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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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CatKirk loses by a hair.  (Hairball?  Har har har.)  What will be next?


Townie scenes

13.  Mrs. Kim chases Rory away from the antique store with a water hose because she's heard about the termites.  "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now!"  (Secrets and Loans)

19.  Gypsy is working on Jackson's truck when Luke stops by to find out about the car Jess bought.  "Guys are stupid. You strip your gears, ride your brakes. And if we don't laugh after we make a joke, you think we're serious."  (TTDE)

29.  Kirk deliriously hunts for the last twelve eggs. His eyes are spinning in two different directions. Luke has found the eggs, tells Kirk to be the hero.  "I love Luke Danes! Love, love!"  (TTTB)

38.  The Town Loner shouts incomprehensible rhetoric whilst unfurling his protest banner. "That was clearer. He said, 'Stop the noodle scooz.'" (Take the Deviled Eggs)

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These are all so good!  I'm hanging on for 38 because it involves a large group of the townies and it was a quintessential whimsical bit.  But my personal love for Gypsy and her comments.  And Mrs. Kim, what a hoot - "Wood, all wood".

For now I'll go with 29.

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The last two votes show the majority of you are so wrong. ;) CatKirk and Mrs. Kim haggling with Emily? These were my top two picks of the final 8 or so!

19, I suppose.  

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4 hours ago, deaja said:

The last two votes show the majority of you are so wrong. ;) CatKirk and Mrs. Kim haggling with Emily? These were my top two picks of the final 8 or so!

Cat Kirk would have been my #2, but I really wanted the Cricket bat moment to win. Alas.....


Voting out 19

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Sorry for the delay, vendor event today.

We are saying goodbye to Gypsy's hilarious snark!


Townie scenes

13.  Mrs. Kim chases Rory away from the antique store with a water hose because she's heard about the termites.  "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now!"  (Secrets and Loans)

29.  Kirk deliriously hunts for the last twelve eggs. His eyes are spinning in two different directions. Luke has found the eggs, tells Kirk to be the hero.  "I love Luke Danes! Love, love!"  (TTTB)

38.  The Town Loner shouts incomprehensible rhetoric whilst unfurling his protest banner. "That was clearer. He said, 'Stop the noodle scooz.'" (Take the Deviled Eggs)

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3-way tie, guess it's up to me.  This game, you guys.  LOL

Time to say goodbye to Mrs. Kim and the water hose, and decide which one of these two you want to be the ultimate winner!


Townie scenes

29.  Kirk deliriously hunts for the last twelve eggs. His eyes are spinning in two different directions. Luke has found the eggs, tells Kirk to be the hero.  "I love Luke Danes! Love, love!"  (TTTB)

38.  The Town Loner shouts incomprehensible rhetoric whilst unfurling his protest banner. "That was clearer. He said, 'Stop the noodle scooz.'" (Take the Deviled Eggs)

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Our favorite Townie scene!

Kirk deliriously hunts for the last twelve eggs. His eyes are spinning in two different directions. Luke has found the eggs, tells Kirk to be the hero.  "I love Luke Danes! Love, love!"  (TTTB)

I've got to admit I'm a tad surprised this one won, but not at all displeased because I love this moment.  Ah Luke, you old softie.  <3


Next game is going to be Town Meetings!  I can't wait to see what all gets picked, this one is going to be fun!!

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When Nicole and Lindsey are both salty to the GG girls - "it's very Poe in here". 

When Kirk is mailman and everyone is exchanging their mixed up mail. 

When Rory makes her speech about people needing to say something but they can't find the words. 

When Lorelai brings food and speaks gibberish to confuse Taylor out of punishing her. \

When Taylor is trying to discuss L&L's relationship and Luke tells them it;s none of anyone's business. 

When Jesus is waiting outside for Miss Patty. 

Kirk under the sheet in a minotaur costume. 

When they vote on who was wrong during the Andrew-Gypsy fender bender.

When Michel is appalled by BO of one townie. "If you have any questions....Yes, about the Dragonfly. Or deodorant. Where to buy it, how to apply it, that sort of thing."

Taylor's tick speech - "Tick's are bad. Moving on."

When they're trying to arrange Kirk's sleeping schedule. 

Edited by ghoulina
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One of the first town meetings. Harry the Mayor is talking about the Reenactment and Luke said they should have been wearing prom dresses.

Taylor is up in arms about the 2nd troubador selling veggies. He doesn't have a cart-kiosk permit. Troubie #1 wrote a song. Taylor left me twistin'

Luke defends Jess at the town meeting and Lorelai backs up Luke.

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As much as I love Lindsey and Nicole both snubbing the GG's, that was at the Poe recitation, does that count as a town meeting?

1.  The new mailman (not Kirk!) has everyone's mail screwed up.  Gypsy has Rory's mail, Miss Patty has Taylor's girlie magazines.  Andrew's letter from his girlfriend must have fallen open accidentally.  "There's nothing private in that letter. Except for the medical stuff."  (Chicken or Beef)

2.  Taylor wonders why Stars Hollow even needs a troubadour and Rory gives a speech about needing to say something but you can't find the words.  "So give this guy a license!"  (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

3.  Lorelai brings food into the town meeting and speaks gibberish until Taylor gets confused and gives up asking her about it.  "These are not fries. They are farfegnugen sugen dugen."  (LDaT)

4.  The townies discuss Luke and Lorelai's relationship and the ramifications on the town.  "Now, as you all know, the relationship we have feared for some time has emerged, and we need to carefully consider whether or not we can support this."  As a member of the town, Luke is welcome to voice his opinion.  (WitS)

5.  Jesus waits for the meeting to be over so he can go on his date with Miss Patty.  He keeps thinking he hears his name and interrupts the meeting.  Babette wants pictures, Kirk can look him up on the internet.  (TTDE) 

6.  Kirk waits under a sheet in a minotaur costume for Taylor to explain about the Hay Bale Maze.  Babette is upset about Morey's salty nuts, Gypsy can't have her lemonade stand.  (HBM)

7.  Andrew and Gypsy argue about who was at fault in their fender bender.  "You backed up. You didn't look. You got in, you turned on your car, and then you whipped out of that space like you were Lizzie Grubman."  (WitS)

8.  Lorelai, Sookie, and Michel wait for their turn to speak to the town about the Dragonfly property.  Michel offers to take questions "...about the Dragonfly, or deodorant - the places to buy it, how to apply it, that sort of thing."  (Chicken or Beef)

9.  Taylor gives his yearly tick speech, grossing everyone out.  "Ticks are bad! Moving on!"  (TATT)

10.  Kirk moved out of his mother's house and needs somewhere to sleep.  He doesn't want to be a burden.  Taylor tries to arrange a schedule but Kirk has a problem with every place suggested.  (TLALD)


More to come....

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Ahhh, good call. The Poe readings aren't  a Town Meeting, even if it did take place in the dance studio. 


And I could swear Kirk was the mailman who was screwing everything up. Am I totally mistaken??? 


If anyone finds my brain, kindly return it. I must have left it in DST. 

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1.  The new mailman (not Kirk!) has everyone's mail screwed up.  Gypsy has Rory's mail, Miss Patty has Taylor's girlie magazines.  Andrew's letter from his girlfriend must have fallen open accidentally.  "There's nothing private in that letter. Except for the medical stuff."  (Chicken or Beef)

2.  Taylor wonders why Stars Hollow even needs a troubadour and Rory gives a speech about needing to say something but you can't find the words.  "So give this guy a license!"  (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

3.  Lorelai brings food into the town meeting and speaks gibberish until Taylor gets confused and gives up asking her about it.  "These are not fries. They are farfegnugen sugen dugen."  (LDaT)

4.  The townies discuss Luke and Lorelai's relationship and the ramifications on the town.  "Now, as you all know, the relationship we have feared for some time has emerged, and we need to carefully consider whether or not we can support this."  As a member of the town, Luke is welcome to voice his opinion.  (WitS)

5.  Jesus waits for the meeting to be over so he can go on his date with Miss Patty.  He keeps thinking he hears his name and interrupts the meeting.  Babette wants pictures, Kirk can look him up on the internet.  (TTDE) 

6.  Kirk waits under a sheet in a minotaur costume for Taylor to explain about the Hay Bale Maze.  Babette is upset about Morey's salty nuts, Gypsy can't have her lemonade stand.  (HBM)

7.  Andrew and Gypsy argue about who was at fault in their fender bender.  "You backed up. You didn't look. You got in, you turned on your car, and then you whipped out of that space like you were Lizzie Grubman."  (WitS)

8.  Lorelai, Sookie, and Michel wait for their turn to speak to the town about the Dragonfly property.  Michel offers to take questions "...about the Dragonfly, or deodorant - the places to buy it, how to apply it, that sort of thing."  (Chicken or Beef)

9.  Taylor gives his yearly tick speech, grossing everyone out.  "Ticks are bad! Moving on!"  (TATT)

10.  Kirk moved out of his mother's house and needs somewhere to sleep.  He doesn't want to be a burden.  Taylor tries to arrange a schedule but Kirk has a problem with every place suggested.  (TLALD)

11.  Harry announces the Reenactment and Luke loses it.  "Twelve guys stood in a row all night waiting for an enemy that never showed. They got stood up. They should've been wearing prom dresses."  (L&W&S)

12.  The second troubadour is back, with a vegetable stand, and Taylor's upset.  Taylor tries to shut him down on a cart, kiosk, cart/kiosk technicality and doesn't understand why the town troubadour isn't backing him, since he had a beef with the guy before.  The troubadour argues that Taylor left him twistin' for too long, he even wrote a song about it.  "Taylor left me twistin’, he set my eyes a' mistin’."  (DUAV)

13.  Taylor starts the town meeting early so they can discuss The Jess Situation before Luke arrives.  The town has a list of things Jess has done.  Lorelai heard he controls the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter.  They keep on until Lorelai tells them to stop it because what they're doing stinks.  (Inns and Outs of Inns)


44 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

And I could swear Kirk was the mailman who was screwing everything up. Am I totally mistaken???

I thought it was too, but Kirk was just slow delivering everyone's mail in The Big One.  The unnamed new mailman was the guy without a tongue, according to Miss Patty, in Chicken or Beef.


1 hour ago, elang4 said:

Haven't we done town meetings already??

Beats me.  Hasn't been recently if we have though.

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9 hours ago, lulu1960 said:

One of the first town meetings. Harry the Mayor is talking about the Reenactment and Luke said they should have been wearing prom dresses.

Taylor is up in arms about the 2nd troubador selling veggies. He doesn't have a cart-kiosk permit. Troubie #1 wrote a song. Taylor left me twistin'

Luke defends Jess at the town meeting and Lorelai backs up Luke.

Taryn, I think you didn't see mine.

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Tippicanoe and Taylor too - Jackson announces he's running against Taylor as Town Selectman

If we're including the revival, there was the one where Taylor announced the Gay Pride Parade, the one where the B list celebrities weren't spending enough, and the one where the town musical was announced.

Women of Questionable Morals where they discuss the re-enactment 

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Should/could we add scenes from the same town hall meeting, if they're  a bit different? In TLALD there's also the part where Luke volunteers to work on the project and no one takes him seriously at first because of his past with Taylor. They talk about the frying pan incident. 


The one where Taylor calls everyone in the dead of night because he's been snowed in. 

When Taylor brings up the deer population. "You want to kill a little romping Bambi?"  Kirk wants a controlled wolf hunt. 

When Taylor says "Late again, Lorelai" - "Yes, I hope I'm not pregnant". (DUAV)

When Taylor announces the pickle train derailment. Taylor doesn't want to be responsible for the clean-up. "Just pick up the damn pickles, Taylor!" 

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1.  The new mailman (Not!Kirk) has everyone's mail screwed up.  Gypsy has Rory's mail, Miss Patty has Taylor's girlie magazines.  Andrew's letter from his girlfriend must have fallen open accidentally.  "There's nothing private in that letter. Except for the medical stuff."  (Chicken or Beef)

2.  Taylor wonders why Stars Hollow even needs a troubadour and Rory gives a speech about needing to say something but you can't find the words.  "So give this guy a license!"  (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

3.  Lorelai brings food into the town meeting and speaks gibberish until Taylor gets confused and gives up asking her about it.  "These are not fries. They are farfegnugen sugen dugen."  (LDaT)

4.  The townies discuss Luke and Lorelai's relationship and the ramifications on the town.  "Now, as you all know, the relationship we have feared for some time has emerged, and we need to carefully consider whether or not we can support this."  As a member of the town, Luke is welcome to voice his opinion.  (WitS)

5.  Jesus waits for the meeting to be over so he can go on his date with Miss Patty.  He keeps thinking he hears his name and interrupts the meeting.  Babette wants pictures, Kirk can look him up on the internet.  (TTDE) 

6.  Kirk waits under a sheet in a minotaur costume for Taylor to explain about the Hay Bale Maze.  Babette is upset about Morey's salty nuts, Gypsy can't have her lemonade stand.  (HBM)

7.  Andrew and Gypsy argue about who was at fault in their fender bender.  "You backed up. You didn't look. You got in, you turned on your car, and then you whipped out of that space like you were Lizzie Grubman."  (WitS)

8.  Lorelai, Sookie, and Michel wait for their turn to speak to the town about the Dragonfly property.  Michel offers to take questions "...about the Dragonfly, or deodorant - the places to buy it, how to apply it, that sort of thing."  (Chicken or Beef)

9.  Taylor gives his yearly tick speech, grossing everyone out.  "Ticks are bad! Moving on!"  (TATT)

10.  Kirk moved out of his mother's house and needs somewhere to sleep.  He doesn't want to be a burden.  Taylor tries to arrange a schedule but Kirk has a problem with every place suggested.  (TLALD)

11.  Harry announces the Reenactment and Luke loses it.  "Twelve guys stood in a row all night waiting for an enemy that never showed. They got stood up. They should've been wearing prom dresses."  (L&W&S)

12.  The second troubadour is back, with a vegetable stand, and Taylor's upset.  Taylor tries to shut him down on a cart, kiosk, cart/kiosk technicality and doesn't understand why the town troubadour isn't backing him, since he had a beef with the guy before.  The troubadour argues that Taylor left him twistin' for too long, he even wrote a song about it.  "Taylor left me twistin’, he set my eyes a' mistin’."  (DUAV)

13.  Taylor starts the town meeting early so they can discuss The Jess Situation before Luke arrives.  The town has a list of things Jess has done.  Lorelai heard he controls the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter.  They keep on until Lorelai tells them to stop it because what they're doing stinks.  (Inns and Outs of Inns)

14.  A frustrated Jackson shocks everyone by announcing he's running against Taylor for Town Selectman.  "Nobody ever runs against Taylor." "He's our Papa Doc."  (TATT)

15.  The men of the town gather to discuss the woman of questionable morals they are adding to the Revolutionary War Reenactment.  "A hooker stopped a battle." "We're not calling her a hooker." (WoQM)

16.  Taylor announces the First Annual Stars Hollow Gay Pride Parade but then says there are not enough gays in Stars Hollow to actually hold the parade.  "How is that possible?" "We have such cute houses!" "And antique shops!"  (Revival, Spring)

17.  Taylor is upset that while a movie is filming nearby, all the A-level actors are staying in Woodbridge and the B-level actors are staying at the Dragonfly.  He name-drops a bunch of actors no one has heard of from a bootlegged copy of the Dragonfly's guest list.  "Who?" "Exactly!"  (Revival, Spring)

18.  Taylor announces his newest plan to generate revenue for the town - Stars Hollow: The Musical.  (Revival, Summer)

19.  Taylor announces Mr. Twickham's wishes to have his home turned into a museum of Stars Hollow history and takes volunteers to work on it.  He assumes Luke is joking when he volunteers.  "I’m not mocking anything, I’m volunteering." "After you threw a frying pan at my head?"  (TLALD)

20.  Taylor wakes everyone up with the church bells to hold a town meeting at 3 am via satellite, because he is snowed in at his sister's and the Winter Carnival is that weekend.  His nephew calls him a doodoo head and throws ping-pong balls at him.  (JLGAG)

21.  The deer population is becoming a problem, Taylor wants to initiate a partial elimination.  "You want to kill the little romping Bambis?"  Kirk proposes a controlled wolf hunt.  (TASP)

22.  Taylor complains when Lorelai comes in late - again - to the meeting.  "I hope I'm not pregnant!"  (DUAV)

23.  A pickle train has derailed but Taylor doesn't want to pay to have them cleaned up, since they are closer to Woodbridge.  "Just pick up the damn pickles, Taylor!"  (The Great Stink)

24.  The townies are excited to be hosting the Festival of Living Pictures this year.  The head of the Connecticut Arts Council, Buff Otis, responds.  "Your enthusiasm . . . shocks me."  (TFOLA)

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Taylor wants to open the soda shoppe, (he has a mock-up of the building complete with a giant horse),and Luke disagrees until the girls say they like the idea. 

Andrew and Kirk come dressed up as Revolutionary soldiers saying they are lost. Taylor wants to change the street names.

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1.  The new mailman (Not!Kirk) has everyone's mail screwed up.  Gypsy has Rory's mail, Miss Patty has Taylor's girlie magazines.  Andrew's letter from his girlfriend must have fallen open accidentally.  "There's nothing private in that letter. Except for the medical stuff."  (Chicken or Beef)

2.  Taylor wonders why Stars Hollow even needs a troubadour and Rory gives a speech about needing to say something but you can't find the words.  "So give this guy a license!"  (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

3.  Lorelai brings food into the town meeting and speaks gibberish until Taylor gets confused and gives up asking her about it.  "These are not fries. They are farfegnugen sugen dugen."  (LDaT)

4.  The townies discuss Luke and Lorelai's relationship and the ramifications on the town.  "Now, as you all know, the relationship we have feared for some time has emerged, and we need to carefully consider whether or not we can support this."  As a member of the town, Luke is welcome to voice his opinion.  (WitS)

5.  Jesus waits for the meeting to be over so he can go on his date with Miss Patty.  He keeps thinking he hears his name and interrupts the meeting.  Babette wants pictures, Kirk can look him up on the internet.  (TTDE) 

6.  Kirk waits under a sheet in a minotaur costume for Taylor to explain about the Hay Bale Maze.  Babette is upset about Morey's salty nuts, Gypsy can't have her lemonade stand.  (HBM)

7.  Andrew and Gypsy argue about who was at fault in their fender bender.  "You backed up. You didn't look. You got in, you turned on your car, and then you whipped out of that space like you were Lizzie Grubman."  (WitS)

8.  Lorelai, Sookie, and Michel wait for their turn to speak to the town about the Dragonfly property.  Michel offers to take questions "...about the Dragonfly, or deodorant - the places to buy it, how to apply it, that sort of thing."  (Chicken or Beef)

9.  Taylor gives his yearly tick speech, grossing everyone out.  "Ticks are bad! Moving on!"  (TATT)

10.  Kirk moved out of his mother's house and needs somewhere to sleep.  He doesn't want to be a burden.  Taylor tries to arrange a schedule but Kirk has a problem with every place suggested.  (TLALD)

11.  Harry announces the Reenactment and Luke loses it.  "Twelve guys stood in a row all night waiting for an enemy that never showed. They got stood up. They should've been wearing prom dresses."  (L&W&S)

12.  The second troubadour is back, with a vegetable stand, and Taylor's upset.  Taylor tries to shut him down on a cart, kiosk, cart/kiosk technicality and doesn't understand why the town troubadour isn't backing him, since he had a beef with the guy before.  The troubadour argues that Taylor left him twistin' for too long, he even wrote a song about it.  "Taylor left me twistin’, he set my eyes a' mistin’."  (DUAV)

13.  Taylor starts the town meeting early so they can discuss The Jess Situation before Luke arrives.  The town has a list of things Jess has done.  Lorelai heard he controls the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter.  They keep on until Lorelai tells them to stop it because what they're doing stinks.  (Inns and Outs of Inns)

14.  A frustrated Jackson shocks everyone by announcing he's running against Taylor for Town Selectman.  "Nobody ever runs against Taylor." "He's our Papa Doc."  (TATT)

15.  The men of the town gather to discuss the woman of questionable morals they are adding to the Revolutionary War Reenactment.  "A hooker stopped a battle." "We're not calling her a hooker." (WoQM)

16.  Taylor announces the First Annual Stars Hollow Gay Pride Parade but then says there are not enough gays in Stars Hollow to actually hold the parade.  "How is that possible?" "We have such cute houses!" "And antique shops!"  (Revival, Spring)

17.  Taylor is upset that while a movie is filming nearby, all the A-level actors are staying in Woodbridge and the B-level actors are staying at the Dragonfly.  He name-drops a bunch of actors no one has heard of from a bootlegged copy of the Dragonfly's guest list.  "Who?" "Exactly!"  (Revival, Spring)

18.  Taylor announces his newest plan to generate revenue for the town - Stars Hollow: The Musical.  (Revival, Summer)

19.  Taylor announces Mr. Twickham's wishes to have his home turned into a museum of Stars Hollow history and takes volunteers to work on it.  He assumes Luke is joking when he volunteers.  "I’m not mocking anything, I’m volunteering." "After you threw a frying pan at my head?"  (TLALD)

20.  Taylor wakes everyone up with the church bells to hold a town meeting at 3 am via satellite, because he is snowed in at his sister's and the Winter Carnival is that weekend.  His nephew calls him a doodoo head and throws ping-pong balls at him.  (JLGAG)

21.  The deer population is becoming a problem, Taylor wants to initiate a partial elimination.  "You want to kill the little romping Bambis?"  Kirk proposes a controlled wolf hunt.  (TASP)

22.  Taylor complains when Lorelai comes in late - again - to the meeting.  "I hope I'm not pregnant!"  (DUAV)

23.  A pickle train has derailed but Taylor doesn't want to pay to have them cleaned up, since they are closer to Woodbridge.  "Just pick up the damn pickles, Taylor!"  (The Great Stink)

24.  The townies are excited to be hosting the Festival of Living Pictures this year.  The head of the Connecticut Arts Council, Buff Otis, responds.  "Your enthusiasm . . . shocks me."  (TFOLA)

25.  Taylor has a mockup of the Old Fashioned Soda Shoppe he wants to build, complete with a giant horse and Jackson holding a tiny zucchini.  Luke says no, Taylor threatens eminent domain, Luke backs off when Lorelai and Rory say they want it.  "Be ready to pay through the nose."  (AA)

26.  Andrew and Kirk, dressed as Revolutionary soldiers, show up at the town meeting pretending to be lost.  They are looking for leeches and wenches but can't find them because the street names have changed.  (Welcome to the Dollhouse)

27.  Lulu attends her first town meeting with Kirk.  "Excuse me. Can my girlfriend and I sit here? This is my girlfriend."  (FOLA)

Edited by Taryn74
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I feel like there is more that I am missing.

Luke and Bootsy get into it over the hand print that was broken in 1st grade.

Not sure if it counts because it was an "unofficial" town meeting but, Luke gathers the troops to plan Rory's going away party. Taylor can get on board or go home and comb his beard.

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I did the townsmen "meeting" at Luke's to discuss the town whore in WOQM, so I'll slide that one in too Lulu.  ;)


1.  The new mailman (Not!Kirk) has everyone's mail screwed up.  Gypsy has Rory's mail, Miss Patty has Taylor's girlie magazines.  Andrew's letter from his girlfriend must have fallen open accidentally.  "There's nothing private in that letter. Except for the medical stuff."  (Chicken or Beef)

2.  Taylor wonders why Stars Hollow even needs a troubadour and Rory gives a speech about needing to say something but you can't find the words.  "So give this guy a license!"  (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

3.  Lorelai brings food into the town meeting and speaks gibberish until Taylor gets confused and gives up asking her about it.  "These are not fries. They are farfegnugen sugen dugen."  (LDaT)

4.  The townies discuss Luke and Lorelai's relationship and the ramifications on the town.  "Now, as you all know, the relationship we have feared for some time has emerged, and we need to carefully consider whether or not we can support this."  As a member of the town, Luke is welcome to voice his opinion.  (WitS)

5.  Jesus waits for the meeting to be over so he can go on his date with Miss Patty.  He keeps thinking he hears his name and interrupts the meeting.  Babette wants pictures, Kirk can look him up on the internet.  (TTDE) 

6.  Kirk waits under a sheet in a minotaur costume for Taylor to explain about the Hay Bale Maze.  Babette is upset about Morey's salty nuts, Gypsy can't have her lemonade stand.  (HBM)

7.  Andrew and Gypsy argue about who was at fault in their fender bender.  "You backed up. You didn't look. You got in, you turned on your car, and then you whipped out of that space like you were Lizzie Grubman."  (WitS)

8.  Lorelai, Sookie, and Michel wait for their turn to speak to the town about the Dragonfly property.  Michel offers to take questions "...about the Dragonfly, or deodorant - the places to buy it, how to apply it, that sort of thing."  (Chicken or Beef)

9.  Taylor gives his yearly tick speech, grossing everyone out.  "Ticks are bad! Moving on!"  (TATT)

10.  Kirk moved out of his mother's house and needs somewhere to sleep.  He doesn't want to be a burden.  Taylor tries to arrange a schedule but Kirk has a problem with every place suggested.  (TLALD)

11.  Harry announces the Reenactment and Luke loses it.  "Twelve guys stood in a row all night waiting for an enemy that never showed. They got stood up. They should've been wearing prom dresses."  (L&W&S)

12.  The second troubadour is back, with a vegetable stand, and Taylor's upset.  Taylor tries to shut him down on a cart, kiosk, cart/kiosk technicality and doesn't understand why the town troubadour isn't backing him, since he had a beef with the guy before.  The troubadour argues that Taylor left him twistin' for too long, he even wrote a song about it.  "Taylor left me twistin’, he set my eyes a' mistin’."  (DUAV)

13.  Taylor starts the town meeting early so they can discuss The Jess Situation before Luke arrives.  The town has a list of things Jess has done.  Lorelai heard he controls the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter.  They keep on until Lorelai tells them to stop it because what they're doing stinks.  (Inns and Outs of Inns)

14.  A frustrated Jackson shocks everyone by announcing he's running against Taylor for Town Selectman.  "Nobody ever runs against Taylor." "He's our Papa Doc."  (TATT)

15.  The men of the town gather to discuss the woman of questionable morals they are adding to the Revolutionary War Reenactment.  "A hooker stopped a battle." "We're not calling her a hooker." (WoQM)

16.  Taylor announces the First Annual Stars Hollow Gay Pride Parade but then says there are not enough gays in Stars Hollow to actually hold the parade.  "How is that possible?" "We have such cute houses!" "And antique shops!"  (Revival, Spring)

17.  Taylor is upset that while a movie is filming nearby, all the A-level actors are staying in Woodbridge and the B-level actors are staying at the Dragonfly.  He name-drops a bunch of actors no one has heard of from a bootlegged copy of the Dragonfly's guest list.  "Who?" "Exactly!"  (Revival, Spring)

18.  Taylor announces his newest plan to generate revenue for the town - Stars Hollow: The Musical.  (Revival, Summer)

19.  Taylor announces Mr. Twickham's wishes to have his home turned into a museum of Stars Hollow history and takes volunteers to work on it.  He assumes Luke is joking when he volunteers.  "I’m not mocking anything, I’m volunteering." "After you threw a frying pan at my head?"  (TLALD)

20.  Taylor wakes everyone up with the church bells to hold a town meeting at 3 am via satellite, because he is snowed in at his sister's and the Winter Carnival is that weekend.  His nephew calls him a doodoo head and throws ping-pong balls at him.  (JLGAG)

21.  The deer population is becoming a problem, Taylor wants to initiate a partial elimination.  "You want to kill the little romping Bambis?"  Kirk proposes a controlled wolf hunt.  (TASP)

22.  Taylor complains when Lorelai comes in late - again - to the meeting.  "I hope I'm not pregnant!"  (DUAV)

23.  A pickle train has derailed but Taylor doesn't want to pay to have them cleaned up, since they are closer to Woodbridge.  "Just pick up the damn pickles, Taylor!"  (The Great Stink)

24.  The townies are excited to be hosting the Festival of Living Pictures this year.  The head of the Connecticut Arts Council, Buff Otis, responds.  "Your enthusiasm . . . shocks me."  (TFOLA)

25.  Taylor has a mockup of the Old Fashioned Soda Shoppe he wants to build, complete with a giant horse and Jackson holding a tiny zucchini.  Luke says no, Taylor threatens eminent domain, Luke backs off when Lorelai and Rory say they want it.  "Be ready to pay through the nose."  (AA)

26.  Andrew and Kirk, dressed as Revolutionary soldiers, show up at the town meeting pretending to be lost.  They are looking for leeches and wenches but can't find them because the street names have changed.  (Welcome to the Dollhouse)

27.  Lulu attends her first town meeting with Kirk.  "Excuse me. Can my girlfriend and I sit here? This is my girlfriend."  (FOLA)

28.  Andrew is upset at being accused of peddling drug paraphernalia to children.  "There is no use for a lava lamp unless you're on drugs." "Oh, for crying out loud."  (L&W&S)

29.  Bootsy and Luke get into it over Luke's clay handprint from first grade.  "You stomped on it while it was drying. Three kids saw you."  (TIAOOI)

30.  The townies hide in Miss Patty's studio to discuss Rory's surprise going-away party, in an impromptu town meeting which upsets Taylor.  "Once again, this is not a 'meeting,' per se. We have already broken several Robert's rules of order."  Taylor keeps arguing against all of their party ideas, Luke finally has enough.  "I don't know what your problem is, but the town wants to throw this party, and you're either gonna join us or you're gonna stay home and comb your beard."  (BV)


And with that, we have enough to start voting!  Voting against three.

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And just like that, and to the utter shock of no one, the three Revival scenes are goners! Heh. Still voting against three.


1.  The new mailman (Not!Kirk) has everyone's mail screwed up.  Gypsy has Rory's mail, Miss Patty has Taylor's girlie magazines.  Andrew's letter from his girlfriend must have fallen open accidentally.  "There's nothing private in that letter. Except for the medical stuff."  (Chicken or Beef)

2.  Taylor wonders why Stars Hollow even needs a troubadour and Rory gives a speech about needing to say something but you can't find the words.  "So give this guy a license!"  (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

3.  Lorelai brings food into the town meeting and speaks gibberish until Taylor gets confused and gives up asking her about it.  "These are not fries. They are farfegnugen sugen dugen."  (LDaT)

4.  The townies discuss Luke and Lorelai's relationship and the ramifications on the town.  "Now, as you all know, the relationship we have feared for some time has emerged, and we need to carefully consider whether or not we can support this."  As a member of the town, Luke is welcome to voice his opinion.  (WitS)

5.  Jesus waits for the meeting to be over so he can go on his date with Miss Patty.  He keeps thinking he hears his name and interrupts the meeting.  Babette wants pictures, Kirk can look him up on the internet.  (TTDE) 

6.  Kirk waits under a sheet in a minotaur costume for Taylor to explain about the Hay Bale Maze.  Babette is upset about Morey's salty nuts, Gypsy can't have her lemonade stand.  (HBM)

7.  Andrew and Gypsy argue about who was at fault in their fender bender.  "You backed up. You didn't look. You got in, you turned on your car, and then you whipped out of that space like you were Lizzie Grubman."  (WitS)

8.  Lorelai, Sookie, and Michel wait for their turn to speak to the town about the Dragonfly property.  Michel offers to take questions "...about the Dragonfly, or deodorant - the places to buy it, how to apply it, that sort of thing."  (Chicken or Beef)

9.  Taylor gives his yearly tick speech, grossing everyone out.  "Ticks are bad! Moving on!"  (TATT)

10.  Kirk moved out of his mother's house and needs somewhere to sleep.  He doesn't want to be a burden.  Taylor tries to arrange a schedule but Kirk has a problem with every place suggested.  (TLALD)

11.  Harry announces the Reenactment and Luke loses it.  "Twelve guys stood in a row all night waiting for an enemy that never showed. They got stood up. They should've been wearing prom dresses."  (L&W&S)

12.  The second troubadour is back, with a vegetable stand, and Taylor's upset.  Taylor tries to shut him down on a cart, kiosk, cart/kiosk technicality and doesn't understand why the town troubadour isn't backing him, since he had a beef with the guy before.  The troubadour argues that Taylor left him twistin' for too long, he even wrote a song about it.  "Taylor left me twistin’, he set my eyes a' mistin’."  (DUAV)

13.  Taylor starts the town meeting early so they can discuss The Jess Situation before Luke arrives.  The town has a list of things Jess has done.  Lorelai heard he controls the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter.  They keep on until Lorelai tells them to stop it because what they're doing stinks.  (Inns and Outs of Inns)

14.  A frustrated Jackson shocks everyone by announcing he's running against Taylor for Town Selectman.  "Nobody ever runs against Taylor." "He's our Papa Doc."  (TATT)

15.  The men of the town gather to discuss the woman of questionable morals they are adding to the Revolutionary War Reenactment.  "A hooker stopped a battle." "We're not calling her a hooker." (WoQM)

19.  Taylor announces Mr. Twickham's wishes to have his home turned into a museum of Stars Hollow history and takes volunteers to work on it.  He assumes Luke is joking when he volunteers.  "I’m not mocking anything, I’m volunteering." "After you threw a frying pan at my head?"  (TLALD)

20.  Taylor wakes everyone up with the church bells to hold a town meeting at 3 am via satellite, because he is snowed in at his sister's and the Winter Carnival is that weekend.  His nephew calls him a doodoo head and throws ping-pong balls at him.  (JLGAG)

21.  The deer population is becoming a problem, Taylor wants to initiate a partial elimination.  "You want to kill the little romping Bambis?"  Kirk proposes a controlled wolf hunt.  (TASP)

22.  Taylor complains when Lorelai comes in late - again - to the meeting.  "I hope I'm not pregnant!"  (DUAV)

23.  A pickle train has derailed but Taylor doesn't want to pay to have them cleaned up, since they are closer to Woodbridge.  "Just pick up the damn pickles, Taylor!"  (The Great Stink)

24.  The townies are excited to be hosting the Festival of Living Pictures this year.  The head of the Connecticut Arts Council, Buff Otis, responds.  "Your enthusiasm . . . shocks me."  (TFOLA)

25.  Taylor has a mockup of the Old Fashioned Soda Shoppe he wants to build, complete with a giant horse and Jackson holding a tiny zucchini.  Luke says no, Taylor threatens eminent domain, Luke backs off when Lorelai and Rory say they want it.  "Be ready to pay through the nose."  (AA)

26.  Andrew and Kirk, dressed as Revolutionary soldiers, show up at the town meeting pretending to be lost.  They are looking for leeches and wenches but can't find them because the street names have changed.  (Welcome to the Dollhouse)

27.  Lulu attends her first town meeting with Kirk.  "Excuse me. Can my girlfriend and I sit here? This is my girlfriend."  (FOLA)

28.  Andrew is upset at being accused of peddling drug paraphernalia to children.  "There is no use for a lava lamp unless you're on drugs." "Oh, for crying out loud."  (L&W&S)

29.  Bootsy and Luke get into it over Luke's clay handprint from first grade.  "You stomped on it while it was drying. Three kids saw you."  (TIAOOI)

30.  The townies hide in Miss Patty's studio to discuss Rory's surprise going-away party, in an impromptu town meeting which upsets Taylor.  "Once again, this is not a 'meeting,' per se. We have already broken several Robert's rules of order."  Taylor keeps arguing against all of their party ideas, Luke finally has enough.  "I don't know what your problem is, but the town wants to throw this party, and you're either gonna join us or you're gonna stay home and comb your beard."  (BV)

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