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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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I have to admit, I'm a little surprised at how this game is turning out.  Tailgating is out!

Vote for the ONE you want to WIN!

Yale scenes

11.  We learn more about Emily & Richard's relationship during their tour of Yale.  He proposed next to a trash can.  "You had just finished calling me a spineless jellyfish."  (Let the Games Begin)

29.  After Logan's classroom prank, Richard has a "talk" with him about the proper time and place for displays of affection, property agreements, pre-nups, and the like.  "I do hope one of his dopey-looking friends knows CPR or he just might not make it."  (BNACAP)

13 hours ago, lulu1960 said:

No hanging chads!



Our winner!!  As much as I love this scene (and truly, I find it both lovely and hysterical - Richard even asked if Paris was next, bahahahaha) I am a bit shocked that this is our winner!  I guess I just don't think of it as a "Yale scene" even though that's where they are.  So this was a surprise ending.  But a good one!

After Logan's classroom prank, Richard has a "talk" with him about the proper time and place for displays of affection, property agreements, pre-nups, and the like.  "I do hope one of his dopey-looking friends knows CPR or he just might not make it."  (BNACAP)

"You are in my head! You are in my head!"

When Lane says that she'll be just like her mom as a parent. 

When Lane asks Rory to be her kids' Lorelai. 

When she's skanking to Rancid in Rory's bedroom. 

When she tells Zach she likes him for the first time. 

When she meets Dave for the first time - "Trust God? Is that a band?" - "No, my life."

Lane sneaking into her old house and giving Mrs. Kim a kiss. 

Ooooh, I forgot this one - Rory, Dean, and Lane hanging out and having pizza, while Lane calls Dave and hangs up. Dean teases her that Dave might have a girl over who is a Who fan. 

Lane asks Lorelai to fix her wedding dress.  “Sic a mad pack of wolves on it. Douse it with lighter fluid and turn it in to ash. I cannot wear that dress.” The Real Paul Anka

Lane confronts Kyon.  “You don't have to feel sorry for Mrs. Kim! Mrs. Kim is fine! And give me back my sweater, and my second-least-favorite scarf!”   Afterboom

Getting the Korean cousin ready for her wedding.  “He didn’t press charges, but now he makes all his own meals, sleeps in a locked separate room, and keeps the cutting board by his bed for protection. Still married, though.”  Lorelai Out of Water

Lane takes the band to the Lunar New Year  celebration.  “That’s the sound of a couple dozen Christian Koreans partying down.”  Come Home

The band getting cancelled at CB GBs and Lane not taking it very well

Lane bringing coffee to Paris at the dorm and making her get up

Lane helping Tania get ready for Chester

Lane telling Rory she will never have sex

Lane being rock and roll and having Rory dye her hair

Lane telling Mama Kim that Henry was Korean and going to be a doctor but it doesn't matter now because he's taking someone else to prom

Lane drunk dialing Mama Kim

Lane telling Mama Kim that she will go to college but she will still be in the band. Mrs. Kim says she has to move

Lane drinks with Mama Kim. She has grieved and now it is time to move on

Still room for just a few more!


Lane scenes

1. Lane, Zach, and Brian all rent an apartment together. Lane is freaking out over everything they don't have (refrigerator, curtains, towels) but is touched when she realizes the boys left her an entire shelf for her CDs and things and tearily tells them it's all going to work out.  "Listen, we set aside a shelf for you in the john, too. You don't need to hug us for that."  (Scene in a Mall)

2. Lane and Zach have Luke over for dinner and ask him to be the godfather to their twins.  "When it comes to extended family, Zach and I don't have much. I mean I've got my mom, but she's not so much a family member as she is a probation officer."  (Gilmore Girls Only)

3. Zach comes to the diner while Lane is working and proposes.  She tries to hand the toaster to a customer.  (Bridesmaids Revisited)

4. Lane touched Rich Bloomingfeld's hair and Rory isn't home for her to talk about it.  Lane talks to Lorelai instead.  "Maybe you should be a hairdresser.  Then you can run your hands though anybody's hair you want and they'll pay you for it."  (Love & War & Snow)

5. Lane tells Zach they can't have sex unless they're married and then runs into Mrs. Kim.  "You’re in my head! Are you happy? You are in my head!"  (So...Good Talk)

6. Lane explains why her baby shower will be the last party she gets to have for herself and realizes she'll be the same kind of parent her mom was.  "She did everything for me. And...I'm...gonna be the same way."  (WYBMLG)

7. Lane asks Rory to be 'the Lorelai Gilmore' for her kids.  "Listen...here's the thing. Um...my kids are gonna need that, too -- you know, when they're hiding Bibles and they can't stand me."  (WYBMLG)

8. Lane is over while Rory gets ready for school. "Where does your mother think you are?" "Oh, on a park bench contemplating the reunification of the two Koreas." "Not here, skanking to Rancid?" (Cinnamon's Wake)

9. Lane realizes why she's jealous of the girls Zach keeps bringing over.  "I like you, Zach. I like you as more than a bandmate and more than a friend. I like you. I have liked you for some time now, and I don't think this feeling is going to go away. I just thought you should know. Here's your beer."  (TaTT)

10. Lane meets Dave after a town meeting and takes off the Dead Kennedys t-shirt she was wearing over her Mama Kim approved clothing.  "Trust God - is that a band?"  "No, my life."  (Application Anxiety)

11. Lane realizes how much she misses her home after she sees Kyon being Lane 2.0 and sneaks in to give her sleeping mother a kiss.  (Afterboom)

12. Lane keeps calling Dave and hanging up when he answers, confusing Dean.  "I'm gonna love him forever and he's never gonna know."  "He would if you coughed."  Rory reassures Lane that it doesn't sound like Dave has a girl over, Dean offers that maybe she's a Who fan.  (TSGDT)

13. Lane asks Lorelai to fix her wedding dress.  “Sic a mad pack of wolves on it. Douse it with lighter fluid and turn it in to ash. I cannot wear that dress!” (TRPA)

14. Lane confronts Kyon.  “You don't have to feel sorry for Mrs. Kim! Mrs. Kim is fine! And give me back my sweater, and my second-least-favorite scarf!”  (Afterboom)

15. Lane and Rory help the Korean cousin get ready for her wedding. They discuss past weddings. "He didn’t press charges, but now he makes all his own meals, sleeps in a locked separate room, and keeps the cutting board by his bed for protection. Still married, though.”  (Lorelai Out of Water)

16. Lane takes the band to the Lunar New Year celebration.  "Are we early? I don’t hear anything."  “That’s the sound of a couple dozen Christian Koreans partying down.”  (Come Home)

17. The band lands a gig at CBGBs but have to cancel when no one shows up. Lane takes it badly. "No, we are not just little gnats that you can flick away. We are professionals and some of us have gone through a lot of trouble to be here tonight, a lot of trouble." (ITCATC)

18. Lane wakes up Paris.  "Die." "I got you a triple espresso that I'm going to put here right out of reach, so sleepyhead has to get up to get it." "Die twice." (AFM)

19. Lane does Tana's makeup and helps her get ready for her date with Chester Fleet. "Tana's gonna knock boys out today." "With what? Sheer peculiarity?" (AFM)

20. Lane is afraid she'll never get to have sex.  She asks Rory what it's like.  "Not in front of the books, Lane."  (So...Good Talk)

21. Lane dyes her hair purple...for a few minutes.  "The smell of bleach is the smell of freedom!"  (OGCATOOD)

22. Lane tells Mrs. Kim about Henry, a good Korean boy who goes to church and is going to be a doctor, only it's too late now because she was stupid and tried to hide him. "Maybe we can call his mother."  (ATAT)

23. Lane gets drunk at Kyle's party and calls Mrs. Kim.  "Hello, Mama? Hi, how are you doing tonight?. . .It's Lane. Yeah, Lane. . . Nothing's wrong. In fact, I'm feeling pretty good right now. Had a beer and a half, nice cold beer. And I just thought I'd tell you, I'm drumming in a band tonight at a party and we rocked. We were The Clash and Rage Against the Machine and Nirvana combined. And I'm in love with Dave Rygalski. He's my guy, not Young Chui. Young Chui's a ship in the night, Mama. Not even a ship, he's a little tugboat tooting along and I'm not gonna go to the prom with him, unh uh. I'm going with Dave, because we rock together, Mama. The charade is over." (Keg! Max!)

24. Lane has figured out a compromise between living at home and living the way she wants - at least she thinks she has.  "Children do not make the rules.  You may . . . move out, and live like that somewhere else."  (ITCATC)

25. Mrs. Kim covers all the windows and doors and breaks into a hidden stash of saki. She talks to Lane about her breakup with Zach. "You have grieved, now we move on." (TPD)

Lane breaks it to Zach that they won't be having sexy until they get married. He didn't know that and apparently she didn't either.

Lane chews out Jess on Rory's behalf. 

Lane listens to Rory as they talk about Dean, Jess, Bad Boys, and Accountants. She hid the dip under the floor broad to keep it away from Zach and Brian.

Lane tells Lorelai and Rory her plan about meeting up with Henry at the bid-a-basket. 

Time to start voting!

Lane scenes

1. Lane, Zach, and Brian all rent an apartment together. Lane is freaking out over everything they don't have (refrigerator, curtains, towels) but is touched when she realizes the boys left her an entire shelf for her CDs and things and tearily tells them it's all going to work out.  "Listen, we set aside a shelf for you in the john, too. You don't need to hug us for that."  (Scene in a Mall)

2. Lane and Zach have Luke over for dinner and ask him to be the godfather to their twins.  "When it comes to extended family, Zach and I don't have much. I mean I've got my mom, but she's not so much a family member as she is a probation officer."  (Gilmore Girls Only)

3. Zach comes to the diner while Lane is working and proposes.  She tries to hand the toaster to a customer.  (Bridesmaids Revisited)

4. Lane touched Rich Bloomingfeld's hair and Rory isn't home for her to talk about it.  Lane talks to Lorelai instead.  "Maybe you should be a hairdresser.  Then you can run your hands though anybody's hair you want and they'll pay you for it."  (Love & War & Snow)

5. Lane tells Zach they can't have sex unless they're married and then runs into Mrs. Kim.  "You’re in my head! Are you happy? You are in my head!"  (So...Good Talk)

6. Lane explains why her baby shower will be the last party she gets to have for herself and realizes she'll be the same kind of parent her mom was.  "She did everything for me. And...I'm...gonna be the same way."  (WYBMLG)

7. Lane asks Rory to be 'the Lorelai Gilmore' for her kids.  "Listen...here's the thing. Um...my kids are gonna need that, too -- you know, when they're hiding Bibles and they can't stand me."  (WYBMLG)

8. Lane is over while Rory gets ready for school. "Where does your mother think you are?" "Oh, on a park bench contemplating the reunification of the two Koreas." "Not here, skanking to Rancid?" (Cinnamon's Wake)

9. Lane realizes why she's jealous of the girls Zach keeps bringing over.  "I like you, Zach. I like you as more than a bandmate and more than a friend. I like you. I have liked you for some time now, and I don't think this feeling is going to go away. I just thought you should know. Here's your beer."  (TaTT)

10. Lane meets Dave after a town meeting and takes off the Dead Kennedys t-shirt she was wearing over her Mama Kim approved clothing.  "Trust God - is that a band?"  "No, my life."  (Application Anxiety)

11. Lane realizes how much she misses her home after she sees Kyon being Lane 2.0 and sneaks in to give her sleeping mother a kiss.  (Afterboom)

12. Lane keeps calling Dave and hanging up when he answers, confusing Dean.  "I'm gonna love him forever and he's never gonna know."  "He would if you coughed."  Rory reassures Lane that it doesn't sound like Dave has a girl over, Dean offers that maybe she's a Who fan.  (TSGDT)

13. Lane asks Lorelai to fix her wedding dress.  “Sic a mad pack of wolves on it. Douse it with lighter fluid and turn it in to ash. I cannot wear that dress!” (TRPA)

14. Lane confronts Kyon.  “You don't have to feel sorry for Mrs. Kim! Mrs. Kim is fine! And give me back my sweater, and my second-least-favorite scarf!”  (Afterboom)

15. Lane and Rory help the Korean cousin get ready for her wedding. They discuss past weddings. "He didn’t press charges, but now he makes all his own meals, sleeps in a locked separate room, and keeps the cutting board by his bed for protection. Still married, though.”  (Lorelai Out of Water)

16. Lane takes the band to the Lunar New Year celebration.  "Are we early? I don’t hear anything."  “That’s the sound of a couple dozen Christian Koreans partying down.”  (Come Home)

17. The band lands a gig at CBGBs but have to cancel when no one shows up. Lane takes it badly. "No, we are not just little gnats that you can flick away. We are professionals and some of us have gone through a lot of trouble to be here tonight, a lot of trouble." (ITCATC)

18. Lane wakes up Paris.  "Die." "I got you a triple espresso that I'm going to put here right out of reach, so sleepyhead has to get up to get it." "Die twice." (AFM)

19. Lane does Tana's makeup and helps her get ready for her date with Chester Fleet. "Tana's gonna knock boys out today." "With what? Sheer peculiarity?" (AFM)

20. Lane is afraid she'll never get to have sex.  She asks Rory what it's like.  "Not in front of the books, Lane."  (So...Good Talk)

21. Lane dyes her hair purple...for a few minutes.  "The smell of bleach is the smell of freedom!"  (OGCATOOD)

22. Lane tells Mrs. Kim about Henry, a good Korean boy who goes to church and is going to be a doctor, only it's too late now because she was stupid and tried to hide him. "Maybe we can call his mother."  (ATAT)

23. Lane gets drunk at Kyle's party and calls Mrs. Kim.  "Hello, Mama? Hi, how are you doing tonight?. . .It's Lane. Yeah, Lane. . . Nothing's wrong. In fact, I'm feeling pretty good right now. Had a beer and a half, nice cold beer. And I just thought I'd tell you, I'm drumming in a band tonight at a party and we rocked. We were The Clash and Rage Against the Machine and Nirvana combined. And I'm in love with Dave Rygalski. He's my guy, not Young Chui. Young Chui's a ship in the night, Mama. Not even a ship, he's a little tugboat tooting along and I'm not gonna go to the prom with him, unh uh. I'm going with Dave, because we rock together, Mama. The charade is over." (Keg! Max!)

24. Lane has figured out a compromise between living at home and living the way she wants - at least she thinks she has.  "Children do not make the rules.  You may . . . move out, and live like that somewhere else."  (ITCATC)

25. Mrs. Kim covers all the windows and doors and breaks into a hidden stash of sake. She talks to Lane about her breakup with Zach. "You have grieved, now we move on." (TPD)

26. Lane is convinced her parents are sending her to Korea forever. She drops off a Lane Kim Retrieval Kit with Rory.  "It contains the phone number of my cousins in Korea, a map of the house I'll be staying at, a picture of me now, and a mock-up of me in 6 months."  (Hammers & Veils)

27.  Lane comes downstairs because the smell of kimchi is drifting upstairs and making her woozy.  She interrupts the wedding preparations.  "Back to work! Back to work, all of you! And she will have children in the proper time!"  (Sidekick)

28.  Lane confronts Jess about his new car, after he and Rory wrecked hers.  "Don't give me lip!"  (Deviled Eggs)

29.  Lane misunderstands the gift Mrs. Kim wants to send Dave after he's moved to California.  "You told me when I was like six that this was my special marriage jug that you were gonna keep on a special high shelf for the boy I'm going to marry." "This thing?"  (Die, Jerk)

30.  Lane and Rory talk about Dean, Jess, Bad Boys, and Accountants.  Lane pulls out the Pringles she had hidden under the floorboards.  "Boys will eat everything. I bought vanilla-almond body lotion the other day -- " "No." "On chips. Mine, by the way."  (R&R)

31.  Lane asks Rory and Lorelai to hang onto the Henry basket for the picnic while her cousin David bids on the decoy basket her mom packed.  "I went by Gianelli’s and stopped in and picked up a couple of meatball heroes and some chips. I also packed a change of clothes, makeup, makeup remover, and three temporary tattoos."  (ATAT)

Edited by Taryn74

I thought of at least a dozen more scenes I wish I'd have added, too!  Lane is one of the most consistently enjoyable characters on this show IMO.

2, 18, 28 gone.

Lane scenes

1. Lane, Zach, and Brian all rent an apartment together. Lane is freaking out over everything they don't have (refrigerator, curtains, towels) but is touched when she realizes the boys left her an entire shelf for her CDs and things and tearily tells them it's all going to work out.  "Listen, we set aside a shelf for you in the john, too. You don't need to hug us for that."  (Scene in a Mall)

3. Zach comes to the diner while Lane is working and proposes.  She tries to hand the toaster to a customer.  (Bridesmaids Revisited)

4. Lane touched Rich Bloomingfeld's hair and Rory isn't home for her to talk about it.  Lane talks to Lorelai instead.  "Maybe you should be a hairdresser.  Then you can run your hands though anybody's hair you want and they'll pay you for it."  (Love & War & Snow)

5. Lane tells Zach they can't have sex unless they're married and then runs into Mrs. Kim.  "You’re in my head! Are you happy? You are in my head!"  (So...Good Talk)

6. Lane explains why her baby shower will be the last party she gets to have for herself and realizes she'll be the same kind of parent her mom was.  "She did everything for me. And...I'm...gonna be the same way."  (WYBMLG)

7. Lane asks Rory to be 'the Lorelai Gilmore' for her kids.  "Listen...here's the thing. Um...my kids are gonna need that, too -- you know, when they're hiding Bibles and they can't stand me."  (WYBMLG)

8. Lane is over while Rory gets ready for school. "Where does your mother think you are?" "Oh, on a park bench contemplating the reunification of the two Koreas." "Not here, skanking to Rancid?" (Cinnamon's Wake)

9. Lane realizes why she's jealous of the girls Zach keeps bringing over.  "I like you, Zach. I like you as more than a bandmate and more than a friend. I like you. I have liked you for some time now, and I don't think this feeling is going to go away. I just thought you should know. Here's your beer."  (TaTT)

10. Lane meets Dave after a town meeting and takes off the Dead Kennedys t-shirt she was wearing over her Mama Kim approved clothing.  "Trust God - is that a band?"  "No, my life."  (Application Anxiety)

11. Lane realizes how much she misses her home after she sees Kyon being Lane 2.0 and sneaks in to give her sleeping mother a kiss.  (Afterboom)

12. Lane keeps calling Dave and hanging up when he answers, confusing Dean.  "I'm gonna love him forever and he's never gonna know."  "He would if you coughed."  Rory reassures Lane that it doesn't sound like Dave has a girl over, Dean offers that maybe she's a Who fan.  (TSGDT)

13. Lane asks Lorelai to fix her wedding dress.  “Sic a mad pack of wolves on it. Douse it with lighter fluid and turn it in to ash. I cannot wear that dress!” (TRPA)

14. Lane confronts Kyon.  “You don't have to feel sorry for Mrs. Kim! Mrs. Kim is fine! And give me back my sweater, and my second-least-favorite scarf!”  (Afterboom)

15. Lane and Rory help the Korean cousin get ready for her wedding. They discuss past weddings. "He didn’t press charges, but now he makes all his own meals, sleeps in a locked separate room, and keeps the cutting board by his bed for protection. Still married, though.”  (Lorelai Out of Water)

16. Lane takes the band to the Lunar New Year celebration.  "Are we early? I don’t hear anything."  “That’s the sound of a couple dozen Christian Koreans partying down.”  (Come Home)

17. The band lands a gig at CBGBs but have to cancel when no one shows up. Lane takes it badly. "No, we are not just little gnats that you can flick away. We are professionals and some of us have gone through a lot of trouble to be here tonight, a lot of trouble." (ITCATC)

19. Lane does Tana's makeup and helps her get ready for her date with Chester Fleet. "Tana's gonna knock boys out today." "With what? Sheer peculiarity?" (AFM)

20. Lane is afraid she'll never get to have sex.  She asks Rory what it's like.  "Not in front of the books, Lane."  (So...Good Talk)

21. Lane dyes her hair purple...for a few minutes.  "The smell of bleach is the smell of freedom!"  (OGCATOOD)

22. Lane tells Mrs. Kim about Henry, a good Korean boy who goes to church and is going to be a doctor, only it's too late now because she was stupid and tried to hide him. "Maybe we can call his mother."  (ATAT)

23. Lane gets drunk at Kyle's party and calls Mrs. Kim.  "Hello, Mama? Hi, how are you doing tonight?. . .It's Lane. Yeah, Lane. . . Nothing's wrong. In fact, I'm feeling pretty good right now. Had a beer and a half, nice cold beer. And I just thought I'd tell you, I'm drumming in a band tonight at a party and we rocked. We were The Clash and Rage Against the Machine and Nirvana combined. And I'm in love with Dave Rygalski. He's my guy, not Young Chui. Young Chui's a ship in the night, Mama. Not even a ship, he's a little tugboat tooting along and I'm not gonna go to the prom with him, unh uh. I'm going with Dave, because we rock together, Mama. The charade is over." (Keg! Max!)

24. Lane has figured out a compromise between living at home and living the way she wants - at least she thinks she has.  "Children do not make the rules.  You may . . . move out, and live like that somewhere else."  (ITCATC)

25. Mrs. Kim covers all the windows and doors and breaks into a hidden stash of sake. She talks to Lane about her breakup with Zach. "You have grieved, now we move on." (TPD)

26. Lane is convinced her parents are sending her to Korea forever. She drops off a Lane Kim Retrieval Kit with Rory.  "It contains the phone number of my cousins in Korea, a map of the house I'll be staying at, a picture of me now, and a mock-up of me in 6 months."  (Hammers & Veils)

27.  Lane comes downstairs because the smell of kimchi is drifting upstairs and making her woozy.  She interrupts the wedding preparations.  "Back to work! Back to work, all of you! And she will have children in the proper time!"  (Sidekick)

29.  Lane misunderstands the gift Mrs. Kim wants to send Dave after he's moved to California.  "You told me when I was like six that this was my special marriage jug that you were gonna keep on a special high shelf for the boy I'm going to marry." "This thing?"  (Die, Jerk)

30.  Lane and Rory talk about Dean, Jess, Bad Boys, and Accountants.  Lane pulls out the Pringles she had hidden under the floorboards.  "Boys will eat everything. I bought vanilla-almond body lotion the other day -- " "No." "On chips. Mine, by the way."  (R&R)

31.  Lane asks Rory and Lorelai to hang onto the Henry basket for the picnic while her cousin David bids on the decoy basket her mom packed.  "I went by Gianelli’s and stopped in and picked up a couple of meatball heroes and some chips. I also packed a change of clothes, makeup, makeup remover, and three temporary tattoos."  (ATAT)

32.  Lane tries to figure out a way to ask permission to go to the Bangles concert.  "Tell me about this play. What’s it about?" "Ok, well, it’s about a group of people who own instruments and stand in front of other people holding them." (Concert Interruptus)

33.  Dean is Lane's science partner, so he came over to work on their science project.  Mrs. Kim is suspicious.  "Reproduction?"  (P.S. I Lo...)

34.  Lane needs advice on Zach's lack of reaction to her liking him.  "Rory, listen, I like you, and I want to be more than just friends with you." "What!?"  "See, you reacted!"  (Pippi Virgin)

35.  Lane and Rory con their way into going to the movies with Dean and Todd.  Todd may not be Lane's soulmate after all.  "You don't know what's on your shirt?"  (Double Date)

36.  Lane and Zach have their wedding reception in the town square.  Zach won't change out of his Korean robe.  Mrs. Kim has earplugs, the good kind which expand in your ear.  Kirk has Yummy Bartenders.  Lane's dress has a tear-away skirt.  "Yes! My wife's got legs!"  (Sidekick)

37.  Rory stops in to visit with Lane before going home after school.  Mrs. Kim doesn't hate Rory, she just doesn't trust unmarried women.  Rory points out that Lane is unmarried.  "I'm hayriding with a future proctologist. I have potential."  (Pilot)

38.  Lane "finds" Dave's Bible that he "forgot" after Thanksgiving dinner and offers to run it out to him before he leaves.  "Wait!  'This Bible belongs to God, but is being used by Dave Rygalski.'  Go on."  (ADFKT)

39.  The band practices at Sophie's, but without sound.  Lane tries to pretend that everything's working out fine with the free practice space.  "Democracies are overrated. Now get in there and kick some butt!"  (OGCATOOD)

40.  Lane makes excuses for why Young Chui has not "broken up" with her yet.  She realizes it's because he's fallen in love with her.  "That stupid boy's fallen in love with me!" "It's not stupid. You're a catch." "But not his catch, I'm Dave's catch. I've already been caught."  (ATOPAF)

Edited by Taryn74
Added more

13, 20, 23 gone and several more added, heh.  Voting against three.


Lane scenes

1. Lane, Zach, and Brian all rent an apartment together. Lane is freaking out over everything they don't have (refrigerator, curtains, towels) but is touched when she realizes the boys left her an entire shelf for her CDs and things and tearily tells them it's all going to work out.  "Listen, we set aside a shelf for you in the john, too. You don't need to hug us for that."  (Scene in a Mall)

3. Zach comes to the diner while Lane is working and proposes.  She tries to hand the toaster to a customer.  (Bridesmaids Revisited)

4. Lane touched Rich Bloomingfeld's hair and Rory isn't home for her to talk about it.  Lane talks to Lorelai instead.  "Maybe you should be a hairdresser.  Then you can run your hands though anybody's hair you want and they'll pay you for it."  (Love & War & Snow)

5. Lane tells Zach they can't have sex unless they're married and then runs into Mrs. Kim.  "You’re in my head! Are you happy? You are in my head!"  (So...Good Talk)

6. Lane explains why her baby shower will be the last party she gets to have for herself and realizes she'll be the same kind of parent her mom was.  "She did everything for me. And...I'm...gonna be the same way."  (WYBMLG)

7. Lane asks Rory to be 'the Lorelai Gilmore' for her kids.  "Listen...here's the thing. Um...my kids are gonna need that, too -- you know, when they're hiding Bibles and they can't stand me."  (WYBMLG)

8. Lane is over while Rory gets ready for school. "Where does your mother think you are?" "Oh, on a park bench contemplating the reunification of the two Koreas." "Not here, skanking to Rancid?" (Cinnamon's Wake)

9. Lane realizes why she's jealous of the girls Zach keeps bringing over.  "I like you, Zach. I like you as more than a bandmate and more than a friend. I like you. I have liked you for some time now, and I don't think this feeling is going to go away. I just thought you should know. Here's your beer."  (TaTT)

10. Lane meets Dave after a town meeting and takes off the Dead Kennedys t-shirt she was wearing over her Mama Kim approved clothing.  "Trust God - is that a band?"  "No, my life."  (Application Anxiety)

11. Lane realizes how much she misses her home after she sees Kyon being Lane 2.0 and sneaks in to give her sleeping mother a kiss.  (Afterboom)

12. Lane keeps calling Dave and hanging up when he answers, confusing Dean.  "I'm gonna love him forever and he's never gonna know."  "He would if you coughed."  Rory reassures Lane that it doesn't sound like Dave has a girl over, Dean offers that maybe she's a Who fan.  (TSGDT)

14. Lane confronts Kyon.  “You don't have to feel sorry for Mrs. Kim! Mrs. Kim is fine! And give me back my sweater, and my second-least-favorite scarf!”  (Afterboom)

15. Lane and Rory help the Korean cousin get ready for her wedding. They discuss past weddings. "He didn’t press charges, but now he makes all his own meals, sleeps in a locked separate room, and keeps the cutting board by his bed for protection. Still married, though.”  (Lorelai Out of Water)

16. Lane takes the band to the Lunar New Year celebration.  "Are we early? I don’t hear anything."  “That’s the sound of a couple dozen Christian Koreans partying down.”  (Come Home)

17. The band lands a gig at CBGBs but have to cancel when no one shows up. Lane takes it badly. "No, we are not just little gnats that you can flick away. We are professionals and some of us have gone through a lot of trouble to be here tonight, a lot of trouble." (ITCATC)

19. Lane does Tana's makeup and helps her get ready for her date with Chester Fleet. "Tana's gonna knock boys out today." "With what? Sheer peculiarity?" (AFM)

21. Lane dyes her hair purple...for a few minutes.  "The smell of bleach is the smell of freedom!"  (OGCATOOD)

22. Lane tells Mrs. Kim about Henry, a good Korean boy who goes to church and is going to be a doctor, only it's too late now because she was stupid and tried to hide him. "Maybe we can call his mother."  (ATAT)

24. Lane has figured out a compromise between living at home and living the way she wants - at least she thinks she has.  "Children do not make the rules.  You may . . . move out, and live like that somewhere else."  (ITCATC)

25. Mrs. Kim covers all the windows and doors and breaks into a hidden stash of sake. She talks to Lane about her breakup with Zach. "You have grieved, now we move on." (TPD)

26. Lane is convinced her parents are sending her to Korea forever. She drops off a Lane Kim Retrieval Kit with Rory.  "It contains the phone number of my cousins in Korea, a map of the house I'll be staying at, a picture of me now, and a mock-up of me in 6 months."  (Hammers & Veils)

27.  Lane comes downstairs because the smell of kimchi is drifting upstairs and making her woozy.  She interrupts the wedding preparations.  "Back to work! Back to work, all of you! And she will have children in the proper time!"  (Sidekick)

29.  Lane misunderstands the gift Mrs. Kim wants to send Dave after he's moved to California.  "You told me when I was like six that this was my special marriage jug that you were gonna keep on a special high shelf for the boy I'm going to marry." "This thing?"  (Die, Jerk)

30.  Lane and Rory talk about Dean, Jess, Bad Boys, and Accountants.  Lane pulls out the Pringles she had hidden under the floorboards.  "Boys will eat everything. I bought vanilla-almond body lotion the other day -- " "No." "On chips. Mine, by the way."  (R&R)

31.  Lane asks Rory and Lorelai to hang onto the Henry basket for the picnic while her cousin David bids on the decoy basket her mom packed.  "I went by Gianelli’s and stopped in and picked up a couple of meatball heroes and some chips. I also packed a change of clothes, makeup, makeup remover, and three temporary tattoos."  (ATAT)

32.  Lane tries to figure out a way to ask permission to go to the Bangles concert.  "Tell me about this play. What’s it about?" "Ok, well, it’s about a group of people who own instruments and stand in front of other people holding them." (Concert Interruptus)

33.  Dean is Lane's science partner, so he came over to work on their science project.  Mrs. Kim is suspicious.  "Reproduction?"  (P.S. I Lo...)

34.  Lane needs advice on Zach's lack of reaction to her liking him.  "Rory, listen, I like you, and I want to be more than just friends with you." "What!?"  "See, you reacted!"  (Pippi Virgin)

35.  Lane and Rory con their way into going to the movies with Dean and Todd.  Todd may not be Lane's soulmate after all.  "You don't know what's on your shirt?"  (Double Date)

36.  Lane and Zach have their wedding reception in the town square.  Zach won't change out of his Korean robe.  Mrs. Kim has earplugs, the good kind which expand in your ear.  Kirk has Yummy Bartenders.  Lane's dress has a tear-away skirt.  "Yes! My wife's got legs!"  (Sidekick)

37.  Rory stops in to visit with Lane before going home after school.  Mrs. Kim doesn't hate Rory, she just doesn't trust unmarried women.  Rory points out that Lane is unmarried.  "I'm hayriding with a future proctologist. I have potential."  (Pilot)

38.  Lane "finds" Dave's Bible that he "forgot" after Thanksgiving dinner and offers to run it out to him before he leaves.  "Wait!  'This Bible belongs to God, but is being used by Dave Rygalski.'  Go on."  (ADFKT)

39.  The band practices at Sophie's, but without sound.  Lane tries to pretend that everything's working out fine with the free practice space.  "Democracies are overrated. Now get in there and kick some butt!"  (OGCATOOD)

40.  Lane makes excuses for why Young Chui has not "broken up" with her yet.  She realizes it's because he's fallen in love with her.  "That stupid boy's fallen in love with me!" "It's not stupid. You're a catch." "But not his catch, I'm Dave's catch. I've already been caught."  (ATOPAF)

15, 17, 19 gone!

Lane scenes

1. Lane, Zach, and Brian all rent an apartment together. Lane is freaking out over everything they don't have (refrigerator, curtains, towels) but is touched when she realizes the boys left her an entire shelf for her CDs and things and tearily tells them it's all going to work out.  "Listen, we set aside a shelf for you in the john, too. You don't need to hug us for that."  (Scene in a Mall)

3. Zach comes to the diner while Lane is working and proposes.  She tries to hand the toaster to a customer.  (Bridesmaids Revisited)

4. Lane touched Rich Bloomingfeld's hair and Rory isn't home for her to talk about it.  Lane talks to Lorelai instead.  "Maybe you should be a hairdresser.  Then you can run your hands though anybody's hair you want and they'll pay you for it."  (Love & War & Snow)

5. Lane tells Zach they can't have sex unless they're married and then runs into Mrs. Kim.  "You’re in my head! Are you happy? You are in my head!"  (So...Good Talk)

6. Lane explains why her baby shower will be the last party she gets to have for herself and realizes she'll be the same kind of parent her mom was.  "She did everything for me. And...I'm...gonna be the same way."  (WYBMLG)

7. Lane asks Rory to be 'the Lorelai Gilmore' for her kids.  "Listen...here's the thing. Um...my kids are gonna need that, too -- you know, when they're hiding Bibles and they can't stand me."  (WYBMLG)

8. Lane is over while Rory gets ready for school. "Where does your mother think you are?" "Oh, on a park bench contemplating the reunification of the two Koreas." "Not here, skanking to Rancid?" (Cinnamon's Wake)

9. Lane realizes why she's jealous of the girls Zach keeps bringing over.  "I like you, Zach. I like you as more than a bandmate and more than a friend. I like you. I have liked you for some time now, and I don't think this feeling is going to go away. I just thought you should know. Here's your beer."  (TaTT)

10. Lane meets Dave after a town meeting and takes off the Dead Kennedys t-shirt she was wearing over her Mama Kim approved clothing.  "Trust God - is that a band?"  "No, my life."  (Application Anxiety)

11. Lane realizes how much she misses her home after she sees Kyon being Lane 2.0 and sneaks in to give her sleeping mother a kiss.  (Afterboom)

12. Lane keeps calling Dave and hanging up when he answers, confusing Dean.  "I'm gonna love him forever and he's never gonna know."  "He would if you coughed."  Rory reassures Lane that it doesn't sound like Dave has a girl over, Dean offers that maybe she's a Who fan.  (TSGDT)

14. Lane confronts Kyon.  “You don't have to feel sorry for Mrs. Kim! Mrs. Kim is fine! And give me back my sweater, and my second-least-favorite scarf!”  (Afterboom)

16. Lane takes the band to the Lunar New Year celebration.  "Are we early? I don’t hear anything."  “That’s the sound of a couple dozen Christian Koreans partying down.”  (Come Home)

21. Lane dyes her hair purple...for a few minutes.  "The smell of bleach is the smell of freedom!"  (OGCATOOD)

22. Lane tells Mrs. Kim about Henry, a good Korean boy who goes to church and is going to be a doctor, only it's too late now because she was stupid and tried to hide him. "Maybe we can call his mother."  (ATAT)

24. Lane has figured out a compromise between living at home and living the way she wants - at least she thinks she has.  "Children do not make the rules.  You may . . . move out, and live like that somewhere else."  (ITCATC)

25. Mrs. Kim covers all the windows and doors and breaks into a hidden stash of sake. She talks to Lane about her breakup with Zach. "You have grieved, now we move on." (TPD)

26. Lane is convinced her parents are sending her to Korea forever. She drops off a Lane Kim Retrieval Kit with Rory.  "It contains the phone number of my cousins in Korea, a map of the house I'll be staying at, a picture of me now, and a mock-up of me in 6 months."  (Hammers & Veils)

27.  Lane comes downstairs because the smell of kimchi is drifting upstairs and making her woozy.  She interrupts the wedding preparations.  "Back to work! Back to work, all of you! And she will have children in the proper time!"  (Sidekick)

29.  Lane misunderstands the gift Mrs. Kim wants to send Dave after he's moved to California.  "You told me when I was like six that this was my special marriage jug that you were gonna keep on a special high shelf for the boy I'm going to marry." "This thing?"  (Die, Jerk)

30.  Lane and Rory talk about Dean, Jess, Bad Boys, and Accountants.  Lane pulls out the Pringles she had hidden under the floorboards.  "Boys will eat everything. I bought vanilla-almond body lotion the other day -- " "No." "On chips. Mine, by the way."  (R&R)

31.  Lane asks Rory and Lorelai to hang onto the Henry basket for the picnic while her cousin David bids on the decoy basket her mom packed.  "I went by Gianelli’s and stopped in and picked up a couple of meatball heroes and some chips. I also packed a change of clothes, makeup, makeup remover, and three temporary tattoos."  (ATAT)

32.  Lane tries to figure out a way to ask permission to go to the Bangles concert.  "Tell me about this play. What’s it about?" "Ok, well, it’s about a group of people who own instruments and stand in front of other people holding them." (Concert Interruptus)

33.  Dean is Lane's science partner, so he came over to work on their science project.  Mrs. Kim is suspicious.  "Reproduction?"  (P.S. I Lo...)

34.  Lane needs advice on Zach's lack of reaction to her liking him.  "Rory, listen, I like you, and I want to be more than just friends with you." "What!?"  "See, you reacted!"  (Pippi Virgin)

35.  Lane and Rory con their way into going to the movies with Dean and Todd.  Todd may not be Lane's soulmate after all.  "You don't know what's on your shirt?"  (Double Date)

36.  Lane and Zach have their wedding reception in the town square.  Zach won't change out of his Korean robe.  Mrs. Kim has earplugs, the good kind which expand in your ear.  Kirk has Yummy Bartenders.  Lane's dress has a tear-away skirt.  "Yes! My wife's got legs!"  (Sidekick)

37.  Rory stops in to visit with Lane before going home after school.  Mrs. Kim doesn't hate Rory, she just doesn't trust unmarried women.  Rory points out that Lane is unmarried.  "I'm hayriding with a future proctologist. I have potential."  (Pilot)

38.  Lane "finds" Dave's Bible that he "forgot" after Thanksgiving dinner and offers to run it out to him before he leaves.  "Wait!  'This Bible belongs to God, but is being used by Dave Rygalski.'  Go on."  (ADFKT)

39.  The band practices at Sophie's, but without sound.  Lane tries to pretend that everything's working out fine with the free practice space.  "Democracies are overrated. Now get in there and kick some butt!"  (OGCATOOD)

40.  Lane makes excuses for why Young Chui has not "broken up" with her yet.  She realizes it's because he's fallen in love with her.  "That stupid boy's fallen in love with me!" "It's not stupid. You're a catch." "But not his catch, I'm Dave's catch. I've already been caught."  (ATOPAF)

Hey, look who forgot to update the game again yesterday!  D'oh!

4, 27, 32 out!  Still voting against three.

Lane scenes

1. Lane, Zach, and Brian all rent an apartment together. Lane is freaking out over everything they don't have (refrigerator, curtains, towels) but is touched when she realizes the boys left her an entire shelf for her CDs and things and tearily tells them it's all going to work out.  "Listen, we set aside a shelf for you in the john, too. You don't need to hug us for that."  (Scene in a Mall)

3. Zach comes to the diner while Lane is working and proposes.  She tries to hand the toaster to a customer.  (Bridesmaids Revisited)

5. Lane tells Zach they can't have sex unless they're married and then runs into Mrs. Kim.  "You’re in my head! Are you happy? You are in my head!"  (So...Good Talk)

6. Lane explains why her baby shower will be the last party she gets to have for herself and realizes she'll be the same kind of parent her mom was.  "She did everything for me. And...I'm...gonna be the same way."  (WYBMLG)

7. Lane asks Rory to be 'the Lorelai Gilmore' for her kids.  "Listen...here's the thing. Um...my kids are gonna need that, too -- you know, when they're hiding Bibles and they can't stand me."  (WYBMLG)

8. Lane is over while Rory gets ready for school. "Where does your mother think you are?" "Oh, on a park bench contemplating the reunification of the two Koreas." "Not here, skanking to Rancid?" (Cinnamon's Wake)

9. Lane realizes why she's jealous of the girls Zach keeps bringing over.  "I like you, Zach. I like you as more than a bandmate and more than a friend. I like you. I have liked you for some time now, and I don't think this feeling is going to go away. I just thought you should know. Here's your beer."  (TaTT)

10. Lane meets Dave after a town meeting and takes off the Dead Kennedys t-shirt she was wearing over her Mama Kim approved clothing.  "Trust God - is that a band?"  "No, my life."  (Application Anxiety)

11. Lane realizes how much she misses her home after she sees Kyon being Lane 2.0 and sneaks in to give her sleeping mother a kiss.  (Afterboom)

12. Lane keeps calling Dave and hanging up when he answers, confusing Dean.  "I'm gonna love him forever and he's never gonna know."  "He would if you coughed."  Rory reassures Lane that it doesn't sound like Dave has a girl over, Dean offers that maybe she's a Who fan.  (TSGDT)

14. Lane confronts Kyon.  “You don't have to feel sorry for Mrs. Kim! Mrs. Kim is fine! And give me back my sweater, and my second-least-favorite scarf!”  (Afterboom)

16. Lane takes the band to the Lunar New Year celebration.  "Are we early? I don’t hear anything."  “That’s the sound of a couple dozen Christian Koreans partying down.”  (Come Home)

21. Lane dyes her hair purple...for a few minutes.  "The smell of bleach is the smell of freedom!"  (OGCATOOD)

22. Lane tells Mrs. Kim about Henry, a good Korean boy who goes to church and is going to be a doctor, only it's too late now because she was stupid and tried to hide him. "Maybe we can call his mother."  (ATAT)

24. Lane has figured out a compromise between living at home and living the way she wants - at least she thinks she has.  "Children do not make the rules.  You may . . . move out, and live like that somewhere else."  (ITCATC)

25. Mrs. Kim covers all the windows and doors and breaks into a hidden stash of sake. She talks to Lane about her breakup with Zach. "You have grieved, now we move on." (TPD)

26. Lane is convinced her parents are sending her to Korea forever. She drops off a Lane Kim Retrieval Kit with Rory.  "It contains the phone number of my cousins in Korea, a map of the house I'll be staying at, a picture of me now, and a mock-up of me in 6 months."  (Hammers & Veils)

29.  Lane misunderstands the gift Mrs. Kim wants to send Dave after he's moved to California.  "You told me when I was like six that this was my special marriage jug that you were gonna keep on a special high shelf for the boy I'm going to marry." "This thing?"  (Die, Jerk)

30.  Lane and Rory talk about Dean, Jess, Bad Boys, and Accountants.  Lane pulls out the Pringles she had hidden under the floorboards.  "Boys will eat everything. I bought vanilla-almond body lotion the other day -- " "No." "On chips. Mine, by the way."  (R&R)

31.  Lane asks Rory and Lorelai to hang onto the Henry basket for the picnic while her cousin David bids on the decoy basket her mom packed.  "I went by Gianelli’s and stopped in and picked up a couple of meatball heroes and some chips. I also packed a change of clothes, makeup, makeup remover, and three temporary tattoos."  (ATAT)

33.  Dean is Lane's science partner, so he came over to work on their science project.  Mrs. Kim is suspicious.  "Reproduction?"  (P.S. I Lo...)

34.  Lane needs advice on Zach's lack of reaction to her liking him.  "Rory, listen, I like you, and I want to be more than just friends with you." "What!?"  "See, you reacted!"  (Pippi Virgin)

35.  Lane and Rory con their way into going to the movies with Dean and Todd.  Todd may not be Lane's soulmate after all.  "You don't know what's on your shirt?"  (Double Date)

36.  Lane and Zach have their wedding reception in the town square.  Zach won't change out of his Korean robe.  Mrs. Kim has earplugs, the good kind which expand in your ear.  Kirk has Yummy Bartenders.  Lane's dress has a tear-away skirt.  "Yes! My wife's got legs!"  (Sidekick)

37.  Rory stops in to visit with Lane before going home after school.  Mrs. Kim doesn't hate Rory, she just doesn't trust unmarried women.  Rory points out that Lane is unmarried.  "I'm hayriding with a future proctologist. I have potential."  (Pilot)

38.  Lane "finds" Dave's Bible that he "forgot" after Thanksgiving dinner and offers to run it out to him before he leaves.  "Wait!  'This Bible belongs to God, but is being used by Dave Rygalski.'  Go on."  (ADFKT)

39.  The band practices at Sophie's, but without sound.  Lane tries to pretend that everything's working out fine with the free practice space.  "Democracies are overrated. Now get in there and kick some butt!"  (OGCATOOD)

40.  Lane makes excuses for why Young Chui has not "broken up" with her yet.  She realizes it's because he's fallen in love with her.  "That stupid boy's fallen in love with me!" "It's not stupid. You're a catch." "But not his catch, I'm Dave's catch. I've already been caught."  (ATOPAF)

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