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Lab Rats - General Discussion

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The only thing I can really add...can we finally see the team in those snazzy uniforms we see them in in the opening? I've been waiting for some uniform action, but as far as I remember...so far we haven't gotten any...


Those Mission Hero suits were in the forefront of pretty much all the promotional materials, including the going to and returning from commercial bumpers on Disney XD and the opening credits.

I suspect they'll be introduced when Roman and Riker come back into play, whenever that is.

Much like what I said about the Bionic Academy last year (academy themes being overused for young heroes in other media), the only other thing that popped in my head right now is "scared of what's/who's different" with Kaz's power reveal...again, it' s jus an overused trope.


Side note, I keep thinking if there was a way for Adam and/or Leo to be involved or incorporated somehow, but then I keep thinking, from a power perspective...Oliver and Kaz can basically do whatever Adam and Leo could do to some degree...but then again, I'm sure they'll be guests here and there...I like where things have gone so far, but I think they definitely overpowered the MM crew...

Spencer Boldman is filming a movie with that actress who takes her top off all the time, so I doubt he will be back for now. Jeremy Kent Jackson said he would be making an appearance soon. Yay Douglas!

Douglas is actually someone I think would thrive on Elite Force in a mentor role. He probably should have been a series regular during Bionic Island. I'm pretty sure he appeared in more episodes than Hal Sparks did last year.

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This episode was exactly what I needed after the day at work I just had.


First of all, Douglas is here for one whole episodes, and now we have those amazing looking Mission Suits I've been wanting to see in action since I first saw the One Sheet for the series. This just reinforces what I aid a few days ago about Douglas.


The rest of the episode was an amusing diversion to get to the point of seeing the Mission Suits. Though Skylar's stuff about pretending to be Bionic means she can finally get acknowledged for the good she does rang completely hollow to me. Her adventures were chronicled as a comic book. She had merchandise. Those comics were adapted into Hollywood Blockbusters. Jonah Hill starred in one of them! She got plenty of acknowledgement.


And now that I've gone through all that, I have to wonder, in this shared universe, is there an Elite Force comic book? Bionic Superhumans are public knowledge. A comic being  made based on them seems only natural since this episode featured Bree getting a sponsorship deal for those sneakers.

Ugh... Perry.


Perry has her moments, I will grant her that. I thought she was at her worst in early season three when she just discovered Adam, Bree, and Chase were Bionic and was blackmailing them. Thought she was at her best in season one, when she was pretty much just the principal, because they went and made her into a cartoon character.


As for this episode, well, let's start by saying misleading promo is misleading. Having said that, I thought made perfect use of the entire team. The Oliver and Kaz "I can't beloeve it's not Jenga" subplot perfectly came to a head as a way to save the day and rescue the trapped Chase, Skylar, and Perry.


I really like that it was Bree that pointed out the similarities between the collapsed portion of the tunnel, and Skylar stepped up in the sadly unseen first mission, and Chase learning an important lesson about being on a team.

Just caught "Follow the Leader".  It was fun.


Perry wise, I think she stopped bugging me during Season 3.  Enjoyed Skylar and Perry's friendship. 


Loved they've kept Chases's competitive/jealous streak, and loved Kaz and Oliver's game working into the final mission solution.


Personally, I would have loved seeing Skylar as/become mission leader.



With Perry popping up...can we somehow get Jordan and Gus worked in somehow?

Edited by CyberJawa1986

They were so close to making something truly special had they not revived Crossbow at the end. It would have gone a long way to up the threat Roman and Riker are supposed to be. I understand why they did, but I can't help but feel it slightly undermines the episode.


This was far and away the best episode since the premiere, and I think a large part of that is because we actually had our primary antagonist show up again. I'm not asking for it to become a Monster Of The Week show, but more involvement from our villains would be nice.

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Ugh... Perry.


Perry has her moments, I will grant her that. I thought she was at her worst in early season three when she just discovered Adam, Bree, and Chase were Bionic and was blackmailing them. Thought she was at her best in season one, when she was pretty much just the principal, because they went and made her into a cartoon character.


I agree.  Haven't seen Power Play yet.  Perry is really annoying and unbelievable.  It annoys me that she gets more screen time than Tasha (or at least, it did back during Lab Rats: Original Recipe).  However, she does get some of the best lines at times.


They were so close to making something truly special had they not revived Crossbow at the end. It would have gone a long way to up the threat Roman and Riker are supposed to be. I understand why they did, but I can't help but feel it slightly undermines the episode.


This was far and away the best episode since the premiere, and I think a large part of that is because we actually had our primary antagonist show up again. I'm not asking for it to become a Monster Of The Week show, but more involvement from our villains would be nice.


I agree it was a good episode, and they almost had me believing that someone was going to die.  But wow, Crossbow may be the worst superhero ever.  Lab Rats has a bad habit of having their protagonists just stand there and let the bad guys hurt them.  And Crossbow did this worse than any of them.  She didn't even try to fight back or run away or anything.  It was almost embarrassing to watch.

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It annoys me that she gets more screen time than Tasha (or at least, it did back during Lab Rats: Original Recipe).


Probably one of the few little things to annoy me with the original as well.


To the episode:

Caught "The List".  Good episode.


Crossbow...at least the situation let Kaz and Oliver go "Mighty Med" on the situation, even though it would have been stronger for the story by not bringing Crossbow back. 


Roman/Riker were getting a little stale, so glad to see things look they'll switch up a bit.


Nice seeing the action figures, and some assorted gizmos again...


...and can the gang please meet Baby Davenport!?

Edited by CyberJawa1986
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I agree it was a good episode, and they almost had me believing that someone was going to die.  But wow, Crossbow may be the worst superhero ever.  Lab Rats has a bad habit of having their protagonists just stand there and let the bad guys hurt them.  And Crossbow did this worse than any of them.  She didn't even try to fight back or run away or anything.  It was almost embarrassing to watch.


Absolutely agreed. And the weird thing is, that sort of thing almost never happened on Mighty Med. The fights there were a lot more fluid, I guess.

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I agree it was a good episode, and they almost had me believing that someone was going to die.  But wow, Crossbow may be the worst superhero ever.  Lab Rats has a bad habit of having their protagonists just stand there and let the bad guys hurt them.  And Crossbow did this worse than any of them.  She didn't even try to fight back or run away or anything.  It was almost embarrassing to watch.



Absolutely agreed. And the weird thing is, that sort of thing almost never happened on Mighty Med. The fights there were a lot more fluid, I guess.


Haven't watched MM or original recipe LR since the shows have come and gone, but my two cents...I felt, or at least IIRC, MM always went for the Power Display with some physical elements incorporated, while LR went with physical elements and incorporated the Bionics...


...either way, I think the main point about the bolded, both casts usually had the brunt of physical work go to one person (Skylar and maybe a guest hero/villain kicking but while Kaz and Oliver were distressed, Chase being a bit more acrobatic while Adam, Bree, Leo were distressed), which to me, left the others standing around.  I think MM, through the various super powered bit players and powers, hid this a bit better through the power displays to help distract from the standing around.


Do you know what I need?  A third location...not going into missions, LR had the Davenport home, the lab and school, then Tech-Town.  MM had Mighty Med, school, and the comic shop.  Bionic Island had the main entrance/hall, the training area, and the gang's living area.   So far the show has been primarily tied to their apartment and base (and the same single area for both)...the characters seem to be primarily on their own, we need some type of hang out...comic shop?  Smoothie Bar?

Edited by CyberJawa1986

Do you know what I need?  A third location...not going into missions, LR had the Davenport home, the lab and school, then Tech-Town.  MM had Mighty Med, school, and the comic shop.  Bionic Island had the main entrance/hall, the training area, and the gang's living area.   So far the show has been primarily tied to their apartment and base (and the same single area for both)...the characters seem to be primarily on their own, we need some type of hang out...comic shop?  Smoothie Bar?


This is a real good point. Plus you'd think that since the superhero comic books were chronicles of the Superheroes' adventures in Mighty Med, Kaz, Oliver and Skylar would be scouring every comic store they come across looking for any clue about any other superhero that may be out there.

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This is a real good point. Plus you'd think that since the superhero comic books were chronicles of the Superheroes' adventures in Mighty Med, Kaz, Oliver and Skylar would be scouring every comic store they come across looking for any clue about any other superhero that may be out there.

At first I didn't let this bug me, but this is slowly kinda getting to me.  I think it's probably the one glaring world breaking/immersion breaking thing of the series.  I also wouldn't mind Bree and Chase, although mainly Chase, geek out over being immortalized in a comic book.


side note:  I don't see any upcoming episodes so I'll try to keep a look out...we're at that break point.

Edited by CyberJawa1986
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At first I didn't let this bug me, but this is slowly kinda getting to me.  I think it's probably the one glaring world breaking/immersion breaking thing of the series.  I also wouldn't mind Bree and Chase, although mainly Chase, geek out over being immortalized in a comic book.


side note:  I don't see any upcoming episodes so I'll try to keep a look out...we're at that break point.


Oh, Chase would so geek out over it. Just like he did when he got a chance to be in Giselle's movie.


Yeah, we're at Hiatus point. I have to wonder how long it's going to last, since Disney XD is having a The Story So Far-athon (I swear, that's what the promos actually called it), fairly soon, so it wouldn't make much sense to catch people up only to make them wait for new episodes.


I'm curious about Roman and Riker's father (Rodisious?). He wasn't seen or mentioned in Mighty Med, so everything about him is very much up in the air.


All is known for sure is he needed to have his powers removed to save his life, and he and his sons are extremely bitter because of it. I wonder if it might be possible they might target the Bionic Academy the way they did Mighty Med. If he's upset about losing his super powers, maybe he'd think gaining some Bionic Abilities would be the next best thing.

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On April 21, 2016 at 7:37 PM, Last Time Lord said:

I'm curious about Roman and Riker's father (Rodisious?). He wasn't seen or mentioned in Mighty Med, so everything about him is very much up in the air.


All is known for sure is he needed to have his powers removed to save his life, and he and his sons are extremely bitter because of it. I wonder if it might be possible they might target the Bionic Academy the way they did Mighty Med. If he's upset about losing his super powers, maybe he'd think gaining some Bionic Abilities would be the next best thing.

That's a totally awesome idea!  It's a way to maybe work in Leo and Adam.  Except the villain gaining bionics, that's too similar to Krane.  Maybe Roman/Riker, or their Father can gather a group of villains?

Edited by CyberJawa1986
a little clarification...

So, we still have a little...long...while until the next episode.

I saw this on another forum I frequent...some posters were worried with the long hiatus...but how long do you guys expect the series to last?  

Personally, I'd love it if it had the same run as Lab Rats, but realistically, I could see it going into two seasons.  For me as long as the conclusion to the Mighty Med destruction is good/I'm satisfied, I think I'll be fine...and at least one Adam and Leo appearance...although I think it's been mentioned Leo will pop-up.  And as long as they don't pull an Aaron Stone and end on a cliffhanger, I'll be fine.

ETA:  Give Daniel some appearances, still say he can be the replacement of Chase and Bree...he can be Adam and Leo's team/squad member/trainee...

Edited by CyberJawa1986
Edit, Edit again
On June 11, 2016 at 2:10 PM, CyberJawa1986 said:

Coming Through in the Clutch 

Watched the new episode.  Filler, but again, anything for the Mighty Med crew to show off their Mighty Med-ness...I'm game.  Didn't mind Bob and thought the Bree/Chase/Bob/Zoe Mini-Olympics story was pretty fun.

More surprised summer has basically come and gone and no "special" episode...

I think I'll adjust what I mentioned earlier...I'm fine with one season as long as they wrap up the Mighty Med destruction.

Edited by CyberJawa1986
Editing and stuff...
On August 26, 2016 at 1:27 PM, 88Keys said:

Thanks.  I do find myself missing these characters, even though I'm not sure the show ever quite lived up to its potential.

I think the one flaw for the show, at least to me, for a show banking on the Lab Rats name...I think they maybe ventured too far into the Mighty Med side of things...

Saw it. Liked it enough, though I am annoyed at how Oliver's crush on Skylar has devolved into full blown stalking behavior. He was never like that on Mighty Med.

I actually rather liked AJ, and wouldn't mind if he because an Oracle type character that assisted the team with tactical support while they were on missions.

Excited about the return of the Arcturion. I thought that was out of the picture for good when after they pissed away the amazing built-in storyline with Bridget.

No. I refuse to get over that until they do something to make it right.

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Finally caught "The Intruder".

Oliver's a stalker, Bree's...I feel just plain unlikable, and Skylar, I kinda go back and forth on...

...Basicallly, I think Kaz and Chase are the only likable characters.

It was a fun episode and always good to see Douglas, and AJ could be a fun recurring addition and I always love photographic memory based characters.  

Anybody wanna take bets on AJ being somehow involved in a baddies plan...or not?

On 8/25/2016 at 10:16 AM, CyberJawa1986 said:

Hey 88, I think both iTunes and Amazon do Season Passes and Individual episode sales.  

A season pass is thirty dollars?!  I wish I knew how many episodes were left before I agree to that.  Individual episodes are $3 a piece, so it could be worthwhile, I guess. 

On 8/30/2016 at 3:13 PM, CyberJawa1986 said:

I think the one flaw for the show, at least to me, for a show banking on the Lab Rats name...I think they maybe ventured too far into the Mighty Med side of things...

Well, I meant Lab Rats in general didn't live up to its potential, although it came close a few times. 

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I started doing the iTunes downloads if I knew I'll be missing the episode, or something happens with the DVR, but then knowing probably the series wouldn't get DVDs releases...outside of the one DVD a few years back of a few episodes...I caved and bought the season downloads.

I also remember when it was like, 1.99 per episode, don't recall the season prices, but I've seen the prices go up the last few years.

Edited by CyberJawa1986

I really liked this one. Surprised as hell that AJ was in more than one episode.The reasoning for Bree's insecurities made sense, and the characters in general were a lot less childlike than they were last week, which is a real good thing.

Despite it being another episode where they don't leave the house, this was a pretty action packed episode.

My DVR cut off mid promo, so I know it's a one hour special, and we're going back to Caldera.

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lemme get this straight: Bree now has superpowers on top of being bionic? So Chase is now permanently on the bottom of the list? They couldn't have both Bree and Chase get powers?

also they add AJ a preteen know it all with a lisp (sorry the kids cute but I really had to listen to understand him) when they could've easily had Leo move in (personally I would've preferred it if he had gotten superpowers)

Will Adam be showing up anytime soon?

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Finally caught "The Rock".  It was fun. I think I enjoyed it more than "The Intruder".  

Didn't mind Bree getting new powers since Skylar does have similar powers, Chase at least has abilities that as far as I remember, Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar haven't displayed something similar.

Show(s) still love tormenting Chase.

AJ, don't mind the character or actor and I'd say AJ is a step above Spin/Bob.

Edited by CyberJawa1986
Edits, yo

Tonight's episode, Home Sweet Home is up on the Disney XD App.

Chase made a sexbot. Seven, in fact. There -- there's just no way around that.

Pretty good two parter. Was kind of surprised they didn't try to help Caldera overthrow The Opposition (who curiously were not seen outside of Scarlett acting on their behalf). Then again, there are only five of them, and we didn't exactly meet any Calderans that were loyal to the old regime.

Oliver actually acted like his true Mighty Med self, and not the pervy stalker caricature they're turned him into. I wonder if they actually do try to develop more of this potential romance with him and Skylar. They've been sort of building up to it for three years, now.

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