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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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1. The passeggiata scene with Maury and Babette

2. Babette telling Rory, "That's some kiss, you gotta give it a little something."

3. When Michel is teaching Patty how to use the computer after the inn catches fire. 

4. Gypsy going round with Mr. Gilmore over Rory's car. 

5. Andrew - why didn't you tell me you dated Liam Neeson???

6. The auditions for the town "whore". 

Are we including Mrs. Kim? Because I have a million Mrs. Kim moments -


Coming at Jess with the cricket bat. 

When she chases Rory off the sidewalk with the hose. 

When she writes the song with Brian. 

Haggling with Emily in the antique shop. 

When she quotes Shakespeare to Dave. 


(if we're not including her, feel free to delete!)

When Emily comes to visit SH, she goes head to head with Mrs. Kim over antiques.

Gypsy is going to charge Jess like he's never been charged before

Gypsy and Jackson look for Easter eggs. "Toupee Guy says what?"

Gypsy is fixing Jackson's car. "Guys are stupid. You strip your gears, ride your brakes. And if we don't laugh after we make a joke, you think we're serious."

I included a Mrs. Kim one too. Looks like the same one you did, ghoulina.

  • Love 1

More Townie moments -


Taylor throwing digs at Rory for not being the Ice Cream Queen (or whatever it was.)

The Rev and Rabbi asking Taylor if he has a God-phone. 

The Town Troubadour 2.0 setting up his produce stand and screwing with Taylor.

Pete the pizza guy trying to design the biggest pizza with Rory. 

Fran not understanding what a "long vacation" is.

Need just a couple more!

Townie scenes

1.  Morey and Babette take Cinnamon for a passeggiata. Morey makes it sound so sexy. "He's blushing! G-d, I love a man that blushes!"  (Cinnamon's Wake)

2.  Babette offers a critique of Rory and Jess' kiss in the diner. "That was some half-assed kiss you two had. You gotta give it a little something, honey." (ADFKT)

3.  Miss Patty answers the phones at the 'Independence Inn Emergency Headquarters' while Babette tries to figure out the computer. "I just hit F4 and the num lock key and the one with the little apple on it and it's freaking out like it's on acid or something." Michel needs a cyanide capsule.  (ATOPAF)

4.  Gypsy inspects the car Dean built - again - while Richard and Dean look on. The windshield wipers break right off in her hand, giving her something to fix, finally. "I can't look at this car anymore. I miss my home!"  (RiSH)

5.  Andrew's date tells him at the dance festival that she went out with Liam Neeson, because Andrew always gets in a fight with his date within the first fifteen minutes of the dance festival.  "I can’t stand Liam Neeson!"  (TSG,DT?)

6.  Taylor and Miss Patty judge the auditions for the Town Whore. Taylor gives the girls a description of the "dashing" man they are to try to seduce.  "I thought you were doing it, Taylor?"  (WoQM)

7.  Kirk tells Lorelai and Rory about his cat, Kirk. He'll have to get his mom to say CatKirk when she's calling the cat, and HumanKirk when she's calling him, to avoid any confusion.  "That'll keep it straight."  (ADFKT)

8.  Kirk performs 'The Journey of Man' at Miss Patty's dance recital. He begins at conception - "Ew!" "Ew!" - and ends with a very twitchy, spazzy death.  (WGMTD)

9.  Miss Patty and Babette grill Luke about his engagement to Lorelai. Babette shares about when Morey proposed to her. Morey was on top . . . no, Babette was on top . . . no, Stoney Morrison was on top. Luke is disturbed.  "We were playing Twister, did I not mention that?"  (NAIL)

10.  Babette is upset that East Side Tillie found out first about the rift between Lorelai and Rory.  "That damn woman keeps trumping me!"  (NAIL)

11.  Babette and Miss Patty get ready for karaoke night with hot water and shredded wheat.  "It's for my throat. Gives it a rougher quality, a husky sound sort of like Debbie Harry meets Ethel Merman!"  (Lorelai? Lorelai?)

12.  Mrs. Kim finds Jess at Lane's window and meets him with a bat.  "Baseball?" "Cricket." "Night!"  (ATOPAF)

13.  Mrs. Kim chases Rory away from the antique store with a water hose because she's heard about the termites.  "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now!"  (Secrets and Loans)

14.  Mrs. Kim helps Zach write a hit song so he can prove he can provide for Lane. "Tell me before the kettle blows you know we got another commotion." "Stinks." "Great."  (I'm OK, You're OK)

15.  Emily comes to the antique store and she and Mrs. Kim haggle over a cabinet.  "It's like watching the Williams sisters."  (Emily in Wonderland)

16.  Dave asks permission to take Lane to the prom. Mrs. Kim's answer is a little vague.  "Let never day nor night unhallow'd pass, but still remember what the Lord hath done."  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

17.  Gypsy agrees to fix Jess' car, but she's going to charge him like he's never been charged before.  "I bet you say that to all the guys." "On second thought, maybe I'm closing early tonight."  (Nag Hammadi)

18.  Gypsy and Jackson help look for the missing Easter eggs.  "Toupee Guy says what?"  (TTTB)

19.  Gypsy is working on Jackson's truck when Luke stops by to find out about the car Jess bought.  "Guys are stupid. You strip your gears, ride your brakes. And if we don't laugh after we make a joke, you think we're serious."  (TTDE)

20.  Taylor is upset because Rory doesn't have time to be the Ice Cream Queen.  "I wanna thank you all for coming here today to help us celebrate our grand opening. Now, originally we were supposed to have our Ice Cream Queen here, but unfortunately, kids, she was just too busy. She just couldn't find time in her busy queen schedule to come play with all of you here today."  (Ballrooms & Biscotti)

21.  Taylor is upset because Reverend Skinner and Rabbi Barans are letting the town loner protest from the steps of the church. He can guarantee that God does not want this, either. "Did you hear that, David? Taylor Doose is in direct communication with God." They wonder if he has a God-phone.  (TTDE)

22.  The Town Troubadour v. 2.0 comes back to set up a produce stand, which upsets Taylor, but he can't find a loophole to make him shut it down.  (DUAV)

23.  Pete the Pizza Guy and Rory discuss the world's largest pizza.  Rory does not want a pizza doily.  Kirk asks them to not use the C-word.  (HBB)

24.  Lorelai and Sookie talk to Fran about buying the Dragonfly property.  Fran plans to own it forever and ever, even after she takes the ultimate, long vacation.  "Europe?"  (The Inns and Outs of Inns)

25.  Taylor is done with the cyclists and their race and starts randomly tossing out the trophies.  "Rat's tushie, party of one."  (NAIL)

26.  Taylor refuses to sign off on work on the Dragonfly until Lorelai uses her pull to get Luke to agree to an ice cream truck in front of the diner.  "I pay to shop in your store. I eat your banana splits. I've never physically hurt you. . .except for that one spit wad in the one town meeting, but I didn't mean for it to hit your eye and I apologized profusely, so please, please, put me out of my misery and tell me what I need to do to make this thing happen!"  (Chicken or Beef)

27.  Sookie hires Kirk to stand outside Luke's diner in a hot dog suit to drive lunch business to the Dragonfly.  "Technically I’m a giant wiener. The costume tag says 'wiener'."  (NMIP)

28.  Kirk is a dog walker. It's his turn to hide. "Shh. Snuggles. Cute, but not the smartest tool in the shed. He found us! Celebrate! Come on, Luke. Celebrate!" Luke will have a beer later.  (Scene in a Mall)

-Babette tries to 'comfort' Rory after Jess crashes her car by telling her about how "This has happened to everyone". "I was in a cult once, did I ever tell you that"?-Help Wanted

-The 'proprietor' (does he he have a name?) of the vegetable stand sets his cart up across from Doose's and proceeds to antagonize Taylor : "Taking a little break? Don't see how if you're anywhere near as busy as I am ...oh boy, it's a mob scene"!-DUAV

-Christopher walks through town with Rory. Miss Patty hits on him, Taylor knows his name before they've been introduced, and Jackson and Andrew turn him side to side and talk about whether he looks like George Clooney or Brad Pitt "I'm going with the Billy Crudup comparison myself". Christopher tells Rory he's kidnapping her and getting her out of here.-Christopher Returns

Kirk is just supposed to use the fall festival decorations to set up for Luke and Lorelai's wedding, but then he buys a glitter gun and some double stick tape and it's all ruined! He asks to throw up in the upstairs bathroom since the downstairs one hurts his knees. Lorelai loves the decorations and texts that they're perfect.-The Revival, Fall (Sorry I just love this whole thing!) 

Just now, Bumblebee Tights said:

-Babette tries to 'comfort' Rory after Jess crashes her car by telling her about how "This has happened to everyone". "I was in a cult once, did I ever tell you that"?-Help Wanted

-The 'proprietor' (does he he have a name?) of the vegetable stand sets his cart up across from Doose's and proceeds to antagonize Taylor : "Taking a little break? Don't see how if you're anywhere near as busy as I am ...oh boy, it's a mob scene"!-DUAV

-Christopher walks through town with Rory. Miss Patty hits on him, Taylor knows his name before they've been introduced, and Jackson and Andrew turn him side to side and talk about whether he looks like George Clooney or Brad Pitt "I'm going with the Billy Crudup comparison myself". Christopher tells Rory he's kidnapping her and getting her out of here.-Christopher Returns

Kirk is just supposed to use the fall festival decorations to set up for Luke and Lorelai's wedding, but then he buys a glitter gun and some double stick tape and it's all ruined! He asks to throw up in the upstairs bathroom since the downstairs one hurts his knees. Lorelai loves the decorations and texts that they're perfect.-The Revival, Fall (Sorry I just love this whole thing!) 

Ok, I don't know how I replied to myself but it's making me crazy to try and delete it on mobile, so I hope you'll forgive me for leaving it.

  • Love 1

Townie scenes

1.  Morey and Babette take Cinnamon for a passeggiata. Morey makes it sound so sexy. "He's blushing! G-d, I love a man that blushes!"  (Cinnamon's Wake)

2.  Babette offers a critique of Rory and Jess' kiss in the diner. "That was some half-assed kiss you two had. You gotta give it a little something, honey." (ADFKT)

3.  Miss Patty answers the phones at the 'Independence Inn Emergency Headquarters' while Babette tries to figure out the computer. "I just hit F4 and the num lock key and the one with the little apple on it and it's freaking out like it's on acid or something." Michel needs a cyanide capsule.  (ATOPAF)

4.  Gypsy inspects the car Dean built - again - while Richard and Dean look on. The windshield wipers break right off in her hand, giving her something to fix, finally. "I can't look at this car anymore. I miss my home!"  (RiSH)

5.  Andrew's date tells him at the dance festival that she went out with Liam Neeson, because Andrew always gets in a fight with his date within the first fifteen minutes of the dance festival.  "I can’t stand Liam Neeson!"  (TSG,DT?)

6.  Taylor and Miss Patty judge the auditions for the Town Whore. Taylor gives the girls a description of the "dashing" man they are to try to seduce.  "I thought you were doing it, Taylor?"  (WoQM)

7.  Kirk tells Lorelai and Rory about his cat, Kirk. He'll have to get his mom to say CatKirk when she's calling the cat, and HumanKirk when she's calling him, to avoid any confusion.  "That'll keep it straight."  (ADFKT)

8.  Kirk performs 'The Journey of Man' at Miss Patty's dance recital. He begins at conception - "Ew!" "Ew!" - and ends with a very twitchy, spazzy death.  (WGMTD)

9.  Miss Patty and Babette grill Luke about his engagement to Lorelai. Babette shares about when Morey proposed to her. Morey was on top . . . no, Babette was on top . . . no, Stoney Morrison was on top. Luke is disturbed.  "We were playing Twister, did I not mention that?"  (NAIL)

10.  Babette is upset that East Side Tillie found out first about the rift between Lorelai and Rory.  "That damn woman keeps trumping me!"  (NAIL)

11.  Babette and Miss Patty get ready for karaoke night with hot water and shredded wheat.  "It's for my throat. Gives it a rougher quality, a husky sound sort of like Debbie Harry meets Ethel Merman!"  (Lorelai? Lorelai?)

12.  Mrs. Kim finds Jess at Lane's window and meets him with a bat.  "Baseball?" "Cricket." "Night!"  (ATOPAF)

13.  Mrs. Kim chases Rory away from the antique store with a water hose because she's heard about the termites.  "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now!"  (Secrets and Loans)

14.  Mrs. Kim helps Zach write a hit song so he can prove he can provide for Lane. "Tell me before the kettle blows you know we got another commotion." "Stinks." "Great."  (I'm OK, You're OK)

15.  Emily comes to the antique store and she and Mrs. Kim haggle over a cabinet.  "It's like watching the Williams sisters."  (Emily in Wonderland)

16.  Dave asks permission to take Lane to the prom. Mrs. Kim's answer is a little vague.  "Let never day nor night unhallow'd pass, but still remember what the Lord hath done."  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

17.  Gypsy agrees to fix Jess' car, but she's going to charge him like he's never been charged before.  "I bet you say that to all the guys." "On second thought, maybe I'm closing early tonight."  (Nag Hammadi)

18.  Gypsy and Jackson help look for the missing Easter eggs.  "Toupee Guy says what?"  (TTTB)

19.  Gypsy is working on Jackson's truck when Luke stops by to find out about the car Jess bought.  "Guys are stupid. You strip your gears, ride your brakes. And if we don't laugh after we make a joke, you think we're serious."  (TTDE)

20.  Taylor is upset because Rory doesn't have time to be the Ice Cream Queen.  "I wanna thank you all for coming here today to help us celebrate our grand opening. Now, originally we were supposed to have our Ice Cream Queen here, but unfortunately, kids, she was just too busy. She just couldn't find time in her busy queen schedule to come play with all of you here today."  (Ballrooms & Biscotti)

21.  Taylor is upset because Reverend Skinner and Rabbi Barans are letting the town loner protest from the steps of the church. He can guarantee that God does not want this, either. "Did you hear that, David? Taylor Doose is in direct communication with God." They wonder if he has a God-phone.  (TTDE)

22.  The Town Troubadour v. 2.0 comes back to set up a produce stand, which upsets Taylor, but he can't find a loophole to make him shut it down.  "Taking a little break? Don't see how if you're anywhere near as busy as I am . . . oh boy, it's a mob scene!"  (DUAV)

23.  Pete the Pizza Guy and Rory discuss the world's largest pizza.  Rory does not want a pizza doily.  Kirk asks them to not use the C-word.  (HBB)

24.  Lorelai and Sookie talk to Fran about buying the Dragonfly property.  Fran plans to own it forever and ever, even after she takes the ultimate, long vacation.  "Europe?"  (The Inns and Outs of Inns)

25.  Taylor is done with the cyclists and their race and starts randomly tossing out the trophies.  "Rat's tushie, party of one."  (NAIL)

26.  Taylor refuses to sign off on work on the Dragonfly until Lorelai uses her pull to get Luke to agree to an ice cream truck in front of the diner.  "I pay to shop in your store. I eat your banana splits. I've never physically hurt you. . .except for that one spit wad in the one town meeting, but I didn't mean for it to hit your eye and I apologized profusely, so please, please, put me out of my misery and tell me what I need to do to make this thing happen!"  (Chicken or Beef)

27.  Sookie hires Kirk to stand outside Luke's diner in a hot dog suit to drive lunch business to the Dragonfly.  "Technically I’m a giant wiener. The costume tag says 'wiener'."  (NMIP)

28.  Kirk is a dog walker. It's his turn to hide. "Shh. Snuggles. Cute, but not the smartest tool in the shed. He found us! Celebrate! Come on, Luke. Celebrate!" Luke will have a beer later.  (Scene in a Mall)

29.  Kirk deliriously hunts for the last twelve eggs. His eyes are spinning in two different directions. Luke has found the eggs, tells Kirk to be the hero.  "I love Luke Danes! Love, love!"  (TTTB)

30.  Babette 'comforts' Rory after her car wreck by commiserating about men and shares how she was in a cult once.  "I met this guy once – gorgeous, tan, looked just like Mickey Holiday. We had coffee, he gave me a pamphlet. Next thing you know, I’m wearing a muumuu, playing a tambourine, jumping up and down at the airport."  (Help Wanted)

31.  Christopher walks through town with Rory. Miss Patty hits on him, Taylor knows his name before they've been introduced, and Jackson and Andrew turn him side to side and talk about whether he looks like George Clooney or Brad Pitt. "I'm going with the Billy Crudup comparison myself." Christopher tells Rory he's kidnapping her and getting her out of here.  (Christopher Returns)

32.  Kirk is just supposed to use the fall festival decorations to set up for Luke and Lorelai's wedding, but then he buys a glitter gun and some double stick tape and it's all ruined! He asks to throw up in the upstairs bathroom since the downstairs one hurts his knees. Lorelai loves the decorations and texts that they're perfect.  (The Revival, Fall)

33.  Luke hires Brennan and everyone stops eating at the diner.  "It seems like such a nice day for pie."  (TKBNO)

34.  Kirk is annoyed because the girls are talking before the movie starts at the BWR Theater.  "I like to have silence in order to cleanse my mental pallet and achieve calm before enjoying a motion picture."  His cell phone goes off and he can't figure out how to answer it.  (EiW)

35.  The Rev, Taylor, and Andrew try to come up with a name for the "Woman of Questionable Morals." Lorelai walks past them and they all silently consider her for the role.  "The Reverend is blushing. Why is he blushing?"  Andrew decides she's too thin.  (WoQM)

36.  Jess pretends to want an eggless egg salad sandwich and bickers with Lane. Mrs. Kim is not pleased.  "Who are you?"  "Jess . . . ma'am."  (TSG,DT?)


3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

When Kirk stays at Lorelai's and she has to tell him not to watch TV. 

Do you know what episode, @ghoulina?  I thought it was the one after Diorama but there's not anything about watching TV in that scene.

Babette racing to tell Luke the news of the incoming rain while holding up her bouncing ta-tas. "Luuuuuke! Luke!"  BV

The Town Loner shouting incomprehensible rhetoric whilst unfurling his protest banner. That was clearer. He said, "Stop the noodle scooz." Take the Deviled Eggs

The Reverend speeding up the end of his service so that the Rabbi could start his (loved the rapid changeover of icons). "Amen. Okay, let's go. Sorry, David."  Say Goodnight, Gracie

Gypsy, Babette, and Miss Patty working on the onsies for Lane's shower.  "Make it a bunch of blobs – you know, a baby's first Rorschach test."  Will You Be My Lorelai Gilmore?

Edited by Kohola3
I was PAGES behind!

Okay guys let's start voting!  Voting against three.

Townie scenes

1.  Morey and Babette take Cinnamon for a passeggiata. Morey makes it sound so sexy. "He's blushing! G-d, I love a man that blushes!"  (Cinnamon's Wake)

2.  Babette offers a critique of Rory and Jess' kiss in the diner. "That was some half-assed kiss you two had. You gotta give it a little something, honey." (ADFKT)

3.  Miss Patty answers the phones at the 'Independence Inn Emergency Headquarters' while Babette tries to figure out the computer. "I just hit F4 and the num lock key and the one with the little apple on it and it's freaking out like it's on acid or something." Michel needs a cyanide capsule.  (ATOPAF)

4.  Gypsy inspects the car Dean built - again - while Richard and Dean look on. The windshield wipers break right off in her hand, giving her something to fix, finally. "I can't look at this car anymore. I miss my home!"  (RiSH)

5.  Andrew's date tells him at the dance festival that she went out with Liam Neeson, because Andrew always gets in a fight with his date within the first fifteen minutes of the dance festival.  "I can’t stand Liam Neeson!"  (TSG,DT?)

6.  Taylor and Miss Patty judge the auditions for the Town Whore. Taylor gives the girls a description of the "dashing" man they are to try to seduce.  "I thought you were doing it, Taylor?"  (WoQM)

7.  Kirk tells Lorelai and Rory about his cat, Kirk. He'll have to get his mom to say CatKirk when she's calling the cat, and HumanKirk when she's calling him, to avoid any confusion.  "That'll keep it straight."  (ADFKT)

8.  Kirk performs 'The Journey of Man' at Miss Patty's dance recital. He begins at conception - "Ew!" "Ew!" - and ends with a very twitchy, spazzy death.  (WGMTD)

9.  Miss Patty and Babette grill Luke about his engagement to Lorelai. Babette shares about when Morey proposed to her. Morey was on top . . . no, Babette was on top . . . no, Stoney Morrison was on top. Luke is disturbed.  "We were playing Twister, did I not mention that?"  (NAIL)

10.  Babette is upset that East Side Tillie found out first about the rift between Lorelai and Rory.  "That damn woman keeps trumping me!"  (NAIL)

11.  Babette and Miss Patty get ready for karaoke night with hot water and shredded wheat.  "It's for my throat. Gives it a rougher quality, a husky sound sort of like Debbie Harry meets Ethel Merman!"  (Lorelai? Lorelai?)

12.  Mrs. Kim finds Jess at Lane's window and meets him with a bat.  "Baseball?" "Cricket." "Night!"  (ATOPAF)

13.  Mrs. Kim chases Rory away from the antique store with a water hose because she's heard about the termites.  "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now!"  (Secrets and Loans)

14.  Mrs. Kim helps Zach write a hit song so he can prove he can provide for Lane. "Tell me before the kettle blows you know we got another commotion." "Stinks." "Great."  (I'm OK, You're OK)

15.  Emily comes to the antique store and she and Mrs. Kim haggle over a cabinet.  "It's like watching the Williams sisters."  (Emily in Wonderland)

16.  Dave asks permission to take Lane to the prom. Mrs. Kim's answer is a little vague.  "Let never day nor night unhallow'd pass, but still remember what the Lord hath done."  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

17.  Gypsy agrees to fix Jess' car, but she's going to charge him like he's never been charged before.  "I bet you say that to all the guys." "On second thought, maybe I'm closing early tonight."  (Nag Hammadi)

18.  Gypsy and Jackson help look for the missing Easter eggs.  "Toupee Guy says what?"  (TTTB)

19.  Gypsy is working on Jackson's truck when Luke stops by to find out about the car Jess bought.  "Guys are stupid. You strip your gears, ride your brakes. And if we don't laugh after we make a joke, you think we're serious."  (TTDE)

20.  Taylor is upset because Rory doesn't have time to be the Ice Cream Queen.  "I wanna thank you all for coming here today to help us celebrate our grand opening. Now, originally we were supposed to have our Ice Cream Queen here, but unfortunately, kids, she was just too busy. She just couldn't find time in her busy queen schedule to come play with all of you here today."  (Ballrooms & Biscotti)

21.  Taylor is upset because Reverend Skinner and Rabbi Barans are letting the town loner protest from the steps of the church. He can guarantee that God does not want this, either. "Did you hear that, David? Taylor Doose is in direct communication with God." They wonder if he has a God-phone.  (TTDE)

22.  The Town Troubadour v. 2.0 comes back to set up a produce stand, which upsets Taylor, but he can't find a loophole to make him shut it down.  "Taking a little break? Don't see how if you're anywhere near as busy as I am . . . oh boy, it's a mob scene!"  (DUAV)

23.  Pete the Pizza Guy and Rory discuss the world's largest pizza.  Rory does not want a pizza doily.  Kirk asks them to not use the C-word.  (HBB)

24.  Lorelai and Sookie talk to Fran about buying the Dragonfly property.  Fran plans to own it forever and ever, even after she takes the ultimate, long vacation.  "Europe?"  (The Inns and Outs of Inns)

25.  Taylor is done with the cyclists and their race and starts randomly tossing out the trophies.  "Rat's tushie, party of one."  (NAIL)

26.  Taylor refuses to sign off on work on the Dragonfly until Lorelai uses her pull to get Luke to agree to an ice cream truck in front of the diner.  "I pay to shop in your store. I eat your banana splits. I've never physically hurt you. . .except for that one spit wad in the one town meeting, but I didn't mean for it to hit your eye and I apologized profusely, so please, please, put me out of my misery and tell me what I need to do to make this thing happen!"  (Chicken or Beef)

27.  Sookie hires Kirk to stand outside Luke's diner in a hot dog suit to drive lunch business to the Dragonfly.  "Technically I’m a giant wiener. The costume tag says 'wiener'."  (NMIP)

28.  Kirk is a dog walker. It's his turn to hide. "Shh. Snuggles. Cute, but not the smartest tool in the shed. He found us! Celebrate! Come on, Luke. Celebrate!" Luke will have a beer later.  (Scene in a Mall)

29.  Kirk deliriously hunts for the last twelve eggs. His eyes are spinning in two different directions. Luke has found the eggs, tells Kirk to be the hero.  "I love Luke Danes! Love, love!"  (TTTB)

30.  Babette 'comforts' Rory after her car wreck by commiserating about men and shares how she was in a cult once.  "I met this guy once – gorgeous, tan, looked just like Mickey Holiday. We had coffee, he gave me a pamphlet. Next thing you know, I’m wearing a muumuu, playing a tambourine, jumping up and down at the airport."  (Help Wanted)

31.  Christopher walks through town with Rory. Miss Patty hits on him, Taylor knows his name before they've been introduced, and Jackson and Andrew turn him side to side and talk about whether he looks like George Clooney or Brad Pitt. "I'm going with the Billy Crudup comparison myself." Christopher tells Rory he's kidnapping her and getting her out of here.  (Christopher Returns)

32.  Kirk is just supposed to use the fall festival decorations to set up for Luke and Lorelai's wedding, but then he buys a glitter gun and some double stick tape and it's all ruined! He asks to throw up in the upstairs bathroom since the downstairs one hurts his knees. Lorelai loves the decorations and texts that they're perfect.  (The Revival, Fall)

33.  Luke hires Brennan and everyone stops eating at the diner.  "It seems like such a nice day for pie."  (TKBNO)

34.  Kirk is annoyed because the girls are talking before the movie starts at the BWR Theater.  "I like to have silence in order to cleanse my mental pallet and achieve calm before enjoying a motion picture."  His cell phone goes off and he can't figure out how to answer it.  (EiW)

35.  The Rev, Taylor, and Andrew try to come up with a name for the "Woman of Questionable Morals." Lorelai walks past them and they all silently consider her for the role.  "The Reverend is blushing. Why is he blushing?"  Andrew decides she's too thin.  (WoQM)

36.  Jess pretends to want an eggless egg salad sandwich and bickers with Lane. Mrs. Kim is not pleased.  "Who are you?"  "Jess . . . ma'am."  (TSG,DT?)

37.  Babette races up to tell Luke the news of the incoming rain while holding up her bouncing ta-tas. "Luuuuuke! Luke!"  (BV)

38.  The Town Loner shouts incomprehensible rhetoric whilst unfurling his protest banner. "That was clearer. He said, 'Stop the noodle scooz.'" (Take the Deviled Eggs)

39.  The Reverend speeds up the end of his service when he realizes he's running late, so that the Rabbi could start the next service. "Amen. Okay, let's go. Sorry, David."  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

40.  Gypsy, Babette, and Miss Patty work on onesies for Lane's shower.  "Make it a bunch of blobs – you know, a baby's first Rorschach test."  (Will You Be My Lorelai Gilmore?)

20 is out unanimously (seriously, Taylor was such an ass in that scene!), 5 and 37 are gone as well.  Voting against three.

Townie scenes

1.  Morey and Babette take Cinnamon for a passeggiata. Morey makes it sound so sexy. "He's blushing! G-d, I love a man that blushes!"  (Cinnamon's Wake)

2.  Babette offers a critique of Rory and Jess' kiss in the diner. "That was some half-assed kiss you two had. You gotta give it a little something, honey." (ADFKT)

3.  Miss Patty answers the phones at the 'Independence Inn Emergency Headquarters' while Babette tries to figure out the computer. "I just hit F4 and the num lock key and the one with the little apple on it and it's freaking out like it's on acid or something." Michel needs a cyanide capsule.  (ATOPAF)

4.  Gypsy inspects the car Dean built - again - while Richard and Dean look on. The windshield wipers break right off in her hand, giving her something to fix, finally. "I can't look at this car anymore. I miss my home!"  (RiSH)

6.  Taylor and Miss Patty judge the auditions for the Town Whore. Taylor gives the girls a description of the "dashing" man they are to try to seduce.  "I thought you were doing it, Taylor?"  (WoQM)

7.  Kirk tells Lorelai and Rory about his cat, Kirk. He'll have to get his mom to say CatKirk when she's calling the cat, and HumanKirk when she's calling him, to avoid any confusion.  "That'll keep it straight."  (ADFKT)

8.  Kirk performs 'The Journey of Man' at Miss Patty's dance recital. He begins at conception - "Ew!" "Ew!" - and ends with a very twitchy, spazzy death.  (WGMTD)

9.  Miss Patty and Babette grill Luke about his engagement to Lorelai. Babette shares about when Morey proposed to her. Morey was on top . . . no, Babette was on top . . . no, Stoney Morrison was on top. Luke is disturbed.  "We were playing Twister, did I not mention that?"  (NAIL)

10.  Babette is upset that East Side Tillie found out first about the rift between Lorelai and Rory.  "That damn woman keeps trumping me!"  (NAIL)

11.  Babette and Miss Patty get ready for karaoke night with hot water and shredded wheat.  "It's for my throat. Gives it a rougher quality, a husky sound sort of like Debbie Harry meets Ethel Merman!"  (Lorelai? Lorelai?)

12.  Mrs. Kim finds Jess at Lane's window and meets him with a bat.  "Baseball?" "Cricket." "Night!"  (ATOPAF)

13.  Mrs. Kim chases Rory away from the antique store with a water hose because she's heard about the termites.  "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now!"  (Secrets and Loans)

14.  Mrs. Kim helps Zach write a hit song so he can prove he can provide for Lane. "Tell me before the kettle blows you know we got another commotion." "Stinks." "Great."  (I'm OK, You're OK)

15.  Emily comes to the antique store and she and Mrs. Kim haggle over a cabinet.  "It's like watching the Williams sisters."  (Emily in Wonderland)

16.  Dave asks permission to take Lane to the prom. Mrs. Kim's answer is a little vague.  "Let never day nor night unhallow'd pass, but still remember what the Lord hath done."  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

17.  Gypsy agrees to fix Jess' car, but she's going to charge him like he's never been charged before.  "I bet you say that to all the guys." "On second thought, maybe I'm closing early tonight."  (Nag Hammadi)

18.  Gypsy and Jackson help look for the missing Easter eggs.  "Toupee Guy says what?"  (TTTB)

19.  Gypsy is working on Jackson's truck when Luke stops by to find out about the car Jess bought.  "Guys are stupid. You strip your gears, ride your brakes. And if we don't laugh after we make a joke, you think we're serious."  (TTDE)

21.  Taylor is upset because Reverend Skinner and Rabbi Barans are letting the town loner protest from the steps of the church. He can guarantee that God does not want this, either. "Did you hear that, David? Taylor Doose is in direct communication with God." They wonder if he has a God-phone.  (TTDE)

22.  The Town Troubadour v. 2.0 comes back to set up a produce stand, which upsets Taylor, but he can't find a loophole to make him shut it down.  "Taking a little break? Don't see how if you're anywhere near as busy as I am . . . oh boy, it's a mob scene!"  (DUAV)

23.  Pete the Pizza Guy and Rory discuss the world's largest pizza.  Rory does not want a pizza doily.  Kirk asks them to not use the C-word.  (HBB)

24.  Lorelai and Sookie talk to Fran about buying the Dragonfly property.  Fran plans to own it forever and ever, even after she takes the ultimate, long vacation.  "Europe?"  (The Inns and Outs of Inns)

25.  Taylor is done with the cyclists and their race and starts randomly tossing out the trophies.  "Rat's tushie, party of one."  (NAIL)

26.  Taylor refuses to sign off on work on the Dragonfly until Lorelai uses her pull to get Luke to agree to an ice cream truck in front of the diner.  "I pay to shop in your store. I eat your banana splits. I've never physically hurt you. . .except for that one spit wad in the one town meeting, but I didn't mean for it to hit your eye and I apologized profusely, so please, please, put me out of my misery and tell me what I need to do to make this thing happen!"  (Chicken or Beef)

27.  Sookie hires Kirk to stand outside Luke's diner in a hot dog suit to drive lunch business to the Dragonfly.  "Technically I’m a giant wiener. The costume tag says 'wiener'."  (NMIP)

28.  Kirk is a dog walker. It's his turn to hide. "Shh. Snuggles. Cute, but not the smartest tool in the shed. He found us! Celebrate! Come on, Luke. Celebrate!" Luke will have a beer later.  (Scene in a Mall)

29.  Kirk deliriously hunts for the last twelve eggs. His eyes are spinning in two different directions. Luke has found the eggs, tells Kirk to be the hero.  "I love Luke Danes! Love, love!"  (TTTB)

30.  Babette 'comforts' Rory after her car wreck by commiserating about men and shares how she was in a cult once.  "I met this guy once – gorgeous, tan, looked just like Mickey Holiday. We had coffee, he gave me a pamphlet. Next thing you know, I’m wearing a muumuu, playing a tambourine, jumping up and down at the airport."  (Help Wanted)

31.  Christopher walks through town with Rory. Miss Patty hits on him, Taylor knows his name before they've been introduced, and Jackson and Andrew turn him side to side and talk about whether he looks like George Clooney or Brad Pitt. "I'm going with the Billy Crudup comparison myself." Christopher tells Rory he's kidnapping her and getting her out of here.  (Christopher Returns)

32.  Kirk is just supposed to use the fall festival decorations to set up for Luke and Lorelai's wedding, but then he buys a glitter gun and some double stick tape and it's all ruined! He asks to throw up in the upstairs bathroom since the downstairs one hurts his knees. Lorelai loves the decorations and texts that they're perfect.  (The Revival, Fall)

33.  Luke hires Brennan and everyone stops eating at the diner.  "It seems like such a nice day for pie."  (TKBNO)

34.  Kirk is annoyed because the girls are talking before the movie starts at the BWR Theater.  "I like to have silence in order to cleanse my mental pallet and achieve calm before enjoying a motion picture."  His cell phone goes off and he can't figure out how to answer it.  (EiW)

35.  The Rev, Taylor, and Andrew try to come up with a name for the "Woman of Questionable Morals." Lorelai walks past them and they all silently consider her for the role.  "The Reverend is blushing. Why is he blushing?"  Andrew decides she's too thin.  (WoQM)

36.  Jess pretends to want an eggless egg salad sandwich and bickers with Lane. Mrs. Kim is not pleased.  "Who are you?"  "Jess . . . ma'am."  (TSG,DT?)

38.  The Town Loner shouts incomprehensible rhetoric whilst unfurling his protest banner. "That was clearer. He said, 'Stop the noodle scooz.'" (Take the Deviled Eggs)

39.  The Reverend speeds up the end of his service when he realizes he's running late, so that the Rabbi could start the next service. "Amen. Okay, let's go. Sorry, David."  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

40.  Gypsy, Babette, and Miss Patty work on onesies for Lane's shower.  "Make it a bunch of blobs – you know, a baby's first Rorschach test."  (Will You Be My Lorelai Gilmore?)

10, 25, 40 gone.  Still voting against three.

Townie scenes

1.  Morey and Babette take Cinnamon for a passeggiata. Morey makes it sound so sexy. "He's blushing! G-d, I love a man that blushes!"  (Cinnamon's Wake)

2.  Babette offers a critique of Rory and Jess' kiss in the diner. "That was some half-assed kiss you two had. You gotta give it a little something, honey." (ADFKT)

3.  Miss Patty answers the phones at the 'Independence Inn Emergency Headquarters' while Babette tries to figure out the computer. "I just hit F4 and the num lock key and the one with the little apple on it and it's freaking out like it's on acid or something." Michel needs a cyanide capsule.  (ATOPAF)

4.  Gypsy inspects the car Dean built - again - while Richard and Dean look on. The windshield wipers break right off in her hand, giving her something to fix, finally. "I can't look at this car anymore. I miss my home!"  (RiSH)

6.  Taylor and Miss Patty judge the auditions for the Town Whore. Taylor gives the girls a description of the "dashing" man they are to try to seduce.  "I thought you were doing it, Taylor?"  (WoQM)

7.  Kirk tells Lorelai and Rory about his cat, Kirk. He'll have to get his mom to say CatKirk when she's calling the cat, and HumanKirk when she's calling him, to avoid any confusion.  "That'll keep it straight."  (ADFKT)

8.  Kirk performs 'The Journey of Man' at Miss Patty's dance recital. He begins at conception - "Ew!" "Ew!" - and ends with a very twitchy, spazzy death.  (WGMTD)

9.  Miss Patty and Babette grill Luke about his engagement to Lorelai. Babette shares about when Morey proposed to her. Morey was on top . . . no, Babette was on top . . . no, Stoney Morrison was on top. Luke is disturbed.  "We were playing Twister, did I not mention that?"  (NAIL)

11.  Babette and Miss Patty get ready for karaoke night with hot water and shredded wheat.  "It's for my throat. Gives it a rougher quality, a husky sound sort of like Debbie Harry meets Ethel Merman!"  (Lorelai? Lorelai?)

12.  Mrs. Kim finds Jess at Lane's window and meets him with a bat.  "Baseball?" "Cricket." "Night!"  (ATOPAF)

13.  Mrs. Kim chases Rory away from the antique store with a water hose because she's heard about the termites.  "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now!"  (Secrets and Loans)

14.  Mrs. Kim helps Zach write a hit song so he can prove he can provide for Lane. "Tell me before the kettle blows you know we got another commotion." "Stinks." "Great."  (I'm OK, You're OK)

15.  Emily comes to the antique store and she and Mrs. Kim haggle over a cabinet.  "It's like watching the Williams sisters."  (Emily in Wonderland)

16.  Dave asks permission to take Lane to the prom. Mrs. Kim's answer is a little vague.  "Let never day nor night unhallow'd pass, but still remember what the Lord hath done."  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

17.  Gypsy agrees to fix Jess' car, but she's going to charge him like he's never been charged before.  "I bet you say that to all the guys." "On second thought, maybe I'm closing early tonight."  (Nag Hammadi)

18.  Gypsy and Jackson help look for the missing Easter eggs.  "Toupee Guy says what?"  (TTTB)

19.  Gypsy is working on Jackson's truck when Luke stops by to find out about the car Jess bought.  "Guys are stupid. You strip your gears, ride your brakes. And if we don't laugh after we make a joke, you think we're serious."  (TTDE)

21.  Taylor is upset because Reverend Skinner and Rabbi Barans are letting the town loner protest from the steps of the church. He can guarantee that God does not want this, either. "Did you hear that, David? Taylor Doose is in direct communication with God." They wonder if he has a God-phone.  (TTDE)

22.  The Town Troubadour v. 2.0 comes back to set up a produce stand, which upsets Taylor, but he can't find a loophole to make him shut it down.  "Taking a little break? Don't see how if you're anywhere near as busy as I am . . . oh boy, it's a mob scene!"  (DUAV)

23.  Pete the Pizza Guy and Rory discuss the world's largest pizza.  Rory does not want a pizza doily.  Kirk asks them to not use the C-word.  (HBB)

24.  Lorelai and Sookie talk to Fran about buying the Dragonfly property.  Fran plans to own it forever and ever, even after she takes the ultimate, long vacation.  "Europe?"  (The Inns and Outs of Inns)

26.  Taylor refuses to sign off on work on the Dragonfly until Lorelai uses her pull to get Luke to agree to an ice cream truck in front of the diner.  "I pay to shop in your store. I eat your banana splits. I've never physically hurt you. . .except for that one spit wad in the one town meeting, but I didn't mean for it to hit your eye and I apologized profusely, so please, please, put me out of my misery and tell me what I need to do to make this thing happen!"  (Chicken or Beef)

27.  Sookie hires Kirk to stand outside Luke's diner in a hot dog suit to drive lunch business to the Dragonfly.  "Technically I’m a giant wiener. The costume tag says 'wiener'."  (NMIP)

28.  Kirk is a dog walker. It's his turn to hide. "Shh. Snuggles. Cute, but not the smartest tool in the shed. He found us! Celebrate! Come on, Luke. Celebrate!" Luke will have a beer later.  (Scene in a Mall)

29.  Kirk deliriously hunts for the last twelve eggs. His eyes are spinning in two different directions. Luke has found the eggs, tells Kirk to be the hero.  "I love Luke Danes! Love, love!"  (TTTB)

30.  Babette 'comforts' Rory after her car wreck by commiserating about men and shares how she was in a cult once.  "I met this guy once – gorgeous, tan, looked just like Mickey Holiday. We had coffee, he gave me a pamphlet. Next thing you know, I’m wearing a muumuu, playing a tambourine, jumping up and down at the airport."  (Help Wanted)

31.  Christopher walks through town with Rory. Miss Patty hits on him, Taylor knows his name before they've been introduced, and Jackson and Andrew turn him side to side and talk about whether he looks like George Clooney or Brad Pitt. "I'm going with the Billy Crudup comparison myself." Christopher tells Rory he's kidnapping her and getting her out of here.  (Christopher Returns)

32.  Kirk is just supposed to use the fall festival decorations to set up for Luke and Lorelai's wedding, but then he buys a glitter gun and some double stick tape and it's all ruined! He asks to throw up in the upstairs bathroom since the downstairs one hurts his knees. Lorelai loves the decorations and texts that they're perfect.  (The Revival, Fall)

33.  Luke hires Brennan and everyone stops eating at the diner.  "It seems like such a nice day for pie."  (TKBNO)

34.  Kirk is annoyed because the girls are talking before the movie starts at the BWR Theater.  "I like to have silence in order to cleanse my mental pallet and achieve calm before enjoying a motion picture."  His cell phone goes off and he can't figure out how to answer it.  (EiW)

35.  The Rev, Taylor, and Andrew try to come up with a name for the "Woman of Questionable Morals." Lorelai walks past them and they all silently consider her for the role.  "The Reverend is blushing. Why is he blushing?"  Andrew decides she's too thin.  (WoQM)

36.  Jess pretends to want an eggless egg salad sandwich and bickers with Lane. Mrs. Kim is not pleased.  "Who are you?"  "Jess . . . ma'am."  (TSG,DT?)

38.  The Town Loner shouts incomprehensible rhetoric whilst unfurling his protest banner. "That was clearer. He said, 'Stop the noodle scooz.'" (Take the Deviled Eggs)

39.  The Reverend speeds up the end of his service when he realizes he's running late, so that the Rabbi could start the next service. "Amen. Okay, let's go. Sorry, David."  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

11, 33, and 39 gone.  Still three.

Townie scenes

1.  Morey and Babette take Cinnamon for a passeggiata. Morey makes it sound so sexy. "He's blushing! G-d, I love a man that blushes!"  (Cinnamon's Wake)

2.  Babette offers a critique of Rory and Jess' kiss in the diner. "That was some half-assed kiss you two had. You gotta give it a little something, honey." (ADFKT)

3.  Miss Patty answers the phones at the 'Independence Inn Emergency Headquarters' while Babette tries to figure out the computer. "I just hit F4 and the num lock key and the one with the little apple on it and it's freaking out like it's on acid or something." Michel needs a cyanide capsule.  (ATOPAF)

4.  Gypsy inspects the car Dean built - again - while Richard and Dean look on. The windshield wipers break right off in her hand, giving her something to fix, finally. "I can't look at this car anymore. I miss my home!"  (RiSH)

6.  Taylor and Miss Patty judge the auditions for the Town Whore. Taylor gives the girls a description of the "dashing" man they are to try to seduce.  "I thought you were doing it, Taylor?"  (WoQM)

7.  Kirk tells Lorelai and Rory about his cat, Kirk. He'll have to get his mom to say CatKirk when she's calling the cat, and HumanKirk when she's calling him, to avoid any confusion.  "That'll keep it straight."  (ADFKT)

8.  Kirk performs 'The Journey of Man' at Miss Patty's dance recital. He begins at conception - "Ew!" "Ew!" - and ends with a very twitchy, spazzy death.  (WGMTD)

9.  Miss Patty and Babette grill Luke about his engagement to Lorelai. Babette shares about when Morey proposed to her. Morey was on top . . . no, Babette was on top . . . no, Stoney Morrison was on top. Luke is disturbed.  "We were playing Twister, did I not mention that?"  (NAIL)

12.  Mrs. Kim finds Jess at Lane's window and meets him with a bat.  "Baseball?" "Cricket." "Night!"  (ATOPAF)

13.  Mrs. Kim chases Rory away from the antique store with a water hose because she's heard about the termites.  "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now!"  (Secrets and Loans)

14.  Mrs. Kim helps Zach write a hit song so he can prove he can provide for Lane. "Tell me before the kettle blows you know we got another commotion." "Stinks." "Great."  (I'm OK, You're OK)

15.  Emily comes to the antique store and she and Mrs. Kim haggle over a cabinet.  "It's like watching the Williams sisters."  (Emily in Wonderland)

16.  Dave asks permission to take Lane to the prom. Mrs. Kim's answer is a little vague.  "Let never day nor night unhallow'd pass, but still remember what the Lord hath done."  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

17.  Gypsy agrees to fix Jess' car, but she's going to charge him like he's never been charged before.  "I bet you say that to all the guys." "On second thought, maybe I'm closing early tonight."  (Nag Hammadi)

18.  Gypsy and Jackson help look for the missing Easter eggs.  "Toupee Guy says what?"  (TTTB)

19.  Gypsy is working on Jackson's truck when Luke stops by to find out about the car Jess bought.  "Guys are stupid. You strip your gears, ride your brakes. And if we don't laugh after we make a joke, you think we're serious."  (TTDE)

21.  Taylor is upset because Reverend Skinner and Rabbi Barans are letting the town loner protest from the steps of the church. He can guarantee that God does not want this, either. "Did you hear that, David? Taylor Doose is in direct communication with God." They wonder if he has a God-phone.  (TTDE)

22.  The Town Troubadour v. 2.0 comes back to set up a produce stand, which upsets Taylor, but he can't find a loophole to make him shut it down.  "Taking a little break? Don't see how if you're anywhere near as busy as I am . . . oh boy, it's a mob scene!"  (DUAV)

23.  Pete the Pizza Guy and Rory discuss the world's largest pizza.  Rory does not want a pizza doily.  Kirk asks them to not use the C-word.  (HBB)

24.  Lorelai and Sookie talk to Fran about buying the Dragonfly property.  Fran plans to own it forever and ever, even after she takes the ultimate, long vacation.  "Europe?"  (The Inns and Outs of Inns)

26.  Taylor refuses to sign off on work on the Dragonfly until Lorelai uses her pull to get Luke to agree to an ice cream truck in front of the diner.  "I pay to shop in your store. I eat your banana splits. I've never physically hurt you. . .except for that one spit wad in the one town meeting, but I didn't mean for it to hit your eye and I apologized profusely, so please, please, put me out of my misery and tell me what I need to do to make this thing happen!"  (Chicken or Beef)

27.  Sookie hires Kirk to stand outside Luke's diner in a hot dog suit to drive lunch business to the Dragonfly.  "Technically I’m a giant wiener. The costume tag says 'wiener'."  (NMIP)

28.  Kirk is a dog walker. It's his turn to hide. "Shh. Snuggles. Cute, but not the smartest tool in the shed. He found us! Celebrate! Come on, Luke. Celebrate!" Luke will have a beer later.  (Scene in a Mall)

29.  Kirk deliriously hunts for the last twelve eggs. His eyes are spinning in two different directions. Luke has found the eggs, tells Kirk to be the hero.  "I love Luke Danes! Love, love!"  (TTTB)

30.  Babette 'comforts' Rory after her car wreck by commiserating about men and shares how she was in a cult once.  "I met this guy once – gorgeous, tan, looked just like Mickey Holiday. We had coffee, he gave me a pamphlet. Next thing you know, I’m wearing a muumuu, playing a tambourine, jumping up and down at the airport."  (Help Wanted)

31.  Christopher walks through town with Rory. Miss Patty hits on him, Taylor knows his name before they've been introduced, and Jackson and Andrew turn him side to side and talk about whether he looks like George Clooney or Brad Pitt. "I'm going with the Billy Crudup comparison myself." Christopher tells Rory he's kidnapping her and getting her out of here.  (Christopher Returns)

32.  Kirk is just supposed to use the fall festival decorations to set up for Luke and Lorelai's wedding, but then he buys a glitter gun and some double stick tape and it's all ruined! He asks to throw up in the upstairs bathroom since the downstairs one hurts his knees. Lorelai loves the decorations and texts that they're perfect.  (The Revival, Fall)

34.  Kirk is annoyed because the girls are talking before the movie starts at the BWR Theater.  "I like to have silence in order to cleanse my mental pallet and achieve calm before enjoying a motion picture."  His cell phone goes off and he can't figure out how to answer it.  (EiW)

35.  The Rev, Taylor, and Andrew try to come up with a name for the "Woman of Questionable Morals." Lorelai walks past them and they all silently consider her for the role.  "The Reverend is blushing. Why is he blushing?"  Andrew decides she's too thin.  (WoQM)

36.  Jess pretends to want an eggless egg salad sandwich and bickers with Lane. Mrs. Kim is not pleased.  "Who are you?"  "Jess . . . ma'am."  (TSG,DT?)

38.  The Town Loner shouts incomprehensible rhetoric whilst unfurling his protest banner. "That was clearer. He said, 'Stop the noodle scooz.'" (Take the Deviled Eggs)

Man, I can't believe 4 is out already.  Gypsy deliberately breaking the windshield wipers so she can fix them and go home never fails to leave me howling with laughter.

In fact, I loved all three of these.  :/  2, 4, and 17 all out.

Townie scenes

1.  Morey and Babette take Cinnamon for a passeggiata. Morey makes it sound so sexy. "He's blushing! G-d, I love a man that blushes!"  (Cinnamon's Wake)

3.  Miss Patty answers the phones at the 'Independence Inn Emergency Headquarters' while Babette tries to figure out the computer. "I just hit F4 and the num lock key and the one with the little apple on it and it's freaking out like it's on acid or something." Michel needs a cyanide capsule.  (ATOPAF)

6.  Taylor and Miss Patty judge the auditions for the Town Whore. Taylor gives the girls a description of the "dashing" man they are to try to seduce.  "I thought you were doing it, Taylor?"  (WoQM)

7.  Kirk tells Lorelai and Rory about his cat, Kirk. He'll have to get his mom to say CatKirk when she's calling the cat, and HumanKirk when she's calling him, to avoid any confusion.  "That'll keep it straight."  (ADFKT)

8.  Kirk performs 'The Journey of Man' at Miss Patty's dance recital. He begins at conception - "Ew!" "Ew!" - and ends with a very twitchy, spazzy death.  (WGMTD)

9.  Miss Patty and Babette grill Luke about his engagement to Lorelai. Babette shares about when Morey proposed to her. Morey was on top . . . no, Babette was on top . . . no, Stoney Morrison was on top. Luke is disturbed.  "We were playing Twister, did I not mention that?"  (NAIL)

12.  Mrs. Kim finds Jess at Lane's window and meets him with a bat.  "Baseball?" "Cricket." "Night!"  (ATOPAF)

13.  Mrs. Kim chases Rory away from the antique store with a water hose because she's heard about the termites.  "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now!"  (Secrets and Loans)

14.  Mrs. Kim helps Zach write a hit song so he can prove he can provide for Lane. "Tell me before the kettle blows you know we got another commotion." "Stinks." "Great."  (I'm OK, You're OK)

15.  Emily comes to the antique store and she and Mrs. Kim haggle over a cabinet.  "It's like watching the Williams sisters."  (Emily in Wonderland)

16.  Dave asks permission to take Lane to the prom. Mrs. Kim's answer is a little vague.  "Let never day nor night unhallow'd pass, but still remember what the Lord hath done."  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

18.  Gypsy and Jackson help look for the missing Easter eggs.  "Toupee Guy says what?"  (TTTB)

19.  Gypsy is working on Jackson's truck when Luke stops by to find out about the car Jess bought.  "Guys are stupid. You strip your gears, ride your brakes. And if we don't laugh after we make a joke, you think we're serious."  (TTDE)

21.  Taylor is upset because Reverend Skinner and Rabbi Barans are letting the town loner protest from the steps of the church. He can guarantee that God does not want this, either. "Did you hear that, David? Taylor Doose is in direct communication with God." They wonder if he has a God-phone.  (TTDE)

22.  The Town Troubadour v. 2.0 comes back to set up a produce stand, which upsets Taylor, but he can't find a loophole to make him shut it down.  "Taking a little break? Don't see how if you're anywhere near as busy as I am . . . oh boy, it's a mob scene!"  (DUAV)

23.  Pete the Pizza Guy and Rory discuss the world's largest pizza.  Rory does not want a pizza doily.  Kirk asks them to not use the C-word.  (HBB)

24.  Lorelai and Sookie talk to Fran about buying the Dragonfly property.  Fran plans to own it forever and ever, even after she takes the ultimate, long vacation.  "Europe?"  (The Inns and Outs of Inns)

26.  Taylor refuses to sign off on work on the Dragonfly until Lorelai uses her pull to get Luke to agree to an ice cream truck in front of the diner.  "I pay to shop in your store. I eat your banana splits. I've never physically hurt you. . .except for that one spit wad in the one town meeting, but I didn't mean for it to hit your eye and I apologized profusely, so please, please, put me out of my misery and tell me what I need to do to make this thing happen!"  (Chicken or Beef)

27.  Sookie hires Kirk to stand outside Luke's diner in a hot dog suit to drive lunch business to the Dragonfly.  "Technically I’m a giant wiener. The costume tag says 'wiener'."  (NMIP)

28.  Kirk is a dog walker. It's his turn to hide. "Shh. Snuggles. Cute, but not the smartest tool in the shed. He found us! Celebrate! Come on, Luke. Celebrate!" Luke will have a beer later.  (Scene in a Mall)

29.  Kirk deliriously hunts for the last twelve eggs. His eyes are spinning in two different directions. Luke has found the eggs, tells Kirk to be the hero.  "I love Luke Danes! Love, love!"  (TTTB)

30.  Babette 'comforts' Rory after her car wreck by commiserating about men and shares how she was in a cult once.  "I met this guy once – gorgeous, tan, looked just like Mickey Holiday. We had coffee, he gave me a pamphlet. Next thing you know, I’m wearing a muumuu, playing a tambourine, jumping up and down at the airport."  (Help Wanted)

31.  Christopher walks through town with Rory. Miss Patty hits on him, Taylor knows his name before they've been introduced, and Jackson and Andrew turn him side to side and talk about whether he looks like George Clooney or Brad Pitt. "I'm going with the Billy Crudup comparison myself." Christopher tells Rory he's kidnapping her and getting her out of here.  (Christopher Returns)

32.  Kirk is just supposed to use the fall festival decorations to set up for Luke and Lorelai's wedding, but then he buys a glitter gun and some double stick tape and it's all ruined! He asks to throw up in the upstairs bathroom since the downstairs one hurts his knees. Lorelai loves the decorations and texts that they're perfect.  (The Revival, Fall)

34.  Kirk is annoyed because the girls are talking before the movie starts at the BWR Theater.  "I like to have silence in order to cleanse my mental pallet and achieve calm before enjoying a motion picture."  His cell phone goes off and he can't figure out how to answer it.  (EiW)

35.  The Rev, Taylor, and Andrew try to come up with a name for the "Woman of Questionable Morals." Lorelai walks past them and they all silently consider her for the role.  "The Reverend is blushing. Why is he blushing?"  Andrew decides she's too thin.  (WoQM)

36.  Jess pretends to want an eggless egg salad sandwich and bickers with Lane. Mrs. Kim is not pleased.  "Who are you?"  "Jess . . . ma'am."  (TSG,DT?)

38.  The Town Loner shouts incomprehensible rhetoric whilst unfurling his protest banner. "That was clearer. He said, 'Stop the noodle scooz.'" (Take the Deviled Eggs)

8, 21, 31 on the outs!  Still voting against three.

Townie scenes

1.  Morey and Babette take Cinnamon for a passeggiata. Morey makes it sound so sexy. "He's blushing! G-d, I love a man that blushes!"  (Cinnamon's Wake)

3.  Miss Patty answers the phones at the 'Independence Inn Emergency Headquarters' while Babette tries to figure out the computer. "I just hit F4 and the num lock key and the one with the little apple on it and it's freaking out like it's on acid or something." Michel needs a cyanide capsule.  (ATOPAF)

6.  Taylor and Miss Patty judge the auditions for the Town Whore. Taylor gives the girls a description of the "dashing" man they are to try to seduce.  "I thought you were doing it, Taylor?"  (WoQM)

7.  Kirk tells Lorelai and Rory about his cat, Kirk. He'll have to get his mom to say CatKirk when she's calling the cat, and HumanKirk when she's calling him, to avoid any confusion.  "That'll keep it straight."  (ADFKT)

9.  Miss Patty and Babette grill Luke about his engagement to Lorelai. Babette shares about when Morey proposed to her. Morey was on top . . . no, Babette was on top . . . no, Stoney Morrison was on top. Luke is disturbed.  "We were playing Twister, did I not mention that?"  (NAIL)

12.  Mrs. Kim finds Jess at Lane's window and meets him with a bat.  "Baseball?" "Cricket." "Night!"  (ATOPAF)

13.  Mrs. Kim chases Rory away from the antique store with a water hose because she's heard about the termites.  "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now!"  (Secrets and Loans)

14.  Mrs. Kim helps Zach write a hit song so he can prove he can provide for Lane. "Tell me before the kettle blows you know we got another commotion." "Stinks." "Great."  (I'm OK, You're OK)

15.  Emily comes to the antique store and she and Mrs. Kim haggle over a cabinet.  "It's like watching the Williams sisters."  (Emily in Wonderland)

16.  Dave asks permission to take Lane to the prom. Mrs. Kim's answer is a little vague.  "Let never day nor night unhallow'd pass, but still remember what the Lord hath done."  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

18.  Gypsy and Jackson help look for the missing Easter eggs.  "Toupee Guy says what?"  (TTTB)

19.  Gypsy is working on Jackson's truck when Luke stops by to find out about the car Jess bought.  "Guys are stupid. You strip your gears, ride your brakes. And if we don't laugh after we make a joke, you think we're serious."  (TTDE)

22.  The Town Troubadour v. 2.0 comes back to set up a produce stand, which upsets Taylor, but he can't find a loophole to make him shut it down.  "Taking a little break? Don't see how if you're anywhere near as busy as I am . . . oh boy, it's a mob scene!"  (DUAV)

23.  Pete the Pizza Guy and Rory discuss the world's largest pizza.  Rory does not want a pizza doily.  Kirk asks them to not use the C-word.  (HBB)

24.  Lorelai and Sookie talk to Fran about buying the Dragonfly property.  Fran plans to own it forever and ever, even after she takes the ultimate, long vacation.  "Europe?"  (The Inns and Outs of Inns)

26.  Taylor refuses to sign off on work on the Dragonfly until Lorelai uses her pull to get Luke to agree to an ice cream truck in front of the diner.  "I pay to shop in your store. I eat your banana splits. I've never physically hurt you. . .except for that one spit wad in the one town meeting, but I didn't mean for it to hit your eye and I apologized profusely, so please, please, put me out of my misery and tell me what I need to do to make this thing happen!"  (Chicken or Beef)

27.  Sookie hires Kirk to stand outside Luke's diner in a hot dog suit to drive lunch business to the Dragonfly.  "Technically I’m a giant wiener. The costume tag says 'wiener'."  (NMIP)

28.  Kirk is a dog walker. It's his turn to hide. "Shh. Snuggles. Cute, but not the smartest tool in the shed. He found us! Celebrate! Come on, Luke. Celebrate!" Luke will have a beer later.  (Scene in a Mall)

29.  Kirk deliriously hunts for the last twelve eggs. His eyes are spinning in two different directions. Luke has found the eggs, tells Kirk to be the hero.  "I love Luke Danes! Love, love!"  (TTTB)

30.  Babette 'comforts' Rory after her car wreck by commiserating about men and shares how she was in a cult once.  "I met this guy once – gorgeous, tan, looked just like Mickey Holiday. We had coffee, he gave me a pamphlet. Next thing you know, I’m wearing a muumuu, playing a tambourine, jumping up and down at the airport."  (Help Wanted)

32.  Kirk is just supposed to use the fall festival decorations to set up for Luke and Lorelai's wedding, but then he buys a glitter gun and some double stick tape and it's all ruined! He asks to throw up in the upstairs bathroom since the downstairs one hurts his knees. Lorelai loves the decorations and texts that they're perfect.  (The Revival, Fall)

34.  Kirk is annoyed because the girls are talking before the movie starts at the BWR Theater.  "I like to have silence in order to cleanse my mental pallet and achieve calm before enjoying a motion picture."  His cell phone goes off and he can't figure out how to answer it.  (EiW)

35.  The Rev, Taylor, and Andrew try to come up with a name for the "Woman of Questionable Morals." Lorelai walks past them and they all silently consider her for the role.  "The Reverend is blushing. Why is he blushing?"  Andrew decides she's too thin.  (WoQM)

36.  Jess pretends to want an eggless egg salad sandwich and bickers with Lane. Mrs. Kim is not pleased.  "Who are you?"  "Jess . . . ma'am."  (TSG,DT?)

38.  The Town Loner shouts incomprehensible rhetoric whilst unfurling his protest banner. "That was clearer. He said, 'Stop the noodle scooz.'" (Take the Deviled Eggs)

23, 27, 32 gone.  Vote against three.

Townie scenes

1.  Morey and Babette take Cinnamon for a passeggiata. Morey makes it sound so sexy. "He's blushing! G-d, I love a man that blushes!"  (Cinnamon's Wake)

3.  Miss Patty answers the phones at the 'Independence Inn Emergency Headquarters' while Babette tries to figure out the computer. "I just hit F4 and the num lock key and the one with the little apple on it and it's freaking out like it's on acid or something." Michel needs a cyanide capsule.  (ATOPAF)

6.  Taylor and Miss Patty judge the auditions for the Town Whore. Taylor gives the girls a description of the "dashing" man they are to try to seduce.  "I thought you were doing it, Taylor?"  (WoQM)

7.  Kirk tells Lorelai and Rory about his cat, Kirk. He'll have to get his mom to say CatKirk when she's calling the cat, and HumanKirk when she's calling him, to avoid any confusion.  "That'll keep it straight."  (ADFKT)

9.  Miss Patty and Babette grill Luke about his engagement to Lorelai. Babette shares about when Morey proposed to her. Morey was on top . . . no, Babette was on top . . . no, Stoney Morrison was on top. Luke is disturbed.  "We were playing Twister, did I not mention that?"  (NAIL)

12.  Mrs. Kim finds Jess at Lane's window and meets him with a bat.  "Baseball?" "Cricket." "Night!"  (ATOPAF)

13.  Mrs. Kim chases Rory away from the antique store with a water hose because she's heard about the termites.  "See all the furniture in there? Wood, all wood. You must go. Go now!"  (Secrets and Loans)

14.  Mrs. Kim helps Zach write a hit song so he can prove he can provide for Lane. "Tell me before the kettle blows you know we got another commotion." "Stinks." "Great."  (I'm OK, You're OK)

15.  Emily comes to the antique store and she and Mrs. Kim haggle over a cabinet.  "It's like watching the Williams sisters."  (Emily in Wonderland)

16.  Dave asks permission to take Lane to the prom. Mrs. Kim's answer is a little vague.  "Let never day nor night unhallow'd pass, but still remember what the Lord hath done."  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

18.  Gypsy and Jackson help look for the missing Easter eggs.  "Toupee Guy says what?"  (TTTB)

19.  Gypsy is working on Jackson's truck when Luke stops by to find out about the car Jess bought.  "Guys are stupid. You strip your gears, ride your brakes. And if we don't laugh after we make a joke, you think we're serious."  (TTDE)

22.  The Town Troubadour v. 2.0 comes back to set up a produce stand, which upsets Taylor, but he can't find a loophole to make him shut it down.  "Taking a little break? Don't see how if you're anywhere near as busy as I am . . . oh boy, it's a mob scene!"  (DUAV)

24.  Lorelai and Sookie talk to Fran about buying the Dragonfly property.  Fran plans to own it forever and ever, even after she takes the ultimate, long vacation.  "Europe?"  (The Inns and Outs of Inns)

26.  Taylor refuses to sign off on work on the Dragonfly until Lorelai uses her pull to get Luke to agree to an ice cream truck in front of the diner.  "I pay to shop in your store. I eat your banana splits. I've never physically hurt you. . .except for that one spit wad in the one town meeting, but I didn't mean for it to hit your eye and I apologized profusely, so please, please, put me out of my misery and tell me what I need to do to make this thing happen!"  (Chicken or Beef)

28.  Kirk is a dog walker. It's his turn to hide. "Shh. Snuggles. Cute, but not the smartest tool in the shed. He found us! Celebrate! Come on, Luke. Celebrate!" Luke will have a beer later.  (Scene in a Mall)

29.  Kirk deliriously hunts for the last twelve eggs. His eyes are spinning in two different directions. Luke has found the eggs, tells Kirk to be the hero.  "I love Luke Danes! Love, love!"  (TTTB)

30.  Babette 'comforts' Rory after her car wreck by commiserating about men and shares how she was in a cult once.  "I met this guy once – gorgeous, tan, looked just like Mickey Holiday. We had coffee, he gave me a pamphlet. Next thing you know, I’m wearing a muumuu, playing a tambourine, jumping up and down at the airport."  (Help Wanted)

34.  Kirk is annoyed because the girls are talking before the movie starts at the BWR Theater.  "I like to have silence in order to cleanse my mental pallet and achieve calm before enjoying a motion picture."  His cell phone goes off and he can't figure out how to answer it.  (EiW)

35.  The Rev, Taylor, and Andrew try to come up with a name for the "Woman of Questionable Morals." Lorelai walks past them and they all silently consider her for the role.  "The Reverend is blushing. Why is he blushing?"  Andrew decides she's too thin.  (WoQM)

36.  Jess pretends to want an eggless egg salad sandwich and bickers with Lane. Mrs. Kim is not pleased.  "Who are you?"  "Jess . . . ma'am."  (TSG,DT?)

38.  The Town Loner shouts incomprehensible rhetoric whilst unfurling his protest banner. "That was clearer. He said, 'Stop the noodle scooz.'" (Take the Deviled Eggs)

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