. I don't know how he did it. He must have stayed up all night doing this." (Bon Voyage)

19. Lorelai comes home after leaving Rory at Yale for the second time, and looks around her living room, empty for the first time in 18 years. "So, this is really it." "Yup." "You good?" "I'm good. Just keep your pager with you." "Always." (The Lorelais' First Day at Yale)

20. Mrs. Kim sadly looks around Lane's empty room and realizes a floorboard is loose. She finds all of Lane's hidden contraband. "How long?" "How long what?" "How long......this." "I started it when I was six, the day you told me the Cookie Monster was one of the seven deadly sins." "Gluttony." "Yes, gluttony." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

21. Jess sits on a bench in town square reading the self-help book (hidden inside a magazine) while Miss Patty and Kirk argue over wedding decorations. "Tough day, Patty?" "I've worked with Joan Crawford. This is worse." "I don't call that a maypole. I'd call that a maybe-not pole!" (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

22. Luke finds Jess sitting alone on the lake bridge after Jess and Rory were in a car wreck. "I made sure she was okay." "I know you did." (Teach Me Tonight)

23. Lorelai sits outside the Gilmore mansion, drinking coffee while building up her courage to go in and ask her parents for money for Rory's tuition. "Lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. Is it Easter already?" (Pilot)

24. Luke sits in the lobby of the Dragonfly, feeling more and more foolish after Jason tells him that he and Lorelai are going through a rough patch but are still together. "He said you were together. I mean, I was sitting there listening to this guy spout on and on about how it's right, you're right, he's right. The whole time, I'm thinking, 'What the hell have I been doing all this for? She's taken.' " (Raincoats & Recipes)

25. Lorelai tries to go on a Wild hiking trip to find clarity in her life. "Don't come near me." "Why?" "Because I smell. Every part of me smells. I...I didn't even hike and I smell. I showered and I took the plane back home. I haven't been near a cactus in the last 24 hours. And apparently all you have to do is think about hiking and you smell." (A Year in the Life: Fall)

26. Rory sits around, bored, in the pool house and finally follows the maid around to talk to her. "Esperanza, right?" "Si, Esperanza." (Fight Face)

Edited by Taryn74

Taryn it's the one where Emily doesn't want her helping the maid. Season six. Fight Face.

(CUT to pool house. Rory is sitting on one of the armchairs with the fabic samples on them watching the pool scene from "The Graduate" wearing a bathing suit and a skirt)

(CUT to main house. We hear the vacuum. Rory enters walking around bored. The vacuum stops working and the maid walks by. Rory waves at her the maid smiles and walks away. After a beat Rory follows her)

Edited by lulu1960
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, lulu1960 said:

Taryn it's the one where Emily doesn't want her helping the maid. Season six. Fight Face.

(CUT to pool house. Rory is sitting on one of the armchairs with the fabic samples on them watching the pool scene from "The Graduate" wearing a bathing suit and a skirt)

(CUT to main house. We hear the vacuum. Rory enters walking around bored. The vacuum stops working and the maid walks by. Rory waves at her the maid smiles and walks away. After a beat Rory follows her)

Thank you! I could even picture most of the scene (I knew she was bored and trying to find something to do) but I swear I read through that thing twice and still somehow missed it LOL.

Okay, time to start voting! Voting against three.

Favorite scenes where a character is alone 

1. Luke has a moment with his dad's boat after Lorelai buys it and hides it in her garage. "I haven't even looked at that boat since my dad got sick. Not a glance, nothing." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

2. Rory sadly watches from afar as Dean and Lindsey exit the church after their wedding. "Uh, don't go to Dean's wedding." "Why?" "I just. . .don't go. Trust me." (Chicken or Beef?)

3. Lorelai leaves a rambling, heartbroken message on Luke's answering machine after their breakup. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and......I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh......could.....please come over. I......please." (Say Something)

4. Lorelai walks into the Inn and sees the ten thousand yellow daisies from Max. "Oh, my." (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

5. Luke comes home from his boring date with April's swim coach and watches Kirk and Lulu walk through town together, glad that Kirk listened to him about not breaking up with Lulu. "Listen, you pinhead, you should be kissing the ground that Lulu walks on. Why that sweet girl lets you within a hundred miles of her is beyond me, but she does. You are the luckiest man on the planet to have a girl like that looking out for you and caring about you. And if you say so much as one unkind word to her, I will personally break every bone in your body. You got me?" (Go, Bulldogs!)

6. Lorelai sits in Rory's room and sadly absorbs the fact that Rory has dropped out of Yale and moved in with the grandparents. "Now you get your do-over. A new and improved Lorelai. Congrats. Very well played." (New and Improved Lorelai)

7. Emily comes in after her date with Simon and bursts into tears. "Why shouldn't I date? I'm still a viable commodity." (Emily Says Hello)

8. Luke listens to his self-help tapes and realizes he can see her face. "Whoa." (Luke Can See Her Face)

9. Lorelai dances to the radio while she waits in the Jeep for Rory to arrive at FND. "What are you doing?" "I was looking for my lip gloss." "You need the radio on to look for your lip gloss?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

10. Lorelai broods about Luke as she looks over Lane's wedding dress - with attached pants - and finally dumps coffee on it. "I hope it doesn't show, it'll go away, it's just a passing phase,
it'll go away, I hope it doesn't show, it'll go away, give it a hundred years, it won't go away,
and I've got angst, in my pants." (The Real Paul Anka)

11. Rory looks over the brochure for Yale after the disastrous visit with the grandparents. Upstairs, Lorelai does the same thing. "Rory, I know this appointment upset your mother, but this was an important opportunity." "I know it was an important opportunity. That’s why I can’t believe you didn’t prepare me for it. I didn’t have my transcripts, my letters of recommendation. I couldn’t even remember what I wanted to major in when he asked." "I’m sure he knew you were nervous." "But I didn’t have to be that nervous. I could’ve been calm. I could’ve brushed my hair. I never would’ve worn this." "Oh, Rory, none of this matters." "It matters to me. I like to be prepared. This has nothing to do with Mom. If you had really wanted me to take this meeting, I would’ve done it just because you asked me to. And I would’ve done it right." (Let the Games Begin)

12. Rory looks around her room and smiles as she takes in all the Yale paraphernalia Lorelai has hung up. "Look at my wall." "So?" "So, that wall says something." "Yeah, it says the Harvard merchandising department made a nice chunk of change off of us." "But how can I go to Yale with my wall looking like this?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

13. Luke sits in the diner and sadly stares at the hole in the wall from Kirk driving his car into it, which in a weird way represents his relationship with Lorelai. "No no, you were right. I need to be faster. I need to move faster, I need to think faster. And, well, here I am." "It's over." "No, you can't say that. You can't just say that it's over. It's not over. You can't just decide that it's over. I'm in this, too. You know I'm not gonna let it be over. You said, 'be ready, now or never.' I'm ready now." "Luke....." "Let's go. Let's do this. Let's get married right now. Let's go." "I slept with Christopher." (The Long Morrow)

14. Luke watches Lorelai and Rory walk through town and makes sure they're not coming to the diner before he changes the sign to Closed. "Hey, what do you think of Luke?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, do you think he's cute?" "Oh, no. No way." "No way what?" "You cannot date Luke." "I said nothing about dating Luke." "If you date him, you'll break up, and we'll never be able to eat there again." "I repeat, I said nothing about dating Luke." "Date Al from Pancake World, his food stinks." (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton)

15. Luke sits on a bench with mini-brides and watches Lorelai dance with Max at her engagement party. "It's just…it's a really big night for me tonight, and I don't know, it just feels like you should be there." (Hammers & Veils)

16. Lorelai watches Rory graduate from Yale. "Lorelai, I will note the time. I will take the photo. You just sit there and enjoy your daughter’s graduation from Yale. This is as much your moment as Rory’s. Enjoy it." (Unto the Breach)

17. Lorelai finally slows down long enough to realize Rory really is leaving soon, for good, and cries as she watches Rory sleep. "How can you be so okay with everything? Ever since I've told you that I'm leaving, you're just all busy with shopping and packing, and you seem fine with it." "It's too soon." "What?" "If I stop to think about you leaving now, I'm gonna fall apart. We still have time left. It's too soon." (Bon Voyage)

18. Luke stays up all night sewing together tarps so the Townies can throw a going-away party for Rory. "He made me promise not to tell you, but I don't care. This is all Luke. He did all of it. He's the one that came to me and said, 'let's do the party,' and then he planned the secret town meeting, everything." "Really?" "Yeah. I mean last night when we thought it was gonna rain and we'd have to cancel the party, he went around and collected everybody's tarps and tents and raincoats. I don't know how he did it. He must have stayed up all night doing this." (Bon Voyage)

19. Lorelai comes home after leaving Rory at Yale for the second time, and looks around her living room, empty for the first time in 18 years. "So, this is really it." "Yup." "You good?" "I'm good. Just keep your pager with you." "Always." (The Lorelais' First Day at Yale)

20. Mrs. Kim sadly looks around Lane's empty room and realizes a floorboard is loose. She finds all of Lane's hidden contraband. "How long?" "How long what?" "How long......this." "I started it when I was six, the day you told me the Cookie Monster was one of the seven deadly sins." "Gluttony." "Yes, gluttony." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

21. Jess sits on a bench in town square reading the self-help book (hidden inside a magazine) while Miss Patty and Kirk argue over wedding decorations. "Tough day, Patty?" "I've worked with Joan Crawford. This is worse." "I don't call that a maypole. I'd call that a maybe-not pole!" (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

22. Luke finds Jess sitting alone on the lake bridge after Jess and Rory were in a car wreck. "I made sure she was okay." "I know you did." (Teach Me Tonight)

23. Lorelai sits outside the Gilmore mansion, drinking coffee while building up her courage to go in and ask her parents for money for Rory's tuition. "Lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. Is it Easter already?" (Pilot)

24. Luke sits in the lobby of the Dragonfly, feeling more and more foolish after Jason tells him that he and Lorelai are going through a rough patch but are still together. "He said you were together. I mean, I was sitting there listening to this guy spout on and on about how it's right, you're right, he's right. The whole time, I'm thinking, 'What the hell have I been doing all this for? She's taken.' " (Raincoats & Recipes)

25. Lorelai tries to go on a Wild hiking trip to find clarity in her life. "Don't come near me." "Why?" "Because I smell. Every part of me smells. I...I didn't even hike and I smell. I showered and I took the plane back home. I haven't been near a cactus in the last 24 hours. And apparently all you have to do is think about hiking and you smell." (A Year in the Life: Fall)

26. Rory sits around, bored, in the pool house and finally follows the maid around to talk to her. "Esperanza, right?" "Si, Esperanza." (Fight Face)

27. Rory angrily walks off to call Dean after Lorelai calls her out for sleeping with a married man and then breaks down crying when Lindsey answers the phone. "You're just mad because I didn't come running to you to discuss whether or not I was ready for this step. I decided it on my own." "Well, obviously, you weren't ready for this step. The very fact that you chose another girl's guy to sleep with proves that!" (Raincoats & Recipes)

28. Lorelai introduces us to Stars Hollow as she walks through town square for the first time, ending up at Luke's. "Please, Luke, please, please, please." (Pilot)

29. Richard excuses himself to his study after spending the day with Lorelai, not telling Emily the day went badly, pretending he's going to be working on his stamp collection. "I am an annoyance to my wife and a burden to my daughter. Suddenly I realize what it feels like to be obsolete. I hope that you never have to learn what that feels like." (Richard in Stars Hollow)

30. Lane sadly looks in on Kyon sleeping in her bed, and then tiptoes in to give Mrs. Kim a kiss on the forehead. (Afterboom)

4 - The sooner anything having to do with Max is out, the better. (It's somewhat disturbing that I enjoy his scenes with Rory far more than his scenes with Lorelai.)

10 - No comment.

25 - I've decided there's two things I like about AYITL - Lorelai finally coming to terms with her relationship with her parents, and Dean finally seeming like the guy ASP insisted he was supposed to be from the beginning. Everything else can go rot. (Well, maybe except for Kirk planning L/L's wedding and knowing exactly what she would like. That was sweet.)

Favorite scenes where a character is alone 

1. Luke has a moment with his dad's boat after Lorelai buys it and hides it in her garage. "I haven't even looked at that boat since my dad got sick. Not a glance, nothing." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

2. Rory sadly watches from afar as Dean and Lindsey exit the church after their wedding. "Uh, don't go to Dean's wedding." "Why?" "I just. . .don't go. Trust me." (Chicken or Beef?)

3. Lorelai leaves a rambling, heartbroken message on Luke's answering machine after their breakup. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and......I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh......could.....please come over. I......please." (Say Something)

5. Luke comes home from his boring date with April's swim coach and watches Kirk and Lulu walk through town together, glad that Kirk listened to him about not breaking up with Lulu. "Listen, you pinhead, you should be kissing the ground that Lulu walks on. Why that sweet girl lets you within a hundred miles of her is beyond me, but she does. You are the luckiest man on the planet to have a girl like that looking out for you and caring about you. And if you say so much as one unkind word to her, I will personally break every bone in your body. You got me?" (Go, Bulldogs!)

6. Lorelai sits in Rory's room and sadly absorbs the fact that Rory has dropped out of Yale and moved in with the grandparents. "Now you get your do-over. A new and improved Lorelai. Congrats. Very well played." (New and Improved Lorelai)

7. Emily comes in after her date with Simon and bursts into tears. "Why shouldn't I date? I'm still a viable commodity." (Emily Says Hello)

8. Luke listens to his self-help tapes and realizes he can see her face. "Whoa." (Luke Can See Her Face)

9. Lorelai dances to the radio while she waits in the Jeep for Rory to arrive at FND. "What are you doing?" "I was looking for my lip gloss." "You need the radio on to look for your lip gloss?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

11. Rory looks over the brochure for Yale after the disastrous visit with the grandparents. Upstairs, Lorelai does the same thing. "Rory, I know this appointment upset your mother, but this was an important opportunity." "I know it was an important opportunity. That’s why I can’t believe you didn’t prepare me for it. I didn’t have my transcripts, my letters of recommendation. I couldn’t even remember what I wanted to major in when he asked." "I’m sure he knew you were nervous." "But I didn’t have to be that nervous. I could’ve been calm. I could’ve brushed my hair. I never would’ve worn this." "Oh, Rory, none of this matters." "It matters to me. I like to be prepared. This has nothing to do with Mom. If you had really wanted me to take this meeting, I would’ve done it just because you asked me to. And I would’ve done it right." (Let the Games Begin)

12. Rory looks around her room and smiles as she takes in all the Yale paraphernalia Lorelai has hung up. "Look at my wall." "So?" "So, that wall says something." "Yeah, it says the Harvard merchandising department made a nice chunk of change off of us." "But how can I go to Yale with my wall looking like this?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

13. Luke sits in the diner and sadly stares at the hole in the wall from Kirk driving his car into it, which in a weird way represents his relationship with Lorelai. "No no, you were right. I need to be faster. I need to move faster, I need to think faster. And, well, here I am." "It's over." "No, you can't say that. You can't just say that it's over. It's not over. You can't just decide that it's over. I'm in this, too. You know I'm not gonna let it be over. You said, 'be ready, now or never.' I'm ready now." "Luke....." "Let's go. Let's do this. Let's get married right now. Let's go." "I slept with Christopher." (The Long Morrow)

14. Luke watches Lorelai and Rory walk through town and makes sure they're not coming to the diner before he changes the sign to Closed. "Hey, what do you think of Luke?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, do you think he's cute?" "Oh, no. No way." "No way what?" "You cannot date Luke." "I said nothing about dating Luke." "If you date him, you'll break up, and we'll never be able to eat there again." "I repeat, I said nothing about dating Luke." "Date Al from Pancake World, his food stinks." (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton)

15. Luke sits on a bench with mini-brides and watches Lorelai dance with Max at her engagement party. "It's just…it's a really big night for me tonight, and I don't know, it just feels like you should be there." (Hammers & Veils)

16. Lorelai watches Rory graduate from Yale. "Lorelai, I will note the time. I will take the photo. You just sit there and enjoy your daughter’s graduation from Yale. This is as much your moment as Rory’s. Enjoy it." (Unto the Breach)

17. Lorelai finally slows down long enough to realize Rory really is leaving soon, for good, and cries as she watches Rory sleep. "How can you be so okay with everything? Ever since I've told you that I'm leaving, you're just all busy with shopping and packing, and you seem fine with it." "It's too soon." "What?" "If I stop to think about you leaving now, I'm gonna fall apart. We still have time left. It's too soon." (Bon Voyage)

18. Luke stays up all night sewing together tarps so the Townies can throw a going-away party for Rory. "He made me promise not to tell you, but I don't care. This is all Luke. He did all of it. He's the one that came to me and said, 'let's do the party,' and then he planned the secret town meeting, everything." "Really?" "Yeah. I mean last night when we thought it was gonna rain and we'd have to cancel the party, he went around and collected everybody's tarps and tents and raincoats. I don't know how he did it. He must have stayed up all night doing this." (Bon Voyage)

19. Lorelai comes home after leaving Rory at Yale for the second time, and looks around her living room, empty for the first time in 18 years. "So, this is really it." "Yup." "You good?" "I'm good. Just keep your pager with you." "Always." (The Lorelais' First Day at Yale)

20. Mrs. Kim sadly looks around Lane's empty room and realizes a floorboard is loose. She finds all of Lane's hidden contraband. "How long?" "How long what?" "How long......this." "I started it when I was six, the day you told me the Cookie Monster was one of the seven deadly sins." "Gluttony." "Yes, gluttony." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

21. Jess sits on a bench in town square reading the self-help book (hidden inside a magazine) while Miss Patty and Kirk argue over wedding decorations. "Tough day, Patty?" "I've worked with Joan Crawford. This is worse." "I don't call that a maypole. I'd call that a maybe-not pole!" (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

22. Luke finds Jess sitting alone on the lake bridge after Jess and Rory were in a car wreck. "I made sure she was okay." "I know you did." (Teach Me Tonight)

23. Lorelai sits outside the Gilmore mansion, drinking coffee while building up her courage to go in and ask her parents for money for Rory's tuition. "Lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. Is it Easter already?" (Pilot)

24. Luke sits in the lobby of the Dragonfly, feeling more and more foolish after Jason tells him that he and Lorelai are going through a rough patch but are still together. "He said you were together. I mean, I was sitting there listening to this guy spout on and on about how it's right, you're right, he's right. The whole time, I'm thinking, 'What the hell have I been doing all this for? She's taken.' " (Raincoats & Recipes)

26. Rory sits around, bored, in the pool house and finally follows the maid around to talk to her. "Esperanza, right?" "Si, Esperanza." (Fight Face)

27. Rory angrily walks off to call Dean after Lorelai calls her out for sleeping with a married man and then breaks down crying when Lindsey answers the phone. "You're just mad because I didn't come running to you to discuss whether or not I was ready for this step. I decided it on my own." "Well, obviously, you weren't ready for this step. The very fact that you chose another girl's guy to sleep with proves that!" (Raincoats & Recipes)

28. Lorelai introduces us to Stars Hollow as she walks through town square for the first time, ending up at Luke's. "Please, Luke, please, please, please." (Pilot)

29. Richard excuses himself to his study after spending the day with Lorelai, not telling Emily the day went badly, pretending he's going to be working on his stamp collection. "I am an annoyance to my wife and a burden to my daughter. Suddenly I realize what it feels like to be obsolete. I hope that you never have to learn what that feels like." (Richard in Stars Hollow)

30. Lane sadly looks in on Kyon sleeping in her bed, and then tiptoes in to give Mrs. Kim a kiss on the forehead. (Afterboom)

5 hours ago, Taryn74 said:

The sooner anything having to do with Max is out, the better. (It's somewhat disturbing that I enjoy his scenes with Rory far more than his scenes with Lorelai.)

I don't think that's disturbing at all! They had a nice relationship. A lot of the other teachers in that school were rigid task-masters. Max was a great teacher, very fair and supportive. It kind of sucks that Lorelai made his relationship with one of his best students more complicated than needed. 

Now for the voting:

11 - just because it's overshadowed by 12 for me. 

still 24

26 - I just hate the entire time of Rory faffing around her grandparent's house. 

  • Love 1

11 - I do like that both of them were already starting to seriously consider Yale even though neither of them would mention it to the other.

26 - Meh.

5 - The boring date was stupid, and Kirk manufacturing problems with Lulu to echo Lorelai's stupid, contrived breakup with Luke was contrived and stupid. Everything was stupid and sometimes I hate this show. *deep breaths*

Still voting against three!

Favorite scenes where a character is alone 

1. Luke has a moment with his dad's boat after Lorelai buys it and hides it in her garage. "I haven't even looked at that boat since my dad got sick. Not a glance, nothing." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

2. Rory sadly watches from afar as Dean and Lindsey exit the church after their wedding. "Uh, don't go to Dean's wedding." "Why?" "I just. . .don't go. Trust me." (Chicken or Beef?)

3. Lorelai leaves a rambling, heartbroken message on Luke's answering machine after their breakup. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and......I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh......could.....please come over. I......please." (Say Something)

6. Lorelai sits in Rory's room and sadly absorbs the fact that Rory has dropped out of Yale and moved in with the grandparents. "Now you get your do-over. A new and improved Lorelai. Congrats. Very well played." (New and Improved Lorelai)

7. Emily comes in after her date with Simon and bursts into tears. "Why shouldn't I date? I'm still a viable commodity." (Emily Says Hello)

8. Luke listens to his self-help tapes and realizes he can see her face. "Whoa." (Luke Can See Her Face)

9. Lorelai dances to the radio while she waits in the Jeep for Rory to arrive at FND. "What are you doing?" "I was looking for my lip gloss." "You need the radio on to look for your lip gloss?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

12. Rory looks around her room and smiles as she takes in all the Yale paraphernalia Lorelai has hung up. "Look at my wall." "So?" "So, that wall says something." "Yeah, it says the Harvard merchandising department made a nice chunk of change off of us." "But how can I go to Yale with my wall looking like this?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

13. Luke sits in the diner and sadly stares at the hole in the wall from Kirk driving his car into it, which in a weird way represents his relationship with Lorelai. "No no, you were right. I need to be faster. I need to move faster, I need to think faster. And, well, here I am." "It's over." "No, you can't say that. You can't just say that it's over. It's not over. You can't just decide that it's over. I'm in this, too. You know I'm not gonna let it be over. You said, 'be ready, now or never.' I'm ready now." "Luke....." "Let's go. Let's do this. Let's get married right now. Let's go." "I slept with Christopher." (The Long Morrow)

14. Luke watches Lorelai and Rory walk through town and makes sure they're not coming to the diner before he changes the sign to Closed. "Hey, what do you think of Luke?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, do you think he's cute?" "Oh, no. No way." "No way what?" "You cannot date Luke." "I said nothing about dating Luke." "If you date him, you'll break up, and we'll never be able to eat there again." "I repeat, I said nothing about dating Luke." "Date Al from Pancake World, his food stinks." (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton)

15. Luke sits on a bench with mini-brides and watches Lorelai dance with Max at her engagement party. "It's just…it's a really big night for me tonight, and I don't know, it just feels like you should be there." (Hammers & Veils)

16. Lorelai watches Rory graduate from Yale. "Lorelai, I will note the time. I will take the photo. You just sit there and enjoy your daughter’s graduation from Yale. This is as much your moment as Rory’s. Enjoy it." (Unto the Breach)

17. Lorelai finally slows down long enough to realize Rory really is leaving soon, for good, and cries as she watches Rory sleep. "How can you be so okay with everything? Ever since I've told you that I'm leaving, you're just all busy with shopping and packing, and you seem fine with it." "It's too soon." "What?" "If I stop to think about you leaving now, I'm gonna fall apart. We still have time left. It's too soon." (Bon Voyage)

18. Luke stays up all night sewing together tarps so the Townies can throw a going-away party for Rory. "He made me promise not to tell you, but I don't care. This is all Luke. He did all of it. He's the one that came to me and said, 'let's do the party,' and then he planned the secret town meeting, everything." "Really?" "Yeah. I mean last night when we thought it was gonna rain and we'd have to cancel the party, he went around and collected everybody's tarps and tents and raincoats. I don't know how he did it. He must have stayed up all night doing this." (Bon Voyage)

19. Lorelai comes home after leaving Rory at Yale for the second time, and looks around her living room, empty for the first time in 18 years. "So, this is really it." "Yup." "You good?" "I'm good. Just keep your pager with you." "Always." (The Lorelais' First Day at Yale)

20. Mrs. Kim sadly looks around Lane's empty room and realizes a floorboard is loose. She finds all of Lane's hidden contraband. "How long?" "How long what?" "How long......this." "I started it when I was six, the day you told me the Cookie Monster was one of the seven deadly sins." "Gluttony." "Yes, gluttony." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

21. Jess sits on a bench in town square reading the self-help book (hidden inside a magazine) while Miss Patty and Kirk argue over wedding decorations. "Tough day, Patty?" "I've worked with Joan Crawford. This is worse." "I don't call that a maypole. I'd call that a maybe-not pole!" (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

22. Luke finds Jess sitting alone on the lake bridge after Jess and Rory were in a car wreck. "I made sure she was okay." "I know you did." (Teach Me Tonight)

23. Lorelai sits outside the Gilmore mansion, drinking coffee while building up her courage to go in and ask her parents for money for Rory's tuition. "Lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. Is it Easter already?" (Pilot)

24. Luke sits in the lobby of the Dragonfly, feeling more and more foolish after Jason tells him that he and Lorelai are going through a rough patch but are still together. "He said you were together. I mean, I was sitting there listening to this guy spout on and on about how it's right, you're right, he's right. The whole time, I'm thinking, 'What the hell have I been doing all this for? She's taken.' " (Raincoats & Recipes)

27. Rory angrily walks off to call Dean after Lorelai calls her out for sleeping with a married man and then breaks down crying when Lindsey answers the phone. "You're just mad because I didn't come running to you to discuss whether or not I was ready for this step. I decided it on my own." "Well, obviously, you weren't ready for this step. The very fact that you chose another girl's guy to sleep with proves that!" (Raincoats & Recipes)

28. Lorelai introduces us to Stars Hollow as she walks through town square for the first time, ending up at Luke's. "Please, Luke, please, please, please." (Pilot)

29. Richard excuses himself to his study after spending the day with Lorelai, not telling Emily the day went badly, pretending he's going to be working on his stamp collection. "I am an annoyance to my wife and a burden to my daughter. Suddenly I realize what it feels like to be obsolete. I hope that you never have to learn what that feels like." (Richard in Stars Hollow)

30. Lane sadly looks in on Kyon sleeping in her bed, and then tiptoes in to give Mrs. Kim a kiss on the forehead. (Afterboom)

2 - I don't like Rory's short hair. And any misgivings she has about Dean getting married. I feel like it's not just about him marrying too young and possibly missing out on stuff. I believe that Rory just always feels like Dean is "hers". She had him first and is weirdly jealous, even when SHE'S moved on. (Or has she?)

21 - this just seems weird and unbelievable to me. 

still 24

56 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

And any misgivings she has about Dean getting married. I feel like it's not just about him marrying too young and possibly missing out on stuff. I believe that Rory just always feels like Dean is "hers". She had him first and is weirdly jealous, even when SHE'S moved on. (Or has she?)

Bingo! I just watched the interview the stars and ASP all did before AYITL was greenlighted (a friend recommended it to me, I had never seen it before) and that's pretty much exactly why they had Rory sleep with Dean, because he was her first love and she felt he was still hers in a way, never mind the trifling details such as a marriage license. Ugh.

  • Love 1

24 - At least it was the end of Jason, finally. I found him funny but wildly out of character for someone Lorelai would date. Just IMO of course.

And that's the only scene with more than one vote. Are ya'll trying to kill me? LOL. 

I'll go with -

2 - Mostly because this scene was already recently in a game and everything surrounding this storyline makes me upset.

21 - It bugs me so much that Lorelai makes fun of Jess later to Luke. Like, has she met Luke? In what universe would he take that well?

Still voting against three!

Favorite scenes where a character is alone 

1. Luke has a moment with his dad's boat after Lorelai buys it and hides it in her garage. "I haven't even looked at that boat since my dad got sick. Not a glance, nothing." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

3. Lorelai leaves a rambling, heartbroken message on Luke's answering machine after their breakup. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and......I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh......could.....please come over. I......please." (Say Something)

6. Lorelai sits in Rory's room and sadly absorbs the fact that Rory has dropped out of Yale and moved in with the grandparents. "Now you get your do-over. A new and improved Lorelai. Congrats. Very well played." (New and Improved Lorelai)

7. Emily comes in after her date with Simon and bursts into tears. "Why shouldn't I date? I'm still a viable commodity." (Emily Says Hello)

8. Luke listens to his self-help tapes and realizes he can see her face. "Whoa." (Luke Can See Her Face)

9. Lorelai dances to the radio while she waits in the Jeep for Rory to arrive at FND. "What are you doing?" "I was looking for my lip gloss." "You need the radio on to look for your lip gloss?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

12. Rory looks around her room and smiles as she takes in all the Yale paraphernalia Lorelai has hung up. "Look at my wall." "So?" "So, that wall says something." "Yeah, it says the Harvard merchandising department made a nice chunk of change off of us." "But how can I go to Yale with my wall looking like this?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

13. Luke sits in the diner and sadly stares at the hole in the wall from Kirk driving his car into it, which in a weird way represents his relationship with Lorelai. "No no, you were right. I need to be faster. I need to move faster, I need to think faster. And, well, here I am." "It's over." "No, you can't say that. You can't just say that it's over. It's not over. You can't just decide that it's over. I'm in this, too. You know I'm not gonna let it be over. You said, 'be ready, now or never.' I'm ready now." "Luke....." "Let's go. Let's do this. Let's get married right now. Let's go." "I slept with Christopher." (The Long Morrow)

14. Luke watches Lorelai and Rory walk through town and makes sure they're not coming to the diner before he changes the sign to Closed. "Hey, what do you think of Luke?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, do you think he's cute?" "Oh, no. No way." "No way what?" "You cannot date Luke." "I said nothing about dating Luke." "If you date him, you'll break up, and we'll never be able to eat there again." "I repeat, I said nothing about dating Luke." "Date Al from Pancake World, his food stinks." (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton)

15. Luke sits on a bench with mini-brides and watches Lorelai dance with Max at her engagement party. "It's just…it's a really big night for me tonight, and I don't know, it just feels like you should be there." (Hammers & Veils)

16. Lorelai watches Rory graduate from Yale. "Lorelai, I will note the time. I will take the photo. You just sit there and enjoy your daughter’s graduation from Yale. This is as much your moment as Rory’s. Enjoy it." (Unto the Breach)

17. Lorelai finally slows down long enough to realize Rory really is leaving soon, for good, and cries as she watches Rory sleep. "How can you be so okay with everything? Ever since I've told you that I'm leaving, you're just all busy with shopping and packing, and you seem fine with it." "It's too soon." "What?" "If I stop to think about you leaving now, I'm gonna fall apart. We still have time left. It's too soon." (Bon Voyage)

18. Luke stays up all night sewing together tarps so the Townies can throw a going-away party for Rory. "He made me promise not to tell you, but I don't care. This is all Luke. He did all of it. He's the one that came to me and said, 'let's do the party,' and then he planned the secret town meeting, everything." "Really?" "Yeah. I mean last night when we thought it was gonna rain and we'd have to cancel the party, he went around and collected everybody's tarps and tents and raincoats. I don't know how he did it. He must have stayed up all night doing this." (Bon Voyage)

19. Lorelai comes home after leaving Rory at Yale for the second time, and looks around her living room, empty for the first time in 18 years. "So, this is really it." "Yup." "You good?" "I'm good. Just keep your pager with you." "Always." (The Lorelais' First Day at Yale)

20. Mrs. Kim sadly looks around Lane's empty room and realizes a floorboard is loose. She finds all of Lane's hidden contraband. "How long?" "How long what?" "How long......this." "I started it when I was six, the day you told me the Cookie Monster was one of the seven deadly sins." "Gluttony." "Yes, gluttony." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

22. Luke finds Jess sitting alone on the lake bridge after Jess and Rory were in a car wreck. "I made sure she was okay." "I know you did." (Teach Me Tonight)

23. Lorelai sits outside the Gilmore mansion, drinking coffee while building up her courage to go in and ask her parents for money for Rory's tuition. "Lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. Is it Easter already?" (Pilot)

27. Rory angrily walks off to call Dean after Lorelai calls her out for sleeping with a married man and then breaks down crying when Lindsey answers the phone. "You're just mad because I didn't come running to you to discuss whether or not I was ready for this step. I decided it on my own." "Well, obviously, you weren't ready for this step. The very fact that you chose another girl's guy to sleep with proves that!" (Raincoats & Recipes)

28. Lorelai introduces us to Stars Hollow as she walks through town square for the first time, ending up at Luke's. "Please, Luke, please, please, please." (Pilot)

29. Richard excuses himself to his study after spending the day with Lorelai, not telling Emily the day went badly, pretending he's going to be working on his stamp collection. "I am an annoyance to my wife and a burden to my daughter. Suddenly I realize what it feels like to be obsolete. I hope that you never have to learn what that feels like." (Richard in Stars Hollow)

30. Lane sadly looks in on Kyon sleeping in her bed, and then tiptoes in to give Mrs. Kim a kiss on the forehead. (Afterboom)

6 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

6 - so sad. 

17 - I just don't really remember the alone part so much? And if I did, it would likely be overshadowed by the conversation. 

27 - ugh with this entire storyline

On 17, she is sitting on Rory's bed crying and then she throws the water bottle across the room. We hear Luke say, "Moment's here, let's go." Lorelai takes a deep breath and gets up.

2 minutes ago, lulu1960 said:

On 17, she is sitting on Rory's bed crying and then she throws the water bottle across the room. We hear Luke say, "Moment's here, let's go." Lorelai takes a deep breath and gets up.

That's #6 not #17. #17 is when Lorelai is sad that Rory is going to really be moving out for good. (I didn't really remember the 'alone' part of #17 either until I was looking up the scene, heh.)

And ITA with all of your comments on your votes, btw. I will never believe for a second that Lorelai didn't go check on Luke when he HAD A FRIGGING CAR DRIVE THROUGH HIS DINER. 

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Taryn74 said:

That's #6 not #17. #17 is when Lorelai is sad that Rory is going to really be moving out for good. (I didn't really remember the 'alone' part of #17 either until I was looking up the scene, heh.)

And ITA with all of your comments on your votes, btw. I will never believe for a second that Lorelai didn't go check on Luke when he HAD A FRIGGING CAR DRIVE THROUGH HIS DINER. 

Oh 17 is when Lorelai comes back from Yale and just stands in the middle of the living room looking around at the empty room and sighs.

43 minutes ago, lulu1960 said:

Oh 17 is when Lorelai comes back from Yale and just stands in the middle of the living room looking around at the empty room and sighs.

No, I think 17 is in the finale. Rory is back at home because she's done with school. Lorelai watches her sleep? I really don't remember it. But I remember the "It's too soon" conversation, which gets me every time! 

33 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

No, I think 17 is in the finale. Rory is back at home because she's done with school. Lorelai watches her sleep? I really don't remember it. But I remember the "It's too soon" conversation, which gets me every time! 

I really should read the discriptions all the way through. LOL. #19 was the one with Lorelai standing in the living room.

  • LOL 2

6 - I'm glad The Rift didn't last any longer than it did. Really wish it had been over something with more substance, so it would feel less like Rory was just being a brat and Lorelai had set herself up for it by refusing to think of Rory as less than anything but a perfect angel her entire life.

27 - Very, very not cool, Rory.

13 - L/L's contrived S6/S7 breakup remains my most hated arc of the entire series.

Voting against just two now!

Favorite scenes where a character is alone 

1. Luke has a moment with his dad's boat after Lorelai buys it and hides it in her garage. "I haven't even looked at that boat since my dad got sick. Not a glance, nothing." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

3. Lorelai leaves a rambling, heartbroken message on Luke's answering machine after their breakup. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and......I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh......could.....please come over. I......please." (Say Something)

7. Emily comes in after her date with Simon and bursts into tears. "Why shouldn't I date? I'm still a viable commodity." (Emily Says Hello)

8. Luke listens to his self-help tapes and realizes he can see her face. "Whoa." (Luke Can See Her Face)

9. Lorelai dances to the radio while she waits in the Jeep for Rory to arrive at FND. "What are you doing?" "I was looking for my lip gloss." "You need the radio on to look for your lip gloss?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

12. Rory looks around her room and smiles as she takes in all the Yale paraphernalia Lorelai has hung up. "Look at my wall." "So?" "So, that wall says something." "Yeah, it says the Harvard merchandising department made a nice chunk of change off of us." "But how can I go to Yale with my wall looking like this?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

14. Luke watches Lorelai and Rory walk through town and makes sure they're not coming to the diner before he changes the sign to Closed. "Hey, what do you think of Luke?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, do you think he's cute?" "Oh, no. No way." "No way what?" "You cannot date Luke." "I said nothing about dating Luke." "If you date him, you'll break up, and we'll never be able to eat there again." "I repeat, I said nothing about dating Luke." "Date Al from Pancake World, his food stinks." (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton)

15. Luke sits on a bench with mini-brides and watches Lorelai dance with Max at her engagement party. "It's just…it's a really big night for me tonight, and I don't know, it just feels like you should be there." (Hammers & Veils)

16. Lorelai watches Rory graduate from Yale. "Lorelai, I will note the time. I will take the photo. You just sit there and enjoy your daughter’s graduation from Yale. This is as much your moment as Rory’s. Enjoy it." (Unto the Breach)

17. Lorelai finally slows down long enough to realize Rory really is leaving soon, for good, and cries as she watches Rory sleep. "How can you be so okay with everything? Ever since I've told you that I'm leaving, you're just all busy with shopping and packing, and you seem fine with it." "It's too soon." "What?" "If I stop to think about you leaving now, I'm gonna fall apart. We still have time left. It's too soon." (Bon Voyage)

18. Luke stays up all night sewing together tarps so the Townies can throw a going-away party for Rory. "He made me promise not to tell you, but I don't care. This is all Luke. He did all of it. He's the one that came to me and said, 'let's do the party,' and then he planned the secret town meeting, everything." "Really?" "Yeah. I mean last night when we thought it was gonna rain and we'd have to cancel the party, he went around and collected everybody's tarps and tents and raincoats. I don't know how he did it. He must have stayed up all night doing this." (Bon Voyage)

19. Lorelai comes home after leaving Rory at Yale for the second time, and looks around her living room, empty for the first time in 18 years. "So, this is really it." "Yup." "You good?" "I'm good. Just keep your pager with you." "Always." (The Lorelais' First Day at Yale)

20. Mrs. Kim sadly looks around Lane's empty room and realizes a floorboard is loose. She finds all of Lane's hidden contraband. "How long?" "How long what?" "How long......this." "I started it when I was six, the day you told me the Cookie Monster was one of the seven deadly sins." "Gluttony." "Yes, gluttony." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

22. Luke finds Jess sitting alone on the lake bridge after Jess and Rory were in a car wreck. "I made sure she was okay." "I know you did." (Teach Me Tonight)

23. Lorelai sits outside the Gilmore mansion, drinking coffee while building up her courage to go in and ask her parents for money for Rory's tuition. "Lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. Is it Easter already?" (Pilot)

28. Lorelai introduces us to Stars Hollow as she walks through town square for the first time, ending up at Luke's. "Please, Luke, please, please, please." (Pilot)

29. Richard excuses himself to his study after spending the day with Lorelai, not telling Emily the day went badly, pretending he's going to be working on his stamp collection. "I am an annoyance to my wife and a burden to my daughter. Suddenly I realize what it feels like to be obsolete. I hope that you never have to learn what that feels like." (Richard in Stars Hollow)

30. Lane sadly looks in on Kyon sleeping in her bed, and then tiptoes in to give Mrs. Kim a kiss on the forehead. (Afterboom)

36 minutes ago, Taryn74 said:

6 - I'm glad The Rift didn't last any longer than it did. Really wish it had been over something with more substance, so it would feel less like Rory was just being a brat and Lorelai had set herself up for it by refusing to think of Rory as less than anything but a perfect angel her entire life.

So funny how different the perspectives are. I typically DO think of Rory as a brat. But I blame this rift more on Lorelai. At least initially. I don't think she should have reacted SO strongly to Rory wanting to take time off. I don't think it's uncommon for overachievers to become overwhelmed and want to step back for a minute. I don't think taking time off of school is the end of the world. But, more than that, I tend to think if Lorelai had reacted calmly, let Rory move home for the summer, tried to be supportive - that Rory would have gotten over it in a few months and been back at Yale that fall. I think Lorelai was acting so controlling and it ultimately pushed Rory further than she would have gone otherwise. 

But, as for how long the rift went on, I definitely think Rory was being very bratty and stubborn about that. 

Whew! Okay, as for my votes:

still 17 

and 19

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

But I blame this rift more on Lorelai. At least initially. I don't think she should have reacted SO strongly to Rory wanting to take time off. I don't think it's uncommon for overachievers to become overwhelmed and want to step back for a minute. I don't think taking time off of school is the end of the world. But, more than that, I tend to think if Lorelai had reacted calmly, let Rory move home for the summer, tried to be supportive - that Rory would have gotten over it in a few months and been back at Yale that fall. I think Lorelai was acting so controlling and it ultimately pushed Rory further than she would have gone otherwise. 

Oh, I completely agree. I've even advised both of my older kids (who are both in college now) that if they feel like they need to take a step back and reevaluate their college career, that's fine. Far better than wasting the $$$ to spend 4+ years floundering and then graduate with no more of a life plan than they had going in. I totally shocked my son just the other day when he was going on and on about how much harder college is than he expected and he doesn't feel like he can keep up and blah blah blah. I was like, dude nobody's saying you have to stay in college. If you're miserable, finish out the semester and get a job or look into a trade school and figure something else out. (I think just the shock of me saying that shook him up enough that he realized maybe college isn't so bad after all, ha ha.) Rory didn't even have any scholarships riding on not taking time off!!! Plus she had the grandparents' money to float on for a while, not like the rest of us peons just trying to get by. It was really dumb for Lorelai to fly off the handle like that, which is where my comment about her always seeing Rory as such a perfect angel came in. Lorelai was ultimately the one that couldn't handle the idea of Rory not having everything under control, and her overreaction was what caused Rory to turn to Richard for comfort and another plan.

Ugh. I get way too worked up over this.

  • Love 1

19 - I always found this a really poignant, well done scene.

17 - Just because it's from a later season which automatically means it gets more of a 'meh' from me.

Voting against two!

Favorite scenes where a character is alone 

1. Luke has a moment with his dad's boat after Lorelai buys it and hides it in her garage. "I haven't even looked at that boat since my dad got sick. Not a glance, nothing." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

3. Lorelai leaves a rambling, heartbroken message on Luke's answering machine after their breakup. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and......I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh......could.....please come over. I......please." (Say Something)

7. Emily comes in after her date with Simon and bursts into tears. "Why shouldn't I date? I'm still a viable commodity." (Emily Says Hello)

8. Luke listens to his self-help tapes and realizes he can see her face. "Whoa." (Luke Can See Her Face)

9. Lorelai dances to the radio while she waits in the Jeep for Rory to arrive at FND. "What are you doing?" "I was looking for my lip gloss." "You need the radio on to look for your lip gloss?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

12. Rory looks around her room and smiles as she takes in all the Yale paraphernalia Lorelai has hung up. "Look at my wall." "So?" "So, that wall says something." "Yeah, it says the Harvard merchandising department made a nice chunk of change off of us." "But how can I go to Yale with my wall looking like this?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

14. Luke watches Lorelai and Rory walk through town and makes sure they're not coming to the diner before he changes the sign to Closed. "Hey, what do you think of Luke?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, do you think he's cute?" "Oh, no. No way." "No way what?" "You cannot date Luke." "I said nothing about dating Luke." "If you date him, you'll break up, and we'll never be able to eat there again." "I repeat, I said nothing about dating Luke." "Date Al from Pancake World, his food stinks." (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton)

15. Luke sits on a bench with mini-brides and watches Lorelai dance with Max at her engagement party. "It's just…it's a really big night for me tonight, and I don't know, it just feels like you should be there." (Hammers & Veils)

16. Lorelai watches Rory graduate from Yale. "Lorelai, I will note the time. I will take the photo. You just sit there and enjoy your daughter’s graduation from Yale. This is as much your moment as Rory’s. Enjoy it." (Unto the Breach)

18. Luke stays up all night sewing together tarps so the Townies can throw a going-away party for Rory. "He made me promise not to tell you, but I don't care. This is all Luke. He did all of it. He's the one that came to me and said, 'let's do the party,' and then he planned the secret town meeting, everything." "Really?" "Yeah. I mean last night when we thought it was gonna rain and we'd have to cancel the party, he went around and collected everybody's tarps and tents and raincoats. I don't know how he did it. He must have stayed up all night doing this." (Bon Voyage)

20. Mrs. Kim sadly looks around Lane's empty room and realizes a floorboard is loose. She finds all of Lane's hidden contraband. "How long?" "How long what?" "How long......this." "I started it when I was six, the day you told me the Cookie Monster was one of the seven deadly sins." "Gluttony." "Yes, gluttony." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

22. Luke finds Jess sitting alone on the lake bridge after Jess and Rory were in a car wreck. "I made sure she was okay." "I know you did." (Teach Me Tonight)

23. Lorelai sits outside the Gilmore mansion, drinking coffee while building up her courage to go in and ask her parents for money for Rory's tuition. "Lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. Is it Easter already?" (Pilot)

28. Lorelai introduces us to Stars Hollow as she walks through town square for the first time, ending up at Luke's. "Please, Luke, please, please, please." (Pilot)

29. Richard excuses himself to his study after spending the day with Lorelai, not telling Emily the day went badly, pretending he's going to be working on his stamp collection. "I am an annoyance to my wife and a burden to my daughter. Suddenly I realize what it feels like to be obsolete. I hope that you never have to learn what that feels like." (Richard in Stars Hollow)

30. Lane sadly looks in on Kyon sleeping in her bed, and then tiptoes in to give Mrs. Kim a kiss on the forehead. (Afterboom)

23 - Such a nice setup to Lorelai's relationship with her parents.

29 - Breaks. My. Heart.

Still voting against two.

Favorite scenes where a character is alone 

1. Luke has a moment with his dad's boat after Lorelai buys it and hides it in her garage. "I haven't even looked at that boat since my dad got sick. Not a glance, nothing." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

3. Lorelai leaves a rambling, heartbroken message on Luke's answering machine after their breakup. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and......I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh......could.....please come over. I......please." (Say Something)

7. Emily comes in after her date with Simon and bursts into tears. "Why shouldn't I date? I'm still a viable commodity." (Emily Says Hello)

8. Luke listens to his self-help tapes and realizes he can see her face. "Whoa." (Luke Can See Her Face)

9. Lorelai dances to the radio while she waits in the Jeep for Rory to arrive at FND. "What are you doing?" "I was looking for my lip gloss." "You need the radio on to look for your lip gloss?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

12. Rory looks around her room and smiles as she takes in all the Yale paraphernalia Lorelai has hung up. "Look at my wall." "So?" "So, that wall says something." "Yeah, it says the Harvard merchandising department made a nice chunk of change off of us." "But how can I go to Yale with my wall looking like this?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

14. Luke watches Lorelai and Rory walk through town and makes sure they're not coming to the diner before he changes the sign to Closed. "Hey, what do you think of Luke?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, do you think he's cute?" "Oh, no. No way." "No way what?" "You cannot date Luke." "I said nothing about dating Luke." "If you date him, you'll break up, and we'll never be able to eat there again." "I repeat, I said nothing about dating Luke." "Date Al from Pancake World, his food stinks." (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton)

15. Luke sits on a bench with mini-brides and watches Lorelai dance with Max at her engagement party. "It's just…it's a really big night for me tonight, and I don't know, it just feels like you should be there." (Hammers & Veils)

16. Lorelai watches Rory graduate from Yale. "Lorelai, I will note the time. I will take the photo. You just sit there and enjoy your daughter’s graduation from Yale. This is as much your moment as Rory’s. Enjoy it." (Unto the Breach)

18. Luke stays up all night sewing together tarps so the Townies can throw a going-away party for Rory. "He made me promise not to tell you, but I don't care. This is all Luke. He did all of it. He's the one that came to me and said, 'let's do the party,' and then he planned the secret town meeting, everything." "Really?" "Yeah. I mean last night when we thought it was gonna rain and we'd have to cancel the party, he went around and collected everybody's tarps and tents and raincoats. I don't know how he did it. He must have stayed up all night doing this." (Bon Voyage)

20. Mrs. Kim sadly looks around Lane's empty room and realizes a floorboard is loose. She finds all of Lane's hidden contraband. "How long?" "How long what?" "How long......this." "I started it when I was six, the day you told me the Cookie Monster was one of the seven deadly sins." "Gluttony." "Yes, gluttony." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

22. Luke finds Jess sitting alone on the lake bridge after Jess and Rory were in a car wreck. "I made sure she was okay." "I know you did." (Teach Me Tonight)

28. Lorelai introduces us to Stars Hollow as she walks through town square for the first time, ending up at Luke's. "Please, Luke, please, please, please." (Pilot)

30. Lane sadly looks in on Kyon sleeping in her bed, and then tiptoes in to give Mrs. Kim a kiss on the forehead. (Afterboom)

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