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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 5 (10/26/2016 - 11/01/2016)


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16 hours ago, silverspoons said:

I'm excited to watch the veto. I hope it will not be too long like last week since it is Halloween and I'm sure most viewers are handing out candy or taking kids out.

This. Trick or treating starts at 6 here so I hope it's a pretty quick comp and not like last week's 5 hour one.

4 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Does anyone know if 2nd & 3rd place get any money? I know in regular BB 2nd place gets $50,000 & the winner gets $500,000. With OTT, the winner "only" gets $250,000.

I'm pretty sure I heard someone talking about the 2nd place prize. I think it might be $25000 this season. 3rd place doesn't get a prize in regular BB so I doubt they get one here.

2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I like Whitney and think she's the most strategic thinking of the 4 Ballsmashers.

I think Whitney is the best social gameplayer of BS. I think Alex is more of a strategic thinker than Whitney. I am surprised by how much of a strategic thinker Whitney is though; I didn't expect it from her.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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11 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I'm confused. I thought America's Nominee was done at 1:00pm EST but it's been done already and it's Scott!?!? And, they picked Veto, too. WTF?

Yea I'm actually really pissed at that. I wanted to see it dammit! Now I'm worried the veto will start earlier too so I guess I'll have to try to get on earlier so I don't miss it. I have things to do today, BB, I can't be glued to my feeds because you won't stick to your schedule!

LNJ are discussing what to do with veto, how the votes will go, etc. They are saying a lot of stuff and much of it doesn't really make sense. Jason actually thinks that Shelby might not/could be convinced to not void all of LNJ's votes. LOL.

ETA: Oh also, Whitney got Houseguest's Choice and picked Justin, which imo was a big error on her part. Although Justin is a good competitor and could likely win and would 100% remove her if he did, it is just further proof for BS that she isn't fully with them and it will definitely hurt her with them going forward.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Jason thinks he's convinced Danielle to get Alex out this week by getting Whitney off the block, but that's not really a possibility, right? Say they get Whintey off the block and Alex on, the noms would be Alex/Shelby/Scott. Shelby would void LNJ's votes so the voters would be Morgan, Whitney, and America. Presumably America could evict Scott and Morgan likely would, too, so Scott would go. Although conceivably I guess Alex could convince Morgan to evict Shelby to protect Scott, but it would be a risk since Whitney could potentially evict Alex.

I don't know I'm so confused because Kryssie and Jason seem to believe they can definitely get Alex out this week.

ETA: Wait, never mind, this is all about getting Morgan evicted. I still think what I said applies though. I don't know I'm very confused lol. I love this week! I love this season!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Jason thinks he's convinced Danielle to get Alex out this week by getting Whitney off the block, but that's not really a possibility, right? Say they get Whintey off the block and Alex on, the noms would be Alex/Shelby/Scott. Shelby would void LNJ's votes so the voters would be Morgan, Whitney, and America. Presumably America could evict Scott and Morgan likely would, too, so Scot would go. Although conceivably I guess Alex could convince Morgan to evict Shelby to protect Scott, but it would be a risk since Whitney could potentially evict Alex.

I don't know I'm so confused because Kryssie and Jason seem to believe they can definitely get Alex out this week.

and, I am so confused because I wanted Kryssie sooooooooooooo gone! LOL!!

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Well, it sounds like if anyone but Scott wins veto, Scott goes. I guess that's the best scenario out of any of them!

Danielle's willing to throw it if she's against Whitney or Justin as the last three. 

At least it is unpredictable, and the sides will be more even, whether Scott or Whitney leave. I'd rather Scott left, so I have to hope for a Scott eviction. However, as an Alex fan, I also don't want him to leave because he'd sacrifice himself to get her farther. Plus, Whitney may not be able to be trusted to keep her girls safe. I want her to stay loyal to Shelby, Alex, and Morgan over Justin/Kryssie.

Well, let's hope for a good week and an even better next week! 

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I just want interesting game play and strategy, the sides staying even, and entertaining people and/or people I like staying, so this is perfect for me. But if this week ends with a BS going I'll be mad lol. I'll be less mad if it's Alex or even Whitney, but I'd rather they all stay.

ETA: Scott is telling America how he 'just needs to push Alex to the end of this game.' I really need him evicted this week. Please BB God!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Well, it sounds like if anyone but Scott wins veto, Scott goes. I guess that's the best scenario out of any of them!

This is definitely my best scenario, and it's much better than before when Danielle wanted to take Scott off. If 5 people are going to take off Shelby and/or Whitney, and only Scott is playing for himself, that is definitely the best odds.

I know Danielle thinks they can get Whitney to vote with them, but I don't actually see that happening. She may have picked Justin for veto, but I don't think she would betray the BS right now. (I also don't think America would vote out Alex/Morgan over Scott either, but I guess you never know.)

12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I love this week! I love this season!

This is honestly my favorite season in a long time, even with America having so much influence. There are a lot of people I love instead of merely tolerating, and there are a lot of people actually playing the game. Plus live DRs are my absolute favorite new thing, and I wish they would keep them for summer BB.

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7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I just want interesting game play and strategy, the sides staying even, and entertaining people and/or people I like staying, so this is perfect for me. But if this week ends with a BS going I'll be mad lol. I'll be less mad if it's Alex or even Whitney, but I'd rather they all stay.

ETA: Scott is telling America how he 'just needs to push Alex to the end of this game.' I really need him evicted this week. Please BB God!

I'm just amazed of Scott's obsession and fall on the sword for Alex. I don't even recall when all of this started. Did Alex do or say something the first or second week for him to want to die for her? I will be funny when Julie tells him about the sister twist. LOL!!

Edited by ByaNose
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I'm actually thinking that best case scenario, if Scott getting evicted is the goal (which it is for me!), is Whitney coming down. If noms stay the same I think Alex will want Whitney evicted and she will make it happen because Morgan will vote how she says.

2 minutes ago, flipflopdiva said:

This is honestly my favorite season in a long time, even with America having so much influence. There are a lot of people I love instead of merely tolerating, and there are a lot of people actually playing the game. Plus live DRs are my absolute favorite new thing, and I wish they would keep them for summer BB.

This! I definitely hope they keep live DRs for the summer season. I actually think they will because they are definitely the most successful thing they've tried with OTT.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I just want interesting game play and strategy, the sides staying even, and entertaining people and/or people I like staying, so this is perfect for me. !

Exactly, and that is why I voted for Scott and glad he won out since it was very close (at least on Joker's) last I looked. I'm pissed that they started it early though! I logged on 5 minutes before and Krissey/Jason/Justin were talking about "if Scott comes down" and I'm like "Wow, they are really confident he's going up for some reason." Dang it, BB. The AN reveal is the most exciting part of the week other than eviction. Get your shit together!

Edited by Marie80
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5 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

Exactly, and that is why I voted for Scott and glad he won out since it was very close (at least on Joker's) last I looked. I'm pissed that they started it early though! I logged on 5 minutes before and Krissey/Jason/Justin were talking about "if Scott comes down" and I'm like "Wow, they are really confident he's going up for some reason." Dang it, BB. The AN reveal is like the most exciting part of the week other than eviction. Get your shit together!

I wonder if the early time was due to he Halloween party going on later? Either way, it sucked to miss it live.

Edited by ByaNose
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50 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I'm confused. I thought America's Nominee was done at 1:00pm EST but it's been done already and it's Scott!?!? And, they picked Veto, too. WTF? I missed everything and now my vote for Krissie was useless. LOL!!!

It was suppose to be at 10am PST. I turned my feed back to 9:40am PST and I still didn't see it. I didn't want to be spoiled and see it live but I gave up trying to find it. The time isn't even in joker's on the updates section (this is why this  fighting  at jokers is bad, the updates used to be a to find a quick fact, now so many are not posting there).  

Kind of upset it is not Kryssie since she adds nothing to the game except me changing the feeds when it comes to her stories and whining(which is harder if you watch on a roku to switch off of a camera). My second person to go right now would be Morgan which isn't happening , so I guess it is Whitney than Scott for me in order of to go this week.

I also hope the veto is quick, got at least 10 kids coming here to get ready for trick or treating.

Well, it sucked to get spoiled by catching up here!  Yeah, it's normally 1.00 PM BBT, not EST.  Normally they don't even get up until 10 AM BBT/1 PM EST!  I thought I had two more hours. I've got the H-N room convo from last night on, when Justin and Kryssie are so upset that Danielle DARED nominate Sweet Innocent Li'L Whitney that they're actually turning on Danielle and wanting to aligning with Whitney instead.

And of course Justin Dickbag, I mean Duncan, is blaming Scott and Alex for the whole mess.  By the way, did you know that Justin would have won HoH if he wasn't "freezing his nuts off" on Wednesday night?  Never mind that he didn't even look at the fucking pictures…

And I'm so salty about the AN.  The Twitter crowd/LNJ fans must be quite obnoxious right now.  It's going to be so boring with only the BS and Scott endangered.  I hate that Kryin' Kwittin' Kryssie, Jason, and JuSTDin are all 100% safe.

So fuck this, let's have the Willett sisters send "my baby Whitney" out the door.  (And maybe capture loyalty from Danielle by helping her to keep her word that Scott isn't her target.) The only better solution is that Shelby wins Veto and comes down and Danielle puts up JuSTDin because Whitney rats him out to her.

Seriously, though…fuck.

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10 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

It was suppose to be at 10am PST. I turned my feed back to 9:40am PST and I still didn't see it. I didn't want to be spoiled and see it live but I gave up trying to find it. The time isn't even in joker's on the updates section (this is why this  fighting  at jokers is bad, the updates used to be a to find a quick fact, now so many are not posting there).  

Kind of upset it is not Kryssie since she adds nothing to the game except me changing the feeds when it comes to her stories and whining(which is harder if you watch on a roku to switch off of a camera). My second person to go right now would be Morgan which isn't happening , so I guess it is Whitney than Scott for me in order of to go this week.

I also hope the veto is quick, got at least 10 kids coming here to get ready for trick or treating.

and, I have no idea when Veto is being played. Did they not know it was frickin Halloween? Like you said, even Jokers didn't have the updated time. I wonder what the deal is/was!??!

3 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

Yeah, it's normally 1.00 PM BBT, not EST.

No, the AN is done at 10am BB time usually.  It's during my lunch break.  They generally play veto at 1pm HG time.   That's according to the calendar they put out at the beginning of the season.  Today is was done around 9:36 according to the chat room.  Very pissed I missed it! 

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2 minutes ago, J.D. said:

As of 10:00 am BBT, the plan is to put up Morgan when Whitney, Scott or Shelby come down.   Both Justin and Jason would take Whitney down if they win. Obviously, Whitney would take herself down....as would Shelby and Scott.  So, it's not looking very good for Morgan at the moment.

Would Dani still take Scott down or has that changed.

I think Dani and Whitney have the best chance to win a veto until we know what the comp is.

Huh, so this is the one day they get up early?  I must have missed that last week.  Well, there's always flashback.  Meanwhile I'm still listening to the H-N room (alliance?) talk and just stewing…


JUSTIN:  I think America sees the loyalty that I have with you [Kryssie], so this is like the only opportunity I have to get you [Whitney] away from that little crew.

[Yeah, never mind that you talk one-on-one with Whitney at least once a day.  America was totally wanting you three to align!  Holy eye-roll!]


KRYSSIE:  [Danielle not telling about the switch from Morgan to Whitney] proves that she doesn't trust us.

JUSTIN:  So who does she trust?  Alex and Scott?

They end up by deciding that Danielle actually is in an alliance with Alex and Scott, that she secretly voted out Neeley and that it was only 4-3 because America voted against Scott.  Oh, and Neeley knew this because that's why she hugged Danielle on the way out the door, but not Justin.  I can't.  I really fucking can't with these people.

Edited by DAngelus
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2 minutes ago, J.D. said:

As of 10:00 am BBT, the plan is to put up Morgan when Whitney, Scott or Shelby come down.   Both Justin and Jason would take Whitney down if they win. Obviously, Whitney would take herself down....as would Shelby and Scott.  So, it's not looking very good for Morgan at the moment.

Yeah, but Morgan's not getting voted out. Alex would probably not vote to evict Morgan. If Scott comes down, then Morgan's safe. Shelby/Alex would vote to evict Whitney/Scott over Morgan, and Whitney/Alex would vote for Scott. America would also vote for Scott, so Morgan's safe, no matter what.

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3 minutes ago, J.D. said:

As of 10:00 am BBT, the plan is to put up Morgan when Whitney, Scott or Shelby come down.   Both Justin and Jason would take Whitney down if they win. Obviously, Whitney would take herself down....as would Shelby and Scott.  So, it's not looking very good for Morgan at the moment.

It's not looking good for Morgan to stay off the block, but I don't really see her leaving. Shelby will cancel the LNJ's votes, so the only ones that will count are Alex, Whitney and America. And Alex isn't voting out her sister. I doubt Whitney is either.


3 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

Would Dani still take Scott down or has that changed.

She wants to take down Whitney. The only one who will take down Scott right now is Scott.

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5 minutes ago, J.D. said:

So, it's not looking very good for Morgan at the moment.

As long as two of the Real Ballsmashers (i.e., not counting Whitney) stay off of the block, Whitney will still go home.  So as long as Scott or Shelby (or Alex or Morgan) wins Veto, Morgan is safe.  Or even if Dani wins and keeps her word by taking him down.

Just now, silverspoons said:

Would Dani still take Scott down or has that changed.

I think Dani and Whitney have the best chance to win a veto until we know what the comp is.

Not sure.  Jason's been working hard on her to take down Whitney.  About 1:19 am the LNJ started turning on Danielle...speculating that she's working with Alex and Scott.  Jason, Justin and Kryssie then took Whitney under their wing and now they're all conspiring to turn on Danielle.  (Things are getting crazy).  With Danielle still HOH and the rest of the LNJ still needing her to replace whoever comes off the block with Morgan, they're still being friendly to her.  Danielle has no idea they're all trading her in for Whitney.  

4 minutes ago, flipflopdiva said:

[Danielle] wants to take down Whitney. The only one who will take down Scott right now is Scott.

Well, so much for her word.  If she knew what the H-Ns were talking about, she'd think differently.  So much for "Dani the genius" that her stans like to push.

We seriously need Shelby off the block and Danielle to SOMEHOW catch a clue.  If she slaps one of the LNJ traitors up there in Shelby's place, I will be pleased beyond my expectations.  Otherwise, Whitney can get her overbite back to Kentucky.

Edited by DAngelus
3 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

As long as two of the Real Ballsmashers (i.e., not counting Whitney) stay off of the block, Whitney will still go home.  So as long as Scott or Shelby (or Alex or Morgan) wins Veto, Morgan is safe.  Or even if Dani wins and keeps her word by taking him down.

Alex and Morgan aren't playing.  It's Shelby, Scott, Whitney, Danielle, Jason and Justin.  Unless something changes between now and veto, 4 of those people would take down Whitney.  They're trying to force America's hand to get out one of the stronger Plastics while they have the chance.  Scott's any easy eviction.  The logic is that America can get out Scott at any time so why waste an eviction on an easy target?  

Well, that sucks.  Screwed on the Veto picks, too.  And against the odds, at that.  Win this bastard, Shelby!

Oh, and Whitney pledged that if she won Veto, she would vote out Scott, even if Danielle replaced her with Jason/Kryssie/JuSTDin.  


JASON:  You and America is all we'd need.

Which is why she needs to stay up there and Shelby needs to be the one who comes down.  No votes for you, flipper!

The next 3 care packages don't worry me as much as they seem to others.

Co-hoh, look how that turned out last year of Michelle. The only thing co-hoh does is give safety but ot much power, the power is still the veto.

The DE veto is a great power but the HG will have to know it is a  DE beforehand because of the care package. If the winner of the DE veto is voted out in the first eviction, the CP was worthless. Im sure that CP winner will have a huge target on them.

The last CP is a chance to win a place in the final 4. The winner still has to win a comp to get the power.

Moved Flashback to about 8.45 AM BBT, and while getting made up, Alex and Shelby were bitching about how the H-N room pow-wow was keeping them up all night. (Alex could even hear it in the London room, which doesn't directly adjoin.)  They don't know why the Have-Nots couldn't have gone somewhere else to talk, where they wouldn't be disturbing Our Girls.

Alex had a dream of Kwittin' Kryssie adamantly telling her that there was no way she (Kryssie) would be the AN.  Sadly, her dream was right.

Whitney show up at about 8.56 BBT and Alex/Shelby spot her coming down the hall to the bathroom.


SHELBY:  Do we wait for her to mention [the loooong H-N room convo] and see what she says?

ALEX: Yeah

Whitney tells Alex/Morgan/Shelby absolutely zip about what was really said:


WHITNEY:  They just kept me up all night, hanging out and stuff.

Fuck you, traitor!  Go home.

Edited by DAngelus
3 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

If Scott wins veto, will Whitney or Shelby go? I know Shelby controls who votes but who will vote for Whit to go?

Alex, Morgan and Scott. All three of them would keep Shelby over Whitney if that was their only choice, especially because they trust Shelby a lot more.

4 minutes ago, J.D. said:

Now that Whitney is defecting to the LNJ, the only Plastic left who hasn't received a care package is Morgan.  If the LNJ can backdoor her, they would monopolize the remaining care packages.

Except I don't really think Whitney is defecting to the LNJ. I could be wrong and time will tell, but I think, at least for now, she's still going to be loyal to the BS. I definitely think she is making in-roads with the other side and she wants to be in their good graces, because it's super good for her if they won't target her and will actually help her, but I'm not convinced that she would actually turn on the rest of the BS to join them. I still think she'd vote out Scott over Morgan/Shelby.

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2 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

Moved Flashback to about 8.45 AM BBT, and while getting made up, Alex and Shelby were bitching about how the H-N room pow-wow was keeping them up all night. (Alex could even hear it in the London room, which doesn't directly adjoin.)  They don't know why the Have-Nots couldn't have gone somewhere else to talk, where they wouldn't be disturbing Our Girls.

Alex had a dream of Kwittin' Kryssie adamantly telling her that there was no way she (Kryssie) would be the AN.  Sadly, her dream was right.

Whitney show up at about 8.56 BBT and Alex/Shelby spot her coming down the hall to the bathroom.

Whitney tells Alex/Morgan/Shelby absolutely zip about what was really said:

Fuck you, traitor!  Go home.

You have to watch out for those quiet and friendly sourthern girls, don't you? LOL!!! I guess she knew she was #4 of Alex, Morgan & Shelby. I don't know if that's true or not but she must be thinking it or was told that by someone.

OMG.... This is too funny.   Danielle was talking non-stop across the backyard and the Plastics were commenting on her conversation because she was talking so loud about stuff nobody cares about and it was boring them to tears.  I was cracking up.  Alex said, "Oh, now she's talking about some guy Tim who nobody knows...his height...something else."  Then Shelby asks, "Wait, how tall is Tim?  I NEED to know" ...as if she was really interested.

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We know Shelby is playing a different person in the house then in real life , but I have always thought Whitney was too. I was shocked when she smoked and said she promised her mom she would not smoke or swear on TV. I think she is a little less sweet and a little more like the LNC than she is letting on. I also think she and Dani are the 2 that would switch sides or stab their side in the back. Everyone focuses on Alex and Scott being super fans, but Whitney and Dani are too. We are all distracted by Dani's showmance and Whitney's sweet southern act but I think they are both her to play for the $$$ over friends and will do what it takes.

Why does so much have to happen in the 24 hours before Halloween? I get over 1,500 trick or treaters so I'm trying to cut up stickers and find all the 90% clearance stuff I hid last year to give out since full price candy isn't in my budget.

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11 minutes ago, flipflopdiva said:

Except I don't really think Whitney is defecting to the LNJ. I could be wrong and time will tell, but I think, at least for now, she's still going to be loyal to the BS.

If Whitney was loyal, she would have told the other BS about the LNJ turning on Danielle and their theories about Dani voting out Neeley and stuff like that.  Instead she was like "they were just talking".

Shelby even caught her in a lie (although she may not realize it), when Whitney said she thought that Justin and Kryssie had planned to go to bed, but then Jason came in.  Shelby corrected her, saying that Justin went to get Jason.  (Being in Tokyo, she saw this.)  Whitney definitely sold them out, or she'd be offering up at least some of her info.  The complete blank means she's flipped.

I mean, she'll still pretend to be in the BS, but she's protecting the New Jamboree (+her, -Dani) now.  Just as J/J/K are going to pretend Danielle is still in the Jamboree when they've kicked her out.

ETA:  Whitney got Houseguest's Choice and chose Justin, not Alex or Morgan??  Obvious flipper is obvious.  Grrr.

Edited by DAngelus
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Last night they were theorizing the veto comp is a nasty food challenge because of Halloween.  Alex said if it's a sheep's eyeball or pig testicles -- no problem.  She could do it.  I was thinking, "Gurrrrllll, you must really want to win this veto."  BLECH.

6 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

If Whitney was loyal, she would have told the other BS about the LNJ turning on Danielle and their theories about Dani voting out Neeley and stuff like that.  Instead she was like "they were just talking".

Shelby even caught her in a lie (although she may not realize it), when Whitney said she thought that Justin and Kryssie had planned to go to bed, but then Jason came in.  Shelby corrected her, saying that Justin went to get Jason.  (Being in Tokyo, she saw this.)  Whitney definitely sold them out, or she'd be offering up at least some of her info.  The complete blank means she's flipped.

I mean, she'll still pretend to be in the BS, but she's protecting the New Jamboree (+her, -Dani) now.  Just as J/J/K are going to pretend Danielle is still in the Jamboree when they've kicked her out.

PLUS -- she picked Justin to play in the veto comp when she could have just as easily picked Alex or Morgan.

3 minutes ago, J.D. said:

Last night they were theorizing the veto comp is a nasty food challenge because of Halloween.  Alex said if it's a sheep's eyeball or pig testicles -- no problem.  She could do it.  I was thinking, "Gurrrrllll, you must really want to win this veto."  BLECH.

PLUS -- she picked Justin to play in the veto comp when she could have just as easily picked Alex or Morgan.

Word. When she picked Justin I knew she had switched. I'm sure it will be all formalized after the eviction.

Man, as much as I don't like Scott personally and want him gone, I think Whitney's the better option to go for the Ballsmashers that aren't Whitney. She'll probably turn against them soon and Alex/Morgan/Shelby would be in danger. Jason/Justin/Kryssie like her too much, so I think Whitney going IS the better option. 

People on Reddit have already been discussing going after Jason/Justin next week for AN (ok, I've been pushing the agenda a little bit), which I think is good. I've already been thinking about next week and it could go in our favour, even if HOH is won by a Misfit. Over half of the house will be ineligible to vote. Let's say that Justin wins HOH. We can give ACP to Danielle. Justin puts up Morgan, while Danielle puts up Shelby. If we can get Jason up as AN, he might have a shot of leaving. If Whitney leaves this week, then Jason could actually go. Alex/Scott vote for Jason to go, as does America. The ONLY problem is if Whitney is still there, because her/Whitney might vote as a pair, leaving Shelby/Morgan in danger (probably Morgan). But that's only if two Misfits win HOH and co-HOH. This is obviously worst case scenario. 

But the ideal thing is to eliminate as many Misfits votes as we possibly can. So yeah, it seems like Jason is a candidate for AN if he doesn't win HOH, co-HOH, or is on the block inititally. And the latter is definitely great for us because then we can nominate Kryssie/Justin/Danielle. 

5 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

Shelby even caught her in a lie (although she may not realize it), when Whitney said she thought that Justin and Kryssie had planned to go to bed, but then Jason came in.  Shelby corrected her, saying that Justin went to get Jason.  (Being in Tokyo, she saw this.)  Whitney definitely sold them out, or she'd be offering up at least some of her info.  The complete blank means she's flipped.

I mean, she'll still pretend to be in the BS, but she's protecting the New Jamboree (+her, -Dani) now.  Just as J/J/K are going to pretend Danielle is still in the Jamboree when they've kicked her out.

ETA:  Whitney got Houseguest's Choice and chose Justin, not Alex or Morgan??  Obvious flipper is obvious.  Grrr.

As I said, I could totally be wrong, but for me, it's just too early to say 'Whitney's totally flipped.' She's on the block and she's nervous she's the target (she told the girls yesterday she thought she was), so of course if the LNJ is now offering her safety and deals and another option, she's going to take it. But unless she says tomorrow night in her DR that she's now loyal to the LNJ over the BS and that she would vote out Morgan over Scott, I don't believe that she actually would.

Do I think she would jump ship at some point to get herself further? Of course! She's definitely a gamer. I just don't believe she has completely turned on them right now. I think she is doing what she needs to do to make it through the week, although I think what she is doing is undermining her position in the BS and is going to actually hurt her more in the long run than it will help. YMMV

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If Whitney has not flipped or is leaning LNJ why pick Justin? Whitney wants to come down so she didn't pick Justin to throw the veto. If she was still a BS, she would have picked Alex.

I thought BB said no food in this comp. It was in an official tweet 2 days ago. It said focus/strategy/pysch comp. Focus is not going to be Justin's strength even if he is trying to win.

Whitney told Morgan that she picked Justin because she thought Scott would pressure Alex or Morgan to take him down, whereas Justin will definitely pull her.  Obvious BS (even if we didn't know that Whitney is lying) because taking down Shelby would obviously be Alex or Morgan's best move if they had won Veto, and Scott would be cool with it.  He knows as long as two of the four are voting, he's safe.  Now there's the chance (likelihood?) that Danielle would replace Whitney with Morgan, and they'd have to depend on Whitney's vote.

Of course, Whitney was all "You'd still have Alex and me, so you'd be safe", but hell no.  She'd support an LNJ plan to get rid of Morgan and monopolize the CP.  The only thing that might save Morgan in this situation is America voting to evict Scott.  And I'm not even sure that would work, because Alex might decide to save her sister (duh) and her lapdog Scott (she says she trusts Shelby more, but she might reconsider) and vote out Shelby, creating a three way split (Alex votes Shelby, Whitney votes Morgan, America votes Scott) and allowing Danielle to evict Morgan, after all.

It's not surprising that some of the Dani stans are even more furious at the LNJ turning on her.  Here's a post from that Dani thread I've been monitoring:


Justin is basically being a fucking creep and trying to get Danielle Amber'ed. His punishing her for not being into him as much as he wants by raging on her for the dumbest shit. He tried to get with morgan it didnt work and now his tryn with whitney because she gives him the attention he crave from women. 

When we all know Danielle is the one he wants but can't have. He thought she had no morals and would jump on him with shane gone. He even said that she talked about being celibate for 2 yrs and they dont believe her... first why do you care?? Second, i do believe her because on her tumblr she was talking about people always asking her why she doesnt date and she was saying because she had a kid and would like to date guys with kids because they would understand her more... plus when she talks about her exes its usually her baby daddy so yeah i can believe she doesn't fuck around as much. They basically think lowly of her because she had a kid young. They probably think she's loose especially because she got with shane so fast..

Probably true.  And at least Caleb didn't have STDs.  (Of course, he's so awesome he's automatically immune, that's what he'd say.)

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