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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 7 (11/09/2016 - 11/15/2016)


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6.45 in.  Back to B1-B2-D2-D3-E3, but she still doesn't have a 5th mirror to put at E1, of course.  This is the "trap" solution, and she's fallen for it.

7.45 played now.  Highly unlikely she beats Jason, even if she suddenly solves it.

Nope, she's toast.

"Kiss yet another HoH good-bye."  Yeppers.  Coming up on 10.00 in, still no clue.

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The fact that she keeps doing the same shit over and over again with no change frustrates me to no end.


She's been using the same placeholders for almost 10 minutes now.

Are we seriously going to get a full 20 minutes of this shit?

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

The fact that she keeps doing the same shit over and over again with no change frustrates me to no end.


She's been using the same placeholders for almost 10 minutes now.

Are we seriously going to get a full 20 minutes of this shit?

Well, she could always quit.  And that's 12.45 done and gone.  Morgan's out of last, yay!

Hey, she finally considered B1-B3-A3!  And it only took 13.30 before she thought to try it!

Remember how Jason told Shelby that if it was just her and Morgan left, he'd be stupid to take out one of them, because then he'd be Target #1 for his alliance, rather than the straggler?  Time to see how honest he was.  (Not of all, of course.  I'm just pointing out the HypoKryssie.)

Shelby finished in 9.52.

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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Fish? Is there....something wrong with one of her mirrors? Is it possible that she has to redo it? 


Well, she was already over Jason's time.  But I bet she might have been bitching at Production.

Actually, I wonder if one of the mirrors became loose through repeated use, and couldn't stay level to reach the next target.  Obviously, they should have bought 20 mirrors, not 4, and switched them out for each round.  Or at least tightened them between the rounds.  

Jason, going first, may have had an unfair advantage.  Of course, it's Jason, so BB won't do anything to mess him up.

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Aww, my little cam previews are showing the scenes from this time yesterday.  I've got Alex and Morgan in the bathroom in the cam 1/2 "previews" :(

ETA:  If I had All Access (instead of my bootleg feeds site), I could actually go back to yesterday and watch the BS chat in the HoH, right?  Tempting…

Edited by DAngelus
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I hope Shelby wins the Veto so she doesn't get evicted right into her bar exam results.  Even though I'm sure she passed.  It's too much to hope that one of the Kry Babies might win the Veto and take down half of Team Longshot to force Jason to backdoor someone, right?  I mean, it would be great if after Jason spent all this time mocking the BS for playing "Team Sports", someone in his alliance actually DID play individually, and fucked up his HoH, but that's not going to happen.  The four will go to the F4 and they claim Justin said he'd allow himself to be evicted "peacefully" then, so Kryssie and Danielle think they've got F3 on lock.

In which, of course, they would both be crushed by Jason, but what's more important?  $250,000 or "loyalty"?  BFF, America!

Edited by DAngelus
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7 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

ETA:  If I had All Access (instead of my bootleg feeds site), I could actually go back to yesterday and watch the BS chat in the HoH, right?  Tempting…

I'm in the same boat. Darn bootleg feeds site.

It seems like they're taking a longer time setting up for Justin. They must be rechecking all the mirrors to make sure they're not screwed up. People on Reddit have deduced that Shelby's mirror was fucked from the start but it really started affecting her around 7:10. They must be discussing what to do about it. 

I wonder how much time they'll take off. I know she won't beat Jason, but her time should theoretically be close because of the mirror breaking and messing up her performance.

Shelby's getting fucked by production this week. It's just not her week. This is the third thing! First, Jason as co-HOH. Then the LSAT leak. Now the mirrors! 

Just now, DAngelus said:

They should just redo the damn comp.  Let the HGs (and you) get some sleep, change the design around, buy 16 more mirrors and do it tomorrow night.  It gets dark at 5.00 PM in LA these days, you'd still have lots of time for CP voting.  

They won't, though.

I know, and then I also wasted precious hours watching a wasted comp when I could have been getting sleep so I'm not tired at work. Granted it's my fault for staying up, but still.

Or, because the layout seems pretty easy to move around, they should have had a backup "path" for a new puzzle. They just need to rearrange. But yeah, then they'd have to redo the entire comp. I mean, I think that might be the fair thing to do. Who knows how badly Shelby was screwed. Even if she figured out the pattern sooner, it's possible that the broken mirror delayed her from figuring it out. 

I am now positive production is trying to figure out a solution for Shelby. They could either redo the comp, or they could shave off two or three minutes from her current time bringing her close to Jason but not beating him. I wonder if Justin's awkwardly in the DR, waiting to start. 

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I am now positive production is trying to figure out a solution for Shelby. They could either redo the comp, or they could shave off two or three minutes from her current time bringing her close to Jason but not beating him.

That would be so arbitrary, though.  They'd have to review all the film to time every vertical adjustment Shelby made, because of the loose mirror.  And who's to say she wouldn't have made those mistakes on her own, even with a tight mirror?

Not to act as Jason's attorney, here, but if you start pulling times out of your ass, you're being unfair to him.  And if you just give Shelby a phony "1 minute" credit or something like that, it's pointless.

Redo it!

You know, they could even do this comp indoors, with the lights dimmed.  Move the couches out of the way, design a new course (maybe a 6x6 one, because the HGs are now hip to the "work around the edges"' thing), buy some new mirrors, and you can run it tomorrow morning, don't even have to wait for sundown.

  • Love 1

Hell, why don't they go to sleep, bust out the stalls in the morning, do "Before and After" for HoH, and save this for the Veto/next week's HoH?  Buy yourself some time and do it right, folks.

Hell, if you call Brendon over from UCLA to host, it will almost look as though you planned it this way in the Weekly Episode.

(Is he done with that Ph.D. yet??)

Edited by DAngelus


Jason sitting in bed in London. Danielle in bed (but no longer sleeping, I don't think) in HoH.  Morgan sleeping in the H-N room.  Kryssie sitting in the SR.  (Well, plenty of food…)

Shelby, unseen, probably fighting like crazy with the producers.

Justin, unseen, probably wondering WTF is going on in the DR.  Or possibly sleeping.

Seriously, it's 1.07 AM and it's been a loooong day.  Heath could use some sleep, too.  Is he really going to make a wise, informed decision if he's running on coffee/Red Bull/speed/whatever?  And Grodner's probably in bed, if they need to consult her.

Go to bed, stalls at noon.  Seriously, people.

(Can you imagine if any of the producers was up until however late it was yesterday, waiting for Trump's speech?  You don't want to be pulling back-to-backs like that, I wouldn't think.)

Edited by DAngelus

ETA:  Fun "theories" from Reddit…


Watch the feeds come back and Shelby has been sleeping the entire time. Meanwhile Justin has been going over the rules 20 times.

Entirely possible.


Maybe BB has given up and cancelled the show but didn't tell anyone in the house and just left the cameras on



They should leave these screens on indefinitely just to see how long us idiots sit here and watch and to see how long [Kryssie] will sit in that storage room.

An all-new type of endurance comp!  And we get to play! Yippee!

My own theory:  Heath thinks they should call Grodner, but nobody wants to be the one who wakes her up to tell her the news.  The producers are currently trying to find an intern to do it, and all the interns have run outside and taken up hiding positions elsewhere on the lot.

Edited by DAngelus
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Man, you know Shelby is going to be the last [almost a] lawyer they ever cast on this show.  I mean, she's got a perfect right to gripe, but you could have bought Justin off with the promise of an extra pizza and been done already.

Kryssie is now monologuing.  I mean, not to overly mock (I might be doing old Hebrew prayers, and I renounced Judaism years ago), but it's not exactly the soliloquy from Hamlet, ya dig?

4 hours ago, DAngelus said:

Don't worry, East Coasters, I'll try to liveblog.

Hey, no fair!  I only signed on for three hours of this shit!

(Just kidding, I'm a night owl, anyway.  But I should be watching Survivor and I'm too worried about missing this.)

Kryssie, still wondering what's taking so long:  "I did go third, right?"  Yes, but what you don't know is that they brought back the first five evictees, and they're all competing, too.  Cornbread is killing it, yo! ;-)

ETA: More from Reddit (because you bastards have all deserted me, lol)…


Maybe I should apply for a job at CBS studios, something tells me there might be some open postitions after todays multiple fuckups.




When Mirrorgate began, Neeley was still in high school.

I'm just imagining people waking up, skimming through the thread, desperate to find out who won…and then seeing it come crashing to a halt with this shitfest.

Sorry, katesus7, et al!  Anti-climactic, I know.

But this is really great Trial Prep for Shelby.  She's been arguing her case (I presume) for at least 90 minutes, now.


REDDITOR 1:  If they do a T/F comp tomorrow, what will it entail?

REDDITOR 2:  "True or False:  there have been 5 audio leaks by Production this season."

Edited by DAngelus
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Wisdom from Reddit:  they have to call it off.  Why?  Because all of this waiting puts Justin at a HUGE disadvantage.  I mean, he's waited longer now than all the other HGs had to wait, combined.

Also, somebody said that they could at least send Kryssie to the HoH, rather than her SR purgatory.  "It's not as if Danielle knows anything."  Very true.

Seriously, Justin has to be really pissed by now.  He's still salty about Morgan's CP (not that he should be, he just was), he was on the block next to Whitney, he had to see her go home, and he's been cooling his jets in Yoga [we presume, he's not on camera] for almost four hours, now.  Production's damn lucky he's not a lawyer, too.

BTW, as far as I know, neither Kryssie nor Justin has gotten a piss break since Shelby went to talk to the producers.

Jason has been off-camera for a while now, too. I wonder if Production is conferring with him, Shelby and Justin all at once.  (Morgan and Kryssie excluded because they'd failed to beat Jason's time, anyway.  Which would still be bullshit, IMO.  Who is Production to definitively say the equipment malfunction didn't affect them, too?  It may not have gotten blazingly obvious until Shelby's turn, but it definitely took Kryssie a while to get the proper angle on her last mirror [the D5-D1 long-distance shot].  Maybe she didn't have a total brain cramp, maybe having her mirror wobble disrupted her concentration.  Level playing field, guys.)

ETA:  Kryssie's two cams are now on Jason in London. (Dani-cam and Morgan-cam still show them sleeping.)  Is Kryssie meeting with Production?  Or did the cam guys just take pity on her?

ETAA:  Nobody spoke with Jason while he was off-camera; he thinks the comp is still going on, and says he's losing his mind.

Seriously, call it off.  Send them to bed, even if you don't have a plan for the re-do yet.

3.15 AM BBT update (told you I was a night owl!):  They've let Jason turn off the lights in London.  Lights still on in HoH/H-N, but Dani and Morgan are asleep, anyhow.

No sign of Shelby/Justin/Kryssie.  Be hilarious if Kryssie was still stuck in the SR.

Jason can't sleep, though.  So he's pacing around London, literally and figuratively in the dark.  Periodically he looks out through the Tardis at Tokyo, where the lights are on, but nobody's home.

Jason, confusedly wondering WTF is going on, hypothesizes that perhaps Production needs to break down the comp before they reveal the winner?  Nice thought, but I think that even Jason working solo could have cleared the back yard by now.  A team of "beefcakes" can do it in 5 minutes.

He's now talking about how he's about to have a nervous breakdown.  Certainly he's not whom I would choose to have sympathy for, but come ON already!  How can you not realize that after three fucking hours, you just have to call the damn thing off?

Edited by DAngelus
Because I originally wrote "two hours", when it's actually three. But none of you saw that, because you're all asleep.

Latest Reddit quote (3.40 AM BBT)


I wonder how many times something like this has happened in past seasons and we just didn't see it because of the blackouts.

Maybe that's the delay - they don't know how to cover it up because we see everything.

Word.  They're also wondering why BB doesn't at least put out a Tweet, so the feedsters have a clue what's going on.

Just Dani-cam and Morg-cam now.  Morgan is as snug as a bug in a rug in H-N, Dani's doing some flopping in her sleep (currently on her back) in HoH.

And here she thought she wouldn't get to use the room, because she was "only" the DE HoH.  She may have more time as the solo HoH than Shelby did, last week.

3.43 AM-They're gonna have Justin run it!  Are you SHITTING me???????

He goes for B3 first, but aims it in the wrong direction (towards D3/E3, not A3).

Edited by DAngelus

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