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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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11 out!


Scenes where a character is acting in such a way that you hate them for it.  (Vote against the scenes you don't personally feel as strongly about.)


3.  Emily goes to Christopher and encourages him to break up Lorelai and Luke, as they are getting serious.  "Timing has never been your strong point, Christopher.  You should see if you can change that."  (Come Home)

4.  Lorelai goes to thank Richard for defending her to Straub.  She is hurt when Richard makes it clear he didn't do it for her sake.  "A member of my family was being attacked. The very Gilmore name was being attacked. I will not stand for that, not under any circumstances."  (Christopher Returns)

9.  Dean yells at Lindsay for answering his phone when Rory called.  "G-d, Lindsay, you know, you don't -- you don't get it, do you? I mean, you have absolutely no respect for me at all. That's just obvious."  (SGTDM)

12.  Luke agrees to go to Martha's Vineyard with Rory and Logan but then grouches about everything the entire time.  (AVV)

14.  Lorelai sleeps with Chris after leaving Luke standing in the street when he refuses her ultimatum.  (Partings)

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4 out!


Scenes where a character is acting in such a way that you hate them for it.  (Vote against the scenes you don't personally feel as strongly about.)


3.  Emily goes to Christopher and encourages him to break up Lorelai and Luke, as they are getting serious.  "Timing has never been your strong point, Christopher.  You should see if you can change that."  (Come Home)

9.  Dean yells at Lindsay for answering his phone when Rory called.  "G-d, Lindsay, you know, you don't -- you don't get it, do you? I mean, you have absolutely no respect for me at all. That's just obvious."  (SGTDM)

12.  Luke agrees to go to Martha's Vineyard with Rory and Logan but then grouches about everything the entire time.  (AVV)

14.  Lorelai sleeps with Chris after leaving Luke standing in the street when he refuses her ultimatum.  (Partings)

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This is getting hard now! I’m going to have to go with 3 just because you kind of expect that behaviour from Emily. I still hated her in that moment but I guess it didn’t surprise me that much.

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On my phone so I can't figure out how to copy & paste but 3 is out! Voting against 9, 12, or 14.

Edit - On my laptop now, C&P'ing to make it easier for me to update later.

Scenes where a character is acting in such a way that you hate them for it.  (Vote against the scenes you don't personally feel as strongly about.)


9.  Dean yells at Lindsay for answering his phone when Rory called.  "G-d, Lindsay, you know, you don't -- you don't get it, do you? I mean, you have absolutely no respect for me at all. That's just obvious."  (SGTDM)

12.  Luke agrees to go to Martha's Vineyard with Rory and Logan but then grouches about everything the entire time.  (AVV)

14.  Lorelai sleeps with Chris after leaving Luke standing in the street when he refuses her ultimatum.  (Partings)

Edited by Taryn74
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12 is gone.  One of Dean's most a-hole moments has made it to the Top 2!  I'm so proud!  And I truly never hate Lorelai more than I do in 14, so good job everyone.  >.<


Vote FOR the one you want to be the top of the list for the most hated moment!


9.  Dean yells at Lindsay for answering his phone when Rory called.  "G-d, Lindsay, you know, you don't -- you don't get it, do you? I mean, you have absolutely no respect for me at all. That's just obvious."  (SGTDM)

14.  Lorelai sleeps with Chris after leaving Luke standing in the street when he refuses her ultimatum.  (Partings)

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Oooh this is really hard! I’m going to have to go with 14 to win just because I hated Dean in season 4 onwards and his behaviour was awful in that moment with Lindsey but it didn’t necessarily surprise me.

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14 to win for person I wanted to smack. For Lorelai to sleep with Chris was terrible in my book. Regardless if Luke was an ass. You don't leave your fiancee in the street one minute and sleep with someone else two seconds later.

I'd say that Dean was a total jerk though.

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9 to win...I'm actually pretty nuetral on Dean so I'm surprised that I'm choosing this but seriously, cheating on your wife and then coming home hours later and yelling at her and making her feel that she is at fault, and telling her that she has no respect for you? Nope.

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9 to win.  I hated Dean with a passion in that moment and felt so sorry for Lindsay.  And since I don't think 14 was that bad, it's an easy choice. :)

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The people have spoken!  Collectively, we have never hated a character more than during this scene -

Lorelai sleeps with Chris after leaving Luke standing in the street when he refuses her ultimatum.  (Partings)


For me it's the culmination of the whole scenario rather than just the fact that Lorelai slept with Chris. (I've never been a Chris hater so he personally is not the issue for me.)  I relate to Luke, like a lot, and so I understand his need to have a little time to process things before he makes a decision.  Good or bad, that's just the way some people are.  And so the way Lorelai just verbally vomited all over him, literally giving him no room to get a word in or to even process what she was saying, shrieked a major ultimatum at him and then just walked off and considered that a sufficient enough breakup to go sleep with her on-again-off-again, infuriates me.  It infuriates me to the point that that was a defining moment for me -- Lorelai was never the same in my eyes after that (much like Rory's defining moment for many was stealing the yacht and then dropping out of Yale).


So....onward and upward!  What do we want to do next?  We've done Chilton scenes recently - how about Yale scenes?

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1 hour ago, Taryn74 said:

Lorelai was never the same in my eyes after that (much like Rory's defining moment for many was stealing the yacht and then dropping out of Yale).

A bit ditto there.  I never looked at her the same again.

Plus I thought the whole sex-with-Christopher-when-feeling-down thing was so pervasive for a program geared toward young girls.  I am not a prude by any stretch of the imagination but unwed pregnancies too often follow this "have sex with your boyfriend and you'll feel SO much better" scenario.  Lorelai should know better, for God's sake.  Ans ASP should not have made it so standard in that relationship.

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I just almost felt like Lorelai did it intentionally to hurt Luke. Like she was really really pissed at him and wanted to do something to create a situation where there was no going back. You lost, deal with it. The hurt on Luke's face just killed me. I'm also someone that needs time to adjust, so I agree that she put way too much pressure in that moment. 

Yale scenes sounds fun!

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I feel like we had several episodes of Lorelai heading towards a break-down over how things were going in general, and that ultimatum scene was the culmination.  So I never hated her for the ultimatum, though I understood Luke's need for process time as well.  And I hold the opinion that she was clear things were over, and therefore, she was not in a relationship, and Luke doesn't own the vagina of his ex-girlfriend, so she was well within her rites to sleep with whomever she chose at that time (assuming consenting, single, etc.).

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Ted Koppel's Night Out - the tailgating scene

Die Jerk - Rory and Lorelai attend the ballet

Die Jerk - Paris pulls Rory in to discuss the attack on their dorm

Marty and Rory meet; he is naked in the hall

Emily redecorates Rory's dorm room

Emily shows up for Asher's wake

Rory has a crush on the TA that takes over for Richard

Richard has a heart attack while teaching

Logan hires a coffee cart to follow Rory around

Let the Games Begin - Rory tells off her grandparents

Let the Games Begin - we learn more about E&Rs relationship

Rory and Logan steal cereal from the cafeteria

Rory is the worst card swiper ever

Girls in Bikinis - the scene where Rory and Paris are trying to raise awareness

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Logan and Rory debate when they first meet properly by Rory’s dorm.

Jess tries to win Rory back.

Lorelai (and Luke) help move Rory into her dorm and stays the night.

Paris tells Logan exactly what she thinks of him after finding out he cheated on Rory.

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Dean and Rory go back to her dorm room and find Jess there. 

Dean delivers a bookcase to her dorm room.

Paris wants to know how loud Rory is during sex so she can plan accordingly.

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Rory works to get the paper out while Paris is in her bunker.

Rory is elected editor of the Yale Daily News

Rory lies about her grandma dying to Doyle while researching Trix's obituary

Chris and Rory have lunch

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Paris walks in to find sick Doyle in her bed. 

Doyle being pissy over Glenn's summer internship. 

Paris and Janet arguing and then starting a race before Rory's date. 

Paris pressuring Rory to leave their door open for the first week of school party, and then freaking out and kicking everyone out. 

Rory running into Logan while showing Anna around campus and calling him a buttfaced miscreant. 

Richard's marriage talk with Logan. 

Rory hanging out with the music downloading guy. "Booyah!"

Robert asking Rory out. "I hear Rene Zellweger gained a ton of weight to play the peasant". 

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Rory and Richard are having lunch in the dining hall. Asher Fleming stops by their table and meets Paris

Post Luke breakup, Lorelai stops by the dorm and Paris suggests a support group

Rory and Lorelai stroll the campus eating ice cream in the winter and Rory asks how Lorelai is doing after the breakup

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Ready to start voting!  Voting against three.

Yale scenes

1.  The Gilmores go tailgating.  We've got Whiffenpoofs, dirty buttons, Bloody Marys, fun flasks, Rory flasks, more food than you can eat in a week, stories about Richard naked, and Pennilyn Lott.  "We do not joke with Pennilyn Lott. We do not refer to Pennilyn Lott as anything but Pennilyn Lott, and I would appreciate you remembering that."  (Ted Koppel's Big Night Out)

2.  Rory and Lorelai attend the ballet that Rory is writing about.  It is bad.  It is very bad.  "I don't think the guy is supposed to wince when he lifts the ballerina."  (Die, Jerk)

3.  Someone wrote 'Die, Jerk' on the suite door.  Paris thinks Rory is there to make good on the promise.  "Come on, we're assembling inside."  (Die, Jerk)

4.  Rory hears a sound outside her dorm and finds Marty asleep in the hallway.  "I have no clothes on." "No, you don't."  (The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles)

5.  Emily breaks into Rory's dorm and redecorates.  "Smell what?" "The room - it smells like guilt and Chanel No. 5."  (THtSaDS)

6.  Emily comes to visit Rory because Richard went out and she doesn't want to be the first one back, and Paris thinks she's there for Asher's wake.  "Oh, now, there's no need to cry. Yale is full of excellent teachers."  (WitS)

7.  Rory has a crush on the T.A. who took over the economics class after Richard's heart attack, and is flustered every time she's around him.  "You're all red and blotchy."  (FMP)

8.  Richard has a heart attack while teaching.  "Mom, it was awful. He just fell down."  (TWIMC/IRBIP)

9.  In an attempt to win Rory back, Logan hires a coffee cart to follow her around Yale.  "All day. Any time you want some coffee, biscotti, I will be here."  (JLGaG)

10.  Richard secretly sets up an interview for Rory at Yale.  Rory does well during the interview but then lets him have it afterward.  "I like to be prepared. This has nothing to do with Mom. If you had really wanted me to take this meeting, I would’ve done it just because you asked me to. And I would’ve done it right." (Let the Games Begin)

11.  We learn more about Emily & Richard's relationship during their tour of Yale.  He proposed next to a trash can.  "You had just finished calling me a spineless jellyfish."  (Let the Games Begin)

12.  Rory and Logan sneak into the cafeteria at night and steal cereal.  "Whoa! Oh, I've never seen the cereal completely full before. I'm never here early enough! I knew they had Cocoa Puffs."  (Pulp Friction)

13.  Rory is the worst card swiper ever.  "Swipe 'em yourself, people."  (TISL)

14.  Rory and Paris try to raise awareness for prisoners in Burma.  It's not going well.  "People suck.  You all suck!"  (GiB, BDTT)

15.  Logan and Rory meet properly by Rory’s dorm.  "I don't have an argument." "I can give you a moment to formulate one if you want to continue."  (WitS)

16.  Dean goes with Rory back to her dorm room, Jess is there to try to win Rory back.  "I'm ready for this. You can count on me now. I know you couldn't count on me before, but you can now. You can."  (LWF, TWT)

17.  Lorelai (and Luke) help move Rory into her dorm room.  Lorelai stays the night when Rory panics about being left alone.  "Adults don't want their mommies." "Yes, they do, honey. I'm not a good example, but -"  (TLFDAY)

18.  Logan makes the mistake of going by Paris' apartment to try to talk to Rory after the bridesmaids debacle.  "You, Logan Huntzberger, are nothing but a two-bit, spoiled waste of a trust fund. You offer nothing to women or the world in general. If you were to disappear from the face of the earth tomorrow, the only person that would miss you is your Porsche dealer." "Want to chime in here?" "No, I think Paris has got it covered."  (IOYO)

19.  Dean attempts to deliver a bookcase to Rory's dorm room.  "There's no place to put this."  (TTTB)

20.  Paris needs to know how loud Rory is during sex so she can plan accordingly.  "I just need the information to formulate a good plan. I mean, you look all small and squeaky, but sometimes, it's exactly the bunny-looking girls who can blow the roof off the barn."  (TaTT)

21.  Paris goes off the deep end and hides in her bunker while Rory works to get the paper out.  Logan jumps in to help.  Rory is shocked to learn he can type 90 words a minute.  "You really did only like me for my looks, huh?"  (FNAFF)

22.  Paris is forced into stepping down as editor of the Yale Daily News, Rory is elected in her place.  "I'd vote for anybody over Casey because Casey's an idiot and he didn't even show up." "He's in the back." "Sorry, Casey."  (YBG)

23.  Rory lies to Doyle about her relationship with Trix while researching for the obituary, so that he won't yell at her for not working on the paper.  "My grandmother was a very special woman. She drove me to my prom, and I'd be a poor man if I'd never known her. Finish the obituary."  (TRL)

24.  Paris walks in to find sick Doyle in her bed.  She calls Nanny for help.  "What's Portuguese for 'Ow, you're ripping my chest hair out'?"  (BIAG)

25.  Glenn has a summer internship with the New York Times.  Doyle is pissy about it.  "It’s absolutely amazing that I spent all summer in Indiana working my ass off for the Muncie Messenger, and you went from Star Trek Convention to Boba Fett Fan Club Symposium, and yet, lookie here. The New York Times. Isn’t that great, Rory? Aren’t you seeing how great it is?"  (NMIP)

26.  Rory, Paris, Janet, and Tanna have a roommates meeting before Rory's date with Trevor.  Paris and Janet argue about Janet's early workouts and Paris' craft corner.  They decide to have a foot race to settle the issue.   "Now, they're gonna have a nice musk."  (TFTA)

27.  Paris pressures Rory into leaving their door open for the first week of school party, but then kicks everyone out.  "Take your gross beer and your inane conversations somewhere else. Move!"  (THTSaDS)

28.  Rory shows Anna around campus.  They run into Logan.  Rory sniffs a book and calls Logan a butt-faced miscreant.  (BNACAP)

29.  After Logan's classroom prank, Richard has a "talk" with him about the proper time and place for displays of affection, property agreements, pre-nups, and the like.  "I do hope one of his dopey-looking friends knows CPR or he just might not make it."  (BNACAP)

30.  Rory tries to get an angle for a story on music downloading.  She hangs out with a guy while he downloads album after album. "Boo-yah!"  (NMIP)

31.  Robert asks Rory out, and checks out the book she's reading. "I heard Renee Zellweger is gaining a ton of weight to play the peasant."  (PCF)

32.  Rory dresses up like Harpo for her Marx Brothers marathon with Marty, which later gets interrupted by Logan.  "I like what you’ve done with the place."  (JaCF)

33.  Lorelai throws a party in the dorm the first night, they rate all of the food and cuteness of delivery drivers.  "Ooh, um, do me a favor? Count to ten before you leave."  (TLFDAY)

34.  Rory bribes the guy to leave so she can have her study tree back.  "You're gonna pay me for the tree?"  (AAtR)

35.  Rory, Paris, and Richard are having lunch in the dining hall.  Asher Fleming stops by their table.  Paris makes an impression.  "Not too self-important, you made your point, and managed to look remotely interested when Charlie babbled on pretentiously about nothing." "Well, Charlie Rose is a good friend of mine." "Whatever."  (TKBNO)

36.  Lorelai stops by the dorm room to pick Rory up, Paris offers to talk with her about her breakup with Luke.  "And let me know before Tuesday, because I'm doing a paper for my Emotional Mental Health class about how women of a certain age cope with loneliness, and I think you'd be a great lead-off anecdote."  (JaCF)

37.  Rory and Lorelai stroll the campus eating ice cream in the winter and Rory asks how Lorelai is doing after the breakup.  "Angel, I have been dumped before."  "Not by Luke."  (JaCF)

38.  Chris comes to have lunch with Rory.  He's got girls checking him out.  "It's the same way with mom. I swear, I hate having hot parents."  (YBG)

Edited by Taryn74
added 38
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Technically, isn't 18 at an off-campus apartment?


34 (spoiled princess needs to get over herself and learn some flexibility)

16 (Jess was so whiny there, but Dean was so married. Love yourself, Rory!)

13 (Do your job, Rory!)

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37 minutes ago, deaja said:

Technically, isn't 18 at an off-campus apartment?

Very possibly but it makes me laugh, so....  heh.

Oh I think you had suggested one that I couldn't find, Chris and Rory have lunch.  Do you know what eppie?

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9 minutes ago, Taryn74 said:

Very possibly but it makes me laugh, so....  heh.

Oh I think you had suggested one that I couldn't find, Chris and Rory have lunch.  Do you know what eppie?

You've been Gilmored.  Rory hates having hot parents. ;)

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